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Milan Radulović1, Dragan Radojević2, Neda Dević2, Milica Blečić2
D.O.O. „GEOPROJEKT“, 2JU Republički zavod za geološka istraživanja
Podgorica, Montenegro

Discharge calculation by salt dilution method (Moor, 2004a) for surface and groundwater, we usually
use on the unreliable terrain where we can’t use classic method (velocity–area method). Salt dilution
method used for calculation discharge of karstic spring Bolje Sestre. Injection point of the traser
(solute NaCl) was borehole B-8 located about 30 m upstream of the spring. Electical conductivity
measured on the two points on the spring during the salt wave passage. Using four sets of
independent data we created diagrams Ec – t, and we calculated approximatly the same results for all
sets (Q = 2,82 m3/s). Application of this method have shown good results and we think that it will find
application in other terrain where current – meter mesurments are unreliable.

Keywords: salt dilution method, discharge, karstic spring Bolje Sestre

Method for calculation of discharge using the salt dilution method is widely used while investigating
superficial and groundwater flows, especially in remote mountainous terrain where it is mostly very difficult to
establish quality hydrologic profile, and even harder to measure actual speed of flows. This method was applied
in our terrain as well, for measuring discharge at „Bolje Sestre“ spring which is evaluated as potential spring for
regional water-supplying of Montenegrin coast. Borehole B-8, located thirty meters upstream from the point of
discharge, used as injection point (point of injection of salt solution), and the upper Bolje Sestre spring as a point
for measuring electric conductivity EC, i.e. the relative concentration of RC. The test was conducted on 19 July

Salt dilution method is widely used in engineering practice. The accuracy of this method, when it is duly
used and used in good conditions can be within 5% [1]. However, the method is mostly used for measuring the
discharge of superficial flows, but it can be also used for measuring discharge of groundwater flows with lesser
accuracy, as well as for calculation of percentage ratio of specific sub-watersheds to replenishment of spring [2].
Tracers are injected at some point alongside the stream, and its concentration is measured downstream
sufficiently distant point where the tracer is completely diluted into water. The most suitable option for usage of
tracer is the common salt (NaCl) which can be easily procured and also easily traceable using the conductivity
meters, since there is a linear dependency of relative salt concentration and electric conductivity at its lesser

For the purpose of measuring of discharge of Bolje Sestre spring we applied the variant of slug injection
of salt solution (NaCl) into the borehole B-8, located 30 m upstream of that spring. General rule for setting
distance needed for salt dilution is that it should be 25 times the length of stream, but for complete dilution it
sometimes takes greater or smaller distance, depending from the morphology of the stream [1]. Width of stream
at the point of effusion of Bolje Sestre spring is 1-2 m, while its width in underground part is unknown. After the
slug injection of known volume of salt solution into stream, it needs to quickly mix at length and at depth of the
stream so that the so-called „cloud“(wave) of diluted salt would appear at the observation point with the zone of
low concentration in the beginning, and then the zone of high concentration *one peak) and final zone of
decreasing concentration all the way to its initial value. Duration of wave of diluted slat is influenced by the
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speed of stream and longitudinal dispersion [3] the same author stated that it takes several to 30 minutes for the
wave of salt to pass.

Moore [3] is using the initial claim that the discharge of tracer solution q (L/s or m³/s) can be
approximated at any time during the salt wave passage using the formula:

q(t) = Q x RC(t) (1),

where Q is the stream water discharge (l/s or m3/s), and RC(t) relative concentration of tracer solution L/L in the
flow at time (t). In equation (1) it is assumed that q(t) is much smaller than Q. If the discharge of tracer is
integrated over the duration of salt wave, and if the discharge of stream constant over that time, than the equation
for conservative tracers (the one that doesn’t react with other substances in water, flora sediments etc) would be
like this:

V = ∫ q(t)dt = Q ∫ RC(t)dt (2),


Where T represents the duration of salt wave and V (m3) represents the volume of salt solution injected into the
stream. Equation (2) can be rearranged to solve for Q:

Q = V/ ∫ RC(t)dt (3),

In practice RC(t) is calculated through measurement at upstream point at interval of time Δt (for example
5 s), and its integral is usually approximated to:

∫ RC(t)dt ≈ Σ RC(t) Δt (4),

T n

where n is the number of measurements during the slat wave. The relative concentration can be
determined from the electric conductivity EC:

RC(t) = k [EC(t) - ECbg] (5),

where EC(t) is the electric conductivity measured at time t, ECbg is natural (initial) electric conductivity
of stream, and k is the calibration invariable. Calibration constant is primarily dependable from the concentration
of diluted salt injected into the stream and secondarily from solution made for the purpose of calibration, as well
as from chemical properties of water. Combining equations (3), (4), (5), we make practical equation for
calculation of discharge:

Q = V / k Δt Σ [EC(t) - ECbg] (6).


Value of k is determined using the calibration which clearly indicted dependency of electric conductivity
(EC) with relative concentration (Rc). Inclination of line at diagram EC is actually representing the calibration
invariable k.


Salt Dilution test was performed for the purpose of calculation of discharge at upper Bolje Sestre spring
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The test was conducted in following steps:

1. First of all we had to make solution for tracing aquifer stream that would sufficiently influence to
increase the electric conductivity at very spring. We obtained first solution by diluting 1 kg of NaCl in 6 l of
water (17% solution). It turned out that the volume of solution was not enough and therefore we repeated the test
with solution of 5 kg NaCl into 30 l H2O (17% solution), and afterwards with solution of 10 kg NaCl into 50 l
H2O (20% solution). Mixing of solution on all three occasions let to total dilution of salt (20 – 25 min).

2. Every time after we made tracing solution, we used pipette to extract 10 ml of solution into glass
bottles of 1 l, which were afterwards capped and left for calibration process.

3. We measured initial value of electric conductivity ECbg (μS/cm) and temperature of water at spring.

4. We placed two conductivity meters at the spring. First, with automatic data storing at 10 s interval, was
placed at the very point of effusion i.e.. the point A, while the other with manual reading (5 s) was placed at
point B, i.e. about 3 m downstream.

Point A was selected based on results of tracing test performed on 6 July 2007. It was noticed that tracer
showed up after 4 minutes at point A. Presence of tracer at oko wasn’t registered, but there is a possibility that
tracer was present later, when the water was already completely painted, and therefore it couldn’t be registered at
that time.

5. Injecting the tracer was performed in first instance using the can of 12 l and hose which was lowered
into the cavernous part of borehole (at depth of 7 m). In second and third instance the solution (5kg NaCl / 30
H2O; 10 kg NaCl / 50 l H2O) was injected directly into the borehole using the plastic sink and auxiliary cans.

6. Measuring of electric conductivity ECss in all three cases was performed in duration of 30 min. The
electric conductivity at point A was automatically stored at 10 sec, while the electric conductivity at point B was
measured by two persons in a way that they entered the data at every 5 sec in previously formed forms.

Using the calibration method we obtained the k value, which amounts to 2.57x10-6 for second solution
and 2.036 x 10-6 for third solution.

Measuring ECss at time t after the injection of solution was conducted on three occasions, and therefore
obtained following results after the injection: 1)17% solution (1 kg NaCl / 6 l H2O), 2)17% solution (5kg NaCl /
30 l H2O), 3)20% solution (10 kg NaCl / 50 l H2O). For all three measurements we obtained two data sets each,
i.e. the results of measurements from the point A (at 10 s) and data from the point B (at 5 s). Calculation of
discharge Q at Bolje Sestre spring was calculated based on 4 data sets measured at points A and B, following the
2nd and 3rd injection of salt solution into the borehole B-8 (Figure 3). Calculation for the 1st injection wasn’t done
since it was observed that the data was not relevant since it resulted in very limited change of electric
conductivity EC at the spring (change of merely 2 μS/cm).

Calculation of discharge Q (m3/s) was performed using the following formula (Moore, 2005):

Q = V / k Δt Σ [EC(t) - ECbg] ,

V – Volume of solution injected into the borehole (m3),
k – Inclination of the calibration curve (obtained through calibration, appendix 2.1 and 2.2),
Δt – interval of time (5 and 10 s),

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EC(t) – Value of electric conductivity (μS/cm) during the interval Δt,
ECbg – Value of electric conductivity prior to injection of salt solution (μS/cm),
n – Number of measurement during the test.
Point A Point B

2. Injection
of 17%
solution (5kg
NaCl / 30 l
Q = 31,8 x 10-3 m3 / (2,567 x 10-6 cm/μS)(10s)(434μS/cm) Q = 31,8 x 10-3 m3 / (2,567 x 10-6 cm/μS)(5s)(879μS/cm)
Q = 2,87 m3/s Q = 2,82 m3/s

3. Injection
of 20%
(10kg NaCl /
50 l H2O)
Q = 53,6 x 10-3 m3 / (2,036 x 10-6 cm/μS)(10s)(942μS/cm) Q = 53,6 x 10-3 m3 / (2,036 x 10-6 cm/μS)(5s)(1875μS/cm)
Q = 2,79 m3/s Q = 2,81 m3/s

Figure 3. Calculation of discharge Q (m3/s) based on 4 data sets

Based on 4 obtained results of discharge Q (m3/s) we calculated the mean value:

Qsr = (Q2A + Q2B + Q3A + Q3B) / 4 = 2,82 m3/s.

For the reason of not knowing the morphological characteristics of groundwater karst canals and its
interconnectivity, we can’t say with great certainty whether the obtained results are applicable only for upper
spring i.e. the measuring point or it represents the total quantities that outflow from all springs (oko, upper
spring, minor lateral springs etc.). In the case of possible diversion of groundwater flows towards the oko, after
its complete mixing with salt solution, we would obtain the joint value of discharge Q (m3/s), by measuring the
electric conductivity at upper spring. In order for obtained result to be valid for measuring point only, the
prerequisite that all water quantity that flows through the injection point (borehole B-8) must be present at
measuring point as well, must be met. Whether there is hydraulic connection of borehole B-8 with Bolje Sestre
oko can be verified my measuring the electric conductivity in that oko after injecting salt solution into the
borehole B-8. Degree of mixing aquifer and lacustrine water in the zone of discharge can also influence the
accuracy of obtained results. However, on the day of performing test, the water level of the lake was very low
(hydrologic minimum), and therefore we can consider that there was no mixing of aquifer and lacustrine water in
the zone of discharge (Figure 1). Possibility of error for salt dilution method is usually reduced to the degree of
fulfilment of two requirements. First, the salt in the tracing solution must be completely diluted, and second, that
the injected solution must be completely mixed with aquifer water up to the measuring point. We can conclude
that both of these requirements are met. Dilution was performed with continuous mixing for 20 – 25 min of the
water which was exposed to very high outside temperature (around 43oC). We can tell that complete mixing of
solution with aquifer water occurred from the resemblance of the diagrams (Figure 3) obtained by measuring
electric conductivity at two points (A and B). However, there’s a possibility of error resulting from, for example,
malfunctioning of pipette (wasn’t noticed), sedimentation of diluted salt at walls of injection vessels (noticed in
small quantities) etc.

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Using the salt dilution method, on 19 July 2007, we performed additional testing of yield of Bolje Sestre
spring in Malo Blato. Calculation of discharge Q (m3/s) was made using the 2005 Moore formula and obtained
mean value of Q = 2,82 m3/s. The test was conducted correctly in given conditions and obtained almost identical
results for all four calculations (2. solution – point A, 2. solution – point B, 3. solution – point A, 3. solution –
point B).


[1] D. J. Day: „On the precision of salt dilution gauging“, Journal of Hydrology, 1976.
[2] N.Goldcheider:„Hydrogeology and vulnerability of karst Systems–examples from the Northern Alps and the
Swabian Alb“,Fakultät für Bio- und Geowissenschaften,Karlsruhe, 2002.
[3] R. D. Moore: „ Slug Injection Using Salt in Solution“ , Streamline – Water Managment Buillten, Volume 8,
Number 2, Spring 2005
[4] Mil. Radulović, D. Radojević, N. Dević, M. Blečić: „Izvještaj o određivanju izdašnosti izvorišta „Bolje Sestre“ “,
fondovski materijal, „Geoprojekt“, Podgorica 2007. godine

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