Sample Template Project-1-ADP

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Project Advisor

<Advisor Name>

Presented by:
Group ID: xxxxxxx

Student Reg# Student Name:


Faculty of Information Technology

University of Central Punjab

Software Requirements

Online car
rental system
<Advisor Name>

Group <Group ID>

Member Name Primary Responsibility
<Project Name>

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................i
1. Introduction and Background................................................................................................1
1.1 Product (Problem Statement)........................................................................................................1
1.2 Background...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope............................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Objective(s)/Aim(s)/Target(s)......................................................................................................1
1.5 Completeness Criteria...................................................................................................................2
1.6 Business Goals..............................................................................................................................2
2. Functional Requirements........................................................................................................3
2.1 Functions of System.....................................................................................................................3
2.2 Requirements Analysis and Modeling..........................................................................................4
2.3 Usage Scenarios............................................................................................................................6
2.4 Adopted Methodology..................................................................................................................6
3. Nonfunctional Requirements..................................................................................................7
3.1 Performance Requirements...........................................................................................................7
3.2 Safety Requirements.....................................................................................................................7
3.3 Security Requirements..................................................................................................................7
3.4 Additional Software Quality Attributes........................................................................................7
4. Other Requirements................................................................................................................8
5. Revised Project Plan................................................................................................................8
6. References.................................................................................................................................8
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................9

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<Project Name>

1. Introduction and Background

In today's fast-paced world where convenience and efficiency are paramount The Online Car
Rental System emerges as a cutting-edge solution to transform the traditional car rental
experience. With the surge in digital advancements, the need for a streamlined and user-
friendly platform for renting cars has become increasingly apparent. This introduction delves
into the innovative features and objectives of the Online Car Rental System, highlighting its
role in overcoming the challenges posed by outdated rental methods and setting the stage for
a more responsive and customer-centric approach to car rentals.

1.1 Product (Problem Statement)

The Online Car Rental System is designed to address the growing demand for a convenient
and efficient platform for renting cars. This system aims to streamline the process of renting
vehicles, providing users with a user-friendly interface to browse, select, and book cars for
various purposes. By solving the challenges associated with traditional car rental methods,
this product seeks to enhance the overall car rental experience for both customers and car
rental businesses.

1.2 Background

With the increasing reliance on digital solutions, the traditional car rental process has
become outdated and time-consuming. The Online Car Rental System leverages
technology to modernize and simplify the entire car rental workflow. This background
shift acknowledges the need for a more accessible, responsive, and automated approach
to cater to the dynamic requirements of individuals and businesses in the contemporary

1.3 Scope
The scope of the Online Car Rental System encompasses the entire car rental lifecycle –
from user registration and car selection to booking, payment processing, and post-rental
feedback. It includes an intuitive user interface for customers, an efficient management
system for car rental agencies, and a secure payment gateway for seamless transactions.
The system will initially focus on local markets, gradually expanding to meet the
demands of a wider audience.

1.4 Objective(s)/Aim(s)/Target(s)
The primary objective of this system is to provide a hassle-free and time-efficient car rental
experience for users while optimizing the operational efficiency of car rental businesses. By
offering a centralized platform, the system aims to enhance transparency, reduce manual
errors, and improve overall customer satisfaction. The objective is to establish the Online Car
<Group ID> Project-1 (RS) Page 1
<Project Name>
Rental System as the go-to solution for individuals and businesses seeking convenient and
reliable car rental services.

1.5 Completeness Criteria

The completeness of the Online Car Rental System will be assessed based on the
successful implementation of key features such as user registration, car selection and
booking, real-time availability updates, secure payment processing, and comprehensive
reporting for car rental agencies. Feedback from both users and car rental businesses
will be crucial in determining the system's effectiveness and completeness.

1.6 Business Goals

The business goals of the Online Car Rental System include achieving market
leadership by providing a superior and innovative solution in the car rental industry.
This involves attracting a significant user base, establishing partnerships with car rental
agencies, and ensuring sustainable revenue growth. Additionally, the system aims to
foster trust through transparent pricing, reliable services, and continuous improvements
based on customer feedback.

Certainly, I can help you outline the documentation in the

specified format:

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<Project Name>

2. Functional Requirements

2.1 Functions of System

User Registration and Authentication:

Users should be able to register and authenticate securely.

Vehicle Booking:
Users can browse available vehicles and book them for a specified duration

Payment System:
Implement a secure payment system for rental transactions.

Vehicle Management:
Admin should be able to add, update, and remove vehicles from the system.

Use Case Diagram:

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<Project Name>
Activity Diagram:

2.3Usage Scenarios

Identifier Add patient

This function gets details of a patient and add record
Purpose to the patient file and generate a patient registration
Priority High
Pre-conditions The operator should login with user account.
conditions Patient record added to patient file.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
1. User selects “add patient Patient entry form displayed3.
entry” at home page.
2 User enter data to required Record added successfully,
fields. message displayed.
<Group ID> Project-1 (RS) Page 4
<Project Name>
User selects “Add entry Button”
3 System generates a patient Id
and display.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response

1 Prompt user to enter all

if required fields left by user required fields
Reload the home page
2 If add patient option is not
visible at home page Search the option in search
Table 1: UC-1 (Add Patient)

2.4Adopted Methodology

Agile Development:
Utilize an agile methodology to allow for iterative development, regular feedback, and adaptability to changing

Incorporate prototyping to gather user feedback and refine system features incrementally.

Continuous Integration and Deployment:

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<Project Name>
Implement CI/CD practices to ensure a streamlined development and deployment process.

3. Nonfunctional Requirements
3.1 Performance Requirements:

The online car rental system must demonstrate efficient performance under varying
loads and usage scenarios. Response times for user interactions, such as booking or
searching, should be within acceptable limits even during peak hours.

3.2 Safety Requirements:

The system must prioritize user safety by implementing features such as real-time
tracking of rented vehicles, ensuring that the vehicles are in proper working condition,
and incorporating emergency support functionalities.

3.3 Security Requirements:

To safeguard user data and ensure secure transactions, the online car rental system must adhere
to industry-standard encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest. User authentication
processes must be robust, protecting against unauthorized access to sensitive information.

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<Project Name>
3.4 Additional Software Quality Attributes:

Reliability: The system should have a high level of reliability, minimizing downtime
and ensuring that critical functionalities, such as booking and payment processing, are
consistently available.

Scalability: The architecture should allow for easy scalability to accommodate

increased user traffic and a growing fleet of rental vehicles

Maintainability: The code base and infrastructure should be designed in a modular

and maintainable manner to facilitate updates, bug fixes, and enhancements.

Usability: The user interface must be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to a diverse
user base with varying levels of technical proficiency.

Compatibility: The system should be compatible with multiple browsers and devices,
ensuring a seamless experience for users regardless of their preferred platform.

Auditability: Implement logging mechanisms to track system activities, aiding in

identifying issues, monitoring user actions, and ensuring accountability

Performance Monitoring: Incorporate tools for continuous performance monitoring,

allowing proactive identification and resolution of performance bottlenecks.

Data Backup and Recovery: Implement regular and secure data backup procedures
to prevent data loss. Develop a robust recovery mechanism to restore the system in case
of unforeseen incidents.

Legal Compliance: Adhere to legal regulations and industry standards related to data
protection, privacy, and online transactions.

Interoperability: Ensure compatibility with external systems and services, facilitating

integration with third-party applications or services if required.

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<Project Name>
By addressing these nonfunctional requirements, the online car rental system can
deliver a secure, efficient, and reliable user experience.

Other Requirements
A degraded mode of operation should be possible in which each system can operate independently of
central scheduling. The software shall have failure and error recognition codes acting as a safety net,
thus keeping the software from performing any major catastrophic functions.

4. Revised Project Plan

Task Name Duration Start Date End Date Status
Idea No of Days to Starting Date Proposed Ending Finished or In
complete the of Task Date of Task Progress
Functional and Non-
Functional Requirements
Use Case/ Activity
Usage Scenarios
Work Plan
Design Phase
Database Design
Architectural Design
Detailed Design
User Interface
Final Results

5. References
<List all books, conference papers, journal articles, websites, etc. used in preparing the content of this
SRS. Provide enough information so that the reader could access a copy of each reference, including
title, author, volume/edition number, page number(s), and publication year. Mention complete URLs
for websites.>

<Group ID> Project-1 (RS) Page 8

<Project Name>

Appendix A: Glossary
<Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS, including acronyms and abbreviations.
You may wish to build a separate glossary that spans multiple projects or the entire organization, and
just include terms specific to a single project in each SRS.>

<Group ID> Project-1 (RS) Page 9

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