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2B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Listening As we returned shortly before dinner, we found
1 02 Listen to a conversation between friends. out that we needed to go to the Accidents and
Complete the sentences so that they correspond to Emergency department at the nearest hospital some
the information in the recording. 10 kilometres away, because Mark and his cousin
had had a big fight and both needed stitches.
1 Penny wasn’t able to hand in her essay the previous Apparently, they had tried to decide which one of
Monday as a result of ___________________________ . them was a better ‘Jedi’. Besides this, Chris had been

2 Penny asks Tom to __________________________ . playing in the garden, and had got bitten by an
3 One thing over which Penny and Tom do not seem to insect which had caused an allergic reaction because
agree is that _______________________________ . his right arm went awfully red and swollen. 'OK boys,
4 Penny does some work most weekends because get in the car,' said Dave. 'At least, we won’t have to
_____________________________ is not enough. go twice,' he added. When they returned an hour
later, we had dinner.
5 Penny believes that children’s curiosity pushes them
to __________________________________ . Surprisingly, the rest of the afternoon passed without
6 Tom’s sister often ______________________________
parents because he sometimes gives her strange
__ / 6
any major disasters. We had a chat and some
delicious cake made by Ellen, Dave’s wife. However,
when it was time to go home, we couldn’t find Sonia
anywhere. It was Dave who eventually figured out

that she might have gone in the attic, because it
was the place with the strongest internet signal. And
there she was, totally caught up in chatting to her
friends online. 'It has been a lovely day,' said my wife
as we arrived home two hours later. 'We’ll have to

2 Read the text. Complete gaps 1–4 in the email with
the information from the text. repeat it some time soon.' And the really worrying
thing was that she really meant it.
I had been planning to spend a quiet weekend at
home, so I wasn’t exactly over the moon when my
wife suggested visiting her brother’s family in the Cześć Marta,

countryside. She said they’d kept inviting us to go and Przeczytałam właśnie śmieszną opowieść mężczyzny
o jego weekendowym wyjeździe. Od razu przypom-

see them for a long time and she’d already promised

we’d be going there some time soon. ‘This weekend niały mi się nasze dawne wyjazdy z rodzicami do ci-
is as good as any other one’, she argued. After a short oci Róży!
discussion (I was mostly doing the listening while she Tom nie chciał nigdzie jechać, ale jego żona nalegała.
did the talking), we reached a compromise, which Spakowali więc najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy, które kom-
meant, of course, we were going. We packed a few pletnie zasłoniły tylną szybę samochodu i wyruszy-
necessary things, which completely covered the rear li. Najstarsza córka, Sonia, podobnie jak ojciec, nie
window of the car and we set off. The drive was
chciała jechać, ale podczas podróży on przynajmniej
a typical one, with my wife chatting to Mark and 1) ____________________________ .
Chris, our sons aged six and three, while Sonia, our
14-year-old daughter, and I quietly showed how Na miejscu powitała ich rodzina i ich pies, który
unhappy we were about being made to go, although wskoczył na Toma i porwał jego drogi płaszcz.
Potem, podczas spaceru z Davem, czyli swoim

I did it in such a way that nobody could notice.

2) ____________________________ , Tom ubłocił
When we arrived, we were given a really warm swoje nowe buty. Jakby tego było mało, po południu
welcome, especially by the family’s huge Labrador, dzieci się pobiły i trzeba było zawieźć je na ostry dyżur
which happily jumped up at me, ripping my expensive do szpitala, żeby 3) ____________________________
coat. We had some quick refreshments, and then the

. Reszta pobytu upłynęła już spokojnie. Cho-

children went out to play with their cousins, and my ciaż na sam koniec nikt nie mógł znaleźć Sonii.
wife disappeared into the kitchen to help prepare Okazało się, że była na poddaszu, bo tam był
dinner. In the meantime, I joined Dave, my brother- 4) ____________________________ . Żonie Toma
in-law, for a walk around the property. After some wyjazd się podobał, jemu chyba nie…
rain, this was a muddy business which completely
ruined my brand-new shoes. Prześlę Ci później link do bloga, gdzie możesz przec-
zytać całą historię.
Trzymaj się,

__ / 4

Password Reset B2 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable

2B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Language functions 7 Complete the sentences with appropriate
3 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.
Use two words for each gap. 1 Stop staring ______ her! It’s really rude and
1 I am of ____________ that parents should talk to
their children more often. 2 Martin is very close ______ his brothers. They are like
really good friends.
2 I don’t like him, perhaps ____________ the fact that

he’s so arrogant. 3 I didn’t expect Ryan to fall ______ love with my sister!
3 I’m really sorry ____________ so rude to you 4 Kate got married ______ a man from Milan and they
yesterday. moved to Italy.
4 The cinema? Maybe a better idea would __ / 4
____________ go to the disco?
5 I’m bored with staying at home. Why ____________ Grammar
out this evening?
7m2 8 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
__ / 5
1 Many / Many of my friends enjoy going out to clubs
and discos.

Vocabulary 2 I’ve been there a little / a couple of times, so I know
the place well.
4 Choose the correct option to complete each 3 He had any / no friends there and felt extremely
sentence. lonely.
1 My sister has got engaged. Her fiancé / acquaintance 4 We’ve almost run out of coffee. There’s only a few /

is a good friend of mine. a little left in the box.
2 Tom and I aren’t close friends, although we work 5 All / Every the boys in my class would like to date
together. We’re just colleagues / relatives. Carol. She’s so beautiful and charming.
3 After the divorce, my mum got married again and
7m2 6 I normally borrow five or six books from the local
had library, but yesterday I didn’t take so much / many

a baby girl, who is my sister-in-law / half sister. out.


__ / 3 __ / 6

5 Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs. 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Use the future tenses.
1 Even though my sister and I argue a lot, we usually
____________ up again quickly. 1 Hurry up! The film _________________ (start) in five
2 Both of my younger brothers ____________ after our minutes!
dad. They’re so much like him. 2 It’s a pity you have to leave the party at 10 p.m. I’m
3 My friend has just ____________ up with her quite sure Peter and I _________________ (not arrive)
boyfriend, so she’s quite depressed. there
4 My girlfriend is very jealous. She’s afraid I might by that time, so we won’t see each other.

____________ for another girl. 3 You can call me between 5 and 6 p.m.
I _________________ (not work) then.
__ / 4 4 I’ve almost finished the game you lent me. I’m sure
I _________________ (go) through it by Friday.

6 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 5 Make yourself comfortable. I _________________
Some letters have been given. (make) you a cup of tea.
1 Going through their parents’ divorce was a very
__ / 5
_ a _ n _ u _ experience for the children, and it took
them a long time to adapt to the new situation.
2 I couldn’t believe it when I found out that one of my
friends had _ p _ _ _ d some nasty rumours about
3 Mark is a _ i _ t _ _ t relative of mine. I think he’s my
grandmother’s cousin’s son or something like that.
__ / 3

Password Reset B2 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable

2B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

English in use Writing
10 Choose the correct word to complete each pair of 11 Read the instruction and do the writing task.
sentences. Ostatnio psychologowie często postulują, aby rodzice
1 I’ve heard that Will gave her an engagement ______ wymagali od swoich dzieci większego zaangażowania
last weekend. w wypełnianie codziennych obowiązków domowych.
Why don’t you give me a ______ when you finish the Napisz rozprawkę (200–250 słów), w której wyrazisz
swoją opinię na ten temat, uwzględniając argumenty

match? I will give you a lift.
zarówno z perspektywy nastolatka/nastolatki, jak i jego/jej
a present b ring c call
2 The marriage broke ______ just a few years later.
When I was younger, I used to look ______ to my ________________________________________________
older sister for all her sporting achievements.
a at b down c up ________________________________________________
3 ______ she doesn’t have any close friends, she
sometimes feels lonely.
______ the end of July it hasn’t rained much.
a Since b As c For


4 I’ve only invited a ______ of good friends to my birthday
Carol and Frank are such a nice ______. I hope they
get married soon.

a lot b couple c pair
5 The blue dress suits me better. I think I’ll ______ it. ________________________________________________
I don’t ______ after my parents much. In fact, I’m
more like my grandfather.
7m2 ________________________________________________
a get b take c have

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