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- Greeting to the monk, teacher, and classmate

- Today, I am pleased to present about the one kind of Khmer classical dance that is famous all
the over the world, and this dance is recognized as the world intangible heritage in 2003. This
dance is called Apsara dance. According to the Hindu mythology, Apsaras were beautiful female
creatures that descended from heaven to entertain Gods and Kings with their dance, and are
messengers of peace between Kings on earth and Gods in heaven. Related to this dancing, I
describe the three points of this dance.
o The history of this dance
o How to perform the dance
o The benefit of this dance
- The history
+ If we look on the reference of carving stone of Prasat Sambo Prey kuk in Kompong Thom
province, we can see there are are Apsara dance performance, that can make us know that this
kind of dancing has existed long time ago before Angkor period. It existed in the 6h or 7th
century in the Chenla kingdom during the reign of Isanvarman the first.
+ Later, This dance has been glorified as the dance of paradise as what we can see on the wall of
Angkor Wat more than thousands and thousands of apsara carving, and in the reign of king
Jaryavarman the seven (12th century) there are still thousands and thousands of Apsara carving.
+ Later period, this dance was nearly disappeared until the 1940s. This dance was survived.
Queen Sisowath Kossomak Nearirath Serey Vatthana, the wife of King Norodom Suramarit, was
sent an invitation to Sothearath primary school, seeing the school mistress prepared an
inspirational angkor apsara dance which is performed by young school in the paper apsara
costume includes Crown, Sampot and Flower, all referencing Apsara represented at Angkor Wat.
The Queen got the idea to re-create the dance and led her first granddaughter, Princess
Norodom Buppha Devi, a daughter of Norodom Sihanouk, to become the first professional
apsara dancer of the modern era. The Princess started practicing the dance since she was 5
years old and danced apsara for first time during King Norodom Sihanouk's tenure.
+ Anyway, The Apsara dance had almost disappeared again during the Khmer Rouge period
(1975-1979) but the tradition remained thanks to a few surviving dancers who passed on their
knowledge to young generations. One of the most popular figures of the Apsara revival was late
Father King Norodom Sihanouk’s daughter, Princess Bopha Devi, who went on to become the
face of Khmer traditional dance in the 1950’s and 1960’s both in Cambodia and around the
Therefore, we can see the apsara dance existed long time ago, 6 or 7th century, and glorify later
in Angkor period, and survived later in the 1940th by Queen Sisowath Kossomak Nearirath Serey
Vatthana and her grand daughter.

How to perform the dance:

- As the Apsara dance is extremely complex, Cambodian children (particularly girls) are
trained from a very young age to be able to get enough flexibility to execute intricate
movements and to bend their fingers almost till their wrists.
- Apsara dancers are always well-dressed with traditional costumes that can also be seen
on the Angkor temples’ walls. They wear elegant silk clothing with floral motifs,
magnificent headdresses and jewelries.

Therefore, in order to perform well, they have to train a lot since young with decorating
themselves well.

The Advantages of Apsara Dance

- Apsara dance has promoted the culture and tradition of Khmer country to the world.
- It makes the world recognize Cambodia. It becomes the world intangible cultural
heritage in 2003.
- Apsara dance also tell us the great civilization of Ancient Khmer kingdom in the past.
Therefore, Apsara have priceless value, it is the spirit of our nation.

In summary, Apsara dance existed long time ago in the 6th and 7th century, and re created in the
period of Queen sisovath kosomak nearyroth, and this dance take a major role in make us and the
world know our great civilization and make the world recognisze Cambodia. Therefore, please
all the khmer people take care and promote this dance as cultural treasure forever to make Khmer
and the world know our great civilization.

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