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Science Research

Where does the European green crab normally live?

The European green crab normally lives in coastal areas, like estuaries, bays, and
tidal marshes. It prefers places with a mix of salt and freshwater.
Why and when was the new species introduced to the country?
The European green crab was introduced to new countries unintentionally,
probably in the 1800s through ballast water in ships. People didn't bring them on
How did they adapt to the new country?
European green crabs adapted to the new country by reproducing quickly and
eating a variety of local species. They have strong shells and can tolerate different
water conditions.
How has it affected the ecosystems it has been introduced to?
They have negatively affected ecosystems by eating young shellfish and other
small marine creatures, disrupting the balance of local species.
Is it an invasive species? If so, why is it invasive in your country, but not in its
native country?
Yes, it's invasive. In its native country, there are natural predators that control its
population. In new places, these predators may not exist, allowing the green crab
population to grow unchecked.
Why did people not realize that the species might be a problem when it was first
introduced? How did they realize over time?
People may not have realized the problem at first because the crabs were small
and not well studied. Over time, as their population increased, scientists observed
their negative impact on local species and ecosystems.
Are people trying to eradicate or control the species? If so, how are they doing
this, and how successful are they? Is everyone happy about this, or do some
people want to protect the species?
Yes, people are trying to control the European green crab. Methods include
trapping and removing them. Some support these efforts to protect local
ecosystems, while others might want to preserve the species for cultural or other
reasons. Success varies depending on the control methods and the local


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