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Assignment 2: Proposal

1, List of companies, companies that I want to work in the future:

-I’m a person that really into art, therefore I want to work in the industry that related to art in
general. Some could be name as 88risin, Ratrecords… after I finished my degree.

2, Why am I passionate with art.

-Well, it is about creativity and let me be myself, people tell me, and I acknowledge that I have
strong identity, I find out already that it is not gonna end up well if I work in a comercial
environment, even commercial art environment. When it regards to the art that I am currently
pursuiting, it speaks about the soul much more, and it serve me, myself, not the commercial
purposes. Currently, I am a musician, and own a guitarsore, maybe in a future I would participate
in music labels to gain knowledge and apply it to my own startsup regarded to music, after that,
it is all about the art community in Vietnam, helping young artists to get in touch, gain chances to
success in Vietnam environment.

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