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Maria Bălan

Maria Bălan is a graphic artist based in Bucharest where she studied graphics at the University of Arts
and Architecture at the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism. She is involved in various
art projects and has also participated in a number of national and international exhibitions. In 2013 he
won the prize of the International Biennial of Poster and Book Illustration of Young Artists from
Timișoara. In 2015 he published in a limited edition, an object book that became part of the "artist's
book" selection of the "The most beautiful books in Romania" contest. In 2019 he launched the book
Anomalica, entirely handmade in the technique of linocut, during an event “One Night Gallery. Love.
Maria Balan ”. In the street art area, Maria works in the public space, especially through small paste up
interventions made in various engraving techniques. You can meet Maria's murals on the streets of
Bucharest, Brasov or Iasi.

Date of birth: 05-05-1987, Campina

2015 - Trainee member of the Union of Visual Artists in Romania, Bucharest, Graphics section
2016 - 2017 - Member of the Illustrators Club
2011-2014 University of Arts, Bucharest, Graphics Department, assistant professor Carmen Apetrei
2005-2011 “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Architecture Department,
supervising professor Octavian Neculai
artist pages:

2013 - Prize of the Poster Section with Free Theme within the Biennial of Poster and Book Illustration of
Young Artists, Timisoara
2016 - Doodlers Anonymous Drawing Challenge, Miami, USA

Articles about the artist

Artistic activity
Group exhibitions
2008 - "International Art Camp", Museum of Contemporary Art, Blaj
2012 - “Annual Graphic Arts / Graphic Student”, Mansarda Gallery, Timisoara
- "Drawings at the palace", Mogosoaia Palace, Bucharest
- "Poster Exhibition", Mansarda Gallery, Timisoara
2013 - Theater Poster Exhibition, Rapsodia Hall, Bucharest
- Exhibition of Chinese calligraphy, ground floor UNArte, Bucharest
- Chromatic Perception, UNA Gallery, Bucharest
- "Poster Exhibition", UNA Gallery, Bucharest
- Exhibition of the Participants at the Camp, the Gallery in the Garden, Arcus Culture Center 2014 -
"UNArte 150 years", Bucharest
- "Drawing from the Workshop", Timisoara
- "Martyrdom of the Brancoveanu Family", Campina
- ”Movie Poster Is Not Dead, Prague
- Biennial "Ion Andreescu" Buzau
2015 - Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Balkans, Kavarna, Bulgaria
- "Contemporary peasant artists" at the "Nicolae Grigorescu" Museum, Campina
- The most beautiful traveling books - albums and artist books, Plan B Gallery, Cluj
-ExperimentalistRO, The Ark, Bucharest
2016 - Triennial of Gavura, Toulouse, France
- Chimopar: Urban Art Archives, Urban Collectors, Bucharest
- White Night of the Galleries, Nod Makerspace, Bucharest
- Artist invited to Grolsch Residence, exhibition and live drawing, Bucharest
2017 - "Talking the heavens and the people of the earth", National Museum of the Village, Bucharest
- Romanian Design Week, Bucharest
- Girls, mural painting, Volume 4, Bucharest
- Amural, Romanian Illustration, Brasov
- International Biennial of Contemporary Engraving Iosif Iser, Ploiesti
- Romanian Graphics 2017, Art House, Bucharest
- The Gathering, mural painting, Iasi
- Sticker Attack - first edition, Bucharest
- Understanding Design, Arcub, Bucharest
- Balkan God, Golgathakirche, Berlin, Germany
2018 - Balan Family, Ploiesti Art Gallery
- Romanian Desing Week, "Răcnet" - political poster, Bucharest
- Sticker Attack - second edition, Bucharest
- Răcnet 2.0 - political poster House of Arts, Timisoara
- Sibiu International Street Art Festival, live drawing, Parcul sub Arini, Sibiu
2019 - RAMPA, street art exhibition
- Romanian Design Week, Bucharest
- Răcnet 3.0 - political poster, Bucharest
- Răcnet 4.0 - political poster, TIFF - Cluj
- International Biennial of Contemporary Engraving Iosif Iser, Ploiesti
- Fresh, Romanian young artists, Elite art Gallery, Bucharest

Personal exhibitions
2017 - Piano Wine Bar, Heilbronn, Germany
2018 - “The Unknown”, Hidden Gallery, Bucharest

Camps for study and documentation

2009 - "Inochentie Micu-Clein" International Art Camp, Blaj

2013 - Camp of creation and restoration led by Prof. Ion Lazar, Arcus, Covasna County 2008 -
International Art Camp "Inochentie Micu-Clein", Blaj
2015 - Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Balkans, Kavarna, Bulgaria

2013 - Prize of the Free Theme Poster Section of the Biennial of Poster and Book Illustration of Young
Artists, Timisoara
2016 - Doodlers Anonymous Drawing Challenge, Miami, USA

Articles about the artist

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