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Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D.

Henrique English Test | B

6th Form | January 2022
First name ________________ Surname ________________ No _____Class_____ Teacher
Reading _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enc. Educação
Writing _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

Read the text.

Frank and Alice Jenkins are twelve years old. They are twins and they are very athletic
and nice. Their father is a mechanic, their mother is a taxi driver and she loves sports,
so she goes to the gym twice a week.
Everybody gets up at 7:30 in the morning. Alice is always the first to wake up. She has
a shower and then she gets dressed, but Frank is lazy and stays in bed for a while. They
always go to school on foot after breakfast.
They go to the same school, but they have different friends. They like their school.
Alice likes her PE teacher because the lessons are fantastic. She always goes to the
“Sports Club”.
Frank loves computers and games, so he is in the Computer Club.
Now they are at home. Alice is tidying her bedroom while Frank is setting the table.
Their parents are cooking dinner. They always have dinner at about 8 o’clock p.m.

A. Complete the information about Alice and Frank. ___ / 12

1. Surname ___________________________ 4. Father’s job ___________________________

2. Age ___________________________ 5. Mother’s job ___________________________
3. Personality ___________________________ 6. Their school clubs _________________ and _________________

B. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) ?

___ / 21
1. Their father is a mechanic.  
2. They get up at seven o’clock.  
3. Alice and Frank are in the same school.  
4. They go to school by bus.  
5. Alice’s favourite subjet is PE.  
6. Alice and Frank are cooking dinner.  
7. Alice’s twin brother is setting the table.  

C. Answer the questions about the text. ___ / 30

1. How old are Alice and Frank? ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. What time do they get up? ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Does Alice like PE? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
4. What is Frank’s favourite school club? _____________________________________________________________________________
5. Is Alice setting the table? __________________________________________________________________________________________
D. Read and guess. What are their favourite school subjects? ___ / 10

I like playing the guitar and I love doing sports. I like animals and plants, so
singing. My favourite subject ___________________ is I love_____________________ . Maths
is_______________________. my favourite subject. Science
I love playing online games and
I’m very good at numbers computers. My favourite subject
and problems, so I love is ______________________________ .

E. There are after-school clubs in their school. Choose the best school place for each sentence. ___ / 12

1. I like technology.
 Sports Club

2. I’m in this club because I love painting.

 Computer Club
3. I love running and playing football!
 Nature Club
4. This club is good for my concentration.
 Art Club
5. We love animals, plants and the planet!

Chess Club
6. I love films, theatre and acting!
 Drama Club

F. Read and match the sentences. Pay attention to the adjective and the preposition.
___ / 15
1. England is famous … a) in nature and ecology.
2. Rita is afraid… b) for Big Ben and the Queen.
3. They are interested… c) of dogs.
4. Their father is angry… d) with Tom because he is late!
5. Are Rita and Tom good … e) at sports?

1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____


A. What are they doing? Write the sentences and number the correct picture. ___ / 30
Example 1. He / to be + eat / a sandwich = He is eating a sandwich.

2. Melanie / to be + read + ing / a book

3. Jane / to be + sleep+ ing / in her bedroom
4. His father / to be + write+ ing / an email
5. My cousins / to be + watch+ ing TV
6. They / to be + play+ ing / the piano
B. Complete this text about Rita and Tom’s school. ___ / 25
Headmaster’s – classrooms – changing rooms – canteen – playground – library – stationer’s – gym – sports field – ICT

There are about 600 students in my school. It’s very big and modern.

It has got 40 _______________ where we have lessons. ICT is my favourite subject, we have it in the

______________ room.

I usually go to the ________________ to read, to do homework or to study.

In my school there is also the ___________________ office and the staff room.

Me and my friends always have lunch in the school ____________________ .

I go to the _________________________ when I need new pencils and rubbers.

We have PE lessons outdoors in the ________________ or inside in the ______________ .

There are two ____________________ , for boys and girls.

Our favourite place in school is the ____________________ , because there are lots of trees!!

C. Write a short text about your school. Don’t forget to mention: ___ / 24

Location (city)
My school is in _____________________ .
Number of students and rooms
There are about 35 _____________________ and 800 __________________.
Favourite room / place My favourite room is __________________________________ because I
Places outside ____________________________________________________________________.
Outside the building there ________________________________________

A. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with: Should or Shouldn’t. ___ / 21

1. It’s raining. You _______________ 2. You ________________ pay 3. You __________________ eat or
take an umbrella. attention to the teacher. drink in class.

4. You
_________________ play 5. He is feeling sick. 6. You _________________ play games
football in class. He _________________ go to the doctor. in class.

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