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Choose an appropriate modal verb to fill in the gaps below.

More than one option may be possible.

a. You really _______ be in bed. It’s past midnight!

b. Our neighbour said I _______ play the clarinet at 7 in the morning, because
he needs his sleep!
c. Excuse me, Mrs Dalton, _______ I open the window? It’s a little hot in here.
d. _______ we meet again tomorrow at 3? We still need to put the finishing
touches on our project.
e. I really _______ go home now, my parents are waiting for me.
f. Sit down, I _______ make you some tea.

e. In the classroom you ___________ pay attention to the teacher.

f. I think you ________ have a test tomorrow. You ________ study to get a
good mark.

g. You ___________ use your mobile phone in class.

h. I ____________ go to the park tomorrow. I am not sure yet.

i. I ___________ take photos here. It is forbidden.

j. __________ I open the window, please?

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