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1 Uzupełnij zdania słowami: hot, salty, stale, fresh, bland.

1 It is important to eat a lot of ...................... fruit and vegetables.

2 How many chilli peppers did you put in this meal? It’s too ...................... for me.
3 This dish is quite ...................... . It needs more flavour.
4 This bread has gone ...................... . It must be old.
5 These chips are too ...................... . I can’t eat them.
(5 x 1 = 5)

2 Otocz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedz.

1 ......... the cheese over the pizza.
A Grate B Peel C Chop D Grind
2 ......... the pastry until it is thin and cut out the biscuits.
A Mince B Steam C Season D Roll
3 ......... the egg, then add the flour.
A Beat B Mix C Mash D Drain
4 Put the cake in the oven and ......... it for 30 minutes.
A cook B stew C bake D broil
5 Can I ......... a table for 4 at 8 o’clock tonight, please?
A lay B book C order D take
(5 x 1= 5
3 Podkreśl w każdym zdaniu właściwe słowo.
1 Can you pass me the tin opener/peeler/grater, please?
2 We need to buy a bag/box/packet of spaghetti.
3 You shouldn’t have too many hot/fizzy/still drinks because they contain a lot of sugar.
4 Jamie just started working in a fast/frozen/junk food restaurant.
5 Could you tell me what the plate/dish/course of the day is, please?
(5 x 1= 5
4 Przeczytaj krótkie dialogi (1-5). Uzupełnij je właściwymi reakcjami A, B lub C.
1X: What would you like to drink?
A I’d like a glass of orange juice, please.
B I wouldn’t.
C I don’t like orange juice.
2 X: Excuse me, can you tell me where the train station is?
A It’s in a quiet street.
B You can’t miss it!
C It’s on River Street.
3X: My parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary.
A What a shame!
B Happy aniversary to them!
C That’s wonderful news!
4X: What’s your favourite dish?
A It was delicious.
B I like all kinds of food.
C I’m still hungry.
5X: What’s your favourite subject?
A The History teacher is Mrs Arthur.
B I don’t study History.
C I like History the best.
(5 x 1=5)
5 Połącz kolumny aby utworzyć wyrażenia:

1 travel A station
2 petrol B office
3 beauty C shop
4 furniture D salon
5 post E agent’s
(5 x1 = 5)
6 Podkreśl właściwe słowo:
1 You gave me a £10 note, don’t forget your difference/change/refund.
2 All products are half cost/price/value today.
3 It’s my favourite fashion newspaper/notebook/ magazine, I read it every month.
4 Can you get me a lollipop/sweet/chocolate bar from the confectioner’s?
5 I’m looking in the classified ads/brochures/ slogans for a new car.
(5 x 1=5)

7 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami: lend, borrow, repair, unpack, compare.

1 Can you .......................... my zip please? It’s broken.
2 We’ve got lots of packages in the post, can you help us .......................... them?
3 Henry asked the bank to .......................... him some money.
4 Fred likes to .......................... prices at different sites online before he buys something.
5 Can I .......................... your CD?
(5 x 1= 5)

8 Połącz zdania (A-F) z pytaniami (1-5). Jedna odpowiedż została podana dodatkowo.

1 How much is this shirt?

2 How far is the Chemist’s from here?
3 How often do you go shopping?
4 What time does the newsagent’s close?
5 How much does this meat weigh?

A Yes, it’s the next street.

B Every weekend.
C At 6:00 pm.
D 2 kg.
E Just 80 metres.
F It’s £20.
(5 x 1=5)

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