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Slide 1:5g open lots of new possibilities

- Telemedicines
- Headsets
- Autonomous vehicles

In principle, low latency 5G networks open lots of new possibilities for services that demand nearly
instant response time. That includes telemedicine, augmented reality headsets and communications to
let autonomous vehicles talk to one another and link into efficient platoons.

Slide 2:

3G – latencies in the hudred of milliseconds

4g – 30ms to 70ms

5G – just about 5 to 20

1ms in the future

Third-generation mobile networks -- 3G to you and me -- had latencies in the hundreds of milliseconds,
which is to say an appreciable fraction of a second. 4G networks started with latencies of about 100ms
and now are down to a range of about 30ms to 70ms, That's getting closer to the theoretical 4G latency
of just 10ms. And With 5G networks, with good networks somewhere between 5ms and 20ms, But
that's just today's latency. The ultimate goal for 5G, set by an industry group called the 3GPP (3rd
Generation Partnership Project) hopes 5G network improvements ultimately can push latency all the
way down to 1ms.

Efforts to improve latency were started with the introduction of 4G but it was never the main objective.
However, this is not the case with 5G, where latency has been an integral part of the development of 5G
technology. In an ideal situation, the time taken for a signal to be received by a base station transmitted
from a mobile device on a 5G network should be 1-2 milliseconds! This is a major improvement from 4G
LTE, which was already a significant improvement over the previous 3G technology. Verizon has
reported that their 5G network achieves a latency of lower than 30 ms, which is an improvement of
around 23 ms compared to the existing 4G network which takes over 53 ms.

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Advantages of 5g

Autonomous vehicles
Online gaming

Real – time communication and Wireless communication

Autonomous vehicles are a good example where latency is of utmost importance. Vehicles moving at
high speeds require almost real-time information from their surroundings. During the development of
5G, self-driving vehicles were kept in consideration.

Another use case of low latency is online gaming. Online gaming does not require high data transfer
speeds, in fact the recommended internet connection for online gaming should have at least 3 Mbps
download speed and 1 Mbps upload speed. Latency is of higher priority than the actual network speed
in online gaming.

Latency improvements in 5G is a massive advantage for applications that require real-time

communication and Wave 5G provides the best latency along with data rates never seen before in
wireless communication. As the world has transformed digitally, the need for a better response time
and instant feedback have become the new norm and 5G aims to deliver it.

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