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Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

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Potential health benefits of carotenoid lutein: An updated review

Saikat Mitra a, Abdur Rauf b, **, Abu Montakim Tareq c, Shamima Jahan c, Talha Bin Emran d,
Talukder Galeeb Shahriar a, Kuldeep Dhama e, Fahad A. Alhumaydhi f, Abdullah S.M. Aljohani g,
Maksim Rebezov h, i, Md Sahab Uddin j, Philippe Jeandet k, Zafar Ali Shah b,
Mohammad Ali Shariati l, Kannan RR. Rengasamy m, *
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, 1000, Bangladesh
Department of Chemistry, University of Swabi, Swabi, Anbar, 23430, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan
Department of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, 4318, Bangladesh
Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong, 4381, Bangladesh
Division of Pathology, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, 243122, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Medical Laboratories, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
V M Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Talalikhina St., Moscow, 109316, Russian Federation
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, 38 Vavilova str., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Department of Pharmacy, Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Research Unit, Induced Resistance and Plant Bioprotection, EA 4707, SFR Condorcet FR CNRS 3417, Faculty of Sciences, PO
Box 1039, 51687, Reims Cedex 2, France
K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (the First Cossack University (MSUTM), Russian Federation
Green Biotechnologies Research Centre of Excellence, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X1106, Polokwane, Sovenga, 0727, South Africa


Handling Editor: Dr. Jose Luis Domingo Carotenoids in food substances are believed to have health benefits by lowering the risk of diseases. Lutein, a
carotenoid compound, is one of the essential nutrients available in green leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli,
Keywords: spinach, lettuce, and peas), along with other foods, such as eggs. As nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining
Lutein human health, lutein, as a nutritional substance, confers promising benefits against numerous health issues,
including neurological disorders, eye diseases, skin irritation, etc. This review describes the in-depth health
Health benefits
beneficial effects of lutein. As yet, a minimal amount of literature has been undertaken to consider all its
Neurological disorders
Lifestyle diseases promising bioactivities. The step-by-step biosynthesis of lutein has also been taken into account in this review.
Bioactive food ingredients Besides, this review demonstrates the drug interactions of lutein with β-carotene, as well as safety concerns and
dosage. The potential benefits of lutein have been assessed against neurological disorders, eye diseases, cardiac
complications, microbial infections, skin irritation, bone decay, etc. Additionally, recent studies ascertained the
significance of lutein nanoformulations in the amelioration of eye disorders, which are also considered in this
review. Moreover, a possible approach for the use of lutein in bioactive functional foods will be discussed.

1. Introduction there has been growing interest for the study of their influence on
health, a higher amount of dietary consumption of carotenoids being
There is a substantial piece of literature showing that consuming an related to favorable impacts in many systemic disorders and eye prob­
antioxidant-rich diet reduces inflammation (Bjørklund and Chirumbolo, lems, as well as defense of the retina against exposure to phototoxic light
2017; Daniele et al., 2017; Jia et al., 2017). Carotenoids, which tend to damages (Álvarez-Barrios et al., 2021; Lima et al., 2016). Most of the
have antioxidant attributes, are nutrients broadly distributed in food research reports on carotenoids are based on the compound lutein,
products, particularly vegetables and fruits (Fiedor and Burda, 2014; which exerts a significant antioxidant activity in vitro related to a
Mezzomo and Ferreira, 2016; Young and Lowe, 2018). In recent years, decreased incidence of age-related maladies (Black et al., 2020; Buscemi

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Rauf), (K.RR. Rengasamy).
Received 9 April 2021; Received in revised form 30 May 2021; Accepted 4 June 2021
Available online 8 June 2021
0278-6915/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

et al., 2018; Pérez-gálvez, Viera and Roca, 2020). Several reports have amplified bone density of young adults (Bovier and Hammond, 2017).
indicated that a high lutein intake, either by food or as nutritional In the examples mentioned above, we have seen that lutein possesses
supplements, is beneficial for vision problems, such as cataract (Buscemi many biological activities; this compound could be thus utilized as a new
et al., 2018; G. & S., 2017; Karppi et al., 2012; Y. C. Liu, Wilkins, Kim, source of functional food ingredients in the future. This review thus aims
Malyugin and Mehta, 2017; Ma et al., 2014) and age-related macular to present the pharmacology and bioactivities of lutein.
degeneration (AMD) (Beatty et al., 2013; Eisenhauer et al., 2017; Feng
et al., 2019; Sawa et al., 2020; Weigert et al., 2011). Nevertheless, few 2. Structure and sources of lutein
works in the literature also reported conflicting data (Berrow et al.,
2013; Chew et al., 2013; Korobelnik et al., 2017; Obana et al., 2015; Lutein is a member of the carotenoid family that includes around 700
Sasamoto et al., 2011). More recently, several studies have suggested, compounds in nature. The molecular formula of lutein is (C40H56O2) (see
however, that lutein has a positive influence on inflammatory behavior, its structure in Fig. 1 showing it comprises 40 carbon atoms and six
neuroprotection, reduction of the incidence of coronary disorders as double carbon-carbon bonds with attached methyl groups). Remark­
well as other systemic disorders (Chung, Leanderson, Lundberg and ably, the presence of two hydroxyl groups on both ends of the molecule
Jonasson, 2017a; Johnson et al., 2013; Leermakers et al., 2016). differentiates lutein and zeaxanthin from several other carotenoids, and
Epidemiological researches carried out to date have indicated that di­ this is liable for their elevated chemical reactivity with singlet oxygen.
etary lutein can improve cognitive and visual function over its existence The structure of lutein is similar to that of other carotenoids. Caroten­
(Akuffo et al., 2017; Hendrickson, 2016; Stringham et al., 2015; oids are divided into two classes according to their chemical structures:
Stringham, Stringham, & O’brien, 2017; Tanprasertsuk et al., 2016; the carotenes (pure hydrocarbons including, for example, lycopene and
Zarubina et al., 2018). Its function as an anti-inflammatory and anti­ β-carotene) and the xanthophylls (polar compounds containing oxygen
oxidant agent may be attributed to neuroprotection. Among caroten­ atoms, such as lutein and its structural isomer zeaxanthin) (Perrone
oids, lutein builds up preferably in the child and adult brain. Several et al., 2016).
data suggest a relationship between lutein status and vision and cogni­ Lutein has been documented to have anti-inflammatory properties
tive performances in young, older adults as well as pre-adolescent and is an essential antioxidant. Eating foods rich in carotenoids, such as
children, including retrospective or intervention trials. Based on lutein green vegetables, fruits, etc. can lower the risk of age-related macular
diets associated with a lower incidence of AMD, which has comparable degeneration. Therefore, varieties of fruit and vegetables may be used as
risks of age-related cognitive impairment, the overall intake of lutein for potential dietary supplements for carotenoids (Ravikrishnan et al.,
adults is small. The elderly can be an especially susceptible population 2011; Vijay et al., 2018).
for factors such as a reduced sense of smell and taste, owing to inade­ Lutein is a carotenoid pigment that confers a yellow or orange color
quate diet (Stringham et al., 2019). More recent research shows that to various common foods such as cantaloupe, orange/yellow peppers,
lutein is probably also essential for early life brain growth and cognition. pasta, corn, carrots, salmon, and fish. Besides, egg yolk may be an
Breast milk is the best source of lutein for infants. As an additional essential source of lutein, the high-fat content of yolk improving ab­
source of lutein in children, augmented formulations can be used sorption of this compound. The role of lutein in human health, partic­
(Stringham et al., 2019). ularly in eye health, has been well established from epidemiological,
The neuroprotective action of lutein has been appraised in plenty of clinical, and interventional studies (Abdel-Aal et al., 2013). LC/MS
literature works. An investigation by Sasaki M. et al. has indicated that identified lutein in the edible flowers and leaves of Tropaeolum majus L.
lutein can effectively protect against retinal neural impairments. The A study of the carotenoid content of 24 fruits and vegetables available in
same group also reported that lutein exerts a potential activity regarding Panama has revealed the existence of seven sources with a high lutein
diabetic retinopathy in C57BL/6 mice (Sasaki et al., 2010). Nataraj et al. content (5–20 μg/g dry weight) and 8 with a very high content (>20
outlined that lutein protects dopaminergic neurons by reducing mito­ μg/g) (Murillo et al., 2010). Using food consumption data from the
chondrial injury and oxidative stress (OS) against MPTP (1-methyl-4-­ Spanish National Dietary Intake Survey (2009–2010), the average
phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine)-induced apoptotic death and motor intake of carotenoids was 4290.8 μg/d (67.1% total carotenoid intake),
dysfunction (Nataraj et al., 2016). In addition to neuroprotective func­ mainly from vegetables (3414.0 μg/d), followed by fruits (393.5 μg/d),
tions, lutein’s efficacy has been established with regards to microbial oils/fats (204.0 μg/d), and eggs/egg products (170.0 μg/d). The main
diseases. According to Kiplimo al., lutein blocks the growth and prolif­ sources of lutein are vegetables (62.9% total diet, 1235.2 μg/person/d)
eration of many bacteria, including Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus (Estévez-Santiago, Beltrán-De-Miguel, & Olmedilla-Alonso, 2016).
saprophyticus, S. aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc., at
concentrations ranging from 8 to 256 μg/mL (Kiplimo et al., 2011). 3. Biosynthesis of lutein
Besides, dietary lutein facilitates the antibody’s reaction to vaccination
against the infective bronchitis virus. Another protective role of lutein The biosynthesis of lutein occurs through the mevalonate pathway
has been illustrated against cardiac diseases. A systematic review and (Fig. 1). In this pathway, HMGCoA-reductase reduces hydroxy-methyl-
meta-analysis conducted by Leermakers et al. (2016) reported that glutaryl-coenzyme A (HMGCoA) to mevalonic acid, which is the pre­
lutein might likely play a role in blood pressure problems and signs of cursor of the universal 5-carbon isoprenoid units, i.e., isopentenyl py­
artery inflammation in people with elevated cholesterol, high tri­ rophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). Catalytic
glycerides, and/or blood glucose. In addition to these mentioned po­ elongation of DMAPP leads first to the C-10 metabolite geranyl pyro­
tential activities, lutein has been described for its efficacy in malarial phosphate (GPP) and then to the C-15 isoprenoid farnesyl pyrophos­
disease, skin irritation, wound healing, cell proliferation, osteoporosis, phate (FPP) under the enzymic action of farnesyl pyrophosphate
as well as oral and dental diseases. For example, lutein derived from synthase (FPPS). The enzyme geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase
Cassia fistula was found to exhibit antiplasmodial activity at a concen­ (GGPPS) catalyzes the FPP elongation to the C-20, isoprenoid ger­
tration of 7.1 ± 0.2 μg/mL through in vitro experiments (Grace et al., anylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP).
2012). Besides, Juturu et al. experimented to find out the skin lightning Two molecules of GGPP dimerize with each other into phytoene in
and toning effects of lutein by oral administration of the extract: their the presence of dimerase enzymes. The phytoene further oxidizes into
study found advantages of the method at a dosage of 10 mg daily (Juturu α-carotene through lycopene by a reductase. Hydroxylation at the third
et al., 2016). In another investigation, Li et al. (Y. Li et al., 2018a) have position of the two rings of α-carotene by a hydrolase leads to lutein
shown that lutein supplementation can prevent cell proliferation, cell formation (Niu et al., 2020; Waller et al., 2019).
invasion, and HES1-mediated breast cancer cell migration. Moreover,
Bovier et al. have addressed the effectiveness of macular lutein in

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

Fig. 1. Step wise biosynthesis of lutein.

4. Pharmacological activities of lutein Besides, the probable mechanisms of action of lutein in the brain
have also been reported. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a high poly­
4.1. Neuroprotective effects unsaturated fatty acid present in the brain, is crucial for the develop­
ment and the functional improvement in children. It is equally essential
Lutein is one of the most plentiful carotenoids that are mainly to maintain adults’ neural functions (Honold et al., 2016). However, the
available in nature and the human diet. A substantial part of its functions presence of DHA and a strong metabolic activity lead to free radical
has been assessed in nervous tissues (Erdman et al., 2015; Zheng et al., attacks of the brain. Besides, DHA oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease pa­
2013). Numerous researchers have used in vivo and in vitro experimental tients and cognitively impaired individuals were also reported. Brain
strategies to assess the neuroprotective effects of lutein against the ret­ cell injury, impairment and death, and, particularly, loss of nerve con­
ina’s neuronal dysfunctions during inflammation. For example, a study nectivity can contribute to cognitive impairment (Erdman et al., 2015).
by Sasaki (Sasaki et al., 2010) has reported lutein’s effectiveness against Lutein is variably localized to membrane regions abundant in poly­
inflammation-induced retinal neural impairments in C57BL/6 mice. At a unsaturated fatty acids and thus well placed to protect lipids from
dose of 100 mg/kg body weight, lutein inhibited STAT3 activation, ROS oxidation. Lutein suppresses free radical-induced neural tissue damages
accumulation, etc. These data showed that lutein, as an antioxidant, was and blocks the oxidation of DHA, a vulnerable lipid (Widomska, 2014)
neuroprotective during endotoxin-induced uveitis, proposing a potential (Fig. 2). Suppression of DHA oxidation improves membrane stability and
approach for suppressing inflammation-triggered retinal neural damage. fluidity and enables DHA storage for its use and further transformation

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

Fig. 2. Anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis mechanisms of lutein. Lutein inhibits kB-a catabolism and blocks NF–κB translocation, thereby inhibiting inducible
gene transcription and inflammatory mediator synthesis. Lutein reduces the amount of intercellular H2O2 by scavenging superoxide anion and H2O2, which is another
strategy for making lutein an important reducer of inflammatory responses. AOPPs are bound to their cytoplasmic receptor and pass into the plasma, leading to
activation of protein kinase C, production of O2− , activation of Bax/Bcl 2/caspase and ultimately apoptosis and cell death. Lutein can prevent the creation of these
products (AOPPs) and block AOPP-mediated signals that stimulate cell apoptosis (Modified from Perrone et al., 2016).

into anti-inflammatory compounds (E. Miller, Morel, Saso and Saluk, (Sasaki et al., 2010). Besides, in the work of Sun et al. lutein was re­
2014). ported to confer substantial neuroprotection regarding transient cere­
Besides, a report by Nataraj et al. has illustrated that lutein protects bral ischemic damage in mice models. Lutein was indeed proved as an
dopaminergic neurons by alleviating mitochondrial damage and antioxidant against transient cerebral ischemic impairment at doses
oxidative stress (OS) against MPTP-induced apoptotic death and motor ranging from 7.5 to 30 mg/kg. At the mentioned range of doses, this
impairment (Nataraj et al., 2016). Here, the findings established that study stated that lutein prevents nerve damage by decreasing oxidative
lutein offers potential benefits at an assortment of doses ranging from 5 stress and reducing the number of apoptotic cells (Sun et al., 2014).
to 20 mg/kg/day against MPTP-triggered neural abnormalities in mice
models in vivo. Mitochondrial impairment and OS-mediated apoptosis
4.2. Ophthalmological effects
contribute to multiple neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s
disease, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. MPTP is the
Plenty of evidence suggests that lutein has many potential benefits,
most commonly used neurotoxin to develop Parkinson’s disease symp­
notably on eye health. Lutein has indeed been reported as highly pre­
toms by suppressing mitochondrial complex I and activating excessive
ventative against age-related macular disease (AMD), which leads to
intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), which eventually contrib­
vision impairment and blindness in progressive stages (Feng et al., 2019;
utes to mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis (Fig. 2). Lutein suppresses
MBiostat et al., 2014). The most hazardous aspects which promote AMD
neuronal damage and apoptosis triggered by MPTP via obstructing the
are the lower consumption of berries and leafy green vegetables
activation of pro-apoptotic markers and increasing anti-apoptotic gene
(Abdel-Aal et al., 2013). An optimum level of macular pigment optical
expression (Nataraj et al., 2016).
density (MPOD) and visual acuity (VA) support a clear vision. Lutein
Additionally, another neural syndrome, the diabetic retinopathy, is
exerts a significant effect to raise both the MPOD (Buscemi et al., 2018;
regarded as a neurodegenerative disorder that triggers vision impair­
Khalighi Sikaroudi, Saraf-Bank, Clayton and Soltani, 2021; Maci et al.,
ment in early diabetes. Sasaki et al. (2010) established the potential
2016; Murray et al., 2013; Weigert et al., 2011) and VA levels (Beatty
benefits of lutein in the case of diabetic retinopathy in C57BL/6 mice.
et al., 2013; R. Liu et al., 2015). Weigert G. et al. (2011) have evaluated
During this study, the authors generated diabetes in mice by injecting
the effects of lutein supplementation on MPOD and VA in patients with
streptozotocin at a dosage of 60 mg/kg for three days. Then, lutein was
age-related macular degeneration. The outcomes reported that intake of
introduced to the diabetic mice at 0.1% (w/w), which resulted in the
lutein improves MPOD by utilizing an objective assessment. This sug­
protection in diabetes-induced visual impairment leading to the
gests that patients with an enhanced MPOD modification have a parallel
conclusion that a constant consumption of dietary lutein prevents local
increase in VA and mean differential light threshold (MDLT) (Weigert
neurodegenerative stress with a positive influence in the diabetic retina
et al., 2011). Lutein has been reported to increase MPOD, improve VA

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

and macular function (Weigert et al., 2011). Besides, a substantial Besides, lutein plays a protective role in hypoxia-induced cell dam­
positive influence of lutein supplementation (10 mg/d) has been noticed age in the eye as generated by free radical attack. ROS are the most
in 90 individuals during the Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial prevalent free radicals present in the living organism. ROS, mainly
(LAST) (Murray et al., 2013). Besides, the Age-Related Eye Disease singlet oxygen species, are produced in the retina due to oxygen ab­
Study 2 (AREDS2) is the most significant and latest randomized sorption. It is assumed that the ROS developed in the retina are
controlled trial (RCT) to test AMD treatment with oral vitamin and byproducts of additional mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in
micronutrient supplementation, including lutein. The initial dietary the outer segment of rod cells. The formation of oxygen radicals and
treatment described in AREDS has already established lutein’s utility in lipid peroxidation arising from the expanded use of retinal oxygen has
minimizing the chances of promoting advanced AMD (Chew et al., been hypothesized as a possible pathway for photoreceptor apoptosis
2012). This test has involved over 4000 individuals at the risk of late (Nita and Grzybowski, 2016). Oxidative disruption in the rod cells’ outer
AMD but unfortunately failed to demonstrate the efficiency of lutein in segment contributes to the discharge of extra-mitochondrial compo­
minimizing AMD development or promoting VA (Chew et al., 2013). nents, such as cytochrome C, by which apoptosis occurs. During
However, upon AREDS2, individuals supplemented with a small portion oxidative stress (OS), lutein’s primary defensive function is to act as an
of lutein in their dietary consumption displayed a 26% significant oxygen-free radical scavenger in the retina (Koushan et al., 2013; Nita
decline of late AMD (Chew et al., 2014). and Grzybowski, 2016; Panfoli et al., 2012). Li and Lo (S. Y. Li and Lo,
Cataract is another severe health issue that results in progressive 2010) have performed an experimental investigation in vitro to evaluate
visual impairment, blurry vision, and lens opacity. Lens opacity caused the influence of lutein in the protection of retinal ganglion cells (RGC-5)
by accumulated or excessive light exposure, membrane lipid peroxida­ against oxidative stress and hypoxia. An increased cell count was
tion by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and subsequently disruption and observed in the RGC-5 lutein-treated cells at concentrations of 10 μM
deterioration of the lens protein crystalline lead to cataract disorder. In and 20 μM compared to that of vehicle-treated cells. Lutein can defend
vitro experiments have shown that lutein displays a preventative action RGC-5 cells from impairment when these later are subjected to either
against cataracts in bovine cells by obstructing lens cell proliferation and CoCl2-induced chemical hypoxia or H2O2-triggered oxidative stress
migration (Babizhayev, 2016; Buscemi et al., 2018). Similarly, several (Fig. 3). These findings thus suggest that lutein can act as a neuro­
dietary supplementation trials have demonstrated the favorable benefit protective agent (S Y. Li. and Lo, 2010).
of lutein against cataracts correlating with age (Manayi et al., 2016).
Moreover, it has been observed that lutein at a dose of 10 mg demon­
strated potent activity against cataracts (Chew et al., 2013). Two recent 4.3. Antimicrobial effects
meta-analysis studies have reported that a decreased incidence of the
nuclear cataract with mild consequences for other cataract types, is Microbial diseases have become a significant concern in recent years
substantially related to lutein intake (X. H. Liu et al., 2014; Ma et al., due to a high spreading rate causing severe life-threatening diseases.
2014). Thus, scientists have thought about the necessity of developing anti­
microbial agents and designed plenty of bioactive compounds having

Fig. 3. Ophthalmological effects of lutein (modified from

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

potent antimicrobial effects. Carotenoids, especially lutein, have ingredients. A study was assessed to check the status of carotenoids in
demonstrated through comprehensive studies their activity against malaria patients and found a significant portion of lutein. Lutein is the
bacteria, viruses, and fungal pathogens. major exception, and the vital carotene present in the blood samples
containing median concentrations of 3–7 times higher than those of the
4.3.1. Bacteria significant provitamin a carotenoid in the plasma, beta-carotene (Vish­
Phytochemical analysis of Vernonia urticifolia extracts culminated in wanathan et al., 2014). For the first time, an antiplasmodial activity was
separating a new polyene metabolite, urticifolene as well as lutein, and found for lutein at a dose of 7.1 ± 0.20 μg through in vitro experiments
sitosterol. The isolated compounds have been applied to several bacte­ (Grace et al., 2012).
rial strains in order to assess their biocidal activity. It was found that
lutein inhibits both the growth and the proliferation of many bacteria, 4.6. Skin protection
including Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, S. aureus,
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc. at Skin is one of the most sensitive organs of the human body, which
concentrations varying from 8 to 256 μg/mL. For instance, lutein at a may lead to severe impairment in the presence of unusual agents. UV
concentration of 8 and 256 μg/mL pointedly inhibited the growth of radiations are highly susceptible to induce skin cancer and other
E. faecium and P. aeruginosa, respectively. A minimum inhibitory con­ dermatological injuries, like inflammation, irritation, skin redness, scalp
centration of 32 μg/mL of lutein was also recorded for S. aureus, E. coli, disease, etc. Oxidative damage to the dermal cellular constituents like
and K. pneumonia. This suggests that lutein may be used for the medi­ DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, etc., is facilitated through UV photons’ ac­
cation of some bacterial diseases. The mechanism of the antibacterial tion on the oxygen atom (Abdelmegeed and Mukhopadhyay, 2019; D’Or
activity of lutein is not well known, but Kiplimo proposed that lutein azio, Jarrett, Amaro-Ortiz and Scott, 2013; Fernández-García, 2014).
could contribute to lysozyme accumulation (an immune enzyme that However, some damages initiated by environmental factors, especially
digests bacterial cell wall) (Kiplimo et al., 2011). UV, can be avoided or limited by many mechanisms. As sunlight expo­
sure produces free radicals, oxidation arises so that a prompt antioxidant
4.3.2. Viruses response can be the primary protection. Lutein possesses robust anti­
In several literature works, lutein has been assessed for its possible oxidant properties and is able to mitigate possible oxidative injury by
antiviral functions. The in vitro antiviral activity of lutein against the deactivating the free radicals formed due to sunlight exposure (Augusti
hepatitis B virus has been identified by Pang et al. (2010). The antiviral et al., 2017; Gansukh et al., 2019) (Fig. 4).
functions of lutein were investigated in stable HBV-producing human Li H. et al. performed an in vivo study to establish the role of topical
hepatoblastoma HepG2 2.2.15 cells by determining the levels of HBeAg, applications and dietary supplements in amending the oxidative stress in
HBsAg, and extracellular HBV DNA. Lutein was observed to efficiently rat. Lutein supplementation prevents ovariectomized (OVX) rats from
suppress the dose-dependent secretion of HBsAg in HepG2 2.2.15 cells oxidative stress by modulating antioxidant defenses. The rise in oxida­
and also inhibit extracellular HBV DNA. A luciferase reporter gene was tive stress markers was seen in OVX rats. Lutein treatment substantially
used to assess the impact of lutein on HBV promoters’ activity. Findings reduced the concentrations of lipid peroxidation and ROS in the OVX
revealed that lutein blocks the activity of the full-length HBV promoter. rats. Inflammatory responses via the activation of NF-μB and an increase
This result pointed out that lutein has anti-HBV efficacy, and that its in inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8) were shown by OVX rats.
antiviral actions are mediated through HBV transcription suppression In addition, a substantial upregulation was observed in the osteoclast-
(Pang et al., 2010). specific NFATc1 marker in OVX rats compared to sham rats. Nrf2-
driven antioxidant gene expression (HO-1, NQO1) was triggered by
4.4. Cardioprotective effects lutein supplements (Li et al., 2018). In addition to these outputs, ample
research findings have described that sensitivity to sunlight can cause
Currently, cardiac diseases have become a significant area of concern the antioxidant potential to be substantially diminished. This can be due
worldwide, as a significant amount of the total world population is to the instant response of antioxidants to mitigate UV light-induced
suffering from them (Zaccara et al., 2020), and an increased death rate oxidative damage to the skin (Abdelmegeed and Mukhopadhyay,
has been observed for adults of 30 years and older (Albert and Deo, 2019; Ribeiro et al., 2018). Two other defense mechanisms, namely
2012). Carotenoids have been assessed in numerous studies for their hyperplasia and melanin formation, exert a delayed response to skin
potential cardioprotective properties and antioxidant actions (M.A., G., damage, but they cannot provide a prompt response to sunlight radia­
& N., 2015; Ribeiro et al., 2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis tion and related impairments. This makes the antioxidants crucially
conducted by Leermakers et al. has reported that lutein may favor significant as prompt skin protective agents against light-induced injury
atherosclerosis and inflammatory markers; nevertheless, there were (Black et al., 2020; Nascimento et al., 2018; Panich and Slominski, 2020;
inconsistent correlations between lutein and blood pressure, resistance Shirazi et al., 2012). Besides, melanin deposition, which is also referred
to insulin, adiposity, and blood lipids (Leermakers et al., 2016). Ac­ to as skin tanning, makes available protection to the dermal constituents
cording to Chung et al. lutein provides anti-inflammatory action to by filtering sunlight, as it is proficient in absorbing sunlight. However,
coronary artery diseased patients, and this property can diminish cor­ the dietary consumption of lutein showed protection against UV
onary artery problems (Chung, Leanderson, Lundberg and Jonasson, light-induced skin damage in quite a lot of animal study-based literature
2017b). (Balić and Mokos, 2019; Chuyen and Eun, 2017; Fernández-García,
2014). These studies have revealedthat lutein has potential benefits
4.5. Antiplasmodial effects against hyperplasia and skin swelling (edema) triggered by UV exposure
(Žmitek et al., 2020).
Malaria is a plasmodium species-induced disease leading to serious Additionally, in vivo studies also reported lutein efficacy to work
health challenges for an enormous proportion of the world population. against UV light to inhibit the skin’s immune function. An experimental
Many Plasmodium species are susceptible to affect the human body, but investigation was carried out to check out the skin toning and lightning
the most threatening one is Plasmodium falciparum (Phillips et al., 2017; properties of orally-administrated lutein. This study found that a dose of
Su et al., 2020). As their infection rates throughout the world are rising lutein of 10 mg showed potential benefits (Juturu et al., 2016).
to a greater extent, researchers have undergone many experimental
studies and reported the favorable benefits of carotenoids, vitamins, etc. 4.7. Effects of lutein on wound healing and cell proliferation
Lutein has been found to possess antiplasmodial or protective effects
against the malarial disease when applied alone or combined with other Several researchers have assessed the effects of lutein on the

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

Fig. 4. Skin protection activity of lutein from UV-induced oxidative damage. Sunlight emits UV rays, causing oxidative damage to the skin by interacting with
an oxygen molecule, leading to the formation of free radical derivatives, including hydroxyl radicals, superoxide’s, and hydrogen peroxides. Free radicals attack
cellular constituents such as proteins, lipids, DNA, and RNA, modifying their structure and affecting their functions. Protective and detoxifying enzymes, including
superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, produce lower cell oxidative species. Lutein works by blocking the interactions between UV rays and
atomic oxygen, by which oxidative damage can be minimized.

proliferation and the migration of bovine lens epithelial cells during in species that lead to fibrosis in ARPE-19 cells, were substantially sup­
vitro experiments, seeking to identify a medication that can obstruct pressed by the bioconjugation between lutein and ODNs (Kumar and
after-cataract. According to a study, bovine lens’s epithelial cells have Swetha, 2015).
been cultured, introducing lutein at various concentrations to the second
and third-generation cultures. MTT assays were used to determine the
lutein efficacy on epithelial cell proliferation. Lutein demonstrated a 4.8. Antiosteoporosis effects
significant reduction in cell proliferation at various concentrations
ranging from 1 to 16 μmol/L. As well, one μmol/L application of lutein Osteoporosis is a physiological malady associated with human bone,
for 24 h considerably reduced cell proliferation from 0.603 ± 0.008 to characterized by bone loss, low bone density, bone tissue degradation,
0.540 ± 0.006, which was 0.445 ± 0.010 for 72 h. Besides, findings also and interruption in bone microarchitecture, which may contribute to
demonstrated modifications in BLECs’ healing rate at various concen­ decreased bone strength and a rise in the incidence of fractures. The
trations for 6, 12, and 24 h, respectively. Here, at 1 or 2 μmol/L, lutein bone mass progressively develops and touches its peak with puberty
enlarged the wound as the period elongated, though at 4, 8, and 16 initiation, subsequently declining after the end of this period (Sozen,
μmol/L, a substantial wound healing was observed (Y. Li et al., 2018b; E. Ozisik, & Calik Basa ran, 2017; Yang et al., 2018). However, the ca­
J. Miller, 2014). Another experimental study (Y. Li et al., 2018a) has rotenoids present in animals and humans have been shown to possess
underlined the efficacy of lutein in inhibiting cell proliferation, cell in­ anabolic effects on bone (Yamaguchi, 2012). Lutein, which is also a
vasion, and hypoxic breast cancer cell migration through down­ carotenoid compound, has been revealed to be involved in osteoporosis
regulation of HES1 (hairy and enhancer of split 1). During this work, in comprehensive research studies. Yamaguchi (2012) has investigated
authors have gone through the cell proliferation test and the wound the influence of lutein on bone resorption, bone development, and
healing assay at varying lutein concentrations. It was concluded that femoral bone mass in mice at varying doses and observed that lutein
lutein suppressed cell proliferation along with a significant reduction in significantly facilitates the development of mineralized bone nodules in
both the migration and the invasion of breast cancer cells in a osteoblast cultures.
dose-dependent manner (Y. Li et al., 2018a). Another study (Kumar and Conversely, lutein explicitly inhibits the 1α, 25-dihydroxy vitamin
Swetha, 2015) has evaluated the bioconjugation capacity between lutein D3-mediated resorption of bone as assessed by pit development of
and oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) in N-nitrosodimethylamine-induced mouse calvaria. Namely, lutein restricted the formation of 1α, 25-dihy­
fibrosis. Fibrosis is characterized as a wound-healing process, usually droxy vitamin D3-triggered osteoclasts (Takeda et al., 2017). This study
occurring from inflammatory reactions, which induces the accumulation concluded that lutein both acts on osteoblast formation as well as
of connective tissue elements and eventually remodel and damage the osteoclast degeneration. At first, lutein acts on macrophages, decreases
normal cells’ framework. This investigation has been performed to bone degradation by reducing the number of osteoclast cells, and keeps
assert ODNs bioconjugation’s impact with lutein on the antifibrotic down the RANKL-dependent osteoclast formation. Secondly, lutein acts
function, utilizing cultured human retinal pigment (ARPE-19) epithelial on osteoblast formation as well as the suppression of the RANKL–in­
cells as a model. Study’s findings stated that p38 MAPK expression, duced mRNA expression (Takeda et al., 2017). Besides, Bovier and
fibronectin, HGF/cMet, collagen type I, and the related reactive oxygen Hammond’s investigation (Bovier and Hammond, 2017) has addressed
the macular lutein’s role on bone density augmentation in young adults.

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

Sixty-three healthy adults were involved in this study where macular cultures mice. Researchers have analyzed the lutein bone-resorbing ac­
pigment optical density was shown to be significantly correlated with tivity at the various concentrations of 3, 10, and 30 μM, resulting in a
bone density in the lumbar spine and proximal femur. Data pointed out significant reduction of bone resorption. This study also demonstrated
that some individuals with higher areal bone mineral density often lutein activity at 30 μM on the survival of mature osteoclasts formed
appear to have elevated MPOD. However, the relations observed be­ from bone marrow macrophages. The mineralized area, a bone-inducing
tween the skeletal mass and serum lutein were not statistically mean­ factor, was significantly improved at lutein concentrations varying from
ingful. This could be due to the fact that macular pigment and bone lower to higher ones (Tominari et al., 2017). Moreover, lutein’s food
density are more likely to reflect long-term habits, whereas serum lutein consumption showed benefits in lowering hip fracture in humans (Dai
is more likely to reflect short-term dietary intake (Bovier and Hammond, et al., 2014).
2017). Another experimental study conducted by Tominari et al. (2017)
reported that lutein prevents bone tissue degradation induced by oste­
oclastic resorption and promotes bone development in bone marrow cell

Table 1
Pharmacological activities of lutein based on experimental studies.
Pharmacological effects Doses Subjects Assay Outcomes References

Neuroprotective effects 5, 10, and 20 Mice Western blotting assay Protects dopaminergic neurons, inhibits apoptotic (Nataraj et al.,
mg/kg/day death and motor dysfunction 2016)
0.1% (w/w) C57BL/6 TUNEL assay Prevents ROS production in the retina and visual (Sasaki et al.,
Mice injury triggered by diabetes 2010)
7.5–30 mg/kg Mice TUNEL assay Neuroprotective against transient cerebral Sun et al.
ischemic impairment (2014)
500 mg/kg body Rat Immunoblot analysis, Protective against inflammation-induced retinal (Woo et al.,
weight immunohistochemistry, neural impairments 2013)
Ophthalmological effect n. m. Human ETDRS Increases MPOD, improves VA and macular Weigert et al.
function (2011)
10 mg Human AREDS2 Diminishes the risk of progression to AMD Chew et al.
10 mg Human AREDS2 Prevents age-related cataract (ARC) Chew et al.
300 μg/day Human n. m. Reduces the risk of ARC, particularly nuclear (Ma et al.,
cataract, in a dose-dependent manner 2014)
10 μM and 20 RGC-5 n. m. Defends RGC-5 cells from impairments, increases Li & Lo (2010)
μM cells cell count in lutein-treated cells
Antimicrobial effect 8 μg/mL ATCC NMR, COSY, NOESY, HMBC, HSQC Inhibits the growth of Enterococcus faecium bacteria (Kiplimo et al.,
19434 2011)
256 μg/mL ATCC Inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus saprophyticus
35552 bacteria
32 μg/mL ATCC Inhibits the growth of S. aureus bacteria
32 μg/mL ATCC Inhibits the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria
256 μg/mL ATCC Inhibits the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
35032 bacteria
32 μg/mL ATCC Inhibits the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae
25922 bacteria
Skin protection 10 mg Human MPA 580 Skin tone improved Juturu et al.
Antiplasmodial effect 7.1 ± n. m. Spectroscopic methods, MTT assay Protection against malarial disease Grace et al.
0.20 μg/mL (2012)
Wound healing and cell n. m. Human Cell proliferation test and wound healing Suppresses the proliferation of cells along with (Y. Li et al.,
proliferation of lutein assay significant inhibition of the migration and invasion 2018a)
of breast cancer cells in dose-dependent manners
20 μL Human HGF/c-Met expression assay, p38 MAP HGF/cMet, p38 MAPK expression, collagen type I, (Kumar and
kinase assay, Collagen type I, and fibronectin, and quenches the associated reactive Swetha, 2015)
fibronectin assay oxygen species contributing to fibrosis progress.
Antiosteoporosis activity 1% of dietary Male mice DEXA Reduces the number of osteoclast cells, osteoblast (Takeda et al.,
consumption formation, inhibition of osteoclast formation 2017)
n. m. Human DXA Promotes bone density Bovier &
3, 10, and 30 μM Mice n. m. Significant reduction of bone resorption, increment Tominari et al.
in mineralized area, prevention of bone tissue (2017)

n. m.: Not mentioned; DEXA: Dual X-ray absorptiometry; DXA: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; MPOD: Macular pigment optical density ETDRS: Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study; VA: Visual acuity; LAST: Lutein antioxidant supplementation trial; AREDS2: Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2; HPLC: High-performance
liquid chromatography; COSY: correlation spectroscopy; NOESY: Nuclear overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, HMBC: Heteronuclear multiple bond spectroscopy;
HSQC: Heteronuclear single quantum coherence; NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

4.9. Effects on oral and dental diseases antisolvent method (Anandharamakrishnan, 2014; Dasgupta & Ranjan,
2018), 2) through the formation of lipid nanoparticles for dermal de­
Oral and dental diseases are considered as inflammations and irri­ livery by high-pressure homogenization (Mitri, Shegokar, Gohla,
tations of the mouth. Gum infections, oral cancers, cavities, plaque, Anselmi and Müller, 2011a), and 3) emulsification of lutein with various
tooth infection, etc. are oral and dental diseases. Lutein has been emulsifiers, such as soy protein isolate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, as well as
documented for having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. whey protein products, for example (Chen, 2015; Frede et al., 2014;
Due to its antioxidant activity, lutein can minimize the risk of oral and Changdong Zhao, Cheng, Jiang, Yao and Han, 2014). Suitable packaging
dental diseases. However, lutein is a lipophilic molecule, slightly water- materials must be chosen to ensure bioactive substances’ safety and
soluble with limited bioavailability. Some works have reported the ad­ bio-accessibility (Changhui Zhao, Shen and Guo, 2018). Bodoki et al.
vantages of oral or topical lutein applications and its isomer zeaxanthin, (2019) reported the topical nano delivery of lutein to treat cataract
where they significantly reduce the possibility of oral diseases (Mitri, induced by selenite. Selenite-induced cataract incidence was reduced
Shegokar, Gohla, Anselmi and Müller, 2011b). The cumulative oral or when some amounts of lutein-loaded nanoparticles (NPs) were added
topical lutein and zeaxanthin applications offer the most significant topically to the eyes. Increased durability of lutein in its nano-entrapped
antioxidant defensive action against oral disease (Mitri, Shegokar, shape contributes to improved bioavailability when added topically. The
Gohla, Anselmi and Müller, 2011c). The major therapeutics activities groups who used the low dose of lutein-loaded zein NPs and the high
based on experimental studies of lutein are summarized in Table 1. dose of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) NPs had an overall lower
performance but not a statistically relevant cataract incidence reduc­
5. Lutein at the different stages of life tion. Lutein-loaded PLGA NPs at a low dosage did not display a sub­
stantial difference in cataract lowering because the eye did not receive
5.1. Infants and children adequate amounts of lutein. Despite administering free lutein or
lutein-loaded NPs, no measurable decrease in cataract incidence was
Lutein supplementation can raise lutein in breast milk and lactating found (Bodoki et al., 2019).
mother plasma, resulting in plasma lutein concentration in their infants Other results indicate that polymeric nanoparticles filled with lutein
(Sherry et al., 2014). In addition, formulations supplemented with lutein and decorated with biotin improve lutein absorption in retinal cells
enrich its level in tissues, including the retina and cortex, relative to (Bolla et al., 2020). Despite several challenges, the polymeric nano­
infants who consume it to a lesser extent. Higher lutein intakes can be particles were successfully decorated with lutein and biotin and used as
justified for promoting brain growth and cognition, and advice for a lutein delivery vehicle. Nanoparticles with particle size less than 250
breastfeeding mothers may be needed to maintain suitable breast milk nm and closely spaced sizes were collected. Biotin-conjugated nano­
lutein content (Jeon et al., 2017). particles were able to encapsulate a larger volume of medicine and also
Dietary lutein seems to play a significant role in children’s visual and demonstrate better loading ability. Biotin-decorated nanoparticles
cognitive development. If subsequent interventions confirm these initial showed a better absorption of lutein when examined in in vitro cell up­
cross-sectional findings with children, so they must also encourage a take experiments. Cytotoxicity analysis revealed that the nanoparticles
desire to change nutrition in earlier life. Lutein consumption in Amer­ were more effective than lutein in saving cell viability. In the case of
ican adults is low (total: 1–2 mg/d), but is tending to be much smaller in AMD and other retinal disorders, it was discovered that the
early adolescent years (total: 300–500 μg/d). As for many other dietary biotin-conjugated nanoparticles may be an effective formulation for
aspects, certain childhood deficiencies may only begin a cascade that selective drug delivery (Bolla et al., 2020).
increases with age. Child interventions are expected to produce lifelong Furthermore, Pradeep and co-authors prepared and characterized
benefits (Johnson et al., 2010; Stringham et al., 2019). lutein-loaded polylactide-co-glycolide–polyethylene glycol–folate
(PLGA-PEG-FOLATE-PLGA) NPs, as well as significantly increase the
5.2. Adults absorption of this substance in neuroblastoma (SK–N-BE) cells. The
prepared NPs were stable in scale, shape, and concentration, with well-
It is possible that making a recommendation for lutein consumption distributed sizes. Neuroblastoma cells exhibited enhanced cellular up­
in the diet to promote cognitive performance is premature. However, take of lutein through folate receptor-mediated endocytosis, as demon­
intakes of <6 mg/d were attributed to lower incidence of AMD, a dis­ strated in in vitro experiments utilizing flow cytometry, confocal
order that shares common risk factors with age-related cognitive microscopy, and cellular uptake studies. It can be inferred that PLGA-
impairment (Woo et al., 2012). In addition, the age-related eye disease PEGFOLATE NPs loaded with lutein, which can have beneficial effects
study 2 (AREDS2), a multicenter phase III randomized clinical trial, on hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, represent a potential new thera­
confirmed that the development of advanced AMD in people with low peutic strategy (Bolla et al., 2020).
dietary lutein supplements (10 mg/d) on top of the AREDS supplement,
was lowered in the secondary analysis (Chew et al., 2013). Moreover, an 7. Drug interactions with β-carotene: safety concerns and dosing
intervention of 12 mg/d of lutein was eventually used in older adults to
improve cognition. Although these levels (6–12 mg) can be obtained Interactions between carotenoids during absorption and their post­
through proper food choices, the bulk of American adult populations do absorptive metabolism have been observed in both human and animal
not meet these consumptions (Rasmussen and Johnson, 2013). studies. New data have been reported regarding the postprandial
β-carotene and retinyl ester responses in the triglyceride-rich plasma
6. Lutein nanoformulations as therapeutic agents lipoprotein (TRL) fraction of volunteers after a single test meal with
β-carotene alone or β-carotene combined with lutein. Results indicated
Lutein belongs to the family of hydrophobic carotenoids found in an inhibitory effect of lutein on β-carotene absorption but not on
abundance in dark green leafy vegetables. Lutein has restricted use since β-carotene cleavage. In a comparative study with two β-carotene/lutein
it has low solubility in water and is easily affected by oxygen, light, or ratios (2:1 and 1:2, respectively), the inhibitory effect of lutein was more
heat (Boon et al., 2010; Qv et al., 2011). Lutein encapsulation in poly­ marked when lutein was the predominant carotenoid. In studies on
vinylpyrrolidone, soy protein isolate, and whey protein products has plasma (serum) response, an inhibitory effect of β-carotene on lutein’s
good advantages over lutein microencapsulation utilizing porous starch function was also observed (Kopec et al., 2014).
and gelatin mixture sprayed into a droplet using high-pressure homog­ The possible health effects of dietary carotenoids stem from the
enization (Wang et al., 2012). Lutein encapsulation was carried out 1) findings through epidemiological studies that persons with a higher
with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate using the supercritical intake of fruits and vegetables are at reduced risk of coronary heart

S. Mitra et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 154 (2021) 112328

disease, stroke, and cancer. Of the many phytochemicals found in these As a result, various commercial lutein formulations for food safety have
foods, carotenoids may have a possible role in a reduced risk of cancer appeared on the market. Lutein bioavailability is an unfavorable factor
and coronary heart disease (Black et al., 2020). Lutein is the second most due to its hydrophobic nature, poor binding, lower solubility in water,
prevalent carotenoid in human serum. It is abundantly found in leafy poor stability to light, heat, and oxygen stress. These limitations
green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and lettuce (2–15 mg/100 g) constitute a hindrance to the use of lutein in the food and pharmaceu­
(Deis et al., 2021; Nian and Lo, 2018; Toti, Oliver Chen, Pa lmery, tical industries (Boon et al., 2010).
Valencia and Peluso, 2018; Walsh et al., 2015). A daily intake of 5–12
mg lutein is recommended for positive health effects. A study focuses on 9. Conclusion and future perspectives
the pathogenesis of early atherosclerosis and the impact of the
oxygenated carotenoid lutein, a pigment found in dark green leafy Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as it
vegetables, egg yolks, and other foods. Data are presented from an safety use, lutein has been considered a promising molecule in several
epidemiological study of atherosclerosis progression (as measured by fields of application. To date, considerable research has been conducted
the change in carotid intima-media thickness, IMT), an in vitro model of on lutein and its beneficial nutritional effects on human health. Many
oxidation in the artery wall in vivo mouse models of atherosclerosis in scientists have successfully formulated and characterized
the aortic arch (Shegokar and Mitri, 2012). nanotechnology-based delivery systems for lutein (Bhat et al., 2020;
Bodoki et al., 2019; Bolla et al., 2020; dos Santos et al., 2018). Much
8. Clinical trials with lutein evidence suggests that lutein may protect against several age-related
diseases, heart diseases, cataracts, oral diseases and possesses neuro­
Lutein is called the macular pigment as it supports visual functions, protective effects, antiplasmodial activity, anthelmintic activity, and
owing to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-angiogenic prop­ some forms of antimicrobial activity. Though the data about its neuro­
erties. Lutein plays a vital role in the destruction of age-related macular protective effect is compelling, DHA oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease
degeneration, cataracts (ocular complications), and diabetic retinopathy and cognitively impaired individuals has been established. Lutein has
due to its radical scavenging properties (Bernstein et al., 2016). Thus, many potential benefits, notably on eye health. Lutein has been reported
lutein is also significant as a food and drug in treating ocular compli­ as highly preventative against age-related macular disease (AMD),
cations (Chang et al., 2018; Rafi et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2015). cataract, etc., leading to vision impairment and blindness in progressive
Several clinical trials have been considered to date to establish the stages.
therapeutic potential of lutein in humans, especially in eye health. Ma Lutein, due to its nutritional value, offers preventative action in
and coworkers (Ma et al., 2012) have monitored the effects of macular terms of cataract. Lutein has also been established to possess an anti­
pigment supplementation for 48 weeks in patients with AMD. The plasmodial effect or be protective against malarial disease when applied
treatment groups consisted of 107 participants, who were offered the alone or combined with other ingredients. Some of the putative benefits
placebo, 10 mg/day, or 20 mg/day of lutein. Except for the 10 mg lutein of lutein are substantiated. They may also reflect a simple and inde­
group, they found a substantial rise in MPOD in all sample levels. The pendent action or a synergistic role of lutein and zeaxanthin combined
control group got the same results as before the treatment. Regardless of with other antioxidants, including hydrocarbon carotenoids and related
supplementation, subjects with the lowest baseline MPOD had the phytochemicals. However, such complex defense networks are not
highest growth in MPOD. All treatment groups improved in terms of readily defined partially because of the complicating influences of
visual acuity (VA), but not substantially. At 48 weeks, all treatment physiological and genetic factors affecting both the bioavailability and
groups had vastly different contrast sensitivity (CS). MPOD levels were the metabolism of these compounds and the pathogenic processes.
slightly higher at 24 weeks, but VA and CS did not change until 48 Lutein plays a role in skin protection via its antioxidant properties, and
weeks, implying that visual function cannot be improved until MPOD this aims to mitigate possible oxidative injury by deactivating the free
levels exceed and maintain high levels (Ma et al., 2012). Besides, the radicals formed during sunlight exposure. This article provides a review
CARMA study observed the function of lutein in combination with other on lutein and health benefits comprising all the available literature
antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, in people who were at high risk of about lutein and may help developing new pharmacological active
becoming advanced AMD. In terms of CS, improvements have been functional foods in the future.
observed, but not to a greater extent. Few participants in the treatment
community improved their status compared to the control group (41.7% Funding
versus 47.4%, respectively). There was a gradual rise in the Macular
Pigment values in the experimental population, whilst the placebo group This work is conducted with the individual funding of all authors.
displayed a constant reduction over time. After six months of lutein
supplementation, serum concentrations of all antioxidants improved. Disclosure statement
The rise in these serum levels did not correspond to any rise in VA.
However, a rise in serum lutein levels was correlated with a reduced No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
progression of AMD (Beatty et al., 2013). Additionally, Lutein supple­
mentation on the early phase AMD was measured in the CLEAR study, CRediT authorship contribution statement
which assessed participants over a year. After 8 months of supplemen­
tation, this group displayed a substantial improvement in mean MPOD, Saikat Mitra: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation,
whereas the control group showed no progress. The VA of the study Writing – original draft. Abdur Rauf: Conceptualization, Formal anal­
group increased, while the VA of the placebo group decreased signifi­ ysis, Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Abu Montakim Tareq:
cantly. Additionally, the serum lutein levels increased by 1.8–7.6 fold or Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing, Visu­
more within the participants to this study (Murray et al., 2013). alization. Shamima Jahan: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing –
Unfortunately, humans are unable to synthesize lutein and therefore original draft. Talha Bin Emran: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
must get it through dietary supplements. The FAO/WHO Committee Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Talukder Galeeb Shahriar:
(FAO/WHO Joint Committee on Food Additives) recommended a daily Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft. Kuldeep
intake of lutein of 2–12 mg/kg body weight. However, it has been re­ Dhama: Resources, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing, Visu­
ported that the effective dose of lutein required to prevent ocular alization. Fahad A. Alhumaydhi: Formal analysis, Writing – review &
complications is much higher than the recommended amount of the editing, Visualization. Abdullah S.M. Aljohani: Formal analysis,
Joint Expert Committee for Food Additives (JECFA) (Frede et al., 2014). Writing – review & editing, Visualization. Maksim Rebezov: Formal

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