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Akmal Lutfitansyah
Departmen of Ocean Engineering, Faculty Of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, 2023

Coastal areas are a transitional place between land and sea ecosystems and have many natural
resources, both biological and non-biological resources. Jakarta's coastal area is very important
because it has space to do many things. and used by various parties, affecting the condition of
Jakarta's coast, causing problems. Beach abrasion and erosion are major problems faced by
some coastal areas. If not handled properly, DKI Jakarta Province will lose its coastal areas.
Dealing with abrasion is not just the government's job; It must involve local communities as
the main stakeholders in coastal areas. The community can participate in the process of
preparing, controlling and evaluating coastal area management programs and policies. In
addition, it is also actively involved in the process of building and maintaining the physical
structure of coastal protection. Apart from community participation, handling abrasion must
also consider macroeconomics and the environment.

Keywords : Coastal area, DKI Jakarta, Abration, Community, Coastal Area Management

1. Background
Jakarta is one of the big cities on the coast which has a unique environmental
development. The coastal area of Jakarta has a flat topography, with river flows
containing various types of waste and sediment from the upstream areas caused by
metropolitan city activities and also the influence of human activities. Because of this,
DKI Jakarta Province has problems in coastal areas. One of the problems faced is
damage to the coastal area ecosystem. This damage includes the process of coastal
shallowing, which is caused by river water entering coastal areas containing high
concentrations of suspended solid sediment. In addition, because most of the height of
Jakarta's beaches is below sea level on average, the sea depth in Jakarta is gentle.
The northern region of DKI Jakarta Province is one of the coastal areas that is
very interesting to study. Environmental conditions on the north coast of Jakarta are
changing in a unique way, different from other places in Indonesia. This is due to its
position as a metropolitan city in the National Capital which has many functions. These
include service and trade cities, economic centers, education centers, entertainment
centers, and more. As a result, this situation makes the coastal area of DKI Jakarta more
dominant as a place that has been managed, used and also damaged by human activities.
It is very important for the community to be actively involved in coastal area
management because the ultimate goal of coastal area management is to ensure that the
area can be utilized as optimally as possible for the public interest, in this case the
Because society functions as a balancing force and unity in the state and social
ecosystem, the role and activities of society are very important to achieve sustainable
development results. For this reason, handling coastal erosion is based on empowering
communities and coastal ecosystems. The purpose of this article is to identify problems
that occur in coastal areas, especially in DKI Jakarta.

2. Literature Review
Coastal areas have diverse purposes. Coastal marine areas have the potential to
store mineral and energy resources, such as natural gas and oil, as well as produce food
sources for humans. In addition, the beautiful natural scenery has potential for tourism,
attracting many people. Finally, coastal areas are very important as travel routes.
At the same time, settlement centers will generally develop on coastal land, especially
around estuaries. These coastal places usually have fertile soil, which allows the growth
of agriculture, plantations, and various other supporting activities, such as
transportation systems. Therefore, it can be concluded that coastal land has been used
for various purposes. Therefore, efforts must be made to ensure that such utilization
activities take place in an appropriate manner.
According to a study by Indrasari (2020), in general, problems in coastal areas
can be caused by 3 (three) factors, including:
1. Dual use: Dual use must be able to combine various activities because this can lead
to competition and excessive use
2. Unbalanced utilization
3. Influence of human activities
To ensure coastal management is beneficial for current and future generations, there
are several coastal area management models that can be implemented in Indonesia,
especially Jakarta, including:
1. Conventional Management. conventional management. This management
model is applied in societies that lack information and technology, so
government intervention is needed. However, the beliefs, culture and customs
of these people are still very strong..
2. Community-based management of coastal area resources. Apart from that, this
resource management model is called Community Based Management (CBM)
because this model is centered on community knowledge and awareness about
the environment. Therefore, CBM is a management model where policies
regarding sustainable resource use are in the hands of the community..
3. Co-management. The government gives authority to the community to
participate in managing resources because co-management is a management
model that considers the interests of all stakeholders, especially the

3. Research Methodology
The preparation of this scientific paper was carried out through a literature
review study regarding the protection of coastal areas, both based on the results of
theoretical studies and the results of research in the field. A literature review was
carried out on various study results related to the concept of management and
protection of coastal areas. This literature review becomes a reference in developing
alternative model proposals for managing coastal areas, especially in DKI Jakarta

4. Result and Discussion

The coastal area management policy in DKI Jakarta Province has been stated in
regulations. DKI Jakarta Province Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of
2012 concerning the 2030 Regional Spatial Planning, for example, stipulates policies
for managing coastal areas in DKI Jakarta Province (Article 5 letter c). This regional
regulation emphasizes that sustainable spatial planning is the goal of spatial planning
of coastal areas and small islands (Article 6 paragraph 7). According to Article 13
Paragraph 1, the approach used is as follows: a) Development of water/coastal spatial
patterns based on island location, potential for development of natural resources (land
and sea waters), and the relationship between social and economic activities; b)
Development of integrated spatial use to support the development of the main functions
of water/coastal spatial patterns; and c) Rehabilitate islands that have been eroded,
while the right to control coastal waters can be given to Indonesian citizens, legal
entities and local communities.
The central government also issued Law no. 1 of 2014 concerning management
of coastal areas and other small islands. This law provides a detailed definition of a
detailed zone plan for 1 (one) zone that follows the management directions in the
Zoning Plan, takes into account the environmental carrying capacity and technology
applied, as well as the availability of facilities. It also shows the type and number of
permits that have been issued. In this case, coastal communities and the people of DKI
Jakarta in general must be the main target of this regulation.
The coastal area of Jakarta has a diverse ecosystem and is inhabited by fishing
settlements. They also function as centers for trade, education, entertainment,
environmental conservation, etc. as well as. The management of several coastal areas
of Jakarta is handed over to a private BUMN and/or in collaboration with regional
BUMN. Often, giving authority to these organizations results in use that is sectoral,
over-exploited, and solely profit-oriented. As an illustration, fishing is carried out on a
plus or minus scale and the use of explosives. This will not only damage fisheries
resources and other coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs.
The condition of Jakarta's coastal areas is very sloping and prone to abrasion
due to waves and tides, so there needs to be appropriate policy intervention. There are
two interrelated ways to deal with community and ecosystem-based abrasion, namely
by creating policies and building physical structures to protect beaches.

1. Policy approach
One of the government's responsibilities in managing marine resources is
handling abrasion. Therefore, a law or derivative law is needed to cover
abrasion handling operations. Often, regulations made by the government
forget the interests of the community who will later become the object of
those implementing the regulations. Examples of the Draft Regional
Regulation on the Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands
(RZWP3K), which will be built by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
and the Coastal Area Arrangement Plan which is being prepared by the DKI
Jakarta Provincial Representative Council with the support of TGUPP and
the Jakarta North Coast Reclamation Plan. Regional plans and area
planning/reclamation must not ignore community participation
2. Construction of physical buildings and beach planting to protect the beach.
Construction of buildings to protect beaches can be carried out together with
the community to ensure economic and ecosystem conditions. This solution
can be done in various ways, namely:
- Mangrove planting
- Arrangement of coastal embankments (seawalls)
- Installation of groyne and/or breakwater infrastructure
- Preservation of coral reefs.
- Prohibition of excavation of beach sand

5. Conclusion
Due to the abundant availability of biological and non-biological natural
resources, coastal areas are very important for life, but they also have problems. One of
them is abrasion. The coastal area around Jakarta is an example of a coastal area that
requires solution efforts. To overcome the abrasion problem, immediate treatment is
needed. Therefore, community and ecosystem-based management methods are needed.
Abrasion management must be adapted to the environment in ecosystem-based
management. For example, planting mangroves will be very beneficial if done in green
belt areas because it will reduce the possibility of failure to grow. However, the role of
the community is also very important in community-based management. This could
include participation in mangrove forest and coral reef conservation programs in coastal
areas, as well as involvement in evaluation and drafting of regulations with local
regional governments and NGOs.
These examples show that there are at least two different approaches to
community-based ecosystem policy. First, using a policy planning approach that
involves many parties in structuring and managing coastal areas, including the
government (central and regional), NGOs, coastal communities and the private sector.
Second, carry out an analysis that describes the real conditions of the coastal area when
building coastal protective structures to overcome the abrasion problem. This is very
important to ensure that the coastal protection that will be built, whether it is a groyne,
breakwater, or sea wall, is truly in accordance with the conditions and needs of the
beach and coastal communities directly affected.

Elsa Try Julita Sembiring, A. S. (2021). Permasalahan Sanitasi Di Pemukiman Pesisir Jakarta
Serta Rekomendasi Teknologi Pengelolaannya. Environmental Occupational Health
and Safety Journal, 19-34.
Teknik Sipil, Vol. 5, No. 01, Tahun 2020, Halaman 43 - 56.
Jakarta, P. D. (2012). Peraturan Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 Tentang
Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Jakarta Tahun 2030. Jakarta: Pemerintah Daerah DKI
KAWASAN PESISIR PANTAI. Jurnal Saintek Maritim Volume 16 nomor 2, 151-

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