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First of all we will prepare the microscope by placing it on a flat, stable surface and

adding a filter paper filter underneath. We check if everything is correct, the objectives
at the minimum, the eyepiece in place... we turn it on and leave the stage lowered.
Then take a slide and wash and dry it. Then we will take a seeding handle and a lighter
and we will sterilize it at 45 degrees with the lighter and we will let it cool near the
lighter, once cooled we will turn off the lighter and with that seeding handle we will
take a little sample and we will spread it on the slide, once the sample is on the slide
we will add a coverslip tilting it at 45 degrees so that air bubbles are not formed inside,
we will release it carefully and we will have the sample. Once the sample is ready, place
it on the stage, adjust it and start to raise it with the macrometric screw. Once the
sample is in view but blurred, adjust the sample with the micrometric screw to be able
to focus the sample and show it in detail. Once we have seen the sample at 4 we can
change it to 10 but there are times when the sample is not visible. When we have seen
the sample we remove the slide and wash it, we leave the microscope as it was with
the stage down and the eyepiece backwards and with the objective of 4, we put it back
in the bag and put it back in the box.

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