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Bie Actoundang fhe benedits of stleeting a career iO — Vs je of a good ~Qeourtaod = tne Tk of an “otcwrfand i Btcoumting % A Professor S9es Accounting ~ stuck ef to masder account 0 etudes G0 on atA god © Gaaréial ace out og Aceuat ng ord auctn ° es £/69 wi dN. . ¢ 10g ad Inverters SadutetioR.00d me Gosrcl of carck lo ersities US+ prvatl Universities fatorma) Ld acato0 Om puters physica! 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Ganal Drive Clembe O# og— intern cetio mid fh 2 for Year letter of 9% Ga dill Catalogue of | CY ’ 2 01S ~ December i 4 | Quection of - Ge “ine clare sham taammemee af fon, groted by 480 bkedeeeee 7"? 5.., Por the year 2014. ne verdical ARIS Qives 4 amount “of loans geoded aod drt heriventa! 4a dhe months of dhe year: qne [10% Qreph , the amount od6 (2298 grata be ay 4 ‘beok Lid arch ca Charts 7 a, | Of foes Greate by ABC bank L-+a Gn Janeary 9019 th! amount of feans 1 ABC bank” ste Steodmem tee Ose i2c mille - i, From January to Apr l ft remained etable a 2s wo ppillions. Jo May te feeeped the ., of Rss 360 milltons. June tt of ecreasr 2 a Rs: ibe milion $- freee fane fo Decemn ber wend on alecrea stag do @! So milftonrs. Go Tpouar4 dhe Omeunt Of feans granfect WY2 bank Ltd stood at PS! AS miliors snereestol te [2s 200 raifiens by Febru 1€ frtner_iovrease A hs Feo vit arch. 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Bad 5 as Dol tt. decresse rh recovere kh ty 2x0 bys Be ot? the number ef Strands or! ad Fie chanseom lS, Of Aa AHO and Soe WS pend rvely t rumber sok stein ts “for History OF Atcountin remained ad 420. AH ecrense A do 349° aor, aad in tortor checresreh 40 320 by 201 4 It wet en ae te 190 b 2016 Gn 2012, Soe opel r ar. un cleme atals Of Aceeurttage; umber ot Shicents \ fer ee Bob the Fundemeotuls of — Acceunt'a becovere H. 0D, SO Sp AOtb a Sigbie: ofecrense fot 20:32 to 21s eorclit of Tne. bi } st Menober of Student enretied for ae Of Aecourtin bod te [oes E mbtr ef Stsseods. enmiiel for futrateh counting» The Subyece ts u a, A of Story rRerhk eh phe recor fh biphest Wertat fieures: Bat $A 2oiS ae Pork Stiedenti Cnr dekh fir fratorate h a0 April ae 2. Biel 4 | ‘ S . | ee Bustness. |nehwork'o9|) means \)\marketing Ousdves|— 9m 2 chet aorld of business:| St 1S 2 an ard aod dhalt | do rieagure 4 aed foder pred | tbs Chhecdwenss, ese | art S me dbods of nerookind fyurddully. 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CoS ther ots te bY Please %s fhe en to the dwwd to Pebrsarig ee your .depentments® beh ai He—Maoagen A letter bes ban eriAtten. has been obpainch Ge 4pprval gt We mans gemeot has She appoel i —_ ben Be wish You do condroye tne geet work and hope Yer @'() work with the 9aM2 Spicrt Se Phe General — Manager woe Phat You are the Finan Manager of s ABC bth. Yeu wand ‘all your depardrotoda| Stath ro be preanded tn the basis of accounting, Therefore, You wish al! of tenn 40 Jo trough 2 Shor€ isi 19 Pegam on Atundementals of eee og . Bete 9 mem. Fe the HR Chere g er Fe Ques tin ta dermis about phe kowoled ge. ank E81 0:09 — ok Your Stat Partarning “feo The VRNA of accenting in order ps ilet ty Te Croplo gees whe ped a baste training \ 10 accounting, | RBC Gy ped = MEMopulmauM a Le Mana ger 2 Frosnce [Manger : Off oA / 2022 - PT TE ee ae Aceon cy decided (to cendy on Aide forthe tne clepardroeota | stad £ of Accontiog - rake all ya he Bic hendred ur “Gt ss weekends, Please Ceulk 4ow About Tht kenoole dg & and 7 tht fo order AD basic frair the members pn @BSar€ Cle assanre Of the a. = paoprovenst Steff a Foagire that you"r@ the HI Menger of MBC Manpaoer PLC Yeu bove recetied Seveq ) Corplaints absud trrequlenties in the ob pester and Shitt allegation. You! are an iovestigatioD inde the — matter and redarre ame ots pertain a4 fo allt ment eer cia d_ shee _ Write @ meno > the tiene Yarra POCAEE eo MEAN elev st dbev mrt jac lad We sh vf, 5 ; Chart, fhe duty res# er and QM plétien recerds ter Lfrar inv adiyaf'o. ABC Meopecer PLc ME MoRvuNDYM it o> aw ae er Frm ¢ : pr He Manag er = 04 Joa! Ze2g = Request fer Dresenerrts CEmpaoy fs der ri ts Boar 0e bwve ecetoral Prregvlartties i fae Qhitt ANeocation he ad 10 Gn uct and. ie dhe comple: 08. Fer __ tots pts erdaiateg dP en and Shi fs - ¢ J we all re ey ail oct She Mork eta Monoget Pech turos (Rr) thd Moradycoq Dear Sir Order No 193 | Ordy cer pak Gmputtr Fables and Cha tre A are any 6m Commer tion Cth the aheoyve Order We placed ts (sh Thamry A222 aod ar redtloeld 20 Cmpattr fables end cha tr Oo? aod Cetertunct ey above order on Oebagarrs 2ea2 and chal are dbo ctabies Dod Pipa tae pegarred — Stendardts. Gu fables ark emo A+ CL pe gag tity aco gmt cite Beier fb | 2 (i re hil Bee > gre u rote cts bile and Sf al jinste ble jhe ° als te ees 7 mur l Aree Bie. tr fable rod ahs gon ned! | I ae Yo ar prude £ me ¢ 1 y- ref ai euerep” a0. b etn ual ard Artis! Cergtee ae an (bs un S@ Cirss j Beene (1 20 ck 4S G tite fe ber S40lL Wes cull MB ine you Mat Phe deren’ rab PO ferdg Oe Mine <0 cur «te Quest eg cle the mre. fo co piers Oru 4 St al ee ‘gain =... Cf ae ch Castomsr efoy adher ¢ fo he Sere Pod we a4 mond mon much,

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