Klasy 1 Test

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1 Zdecyduj, które z poniższych przymiotników opisują 2 A: What are your sister’s plans?

pozytywne uczucia lub cechy(P), a które – negatywne (N)? (5

B: She wants to g_____ a job and earn some money.
1 lonely ____
3 A: When did your brother l________ school?
2 scary ____
B: When he was eighteen – then he went to
3 lucky ____
4 nervous ____
5 cute ____
4 A: Is your cousin Cara married now?
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. (5 pkt.) (jedno słowo w B: Yes, and now she wants to h______ children.
ramce podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do żadnego ze
5 A: We don’t live at fifteen Old Road any more.
become do get graduate start let
B: Really? When did you m______ house?

1 We _______________ exams every summer. 6 A: What car did you l______ to drive in?
2 Kate and David are going to _______________ married in July. B: It was a Volkswagen Golf, my mum’s car.
3 You need to pass these exams if you want to _______________
a professional journalist. 7 A: Are the kids still at the village school?
4 Many students will _______________ from university with a B: No, they g______ to school in Oxford now.
5 I want to be a businessman and _______________ my own 8 A: What does Laura want to do after university?
business. B: She wants to b______ a teacher.
3 Uzupełnij poniższe Minidialogi właściwymi czasownikami.
Pierwsza litera każdego czasownika jest już podana. (10 9 A: Why is Dave selling his car?
pkt.) B: He wants to b______ a new one.
1 A: How old’s your dad?
B: Well, he was b_____ in 1973, so he’s over 10 A: Did you w______ the football match?
B: No, we lost 3 – 0.
2 A: Did you have a nice time at the party
4 Uzupełnij zdania formami was, wasn’t, were oraz weren’t. (5
B: (I / not go) _______________ – I was tired, so I
1 ___________ the tickets expensive?
stayed at home.
2 I went to their flat, but they ___________ at home.
3 Jack and Saskia ___________ in my class. I sat next to them.
3 A: How many children did your grandmother
4 It was my first day, but I ___________ nervous.
5 ___________ the film good?
B: (She / have) ______________ eight – five
5 Napisz zdania przeczące w czasie past simple. (5 pkt.) boys and three girls.
1 I went to the cinema last night.
____________________________________________ 4 A: Are you two married now?
2 I enjoyed the basketball game. B: Yes, (we / get) _______________ married last
____________________________________________ year.
3 She went to the sports centre yesterday.
5 A: Did you have a nice holiday?
4 My dad left school when he was fourteen.
____________________________________________ B: Yes, but the weather (not / be)
5 I took photos at the party on Saturday. _______________ very good.
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród podanych wyrazów (A–J) wybierz
właściwe uzupełnienie luk (1–5). Wpisz odpowiednie litery
obok numerów luk. Pięć wyrazów nie pasuje do żadnej z luk.
6 Uzupełnij odpowiedzi w poniższych minidialogach, używając
(5 pkt)
właściwej formy twierdzącej lub przeczącej czasowników
w nawiasach w czasie przeszłym. (5 pkt.) A go B left C want D went E leave
F became G start H wanted
1 A: Did Ben study to be a teacher after I became J started
B: No, (he / become) _______________ a
When Richard 1 __________ school at the age of 18, most of his
friends 2 __________ off to university. But he didn’t 3 __________ to
go, and he The teams of parents and kids on tonight’s TV quiz show started
__________ his own company selling music CDs to students and learning last week. What can they remember about their three
other young people. After a few years, Richard __________ a special subjects – Train timetables in France, Dinosaurs, and
very rich and famous businessman. World Villages? Turn on at 7.15 p.m. to see!

8 Przeczytaj teksty o czterech programach (A–D) nadawanych

dziś wieczór w telewizji i pytania Which of the programmes on TV tonight …
(1–5) dotyczące tych programów. Dopasuj pytania do
1 is an exciting film? ____
programów. Wpisz odpowiednie litery obok zdań 1–5. Jeden
z programów pasuje do dwóch pytań. (5 pkt.) 2 is about someone who wants to get rich? ____

A King of Cards 3 is fun for all the family to watch? ____

Life is hard for Jason King, but after losing his job in New York, he 4 is for people who are keen on animals? ____

still has one thing – his photographic memory. A friend teaches 5 is a story that has a happy ending? ____

him to play cards, and the two men go to Las Vegas. Can Jason 9 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. (5 pkt.)
win at cards and become a millionaire? 1
A How / What / Why was your weekend?
B Not 2 bad / good / worse, thanks.
B The Man with No Name
A What 3 do / did / does you do?
This is the true story of a man who woke up on a beach one
B I went surfing.
morning in Brighton, England with no papers, money, or ID … and
A Was it 4 happy / well / good?
he could not remember who he was. Doctors helped him, but it
B Yes, it was. When did you 5 ago / then / last go surfing?
was a long time before he got better and found his family again.

C Monkeys and Maths
In 2009, scientists studied a group of monkeys to test their
memories. This programme shows that some monkeys can
remember lists of fifteen to twenty numbers – that’s more than a
lot of people can do.

D Know it all

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