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Employees protesting at the planned closure of the Magnet electronics factory have

begun a protest outside the factory in Brook Road . It (31)....(reveal) last week that
production at the factory , where over 3000 local people (32)....(employ) , (33)....
(transfer) to the Magnet plant in Luton next month . “Why (34).... (we not inform) about
this earlier ? . We (35)....(only tell) about this two days ago ” said Marjory Calder ,
representing the workforce . “It’s about time companies such as this (36)....(start)
thinking about how local communities (37)....(affect) by their policies . Most people here
are buying houses . How (38).....(their mortgage payments keep up) ? And how are we
going to find a job ? I wish(39) ....(know).” Reg Reynolds of Magnet (40)....(ask) what
(41)...(do) to help those who (42)....(make) redundant . “The majority of our employees
(43).....(offer) work at our plant in Luton” he told our reporter , “and every effort (44)
(make) over the past month to offer early retirement to those who qualify”

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