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Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

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Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)


ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Shane Hensley & Simon Lucas

EDITING & LAYOUT: Shane Hensley

PROOFREADING: David Harriss, Andrew LaCara, Adam Loyd, Laurie Marks, René Martin

ART DIRECTION: Aaron Acevedo & Alida Saxon

GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT: Karl Keesler, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas, & Thomas Shook

INTERIOR ART: Alberto Bontempi, Wayne Miller, Alida Saxon


CUSTOMER SUPPORT: Jodi Black & Christine Lapp





Deadlands, Savage Worlds, all unique characters, creatures, and locations, artwork, logos,
and the Pinnacle logo are © 2020 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Printed in China.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)



They say absolute power corrupts absolutely. the cusp of opening a portal to Hell in the
In the Weird West, things can get even town of Sundown, an act that will spawn all
worse. Corruption can lead to damnation manner of terrible creatures. The only thing
as the agents of the Reckoners seek out in his way, Marshal? Your posse.
those willing to do just about anything for
supernatural power. The world is a harsh
place, and once some folks get a sample of
what that power tastes like, they sink to very THE DEVIL'S DECK
murky depths to get another mouthful.
Every gambler knows you have runs on top
The town of Sundown is a lot like many
of the world and runs in the gutter. Silas
others on the frontier. It’s a boomtown
Wanamaker was in the middle of a really
struggling with growing into an actual part
bad run. The cards jilted him like a jealous
of civilization. Moneyed interests have come
lover. Saloons throughout Wyoming kicked
into power that want to maintain their hold
him out and told him never to return. Even
on the people making the money.
his powers as a huckster seemed to leave him
The richest man in town is spoken of high and dry more often than not.
in whispers and allusions because the
Eventually, Silas ended up in the small
townsfolk are terrified an unkind word
town of Sundown, Wyoming, broke and
might force them out of town or prompt
desperate. He begged for money and lost it
their disappearance. Places like this exist all
gambling. He stole money and lost that too.
over the West. The town of Sundown seems
like a perfect example of a place full of good Then he met a traveler by the name of
people living under the rule of the powerful Lucius Clay. Lucius offered Silas a very
and the corrupt. special and private game. The ne’er-do-well
accepted and was shocked when he won.
But look a little closer at Sundown and
The prize? A “Devil’s deck” of cards tied to
you’ll see something deeper and darker in
a “friendly” batch of spirits, the Whisperers.
the shadows of the Weird West.
Silas Wanamaker, an inveterate huckster THE WHISPERERS IN THE DARK
and gambler of minimal skill, gained The Whisperers in the Dark, as Silas came to
power through the occult. He’s on call his new friends, told him the veil between

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
the world and the Hunting Grounds was thin
here in Sundown. With his help, they could
escape the Hellish prison of the spirit world.
In return, the clever manitous promised to

ShowDown at Sundown
use their powers to turn his luck around.
Silas agreed, not understanding the true
extent of the spirits’ plan. But they upheld
their bargain. When he gambled with the
Devil’s deck anywhere on his person the
Whisperers would help him cheat, telling
him when his opponents were bluffing, what
cards they were holding, and even changing
the cards when needed!
Now and then, however, the Whisperers
pointed out certain individuals and
demanded he invite them to a private game,
one using the Devil’s deck itself. When those
unfortunates inevitably lost, the deck drew
them in and revealed its true nature—a
number of its face cards are graced with the
contorted images of those souls it’s absorbed!
At first Silas was terrified, but the
Whisperers told him not to worry—all his
opponents would be released once the
doorway was opened and the spirits were
free. Of course this was a lie.
A man like Silas makes enemies, and those
Silas reluctantly returned to gambling, enemies have a nasty habit of disappearing.
saving up a stake until he could play with Sometimes they go quietly, trapped in
the big boys. He played it cool, losing a few the Devil’s deck for eternity. But the deck
hands here and there before breaking big. He prefers enlightened souls. Those of a lesser
soon put the terrible cost aside and enjoyed stripe are handled by Wanamaker’s “pet”
his long winning streak. town marshal.
A little less than a month ago, he got a Buck Norman came to Sundown intent on
job as a dealer at Tawnie McGee’s saloon, getting drunk and raising Hell. But Silas was
Gaston’s. At first McGee paid Silas little at Gaston’s when Buck arrived and sensed
attention—she was happy to finally turn a the rampage to come. He invited the ornery
healthy profit. Eventually, however, she newcomer for dinner and drinks up at his
began to meddle and suspect Silas was up house before he could start a bar fight, and
to something vile. The deck demanded her there openly revealed the Devil’s deck.
soul, and before long McGee graced the deck
Surrounded by lies and disappearing
as the Queen of Diamonds. She remains there
townsfolk, the increasingly worried
still, a slowly shifting, screaming image with
Wanamaker offered Buck a “seat at the table”
betrayal and fear on her exaggerated features.
for his advice and support. He showed him
To avoid constant questions, Silas told the Devil’s deck and told him what it could
everyone McGee had gone home to Chicago do. Buck knows power when he sees it, and
to be with a dying relative, leaving Gaston’s is also just a little afraid of the thing. So he
to him until she returns. quickly agreed to the deal.
Urged on by the Whisperers, Silas slowly Buck bullies visitors and collects
won pieces of most every business in town, “protection fees” from businesses on his
including the local ghost rock mine. own time, and uses his iron fists—and

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)


an occasional knife—to quiet anyone who Eventually Carson caught a glimpse of

raises too much fuss about Silas. Silas’ infernal cards—and even got drawn
into gambling with him. Carson barely
Silas has all but a few of the souls the
escaped with his life that night, then rode
demons want when the adventure starts.
out for the nearest Rangers outpost for help.
He’s not yet playing with a full deck, so to
speak, but that changes soon. As the adventure begins, Showboat awaits
Carson’s return. Fate takes control, though,
for Silas has a soul for almost every card
THE LEGION TAKES NOTICE in the Devil’s deck. Once it’s complete, the
The many disappearances in Sundown Whisperers told him to venture down into
haven’t gone unnoticed. The Agency sent one of the old mine shafts where that veil to
Adele “Showboat” Jackson to monitor the the Hunting Grounds is exceedingly thin.
situation undercover, and the Wyoming
The loathsome manitous then plan to
Rangers sent Asa “Ace” Carson. Neither
stream out of the portal and whisper to
knew what the other was up to at first, but
each and every person within miles of town.
they quickly joined forces as they sensed
They offer deals to anyone who listens and
something big was happening.
raise Hell all over the West. What better
Showboat works at the Gaston, right way to spread the darkness desired by the
under her boss’ nose, and keeps her Agency Reckoners than by playing on people’s greed
credentials firmly under wraps. and secret desires?
Ranger Carson took the opposite approach, Unless the heroes stop them.
nosing around in Wanamaker’s affairs to try
and rile him up. He hoped to push Silas into
an obvious mistake and take him down.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
ADVENTURE SUMMARY The huckster and his hired gun, Marshal
Norman, put up a fight alongside a host of
The posse gets roped into the drama in
manitous—the Whisperers—who materialize
Sundown through a twist of fate. Territorial
in the flesh. The heroes must fight off their
Ranger Ace Carson is returning to town

ShowDown at Sundown
enemies, save their new friends, and close
when his stagecoach is ambushed by local
the portal to Hell.
bandits led by Gus Cantrell.
All in a day’s gunslingin’, right?
Carson and the passengers fight valiantly
but are overcome by the outlaws’ numbers
and bloodthirstiness. When the heroes catch THE POSSE
up to his bloody stagecoach, he has just
This tale of weirdness and woe takes place in
enough life in him to press a sealed letter
midsummer, 1884, in south-central Wyoming
into one of their hands and tell her to see
Territory. The Twilight Legion has heard of
“Showboat” in Sundown. There isn’t much
Sundown’s troubles, and asks the heroes to
time to clear up the dying man’s words
venture there and see what’s going on.
because Cantrell returns to finish the job. It’s
up to the heroes to fight the bandits off, hide The heroes are traveling together when
out until he finishes picking over the dead, or our story starts, so they either already
convince him the posse is a bigger threat than know each other or have simply decided to
he and his outlaws. travel together—a common practice in the
dangerous wilderness of this untamed land.
Once in Sundown, the posse sees Marshal
Norman and his bullies roughing up a
traveling salesman and scientist named Dr.
The party should be Seasoned. Our Deadlands
Lindsay Gao. The two groups tussle, and
Archetype Cards are perfectly suited to this
afterward the newcomers are invited up to
tale of Western weirdness. Any type of
the “big house” to meet Silas. Pleasantries are
hero or heroine can fit into this twisted tale,
exchanged, and maybe a few hands of poker
but it certainly works best if at least one
played—sans the Devil’s deck this time.
or two characters have some dueling bona
The next morning, Gao has gone missing. fides—Quick Draw or the Duelist Edge are
The posse searches high and low but can particularly useful.
find no trace of their new friend. Finally,
The posse also finds Gambling and Riding
Showboat asks them to wait til after the day’s
very useful, as well as the usual arcane skills,
festivities—it’s “Showdown in Sundown,” a
Shooting, Fighting, and of course Notice.
dueling competition between all the local
gunfighters—then search Wanamaker’s The action is equal parts fightin’,
manse for signs of Gao and other mischief. conversatin’, and sleuthin’, so encourage
a little balance in the party to make sure
After a day of dueling (which might
everyone gets the most enjoyment possible
include the heroes), Silas and his cronies
out of the events to come.
drink and celebrate in town, leaving his
manor wide open. The posse sneaks in and The adventure starts with the posse
encounters the Whisperers, who haunt and mounted and riding toward Wyoming,
torment them as they explore the old house. so make sure everyone has a horse if they
don’t already.
Back in town, Silas has almost completed
the Devil’s deck, sending the Whisperers Now let’s ride!
streaming into the basement and through
a secret tunnel into the nearby mines. The
heroes follow and arrive just in time to see a
terrible sight—Silas has captured Showboat
and Dr. Gao’s souls for the Devil’s deck and
opened a portal to the Hunting Grounds!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)



The story begins at Brad’s Rock, a road They took out a number of the bandits
marker a few miles outside Sundown. It but the driver caught one in the back. The
marks a crossroad for traffic out of the town shotgunner had to take the reins but he got
and onto a wider trail running east to west in plugged as well. The shocked bandits pulled
Wyoming. Nobody in town knows who Brad back, but Asa was already bleeding out in the
was or why it’s his rock. Anyone who asks coach. He passed out and the terrified horses
about the name gets a different answer from just kept running.
a different person. Sometimes the answer
That’s where the posse comes in, Marshal!
is mundane, like a prospector named Brad
Read or paraphrase the following to kick off
walked toward town after his mule kicked
this adventure in true Western style.
the bucket in Montana, and this is where Brad
made camp afterwards. Other explanations You’re riding northwest through the
are strange, like Brad summoned a demon at beautiful rolling plains and scrub forests of
the crossroads and trapped it inside the rock. central Wyoming. It’s a couple hours before
twilight on a warm June night and you’re
Whatever the truth, it’s recently become an
still an hour or two from your destination,
ambush spot for a gang of bushwhackers run
the town of Sundown.
by Gus Cantrell. The gang usually focuses
You’re with some others you either know
on lone riders, independent prospectors, and
or have decided to ride beside—strength in
other easy marks. Gus stays clear of the law
numbers and all that.
by giving Marshal Buck Norman a cut of
The peace of your ride is suddenly broken
the take (a deal Silas knows nothing about).
by the sound of galloping horses—coming
Gus and his boys are getting bolder thanks
straight at you! A stagecoach races from
to this arrangement and decided to step up
the west toward you. You can see one man
their attacks by hitting a stagecoach on its
slumped over in the driver’s seat, blood
way into Sundown. The attack didn’t go
everywhere. The door to the coach is open,
exactly to plan.
and as it races by you see another man lying
The passengers in this particular inside, also covered in blood.
stagecoach included Ranger Asa Carson, It’s time for a little heroics, friends.
and he didn’t give up easily. He and the man
riding shotgun put up a fierce fight, but luck
wasn’t with ’em today.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
The stage is out of control. The horses are With the wagon stopped (one way or
panicking and running in terror along the another), the heroes can look over the two
road. Any posse worth its salt, and any bloody men (the driver and Ranger Carson

Bad Day at Brad's Rock

decent cowboy or cowgirl, should get off in the carriage interior).
after it immediately.
The driver (actually the shotgunner—the
Catching the stage is a Challenging driver bounced off a ways back) has gone on
Dramatic Task rather than a Chase—the to meet his eternal reward. The man inside
scene is more about jumping onto the wagon is a tough, grizzled-looking son of a biscuit
and grabbing the trailing reins than simply wearing a worn duster. Clear as day on the
catching up with it. shirt beneath is a Territorial Ranger badge.
This task is broken down into three stages. Carson’s already dead rules-wise so
Each player may try independently (to a there’s no saving him, but in true dramatic
point—see below), but ideally one character fashion he manages to get out one word with
attempts the task while the others Support his final breath—and no, it ain’t “Rosebud.”
in whatever clever ways they can come up He shoves a bloody note into the hands
with. These include using Riding to box the of whoever’s looking him over and says
main rider’s horse to keep it from veering “Showboat.” Then he settles back into the cold
off, pushing the runaway horses away from embrace of Death. Carson’s watch has ended.
obstacles, or simply encouraging the rider
The bloodstained letter is sealed by wax
with Persuasion.
with a filigree star symbol that denotes it
„ Catch the Stage (Riding –4): A hero as the property of the Wyoming Territorial
needs to get two Riding Task Tokens to Rangers. A successful Thievery roll at –2
catch up with the stage. That’s the easy opens it without breaking the seal. If they’re
part. The hard part is keeping her horse successful, or decide to just go ahead and
running alongside the carriage as it snoop, it reads:
bounces and shakes dangerously beside
Gambling is key.
He took my toy.
„ Jump the Harness (Athletics –2): Once a One riot, one Ranger.
rider has pulled up alongside the coach
Carson intended the note for Agent Adele
and managed to keep her horse steady,
Jackson in Sundown, better known by her
she has to jump into the harness. This
stage name, Showboat.
takes one Athletics Task Token. Climbing
on the stage itself won’t help because
the reins are now trailing down into the
No sooner does Carson expire than the
harness rigging. (Another hero might
heroes hear the rumble of approaching
want to do that to see to the passengers,
horses. Cantrell and his gang have returned
to the scene of the crime.
„ Grab the Reins (Riding –2): The last
The strongbox they hauled off proved to be
Task Token is back to Riding to grab the
empty, so they’ve returned to loot the dead
fallen reins, stand up like a real cowboy
and see if there’s something they missed
on the wooden tongue that holds the
harness rig together, and bring the horses
to a halt with style and panache. The heroes hear them coming, so they have
a few moments to discuss a plan.
If the Dramatic Task is failed, the wagon
careens off the road and overturns, smashing
it to pieces and causing serious harm to the
horses and anyone on or inside the carriage.
The stage is Wrecked, causing 4d6 damage to
anyone on board.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

steers. He hopes to convince the strangers to
ride off and leave them behind to take care

of the dead. Then they strip the stagecoach

and the victims of any valuables and are on
Adele “Showboat” Jackson shares
their merry way.
the contents of Carson’s letter in the
next scene. Just so you know, Marshal— There are several ways the posse might
here’s what it means. figure out Cantrell’s lying. If anyone asks
about the state of the riders, have them make
Carson played poker with Silas
Notice rolls at –2. Those who succeed see
Wanamaker in Showdown and realized
one of the “ranchers” hiding a bloody sleeve
the man had more than the usual
beneath his jacket (he was shot in the attack).
huckster’s tricks. The Ranger even
Another hero might see a horse turn for just
wagered his prize possession on a strong
a moment—exposing a fresh graze along its
hand to get Silas to reveal his secret. The
flank from a near-miss. The rider tries to keep
huckster won anyway, and Carson lost a
the horse turned away, but the animal shies
powerful pistol he took off a phantom he
from the pain on occasion and reveals the
calls the “ghost gun.” Showboat called it
wound if anyone’s paying attention.
his “toy.” Carson didn’t tell Showboat
about losing the gun before he left and If things are obviously building up for a
wanted to make sure she knew just in fight, Gus tries to “casually” trot over to the
case something untoward happened. wagon and take a look, giving him cover
from the coming gunfight.
What he doesn’t know is that he was
almost consumed by the Devil’s deck. He’s also looking for another strongbox,
Still, it gave him that itchy feeling and he mail bag, or other loot worth fighting for.
decided to head out for a Ranger outpost He only initiates a shootout if the posse
in Casper to get some help. Rangers are tells him about Carson’s note. Gus operates
notoriously stingy about their resources with impunity around here—as long as
though and Carson’s information was Marshal Buck has his back. If Gus senses
vague, so the request was refused— any advantage at all, or thinks he can get the
hence the One riot, one Ranger comment. note somehow, he’s happy to shed a little
blood for it.
When the shooting starts, Gus focuses his
attacks on the greatest threat first. The gang
members ride a ways out before firing, taking
BLOODY KILLERS, EVERY ONE advantage of their (likely) greater range.
Some might even dismount into nearby trees
After the heroes sort out the wagon and
for cover.
its unfortunates, they see a group of eight
riders approaching at a rapid pace. They If Gus goes down, though, the rest of the
have about 30 seconds to talk, then the riders gang vamooses. Gus sticks it out until he’s
are on them. Wounded, then hightails it out of there
if possible.
The Cantrell gang doesn’t reveal itself as a
pack of bandits right away unless the heroes „ The Cantrell Gang (5): Use Gunman in
start shootin’ before they pull up to howdy. Deadlands: The Weird West. This bunch has
Gus Cantrell himself speaks for the gang. the Steady Hands Edge as they’re used
He’s a rugged-looking fellow with bushy to fighting on horseback. Gus Cantrell is
gray hair, beard, and mustache, and dark also a Wild Card with Shooting d10 and
eyes. He looks over the scene and says they the Command Edge.
found a string of bodies along the road, saw
the wagon tracks, and were looking to help.
He tries to pass his men off as simple
ranchers out looking for a few lost

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

Showboat Lowdown


The heroes are likely to head straight for
The ride into Sundown, population 683,
Gaston’s to see about Carson’s message.
takes a few hours. The heroes get in just as
(If not, see the Sundown Locales for the
dusk recedes into darkness. The miners are
other places they might visit.) They arrive
clearing out of the bunkhouses to spend their
at the hotel at the tail end of Showboat’s
wages at the saloons and gambling tables.
performance. She’s a beautiful dark-skinned
The center of town is made of permanent
woman, just finishing up her big song to
structures, surrounded by a scattered ring
a rush of applause from everyone in the
of tents and shacks built by wandering
audience. The crowd stays a little rowdy
prospectors and poor laborers.
after the lights come up. A few audience
Stretched across the street is a banner that members might talk her up to heroes who
reads: “Showdown at Sundown!” It looks mention her name.
well-used, and a Notice roll reveals a number
The undercover Agent is surrounded by
of bullet holes in it.
a lot of fans looking for an autograph, a kiss
If someone asks a locals about the sign, he on the cheek, or boldly asking for a little bit
or she replies: more. If the heroes want her attention, they
need to figure out how to catch her eye or
“That’s our quick-draw competition! Day
stand out from the rest of the adoring throng.
after tomorrow at High Noon right here
on Main Street! You don’t wanna miss This is a great opportunity to highlight the
it, friend!” skill sets of charismatic or stealthy types.
Asking about “showboats” gets a few Flashing Carson’s letter gets Showboat’s
puzzled looks at first, then a local says: attention pretty quick. She smiles at the
crowd, then leads the “lucky” suitor to her
“Oh! You probably mean Showboat the
room. On the way, she tosses off a code
performer. Adele Jackson, I think’s her
phrase in French to two girls standing on
name. Her stage name’s Showboat, I reckon.
the balcony nearby. Anyone who speaks
She sings over at Gaston’s. Mighty pretty,
French understands the phrase, “Listen
that one!”
for the hen.”

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

Once in her room, the smiling Showboat While Showboat waits for the party to
suddenly looks furious. She snaps, consider her request, she lets out a strange

cluck, like a chicken.

“What the hell are you thinking, coming to
me in a crowd like that? Anyone could have “It’s a code. If I don’t give it before
seen that letter, you idiot!” about five minutes have passed, those girls
out there, well, let’s just say they have
Adele reads and then burns the letter, and
many talents.”
thinks for a few minutes. If the heroes give
her the secret sign of the Twilight Legion— Showboat has a Gatling pistol inside a
the sign of the half-set sun—she calms down secret compartment cut from a chaise lounge.
and tells them what she knows. She shouldn’t need these precautions for
the heroes but they might come in useful
“Ranger Carson was a friend. A good man.
if anyone else comes calling with bad
This town is run by a man named Silas
intentions (like Buck).
Wanamaker, who seemed to be a down-on-
his-luck gambler until something changed “At first I thought the town marshal, Buck
a few months back. Now he owns a piece of Norman, was just killing Wanamaker’s
most every business in town. Hell, he owns enemies. He’s built for it, mean and cruel.
this entire bar. But sometimes Norman was far away from
“Enemies of his disappear and are never where someone was last seen.
found. Me and Carson were working the “I think Silas is spiriting people
case from different undercover away, but I can’t figure out how.
and him stirring things up. He even went The former owner of this place
up to Wanamaker’s house on was Tawnie McGee, for example.
the hill and played some cards She just up and disappeared one
with him. Trying to rattle night. The next day, Silas had the
him and stuff. I don’t know deed with her signature. He
what happened, but it seems said she had to take care of a
he lost his ‘ghost gun.’ It’s a dying relative Back East,
handy Colt Navy he said he so she gave him the
took off a...well...something hotel and left that
unearthly. night without so
“He must’ve discovered more much as a suitcase.
though, ’cause he took off for Ranger No one can disprove
HQ the next morning. Left word with it, of course, though I’ve got
the girls he’d be back in a few days the Agency looking for her or
with some help or information, but any family members.”
I guess it ain’t coming.
If Adele is asked to cover
“You being here might tip Silas
the team’s expenses, she
off that we were working together,
offers them a $500 reward
and I can’t have that. Looks like
for helping put an end to
you’ll have to take Carson’s spot.
the disappearances, and
“The folks around town
hopefully figure out what
are no better or worse than
else is triggering her strange
anywhere else, but I’ve got
sensitivities. She can also
this itch I get sometimes.
put them up in rooms at
Like something bad’s about
the Sunset Arms hotel
to happen. Something
across the street.
from the other side, if you
know what I mean.” „ Adele “Showboat”
Jackson: You can find
Adele’s profile on
page 31.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
Here are a few people the manitous have
The posse can roam the town as they see
claimed in the last few weeks. There are
fit. Below are the more important or useful
few leads on any of them since they
places they might want to visit.

Showboat Lowdown
were absorbed—body and soul—into
the Devil’s deck:
BROTHER'S BARBERSHOP „ Sister Bethany Black: The nun said
The pair of brothers who run this barbershop she was going to solicit funds for a
claim the misspelling on the sign is church in town. She was directed to
intentional. The shop is owned by their Silas’ manor and never heard from
third brother that lives Back East. Markus again.
and Mattias Eichstadt offer shaves, haircuts,
„ Ephram Clench: A huckster. The
and minor medical services to the folks
girls in Gaston’s heard him accept a
of Sundown.
“private game” at Silas’ home about
Their constant bickering offers something three weeks ago. He didn’t come
of a show. Every day each brother takes a back, and his belongings (containing
side on a particular subject and argues that a current edition of Hoyle’s Book of
side while they cut hair. If folks agree with Games and little else) are in storage.
their arguments, they’re encouraged to tip
„ Tawnie McGee: Former owner of
the barber who best represents their view.
Gaston’s. Gone about two weeks
The winner is declared and posted the next
prior to the start of the tale. Said to
day based on who made more money in tips.
be visiting ailing family in Chicago.
The brothers offer one free haircut to
„ Deputy US Marshal Christy Lapp:
anyone new in town. The colorful debate
She was asking about Silas and
is there to get people’s guards down. The
Norman when she “left town.” She
brothers listen carefully and inquire about
seemed determined to arrest him for
the new person’s business in Sundown.
something but wasn’t seen again.
That information, along with any other idle
chatter that might be valuable, is given to
Buck Norman to help him understand who’s
on his side and who he should watch. managing the saloon girls a couple months
back, she’s insisted they all learn a little
„ Eichstadt Brothers: Use Townsfolk in
French to add to the atmosphere of the place.
Deadlands but add Trade (Barber) d6.
Showboat gets her name from the cabaret
show she puts on in the evenings. She
GASTON'S descends from the second floor down the
There are a handful of saloons in Sundown grand staircase that splits the main floor. You
but the biggest and brightest is Gaston’s, can’t miss her—she’s always in a colorful
located at the center of town. It features a gown that accents her wide frame, usually
few amenities that impress even folks from fluttering a fan or scarf or other prop as she
Back East, such as electric lights and cool air flirts with customers, sings, tells bawdy jokes,
during the hot summer months, all thanks banters with the employees, shuts down
to a small ghost-rock–powered electric hecklers, and draws every eye in the room
generator located behind the building. to her for an hour.
Silas Wanamaker owns the saloon now, Showboat’s more intimate services are
but the original owner, Tawnie McGee, always hinted at but never truly sold. Any
wanted to bring “a piece of Paris to the callers she receives in her room are Agents
prairie.” She covered the walls with murals or their hired operatives reporting in with
of the Arc de Triomphe and can-can dancers. urgent messages.
Since Adele “Showboat” Jackson took over

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)



WAYNE'S DRY GOODS deal with rowdy miners and company goon
squads who wouldn’t listen to treaties.
Buck has tried to shake her down, but as
Wayne Miller runs this store. It has groceries
yet she’s got too much clout even for him. She
and foodstuffs on one side and more general
always makes sure to have her scattergun
items on the other. Wayne’s daughter, Lilly,
nearby whenever Buck decides to hang out
is a sight to behold, and very blunt. She often
in her bank lobby. There hasn’t been any
embarrasses her father, but he thinks the
open hostility yet, but Ida is willing to fight
world of her and won’t put up with any sort
for her business and her place in Sundown.
of rudeness toward her.
If asked about the disappearances and any
Wayne pushed in on a big hand—a full
connection to the nearby Shoshone, Ida, who
house—with Silas, and lost to four of a kind.
speaks perfect English, replies:
That hand cost him a quarter of his business,
Wayne complains. “What? You think because I’m an Indian
I know what’s going on with the Shoshone?
„ Wayne Miller: Use Townsfolk from
I’m Sioux. Do you know what’s going on in
Deadlands but add Trade (Business) d6.
Lichtenstein right now, paleface?”
Ida waits a beat, letting the strangers sweat,
HIGH EAGLE BANK & ASSAY then laughs.
The newest permanent building in Sundown
“I’m kidding. I know them. They know to
sports a stuffed eagle atop its sign on good
stay away from the town and all the trouble
weather days. Sundown Geologic lays
you people bring. I’m not saying they’ve
claim to the largest working mine in the
never had a fight out in the hills with a
area but there are still several independent
prospector, but if anyone’s gone missing
prospectors working claims on and around
around here, I’d talk to Buck Norman. He’s
the mountain.
as crooked as a Shoshone lance.
High Eagle is the bank that deals with “Yes, they’re crooked. The trees here aren’t
the independents and townsfolk who want good for lances. Trust me. I’m an Indian.”
to go it alone. Ida Sue Eaglefoot came to
„ Ida Sue Eaglefoot: Use Townsfolk from
Sundown straight from Deadwood
Deadlands but add Trade (Finance) d8.
after spending years helping the tribes

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
MARSHAL'S OFFICE same location. O’Reilly started accepting
items and valuables in lieu of payment for
Since taking over as the law in Sundown,
his services in hauling the dead out to Boot
Buck Norman has turned the jail into his place
Hill. Now he resells those items in a small
of residence as well. It’s cheaper that way.
corner of his store.
He’s not a very tidy housekeeper, as
O’Reilly gambles frequently and wound
anyone walking inside the building quickly
up losing a quarter of his business to Silas.
notices thanks to the scattered liquor bottles
and old chicken bones littered across the „ Ethan O’Reilly: Use Townsfolk from
floor. Buck only comes around to the jail at Deadlands but add Gambling d6.

dusk when he eats his dinner at his desk. He
also tends to pass out on the front porch of
the building after midnight with his belly—
full of booze­­—hanging out of his unbuttoned The Arms, as it’s usually called, is owned by
shirt for the whole town to see. It’s not wise Silas but run by Pierre La Fontaine. Pierre
to wake him before sunrise. More than one fled his native land after trouble with the
person has ended with a nasty beating as local law, or gendarmes as they say there. The
Buck works through his hangover. trouble? Murder.
If Buck is in the office, there’s usually a Pierre is just a pickpocket and common
pair of deputies outside waiting to hear him thief but one unfortunate day he tried to lift
bark orders from within. Buck rarely travels a bracelet from a young lady and accidentally
alone on official business. He can handle knocked her into a river. Pierre couldn’t
most anything himself but enjoys having an swim either, and could do nothing but watch
underling to berate if things don’t go his way. the young lady drown.
The deputies are made up of failed miners The thief was spotted, wanted for murder,
or troubled drifters who enjoy inflicting and fled as far as he could from Paris. He
misery and pain on others. Buck cares little ended up in Wyoming and now runs the
for them; if a deputy is hurt or killed, another Sunset Arms for Silas. But he just can’t
one always comes along to take his place in stop himself from stealing. If the posse
a day or two. stays here, they’re likely to find a few
belongings missing. It really doesn’t matter
c Buck Norman: See page 31.
if it’s valuable or not, though Pierre certainly
„ Deputies (3): See page 31.
prefers the shiny stuff.
The hotel is clean and comfortable. It’s a
PLUTO'S little expensive for the area, but visitors don’t
The strange symbol that adorns the sign of have too many choices so Pierre charges
this shop is a circle above a curved line with what he likes...and takes his own “tips.”
a cross below. The mysterious icon might
„ Pierre La Fontaine: Use Townsfolk
intrigue anyone who makes an Occult roll
from Deadlands but add Thievery d6.
at –4 to recall its meaning. It’s the symbol for
Pluto, the Roman god of the dead. Locals call
the shop “Pluto’s” if asked. SUNDOWN GEOLOGIC LIMITED
The caskets leaning on the side clue the rest The town’s largest employer is Sundown
of the folks in who don’t have such unusual Geologic, the operators of the Sundown mine.
knowledge. There are numerous independent operations
in the badlands around Sundown, but this
Ethan O’Reilly was looking to get a job on
one is the largest. Silas won a number of
the railroad when his wagon broke down
shares in it recently from mine owner John
outside of Sundown. He ended up learning
Heaston (younger brother to Jerem Heaston,
the art of undertaking with the intention of
a wealthy tycoon featured in the Horror at
making enough money to leave but soon
Headstone Hill boxed set!).
started another lucrative business in the

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

1. Gaston’s 9. Boarding House
2. Sundown Geologic 10. Saloons

3. Sunset Arms 11. Telegraph Office

4. Brother’s Barbers 12. General Store
5. Wanamaker mansion 13. Livery & Corral
6. High Eagle Bank 14. Hotel
7. Marshal’s Office 15. Stores
8. Pluto’s 16. Blacksmith & Gunsmith

Silas has invited John to a friendly game WANAMAKER MANOR

many times, but Heaston has a sixth sense
Silas Wanamaker’s home sits on a low hill
about such things and has so far avoided it.
overlooking the town. The gate at the front
His headquarters looms large in a of the house is just a year old. The house
long building at the end of main street, itself is about five years old, originally built
surrounded by an eight-foot-tall wrought- by Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. They moved back
iron fence. east to be closer to family recently, and sold
the house to Silas for an excellent price. Or
Inside the compound is a bunkhouse
so he says.
and barracks for miners, sheds with plenty
of tools and equipment, and a company Silas was recently elected mayor, so this
doctor’s office run by Dr. Byron Riggs. is now officially the mayor’s residence. It’s
guarded by two deputies most of the time,
Security at the compound is overseen by
one at the gate and the other lounging
Birdie Kirk. She’s a skinny little thing who
around the house. The two switch off every
stands up to nearly anyone, cussing them
couple of hours. The deputies don’t take the
out and bringing them to their knees with a
job very seriously—they’re mostly there to
quick burst of dirty fighting if needed. She
keep citizens from bugging the mayor. They
only demurs when her jurisdiction clashes
take frequent naps, long outhouse breaks,
with Norman. Buck is the only person in
and occasional walks to “stretch their legs.”
town she fears.
„ Deputies (3): See page 31.
„ Birdie Kirk: Use Townsfolk from
Deadlands but add Spirit d8 and
Intimidation d8.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

New Acquaintances

The next event in our tale occurs around noon The posse should be in a position to see the
the next day, when a huffing steam wagon following events, and get involved if they’re
rolls into town. It’s driven by a young Asian so disposed. Norman looks over Gao’s wares
man sitting atop plush seats and steering while the doctor talks to the gathering crowd,
it with a system of levers and pulleys. The looking over various ailments, examining
wagon makes all sorts of whistles and hoots teeth, and generally getting to know his new
as it pulls up in front of Gaston’s. To say it clientele.
draws a curious crowd is an understatement.
Desperate to cure his headache, Norman
The steam wagon belongs to Dr. Lindsay takes the lid off a bottle that reads “Dr. Gao’s
Gao, a traveling salesman and mad scientist. Miracle Cure-All” and takes a swig without
He fancies himself a healer, using the paying for it. Gao notices and watches the
latest technologies of the New Science to tough-looking lawman apprehensively.
cure everything from bad teeth to more
Buck waits about 10 seconds before an
serious ailments.
angry scowl crosses his face.
Gao rolls into town in his steam wagon
“I got one mean hangover, and this snake-
and sets up shop right in front of Gaston’s.
oil ain’t doin’ a damn thing for it. You’re
He powers down the steam engine and
nothin’ but a shyster.” Several of Norman’s
opens up a cupboard on the left-hand side
deputies appear out of the crowd now,
of his buckboard, propping up the flap so
backing up their boss.
that it reads:
Norman starts sniffing and tasting
a DR. GAO’S NEW SCIENCE other bottles. “Snake oil. Snake oil with
HEALING & DENTISTRY honeysuckle. Nothin’ but tonic water...” he
pronounces, then starts smashing each bottle
Unfortunately, Marshal Buck Norman
he tastes. “You ain’t nothin’ but a fake. Get
has just awakened from a head-splitting
’im, boys.”
migraine caused by drinking too much the
night before. He rises from his bed at the If the heroes don’t get involved, Norman
marshal’s office to see what all the racket is and his bullies smash Gao’s wares and rough
about, in a foul mood and rubbing his aching him up pretty good. It’s nothing he won’t
head the whole way. recover from, but it’s cruel and terrible and
tough to watch.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)


If the party gets involved, Norman throws his miraculous elixir for their injuries, then
off his gun and badge and grins, always heads out of town. He sets up his wagon at
eager for someone new to bully. His deputies a copse of trees about a mile out to recover
join in too, but don’t take their gun belts off— from the unsettling incident.
just in case.
c Dr. Lindsay Gao: See page 32.
A fierce brawl ensues. Norman and c Buck Norman: See page 31.
company stick with Nonlethal Damage „ Deputies (3): See page 31.
(see Savage Worlds) unless the heroes change
the rules. Then they go for their weapons
(Buck Norman still has a large knife at his
After the fight, Buck slinks off to Wanamaker’s
side). If things go that way, Buck plays for
manor to report. If Buck goes down, one of
keeps. He doesn’t try to take anyone alive
the deputies does it. The thug wants to make
if he can avoid it. The few authorities he
sure Silas knows what happened and that
and Silas have to answer to from the county
they did their best to help Buck.
care less about dead men than live ones with
complaints. Silas sees the strangers not as a threat, but
as an opportunity to finish his collection for
After Buck’s got a few good licks in, or feels
the Devil’s deck. He’s close to filling every
outclassed, it’s possible to talk him down.
card, and anyone who can challenge Buck
Persuasion works better than Intimidation on
Norman is probably a worthy fit for the
the hothead—if the hero can resist the crude
demons that haunt him.
insults Buck retorts with.
Eventually, Silas sends one of the deputies
On the off-chance Buck ends up dead,
back into town with an invitation for the
don’t worry about it, Marshal. He still has
posse to visit him at his house up on the
a role to play later on. In fact, it works
hill. He even offers to send for Dr. Riggs
even better this way. He’ll be back. This is
and pay the bill if they need it. Wanamaker
Deadlands, after all.
wants to evaluate these newcomers under
Dr. Gao is extremely grateful for any the pretense of, “clearing the air over any
assistance from the posse. He gives misunderstandings.”
each of his new friends a bottle of

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY “I will endeavor to ensure this kind of
thing does not happen again. Please forgive
If the party ignores Wanamaker’s invitation,
our simple rough-hewn ways. It takes a
no problem. Silas goes about his business
certain type of individual to deal with the
and you can head on to the next chapter
many drifters and miscreants who inhabit
in this sordid tale. If the heroes accept, any
these parts, and I’m afraid we’ve no better

New Acquaintances
remaining deputies and a couple of company
replacements on hand than our reliable, if
men give the strangers a gruff welcome at the
unrefined, Mr. Norman.”
gate and escort them to the house.
If Silas is asked about the town or how he
Silas sits on the porch in a rocking chair,
earned his fortune:
reading the Tombstone Epitaph. He folds the
paper and stands as his guests approach, “Sundown is a mining town. The locals
welcoming them with a high-Southern hit it rich on occasion but have an aversion
accent—slow and familial, if a little guarded. to saving and investing, it seems. They
prefer to drink or gamble it away. I admit
You approach the well-built Victorian
a weakness for the latter myself, and I have
house on the hill overlooking the town
been particularly fortunate here in Sundown.
and facing west. Though it’s clearly a nice
“That led to work as a dealer at Gaston’s,
place, it looks a little rundown and uncared
and when my employer, Mrs. Tawnie
for—especially in the places people usually
McGee, was called away for family reasons,
don’t look.
she very kindly gifted the establishment to
A balcony looms over a wide porch, and
me until her return.
on the porch, sitting in a rocking chair, is a
“My good fortune has continued, and I
middle-aged man with slightly graying hair,
now help several of the businesses here in
a waxed mustache, and a nice suit that looks
town by investing in them when they hit
like something a gambler might wear. It’s
a rough patch. In their appreciation they
slightly worn, but obviously was expensive
elected me mayor. It’s a peaceful place.
when it was new.
Perhaps a little boring compared to some of
The man stands and bows. “Welcome,
the boomtowns you’ve no doubt visited. Sure,
strangers! Please join me for a drink. The
the miners get out of hand from time to time,
view up here is lovely. Especially at sunset.”
boys will be boys and all, but that’s what Mr.
The man sits back down and gestures
Norman is for.”
toward a decanter of lemonade and a bottle of
rye whiskey. “Take your pick, friends. Sweet If the group asks about the disappearances,
or sour as befits your mood.” Silas nods sadly.
The posse can engage as they wish. They “Despite our best efforts, Sundown is
can be polite and join Silas for drinks, or still a bit rough and tumble. These miners
they can be confrontational. Either way, he come from all over. Seems half of them don’t
attempts to remain polite without completely even speak any known tongue, so it’s hard
kowtowing to strangers on his own property. to make them feel at home when you can’t
During the conversation he shuffles the communicate.
Devil’s deck, its bizarre face temporarily “The Indians get riled up sometimes, too.
hidden by its powers of illusion. Sometimes we intrude on some custom we
don’t understand and they go on the warpath.
Silas is happy to open the conversation
Sometimes they just see easy pickin’s in
with an apology, or respond to the party’s
some poor wagon train and decide to take it.
anger if they speak first. Adjust the answers
“And of course...there are all kinds of
below to the tone of the engagement.
strange critters here abouts. I’m sure you’ve
“Please pass my apologies on to this...Dr. seen some of them, right friends?”
Gao, I believe is his name? I do not control
Marshal Norman, but I am the mayor
here now—I was recently elected—so he’s
certainly my responsibility.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

When the conversation begins to wane,
Silas concludes the meeting with another

“Are any of you gamblers? I’m afraid
cards are my true vice. I do enjoy the game.
If you’re so inclined, I’d consider it a great
honor if you’d join me for a few hands later
tonight. I’ve a few chores to do, but if you
care to return around eight o’clock I’ll have
some refreshments and a delicious spread for
anyone who cares to throw down.
“If you’re handy with those six-guns you
might consider joining in with our little
competition tomorrow as well, the so-called
‘Showdown at Sundown,’ though make no
mistake—the festivities begin promptly
at High Noon, and generous prizes are
Silas graciously thanks his guests for
visiting, then wraps up any further questions
and politely asks his men to see his “welcome
guests to the front gate.”
Silas heads inside, but if the posse looks
back they see him smoking a pipe and
watching them leave from his bedroom
balcony. He waves if he notices, seeming for
all the world as harmless as a fly.


If pressed about Tawnie McGee, Silas nods
Back in town, the posse can rest up, partake
sagely and elaborates.
of food and libations at Gaston’s, or do a little
“I understand why it might look Networking to find out more about Silas and
unseemly—her leavin’ in the middle of the the disappearances.
night an’ all, but Tawnie was more than
Successful Networking among the
just my employer. We were friends. When
townsfolk confirms some of what Silas said.
her family took ill—her father, I believe—she
He had a lucky streak at cards, became a
gave me the place and headed Back East that
dealer at Tawnie McGee’s, then “bought
very night. I understand it to be temporary.
into” (read: won in a poker game) several
When she returns I will gladly return the
keys, so to speak.
“I’m sure you can find her if our private A raise on the Networking roll reveals a bit
affairs are of such concern to you, friends. I more. Silas was a run-of-the-mill drunk and
think her family’s in Chicago.” gambler before he struck it rich, but these
days he’s a real card sharp. A fella might win
Silas plays innocent and harmless, both
a few hands against him—might even feel
to throw these interlopers off his trail and
good about it for a while—but very rarely
because part of him truly believes the
walks away a winner, even with a big hand.
Devil’s deck is going to release its captives
once the Whisperers are released from the If the heroes ask Showboat about him, she
Hunting Grounds. says much the same, and she’s damn sure
he’s a huckster. She says quietly,

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
“He’s probably using whatever hoodoo he’s
messing with to cheat. Oh, and a few of the
Silas deliberately plays poorly (–2 to his
folks who seemed determined to catch him
Gambling rolls). Assume each round is about
or otherwise meddle in his affairs left town
30 minutes of play. Standard stakes are $5
mighty quick. As in, no-one-saw-them-leave
per round, but Silas is happy to go higher
quick. These folks aren’t heard from again

New Acquaintances
if the party chooses. If they get up to $20
so it’s hard to prove anything. And anyone
or higher he can’t help himself and plays
who gets a little curious winds up in a
better—ditch the –2 penalty.
‘conversation’ with Marshal Norman.”
Anyone watching Silas play can
The posse can enjoy the rest of the evening
make a separate Gambling roll to assess
as they please, and maybe even get a bath
Wanamaker’s skill. He plays well enough
before the card game at Wanamaker’s—
for an amateur, but pushes his luck when
assuming they’re disposed to attend, that is.
his odds are bad and doesn’t bet enough
Otherwise, it’s a good night for some shuteye.
when his odds are good. The cards seem
perfectly normal.
DEAL WITH THE DEVIL Let the party play for a bit, engage
True to his word, Silas and a few loyal in banter with Silas, and perhaps start
deputies he conscripted to serve at the game wondering exactly where all the usual horror
have set up quite a spread. There are meats, and bloodshed are. Don’t worry, Marshal.
fruits, cheeses, and all manner of drinks— They’re coming.
even some ice. Despite the group’s possible
suspicions, every bit of it is tasty and safe.
Wanamaker invites everyone to make
After the poker game, the party retires for the
up a plate in the foyer, then heads into the
night and can sleep at the Sunset Arms or
study for cards. He doesn’t mind if some
wherever they choose.
want to watch, as long as at least one person
wants to play. Around 2:30 a.m. the next morning,
Norman and a posse of his deputies come
He’s anxious to add a few of their souls
for Dr. Gao at his campsite. If anyone in the
to the Devil’s deck and get the demons off
posse happens to say they’re hanging out
his back, but he’s been at this long enough
near Gao’s wagon, the kidnapping happens
to know to play it cool. His plan is to play a
later when they’re not around, perhaps as
perfectly normal game tonight, lose a little
they gather for breakfast. Otherwise, Buck
money to lull the heroes into a false sense
and his goons kidnap the alchemist.
of security, then run another game another
night when the whole group isn’t likely to Later on, Showboat hears from one of her
attend together. That’s when he whips out many contacts that Gao’s wagon was found
the Devil’s deck and “borrows” some souls. deserted that morning, with some signs
of a struggle. She rushes to the posse and
Likewise, the house’s mischievous spirits
asks for them to head and investigate the
(see The House on the Hill on page 23)
scene at once.
are on their best behavior for now. If anyone
wanders off during the game they might mess
with them in very minor ways—especially if
Investigating the scene turns up a few clues.
they go prowling around somewhere they
Let the searchers describe what they’re
shouldn’t. Then the Whisperers cause an item
looking for, and reveal the information below
to fall over, a floorboard to creak, etc., so that
to them as they do. Alter this as needed if
the snooper is clearly given away. If someone
the kidnapping took place under different
heads upstairs, the nosy Parker might trip
circumstances. The only important plot point
and take an unfortunate tumble as well.
here is that Gao goes missing.
A panel on the right of the steam
wagon is open and propped up like

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

a roof. Beneath it, Gao has a heavy carpet,
cot, desk, serving table, and a pile of books
The Showdown at Sundown competition is

he was reading (general texts on anatomy,

set for this very day. Desperate—or talented—
medicine, a copy of the Tombstone Epitaph,
gunslingers from around the region come to
and a Smith & Robards catalog). Gao’s bed
prove who’s fastest.
is overturned and the pillow and quilt lie
askew—he was taken in his sleep. The duelists usually survive thanks to a
steel plate they’re allowed to wear over their
The doctor’s surviving wares, mostly
chests. It doesn’t always work, of course.
ingredients he uses to make his various
Sometimes an unlucky sodbuster loses a
healing concoctions, are still locked in
finger, and occasionally a sidewinder shoots
their case, intact. One bottle is labeled, “Dr.
his foe in the face—accidentally or otherwise.
Gao’s Miracle Cure-All.” If consumed, it
But eight outta 10 participants walk away
automatically heals one Wound. As Buck
with little more than a bruise and some
complained yesterday, however, it does
ringing in their ears!
nothing for hangovers.
Anyone can enter the showdown, and once
If someone asks about tracks around the
the festivities start, challengers draw cards to
wagon, a Survival roll detects numerous boot
see who they’re up against.
prints. It’s impossible to tell whose but there
were clearly at least three to four different The winner gets $1,000, dinner, and free
individuals here recently (Norman and three drinks at Gaston’s for the night. Showboat
deputies). If someone thinks to check around says Silas hosts the affair and always stays
the marshal’s office for matching boot prints, there all night—drinking, playing cards,
they find ’em (and give that cowpoke a and generally celebrating the day’s events.
Benny, Marshal!). She’ll makes sure he stays, entertaining or
distracting him, while the heroes sneak up
There’s no sign of Gao in town. A few of
to his house to look for Gao—and any other
the deputies are around. They’re Unfriendly
evidence that might prove what Wanamaker
but promise to take a look, though they
is up to and why his rivals keep disappearing.
certainly aren’t overly concerned about the
stranger’s disappearance.
Buck Norman is nowhere to be found.
The deputies haven’t seen him all day. Silas is palpably excited about today’s
Successful Persuasion, Intimidation, or celebrations. A number of renowned
some arcane ability, like mind reading, gunfighters have come to town and this
reveals they’re crooked as a dog’s hind leg is sure to be the greatest competition yet!
but they really don’t know where Norman Betting is fierce and Wanamaker gets a piece
got to. These deputies weren’t part of the of most of it. Gambling is his overriding vice,
kidnapping, so they don’t know about Gao’s and today sees plenty of action.
disappearance either.
The townsfolk gather along main street
Searching the local environs using to watch the show, which begins promptly
Survival (tracking) turns up all kinds of at High Noon. Wanamaker’s dealers from
animal signs—coyotes, wolves, a bear track Gaston’s set up betting booths up and down
or two, and oddly, what looks like a piece of the thoroughfare so anyone who wants to
carapace from some kind of massive beetle can back their favorite gunslinger. Private
about the size of a dog—but nothing that betting is discouraged—Silas wants a piece
points to Gao’s location. of all the action.
When the party seems at a dead end, Most everyone with a job is off today, by
Showboat returns. She’s sure Wanamaker mayoral proclamation, so the streets are full
and Norman are behind it. She just doesn’t of spectators. Food vendors are out in force
know how. But she has a plan if the posse too, operating booths or selling food off
is willing. wagons and buckboards. There are hot pies,
steaks on sticks, corn on the cob, cookies, and

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
of course enough beer and liquor to flood Silas beams. “Welcome, Mr. O’Malley.
Lost Angels in another Deluge! Perhaps your article will bring Sundown
even more good will and prosperity!”
Silas begins the day with a speech—and a
Silas pauses a moment then turns back
special reward unlike anything he’s offered
to the crowd. “To celebrate this momentous
before. He’s positively beaming at the day’s
day I have something more than just a cash

New Acquaintances
prospects, the chance to gamble, and all the
prize. Today’s winner will not only receive
money he’s likely to make.
the thousand smackeroos, but will also
An elevated grandstand has been dragged become the proud owner of a genuine relic
out to the center of Main Street for Mayor of the Wild West. Or as some call it, the
Silas Wanamaker and his cohorts. It’s Weird West!”
decorated with red, white, and blue bunting Showboat gives you a worried look.
and fits about five tables, all offering an These aren’t things usually discussed with
excellent view of the gunfighting area. the public.
Waiters attend the guests with crystal “You all remember Ranger Asa Carson
decanters of water, bowls of fresh fruit, and who visited us a while back? I’m sad to
several delectable cakes. report he perished recently, slain by the
Silas shakes a few hands, then takes off vicious Cantrell gang on the road somewhere
his hat and waves it at the crowd to attract outside o’ town.”
their attention. When the noise dies down, he Silas looks down, holding his hat in both
welcomes everyone to the show. hands in a show of respect. Many in the
“Welcome, friends, Romans, and dear crowd remove their hats for a moment of
countrymen! It’s going to be a fantastic silence as well. After a respectable pause,
day! Y’know why? Because it’s Showdown Silas unwraps a black Colt Navy pistol from
at Sundown day!” The crowd cheers. Silas linen and holds it up for all to see.
milks it for all it’s worth then continues. “Before he left town, Ranger Carson gave
“You may have heard that the popularity of me this cherished weapon as a token of his
our little competition has drawn some of the appreciation for keeping law and order in
territory’s top gunhands! It’s all true! I’m these parts. But this is no ordinary six-
pleased as punch and I think you will be too! shooter, friends. This pistol, and Ranger
“Everyone has no doubt already heard that Carson swore on his life this was true, was
the renowned Frederico ‘Deadeye’ Garcia taken from the cold, dead hands of a phantom!
came to town a few nights ago!” He called it a ‘ghost gun,’ and claimed it
Wanamaker points to a thin, distinguished could send even haunts and spirits back to
Hispanic man dressed all in black. He wears the nether realms from whence they came!”
a black sombrero with a silver skull on the Wanamaker lets the crowd soak that in for
front. The crowd oohs and ahhs at him before a minute, then smiles.
Silas continues. “Of course that’s all just stuff and
“Welcome to Sundown, Señor Garcia! nonsense—right, fellow citizens? But I
And good luck in the coming competition. can tell you this legendary weapon shoots
I’ll be placing a large bet on your steady straight and packs a wallop. And anyone
hand, amigo!” who carries it will have little to fear on the
Wanamaker waits for the applause to die High Plains, haunted or otherwise!
down then points to another man in a white “Now. Enjoy a refreshment from one
suit and hat. “I’m also pleased to announce of our town’s lovely vendors and relax.
we are positively graced with the presence We’ll sign up any last minute competitors
of none other than the distinguished Mr. and commence to shootin’ promptly at
Lacy O’Malley, roving reporter for the High Noon!”
Tombstone Epitaph!”
The man smiles in embarrassment but
doffs his hat, revealing reddish-blonde hair
and piercing blue eyes.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

Showboat pulls the legionnaires over as Silas and his goons celebrate in high
soon as Silas finishes his speech. style, heading straight to Gaston’s for an

evening of drinks and celebration. Showboat

“That’s Asa’s pistol, all right. He took it off
nods to the heroes, glances up at the house
some...thing... he put down in Kansas a few
on the hill, and puts on her show-face to
years back. Said it could kill anything, just
ensure Wanamaker stays put while they go
like Silas said. But Asa never would have
look for Gao.
given it to that sidewinder. It’s possible he
got tricked into some kinda bet, I guess, but
he never would have told Silas what it does.
Of course, one or more of the player
Rangers are more tight-lipped than Agents.
characters are likely to enter the duel.
You know that.
Encourage ’em, Marshal. Duels are fun,
“If one of you thinks you can win it, I’d
iconic, and in this case, at least, probably not
sure like to see it back in the Legion’s hands.
deadly. No guarantees, though. The bullets
I know what I’m asking, but you never know
are real and sometimes an itchy trigger finger
when something like that’ll save all our lives.
goes astray.
Plus, it was Carson’s and Silas doesn’t
deserve it. There’s no fee to enter—wagering one’s
“Remember, you get to wear a plate over life is fee enough. Each gunslinger just has to
your vitals during the gunfight. It’s still sign up at the table below Silas’ grandstand.
dangerous. Sometimes a fella gets shot
There are numerous contestants today,
right in the face. But most folks walk away.
most of whom are just locals with too much
It’s up to you, friends. Either way, let’s
gumption in their coffee. Story-wise, we’re
continue with the plan. The fights usually
going to skip right over those folks and pit
run all day with speechifying and whatnot.
your player characters directly against one of
With this many contestants they’ll drag
the four gunfighters below. Pair them up as
out to four o’clock or so. I’ll make sure to
you see fit, using the descriptions and special
keep Wanamaker and his bullies tied up at
tricks listed on page 30:
Gaston’s afterwards just like we said. You
head up to the house and see if Gao or any „ Billy “the Rattler” Holloway
other surprises are up there. If so, we’ll nail „ Matt “Widowmaker” Dalton
the bastard and be done with all this.” „ Leapin’ Louise Fletcher
„ Frederico “Deadeye” Garcia
THE DUEL If there’s an odd number of contestants,
If none of the cowpokes decide to enter the add in an enthusiastic farm-boy named
duel, describe the day’s events and move on Todd. He’s an Extra with d6 in all Traits and
to the next scene. Garcia is a true gentleman, no Edges. Beating Todd is a sure thing, but
hitting most of his targets right in the center might bring some comedic value to the affair.
of the steel plate with little harm done.
Only pistols are allowed in the showdown.
Matt “Widowmaker” Dalton isn’t as nice. It’s the gunslinger’s option whether she
He intentionally puts one between the eyes wears the iron plate or not. It weighs about 15
of a local farm boy. pounds and hangs from the wearer’s neck via
a leather cord. It’s bulky and awkward and
In the next round, both his hands are
subtracts 2 from Agility rolls and skills linked
blown off by a vengeful Leapin’ Louise
to it (including Shooting!), but it provides +4
Fletcher—who foregoes the steel plate and
Armor. No other vests or (visible) protections
does indeed jump up in the air as she fires.
are allowed, just to keep things fair.
Bill “the Rattler” Holloway is maybe the
The plate is good protection, but a high
fastest of the bunch. He accidentally wings
damage roll might still cause Wounds.
Louise in the arm and then loses to Garcia
Narratively, that might mean the bullet goes
afterwards. This makes Garcia the winner of
straight through or misses the plate to hit
the day’s event.
someone in the hand, leg, or face—it’s all in
the description, Marshal!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
Run each duel using the rules in Deadlands: FIRST FLOOR
The Weird West. After the first round, the
Below are the more interesting rooms on
winners must continue until only one
the first floor of the Wanamaker Manor, and
remains. If someone refuses to fight, he’s
a trick or two the Whisperers play on the
disqualified and booed off the street. Most
everyone in town is Unfriendly to him for the

New Acquaintances
next month or so.
Contestants aren’t supposed to fire back The foyer features a small fountain imported
once they’ve been hit since the first shot to hit from Europe. It’s a round basin with what
wins, but most do out of pure reflex. looks like a dancing satyr playing a pan flute.
Water burbles up through rocks built into the
Hopefully, one of the heroes wins. If she
statue and flows down into the basin.
does, Silas welcomes her to the grandstand,
holds up her gun hand, and declares her the Potted plants fill the rest of the room,
Showdown champion of Sundown! Silas some of which look like they haven’t been
may have lost his bet on Garcia, but he still watered in a while. A few paintings hang
enjoyed the wager—and made a fortune off on the walls—landscapes left over from the
the townspeople’s bets anyway! previous owner.
A minute or so after uninvited guests enter
the room, the heroes hear what sounds like
THE HOUSE ON THE HILL whispers coming from the fountain. If they
get closer to hear it, it suddenly erupts with
blood, showering everyone in a Large Blast
True to his word, Silas gives $1,000 cash and
Template with gore!
the ghost gun to the winner then heads off to
Gaston’s to celebrate. The posse should put
in an appearance at Gaston’s for at least an
hour after the gunfights, mingling with the
locals and having a few drinks. Then they
can slip off relatively unnoticed and check
out Wanamaker’s house. Ranger Asa “Ace” Carson was the
cautious type, but he got caught up in
There are no guards present and the front
trying to make Silas reveal his secrets.
door isn’t even locked. But the posse won’t
He really did bet the “ghost gun” on
know that until they start exploring.
what he thought was a strong hand.
A portal hidden in the old mines below
Silas used the Devil’s deck, of course,
the house has allowed the Whisperers to
and won anyway. He also just about got
slip through and infest the place. They
Asa’s soul, but the wily Carson sensed
can manifest in the flesh for a moment or
something was up and managed to
two here or there, but primarily rely on
excuse himself before that happened.
The gun was taken from a phantom
The spirits behave (mostly) when Silas
Asa slew in Dodge City. It can cause
invites a guest in. They don’t want to give
damage to anything except a servitor,
Silas away and prevent him from capturing
regardless of Weakness. Such a weapon
souls. If strangers enter uninvited, however,
would be an excellent tool for a posse of
the malicious things use all the tricks at
monster hunters.
their disposal to cause as much mayhem as
possible. This also increases the house’s Fear „ The Ghost Gun: Range 12/24/48,
Level to 4! Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, Shots 6, Min
Str d4, Wt 4.
The Whisperers don’t have the power to
attack directly (yet!). They rely on terrifying
illusions and an occasional manifestation to
push a guest down a stair or over a balcony!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

The fountain continues to gush, spilling
out over the tiled floor to the potted plants.
A number of old muskets hang on the wall.

They soak it up and spring to life, their leaves

They’re not Silas’—they were left by the
growing dark green and their veins crimson
previous owner and are barely in working
red! The plants begin to lash out frantically,
condition. The real feature are the dozen
whipping and striking everyone in the room.
hunting trophies in the room, all stuffed and
The intruders can attempt to Evade. Those mounted on elaborate bases. Most are from
who fail make it out of the room but take the area and make sense, but there are also
Bumps & Bruises from the flailing plants. As one or two creatures unique to the Weird
soon as everyone’s out the illusion ends and West, including a jackalope, a devil bat,
everything returns to normal in an instant. If prairie tick, and even a massive chinook—a
someone chooses not to flee, it also breaks the type of grizzly bear!
illusion. Anyone who took Bumps & Bruises
The creatures don’t animate and attack,
still bears the marks, however, real or not!
much as the posse might expect. They do
seem to shift positions and poses every time
STUDY the heroes look back at a particular display
The study contains a well-stocked liquor
though. A cougar holding a snake one
cabinet on one side of the room. The opposite
moment might be wrapped in its clutches
wall is full of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.
the next, for example.
There’s also a table set up for playing cards
in the center. This is where Silas usually
captures his victims’ souls in the Devil’s
This large room is where the original owners
deck, and where the party played cards with
once hosted guests. It features a long table
him on the first night if they accepted his
at the center with candelabras strategically
placed in the center to amplify the light.
The books look well-worn and old but They’re all lit, despite there being no one here.
anyone taking one down from the shelf is
The dinnerware in the cabinets is imported
in for a creepy surprise. All of the pages are
from China but covered in dust. Cabinets
blank, but the “reader” can hear the words
contain silverware made of actual silver if
whispered in his ear!
someone has sticky fingers (roughly $500
Feel free to grab some Shakespeare or other worth, all together).
favorite text and whisper it to your players
The majority of the warmth and light in the
when they discover this trick, Marshal!
room come from a large fireplace located on
the southern wall. The mantle has a Gothic
KITCHEN theme with gargoyle heads attached to
The food prepared for last night’s game still
each end. The gargoyles have gems for eyes
sits on the counters here, uncovered and
that flicker and sparkle entrancingly in the
buzzing with flies. All the party’s dirty plates,
glasses, and empty bottles are strewn about
as well, left by careless deputies rankled at If anyone examines the gargoyle’s eyes
being asked to serve Silas’ card games. closely, they erupt in a two-foot long blast of
flame! The investigator and anyone close to
The scene also serves as a reminder that
her takes 2d6 damage!
Silas doesn’t care about waste—he has more
than enough money to simply buy more This happens only once. If someone wants
when he wants. to pry the gems out afterward, they can. Each
is worth about $40.
Whoever leaves the room last gets a
surprise. A meat cleaver flies across the room
and hits them in the back (no raise), causing
A hidden door out of the kitchen opens to a
d6+d4 damage. No further attacks are made
set of spiral stairs that lead up to rooms for
at this time, but the investigators might
the servants. No one has stayed here for a
note a number of knives lying around!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
New Acquaintances
very long time, however, and everything is
covered in dust and cobwebs.
Three guest bedrooms take up most of
Anyone poking around in the rooms Wanamaker Manor’s top floor. Two of them
finds the webs far stronger than they should look like they’ve never been used—the
be and becomes Entangled! That’s when furniture is covered in dust cloths and the
a swarm of tiny green spiders, each with beds are heaped with piled-up and unfolded
red glowing eyes, rush out and bite at the sheets and blankets.
unfortunate cowpoke!
The dust cloths all sit strangely, as if
„ Spider Swarm: Use a Small Swarm from someone is sitting in a chair covered by
Savage Worlds. one or lying on a bed covered by another. If
they’re pulled off, however, there’s nothing
SECOND FLOOR there—the cloth just seemed to be caught in
a strange position.
The stairs leading up to the second floor
creak loudly as the party ascends, each one Each room is painted or wallpapered in a
threatening to alert anyone and everyone different color: red, blue, or green. The paint
throughout the house (though there are no on the walls can be seen through a layer
other living souls present). of grime and grit. Each room has a mirror,
and on each mirror is written a message
Ask the players which of their characters
in the dust:
is going up first, then casually ask who’s
next, and so on, until you know who’s last. „ Red Room: WE ARE THE WHISPERERS
That individual gets a little push from the IN DARKNESS!
manitous as she ascends. She must make
„ Blue Room: WE’RE COMING!
an Agility roll at –2 to catch her balance or
tumble down the stairs for Bumps & Bruises, „ Green Room: YOU’RE TOO LATE!
or 2d4 damage on a Critical Failure!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)


The only room that shows some activity is ...Can’t seem to win a hand to save my
the green one. Buck sometimes sleeps off a rotten life...
drunk here if Silas needs to keep him away ...Nothing to do but work the mines...
from town for a bit, usually to let things cool ...I’ll die down there...
off. The mattress is muddy from his boots ...God, I need a drink...
(he sometimes passes out with them on), a ...Met a strange man today. A gambler. He
dirty straight-razor lies on a chest of drawers played very poorly and gave me a strange
beside a wash basin full of beard hairs. deck of cards...
...The cards whisper...
A dozen empty liquor bottles lie on the
...The Whisperers want to be free. They
floor next to the bed. After the posse peers
just need a little credit...but what a
in here and leaves, they hear the bottles
macabre currency!
rolling around and clinking together softly.
...Luck has changed...can’t seem to lose
If a character returns, however, the bottles
with the Devil’s deck in my pocket!
haven’t moved an inch.
....Took the dealer job with Tawnie McGee.
Making lucre hand over fist...
MASTER BEDROOM ...The Whisperers want Tawnie. But she’s
Silas’ bedroom is done up in dark wood with
been so kind to me. What am I to do?...
a canopied four-poster bed in the center.
...Sorry, Tawnie...will be but a temporary
Like Buck’s room, several empty bottles
inconvenience. That’s what the Whisperers
are strewn about. There are dozens of card
say. I do hope they’re not bluffing, though...
decks lying around—on the nightstand, floor,
...Marshal Norman fears the deck...
and bed itself as if someone were playing
perhaps he can silence some of these nosy
numerous hands of solitaire!
A diary lies on the nightstand as well, a ...just a few more friends for the Devil’s
tempting target for any investigator. It’s blank deck, then I am free and this will all be over.
like the books in the library, but if anyone ...Ranger played a good game. Got wise to
tries to read it they hear a flurry of whispered the Whisperers, but not before I won his gun!
excerpts from Silas’ misadventures:

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
The Whisperers strike now, the cards in A SUDDEN RUSH O' SPIRITS
the room flying up into a swirling, slicing
After the party hears Silas’ diary and deals
whirlwind of death!
with the deadly card decks, give them a few
„ Card Swarm: Use a Medium Swarm minutes to recover and maybe do a little
from Savage Worlds that splits when it healing. Then all Hell breaks loose and the

New Acquaintances
takes a Wound. The cards are malicious posse is dragged along to the conclusion of
and follow the posse even if the heroes this nefarious tale. Read the following when
flee. Since this particular swarm is made you’re ready to move on:
of paper cards, fire inflicts +4 damage on
It’s quiet for a moment. Too quiet. The
whole house seems suddenly on edge, as if
the calm before a terrible storm.
BALCONY You know now the house is infested with
Wanamaker’s favorite place to watch
malicious spirits. But suddenly you SEE
Sundown is located right off his master
them! They’re all around you! They seem
bedroom through a pair of ornate double
frozen, their mouths open in shock and their
doors. He can be found here most evenings
malevolent gazes drawn to some unearthly
after dinner, before he retires for the night.
scene you cannot perceive.
Wanamaker has also set up a small liquor
cabinet to drink in the quiet by himself. Time for some Fear checks all around,
Marshal. Don’t forget this is Fear Level 4!
While the view of town is picturesque,
there’s another reason Silas spends his One by one the spirits peel off, flying
time here. It’s the place in his house where slowly out of the room and down the stairs,
he least hears the constant murmurings of in a ghastly torrent!
the Whisperers in the Dark. They’re never
Encourage the heroes to follow—the
entirely quiet, but for whatever reason they
Whisperers are being drawn to Silas’ ritual,
seem quieter when he’s here.
which has started in the tunnels far below!
The Whispers take a different tack if
You follow the blasphemous brigade to
anyone but Silas walks out onto the balcony.
the kitchen where they seem to vanish into
The spirits whip up a hot and powerful wind
the floor!
that can blow the intruder right the Hell off!
A Notice roll at –2, or an automatic success
A few moments after any intruders step
if someone pulls at the floorboards, they find
out onto the overlook, a fierce wind kicks up,
a concealed crawlspace that leads into old
causing them to make an Athletics roll at –2.
mine tunnels running below the house. The
Anyone who fails is blown over the railing
Whisperers fly from the manor to the mines
and falls for 2d6+2 damage!
in what clearly feels like a rapid downward
This only happens once. If the heroes direction.
return here for some reason the manitous do
Make sure the posse realizes something
nothing more than kick up a hot breeze and
big is happening. If they turn their backs on
whisper incoherently.
it, well, you can go ahead and check out the
consequences of failure on page 29. But
let’s be a bit more optimistic and assume
the heroes move on to the final chapter and
attempt to save the day!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

There’s no shortage of enemies in the room.
ALL IN The manitous start dropping onto the ground

as their spirit-forms become flesh. Start with

Showboat had a rare slip-up at the five of the hateful things and add 1d4 more
celebration at Gaston’s. Silas caught on and at the start of every round.
offered to come clean, but when Showboat
Buck Norman is intent on killing. He blasts
met him outside he had Buck Norman
away at whoever pissed him off the most
and his deputies grab her and drag her to
earlier and stays behind cover until the odds
the mines.
are more in his favor.
The villains are there with Showboat
Silas sinks to his knees, his hair now stark
when the posse arrives, after following the
white from the mind-melting scene he’s
Whisperers to the final hoedown. And that’s
unleashed on the world. He does nothing
where we pick up, Marshal.
the first round, but on the second, he turns
You race down a series of worn mine and hurls a pack of cards (the Devil’s deck)
tunnels, following the groaning spirits, past tied with a black ribbon at one of the player
numerous signs that read “DANGER! NO characters. His first choice is a huckster, his
ENTRY!” But you are undaunted. You are second is an Agent, then a Ranger, then any
members of the Twilight Legion, an order as other sort of authority type, or whoever
old as evil itself perhaps, and you’ll see this seemed the smartest. He yells over the tumult,
through to the end.
“You have to win. You can beat them, but
The spirits move faster and faster as they
you have to win!”
seem to approach their final destination.
The cacophony of their screeching, groaning, Silas is then pulled into the portal by
laughing, and whispering threatens to drive the outstretched arms of a demonic tree.
you mad—and it only gets worse as they He’s savagely bitten in half and explodes
spill out into a large, circular chamber. in a massive splash of blood and gore that
You gasp as you see Silas Wanamaker, explodes out into the chamber.
Marshal Buck Norman, and several deputies
c Silas Wanamaker: See page 30.
standing at the far end of the room. Buck sees
c Buck Norman: See page 31.
you and goes for his gun, but Silas is focused
„ Deputies (3): See page 31.
on a strange deck of cards glowing with a
„ Whisperers (5, plus 1d4 per round): See
black cloud of crackling energy.
page 32.
He holds the deck before Showboat. For an
instant you see the screaming face of Dr. Gao
on one of the cards. Then Showboat—panic THE FINAL DEAL
in her eyes and just a glint of hope as she Whoever catches the Devil’s deck suddenly
spies you—is suddenly pulled into the deck understands what Silas was doing with the
like a string of screaming taffy! various card decks in his bedroom. He was
You ready your weapons, but before you trying to find a way to destroy it! Maybe
can fire there’s a bright flash of light and he wanted to control them, maybe it was a
the far wall opens in a round, swirling backup plan, or maybe Silas realized he’d
maelstrom! Beyond the portal you see a dark, turned into something he never meant to
haunted land of howling trees, skull-faced be. He’s gone now so the world will never
mountains, and storm-filled skies. Just for a know—but he did work it out. And now the
moment, lit in the dark clouds by a sudden new owner of the deck understands it too.
flash of distant lightning, you could swear
Just like a huckster bargains with the
you see four massive, terrifying riders,
manitous for power, the owner of the deck
leering directly at you!
must play to control the Whisperers bound
Ask the heroes for Fear checks at –4 to it. If she wins, the manitous are destroyed
while you deal out the Action Cards for the and the portal closes. If she fails, she becomes
big finale. one of them!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
Make sure the player understands this If the heroes failed, the portal remains
Devil’s deal before she agrees to attempt it. open, leaking demons for all eternity or
This kind of thing is always a choice. until someone excavates the mountain and
finds a way to close it. The region becomes
Destroying the Devil’s deck is a Complex
a Deadland in a few months, and numerous
Dramatic Task (eight Task Tokens in five
evil entities slip out across the Weird West

New Acquaintances
rounds). The skill is Gambling with a –2
with terrible abilities to cause even more
penalty, and only one person can take the
chaos and mayhem.
lead (others may Support normally).
The trick, of course, is that the manitous, LUCIUS CLAY
Buck Norman, and his three most loyal So who was the mysterious stranger who
deputies don’t stop attacking while the gave Silas the Devil’s deck in the first place?
gambler plays for her very soul! Well, partner, Lucius Clay is a traveling
salesman. He’s learned of the Reckoning and
their servitors and aspires to be one. He goes
AFTERMATH about collecting cursed objects and ensuring
Whether the heroes succeed or not, the vast they wind up in the wrong hands.
energies of the Hunting Grounds cause the
He might turn up again in official
mine to start collapsing. It’s time to run.
Deadlands adventures, or you can take the
If the posse successfully closed the reins yourself and use his mischievous gifts
portal, the thin veil that exists here remains for new tales of your own devising.
hidden for all time and there’s no further
effect. Showboat, Dr. Gao, and all the other
captured souls return to the mortal realm,
stunned and scarred for life but alive.

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)



RASCALS Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
c Silas Wanamaker Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Silas isn’t really an evil person, just selfish Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Shooting d8,
and tired of losing at life. He speaks in a slow Riding d8, Survival d6
Southern drawl, and only truly seems happy Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 (9)
when he’s gambling. Up until the finale, he’s Hindrances: Varies
rationalized that the stolen souls are only Edges: Duelist, Quick Draw, and see below
a temporary inconvenience. They’ll all be Gear: Quick draw holster (except Deadeye),
returned when the Whisperers escape. Colt Peacemaker (Range 12/24/48, Damage
2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1).
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Individual Edges:
Strength d6, Vigor d6
„ Billy “the Rattler” Holloway: Billy’s
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
fast and popular. His friends cheer him
Fighting d4, Gambling d8, Notice d6, Occult d6,
on each round, using Persuasion d6 as a
Persuasion d8, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d10,
group Support roll.
Stealth d6
„ Matt “Widowmaker” Dalton: Matt has
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Marksman and shoots for the head.
Hindrances: Curious, Greedy (Minor), Mild
„ Leapin’ Louise Fletcher!: Louise jumps
Mannered, Ruthless (Minor)
as she fires (on the final round). She
Edges: Arcane Background (Huckster), Card
forgoes the armor and has Dodge (Imp)
Sharp, Channeling, Old Hand
and Combat Acrobat, making her –3 to
Powers: Arcane protection, bolt, deflection,
illusion, protection. Power Points: 10
„ Frederico “Deadeye” Garcia: Deadeye
Gear: Deck of cards.
is a huckster with the Hexslinging
Edge! He casts boost Shooting and ammo
c Showdown Duelists whammy just before the duel. Then
he uses bullet with your name on it for
The four duelists use the same
the final shot! Since Garcia’s gun is
common profile, adjusted by the
holstered when he casts, it’s unlikely
differences below.
anyone will notice. He uses a Colt

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)
Buntline pistol (see Deadlands: The Weird people disappear and kidnapping Dr.
West). Lindsay Gao.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
c Buck Norman Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
The marshal of Sundown is a man who
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
knows how to use his bulk to intimidate
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6

Friends & Foes

anyone of smaller stature. He has a hard,
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
mean face that looks like it’d break your fist
Hindrances: Various
if you punched it.
Edges: —
Buck wears common leathers and trail gear Gear: Colt Peacemaker (Range 12/24/48,
that doesn’t do much to hide his growing pot Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1).
belly. He often plays with his badge while he
talks to people by scratching his ear with it,
picking his teeth and other such mannerisms
c Adele "Showboat" Jackson
Showboat plays up her nickname by wearing
with the tarnished metal. If Buck goes armed
flashy outfits with a lot of embellishment. She
he packs a scattergun and a Colt Thunderer
takes pride in her personal style and position.
on his hip.
Her outfits also cover up any weapons or
Note: If Buck kicks the bucket early in the gadgets she needs to conceal as well!
adventure, he comes back Harrowed with
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
the Ghost Edge! The manitous know a good
Strength d6, Vigor d6
thing when they see it.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Fighting d6, Language (French) d4, Notice d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Occult d6, Performance d8, Persuasion d8,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Thievery d8
Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (5)
Persuasion d4, Riding d6, Shooting d8, Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Vow (Major—
Stealth d4, Survival d6 Destroy or contain the supernatural)
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (12 if Edges: Agent, Alertness, Attractive,
Harrowed) Charismatic, Danger Sense, Quick
Hindrances: Mean, Stubborn, Ugly (Minor), Gear: Gatling pistol (Range 12/24/48,
Vengeful (Major) Damage 2d6, RoF 3, AP 1), armored corset
Edges: Brawler, Bruiser, Brawny, Menacing (+2).
Gear: Sawed-off double-barrel shotgun
(Range 5/10/20, Damage 1–3d6, RoF 1), ADELE'S SALOON GALS
Colt Thunderer (Range 12/24/48, Damage
Adele’s girls are trained fighters. They’re
2d6, RoF 1, AP 1).
fiercely loyal to her and often serve as
additional security in the streets of Sundown.
BUCK'S DEPUTIES She’s protective of them and makes sure they
Buck is big and mean on his own, but like any don’t take any abuse from their clients. She’s
bully he racks up a collection of hangers-on, taught them self-defense, how to shoot, how
petty thugs, and sycophants. These are his to read, and how to manage their money.
deputies, who help him beat down the weak,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
stand behind him when he talks trash, and
Strength d4, Vigor d8
act as his eyes and ears around town. There
Skills: Athletics d6, Common
are usually a half-dozen around at any given
Knowledge d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
time, but more can be hired quickly if needed
Performance d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6,
from among the rowdier miners.
Stealth d6, Thievery d6
Three of these miscreants are in on Buck’s Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
more illicit shenanigans, such as making Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Attractive

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

Gear: Hatpin (Str+d4), Derringer (Range CREATURES
3/6/12, Damage 2d4, RoF 1).


It’s an extremely rare day when manitous get
Dr. Gao has not yet shaken his greenhorn to walk the earth, Marshal. That happens
tendencies. He was born and raised in Boston in the final scene of this adventure, though,
and spent his time away from medical school thanks to their proximity to a portal directly
reading tall tales of the West. to the Hunting Grounds.
His clothes reflect a dime novel’s Every manitou is a little different. Some
impression of what a cowboy should wear are massive things with three heads and
with expensive stitched embellishments and tentacles for arms, others look much as
lots of fringe everywhere. He even wears a they did in life in some ghastly way. All are
white hat as something of a signature, though hate-filled entities with slashing claws and
he often ends up having to buy a brand new jagged teeth.
hat in every town he visits.
Here’s a profile for the Whisperers. They
Gao is an eager and enthusiastic lose their Ethereal ability when they manifest
conversationalist on nearly every topic, with in the final scene of this adventure.
a contagious laugh and a knack for buying
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
the next round if speaking in a tavern.
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Persuasion d8, Stealth d10, Taunt d10
Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Hindrances: Mean, Ruthless (Major)
Healing d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Edges: Frenzy (Imp), Menacing
Science d8, Stealth d4, Weird Science d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Special Abilities:
Hindrances: Curious, Mild-Mannered, Quirk
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
(Records slang in his notebook)
„ Ethereal: Manitous can become invisible
Edges: Alchemy, Arcane Background (Mad
and immaterial at will. On the physi-
cal plane, they can only be harmed by
Powers: Electro-Defense Cane (stun, Limitation
magical attacks.
Touch), Electrostatic Coat (protection,
„ Fear (–2): The sight of a manitou pro-
Limitation Self); Power Points: 15 (10
vokes a Fear check at –2.
currently invested in potions).
„ Flight: Manitous fly at Pace 12”.
Gear: Doctor’s bag, steam wagon, 5× Snake
„ Illusion: A manitou can activate one
Oil, 2× Focusing Elixir, 2× Peptonics (see
illusion (per the power) as a free action
Alchemy Edge in Deadlands).
once per turn. No roll is required, and it
acts as if cast with a raise and the Strong
and Sound Modifiers. The manitou may
maintain the power as long as it cares to
focus on it (–1 to all other Trait rolls).A
single manitou may not have more
than one illusion active at once, but the
hateful things usually travel in groups!

Philipp Plasser (Order #41323126)

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