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As we´ve been talking in class, bullying is an ongoing and deliberate behaviour

that happens frequently and intends to hurt someone. Usually there´s an
imbalance of power between the bully and the victim.

There exist four types of bullying: physical, social, verbal and cyberbullying.
Physical bullying includes attacking, hitting, pushing, physical abuse in general.
Social bullying consists in gossiping about someone, spreading rumours or
excluding from a group. Verbal bullying involves threats, teasing the victim,
making jokes about him/ her… Cyberbullying is the use of technology to hurt
someone. Reminding that it has to be frequent so we can call it bullying!

Frequently in bullying cases, the bully is either a narcissistic arrogant or

someone with a personality disorder, depression, among others. Arrogant
people and confident people are mistakenly mixed up, but there’s a big
difference between them. While confident people have a great self-esteem,
aren’t easily offended (since they’re aware of their qualities and faults) and don’t
need to demote someone to feel good, arrogant people do, they don’t own a
great self-esteem, but a big ego, which can be easily hurt. When someone feels
their ego attacked they tend to get in the attack, maybe violent, which can be a
reason to bully someone. If they feel disrespected by other person, even by
insignificant things.

Victims are normally “weak” physically and emotionally, they can have
psychological disorders and a lack of social abilities.

Bullying is “justified” by different social classes, ethnicities, personalities,

legacies among hundreds of things that could justify such behaviour.

Usually bullying happens between peers, but we tend to forget that it can also
happen between people of different ages. For example, it can happen between
parents and their children, by discharging their anger, insecurities in
unnecessary ways, upon their children. It can also happen between teachers
and students, if the student is constantly being humiliated, among others
I was never a part of a situation like this, but I know people who were, and I
know that it isn’t an easy place, and even when it’s over, it’s really difficult to
overtake! We can forgive the person (something we should do, for our own well-
being), but we’ll always remember it, it isn’t simple!

There are people who never get through it. Those ones live their whole life with
resentment, never being capable to develop healthy relationships; with self-
esteem problems and many more issues.

There is bullying everywhere. Although we frequently don’t notice, it exists

everywhere! We have to be more alert with this situations, and if it already
happened we need to help the victim getting through it, and also the bully, so it
doesn’t happen again and they can live a great life!

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