المحاضرة 2

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‫قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬.... ‫ دبلوم إدارة جودة‬............

‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

Important Quality Terms

• Quality improvement can be distinguished from quality control in that
quality improvement
refers to purposeful change of a process to improve the reliability of
achieving an outcome.
• Quality control is the ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of a
process to maintain the reliability of achieving an outcome.
• Quality assurance is the planned or systematic action necessary to
provide enough confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given
requirements of quality.
- Old Quality versus New Quality
The difference between old and new quality lies in the fact that the old

is the work of craftsmen,whereas the new is the work of a system. Old

quality was created by a few, for the few.

New quality is the work of many, for the many. The first is expensive, in

terms of labour if not cash; while the second, reduces cost. Old quality

still matters because it produces beautiful products. However, new quality

can drive the economy by making business more competitive and by

serving the population with products and services of a certain standard


before achieved. Table 1 states the differences between old quality and

new quality. Box 1.2 highlights the difference between small “q” and big

“Q.”According to the conventional view of quality, products are

manufactured exactly to specifications. As per the new view of quality

‫قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬.... ‫ دبلوم إدارة جودة‬............‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

(total quality), products and services totally satisfy customer needs and

expectations in every respect on a continuous basis.

The big “Q” approach to quality is the closest to total quality

management. The starting point consists of the customers and their needs.
Customer needs are converted into product features,which are then
optimized to maximize customer satisfaction by providing maximum
quality at the least cost. The emphasis in the manufacturing process is on
“zero defects” rather than correction or rework. The mechanism that
provides feedback information on product quality provides a high degree
‫قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬.... ‫ دبلوم إدارة جودة‬............‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

of learning that is aimed at preventing a recurrence of errors in the

process. People are considered the major variables in many processes and
efforts are made to enable them to perform tasks without error. A
conscious effort is made to train employees in handling tools and
empower them to do the job right the first time.

- W. Edwards Deming

W. Edwards Deming3 (1900–1993) is often referred to as the “father

of quality control”.Deming is best known for initiating a transformation
in the Japanese manufacturing sector in the aftermath of World War II,
which enabled it to become a big player in the world market. The Deming
Prize, the highest award for quality in Japan, is named in his honour.He is
also known for his 14 Points (a new philosophy for competing on the
basis of quality,)for the Deming Chain Reaction and for the Theory of
Profound Knowledge. He also modified the Shewhart PDSA (Plan, Do,
Study, Act) cycle to what is now referred to as the Deming Cycle (Plan,
Do, Check, Act)

- The Deming Cycle: PDCA Cycle

Deming introduced the “Deming cycle,” one of the crucial QC tools
for assuring continuous improvement. The Deming cycle is also known
as the Deming wheel or the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle (Figure
2.1). It is a problem-solving process adopted by firms engaged in
continuous improvement. Deming stressed the importance of constant

‫قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬.... ‫ دبلوم إدارة جودة‬............‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

interaction among the four stages of Design, Production, Sales and

Research for a company to arrive at better quality that satisfied
customers. He stated that this wheel should be operated in accordance
with quality first perceptions and responsibilities. He stated that to arrive
at a quality that satisfied customers, the four stages should be rotated
constantly with quality as the most critical criterion.

- Juran’s Quality Trilogy

Juran developed the idea of the quality trilogy to bring continuous
improvement in the process. The elements of the trilogy are quality
planning, quality improvement and quality control. These are broken into
key constituents as shown in Table 2.1.

‫المحاضرة الثانية‪ ............‬دبلوم إدارة جودة ‪....‬قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬

‫قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬.... ‫ دبلوم إدارة جودة‬............‫المحاضرة الثانية‬

1.4 Systems, culture, tools and customers

For most organizations the challenge of quality development requires
progress in each of the three basic dimensions of quality management:
• people;
• systems;
• techniques.
This section describes the developments required in each of these aspects
of quality in order to provide improved customer satisfaction and
enhanced business performance. It is through the systematic integration
of all three dimensions that organizations achieve the breakthrough in
operational performance and customer service associated with total
quality. Progress, however,requires both an understanding of the
fundamental principles of quality management and also an appreciation
of the implementation approaches necessary for practical success.
Quality development has a potentially significant impact upon all three
elements of business - customers, shareholders and employees. Improved
customer service enhances customer loyalty and generates increased
More effective internal operations reduce quality costs and hence
improve business performance. Finally a quality culture in which people
are empowered creates increased job satisfaction and therefore a more
motivated workforce.The dimensions of quality management are
illustrated in Figure 1.3.

‫المحاضرة الثانية‪ ............‬دبلوم إدارة جودة ‪....‬قراءات لغة إنكليزية‬


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