Go Kit Checklist Scoring 2021

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Go-Kit Scoring Checklist Rev 1905 -TNX: WD9FMB(SK), K9ZQ, KB9EZZ, ARRL & DHS

Please print, highlight your Go-Kit items and bring to the competition.
Call: Name:

Radio Max/line
75 Mobile VHF Radio 40. > 30 Watt 10. VHF/UHF 10. Crossband 10. SSB 5.
50 HF radio 30. > 50 Watt 10. Tuner 10.
30 HT 20. Dual-band 10.
25 Cell Phone 5. Smart phone 10. Hotspot 10.
15 Operating Manual for radios 5 each. Electronic 5 each.
10 Headphones 8. External Speaker 2.
15 Hands Free Microphone 10. Hands Free PTT (not VOX) 5.
10 In line Power/SWR meter w/ coax jumper.
0 230 0.00%
50 2m outdoor antenna 30. 70 cm 20.
20 HF antenna for 75/80 meters 5. 40 meters 5. 20 meters 5. 10 meters 5.
30 Antenna support tripod 5. > 50 foot rope 5. >10 foot mast 20.
30 50 foot of Coax HF 15. 50 foot of Coax VHF/UHF 15.
10 Various RF connectors types and adapters BNC/SO-239/PL-259/SMA 1 each.
15 Fasteners. cable ties 5. ball bungees 5. duct tape 5.
0 155 0.00%
10 HT Battery charger.
15 HT Extra battery pack 5. AA alkaline pack 10.
10 Extra alkaline batteries (HT & lights) 1 each.
20 12 volt DC Deep Cycle Battery 10. > 30 AH 10.
10 12 volt Battery Voltage Booster.
20 120VAC to 12v power supply 10. > 20 amp 10.
10 120VAC 12vdc battery charger 5. > 10 amp 5.
20 120VAC USB Power Supply 10. 12vdc USB power supply 10.
10 >15 foot 120 volt extension cord 5. Power Strip 5.
10 >25 foot 12 volt extension cord.
10 Power Pole adapters. lighter socket / plug, battery clips, ring terminal. 2 each.
5 Extra fuses for adapters, power supply, and accessories 1 each.
10 12 volt distribution system.
10 Voltage and Current meter or VOM.
15 Solar, Crank, or Wind power charger > 20 watts.
10 Interconnect wiring is of 14, 12, 10 gauge.
10 Power Poles (correct polarity) are used throughout the Go-Kit.
0 205 0.00%
25 Computer/Tablet in kit.
25 120VAC Computer Power Supply 10. 12VDC 15.
10 Internet Connection. wired 5. wireless 5.
5 USB Port.
5 Computer Soundcard to Radio Interface.
5 TNC.
6 Cat5 cable 2. >10 foot 2. USB Cables 2.
5 Thumb Drive.
0 86 0.00%
Modes There will be 2 lo pwr FM kpc-3 stations for testing. Freq, offset & PL assigned day of test.
50 Send 1 low power FM message via either Packet P2P OR Vara FM P2P.
30 Ability to operate CW 20. Key in kit 10.
15 Connect via Echolink to TEST SERVER w/ computer 5. w/ phone 10. & test audio
10 Download heard list station 5. node 5.
5 Ability to operate FLDigi.
0 110 0.00%

Please send updates to kb9ezz@yahoo.com

Training Half credit if not current FEMA courses
25 Completion of ARES Task Book LVL 1 5. LVL 2 5. LVL 3 5. DHS AUXC PTB 10.
45 FEMA IS- 100.C 5. 200.C 5. 700.B 5. 800.D 5. 317.A 5. ICS- 300 10. 400 10.
20 Ham License. General 10. Extra 10.
10 CERT 20 hr course.
5 IL Intro to AUXCOMM
0 115 0.00%
Other Items
15 ICS 214 Activity Log 3/form
30 ICS 217A COMMS...WORKSHT blank 5. filled in with local frequencies paper 10. electronic 15.
10 Office Supplies. pens, pencils, highlighters, scotch tape, 8 x 11 notebook
10 First Aid Kit w/ unexpired pain reliever tablets, antacid tablets, band-aids, antibiotic ointment.
5 Prescription (unexpired) Medicines 5. none required 5.
5 Extra set of prescription eye glasses 5. none required 5.
20 Sunblock 5. Mask surgical 5. N95 10.
6 Family Members emergency contact list 3. out of state contacts 3.
1 Copy of ARRL message forms.
3 Local ARES phone and frequency reference card.
10 ARRL repeater directory 7. Electronic 3.
20 Flashlight 5. hands free 5. 12VDC work area light 10.
15 Clock battery powered 5. 24-hour 5. alarm 5.
4 Moist towelettes 2. Hand Sanitizer 2.
2 Pocket compass.
10 Reflective Vest.
5 Roll of electrical tape.
15 Rosin core solder & iron AC 5 DC/gas 10
20 Served Agency ID 10. Copy of FCC Operating License 5. Name Badge 5.
10 Small Tool Kit / Swiss Army knife / Multi-purpose tool w/Pliers, screwdriver, cutters
7 State road map 2. Gazetteer 5.
4 Sticky notes
1 Whistle.
0 262 0.00%
Radio 0 230 20%
Ant 0 155 13%
Power 0 205 18%
Computer 0 86 7%
Modes 0 110 9%
Training 0 115 10%
Other 0 262 23%
Total 0 1163 100%

Please send updates to kb9ezz@yahoo.com

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