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Unless otherwise posted, the

2. M1 PRACTICE TEST maximum› speed limit on 2-lane

highways outside of towns, cities,
villages or built-up areas is:

100 km/h

80 km/h

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A motorcyclist should keep the mirrors What is required for a motorcyclist

positioned in such a way that the with an M1 license to carry a
motorcyclist can: passenger?

See the lane
lane that
that is
is behind
behind them
them very
very clearly.
clearly. A motorcyclist with an M1
M1 license
license may carry
carry a passenger
passenger if
the motorcycle is properly
properly equipped
equipped with a passenger seat.
There is
is no
no need
need to
to use mirrors
mirrors when
when driving
driving in heavy
tra"c. A motorcyclist with an M1
M1 license
license may carry
carry a passenger
passenger if
the passenger wears a helmet.
See as
as much
much as
as possible
possible of the
the adjacent
adjacent lane and aa
substantial part
part of
of the
the lane
lane behind
behind them.
them. A motorcyclist with an M1
M1 license
license may carry
carry a passenger
only if
if the
the passenger has an M2 or full M license.
See the lane
lane next
next to
to them
them very
very clearly.
A motorcyclist with an M1
M1 license
license is
is not permitted to
to carry
Motorcyclists need to use their mirrors properly to ensure they are aware of their
a passenger
passenger under any circumstances.
surroundings. Mirrors help motorcyclists see tra"c around them, giving them
greater safety. Motorcyclists should check mirrors every 5 to 7 seconds. Even
M1 drivers are barred by law from carrying passengers. Even M2 motorcyclists
after checking the mirrors, it is important for motorcyclists to do a shoulder
are advised to avoid carrying heavy cargo or passengers as much as possible.
check to visually confirm the tra"c situation in advance of any action, be it
turning, slowing down, changing lanes and so on. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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What should a motorcyclist do if the In case a need arises for a motorcyclist

motorcycle wheels begin to lock while to stop the motorcycle while making a
braking? turn, the following process should be

Speed up
up by
by applying
applying the
the throttle.
throttle. used:
Employ the
the rear brakes
brakes only. The
The motorcyclist should
should use both the front brakes and the
rear brakes
brakes simultaneously.
Apply threshold
threshold braking.
The motorcyclist should
should only use the rear brakes.
Employ the
the front
front brakes
brakes only.
The motorcyclist should
should only use the front
front brakes.
Applying the brakes too hard and too fast can cause the wheels to lock.
Threshold braking is a way to stop quickly without causing the wheels to lock. It
The motorcyclist should
should quickly speed up to avoid other
involves applying both brakes at the same time, then quickly releasing before
vehicles on
on the road, then pull over to
to the
the side
side of the road
the point where the wheels lock up, then quickly repeating the process to
enable the motorcycle to quickly and safely stop without locking the wheels.
before stopping.

If a stop must be made during a turn, it is important to use both brakes.

Remember to use all fingers to pull in the clutch and the front brakes so that
there are no shudders and shakes. Downshifting can sometimes be used as an
alternative as well. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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If a motorcyclist misses the correct If the engine seizes while in use, what
freeway exit, what should the should the motorcyclist do?
motorcyclist do? The
The motorcyclist should
should turn on the
the four-way flashers.

The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should slow down, move onto the The
The motorcyclist should
should downshift in order to
to slow the
shoulder, turn
turn the
the motorcycle
motorcycle around,
around, drive
drive back carefully motorcycle down.
along the
the shoulder and
and take
take the
the missed
missed exit.
The motorcyclist should
should apply the clutch in order to
The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should maintain
maintain freeway
freeway speed,
speed, continue
continue disengage
disengage the engine
engine from the rear wheel.
driving, and
and take
take the
the next
next exit.
The motorcyclist should
should apply the brakes as hard and as
The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should perform a u-turn on the freeway, quickly as possible, then pull
pull over
over and stop.
carefully drive back,
back, and
and take
take the
the missed
missed exit.
A seized engine means the engine has frozen or become locked. There are
usually some warning signs before this happens, so motorcyclists have some
The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should slow down, move onto the
time to react before the engine seizes and the wheels lock. It is important to stop
shoulder, back up
up and
and take
take the
the exit ramp
ramp that
that was
was missed.
and pull over before that happens.

Stopping on a freeway is dangerous. Backing up or driving in the wrong direction

is illegal, unless under the direction of a tra"c o"cer. If an exit is missed,
continue driving until the next exit, where it is safe to pull o# the highway and
plan an alternate route. In most places where there is an o#-ramp, there is a
corresponding on-ramp for the opposite direction, providing a safe way to travel
back to the missed exit. Alternatively, local roads can be used to get back to the
correct exit. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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How far away from the closest gate or A driver entering a highway via an
rail should a motorcyclist stop when entrance ramp must:
nearing a railway crossing with a train Signal and
and accelerate, then merge smoothly
smoothly with highway
Honk the horn,
horn, then
then proceed
proceed with caution.
At a distance of
of 50
50 meters.
Signal and
and drive slowly
slowly in
in order to
to avoid
avoid an accident.
At least
least 11 metre
metre away.
Use the appropriate
appropriate hand
hand signal, then take the right-of-
At least
least 15
15 metres
metres away.
away. way.

At least
least 55 metres
metres away.
10 / 30

To ensure safety, always stop a good distance - 5 metres at least - from the train
tracks when the barrier is down and/or the lights are flashing. Motorcyclists When approaching an intersection
should never attempt to cross around or under gates that have been lowered for
an approaching train. Motorcyclists must drive on only after the gates have been where the road is blocked with tra"c, a
raised and it is safe to do so.

motorcyclist should:

Honk the horn

horn to warn cars ahead to
to move on.

Move slowly into

into the intersection, and wait until the tra"c
ahead moves on
on before proceeding through the
the intersection.

Keep as close
close as possible to the
the car ahead to prevent
other vehicles
vehicles from entering the same lane.

Stop before entering the
the intersection,
intersection, waiting until
until tra"c
ahead moves on
on and
and the way is clear. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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What is black ice? Why should motorcyclists not share

Black ice
ice is
is the
the term
term given
given to
to recently-paved
recently-paved asphalt
asphalt that
that lanes with other vehicles?
is still wet.
In driving
driving too
too close to
to other vehicles, motorcyclists put
Black ice
ice is
is aa frozen
frozen mixture
mixture of
of mud
mud and
and snow
snow covering
covering themselves at risk of collisions
collisions and
and accidents, so lane
the asphalt. sharing should be avoided.

Black ice
ice is
is aa mixture
mixture of
of snow
snow and
and ice
ice covering
covering the Lane sharing
sharing is
is useful: two vehicles are more visible
visible than
asphalt. one, so it
it is safer for motorcyclists to share lanes.

Black ice
ice is
is aa thin
thin layer of
of ice
ice covering
covering the
the asphalt.
asphalt. Both
Both the
the second
second and the
the third statement are
are correct.

Black ice is so named because the ice forms such a thin layer that it can't be
By driving close to other
other vehicles, motorcyclists can
seen even on the black aspalt. It builds everywhere, but especially on bridges.
remain in
in the company
company of the rest of
of the
the tra"c,
tra"c, which is safer,
This happens because bridges are prone to severely cold air from below and the
so lane sharing
sharing is actually
actually a good
good thing.
drastic drop in temperature causes a thin layer of ice to form.

Tra"c lanes are not meant to be used by two vehicles at the same time - there
isn't enough room. When two vehicles attempt to share lanes, they become too
close to one another, increasing the risk of collision. Lane sharing should be
avoided; motorcyclists are advised to maintain proper blocking position to
ensure that other vehicles do not attempt to enter their lane. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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How should you react if debris or some What should a motorcyclist do if the
other flying object hits you? throttle becomes stuck while driving?

Get o#
o# the
the road
road as
as soon as
as it
it is safe
safe to
to do so
so and
and Maintain The
The motorcyclist should
should ease o# the throttle, apply the
a firm grip
grip on
on the
the handlebars
handlebars and
and continue
continue to
to look up
up and clutch, and
and use the kill switch
switch to
to turn
turn the engine
engine o# once
once the
ahead while
while still
still on
on the
the road.
road. bike
bike has slowed down.

Stop and pull

pull o#
o# the
the road
road at
at once. The
The motorcyclist should
should put more force on the
the throttle to
increase speed, apply the
the clutch and
and use
use the
the kill switch
switch to
Continue driving
turn the
the engine o#.

Speed up
up to avoid
avoid other
other flying
flying objects.
The motorcyclist should
should ease o# the throttle, apply the
Even with protective headgear, motorcyclists can be distracted and potentially clutch, wait
wait for
for the bike to
to slow
slow down and
and jump o# when
when it
it is
hurt by debris or flying objects. Be prepared and do not panic. Panic can cause safe to
to do
do so.
motorcyclists to make potentially fatal driving errors. Maintain a firm grip on the
handlebars, drive until there is a safe place to pull over and stop, then assess any None
None of
of the
the above is correct.
It is not safe to jump o# a motorcycle when it is in motion. If the motorcycle is not
equipped with a kill switch, pull in the clutch, maintain control of the bike until it
comes to a stop, then switch o# the engine. Braking can be used to help slow
and stop the bike more quickly if it is safe to do so. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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When a motorcyclist is in need of What causes wobbling in

assistance, how should the motorcycles?
motorcyclist alert other drivers on the Wobbling can be caused
caused by worn out steering parts.

road? Wobbling can be caused

caused by loose wheel
wheel bearings.

The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should pull the bike o#
o# to the
the side
side of
of the
the All
All answers
answers are correct.

road and switch on

on the
the high
high beam.
Wobbling can be caused
caused by loose spokes.

The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should pull the bike o#
o# to the
the side
side of
of the
the If the motorcycle begins to wobble, do not accelerate. Maintain a firm grip on the
road and ensure that
that the
the tail
tail light
light is on.
on. handlebars and slow down steadily until it is safe to stop.

The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should pull the bike o#
o# to the
the side
side of
of the
the 17 / 30
road and stand beside
beside it
it with
with the
the engine
engine running.

The motorcyclist
motorcyclist should
should pull the bike o#
o# to the
the side
side of
of the
In a situation where a number of
road, and
and place
place his
his or
or her
her helmet
helmet on
on the
the ground,
ground, near
near the
motorcyclists are travelling with each
back of the parked
parked motorcycle.

If it is necessary to pull o# the road, be sure to park the motorcycle as far away
other, in what way should they drive?
from driving lanes as possible. The motorcyclist should move even further from
the road if possible: standing right beside the motorcycle could be dangerous as The
The motorcyclists
motorcyclists should
should drive one
one behind the other in a
sometimes vehicles parked alongside the roadway are sideswiped by passing line.
tra"c. Placing a helmet on the ground near the back of the parked motorcycle is
a sign for assistance needed. The
The motorcyclists
motorcyclists should
should drive next
next to
to each
each other.

The motorcyclists
motorcyclists should
should drive next
next to
to each
each other,
other, but in
separate lanes.

The motorcyclists
motorcyclists should
should adopt a staggered formation.

A staggered formation allows motorcyclists to drive close to each other in a

group but prevents them from driving too close or alongside one another. Using
staggered formation, motorcyclists ensure they have enough room in which to
safely manoeuvre. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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Besides a properly-equipped When a motorcyclist carries a

motorcycle, what is required for a passenger, the extra rider's weight
motorcyclist to tow a trailer? a#ects the motorcycle and...?

A valid
valid motorcycle
motorcycle license,
license, aa registered
registered trailer,
trailer, trailer
trailer Will help the motorcyclist
motorcyclist to maintain better
better control and
plates and
and a trailer
trailer permit.
permit. balance.

A valid
valid motorcycle
motorcycle license,
license, aa trailer
trailer permit
permit and a Will not have any
any a#ect at all on the
the motorcycle.
registered trailer.
Will result in
in the motorcycle
motorcycle reacting
reacting more slowly than
A valid
valid motorcycle
motorcycle license.
license. usual.

A valid
valid motorcycle
motorcycle license and
and a trailer
trailer permit.
permit. Will result in
in the motorcycle
motorcycle responding
responding more
more quickly
than usual.
Special care should be taken when towing a trailer with a motorcycle. The trailer
must have a mandatory white plate light, two red reflectors on the rear and a red The responsiveness of a motorcycle is directly related to the weight it is carrying.
tail light. The heavier the passenger, the slower the vehicle will respond. Accelerating,
turning, and decelerating will all be slower than usual. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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Why are motorcyclists advised against How often should motorcyclists check
shifting gears while turning? (Choose mirrors while driving on a freeway?
2) Every 2-4
2-4 seconds.

Shifting gears
gears while
while turning
turning is
is safe
safe as long as
as the Every 5-10 seconds.
motorcycle is
is moving quickly.
Every 1-2 seconds.
Shifting gears
gears while
while turning
turning is
is safe
safe as long as
as the
Every 15-20
15-20 seconds.
motorcycle is
is moving slowly.
Frequent mirror checks enable motorcyclists to be aware of their surroundings,
All answers are correct
correct helping to ensure safer driving. Motorcyclists are permitted to drive on freeways
only after acquiring the M2 license.
Shifting gears
gears while
while turning
turning may
may cause an
an increase
increase in
speed, which
which leads
leads to
to loss
loss of
of traction
traction in
in the
the rear wheel,
which can
can result
result in
in dangerous
dangerous skidding.

To avoid skidding, motorcyclists are advised to shift gears after completing a

turn, not during it. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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When entering a freeway, what is the If the engine locks or freezes, what
right time to turn on the turn signal? should a motorcyclist do?

The moment
moment the
the motorcyclist
motorcyclist reaches
reaches the
the acceleration Pull
Pull over
over and fill the gas tank.
lane and
and becomes
becomes visible
visible to the
the other
other tra"c
tra"c on
on the
the freeway.
Pull over
over and wait till
till the engine
engine cools down before
Motorcyclists are
are not
not required
required to
to use
use aa turn
turn signal when
when adding
adding gasline antifreeze to it.
entering aa freeway.
Pull over
over and add windshield wiper fluid.
When the
the motorcyclist
motorcyclist reaches
reaches the
the entrance ramp
ramp and
Pull over
over and wait till
till the engine
engine cools down before
the freeway
freeway tra"c
tra"c is able
able to
to see
see the turn
turn signal.
adding oil to it.
When the
the motorcyclist
motorcyclist reaches
reaches the
the exit
exit ramp, from
from where
Motorcycles should be inspected before each use. Regular maintenance helps
the turn signal
signal is
is visible
visible to
to the
the other
other tra"c on
on the
the freeway.
ensure safe operation of a motorcycle. Keeping the correct amount of oil in the
engine is essential.
It is important to ensure that you are clearly visible to all the other drivers on the
freeway. Using the turn signal at the entrance ramp ensures that freeway tra"c
can see the motorcycle, and you, as early as possible. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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How does driving over metal gratings, At what level should cargo be kept on
worn out roads or grooved pavement a motorcycle?
a#ect the driving of a motorcycle? Cargo should
should be kept low to
to prevent aa change in gravity
and to avoid any
any interference
interference with the motorcycle's balance.
All answers are correct.

It results
results in
in an airlifting
airlifting experience.
experience. Cargo should
should be kept high to prevent
prevent a change in
in gravity
and to avoid any
any interference
interference with the motorcycle's balance.
It results
results in
in a balanced
balanced and
and even driving experience.

None of
of these statements is
is correct.
It creates
creates aa sense
sense of
of loss
loss of
of control
control over
over the
the motorcycle.

It doesn't
doesn't matter where cargo is placed,
placed, as long as the
motorcyclist checks on
on it
it regularly.
Any time an uneven road surface results in a feeling of loss of control or
shakiness, it is important to maintain a strong grip on the handlebars and avoid
Cargo must be secured in a low position. If cargo must be placed on both sides
sudden movements or rash reactions.
of the motorcycle, be certain to distribute the weight of the cargo evenly on both
sides so that balance will not be a#ected. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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If a motorcyclist decides to change to To what style of driving does the

the left lane while driving, what should phrase "staggered formation" refer?
the motorcyclist do before changing It refers
refers to
to aa group of motorcyclists
motorcyclists driving in di#erent
lanes of
of the road to maintain
maintain a lot of
of distance between the
lanes? motorcycles so that there is
is less risk
risk to other
other drivers on the
road or to
to the
the motorcyclists themselves.
Reduce speed,
speed, shift gears, then brake
brake while
while changing
lanes, to ensure
ensure that
that the
the vehicle
vehicle in
in front
front is
is not
not hit. It refers
refers to
to aa group of motorcyclists
motorcyclists driving slightly behind
and in the
the opposite
opposite tire track
track to
to one another
another so
so that there is
Use the
the left
left mirrors
mirrors to
to carefully check
check the
the left lane
lane before
less risk
risk to other drivers on the
the road or
or to the
the motorcyclists
changing to
to it.

Use the
the right
right mirrors
mirrors to
to carefully
carefully check
check the
the left
left lane
It refers
refers to
to aa group of motorcyclists
motorcyclists driving in aa line one
before changing
changing to
to it.
behind another
another so that there is less
less risk to
to other drivers
drivers on

Signal, check
check left
left mirror,
mirror, and
and do
do aa shoulder
shoulder check to
to make the
the road or to
to the motorcyclists themselves.

sure that all

all is
is clear
clear and
and it
it is
is safe
safe to
to change
change lanes.
It refers
refers to
to aa group of motorcyclists
motorcyclists driving at large
Mirrors only give a partial view of the road; there are blind spots even with distances from one
one another in order
order to increase the following
motorcycles. It is important to perform a shoulder check before changing lanes, distance between vehicles so
so that
that there
there is
is less risk to other
even if the mirror suggests the lane is clear. drivers on
on the road or to
to the motorcyclists themselves.

The first driver in a staggered formation should be in one tire track, followed by
the second driver in the opposite tire track at a following distance of 1 second
behind the first. The third driver should be in the tire track opposite the second
driver at a following distance of 1 second from that driver, and so on for
subsequent drivers. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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A highly skilled motorcyclist has which If the front tire blows out when on the
of the following qualities? road, a motorcyclist should...?

The ability
ability to
to always
always drive
drive at
at aa lesser
lesser speed
speed than other
other Shift
Shift to
to the back
back as
as much as
as possible.
drivers on
on the
the road.
Shift to
to the left
left side as much as possible.
The ability
ability to
to drive
drive faster
faster and
and at
at aa greater
greater speed
speed than
Shift to
to the front as
as much
much as possible.
others on
on the
the road.

Shift to
to the right side
side as much
much as possible.
The ability
ability to
to react
react properly,
properly, when
when prepared in advance to
do so.
so. Keep a firm grip on the handlebars and steer properly while making sure you
maintain your balance. The blown-out tire will make the steering seem weighed
The ability
ability to
to always
always be
be ready
ready for
for the errors
errors of the
the other down.

Being prepared for any kind of circumstance on the road is one of the biggest
hallmarks of a skilled motorcyclist. The ability to anticipate and respond
appropriately to dangerous situations is what separates good drivers from
average and not-so-good ones. It is important to be able to anticipate and be
ready for all suddenly-changing circumstances in order to respond properly.
Anticipating dangers before they occur can also prevent panic and nervousness,
both of which can further complicate situations where the motorcyclist already
faces danger. 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM 2024-02-16, 11:41 AM

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What should motorcyclists take into

consideration at railway crossings?

All answers are correct.

Motorcyclists should
should be
be alert on
on approach
approach to railway
crossings since
since specific
specific vehicles
vehicles are
are required
required to stop
stop as
as part
of company
company policy.

Motorcyclists should
should drive
drive at an
an angle
angle of
of 45 degrees
minimum to parallel
parallel tracks running
running in
in their
their direction.

Motorcyclists should
should drive
drive slowly, be
be careful,
careful, keep an eye ONTARIO M1 TEST
on the
the surroundings,
surroundings, and
and note
note the
the signals, lights,
lights, gates and
flag-persons (if
(if present).
If you want to make sure you get it right, Here are some simple things you can do to ace the

Railway crossings are potentially hazardous due to the fact that trains travel written portion:

much faster than they seem, and cannot stop quickly. It can take 2 km or more Get
Get A
A Good
Good Night’s
Night’s Sleep
Sleep – Taking a test is hard, and stressful. Chances are good that it might
for a train to stop even when brakes are fully applied. Never depend on a train to make it hard for you to relax. However, if you’re going to take your driving test, you need to make
be able to stop on time to avoid you, and drive on only once the train has passed. sure you get enough sleep before you do it. So avoid ca#eine, don’t stay up late, and try to get all
Other hazards at railway crossings may include having to stop for other vehicles, your Z’s in.
and the loss of traction which can occur because train tracks are slippery at all
Don’t Focus
Focus Exclusively
Exclusively on
on The
The Driving
Driving Portion
Portion – Too often you’ll get caught up on the
times, and more so when they are wet.
driving portion of a test, and you’ll neglect the written portion as a result. Remember, you need to
pass both portions in order to get your license. So dedicate the proper amount of time to passing
the pencil-and-paper test before you worry about getting behind the wheel.

This online Ontario M1 Test, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for
the Ontario M1 Motorcycle driver’s test required before you can get your Motorcycle driver’s
license. This free practice written knowledge test is a lesson that is essential for getting your
Ontario M1 driver’s license at your local licensing o"ce.


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