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Integrated Project Research Paper: Anxiety

Brenda Galindo

Dozier-Libbey Medical High School

English 9 CP; Period 6

March 2, 2022

Integrated Project Research Paper: Anxiety

According to a study from American psychological association made in the 2000s,

anxiety in teens has increased substantially compared to child psychiatry patients in the 1950s.

Throughout history anxiety has always been around and a concern to many. (American Journal

of Psychiatry, 2019)Since, the 17th century cases of what we now call anxiety has been recorded

but many under different names. (American Journal of Psychiatry, 2019 )in 1869 a doctor came

up with a new diagnostic called neurasthenia and now we use the term anxiety for one of the

most common mental disorders inflicting ~300 million individual annually. (American Journal of

Psychiatry, 2019) Anxiety at times is a normal thing to feel, but people with generalize anxiety

disorder are effect on daily activities and aren't as simple to go away and be treated (Mayo

Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2017). Generalized anxiety disorder, like many

other mental disorders, has many factors and many different ways to reduce and manage


GAD has many factors surrounding its cause, while researchers don't exactly know why

its caused there are a many possible reasons. Anxiety is a normal fight or flight reaction but, in

people with GAD it can occur with little to no threat (Harvard Health, 2014). People with anxiety

can often have low GABA activity in their brain (Harvard Health, 2014). That can often be

inherited and make someone prone to generalized anxiety disorder (Harvard Health, 2014).

Many triggers like physical stress or psychological stress like life traumas, and life events can

cause possible episodes of anxiety (Harvard Health, 2014). People with GAD may have more

chemical imbalance in their brain than those who don't. Anyone can have anxiety, as a way to

warn of potential danger and help you with it. But, generalized anxiety disorder is caused when

there are no specific reason to it. With GAD there are many brain chemicals that are being

released and reduced that causes a chemical imbalance in their brain. Many of the causes of

GAD are unique environmental factors but 31.6% of people that have GAD are influenced by

genetics (PMC, 2017). There is a high genetic correlation between adolescents with GAD,

depression and many mental disorder, and other genetic factors related to GAD (PMC, 2017).

Gene-environmental studies focused on traumatic childhood experiences, disturbances in

childhood and adolescence have found that to have a high correlation to GAD (PMC, 2017).

While there are still not many studies confirming all of the exact cause of GAD. Environmental

and genetic factor have been shown to be cause or risk factor of generalized anxiety disorder.

While GAD has a moderate genetic risk of only ~30% which shows there many other possible

causes. That are often enough linked to others genetic factors. Causes of GAD are often related

to brain chemistry, and genetic and environmental factors.

Medical research has changed a lot during the past couple of years, but symptoms of

GAD can be treated. Treatment for GAD are mainly relying on medication and

psychotherapy(Mayo clinic, 2017). while certain treatment might not be the best option for

everyone.(Mayo clinic, 2017) it may take many tries to help treat certain people(Mayo clinic,

2017). psychotherapy treatment are generally known to be less invasive than medications. (Mayo

clinic, 2017) several types of medication are known to help treat GAD so there could be possible

risks, and side effects.(Mayo clinic, 2017) process psychotherapy can generally be a short term

treatment to help ease anxiety (Mayo clinic, 2017). Treatment for GAD can be a way to help you

better your ability to function in your daily life. While not all the treatment opinions are easily

available or encouraged. The chances of you bettering your anxiety with any of the treatment

options being highly effective. There are many coping strategies that helps when you are feeling

anxious (ADAA, 2021). yoga, music and meditation are strategies that teaches you to learn to

relax (ADAA, 2021). Researchers say that getting enough sleep, and eating a balanced meal it

helps regulates your emotions (ADAA, 2021). Getting a balanced meal increases the amount

neurotransmitter in your brain (ADAA, 2021). Alcohol and caffeine can trigger anxiety attacks

and aggravate your anxiety (ADAA, 2021). There are many non-invasive way to help reduce

anxiety. While getting professional help is still a good option for those who have GAD. Ways

like sleeping, eating good can help reduce the chances of possible anxiety attacks. Even just

positive image, humor and acceptance is a good way to cope. Understanding that some may need

the help of medications or psychotherapy is good. It does not mean that there aren't simply and

easier ways that can help you handle manage GAD in a personal level.

Treatment for GAD may often be versatile, to each but it can help you learn how to live with it.

GAD has many mental and physical symptoms that can interfere with teens ability to

function in a normal life activities. Anxiety in teens can vary (AACAP, N.d). but, symptoms of

GAD in teenagers generally go about the same (AACAP, N.d). most of them are generally

worry, excessive fear, restlessness, nervousness and stress (AACAP, N.d). teens also experience

a lot of physical symptoms like heart palpitation, sweating trembling and hyperventilation

(AACAP, N.d). some may also complaints about muscle tension, cramps, headaches and just

discomfort overall (AACAP, N.d). anxiety normally changes from teen to teen depending on

their environment and their view on themselves. teens with GAD well normally want to be

isolated, appear super shy and just avoid usual activities (AACAP, N.d). with that they can also

do impulsive behavior due to anxiety (AACAP, N.d). Teens are often told that they are seeking

attention or are being disrespectful. But many teens have symptoms of GAD and are told that is

normal. Symptoms like fatigue and pain are very common indicators. also excessive worry and

fear are the firsts signs of anxiety. Physical symptoms and emotional ones that often make teens

be scared of what they are feeling. Symptoms often includes many physical and emotional even

behavior issues (Boston Children Hospital, N.d). physical symptoms may sometime include

having difficulty breathing or catching a breath, a rapid heart rate (Boston Children Hospital,

N.d). that often give a feeling of shakiness, dizziness, sweeting and a tingling feeling, along with

muscle ache and fatigue (Boston Children Hospital, N.d). emotional symptoms can generally be

a feeling of ongoing worry and fear over friends, schools, even sometime safety, or activities.

Teens specially feel the need to be perfect and excel in everything, but also often be reluctant or

even refuse to go to schools or do things they like (Boston Children Hospital, N.d). they are more

often be more irritable than others, and may have the inability to relax which causes trouble

sleeping (Boston Children Hospital, N.d). commonly teenager have also some behavior issue

that can often be being to clingy, or distant from people sometime even being irresponsible

(Boston Children Hospital, N.d). There are many possible symptoms of anxiety, you don't have

to have all of the symptoms to have GAD. Many teens or even adult have different experience or

symptoms, some don't have certain symptoms but other might have all of them. GAD is when all

of the symptoms are felt with no reason and it often interferes with their lives. Some symptoms

may be different form one person to another, but most of the time they are an indicator seek for


GAD is often overlooked even with many possible treatment and research showing its

effect on adolescents. Generalized anxiety disorder is a mental health problem that are oftentimes

cause by many instability in someone's life. Which is why treatment like psychotherapy and

medication are regularly used to help ease anxiety. Many medications help balance the chemical

in their brain that; consequently, help dealing with anxiety in a day-to-day life. Generally

teenager feel excessive fear, worry and physical discomfort or pain. That causes impetuous

behavior that that can disrupt their daily life. Everyone has anxiety it is a normal thing to feel

but, GAD is cause when it interferes with you normal daily activities.

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