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Eec- o£ Le why ts Fk so fmportant to redoce afr pollotion? 2 Atc pollution fs one of te greatest environmental CPS to nelth. By reducfng aft pollotion Levels: > Coontries Gan Cedute burden of disease From stroker heck dt5ease , lung Cancer, & both Chronic & acote resptrator -¥ dlseoses facluding asthma. 2 what fs afr pollotion? Aa Aic pallotion && Contamination af gndeor pf ootdoor environment by any Chemial -phystal or biological agent thot modifies tte natural characterfstics of atmophere. 3. How tong afr pollution been a problem? A “Tedy fndoor afr pollution Ps an &mpottant contr? butor to effecs on human helth.- Unttl we redoce these Endoor pollutant chemteal or phystos & bictogial remains Same. @- where does afr pollotion come trom 2 Matnlty > cars , ovses , planes trocks £ trains. Stationary Sources Power plants, ofl reffnerfes , Prdust ~ riok facilities t factories. Area Sources Agricultoral areas, ches g vo00d bumtug fire places. Nato rah Sovreest- (iPad blown dust, whld ffres & vwroleanas . 5, Ts afc pollotion mofly a towl probmusr Can Ft travel long distances f Aa Ate pollution signéficontly frpacks places near -Fiss Sovtce, bot becouse Pt gan be carrfed long distances Pn Ake atmaspheres- Air pollotion can also afted- foray ploces. 6- How does afr pollotion affed hornan health’ . Both short- ard long term expasovre to afr pollotion Can led to a wee range of dieseoses , Fadtuding stoke, Chonic obstroctive pulmonary disease ;-trachen, bronchus long Gncete, aggrovatd asthma & lower resptrakory Pafections . +. Row does arr Pollotion affects chtldrens’ heath? Tt Cayses low birth wetght, asthma, redoced long Pakedion function , resprratory fnfections ¢_ allergtes. List 6 mafor ef Pollotants t le Grbon monoxide Ze Nfttogen oxides, 3. Ground level ozone. Ae Particle pollution (often reffered to as particulate 6. lead ~matter) 6. sulter oxtdes, Epc- 02. Q. st any four laos based on Pollution control Pn tndial Le The notional environmendal Trbunal Act las. 2- Th National Appellate Avthority Act 1994. 3. Tle chemiol Accidents Roles taab- 4. The bfo- Medial Roles (49%. Lo. what effect does afr pollution have on food, crops, forests and & biodiversity? A the ecasystem Levels high levels of groond - Level Ozone ean drfve te loss of Species diversity & Lead to Changes fr ecasystem stroctore & habttat qualty. In Commercial agritulture. ozone reduces Crop yfelds & forest growth. Us Rov 8 acid raf éonnected to ate pollution? Fower plants release temofortty of Sulfot dioxide Emoch of nitrogen oxides when Hwy born fossil fuels, Svdh @S Coal, to produe electricity. : In addition , The echavst from Cars, treks; end boses Feleoses nitrogen oxides & Sulfor dioxfde Pry twat, + tow do F know Ate level of tle pollution problem fr my Community & och day, you Can find ovt cohat fs tte afr : qvality fs Wee log checking ti alr quality fridex CAai) foc where you Uve. (3. Has afr pollution been Solved anyvoheret bs Tt f3 fmportant to note frat while tows regulations are helping. The effeds Of afr pollution are still Apparent. the decline of toxfe afr pollution potlotads & helt Frprovements are welcome changes, Yet Hoe_grow- ~frg threat of climate change due to fossil fuel emessfons remains @ problem that stfl needs to be Solve la. what actfons can governments -take to fmpove afr qvabfty 1 Aut!-actatreduttion of éleaner (atternade fue like ale LPG b. Promotion of public transport network Fneloding metro ¢. Compolsory puc Cpollution under control) cert fiakon OF perfod drfven vehicles which test for Carbon monoxide § hydrocarbons. ts: lbyy fs regtenal Geoperation crucfal for managing afr Pollution t As afr pollutants do not stop ot national borders, Hey abject countries for GL0ay from ter Potnt of emfssfon. Recent reports under te Convention all potrt to tte need for further Prternattonal Cooperation, eSpecfally for those pollutants tak sty fa the atmospher for along tine dnd are transported actess regions. fe: what fs tte role of afr qualtty monttorfng fn afr quarity management ¢ the Porpose 8f afr quasity monttorfing es to assess tte level of Pollution En elation to atr quality standards These Standards are @ regulator, measure to Set tw target for pollution reduction & ultimately QchFeve Clan & breathable afr, Epe-03. tt what actions Can bustnesses and Prdustry take to reduce afr pollttion? + & ways to feduce factory pollution. {. Buflding Factories fra right plance. Th Povoerfag factortes whth renewable energy, itt. Analyzing Foxtory paste fu. Proper Treatment ot tadory voaste, Ve adores must ron environmental Pmpack A8sessen- -ents. vi, Laws & Enforcement Can help prevent Factory wash (8. what actions can t tale -+to Emprove ate quality Fa MY Comm unfty & 4 Freovrage Sustafmalle/ public transportation. 2+ Enhance Fadvstriat Emfssfon Controls. 3+ Promote Sustatnable construction Prackces. As Promote Energy -efffefency. Bs Emplement green spaces & urban Planntng. 6. Improve vehide Efficfen ty - Ways to reduce At, Pollotion tm aches, ==... LA. Hove are afr pollution & clemate change Connected 2 Keatssions of pollutants Pate die afr Can resolt ta changes to He Caimate. lose pollutarts Areen house gases » Prdleds 7 are Otten refered to as Cltmate go. Ozone Cn tte akmosphere wame tte CLs mate , wht different Components Of PM Can lave eMler wor Cooltug Checks on the climate. RE, le ° MAL on 20. How fs afr pollution connecttd to sustafnable development? Good afr quality &s a fondamental Aspect of the quoltty og lee and @s an essential Component Of Sustafnable developmet econemy: Poor afr quality Can contrfbote to Pil hetth. TE also has enviromental fmpads, Such as acdifie@hon -€, evtophtation ¢ damage to vegetation & buildings.

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