MCC From Coffie

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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 7163359, 13 pages

Research Article
Chemical Composition and Extraction of Micro Crystalline
Cellulose from Outer Skin Isolated Coffee Husk

Nehemiah Mengistu Zeleke ,1 Devendra Kumar Sinha ,1 and Getinet Asrat Mengesha 2

School of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ASTU, Adama, Ethiopia
School of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, ASTU,
Adama, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Devendra Kumar Sinha;

Received 14 October 2022; Revised 21 November 2022; Accepted 29 November 2022; Published 13 December 2022

Academic Editor: Sheraz Ahmad

Copyright © 2022 Nehemiah Mengistu Zeleke et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Cofee husk (CH) is a sustainable and abundantly available cellulosic waste material. Its fber consists of cellulose as the major
structural part which leads to potential utilization for the manufacturing of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) products that can be
utilized for diferent industrial applications. In the present study, chemical composition of outer skin-isolated cofee husk was
determined and sequential treatments of various untreated (UT) sample, ethanol—toluene treated sample through dewaxed (DW)
treatment, sodium hydroxide (NaOH)—treated sample through alkali (AT) treatment, and sulfuric acid (H2SO4)—treated sample
through bleaching (BL) treatment have been carried out. Te Micro Crystalline Cellulose (MCC) has been extracted through
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after BL treatment. Te BL treatment for MCC extraction process was conducted without chlorine and
additional harsh acid treatment, respectively. Te characterization of chemically treated samples was carried out to investigate
their morphological, physico-chemistry, and thermal behavior through a scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform
infrared—ray (FTIR), X-ray difraction (XRD), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), and diferential temperature analyzer (DTA).
From the chemical composition analysis; the cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and extractive content were determined and its
values were (52.9%), (12.5%), (24.3%), and (9.4%), respectively. In the morphological examination, the great untreated (UT) fber
sample was greatly reduced into a micro-sized BL sample, revealing that (from FTIR analysis) the lignin and hemicellulose
contents were greatly removed during chemical treatments and the presence of a micro crystalline cellulose region with 54.7%
yield. Also, the sample AT and BL showed the lowest amorphous region in X-RD due to the removal of hemicellulose and lignin.
Te highest crystallinity index has been determined for the BL sample, i.e., 89.9%. Additionally, the thermal analysis shows that the
AT and BL sample has great thermal stability than other (UT and DW) samples at high temperature. Terefore, the outer skin
separated cofee husk was prepared from agricultural waste was subjected to eco-friendly chemical treatments to yield MCC. Tus,
the extracted MCC is expected to be reliable for replacing other plant materials for the production of crystalline nanomaterial and
reinforcing constituent for the fabrication of bio composite.

1. Introduction million of 60 kg bags per year [4]. Basically two varieties of

cofee called as Robusta and Arabica are responsible to support
Cofee is one of the most widely held commercial commodities 100% production in the world. Tey vary typically in their
next to petroleum [1]. Ethiopia is the frst in Africa and sixth of chemical constituents, and on the other hand, produce com-
the globe’s largest producers and exporters of cofee [2], and a parable volumes of waste [5]. Cofee cherry produces 30–50%
large amount is consumed by local consumers [3]. Currently, cofee husk based on the processing method [6]. Currently, an
according to the International Cofee Organization report, over estimated 400,000 to 550,000 metric tons of cofee has been
2.3 billion cups of cofee are used up every day across the world, produced per year in Ethiopia [7]. Among these, more than
and the world’s cofee yield has reached an average of 171.9 100,000 tons are estimated to be cofee husks [8, 9].
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Cofee husk is the cofee industry residue that is pro- protocols concerning the utilization of protected forests
duced during the dry processing method [10], which con- drive the investigation of cellulose, MCC, wood-based
tains cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in unlike reinforcing materials, and their composite products from
proportions based on the geographical location and cofee agricultural residues to satisfy the demand of the industries.
hulling process [11]. Te efects of these diferent conditions Terefore, to lessen deforestation and utilize efciently
afect the chemical composition and physical properties of agricultural residues (wastes), overlooking available re-
natural fbers [12]. Additionally, the cafeine and tannins newable resources ofers the commercial product through
contents, which are toxic in nature of this waste are disposed the production process. Interestingly, few researchers have
of by the environment and contaminate the land and rivers focused on the use of agricultural residues to extract cel-
[13]. Furthermore, they are not used for animal food because lulose and fber to fabricate paper, paperboard, and bio
of tannins which are considered as antinutritional com- composite materials. Additionally, researchers have inves-
pounds and other applications in Ethiopia [14]. So, due to tigated agricultural residues, such as wheat straw [27],
disposal problems and lack of reutilization, these husks are peanut hull [21], and rice husk [28], in the fabrication of
traditionally burned in the felds leading to pollution or particleboard, fbers, biomass energy, and composite ma-
smoke which is identifed as the cause of major health- terial. Till now, numerous studies on diferent areas of cofee
hazardous [15]. Cofee wastes can be made up of husks, pulp industry residues/cofee husk have been reported for various
and skin, cofee parchment, cofee mucilage, cofee silver industrial applications. Some of the recently reported re-
skin, and spent cofee grounds [16]. Studies are under search works are presented in Table 1. From Table 1, it is
progress on the reprocessing of these by-products of cofee palpable that cofee industry residues can yield diferent
industries as these are important for environmental friendly products and compounds.
motives and for the hopeful real purpose of this enormous Te previous literature reveals that there is almost no
extent of lignocellulose material. In processing, the cofee report on the extraction of MCC and chemical composition
parchment and pulp separation are dissimilar in wet and dry analysis from outer skin-isolated cofee husk. Te current
processing. In wet processing, the pulp and outer skin are study has been conducted to systematically determine the
removed from cherries, and parchment is removed after potential of outer skin-isolated cofee husk fber for sup-
drying. However, in the dry processing, the dried green plementing environmental protection and health. Te major
cofee cherries and the skins (outer skin, pulp, and parch- objective of this research is to explore the chemical com-
ment) are isolated in a single process. position and potential of microcrystalline cellulose extracted
Enormous natural materials have received increased from outer skin-isolated cofee husks through a modifed
attention from the research community due to their user-friendly procedure for industrial utilization. Te re-
properties, including rice husk [17], cotton products [18], sultant microcrystalline cellulose properties were studied in
bagasse [19], and wastes of oil palm fruit [20], peanut hulls terms of structure, morphology, crystallinity, and thermal
[21], and wheat straw [22]. Te literature reveals that the use stability.
of these natural resources is sustainable for countries with
sufcient amount. Ethiopia has various agricultural residues 2. Materials and Methods
such as wheat, barley, tef, maize, chat, sugarcane, enset, and
cofee. Tese wastes are mainly exploitable for energy 2.1. Materials. Cofee husk fbers were collected from bale
consumption in the country [9] and other reutilization areas zone Dello Menna, the southern part of Ethiopia, in the form
further require investigations. Te residues of these crops of short fber, in 2022. Te reagents used were toluene,
have a high environmental impact and health hazards due to ethanol, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and sulfuric
poor disposable problems. Te demands are increasing for acid. All reagents were purchased from techno tech, Addis
wood based products, including cellulose, MCC, wood- Ababa, Ethiopia, and were used without further purifcation.
based reinforcing material, and their composite products for
various industries such as medical and automotive. Cellulose
2.2. Preparation of Samples. From the collected cofee husk
is a highly crystalline and ordered structure which forms
fber part, the pulp and parchment were separated from the
strong material with excellent properties [23]. Its derivative
outer skin via strip (manually). Te cofee husk (pulp and
MCC is a microsized and tasteless naturally available sub-
parchment) isolated from the outer skin was washed away
stance found from purifed and partially depolymerized
with distilled water and dried up in an oven at 70°C intended
cellulose. Due to its exceptional properties such as biode-
for 2 days, then cooled in a desiccator for 30 minutes to
gradability, chemical inactivity, high surface area for
prevent moisture absorption of the fber. Finally, it was
bonding with resins, high sorption, absence of toxicity, and
crushed with a grinding machine and put through a sieve
great hygroscopicity, MCC has gained attention for various
using a sieve dimension of 2 mm. Figure 1 confrms the
applications such as cosmetics, pharmaceutical, bio com-
collected cofee husk, outer skin-isolated cofee husk, and
posite reinforcement, and beverage[24, 25]. Te extraction
sieved outer skin-isolated cofee husk.
techniques for MCC particles are several including me-
chanical treatment, biological treatment, and chemical
treatment. Among these techniques, chemical treatment 2.3. Chemical Composition Analysis. Te chemical compo-
(e.g. acid hydrolysis) is the conventional method for ex- sition investigation of the lignocellulosic components
traction of MCC [26]. Te stringent environmental present in the outer skin isolated cofee husk fbers was
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

Table 1: Recently reported research work conducted on cofee industry residues.

Materials Objective Application Reference
Bio-nanocomposite flm development
Cofee silver skin Nanocellulose extraction [29]
for food packaging
Parchment Micro fbrillated cellulose extraction Composite reinforcement [30]
CH/thermoplastic starch flms Composite development Food packaging material [31]
Spent cofee ground/poly (vinyl alcohol) Composite flm development — [32]
Termoplastic starch composite flm
CH/starch/polylactid acid Food packaging [33]
Building materials (roofng and ceiling
CH/polypropylene Bio-based composite development [34]
Ground cofee waste/oxobiodegradable Internal automotive parts and
Composite material development [35]
high density polyethylene lightweight furniture
Polymer composite material
CH/linear low-density polyethylene — [36]
Rigid packaging (food tray, cups and
CH/poly lactid acid Green composite material development [37]
Cofee husk/polybutylene adipate Development of polybutylene adipate Substitute neat poly butylene adipate
terephthalate terephthalate composite terephthalate
Cofee hull/high-density polyethylene High-density polyethylene composite — [39]
CH/high-density polyethylene Polyethylene composite — [40]

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: (a) Waste cofee husk. (b) Outer skin isolated waste cofee husk (cofee pulp and parchment). (c) Ground outer skin isolated cofee

carried out in three steps, which follow the conventional Wi − Wf

methods of the Technical Association of Pulp and Paper % of Extractives � x 100, (1)
Industry (TAPPI) and standards which involves an ana-
lytical approach (gravimetric method) to fnd extractive, where Wi —is the weight (gm) of oven-dried sample before
hemicellulose, lignin, and cellulose contents. For a piece of extraction and Wf —is the weight (gm) of the oven-dried
sample, three replicates were conducted to determine the sample after soxhlet.
average value. Tis step was then followed for microcrys-
talline cellulose extraction. Step 2. Te content of the lignin sample was calculated by
putting in the residue in a sulfuric acid solvent of 72% as
Step 1. Te extractive content was investigated through the per TAPPI approach (T-222 om-83) methodology [41].
TAPPI standard technique (T-264 om-82) [30]. In a Soxhlet About 3 gram of extraction-free sample was immersed in
extraction, about 20 g of dry outer skin isolated cofee husk a beaker, to the 51 mL of sulfuric acid (72%) solvent was
was added to a beaker flled with 750 mL of the solution placed, rigorously stirred in electromagnetic stirrer at
combination (1 : 1, ethanol: toluene). Te extract was col- room temperature for 8 hours. Ten, this hydrolyzed
lected and placed in an oven at 110°C with the aim of drying sample was washed away using distilled water till the PH
up for precede weighing. Tis extractive-free dried cofee became neutral and was dehydrated in an oven for 3 hours
husk was considered as a base for the subsequent processes. at 105°C. Te lignin content was determined by expres-
Te yield of extractive was determined by expression (1). sion (2).
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Wi − WL 2.7. Bleaching. For the removal of lignin and remaining

% of Lignin � x 100, (2) amount of hemicelluloses, extracting MCC was carried out
with the dewaxed and alkali-treated sample placed in sul-
where wi is the weight of oven-dried sample before ex- furic acid (7 wt%) solvent for 3 h at room temperature under
traction and wL is the weight of oven-dried sample after stirring with 1 : 20 fber to liquid ratio (g/mL). Further
extraction. purifed cellulose was treated with hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) solvent (11%, v/v), and the pH was tuned to 11 by 8
Step 3. Te content of hemicellulose was studied according wt% NaOH. Te solution was forcefully agitated constantly
to the technique broadly mentioned in the literature [42]. for 4 hours at 50°C temperature and a 1 : 25 sample to a
Extraction process was carried out using 4 gm extractive-free solvent ratio. Te microcrystalline cellulose sample obtained
and dehydrated sample which were placed in a 200 mL from this bleaching process was fltered and washed away
boiling fask at a ratio of 20/1 (liquid/solids) by the use of with distilled water till the pH reaches neutral. Te treatment
10% NaOH solvent for 24 h at room temperature with of each process is carried out twice in the same settings and
stirring. Te extracted samples were washed away by dis- weighed for taking the sample yield. Te outer skin-isolated
tilled water until the pH was neutral and dried up in an oven CH, MCC extraction, and chemical composition analysis has
for 3 h at 110°C. Te yield of the extracted hemicellulose was been illustrated in Figure 2.
determined by expression (3).
Wi − Wb 2.8. Fourier Transform IR-Spectroscopy. Infrared spectros-
% of Hemicellulose � x 100, (3) copy investigation was carried out to obtain the existence of
chemical variations which occurred in the intended (UT,
where Wi is the weight of the oven-dried sample before DW, AT, and BL) samples. Te peaks were obtained with
extraction and Wb is the weight of the oven-dried sample Jasco FT/IR-6600typeA analyzer (Easton, Maryland, USA),
after extraction. at scanning speed of 2 mm/sec in the range of
Ten, the cellulose percentage was calculated by 400–4000 cm− 1 (standard) and 4 cm− 1 resolution.
% Cellulose � 100 − (% hemicellulose + % lignin + % extractive).
(4) 2.9. X-Ray Difraction (XRD). Te XRD pattern of untreated
and chemically treated samples was recorded using MAX-
ima_X XRD-7000 X-ray Difractometer (Japan) with Cu Kα
radiation. Te X-ray was operated at 30 mA and 40 kV with a
2.4. Micro Crystalline Cellulose Extraction and Yield. Te
scan rate of 3 min− 1 and in the range of 5 –60 . Te crys-
extraction and yield of microcrystalline cellulose were car-
tallinity index (CI) was investigated by the XRD amorphous
ried out using chlorine fully and a harsh acid-free extraction
subtraction method developed by Ruland for the frst time
procedure, which was proposed according to the method
and states the ratio of the sum of areas under the peaks of the
reported by Khenblouche et al. [43] with minor modifca-
crystalline component Icry to the overall area under all peaks
tion; the method overcomes the environmental impacts. Te
Itot [44].
process is taken out with chemical treatment with execution
in dewaxing (removal of extractives), alkali, and bleaching Icry
crystalline index(%) � x 100. (5)
treatment procedures. Itot

2.5. Dewaxing. It was carried out to remove tannins, sugars,

fatty acids, wax, and extractives from powder material (outer 2.10. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Surface mor-
skin separated cofee husk) using toluene-ethanol (2 : 1, v/v) phology of cofee husk-derived cellulose and microcrystal-
in a Soxhlet setup at 65°C for 8 hours as per TAPPI standard line cellulose was observed through JOEL, JCM-6000 plus
(T264 om-97). After dewaxing, the sample was dried in an scanning electron microscope (JOEL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan),
oven at 50°C for 2 days and then cooled in a desiccator to operating under 10 KV accelerating voltage.
take away traces of residual reagents and moisture
absorption. 2.11. Termo Gravimetric (TG) and Diferential Termal (DT)
Analyzer. Te thermal endurances of the samples were
carried out using BJHENVEN thermo gravimetric analyzer,
2.6. Alkali Treatment. It was performed for an extractive-
HCT-1 model. For analysis, the samples were heated be-
free (dewaxed) sample to remove hemicellulose and insig-
tween 0 and 500°C under a nitrogen atmosphere at 10°C/
nifcant amount of lignin. It was done at 70°C for 4 hours
with electromagnetic stirring using a 7 wt% NaOH with an
extractive-free sample to solvent ratio of 1 : 10. Tis action
was conducted twice, and after a piece of action, the sample 2.12. Determination of Average Molecular Weight and Degree
was fltered and washed away with distilled water till the pH of Polymerization. Te average degree of polymerization,
became neutral. Finally, the sample was dried at 80°C for 24 DP, of extracted MCC was determined by the viscometry
hours in an oven. method at 25°C in 6 wt% NaOH/4 wt% urea solvent using
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

Coffee husk Strip Grinding Ground outer skin isolated CH

Outer skin isolated CH

MCC Extraction Chemical


Dewaxing (toluene/ethanol)
% of extractives

Alkali treatment (NaOH)

% of lignin (H2SO4)

Bleaching (H2SO4 and H2O2)

% of hemicellulose (NaOH)

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of MCC extraction and chemical composition of outer skin-isolated cofee husk.

Ostwald viscometer [45, 46]. Te fow time was recorded and the IR spectra of untreated (UT) sample (a), dewaxed sample
relative viscosity, ηr , was determined based on recorded fow (b), alkali-treated sample (c), and bleached sample (d).
time (ratios of time fow of extracted MCC solution and Table 3 exhibits all IR spectra of detected peaks and their
CED solvent). Ten, intrinsic viscosity, η, was determined representations.
according to the following equation in cm3 g− 1 . Te result FTIR analysis shows UT sample and DW sample spectra
shows an average of three measurements. exhibited matching absorption bands. Te spectra at
η − 1 1030 cm− 1 shows the O–H and C–O stretching vibration of
log􏼔 r 􏼕 � log[η] + 0.13[η]C, (6) polysaccharide occurred in cellulose, and the peak at
1630 cm− 1 is may be caused by water absorption of the
where C is solution concentration of the sample in gmL− 1 . samples [58]. Te spectrum at 1739 cm− 1 is a typical be-
Average degree of polymerization was then determined havior of the carbonyl C�O stretching of the uronic ester
from the following formula: and acetyl groups of polysaccharides. It is moreover as-
DP0.905 � 0.75[η]. (7) sociated to the p-coumaric acids of hemicellulose or/and
lignin [59], and the removal of this spectra after continuous
chemical treatments shows the elimination of excessive
3. Results and Discussion content of hemicellulose and lignin from the samples.
Additional sign of hemicellulose and lignin elimination
3.1. FTIR and Chemical Composition. Te chemical com- through the treatment is the substantial reduction in the
position of outer skin-isolated cofee husk was determined absorption of the small spectra at 1220 cm− 1 which is as-
using the gravimetric method and was determined to be sociated to the C-O stretching of the aryl group in
9.4% extractives, 12.5% hemicellulose, 24.3% lignin, and hemicellulose and lignin. A small spectra exhibited at
52.9% of cellulose yield. Tis yield value is higher than the 1430 cm− 1 can be associated to the CH2 symmetric bending
cellulose yield of wheat straw (32.5%) [47], cofee husk of cellulose [57]. Te absorption in the range of
(24.5%) [48], and parchment (22%) [30] and lower than the 3600–3100 cm− 1 is associated to the O–H stretching vi-
yield values of cellulose extracted from cofee husk through bration and hydrogen bonds of the hydroxyl groups. Te
chlorine-based extraction techniques (61.8%) [49] reported absorption at 2920 cm− 1 is a typical characteristic of the
in the literature. Furthermore, the yield value is comparable C–H stretching frequency in cellulose [57]. Furthermore,
to yield values of cellulose extracted from bagasse (55.2%) typical FTIR spectra of AT sample shown in Figure 4 ex-
[50] and kenaf fber (53%) [51]. Te obtained cellulose from hibits the peaks observed at 1516 cm− 1 which are associated
outer skin isolated CH is compared with other renewable to aromatic ring stretching frequencies of lignin [59]. Te
source and has been summarized in Table 2 and Figure 3 alkali treatment removes this peak apparently from the
which shows diferent samples of outer skin-isolated cofee cellulose so that these spectra was eliminated from the AT
husk in order to determine their chemical composition and sample spectrum. Te absorption at 3440 cm− 1 is correlated
changes. to the –OH stretching vibration of cellulose [60]. Te
cellulose did not show the absorption band located at
3.2. FTIR. Infrared spectroscopy is a simple technique used 1739 cm− 1, which is a typical behavior of the stretching
to obtain information continually on chemical changes that vibration of C�O and C-O. Te alkali treatment removed
takes place throughout chemical treatments. Figure 4 shows these groups from the spectra.
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 2: Cellulose obtained from diferent renewable sources.

S. No. Renewable source Cellulose content (%) Reference
1 Wheat straw 32.5 [47]
2 Cofee husk 24.5 [30]
3 Parchment 22 [30]
4 Bagasse 46 [50]
5 Kenaf 53 [51, 52]
6 Giant reed 35.52 [53]
7 Jute 60 [54]
8 Sisal 73.5 [52]

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 3: (a) Untreated sample. (b) Extractive free sample. (c) Alkali-treated sample. (d) Bleached sample. (e) Acid-treated sample (to
determine the lignin content).



Trasmittance (%)







4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
Wavelength (cm ) -1

Figure 4: Infrared spectra of UT, DW, AT, and BL samples.

Finally, the FTIR spectra of BL sample shown in Figure 4 implying enhanced cellulose content and increasingly ex-
shows the delignifcation process of sample and further posed cellulose content in the sample [60]. In addition, the
extraction of MCC. In this spectra, the elimination of almost spectra around 1430 cm− 1 are connected to the crystallinity
the remaining lignin was proven by the removal of peak at of cellulose and are related to CH2 symmetric stretching.
1516 cm− 1, and the peak band around 3440 and 2920 cm− 1 is Additionally, the spectra at 898 matching to the C–O–C
related with the characteristic values of purifed cellulose and pyranose ring skeletal stretch, β-glycosidic bond stretch, and
the broadened peak and sharp peaks in the BL sample C–H asymmetric deformation [61]. Tis peak appearance on
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

Table 3: Te IR spectra of detected peaks and their representations.

Wave number (cm− 1) Spectra Represents Reference
1030 All C-O-C pyranose ring skeletal vibration [43]
1141 BL C-O-C stretching at the b-(1⟶4)-glycosidic linkages [55, 56]
1220 UT C–O stretching of the aryl group in hemicellulose and lignin. [56]
1430 AT, BL C-H bond of cellulose [57]
1516 UT, DW C-C aromatic ring stretching vibrations of lignin [55]
1630 AT, BL OH bending of the absorbed water [58]
1739 UT, DW C�O stretching in hemicellulose [59]
2920 AT, BL C-H stretching [57]
3440 AT, BL -OH groups stretching of cellulose [60]





Intensity (a.u)




10 20 30 40 50 60
2θ (Degree)
Figure 5: X-ray difraction pattern of untreated (UT), dewaxed (DW), alkali-treated (AT), and bleached (BL) sample of outer skin isolated
cofee husk.

Table 4: Crystalline index of UT, DW, AT, and BL samples.

Sample Te total area of crystalline peaks Areas of all peaks Crystalline index (CI %)
UT 5207.2 7462.2 69.7
DW 6611.9 8667.5 76.2
AT 6386.1 7863.2 81.2
BL 8394.4 9328.3 89.9

the BL sample spectra confrms the breaking of cellulose (004), and (100) [55, 62]. Tis JCPDS Card Number: 00-003-
chains and extraction of MCC. 0192 refers to coated cellulose-II type structure, and these
planes reveal that each cellulose sample has a cellulose type
structure [63], and the bleached (BL) sample shows coated
3.3. X-Ray Difraction Measurements. It is an important cellulose-II type structure. Te peak observed at 16.12° was
method to characterize the structure of crystalline material. related to the cellulose crystals domain, and it has increased
Figure 5 represents the XRD patterns of chemically-un- intensity for alkali-treated (AT) and bleached (BL) samples.
treated and treated outer skin-isolated cofee husk samples. It was suggested that the two-cycle NaOH—alkali treatment
Te samples showed outstanding peaks around 16.7°, 22.4°, and H2SO4 and H2O2—based bleaching processes promote
34.6°, and 44.1°, which match all peaks with standard dif- highly ordered coated cellulose-II crystallites in outer skin-
fraction data (JCPDS Card Number: 00-003-0192) that isolated cofee husk through improving intra and inter-
corresponds to the crystallographic plane of (110), (200), molecular hydrogen bonding. Te peak 22.2° 34.6 and 44.0
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

were observed to be sharpened gradually and also had high DW samples for the reason of the existence of micro-
intensity for both ATand BL samples as compared to UTand crystalline cellulose structure that increases the thermal
DW samples. Tis was likely due to the alkali treatment and endurance of samples from high temperatures [63]. Te
bleaching processes that removed residual compounds and second range 135–250°C is associated with the degradation
produced coated cellulose-II crystalline structure with 54.7% of hemicellulose which contains numerous saccharide types
yield. Accordingly, the highest crystalline index of cellulose that form amorphous structures and thermally less stable
possessed 89.9% with the BL sample, followed by the AT lignocellulosic components [30]. Te third range
with 81.2%, DW with 76.2%, and lastly UT with 69.7% as 250–375°C corresponds to a portion of hemicellulose and
shown in Table 4. Tus, the outer skin-isolated cofee husk- cellulose. Cellulose is a highly crystalline and ordered
bleached sample could ofer it as a promising agent in bio structure that forms strong material with thermal stability
composite reinforcement application. [69]. Finally, the degradation takes place at the range of
375–520°C related to lignin, which is more thermally stable
and difcult to degrade [70]. Te DTA curve tries to show a
3.4. Morphological Properties of Chemically Untreated (UT)
slight an endothermic reaction at the initial stage of the
and Treated (DW, AT, and BL) Samples. Figure 6 exhibits
curve due to the sample’s dehydration around 100°C, then
SEM micrograph of CH fber subjected to dewaxing, alka-
undergoes a sharp exothermic reaction between temper-
line, and bleaching treatment. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the
ature around 270°C–375°C. Te sharp exothermic reaction
feature of any typical lignocellulosic fber characteristics
at this temperature range indicates the degradation of
which clearly shows surface impurities. Te dewaxed sample
cellulose and remaining hemicellulose. Variation in the
Figure 6(b) further exhibits the microfbers in pack form
structure of cellulose due to heat primarily takes place
more densely with a rough surface, and the alkali-treated
through depolymerization (begins at 310°C due to breaking
sample in Figure 6(c) exhibits less dense microfbers with a
the chain at 1,4 glycosidic bond), dehydration (occurs at
smooth surface, and fbers try to isolate each other. Tis
initial range of degradation temperature, 280°C), and the
indicates partial hemicellulose, lignin, and surface impurity
formation of Glucosan [71]. Additionally, the exothermic
removal at this stage, while the smooth structure of cellulose
peak around the temperature of 410°C and above indicates
was still preserved [50]. Te two-cycle bleaching process in
the release of lignin from the samples. Finally, the curve BL
Figure 6(d) causes the fber to split into isolated cellulose
sample shows that the temperature resistance is highly
microcrystalline. According to reported pieces of literature,
relative to other samples. Tis indicates that the two stage
the acidic attack disintegrates the cellulose structure into
bleaching process highly improves the thermal resistance of
individual small microcrystalline size, and penetration of
the sample. Te weight loss in each range of the samples is
acidic ions into the inner part of fber could depolymerize
summarized in Table 5. Te weight loss of sample BL in the
the cellulose by degrading the amorphous regions [60]. Te
range initial, second, and fnal was lower than other
chemically-treated cellulose microcrystalline average di-
samples, and in the third range AT sample, the loss was low.
ameters are about 2-3 μm but the exact length is difcult to
determine. Te reduction in diameter refers to the disap-
pearance of hemicellulose, lignin, and other impurities [64].
3.6. Average Molecular Weight and Degree of Polymerization.
Tis extracted CH cellulose microcrystalline is less in di-
Te η and extracted MCC average DP was determined to
ameter than those extracted from various sources such as
study the efect of H2O2 treatment on the cellulose
sisal [65], coconut [66], and wheat straw [67] with diferent
structure. During the frst bleaching cycle using H2SO4, the
extraction methods which uses harsh acid and chlorine-
η and DP are 901 and 1340, respectively. For the second
based extraction methods.
bleaching cycle, using H2O2 for preparation of MCC, the η
and DP signifcantly reduced to 365 and 281, respectively.
3.5. Termal Stability. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) exhibit the Tis could be described by the degradation of amorphous
TGA and DTA curve, respectively, and environmentally region for the extracted MCC. Te result shows that the
friendly chemical treated and untreated outer skin-sepa- DPs of extracted MCC are in the range (150–300) of
rated cofee husk samples. Initially, all samples, mainly UT currently available commercial MCC, and the DPs of
and DW samples, demonstrated a decreased weight curve extracted MCC higher is than DPs of commercial MCC
in the range of 30–135°C, which is a typical characteristic of i.e.117.2 and MCC extracted from bacterial cellulose has
adsorption of water and disappearance of constituents of DP250 [72]. Te molecular weight (Mw) of extracted MCC
low molar mass [68]. However, AT and BL samples showed from outer skin isolated CH was determined by multi-
increase in the same way with a fattened curve, and the plication of DP of extracted MCC with (Mw) of unit cel-
weight loss was also relatively low. Tis was probably lulose, 162 [73], then the (Mw) of extracted MCC is around
caused by water adsorption of the high amount of cellulose 21,300 g/mol. With considering to the plenty of cofee husk
content in both samples. Consequently, AT and BL samples waste material, large scale fabrication of MCC with ade-
exhibit higher decomposition temperatures than UT and quate DP and (Mw) could be realized.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9





Figure 6: SEM micrograph of untreated (a), dewaxed (b), alkali-treated (c), and bleaching (d) sample of outer skin-isolated cofee husk fber.
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

3.29 %

0.91 %

Third range

Final range
Second range
Initial range

46.98 %
Mass loss (%)


17.94 %


100 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature (°C)



DTA (µV)



100 200 300 400 500 600

Temperature (°C)


Figure 7: (a) TGA and (b) DTA curves of UT, DW, AT, and BL samples.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11

Table 5: Weight loss of the samples at each range.

(%) of weight loss in each ranges UT DW AT BL
Initial range 7.7 6.1 3.5 3.3
Second range 3.4 4.0 3.4 0.9
Tird range 48.0 60.8 45.2 46.9
Final range 20.1 26.2 22.3 17.9

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