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Execution oF instructions Display of graphics Network communication ot isthe PAMATY function of a Gens pure storage of data , “Centra ioe! ait (C which Computer component is a long-term, non-volatile fmannet? 4) RAM p) CPU -C) Hard Drive D) Monitor ¥ Cs seve Whatis the main function ofan input A) Display information 3) Process data C) Enter data into the computer D) Store data permanently What is the purpose of an operating system? A) Toperform arithmetic calculations B) Tomanage hardware resources andrun app! C) Todisplay graphics D) To store and retrieve data ications a computer from Viruses Which type of software is designed to protect A) Word processor -*B) Antivirus software ©) Web browser D) Spreadsheet software ‘What is the primary functio & 9, 10, 12, 13, I, ample ofan output device h of the Following i810 Whi AD ct B) Speaker €) Moni Db) : Which of the following ix a0% high-level pre A) Pyth B) Qo Dy principle? Which ai uses the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) princip A) Queue B) Stuck ©) Amay D) Linked List ter science? rithm in comy What is the purpose ofan al } Toexecutea program “B) To provide a step-by-step solu in memory jon toa problem ©) Tostore da D) To create a user interf N18 Associated with objects that encapsulate data anc gramming para Which behavior? A) Procedural B) Functional ©) Object-Oriented D) Imperative What is the binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number "| *A) 1010 By 1000) Cc) Mol D) 11100 What is the purpose of a compiler in programming? A) Toexecute the program 8) To convert source code into machine code ©) Todebug the progr D) Tomanag location (Set. py “g sown ML sad foro wr develo ee tk Te ko Lane A per Tou Manneenent Lanse oO -tranafer Markup anni By Hypetient Mashup Langs which of the fottowinng bx A) Keyboard 1p) Mouse ©) Printer 1p) Seanner ot an input device ‘what type of software is responsible for man auser interface’? 4) System software f) Application software ° Open-source software D) Freeware What is the primary characteristic of oppen-sour A) Itisalways free of charge fp) The source code is freely available andtean be 010) ©) Itis always developed by large corporation: p) tis never used in commercial application: Which organization aversces the development the wren ol" A) Google B) Mozilla Foundation C) Microsoft D) Apple What is a primary key in MS-Access? ~ A) Aunique identifier fora record B) Away to format text €) Atypeof report 1D) A form control 2. What does SQL stand for in the context of MS Acc« A) Structured Query Language B) System Query Logic C) Structured Query Logic * p) System Query Language 21, (Set -D) () (PTo sanyo won whic eda nt ie 8) ronze, Shot pe weight lifting he tsracl-Hamnag «military commander of Hamas's miliary ss" jy Motaimmed Deif 1p) (small Haniyehs ¢)Yabya Sinwar p) Ayman Nofil has developed Unmanned Guided Vehicle (\¢ 3V) for the Indian armed: 3h Arrobot, which’ forces, i Ay A French company B) A Russian startup C)_Astartup incubated by INT Bombay D) A joint-venture startup based in Hyderabad Which of the following passes is located in Jararmik ad Kas. |v Fee * A) Banihal Pass ii B) Changla Pass © Fotu La Pass M 40, 38 Which afte fo A) Marit xl qualification B) Educational q ©) Salary pern D) Occupy 39, Last census of India was conducted in A) Feb 2011 B) March 2014 ©) Feb 203) D) Feb 2023 Which of the fotloy A) Aurangzeb B) Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gulab Singh information is NOT collected di Was NOT ruler of Jammu and Kashmir? tt Tia’ 48 46 at ins Jammu and of the following Kashmir Ladakh A) Wheat is sown in 0. Kashmirandin May in Lada B) Wheat issown in M. K not sown in Ladakh CC) Inboth Ladakh and b.: ‘heat is sown in May D) What isnot s both, Ladakh and hmir Which apa IRE TONGM Re doc't come under the purview of Rightto Education? A) Governm Schools B) Private Schools ©) Madrasas Govemment schools fcc yy i (P00. (% Dy 31" 48. Which of the following g00ds is covered under the GST bit) a“ Cooking gas An artificial juridical person A local authority None of these $0. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility ofa panchayat secretary? A) Recording participation and discussion during meetings of panchayat, a, ssabhia 'B) Maintains the village funds-collection and disbursal C) Helps in implementation of resolution of panchayat and gram sabha ~D) Responsible for conducting election and vote counting At least once in six months Atleast once in a year 52. Pezerding to 2011 census, wia is average literacy sae the gate of Kashmir ~A) Less than 65% B) More than 65% but less than 70% : than 70% and less than 75% han 75%, en x4, to Jamo and Kash . el » Wl o 15 py 20 4 oA D) Rinchan ct 55, Managers set targets and decide thelr organization: i A) What _B) How ©) Which D) Because 56, Whatare you in the kitchen cupboard? A) Looking in B) Looking on C) Looking to D) Looking for 57. "Man proposes, __ disposes”. Fill in the blank space in this saying with any one of the following words - A) Woman *B) God C) Young girl D) Goddess 58. She _ 1¢ best apples from the basket wA) Choose .B) Chose C) Was chosen D) Choosing i tgeto (Set - D) an will A) Enjoyed ourself SB) Enjoyed ourselves C) Played with *D) Enjoyed $0. Choose the correctly spelt word A) Comittee B) Committe ©) Comitteee *D) Committee G1. Which one is the correct sentence? A) Mumps is common among, children. *B) Mumpsare common among children. (C) ‘Mumps iscommon between children. D) -Mumpsare common betWeen children, 62. The sergeant asked him to come to the Police station - i Which one is the correct answer? : ‘A) Between 4 PM to 5 PM. l *B) Between 4 PM and 5 PM, C) Between 4 PM or 5 PM. D) Between 4 PM till 5 PM. 63. Which one is the correct sentence ? A) He who speaks the truth, everybody loves him. B) Everybody loves him who speaks the truth. «C) Everybody who loves him speaks the truth. D) Everybody whom he loves speaks the truth, 64, Agreatman said, "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you cant then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep " Inthis quote, on- A) Flying. B) Running 1nd where didheg 65, The sorrest form ofthe sentence "Did they no know whe he and wh 1 Cg trom?” will be - A) Did they not know who was he and Wher tic.s.ane 4 B) Did they:not know who be was and wher. cut €) Did they not know who he was and Where lic carne 1 D) Did notthey know who he wasanid Wher hie caie | ee See IOI fs he blank in the following senegal "The Pres tothe bill.” Ay Accent B) Ascent ©) Assent D) Ascend “The Wise maniad vised usinot toate the poor’. Keplace the word hate’ in the with one of the following expressions: A) Look down, B) Look against, ©) Look down upon, D) Look down against, sentence . Fill in the blank in the senteniée "He studied hard test ve fil" With ag appropriate preposition from the following « Al would B) should ©) could D) might 69. "What you told is Greekio me®, In this Sentence the word ‘Greek’ means - A) The language of ancient Greece. B) The language of medieval Greece, C) The language of modem Greece, D) Unknown, 70. Manoharis good Cricket, A) about B) in C) at D) of 71. Choose the Antonym of the word LOVE, A) Affection B) Care ©) Like *D) Hate (Set-D) (13) [IP.-7.0. A} from B) in 79. nience, the ward hardly’ means B) 73. =1e nantly wie for goodluck,” tn hi B) Walch one is the correct answer c A) Almost not B) Sincerely et ©) Inadiligen! way D) Very seriously 74, "Where there i there i away” Fil inthe blank space in this sent ; With any of word A) Will * B) Shall ©) Should Db) Would "Yesterday Rahim aswell as Karim Prevent inthe mecting.” Fill inthe in this sentence with one of the follow e A) Has been B) Was ©) Hadbeen D) Were The expression “Think out of the box" means - zm A) Come out of the box and then think B) Think in a conventional manner, ©) Think in an innovative manner, D) Think inside the box. Omnivorous animals are those who - 8 “ A) Eatall kinds of food, B) Liveonve C) Liven water D) Live in flocks 7B. That he would treat me with this kind of misbehaviour ws known to me. This senge is- A) Fully correct B) Partially: correct 2 ibatantially incorrect Incorree "Fill inthe blanie * sentence sa ss, (Set- py (15) ding commonly kn rs. All the singer cers ) We 0 10 cone T 1 1 ' . onium are instruments, All the instruments are flu » #9. Stntements 8) Conclusions 1, All 93. Sta nllows the ca ne mangoes are yellow, Some tixo are mangoes 1 clusion fallows B) Only (2) conclusion follows } 1 © ) or (2) follows } *D) Neither (1) nor (2) follows (Set- D) (16) ment followed by two conelasions upg h of them logis aking financial institutions by “ote financial institutes 1 ak rea of finance, it hg expertise COmMenSt yg ma? he 3 asion follows dmmomiy: oY ti ty (1) cone one yw tat 0%) ayeonclusion follows 7 Oly 8) ayer (1) oF (2) Fallows igor : and (2) follows ) ats: Population increase coupled with depleting resources is going to beg g nany developing countries in days to come 1 of developing countries will not continue to increase in future will be very difficult forthe goveraments of developing countries to provide 4 opie decent quality of life MenLS ar0 Muteg ) Oaty (1) conclusion follows : aly (2) conclusion follows y) Either (1) or (2) follows +1) Both (1) and (2) follows 93, Saiements: Prime age school-going children in urba wllas more regul been an India have now become avidis lar viewers of television, even in households without a TV, Asaresit arming decline in the extent of readership of newspapers Conclusions: L Method of increasing the readership of newspapers should be devised A an of experts should be sent to other countries to study the ct of TV.0n thereadership of newspapers. imp nly (1) conclusion follows 8) On ly (2) conclusion follows (1) or (2) follows Neither (1) nor (2) follows by 2 (a7) [P10 PH "Meats related to "Negetarlan’ in the same way as*AlcohoF is related to *A)_Tecto B) Smoker Cy Water i D) Dietician 5, Scher’ ia related 10 F000" tn the same way as ‘Choreographer’ is relaied to A) Stage B) Music *C) Dance D) _Phovogrophy that is related to the third number in the same way 96, Select the op 36 the soso umber is 1! the first number. 4: 8-25 , Ay 100 B) 125 C) 625 Db) 75 97, If+means**'~means +", x means *-" and + means ‘*', then what will be the values the following expression, 18 +6-27+3 = 12=2 A) 92 B) 105 o) 95 Dy 107 98. Introducing » girl, a boy said, “She is the daughter of the mother of the daughter ofmy aunt.” How is the girl related to the boy? A) Niece B) Aunt Q) Cor 99, One morning, Manish and Ali were talking to each other face to face at a crossing If All's shadow was exactly to the left of Manish, which direction was Manish facing? +A) East B) South C) West me D) North baw ¥ i (Set-D) . (18) ‘ Arr (Se Felated te MARC WAY aS the poe hat will be the Valugop the daughter ofmy © at a crossing. If fanish facing? aningful order ahand mea k 6.3.3 following in a logical and meaningful order: \d Cup Semi Final Mate nals Match World Cup ofthe World Cup and ran 20km towards South, then tumed right and r °8 al the same spot and then again turned right and rar n 20km to the cricket ground. How many kilomet reach his hom« by shortest rout vs WO. Theanpes 0 the quadrilateral are in Ratio 4: 5: 10: 11, The angles 4 36, 60°, 1089, 156° ¥9) 48°, 60°, 120°, 132° 60°, 1229, 126° ©, 60°, 1208, 120° (Set-py (19) an 10 kn. Hea 020 km. Aft i cers Will behavell ate sivcn bel 104, One fours 1 of'a number is 15, What will be 40% of that number 109 A) 120 B) 350 © 20 +b) 180 | | 110 A) 0.10215 +B) 0.0218) €) 0.15201 Db) 0.21015 £Rs. 1.995 lakhs-each, On oF 106, A man sells two houses at the rate he gains 5% andog ther he loses $°%. His gain/loss percentage in the whole transaction is A) Loss = 0.25% t B) 0,25" oO D) Loss = 25% 107. A has to pay Rs, 220 to B after | year. B asks A to pay Rs, 110 in cash and defer the payment of Rs. 110 for2 years. A agrees to it, Ifthe rate of interest be 10% per anaum, in this mode of payment, A) There is no gain or loss to any one B) A gains Rs. 7.34 C) A loses Rs. 7.34 +D) AgainsRs. 11 108. Bombay Express leit Delhi for Bombay at 14.30 his., travelling at a speed of 60km/h and Rajdhani E xpress left Delhi for Bombay on the same day at 16.30 hrs., travelling at a speed of 80kmph. How far away from Dethi will the two trains meet? A) 120km B) 360k ©) 480km D) 500km (Set - D) (20) aan do piece of work in 72 days _ 109, Mem gys. In What tiie can A alone deg) Sat Soin 20 days, Ate ea ay 150days p) 120days Wodays 80 days } cpeldy? = 0, then ay is o,f " y sor ee lesen at $ or 2:1 p 3° oO alonly, nly oie, I+ pt+q" l+g¢r' 1 ‘) ; ‘ d OP a La ij pt } j 112. Acerain sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs, 1012 in 5/2 years and to Rs. 1067.20 in 4 years, Tate of interest per annum is A) 25% ' wer | then By) 3% No solution 5 0.008: Y Q0017 +19" B) 0s cy 15 D) (Set D) (Set. Execution oF instructions Display of graphics Network communication ot isthe PAMATY function of a Gens pure storage of data , “Centra ioe! ait (C which Computer component is a long-term, non-volatile fmannet? 4) RAM p) CPU -C) Hard Drive D) Monitor ¥ Cs seve Whatis the main function ofan input A) Display information 3) Process data C) Enter data into the computer D) Store data permanently What is the purpose of an operating system? A) Toperform arithmetic calculations B) Tomanage hardware resources andrun app! C) Todisplay graphics D) To store and retrieve data ications a computer from Viruses Which type of software is designed to protect A) Word processor -*B) Antivirus software ©) Web browser D) Spreadsheet software ‘What is the primary functio & 9, 10, 12, 13, I, ample ofan output device h of the Following i810 Whi AD ct B) Speaker €) Moni Db) : Which of the following ix a0% high-level pre A) Pyth B) Qo Dy principle? Which ai uses the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) princip A) Queue B) Stuck ©) Amay D) Linked List ter science? rithm in comy What is the purpose ofan al } Toexecutea program “B) To provide a step-by-step solu in memory jon toa problem ©) Tostore da D) To create a user interf N18 Associated with objects that encapsulate data anc gramming para Which behavior? A) Procedural B) Functional ©) Object-Oriented D) Imperative What is the binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number "| *A) 1010 By 1000) Cc) Mol D) 11100 What is the purpose of a compiler in programming? A) Toexecute the program 8) To convert source code into machine code ©) Todebug the progr D) Tomanag location (Set. py “g sown ML sad foro wr develo ee tk Te ko Lane A per Tou Manneenent Lanse oO -tranafer Markup anni By Hypetient Mashup Langs which of the fottowinng bx A) Keyboard 1p) Mouse ©) Printer 1p) Seanner ot an input device ‘what type of software is responsible for man auser interface’? 4) System software f) Application software ° Open-source software D) Freeware What is the primary characteristic of oppen-sour A) Itisalways free of charge fp) The source code is freely available andtean be 010) ©) Itis always developed by large corporation: p) tis never used in commercial application: Which organization aversces the development the wren ol" A) Google B) Mozilla Foundation C) Microsoft D) Apple What is a primary key in MS-Access? ~ A) Aunique identifier fora record B) Away to format text €) Atypeof report 1D) A form control 2. What does SQL stand for in the context of MS Acc« A) Structured Query Language B) System Query Logic C) Structured Query Logic * p) System Query Language 21, (Set -D) () (PTo sanyo won whic eda nt ie 8) ronze, Shot pe weight lifting he tsracl-Hamnag «military commander of Hamas's miliary ss" jy Motaimmed Deif 1p) (small Haniyehs ¢)Yabya Sinwar p) Ayman Nofil has developed Unmanned Guided Vehicle (\¢ 3V) for the Indian armed: 3h Arrobot, which’ forces, i Ay A French company B) A Russian startup C)_Astartup incubated by INT Bombay D) A joint-venture startup based in Hyderabad Which of the following passes is located in Jararmik ad Kas. |v Fee * A) Banihal Pass ii B) Changla Pass © Fotu La Pass M 40, 38 Which afte fo A) Marit xl qualification B) Educational q ©) Salary pern D) Occupy 39, Last census of India was conducted in A) Feb 2011 B) March 2014 ©) Feb 203) D) Feb 2023 Which of the fotloy A) Aurangzeb B) Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gulab Singh information is NOT collected di Was NOT ruler of Jammu and Kashmir? tt Tia’ 48 46 at ins Jammu and of the following Kashmir Ladakh A) Wheat is sown in 0. Kashmirandin May in Lada B) Wheat issown in M. K not sown in Ladakh CC) Inboth Ladakh and b.: ‘heat is sown in May D) What isnot s both, Ladakh and hmir Which apa IRE TONGM Re doc't come under the purview of Rightto Education? A) Governm Schools B) Private Schools ©) Madrasas Govemment schools fcc yy i (P00. (% Dy 31" 48. Which of the following g00ds is covered under the GST bit) a“ Cooking gas An artificial juridical person A local authority None of these $0. Which of the following is NOT the responsibility ofa panchayat secretary? A) Recording participation and discussion during meetings of panchayat, a, ssabhia 'B) Maintains the village funds-collection and disbursal C) Helps in implementation of resolution of panchayat and gram sabha ~D) Responsible for conducting election and vote counting At least once in six months Atleast once in a year 52. Pezerding to 2011 census, wia is average literacy sae the gate of Kashmir ~A) Less than 65% B) More than 65% but less than 70% : than 70% and less than 75% han 75%, en x4, to Jamo and Kash . el » Wl o 15 py 20 4 oA D) Rinchan ct 55, Managers set targets and decide thelr organization: i A) What _B) How ©) Which D) Because 56, Whatare you in the kitchen cupboard? A) Looking in B) Looking on C) Looking to D) Looking for 57. "Man proposes, __ disposes”. Fill in the blank space in this saying with any one of the following words - A) Woman *B) God C) Young girl D) Goddess 58. She _ 1¢ best apples from the basket wA) Choose .B) Chose C) Was chosen D) Choosing i tgeto (Set - D) an will A) Enjoyed ourself SB) Enjoyed ourselves C) Played with *D) Enjoyed $0. Choose the correctly spelt word A) Comittee B) Committe ©) Comitteee *D) Committee G1. Which one is the correct sentence? A) Mumps is common among, children. *B) Mumpsare common among children. (C) ‘Mumps iscommon between children. D) -Mumpsare common betWeen children, 62. The sergeant asked him to come to the Police station - i Which one is the correct answer? : ‘A) Between 4 PM to 5 PM. l *B) Between 4 PM and 5 PM, C) Between 4 PM or 5 PM. D) Between 4 PM till 5 PM. 63. Which one is the correct sentence ? A) He who speaks the truth, everybody loves him. B) Everybody loves him who speaks the truth. «C) Everybody who loves him speaks the truth. D) Everybody whom he loves speaks the truth, 64, Agreatman said, "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you cant then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep " Inthis quote, on- A) Flying. B) Running 1nd where didheg 65, The sorrest form ofthe sentence "Did they no know whe he and wh 1 Cg trom?” will be - A) Did they not know who was he and Wher tic.s.ane 4 B) Did they:not know who be was and wher. cut €) Did they not know who he was and Where lic carne 1 D) Did notthey know who he wasanid Wher hie caie | ee See IOI fs he blank in the following senegal "The Pres tothe bill.” Ay Accent B) Ascent ©) Assent D) Ascend “The Wise maniad vised usinot toate the poor’. Keplace the word hate’ in the with one of the following expressions: A) Look down, B) Look against, ©) Look down upon, D) Look down against, sentence . Fill in the blank in the senteniée "He studied hard test ve fil" With ag appropriate preposition from the following « Al would B) should ©) could D) might 69. "What you told is Greekio me®, In this Sentence the word ‘Greek’ means - A) The language of ancient Greece. B) The language of medieval Greece, C) The language of modem Greece, D) Unknown, 70. Manoharis good Cricket, A) about B) in C) at D) of 71. Choose the Antonym of the word LOVE, A) Affection B) Care ©) Like *D) Hate (Set-D) (13) [IP.-7.0. A} from B) in 79. nience, the ward hardly’ means B) 73. =1e nantly wie for goodluck,” tn hi B) Walch one is the correct answer c A) Almost not B) Sincerely et ©) Inadiligen! way D) Very seriously 74, "Where there i there i away” Fil inthe blank space in this sent ; With any of word A) Will * B) Shall ©) Should Db) Would "Yesterday Rahim aswell as Karim Prevent inthe mecting.” Fill inthe in this sentence with one of the follow e A) Has been B) Was ©) Hadbeen D) Were The expression “Think out of the box" means - zm A) Come out of the box and then think B) Think in a conventional manner, ©) Think in an innovative manner, D) Think inside the box. Omnivorous animals are those who - 8 “ A) Eatall kinds of food, B) Liveonve C) Liven water D) Live in flocks 7B. That he would treat me with this kind of misbehaviour ws known to me. This senge is- A) Fully correct B) Partially: correct 2 ibatantially incorrect Incorree "Fill inthe blanie * sentence sa ss, (Set- py (15) ding commonly kn rs. All the singer cers ) We 0 10 cone T 1 1 ' . onium are instruments, All the instruments are flu » #9. Stntements 8) Conclusions 1, All 93. Sta nllows the ca ne mangoes are yellow, Some tixo are mangoes 1 clusion fallows B) Only (2) conclusion follows } 1 © ) or (2) follows } *D) Neither (1) nor (2) follows (Set- D) (16) ment followed by two conelasions upg h of them logis aking financial institutions by “ote financial institutes 1 ak rea of finance, it hg expertise COmMenSt yg ma? he 3 asion follows dmmomiy: oY ti ty (1) cone one yw tat 0%) ayeonclusion follows 7 Oly 8) ayer (1) oF (2) Fallows igor : and (2) follows ) ats: Population increase coupled with depleting resources is going to beg g nany developing countries in days to come 1 of developing countries will not continue to increase in future will be very difficult forthe goveraments of developing countries to provide 4 opie decent quality of life MenLS ar0 Muteg ) Oaty (1) conclusion follows : aly (2) conclusion follows y) Either (1) or (2) follows +1) Both (1) and (2) follows 93, Saiements: Prime age school-going children in urba wllas more regul been an India have now become avidis lar viewers of television, even in households without a TV, Asaresit arming decline in the extent of readership of newspapers Conclusions: L Method of increasing the readership of newspapers should be devised A an of experts should be sent to other countries to study the ct of TV.0n thereadership of newspapers. imp nly (1) conclusion follows 8) On ly (2) conclusion follows (1) or (2) follows Neither (1) nor (2) follows by 2 (a7) [P10 PH "Meats related to "Negetarlan’ in the same way as*AlcohoF is related to *A)_Tecto B) Smoker Cy Water i D) Dietician 5, Scher’ ia related 10 F000" tn the same way as ‘Choreographer’ is relaied to A) Stage B) Music *C) Dance D) _Phovogrophy that is related to the third number in the same way 96, Select the op 36 the soso umber is 1! the first number. 4: 8-25 , Ay 100 B) 125 C) 625 Db) 75 97, If+means**'~means +", x means *-" and + means ‘*', then what will be the values the following expression, 18 +6-27+3 = 12=2 A) 92 B) 105 o) 95 Dy 107 98. Introducing » girl, a boy said, “She is the daughter of the mother of the daughter ofmy aunt.” How is the girl related to the boy? A) Niece B) Aunt Q) Cor 99, One morning, Manish and Ali were talking to each other face to face at a crossing If All's shadow was exactly to the left of Manish, which direction was Manish facing? +A) East B) South C) West me D) North baw ¥ i (Set-D) . (18) ‘ Arr (Se Felated te MARC WAY aS the poe hat will be the Valugop the daughter ofmy © at a crossing. If fanish facing? aningful order ahand mea k 6.3.3 following in a logical and meaningful order: \d Cup Semi Final Mate nals Match World Cup ofthe World Cup and ran 20km towards South, then tumed right and r °8 al the same spot and then again turned right and rar n 20km to the cricket ground. How many kilomet reach his hom« by shortest rout vs WO. Theanpes 0 the quadrilateral are in Ratio 4: 5: 10: 11, The angles 4 36, 60°, 1089, 156° ¥9) 48°, 60°, 120°, 132° 60°, 1229, 126° ©, 60°, 1208, 120° (Set-py (19) an 10 kn. Hea 020 km. Aft i cers Will behavell ate sivcn bel 104, One fours 1 of'a number is 15, What will be 40% of that number 109 A) 120 B) 350 © 20 +b) 180 | | 110 A) 0.10215 +B) 0.0218) €) 0.15201 Db) 0.21015 £Rs. 1.995 lakhs-each, On oF 106, A man sells two houses at the rate he gains 5% andog ther he loses $°%. His gain/loss percentage in the whole transaction is A) Loss = 0.25% t B) 0,25" oO D) Loss = 25% 107. A has to pay Rs, 220 to B after | year. B asks A to pay Rs, 110 in cash and defer the payment of Rs. 110 for2 years. A agrees to it, Ifthe rate of interest be 10% per anaum, in this mode of payment, A) There is no gain or loss to any one B) A gains Rs. 7.34 C) A loses Rs. 7.34 +D) AgainsRs. 11 108. Bombay Express leit Delhi for Bombay at 14.30 his., travelling at a speed of 60km/h and Rajdhani E xpress left Delhi for Bombay on the same day at 16.30 hrs., travelling at a speed of 80kmph. How far away from Dethi will the two trains meet? A) 120km B) 360k ©) 480km D) 500km (Set - D) (20) aan do piece of work in 72 days _ 109, Mem gys. In What tiie can A alone deg) Sat Soin 20 days, Ate ea ay 150days p) 120days Wodays 80 days } cpeldy? = 0, then ay is o,f " y sor ee lesen at $ or 2:1 p 3° oO alonly, nly oie, I+ pt+q" l+g¢r' 1 ‘) ; ‘ d OP a La ij pt } j 112. Acerain sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs, 1012 in 5/2 years and to Rs. 1067.20 in 4 years, Tate of interest per annum is A) 25% ' wer | then By) 3% No solution 5 0.008: Y Q0017 +19" B) 0s cy 15 D) (Set D) (Set.

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