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NAME: Azka Malik

ROLL N0: 20i-1691

SUBJECT: Digital Marketing
“Why No One’s Reading Your Marketing Content”
This article discloses how content marketing is very much about what comes next after content has been
created; the crucial steps of effectively distributing it to the appropriate audience.

To begin with, the article stresses on optimizing content for search engines and mobile devices. It also
indicates that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays an important role in driving web traffic; this
accounts for over 30% of total traffic received by websites via search engines alone. Instead of viewing
SEO as an appendage or a final stage activity, the paper argues that it should be incorporated into content
development from its initiation. This includes understanding the requirements of your audience,
determining their queries as well as including relevant keywords strategically. There is also much
emphasis on making sure that contents are mobile friendly which considers message length, formatting
style, visuals and user experience among other factors.

Secondly, the article discusses why it is important to have a consistent plan for creating such materials.
For them, content modules come into play – these are small purposeful writings which can be used again
and again across numerous platforms. These modules should be able to connect together well in order to
tell a story for users and provide a consistent brand experience. It goes on to explain how the elements in
these modules contribute to the overall brand storytelling, taking cues from other forms of narrative art
such as novels and scripts.

Then, the third step emphasizes audience segmentation and personalization that are essential aspects of an
efficient distribution strategy. The article suggests using client data in customizing contents by focusing
on messages directed at specific sections of the audience. In attracting attention and promoting
involvement, personalized content is said to be very effective. The nature of content and characteristics of
audiences determine which platforms or outlets need to be targeted like Facebook for consumer sales
whilst LinkedIn can serve business-to-business deals.

Afterwards, it proposes building relationships with branded publications and websites. Effective writing
as well as storytelling methods is suggested as tools for creating engaging marketing messages.
Partnerships with other sites are recommended through activities such as guest posts, reaching out to
journalists or bloggers. It is important that relationships are built based on relevancy and credibility
having potential benefits.

The fifth step involves investing in paid distribution channels. Paid distribution is recognized as an
effective strategy for various content formats, using tools such as Outbrain to position your content on top
platforms. The article highlights the potential of sponsored posts and status updates, leveraging the wealth
of user data available on websites and social networks.

Sharing content with relevant communities is the sixth step. It's suggested to share content where it’s
likely to be valued and spark discussions. The focus is on selecting relevance and value oriented
communities thoughtfully so as to generate interest without sounding like spam or junk.

Lastly, the article recommends reaching out to influencers in the market. Creating resonating contents
with key figures and their audiences is advised rather than engaging in one-off transactions while
nurturing lasting relationships. Strengthening these relationships includes sharing influencers’ content and
actively engaging with their online presence.


The article wraps up by stressing how vital it is to have a solid content strategy. It starts with creating top-
notch content but doesn’t stop there; it’s equally crucial to get that specific piece of information out to
those who matter most for its worthiness of a dime invested into it. One approach urged using various
measurements to gauge the impact of your efforts, starting with Google Analytics. It emphasizes widening
your horizons through having relationships with media houses, knowing your audience and making social
media posts that feel personal to them.

So this article disintegrates into a well-constructed strategy on how content should be distributed. It
includes everything from the technical aspects to who you are talking about, connecting people, and even
buying ads. The key is not only creating great content but also making sure it reaches its intended
audience through an intelligent plan and targeting.

Today’s digital world has made search engine optimization and mobile-friendliness crucial touchstones.
Such a large percentage of our online activities can be placed under “searches” or “browsing through
mobile devices”, which makes customizing your content significant. While by dividing customers into
groups by category according to their interests and preferences will help you catch them and keep them
interested. This article admits that individuals are looking for one-to-one interactions when searching for

Building relationships with reputable publications and influencers is highlighted as a key strategy, and it
makes sense. In a world where traditional ads are met with skepticism, being associated with trusted
sources can do wonders for your brand's credibility. And while organic reach is great, sometimes it's
worth investing in paid promotion to really boost your content's visibility. Sharing your content in
relevant online communities can also spark interest and create a sense of community around your brand.

In summary, the article offers a thorough guide to content distribution, covering everything from the
technical stuff to building relationships and investing in promotion. By stressing the importance of a
targeted approach, it falls in line with current trends in digital marketing and provides valuable advice for
anyone looking to make the most of their content efforts.

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