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Question 1:

A sonometer wire resonates with a given turning fork forming standing waves with five antinodes
between two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. When this mass is replaced by
M, the wire resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antinodes for the same positions of
bridges. The value of M is

a. 25 kg
b. 5 kg
c. 12.5 kg

d. kg

Question 2:

After the switch is closed, the work done by the cell is constant over the time. C (in F) is

a. 400
b. 800
c. 960
d. 1250

Question 3:

Let there be a spherical symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as ρ(r) = ρ0

up to r = R and ρ(r) = 0 for r > R, where 'r' is the distance from origin. The electric field at a

distance r (< R) from the origin is given as




Question 4:

Two particles having position vectors = (3 + 5 )m and = (-5 - 3 )m are moving with velocities

= (4 + 3 ) m/s and = (9 + 7 ) m/s.

If they collide after 2 s, the value of 'a' is

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

Question 5:

With what minimum speed should m be projected from point C in the presence of two fixed masses M
each at A and B as shown in the figure, such that mass m escapes the gravitational attraction of A and





Question 6:

A block of mass kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the figure.

A force of 1 N is applied at one end of the block, and the block remains stationary. The normal force
exerted by the surface on block acts through (g = 10 m/s2)

a. the centre of mass of block

b. point A
c. the point at a distance 2 cm from A
d. the point at a distance 5 cm from A

Question 7:

An ideal gas has adiabatic exponent γ. In some process, its molar heat capacity varies as C = ,

where α is a constant. Work performed by one mole of gas during its heating from To to nTo will be


b. n - (n - 1)RTo

c. loge n -

d. None of these


Question 1:

In a Young's double slit experiment,

a. if a point source is placed symmetrically from both the slits, then the interference will be
observed on the screen

b. if a point source is placed asymmetrically from both the slits, then the interference will be
observed on the screen
c. if two slits are illuminated by two independent sources, then the interference will be observed
on the screen

d. intensity of light at two slits should be same for better interference

Question 2:

A long current carrying wire is placed along the axis of a uniformly charged ring. For this situation,
mark the correct statement(s).

a. When the ring is stationary, the magnetic force experienced by the wire is zero.
b. When the ring starts rotating about its own axis, the magnetic force experienced by the wire is

c. When the ring starts rotating about its own axis, the magnetic field at different points on the
wire is non-zero.

d. The magnetic field due to wire at different points on the periphery of the charged ring is non-

Question 3:

Consider a travelling wave on a string given by equation y = A cos (ωt - kx). For a particle of string at x

= , mark the correct statement(s) at t = 0.

a. The particle is at rest.

b. The particle is moving upwards.
c. The particle is speeding up at this instant.
d. The particle is slowing down at this instant.

Question 4:

If VA - VB = V0, and the value of each resistance is R, then

a. net resistance between AB is

b. net resistance between AB is

c. current through CD is
d. current through EF is

Question 5:

A tank of large base area is filled with water up to a height of 5 m. A hole of 2 cm2 cross section in the
bottom allows the water to drain out in continuous stream. For the situation, mark the correct
statement(s). [ρwater = 1000 kg/m3, g = 10 m/s2]

a. The cross-sectional area of the emerging stream of water decreases as it falls down.
b. The cross-sectional area of the emerging stream of water increases as it falls down.
c. At a distance of 5 m below the bottom of the tank, the cross-sectional area of the stream is
1.414 cm2.

d. At a distance of 5 m below the bottom of the tank, the corss-sectional area of the stream is
2.86 cm .

Question 6:

A particle of mass m is moved from (0, 0) to (a, a2) along the parabolic path y = x2 under the action of
force = xy2 + yx2 . If the particle is started from rest, then

a. change in the kinetic energy is

b. work done by the force is

c. work done by the force is

d. velocity of the particle is a3

Question 7:

A light beam is incident on a perfectly absorbing plate of mass 10 g and keeps it in equilibrium in air.

a. the force exerted by the light beam on the plate is 0.1 N

b. the force exerted by the light beam on the plate is 0.2 N
c. the power of the incident beam to 30 MW
d. the power of the incident beam is 10 MW

Question 1:

The time to in which the current through the solenoid reaches 0.632 times of its maximum value is

a. 0.0465 sec
b. 0.2 sec
c. 10-4 sec
d. 4.689 sec

Question 2:

Determine the average emf induced in the circuit which opposes the current in the circuit to grow for a
time interval 0 to t0.

a. 48 V
b. 32.7 V
c. 37.9 V
d. 64.8 V

Question 3:

A convex lens forms a real image of an object kept at 15 cm form the lens on the screen. If the object
is moved by 0.1 cm, the screen has to be moved by 0.4 cm to capture the image.

The magnification in the original position is

a. -2
b. +2
c. -3
d. -4

Question 4:

A convex lens forms a real image of an object kept at 15 cm form the lens on the screen. If the object
is moved by 0.1 cm, the screen has to be moved by 0.4 cm to capture the image.

The focal length of the lens is (in cm)

a. 10
b. 12
c. 13
d. 14.2


Question 1:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

The radiolysis of water yields H2 as given below:

2H2O H 2O2 + H 2
In the analysis it is found that 1 molecule of H2 is yielded per 100 eV of energy absorbed. A nuclear
power reactor of 200 kW capacity has been installed based on this reaction.

The volume of H2 produced per minute in the above reactor is

a. 140 L
b. 70 L
c. 35 L
d. 28 L

Question 2:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Consider the cell:

Cd(s) | Cd2+ (1.0 M) || Cu2+ (1.0, M) | Cu(s)

If we want to make a cell with a more positive voltage using the same substances, we should

a. increase both Cd2+ and Cu2+ to 2.00 M

b. increase only Cd2+ to 2.00 M
c. decrease both Cd2+ and Cu2+ to 0.10 M
d. decrease only Cd2+ to 0.100 M

Question 3:
Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

The van der Waals' constants for three different gases are given in the table below:

Gases a b

X 3.0 0.025

Y 10.0 0.030

Z 6.0 0. 035

Which of the following interpretations is incorrect?

a. Maximum critical temperature - Y

b. Most ideal behaviour - X
c. Maximum molecular volume - Z
d. Intermolecular attractions are maximum - X

Question 4:

Given below are two cleavage reactions:

(i) (CH3)3COCH3 CH3I + (CH3)3COH

(ii) (CH3)3COCH3 CH3OH + (CH3)3CI

Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The reagent used in reaction (i) is anhydrous HI in ether and that in reaction (ii) is
concentrated HI.

b. The reagent used in reaction (i) is concentrated HI and that in reaction (ii) is anhydrous HI in

c. The reagent used in both reactions (i) and (ii) is concentrated HI.
d. The reagent used in both reactions (i) and (ii) is anhydrous HI in ether.

Question 5:

Directions: The following question has FOUR options, out of which ONLY ONE is

For a chemical reaction A product, the mechanism of the reaction postulated was as follows:

B(g) C(g)

The reaction occurred with individual rate constants k1, k2 and k3. Determine the activation energy for

the overall reaction if the activation energies associated with these rate constants are = 180 kJ
-1 -1 -1
mol , = 90 kJ mol and = 40 kJ mol .
a. 310 kJ
b. 50 kJ
c. 130 kJ
d. 70 kJ

Question 6:

Directions: The following question has FOUR options, out of which ONLY ONE is

Which of the following statements is correct?




d. All are correct.

Question 7:

Directions: The following question has FOUR options, out of which ONLY ONE is

Identify (X) and (Z) in the above sequence of reaction.

a. CH3CH2Br and HCHO


c. CH3Br and CH3CH2CHO

d. CH3Br and CH3CHO

Question 1:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE can be correct.

When two reactants, A and B are mixed to give products, C and D, the reaction quotient, (Q)

a. is zero in the begining and increases steadily with time

b. is zero in the begining and decreases with time
c. becomes steady after some time
d. is zero in the begining and increases during the initial stages

Question 2:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE can be correct.

Which of the following comparisons of ionic radii is/are correct?

a. Ti4+ > Mn7+

b. 35CI- = 37CI-

c. K+ < CI-
d. P3+ > P5+

Question 3:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE is/are correct.

For an ideal gas, consider only P-V work in going from an initial state X to the final state Z. The final
state Z can be reached by either of the two paths shown in the figure.

Which of the following choices is/are correct? [Take S as change in entropy and w as work done]




Question 4:

What is Z in the reaction given below?

− +
2M nO4 + 5H2 O2 + 6H → 2Z + 5O2 + 8H2 O

a. M n+2

b. M n+4

c. M nO2

d. None of these

Question 5:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE is/are correct.

In a quantitative determination of iron present in an ore, an analyst converted 0.42 g of the ore into its
ferrous form. This required 42.0 ml of 0.1 N solution of KMnO4 (in the acidic medium) for titration.
Choose the correct statement(s).

a. The amount of iron present in the ore is 0.2352 g.

b. The percentage of iron in the ore is 45.
c. The number of moles of KMnO4 used is 0.84.
d. In the above reaction, one mole of KMnO4 ≡ 5 moles of Fe+2.

Question 6:

Which of the following is the correct order of stability of the given species?

2− −
a. N2 < N
= N2
< N2

2− −
b. N2 < N
< N2
< N2

c. N22 < N2
= N2

< N2

d. N2 2− < N2
< N
< N2

Question 7:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE can
be correct.
Which of the following reactions would yield acetanilide?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D


Question 1:

Directions: The following question is based on the paragraph given below.

P and Q are isomers of dicarboxylic acid C4H4O4. Both decolorise Br2/H2O. On heating, P forms the
cyclic anhydride. Upon treatment with dilute alkaline KMnO4, P as well as Q could produce one or more
than one from S, T and U.

The compounds formed from P and Q are:

a. P: Maleic acid
Q: Fumaric acid
b. P: Fumaric acid
Q: Maleic acid
c. P: Tartaric acid (meso form)
Q: Tartaric acid (optically active)
d. P: Tartaric acid (optically active)
Q: Tartaric acid (meso form)

Question 2:

Directions: The following question is based on the paragraph given below.

P and Q are isomers of dicarboxylic acid C4H4O4. Both decolorise Br2/H2O. On heating, P forms the
cyclic anhydride. Upon treatment with dilute alkaline KMnO4, P as well as Q could produce one or more
than one from S, T and U.

The compounds formed from P and Q respectively are:

a. Optically active S and optically active pair (T, U)

b. Optically inactive S and optically active pair (T, U)
c. Optically active pair (T, U) and optically active S
d. Optically inactive pair (T, U) and optically inactive S

Question 3:

Directions: The following question is based on the paragraph given below.

The noble gases have closed-shell electronic configuration and are monatomic gases under normal
conditions. The low boiling points of the lighter noble gases are due to weak dispersion forces
between the atoms and the absence of other interatomic interactions.
The direct reaction of xenon with fluorine leads to a series of compounds with oxidation numbers +2,
+4 and + 6. XeF4 reacts violently with water to give XeO3. The compound can also be prepared using
XeF6 as the starting compound. The compounds of xenon exhibit rich stereochemistry and their
geometries can be deduced considering the total number of electron pairs in the valence shell.

The structure of XeO3 is

a. linear
b. planar
c. pyramidal
d. T-shaped

Question 4:

Directions: The following question is based on the paragraph given below.

The noble gases have closed-shell electronic configuration and are monatomic gases under normal
conditions. The low boiling points of the lighter noble gases are due to weak dispersion forces
between the atoms and the absence of other interatomic interactions.
The direct reaction of xenon with fluorine leads to a series of compounds with oxidation numbers +2,
+4 and + 6. XeF4 reacts violently with water to give XeO3. The compound can also be prepared using
XeF6 as the starting compound. The compounds of xenon exhibit rich stereochemistry and their
geometries can be deduced considering the total number of electron pairs in the valence shell.

The chemical nature of the compounds XeF4 and XeF6 is expected to be

a. oxidising
b. reducing
c. unreactive
d. strong basic


Question 1:

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Find the sum of the series.






e. None of these

Question 2:
Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

If f(x) = x tan-1x, find f'(1) from first principle.






Question 3:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.






e. None of these

Question 4:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

If the tangent at any point on the curve y = f(x) intercepted between the point and the x-axis is of
length 1, find the equation of the curve.




e. None of these

Question 5:

Directions: The following question has FOUR options, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

The value of is





Question 6:

Directions: The following question has FOUR options, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

The value of is

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. Does not exist

Question 7:

Let the eccentricity of the hyperbola be the reciprocal of that of the ellipse x2 + 4y2 =

4. Also, the hyperbola passes through a focus of the ellipse. Then, the equation of the hyperbola is



Question 1:

A consignment of 15 record players contains 4 defective ones. The record players are selected at
random, one by one, and examined. The ones examined are not put back.

What is the probability that the 9th one examined is the last defective?

a. 8/195
b. 3/65
c. 11/195
d. 1/15

Question 2:

Directions: The following question has four choices, out of which ONE or MORE are correct.

If cos is a root of equation 25x2 + 5x - 12 = 0, -1 < x < 0, then the value(s) of sin 2 is/are





Question 3:

f(x) is a cubic polynomial which has local maximum at x = -1. If f(2) = 18, f(1) = -1 and f'(x) has local
minimum at x = 0, then
a. the distance between (-1, 2) and [a, f(a)], where x = a is the point of local minima, is 2

b. f{x) is increasing for x ∈

c. f(x) has local minima at x = 1
d. the value of f(0) is 5

Question 4:

If , then which of the following expressions holds true? ([x] denotes the greatest
integer function.)



c. x (cos2, 0)

Question 5:

Let be the end points of the latus rectum of the ellipse

Find the equation(s) of parabola(s) with latus rectum PQ.





Question 6:

Let f(x) =

a. f(x) is continuous at x = -

b. f(x) is differentiable at x =

c. f(x) is not differentiable at x = 0

d. f(x) is differentiable at x = 1

Question 7:
Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONE or MORE can
be correct.

The value(s) of lying between = 0 and = /2, and satisfying the equation

= 0, is/are

a. 7 /24
b. 5 /24
c. 11 /24
d. /24


Question 1:

Let PQ be a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax. The tangents to the parabola at P and Q meet at a
point lying on the line y = 2x + a, a > 0.

The length of chord PQ is

a. 7a
b. 5a
c. 2a
d. 3a

Question 2:

Let PQ be a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax. The tangents to the parabola at P and Q meet at a
point lying on the line y = 2x + a, a > 0.

If chord PQ subtends an angle at the vertex of y2 = 4ax, then tan equals




Question 3:

Let f : [0, 1] R (the set of all real numbers) be a function. Suppose the function f is twice
differentiable, f(0) = f(1) = 0 and satisfies f(x) - 12f'(x) + f(x) e x, x [0, 1].

Which of the following is true for 0 < x < 1?

a. 0 < f(x) <




Question 4:

Let f : [0, 1] R (the set of all real numbers) be a function. Suppose the function f is twice
differentiable, f(0) = f(1) = 0 and satisfies f(x) - 12f'(x) + f(x) e x, x [0,1].

If the function e-x f(x) assumes its minimum in the interval [0, 1] at x = , which of the following is





Answers PHY SEC 1

1 : (a) 2 : (d) 3 : (b) 4 : (d) 5 : (b) 6 : (c)

7 : (c)


Answers PHY SEC 2

1 : undefined 2 : undefined 3 : undefined 4 : undefined 5:

undefined 6 : undefined
7 : undefined


Answers PHY SEC 3

1 : (b) 2 : (c) 3 : (a) 4 : (a)


Answers CHEM SEC 1

1 : (d) 2 : (d) 3 : (d) 4 : (a) 5 : (d) 6 : (d)

7 : (a)


Answers CHEM SEC 2

1 : undefined 2 : undefined 3 : undefined 4 : (a) 5 : undefined

6 : (b)
7 : undefined


Question 4 :

The complete balanced equation is-

− + +2
2M nO4 + 5H2 O2 + 6H → 2M n + 5O2 + 8H2 O

This shows that Z is M n+2 .

Question 6 :
The order of stability is directly proportional to the bond order. The bond-orders of the given species are -

N2 − 3

N2 − 2.5

N − 2.5

N − 2

− −
Now, out of N2 + and N2 ,N
has an extra electron in the anti-bonding molecular orbits and hence is less

Therefore, the correct order of stability is N2 2− < N2

< N2
< N2

Answers CHEM SEC 3

1 : (a) 2 : (b) 3 : (c) 4 : (a)


Answers MATH SEC 1

1 : (d) 2 : (c) 3 : (d) 4 : (a) 5 : (a) 6 : (d)

7 : (a)


Answers MATH SEC 2

1 : undefined 2 : undefined 3 : undefined 4 : undefined 5:

undefined 6 : undefined
7 : undefined


Answers MATH SEC 3

1 : (d) 2 : (d) 3 : (d) 4 : (c)


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