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Hall Ticket No Course Code: AMEC06




Regulation: UG20
Time: 2 Hours (MECHANICAL ENGINEERNG) Max Marks: 20
Answer any FOUR questions
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only

1. (a) State Vander Waals equation, what is the importance of it? Summarize the Clausius Claperon
equation. [BL: Understand| CO: 4|Marks: 2]
(b) At a temperature of 423K, 1kg of nitrogen occupies volume of 200 liters. The gas undergoes con-
stant expansion with fully resisted to a volume of 360 liters. Then the gas expanded isothermally
to a volume of 500 liters. Sketch the process on p-V and T-S diagram. Find out overall change
in entropy. [BL: Apply| CO: 4|Marks: 3]

2. (a) Somebody claims that the mass and mole fraction for mixture of CO2 and N2 O are identical. Is
it true? Why? Explain. [BL: Understand| CO: 5|Marks: 2]
(b) An air water vapor mixture enters an adiabatic saturator at 30°C and leaves at 20°C, which is
the adiabatic saturation temperature? The pressure remains constant at 100kPa. Determine the
relative humidity and humidity ratio of the inlet mixture. [BL: Apply| CO: 5|Marks: 3]

3. (a) Differentiate the relation between specific humidity and relative humidity and derive the relation
between them. [BL: Understand| CO: 5|Marks: 2]
(b) The analysis by weight of a perfect gas mixture at 200°C and 1.3bar is 10 %O2, 70% N2, 15%CO2
and 5%CO. For a reference state of 0°C and 1bar. What would be the partial pressure of the
constituent and what is the gas constant of mixture? [BL: Apply| CO: 5|Marks: 3]

4. (a) Develop an expression for the air standard efficiency on a volume basis of an engine working on
the otto cycle. Represent the processes on p-V and T-S diagrams.
[BL: Understand| CO: 6|Marks: 2]
(b) An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.45m3 pressure 1bar and temperature 30°C
at the beginning of the compression stroke. At the end of the compression stroke the pressure
is 11bar. 210kJ of heat is added at constant volume. Solve for the efficiency and mean effective
pressure. [BL: Apply| CO: 6|Marks: 3]

5. (a) What is the difference between otto and diesel cycle? Show that the efficiency of diesel cycle is
always lower than the efficiency of the otto cycle for the same compression ratio.
[BL: Understand| CO: 6|Marks: 2]
(b) The stroke and cylinder diameter of compression Ignition engine are 250mm and 150mm respec-
tively. If the clearance volume is 0.0004m3 and fuel injection takes place at constant pressure for
5% of the stroke. Find the efficiency of the engine. Assume the engine working on diesel cycle.
[BL: Apply| CO: 6|Marks: 3]

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