Collocation - Phrasal Verbs

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Question 1. I like listening to my favorite songs while I’m the ironing.

A. making B. doing C. running D. taking
Question 2. This is your last chance. your best no matter what the result would be.
A. Take B. Go C. Do D. Pay
Question 3. My teacher was furious with me because I forgot to _ my English homework last
A. do B. make C. have D. take
Question 4. Homeowners should the basic precaution of locking their doors and windows.
A. have B. take C. make D. do
Question 5. If you don’t warm up properly, exercise may more harm than good.
A. take B. bring C. make D. do
Question 6. He likes to a nap for an hour when he gets home from work.
A. make B. run C. take D. do
Question 7. No one wants to responsibility for the problem.
A. take B. have C. do D. turn
Question 8. We will discussions with government officials about possible ways to halt the
spread of the Coronavirus.
A. have B. make C. run D. take
Question 9. I didn’t think Peter and Patricia anything in common, but they talked all evening.
A. made B. brought C. had D. went
Question 10. Don't worry, your grade on that assignment very little impact upon your overall
grade for the semester.
A. has B. brings C. makes D. takes
Question 11. I _ advantage of the pleasant weather by going on a picnic with some of my
closest friends.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
Question 12. Mandy and Debbie turns to look after the baby.
A. bring B. do C. take D. have
Question 13. They are some fascinating research into the language of dolphins.
A. taking B. having C. making D. doing
Question 14. Tom a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle.
A. did B. lent C. made D. paid
Question 15. A lot of people a bet on housing and lost.
A. had B. took C. brought D. made
Question 16. a choice! Do you want spaghetti or hotdogs?
A. Make B. Have C. Decide D. Bring
Question 17. We'll a fortune if we can manage to secure a trading partner in China.
A. have B. make C. take D. do
Question 18. I sit on a bench and re-read the morning paper, and try to _ the crossword in my head.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
Question 19. I think I'll your advice and get the white dress.
A. have B. grab C. take D. make
Question 20. He pride in his sons for passing one of the most prestigious universities
in Vietnam.
A. takes B. has C. makes D. does
Question 21. He a very generous contribution to our church restoration appeal.
A. had B. made C. tries D. does
Question 22. I have a confession to - I've lost that book you lent me.
A. take B. have C. make D. do
Question 23. I'm not much progress with my Japanese.
A. making B. taking C. having D. doing
Question 24. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, I haven’t a haircut for months!
A. took B. made C. did D. had
Question 25. I don't much sympathy for her - I think she's brought her troubles on herself.
A. have B. take C. give D. make
Question 26. If you the chance, you should go and see it – it’s a really good film.
A. take B. make C. have D. do
Question 27. Years after the accident I still nightmares about it.
A. make B. get C. do D. have
Question 28. Would you mind a photo of us together?
A. breaking B. taking C. having D. catching
Question 29. It courage to admit you are wrong.
A. has B. brings C. pays D. takes
Question 30. He’s the kind of man who makes things happen but let others the credit.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
Question 31. The use of computers has it possible for more people to work from home.
A. brought B. made C. done D. taken
Question 32. She hopes to a living from writing children’s books.
A. have B. take C. make D. hide
Question 33. Peter pleasure in watching programmes about animals’ habitats.
A. takes B. has C. does D. makes
Question 34. This course will nothing for Jamie’s confidence.
A. do B. make C. take D. get
Question 35. She an immediate liking to sailing when she tried it for the first time.
A. made B. paid C. took D. got
Question 36. My parents don’t let me go out unless I’ve my homework.
A. brought B. done C. paid D. had
Question 37. Have you decided which course you want to at university?
A. make B. pay C. have D. do
Question 38. Fraser spent some time in Egypt some archaeological research.
A. doing B. having C. playing D. making
Question 39. We’ve been a lot of difficulties with our new computer system.
A. making B. taking C. having D. doing
Question 40. Each child has to a short speech to the rest of the class.
A. take B. make C. have D. get
Question 41. A new haircut can wonders for your self-confidence.
A. have B. do C. bring D. pay
Question 42. Our private tutor encouraged us to our best in the upcoming exam.
A. do B. make C. have D. take
Question 43. I’ve been discussions with my boss about a transfer to Edinburgh. I think
he’s going to agree.
A. making B. taking C. having D. doing
Question 44. One cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to risks.
A. have B. bring C. get D. take
Question 45. Putting up some new wallpaper has all the difference to the place.
A. made B. got C. brought D. paid
Question 46. Both sides involved in the conflict some concessions in yesterday's talks.
A. brought B. did C. made D. had
Question 47. She was only sixteen when she her first child.
A. had B. made C. did D. took
Question 48. They’re a surprise party for Mike on Saturday night.
A. making B. having C. doing D. taking
Question 49. On Saturdays I usually a few jobs around the house.
A. do B. have C. make D. bring
Question 50. Don't be afraid to the initiative and say what you think.
A. have B. take C. make D. do
Question 51. I think Jennifer has a fancy to my friend Tommy, so I'm going to try to set them
up on a date!
A. taken B. made C. had D. put
Question 52. Being a dancer doesn't pay well, but it was my dream, so I tried my best to a go
of it.
A. make B. get C. do D. have
Question 53. Some women choose to an abortion rather than care for a severely disabled
A. give B. have C. make D. do
Question 54. The boss was on vacation when they ran out of materials, so Julie the initiative
and ordered more.
A. had B. brought C. paid D. took
Question 55. I'm not going to dance too much at the party because I don't want to a fool out of
myself in front of my coworkers.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
Question 56. If you're feeling sad, getting out in the sunlight should you good.
A. have B. make C. do D. take
Question 57. With the way my son delight in being on stage, I think he should really pursue a
career in acting.
A. has B. takes C. makes D. hides
Question 58. She's trying to a comeback with her first album for 20 years.
A. take B. have C. do D. make
Question 59. Who wants to business with someone who's lazy?
A. do B. make C. take D. have
Question 60. I a presentation to the board, but sadly it was rejected.
A. made B. paid C. took D. got
Question 61. Their relationship a turn for the worse when he lost his job.
A. brought B. done C. took D. had
Question 62. It's a career that leaves you with almost no free time and that's a sacrifice I'm not prepared
to .
A. make B. pay C. have D. do
Question 63. I'm not much success in communicating with him at the moment.
A. doing B. having C. playing D. making
Question 64. If you someone a good turn, they are much more likely to help you out in the
A. make B. take C. have D. do
Question 65. I thought we might hire a motorboat and a trip around the bay.
A. take B. make C. have D. get
Question 66. I'll a deal with you - you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight.
A. have B. do C. bring D. pay
Question 67. We need to a start on preparing the brochure next week
A. do B. make C. have D. take
Question 68. Do you think he offense at what I said about his hair?
A. made B. had C. took D. did
Question 69. James took the books off the little table to room for the radio.
A. have B. bring C. make D. take
Question 70. Scientists are experiments to test the effectiveness of the new drug.
A. making B. doing C. having D. taking
Question 71. We a lot of fun preparing for the Halloween party.
A. brought B. did C. made D. had
Question 72. She mixed feelings about giving up her job.
A. had B. made C. did D. took
Question 73. I wanted to amends for the worry I've caused you yesterday.
A. make B. have C. do D. take
Question 74. Doctors have discovered that keeping a dog can wonders for your health.
A. do B. have C. make D. bring
Question 75. You should advantage of the Internet to do your research.
A. have B. take C. make D. do
Question 76. You must permission from the owners before viewing the property.
A. make B. obtain C. earn D. offer
Question 77. The new building will mean that we can the challenge of increasing student
A. meet B. come C. make D. stand
Question 78. Just to my curiosity, how much did it cost?
A. provide B. satisfy C. play D. please
Question 79. His father no objections when Michael told him that he wanted to become a
A. put B. brought C. paid D. raised
Question 80. You should careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy
A. bring B. take C. have D. do
Question 81. He's the best person for the job so his age is the point.
A. beside B. make C. do D. take
Question 82. Please send me some pictures of views in Australia. my love to Kitty.
A. Bring B. Take C. Give D. Hide
Question 83. I know you're discouraged about having to look for a new job, but take the
to consider different areas of work that you might be interested in.
A. occasion B. perspective C. prospect D. part
Question 84. I suggest you Rosie’s example and start doing regular exercise.
A. set B. make C. follow D. have
Question 85. These two young musicians are for international success
A. reputed B. backed C. foreseen D. bound
Question 86. The director has a new trend in moviemaking.
A. brought B. set C. took D. had
Question 87. He officially his intention to resign at today's press conference.
A. announced B. told C. informed D. promised
Question 88. My son is a nap at the moment so I’m trying to get a little bit of work done.
A. doing B. taking C. playing D. making
Question 89. People learning a new language often some difficulties at first.
A. defeat B. overcome C. encounter D. dismiss
Question 90. We our warm gratitude to the many children and their parents who
participated in this study.
A. depress B. make C. express D. turn
Question 91. The hospital is trying to reduce noise to help patients sleep.
A. patterns B. entrances C. sets D. levels
Question 92. The company will pay the traveling involved in getting to and from the
A. expenses B. prices C. amounts D. rates
Question 93. Overall I can recommend this film to anyone with an interest in space
A. absolutely B. wholeheartedly C. thoroughly D. deeply
Question 94. The principal aim is to awareness among workers and employers of hazards in
the workplace.
A. foster B. elevate C. promote D. raise
Question 95. As a politician she was well-known for her determination.
A. dogged B. irrational C. steel D. shaky
Question 96. The research was by a team of scientists at Edinburgh University.
A. brought B. conducted C. made D. accomplished
Question 97. I don't think that tourism will a long-term solution to rural employment
A. introduce B. make C. provide D. develop
Question 98. Don’t just assume that you know what he means; that can
A. bring B. cause C. avoid D. take
Question 99. research has been carried out into the effects of the drug.
A. Competitive B. Exhaustive C. Accomplished D. Inflatable
Question 100. The exhibition has a lot of compliments from the public.
A. taken B. shown C. received D. done
Question 101. Further attempts to the fire were abandoned.
A. put B. obtain C. fight D. struggle
Question 102. The government has failed to the problem of youth crime.
A. set B. hit C. make D. tackle
Question 103. I enjoy being the centre of at any social gathering.
A. piece B. attention C. focus D. trend
Question 104. With its white sand and crystal _ waters, Maya Bay became a popular tourist
destination after the film, based on the novel by Alex Garland, was released in 2000.
A. pure B. clean C. fresh D. clear
Question 105. Johnson had two prior convictions for residential burglaries and history of
A. trivial B. insignificant C. petty D. small
Question 106. Their company has taken the in developing this new technology.
A. lead B. head C. advance D. place
Question 107. There is a chance that I will arrive on Monday, but Tuesday is more likely.
A. slim B. thin C. short D. fat
Question 108. I am sorry, but I really have to go or I will my plane but I will forward them to
my colleague who is responsible for this matter.
A. catch B. refuse C. miss D. lose
Question 109. Legend it that King Arthur’s sword was thrown into one of the pools here.
A. has B. does C. says D. tells
Question 110. The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions and the introduction
of tax incentives to green.
A. get B. go C. turn D. become
Question 111. He gets really jealous if his girlfriend up a friendship with another man.

A. brings B. takes C. strikes D. drives

Question 112. Really, I don't know why I'm revealing all this to a stranger.

A. complete B. total C. quite D. quiet

Question 113. She also took dance lessons and yoga to maintain her already build.
A. strong B. athletic C. dynamic D. energetic
Question 114. It takes a lot for a man to his pride and share his innermost worries and
A. vomit B. digest C. chew D. swallow
Question 115. While I was worried , sitting in the waiting room at the clinic, Alex and his
friends were hanging out.
A. sick B. tired C. ill D. exhausted
Question 116. It is necessary to on a low-calorie diet if you want to lose weight.
A. come B. keep C. go D. stay
Question 117. When combined with healthy eating, physical activity can help prevent weight
and certain chronic diseases.
A. gain B. obtain C. achieve D. increase
Question 118. You can eat whatever you want as long as it's in .
A. modesty B. honesty C. moderate D. moderation
Question 119. If it happens that the products ordered are out of , we will notify customers by
e-mail as soon as possible.
A. work B. stock C. print D. order
Question 120. The shop has a small but devoted .
A. following B. follow C. followers D. follows
Question 121. He was so good-looking and so popular that I felt he was out of my .
A. collage B. college C. league D. colleague
Question 122. Barbara has a new world record, with 5 consecutive Olympic gold medals
in judo.
A. made B. put C. set D. took
Question 123. He gave up a career as a lawyer to look after his kids.
A. luxurious B. prohibitive C. expensive D. lucrative
Question 124. I can't afford to go on holiday this year - I'm broke.
A. short B. flat C. narrow D. near
Question 125. Television an important role to play in popularizing new scientific ideas.
A. makes B. has C. receives D. creates
Question 1: Experts agree that too hard workouts may more harm than good.
A. do B. set C. hold D. make
Question 2: It’s no good a fuss and arguing over such an unimportant issue.
A. making B. holding C. doing D. getting
Question 3: My dad is always willing to a hand with the household chores.
A. give B. bring C. take D. put
Question 4: We will have to work round the if we want to complete the project as scheduled.
A. watch B. minute C. hour D. clock
Question 5: It is not always easy to make a good at the last minute.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
Question 6: A survey was to study the effects of smoking on young adults.
A. commented B. filled C. conducted D. carried
Question 7: Thanks to her father's encouragement, she has made great in her study.
A. standard B. development C. contribution D. progress
Question 8: Jim didn't break the vase on _, but he was still punished for his carelessness.
A. occasion B. chance C. intention D. purpose
Question 9: Could you me a hand with the washing-up, Kent?
A. join B. shake C. give D. hold
Question 10: It is important for students to full use of university facilities.
A. take B. do C. find D. make
Question 11: It to reason that Jason passed the exam with flying colours on account of his
working hard during the term.
A. comes B. gets C. stands D. lays
Question 12: Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good on job interviewers.
A. impress B. impressively C. impression D. impressive
Question 13: Although she had been told quite sternly to herself together, she simply couldn't
stop the tears from flowing.
A. bring B. pull C. force D. push
Question 14: to fame at an early age may have a
negative influence on children's psychological development.
A. approaching B. reaching C. going D. rising
Question 15: Action films with big stars tend to great public attention.
A. achieve B. show C. attract D. reach
Question 16: Young people are ambitious by nature, so they tend to set their high on whatever
they do.
A. sights B. views C. visions D. eyes
Question 17: My aunt used to sell vegetables at the local market to a living.

A. take B. do C. earn D. have

Question 18: Nicholas had never chaired a meeting before, but he rose to the yesterday when
he presided over a forum.
A. occasion B. incident C. difficulty D. issue
Question 19: The students were worried that they wouldn't be able to the deadline for the
A. answer B. match C. beat D. meet
Question 20: My sister really enjoys acting as a hobby, but she doesn't want to do it for a(n) .
A. survival B. occupation C. living D. existence
Question 21: Students are less pressure as a result of changes in testing procedures.
A. under B. above C. upon D. out of
Question 22: In a modern family, the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to the
household chores.
A. do B. run C. take D. make
Question 23: The US president Barack Obama an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which
is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
Question 24: A large number of inventions and discoveries have been made accident.
A. at B. on C. in D. by
Question 25: When asked about their preference for movies, many young people say that they are in
favour science fiction.
A. in B. for C. of D. with
Question 26: In the last match, Sabella changed his formation at half-time, introducing Fernando Gago
in midfield and Higuain in attack, but in the end it was Messi’s magic that the difference.
A. made B. gave C. did D. took
Question 27: We must push the piano to the corner of the hall to _ our party tonight.

A. make place for B. take up room to C. make room for D. give place to
Question 28: In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye with the interviewers.
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
Question 29: Scientists have a lot of research into renewable energy sources.
A. done B. solved C. carried D. made
Question 30: As the drug took , the boy became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. action D. effect
Question 31: Jack usually fishing with his friends at weekends.
A. goes B. makes C. puts D. does
Question 32: Katherine took a deep breath, managing to herself before entering the interview
A. comprise B. consist C. compose D. include
Question 33: Tom is on his to his grandparents’ house.
A. road B. path C. track D. way
Question 34: There are many ways to _ goodbye to someone.
A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
Question 35: Many students are worried the coming exam.
A. about B. on C. from D. to
Question 36: James had a cosy birthday party at home last Friday in the of his close friends.
A. company B. business C. atmosphere D. residence
Question 37: Most of the houses in the neighbourhood terrible damage in the fire.
A. persevered B. sustained C. conceived D. perceived
Question 38: The mother tries hard to sure that her children get the best of everything.
A. go B. keep C. get D. make
Question 39: Jack usually fishing with his friends at weekends.
A. goes B. makes C. puts D. does
Question 40: David still contact with many of his old school friends.
A. catches B. brings C. takes D. keeps
Question 1. Because its sales have increased rapidly in recent months, the software company is going to
more staff.
A. take in B. take over C. take up D. take on
Question 2. She seems to with everybody in my class because of her outgoing personality.
A. put on B. get on C. put off D. get off
Question 3. The plane an hour late, which made me fall behind schedule.
A. took after B. went off C. took off D. went out
Question 4. He applied for that position but was due to his lack of relevant qualifications.
A. turned off B. taken off C. turned down D. taken after
Question 5. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, offered to Twitter as a director.
A. take off B. take over C. get over D. get off
Question 6. It’s normal to be a bit nervous. I’m sure you will once you start your IELTS
speaking test.
A. watch out B. take after C. turn off D. get over
Question 7. The guard noticed my brother touching one of the sculptures in the exhibition and
A. cut him down B. put him off C. set him out D. told him off
Question 8. Those girls were really excited about the new door house in the beginning, but they have
A. looked after B. gone off C. filled out D. got on
Question 9. Due to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many businesses and organizations had
to .
A. close down B. give in C. pick up D. go down
Question 10. A row of back-to-back houses is being to make way for the new luxury hotel
which is going to be open this year.
A. pulled down B. held up C. closed down D. turned up
Question 11. From my observation, John his father in both physical appearance and
personality traits.
A. takes up B. looks after C. takes after D. looks in
Question 12. While he was going shopping with his mother, he an old classmate from high
school days.
A. ran over B. ran after C. ran across D. went into
Question 13. After school, Helen helped her mom to her younger brother so that her
mother can spend time going jogging.
A. look after B. go off C. fill in D. get on
Question 14. If this car is going to once more, I’m going to get a new one because I’m
really tired of it.
A. break down B. come about C. give in D. change down
Question 15. My doctor advised me to get some exercise to prevent obesity, so I’ve decided to
table tennis.
A. take after B. take down C. take on D. take up
Question 16. I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer straight away, Mr. Green. I’d like to _ for
a day or two.
A. think of it B. think it over C. think it up D. think it out
Question 17. In order to be able to afford a holiday every summer, my mother always tries to put
some money each month.
A. away B. for C. in D. off
Question 18. If Amanda doesn’t ______in the next five minutes, then we’ll have to leave without her.
A. put out B. take off C. turn up D. show off
Question 19. Robert started to get out of bed, but he was so weak from his illness that he
on the floor.
A. ran over B. passed out C. let down D. died out
Question 20. You mustn’t let him treat you so badly; you must stand him and be strong.
A. for B. by C. up to D. down
Question 21. I was feeling quite tired due to lack of sleep, so I didn’t really what the
teacher was saying.
A. take up B. take in C. take over D. take away
Question 22. I think it’s much more challenging to children nowadays than it used to be,
especially with technological advancements.
A. bring out B. bring off C. bring on D. bring up
Question 23. It’s very kind of you to put me for the night, Sophie. I will take you out for
dinner one day to express my gratitude.
A. along B. down C. in D. up
Question 24. I’ve been trying to call Harry all evening, but there must be something wrong with the line
since I can’t _.
A. get through B. get down C. get by D. get on
Question 25. I was extremely scared when my dentist told me that he’d have to _ two of my
A. pull off B. pull away C. pull up D. pull out
Question 26. I don’t believe a word you’re saying. I think you’ve made the whole thing .
A. for B. up C. out D. down
Question 27. We from the hotel early the following morning to avoid the traffic congestion.
A. called off B. passed out C. set off D. turned off
Question 28. Before we start the meeting today I’d like to some notes I’ve prepared about
the next advertising campaign.
A. pass out B. let down C. send out D. give on
Question 29. All my hard work in the end – I received the highest grade in the Math and
English exams.
A. turned off B. taken off C. paid off D. gave off
Question 30. When a fire at the National Exhibition in London, at least eleven precious
paintings were completely destroyed.
A. broke out B. broke off C. broke down D. broke through
Question 31. I’ve always been frightened of dogs since Hannah’s dog me when I was a child.
A. went down B. went to C. went over D. went for
Question 32. It’s difficult to see through this windscreen – I can’t even make _ where the
road is.
A. up B. out C. into D. over
Question 33. My husband a squirrel on his way to work this morning because he was in a
great hurry.
A. ran over B. ran up C. ran out of D. ran off
Question 34. I can hardly hear that radio. Could you the volume, please?
A. put up B. switch on C. give out D. turn up
Question 35. Time’s up. You must your examination papers right now or you will not
receive a mark for the last semester.
A. get in B. held up C. come up D. give in
Question 36. The chairman a very controversial idea which had little chance of being
A. put forward B. came up C. made for D. got on
Question 37. I’m not surprised that Tom and Julie have . They were never really suited and frequently argued with
each other.
A. broken down B. broken off C. broken up D. broken away
Question 38. The hospital was near the main road so the patients had to _ a lot of noise,
which made them feel very angry.
A. made up for B. went down with C. put up with D. come up with
Question 39. When the chief surgeon suddenly announced that he was going to leave, we were all
A. gone off B. put through C. set back D. taken aback
Question 40. I wonder why the trend “Get-go!” has with young people. Now my Tiktok is
full of videos regarding this trend.
A. caught on B. gotten on C. appealed to D. caught up
Question 41. You should take out the trash every day because old garbage usually a terrible
A. gives up B. gives off C. gives on D. gives in
Question 42. I must because there is an emergency at the hospital. I’ll call you again at the
same time tomorrow.
A. break off B. ring off C. answer back D. hang about
Question 43. It would be a good idea to discuss the plan together, why don’t you a meeting
for this afternoon?
A. take up B. make out C. pick out D. set up
Question 44. I had a wonderful idea to save the budget for the company but it didn’t _.
A. catch up B. bring out C. come off D. come up
Question 45. Although I hadn’t worked very hard, I still managed to the History exam.
A. put up B. come round C. get through D. pick up
Question 46. He often his dinner because he is too busy with his job, which explains his
stomach pain.
A. hangs on B. goes without C. eats away D. ends up
Question 47. When I was a child, I always my brother. He was a true role model for me in
both social and academic aspects.
A. looked forward to B. looked down on C. looked out for D. looked up to
Question 48. Their wedding will next Monday at noon. Do you want to go there with me?
A. take place B. go off C. come together D. carry on
Question 49. What time did you last night? It must have been quite late because when I
phoned you at 11.30 your mother said you were still out.
A. get away B. get in C. get by D. get down
Question 50. The committee has a survey of parking problems in residential areas.
A. kept on B. given off C. turned out D. carried out

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