Instructions 97125

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Dear Customers

Please Provide Your Payment Information

1. YourAmazon account has been put on hold, therefore any pending order, and
subscriptions will be temporary on hold,

2. We took this action, because the billing information you provided did not macth with the
information of the card issue data. Which is violating our terms of service. Please
update your information as soon as possible so you can continue using your card with

3. For your security, all your account service's are disabled until response has been
received form you. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may gave caused. Thanks
you for your attention.

Update Your Info

This is an electronics mail service from amazon

Account : ## yhtV5vjM ## ID

Amazon Service. Inc is a subsidiary of Inc. is a registered trademark of,
Inc. This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Services Inc. 410 Terry Ave. North Seattle. WA

1996-2023 Trademarks.

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