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Results presented below, show the standardized distance

modulus, linked to experimental parameters through the
relation :
µ = m∗B − MB + αX1 − βC (7)
where m∗B is the observed peak magnitude in rest frame
B band, X1 is the time stretching of the light curve and
C the supernova color at maximum brightness.
Both MB , α and β are nuisance parameters in the dis-
tance estimate.
We took the values given in ref.[20] corresponding to the
best fit of the whole set of combined data (740 super-
novae) with ΛCDM model.
With our best fit, we have :χ2 /d.o.f. = 657/738
(740 points and 2 parameters).
The corresponding curves are shown in fig. 3, 4, 5, 6,
in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The
comparison with both model best fits are shown in fig. 7.

FIG. 2. Spiral structure in numerical simulation



q0 = -0.131
q0 = -0.087
42 q0 = 0- SNLS
µ = m*B - M(G) + αX - βC

An exact solution of the system (1) for the dust

era of the universe, was presented in Astrophysics and
Space Science journal in 2014[8], which gives, for posi-
tive species : SDSS

a(+) (u) = α2 ch2 (u)

α2 (2)
t(+) (u) = 1 + sh(2u) + u
c 2
34 Low-z
In the following,we will show that the predicted values of
the bolometric magnitude versus redshift fits pretty well 32
the available data. 0.01 0.1 1
For sake of simplicity, we will now write a(+) ≡ a. z
The deceleration parameter q is :
FIG. 3. Hubble diagram of the combined sample (log scale)
a ä 1
q≡− = − < 0 (3)
ȧ2 2 sh2 (u)
We can derive the age of the universe (see annex B)
with respect to q0 and H0 and some numerical values are
And the Hubble constant is :
given in table I, for different (q0 , H0 ) values. For our best
ȧ fit, we get :
H≡ (4)
T0 = = 15.0Gyr (8)
We can derive (see annex A) the relation for the bolo- H0
metric magnitude with respect to the redshift z :
z 2 (1 − q0 )
mbol = 5 log10 z + √ + cst (5)
1 + q0 z + 1 + 2q0 z
where q0 < 0 and 1 + 2q0 z > 0. Fitting q0 and cst to
available observational data [20], gives :
Lets figure out that, when extended to the early age
q0 = −0.087 ± 0.015 (6) of the universe, the JCM proposes an alternative to the

46 46

44 44

42 SNLS 42
µ = m*B - M(G) + αX - βC

µ = m*B - M(G) + αX - βC
40 40
SDSS q0 = -0.131
q0 = -0.087
38 q0 = 0 38
ΛCDM with (ΩM, ΩΛ)=(0.295,0.705)
Bimetric with q0 = -0.087
36 36
34 34

32 32
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
z z

FIG. 4. Hubble diagram of the combined sample (linear scale) FIG. 7. Hubble diagram of the combined sample and com-
praison with the 2 models (linear scale)
Residuals : µ - µ(q0=-0.087)

0.4 ture of the universe we supposed that the mass density
0 of the negative species (negative mass ’twin’ matter) is
-0.2 much higher that the one of the positive species.
-0.6 In JCM, we have to take into account two systems, each
0.01 0.1 1 owing their own sets of variable constants plus space and
z time scale factors :
[c(+) , G(+) , h(+) , m(+) , e(+) , a(+) , t(+) ]
FIG. 5. Residuals from the best fit versus redshift (log scale)
[c(−) , G(−) , h(−) , m(−) , e(−) , a(−) , t(−) ]
6 A future work will show how, the system of coupled
Standard deviations

field equations(1) including a variable constants process,
starting from a fully symmetrical initial situation can ex-
-2 plain density instabilities.
-4 Moreover, when the densities get weaker, the sets :
0.01 0.1 1
[c(+) , G(+) , h(+) , m(+) , e(+) ]
[c(−) , G(−) , h(−) , m(−) , e(−) ]
FIG. 6. Standard deviation versus redshift
behave as absolute constants, in each sector, with
a(+) c(+)2 = a(−) c(−)2 .
TABLE I. T0 values with respect to q0 and H0 The ΛCDM model provides an interpretation of the fluc-
tuations of the CMB. If the JCM wants to pretend to
T0 q0
challenge the ΛCDM it must provide an alternative in-
(Gyr) 0.00 -0.045 -0.087 -0.102 -0.117 -0.132
terpretation of such observational data.
70 14.0 15.0 15.0 14.9 14.9 14.8 This is out of the scope of the present paper and will the
73 13.4 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.2 subject of future works.

inflation theory, in order to justify the great homogene- CONCLUSION

ity of the primeval universe. This was introduced first in
1988[21], extended in 1995[7], and implies a variable con- Based on a new geometrical framework the JCM mod-
stants system which preserves all equations of physics. elis taking into account many observational data. It pre-
As a basis of the interpretation of the very large struc- cisely defines the nature of the invisible components of

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It brings an exact solution in the dust era, which takes
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It is also pointed out that the model must now provide
its own interpretation of additional features like the CMB
fluctuations. Annex A : Bolometric magnitude

Starting from the cosmological equations correspond-

ing to positive species and neglectible pressure (dust uni-
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2 2
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(1 − 2 q) = (14)
a2 H2

In terms of the time t used in the FRLW metric, the This relation rewrites as [23]:
light emitted by Ge at time te is observed on G0 at a
z 2 (1 − q0 )
time t0 (te > t0 ) and the distance l travelled by photons mbol = 5Log10 z + √ + cst (25)
(ds2 = 0) is related to the time difference t and then to 1 + q0 z + 1 + 2q0 z
the u parameter through the relation : which is valid for q0 = 0.
Zt0 Zu0
c dt (1 + ch(2 u)
l= = du = 2 u0 − 2 ue (15)
a(t) ch2 (u) Annex B : Age of the universe
te ue

We can also relate the distance l to the distance marker Below we will establish the relation between the age of
r by (using Friedman's metric with k = −1) : the universe T0 with q0 and H0 . This age is defined by :
Zt0 Zr
α2 sh(2u0 )
c dt dr0
l= = √ = argsh(r) (16) T0 = + u0 (26)
a(t) 1 + r02 c 2
te 0
From Eq. (11), (13), (14) we get :
So we can write :
r = sh(2 u0 − 2 ue ) = 2 sh(u0 − ue ) ch(u0 − ue ) (17) α2 2q −3 2q0 −3
= − (1 − 2q) 2 = (1 − 2q0 ) 2 (27)
c H H0
We need now to link ue and u0 to observable quantities
q0 , H0 , and z. From Eq. (10) we get : and so :
a − 32 sh(2u0 ) 1
u = argch (18) T0 . = −2q0 (1 − 2q0 ) + u0 (28)
α2 2 H0

Eq. (15) gives the usual redshift expression : Inserting Eq. (20) in Eq. (28) we finally get :
a0  r √ 
ae = (19) −3 −1 1 − 2q0
1+z T0 .H0 = 2q0 (1 − 2q0 ) 2 argsh −
2q0 2q0
From Eq. (13) and (18) we get : (29)
r r
2q0 − 1 1
u0 = argch = argsh − (20) This relation is shown in fig. 8.
2q0 2q0
From Eq. (13), (18)) and (19)) we get : 1.1
s s T0 . H0 ( q0 )
2q0 − 1 1 + 2q0 z
ue = argch = argsh − (21)
2q0 (1 + z) 2q0 (1 + z) 1.05
T0 . H0 ( q0 )

Inserting Eq. (20) and (21) into Eq. (17), after a 'few'
technical manipulations, using at the end Eq.(14) and 1
considering the constraint that 1 + 2q0 z > 0, we get :
c q0 z + (1 − q0 ) 1 − 1 + 2q0 z
r= (22)
a0 H0 q02 (1 + z)
Which is similar to Mattig’s work [22] with usual Fried- 0.9
-0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05
mann solutions where q0 > 0, here we have always q0 < 0.
The total energy received per unit area and unit
time interval measured by bolometers is related to the
FIG. 8. Age of the universe time Hubble’s constant versus q0
luminosity :
Ebol = (23)
4πa20 r2 (1 + z)2
Using Eq. (22), the bolometric magnitude can therefore
be written as :
" √ #
q0 z + (1 − q0 ) 1 − 1 + 2q0 z
mbol = 5Log10 + cte

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