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A) Map the PPST against the teacher program outcomes given in CMOs 74-80


6.1 Common to all programs in all types of

schools. The graduate have the ability to:
a. Articulate and discuss the latest Domain 1
developments in the specific field of practice.
(PQF level 6 descriptor)
b. Effectively communicate in English and
Filipino both orally and writing. Domain 1
c. Work effectively and collaboratively with a
substantial degree of independence in multi-
disciplinary and multi-cultural items. (PQF level Domain 3
6 descriptor)
d. Act in recognition of professional, social and
ethical responsibility. Domain 6
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical
and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
6.2 Common to the discipline (Teacher
a. Articulated the rootedness of education in
philosophical, cultural, historical, Domain 1
psychological, and political contexts.
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject
matter/discipline . Domain 1
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of
teaching methodologies and delivery modes Domain 2
appropriate to specific learners and their
d. Develop innovate curricula, instructional
plans, teaching approaches, and resources for Domain 3
diverse learners.
6.3 Common to graduates of a horizontal type
of institution as defined in CMO 46, 2012
a. Graduates of professional institutions Domain 7
demonstrate service orientation in their
respective professions.
b. Graduates of colleges are qualified for Domain 6
various types of employment and participate
in development activities and public
discourses, particularly in response to the
needs of the communities they serve.
c. Graduates of universities contribute to the
generation of new knowledge by participating Domain 4
in various research and development projects.

a.) Are the program outcomes for teacher education parallel to the PPST? Is there a
one-on-one correspondence? Explain your answer.
- From what I have mapped, I noticed that the teacher education program
outcomes has similarities to the PPST outcomes, one example of this is ,
which the effectively communicate in English and Filipino both orally and
writing is correspond to the PPST domain 1 that they display proficiency in
Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate the teaching and learning
2. Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be
limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answer.
- I think, learning outcomes should not be limited only to those issued by CHED
since students have different learning style, interest s, and needs that should
be addresses.

Learning Outcome Good Not good Improved version

To understand the /
phrase “ assessment
for learning”
To lecture an To understand the
academe and academe and
industry linkage industry linkage
To develop effective /
communication skills
in English both oral
and writing
To solve problems /
involving unlike
To complete a /
Master’s degree
4. "Teach to the individual, not to the curriculum." What does this quote imply about a
good learning outcome?
- This quote imply that teach the students, put your effort and focus on
teaching the students since as a teacher, you are also one of the responsible
on their learning and not the curriculum. Study and learn more information
about your students so you can use it as a guidance in making an activity for
them for the interactive and effective teaching and learning process will
5. a) Formulate at least one multiple-choice test item aligned with any of the learning
outcomes of this Chapter then exchange questions with a partner for the answer.
- Which statement explains the student learning outcomes?
a. Outcomes that emphasize the knowledge, skills, and values
that the students are expected to demonstrate at the end of
the lesson.
b. Outcomes are formulated from the point of view of the
c. Outcomes that is the broadest of all outcomes.

b) Is the question aligned with any of the learning outcomes?

- yes, the question is aligned to the learning outcome, explain the meaning of
learning outcomes.

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