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Hindustan Mei Jaadu Ka Aaghaaz. Jogi Silsilay ki Haqeeqat.

Surah Quraysh sai Shaitaan

ki Maut.

Presented by Dr Abdul Wajid Shazli

Date​: 2020.19.10

Video Link:​ ​

The Objective of the lesson:

I welcome all members. Today we will discuss Ilm Ahle Hanood's starting point geographically
and the practices of the people. We will discuss the start of magic in the Indian subcontinent
and the place where it started and who was Luna Chamari. The Silsila of the Jogis will be
discussed as well.

Addressing a critique:

I would like to say that my videos are being watched in different parts of the world and are
translated in different languages. I am giving you knowledge and I try to cover the topics as
deeply as possible. Some people have communicated their criticism that I am a specialist in
matters of spirituality which is a positive realm so then why am I talking about these dark topics?

First I am grateful to the viewers who listen to me carefully. Second, in this spiritual journey
there will come a point when I will not be with you. You will be on your own. I have to give you a
word of caution in advance and the potential dangers. Even in practical life I do not necessarily
want you to get engaged in aamliyaat but I have to honestly uncover the problems that can
befall you or what entities you may encounter even if it is for the sake of knowledge. Our
students will have extensive knowledge which does not come from books, it's all from
experience; my experience and that of Mian Huzoor's. That is why I speak straight from my
heart during these sessions.

Background of the Jogi Silsila:

You may have heard of the Jogis but who are they and did the process start? Who are the
followers of the Jogis? This started from Ismael Jogi. People in Hindustan must know him well.
His name was Ismael Jogi who was Hazrat Shaikh Jamaluddin Janeman Jannati's disciple. He
was well acquainted with the studies of the Madariya family.

Shaikh Jamaluddin Jannati was very fond of him and gave him special attention. When Ismael
Jogi reached a station of excellence in his zikr, he underwent an experience and took
permission from Hazrat Shaikh Jamaluddin Jannati and left to follow this feeling. No magician
could beat him. Allah had blessed Ismael Jogi with powers. There is a place called Kamras Des
(between or around Bengal and Assam). It is also called Kamakhiya. For more information you
can read:

There was a female magician called Luna Chamari who lived there. She was a very powerful
magician and was stunning to look at. When Ismael Jogi found out about her calibre he went to
compete with her. However, when he faced her he got completely besotted by her and fell in
love with her. Her beauty held him spell bound. The Shaitaan's biggest weapon is a woman's
beauty. Ismael Jogi then stayed in Kamras Des. Some people say that Ismael Jogi detracted
from the ways of Hazrat Janeman Jannati while others contest that he started following the
ways of Luna Chamari.

Kamakhiya Devi's temple is still there in Kamras Des. Whoever would come there would get
trained by Ismael Jogi. Some say that that Luna and Ismael Jogi used to live together without
actually getting married; while some say they got married. Either way, Luna Chamari would
detract those very people, with preaching them black magic, who came to learn zikr from Ismael
Jogi. No doubt, this was a very dangerous mix of spirituality and magic. These two can not go
hand in hand. It created devastation. You can not put a positive and negative together.
Spirituality takes time and effort to flourish but it stays. Magic on the other hand is fickle and
quick to surface in nature. So people often get misled and tilt more towards magic. These
people who received these dual trainings spread wide and far into different parts of the world
under the umbrella of the jogi title. In Kamras Des there are ten devis dominant which includes a
whole pantheon. In this place there are also 64 sehlan and these are those who were trained by

Luna Chamari. These were v dangerous and 1300 joguns (females) who also hailed from
Kamras Des who were very dangerous and have specific amals.

Why is magic so powerful in Ahle Hindustan?

Samari magician (nephew of Hazrat Musa AS), the son of the sister who walked by the river
when Hazrat Musa was a baby put in the basket .Samri magician also spent time with Hazrat
Jibrael AS. Mostly people remember Samari from the incident of that time when a calf started
speaking from the Bani Israel tribe. So Samri made the calf speak with the spell and cast the
dust at it from the feet of Hazrat Jibrael AS. The reference of Samiri appears in several places in
the Quran too. Read for details.


When an order was given to kill the magician Samri he ran and took refuge in Kamras Des
where there is the temple of Kamya Devi. During his stay he started teaching people magic so
this was the reason why Kamras Des became the hub of magic. Once he taught someone
magic, they were experts. This became the place where if someone set foot, they would come
under the spell.

There is a big favour of Auliya like Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti on that soil because after he set
foot there the spells broke. There is a canal in Kamras Des that is named after Samri who
according to tradition died in a state of lunacy.

The incident of Man from Kamras Des

Mian Huzoor narrates an incident from 1978, when a person came to him with his daughter.
Mian Huzoor said she was a blind young teen. The person himself was very knowledgeable.
The girl was under the spell it Kamakhiya devi. Mian treated the girl and she was able to see
with the grace of God. The father of the girl told Mian Huzoor that he was in the army and was
posted in Assam as a young man. He saw something flying in the air like a sheet. He said that
sheet descended on him and held him like a captive and then he fainted. When he woke up he
saw as if he was in a cave. In that cave he saw a really old woman in a really worn out state.
She was a magician and turner him into an ox. After that she tied him in place of an ox and
made him work instead of the ox. He would go through the excruciating day and she would keep
reading magical verses.

He said I spent about thirty years there. He showed the marks of ropes on his back. He felt that
how could he escape this situation. Then one day two women came to see this female
magician. One of them was her Guru Maa who felt mercy on this man. She asked this man why
he did not try to get out of there and he confided that I tried but I failed. She said this entire area
is under her spell and she mercifully shared with him a secret to escape. She revealed that the
old lady magician can only cast a spell for as long as she has this broom made of a bundle
specialist wood.
She advised the man that at night, he runs with that broom and continuously breaks a piece of
the broom and throws it behind him. The man fortunately escaped. However, strangely even
after the escape he told Mian that whatever he used to say would happen. Then the army
captivated him. Once free he then migrated to Pakistan.

Luna Chamari Aamal and it's purpose:

The four notorious chamaris were linked to Kamres Des. Luna Chamari Amal is done for love. If
you read for someone, you create love in the heart for someone. This is a demonic practice so
there is no need to elaborate this but I will mention how to cut this magic. The effects include the
person's loss of control over his mind. That person becomes lustful and this practice is so
dangerous that it can also take a person's life. Surah Quraysh is recited to cure this type of
magic. It should be recited 40 times every day with Bismillah. The Mohini Amal is also amongst
Ahle Hanood and is also done for love. In Amal e Noori there also a positive Mohini Amal like
Shah Nizamuddin Mohini, Shah Madaar, Shah Jamaluddin and Mohini basically means the
lover which is for both genders. In black magic it is very dangerous. Mohini Amal works at an
unbelievable speed. If you are doing it rightfully, it is Ilm e Noori and if you are doing it for wrong
purposes then the parties involved will get what they want but the Aamil will endure the
repercussions in this world and the Hereafter.

How to get rid of effects on the house:

Take 5 coloured threads. Take the measurement of the entrance door to your house. Take the
height of the entrance door × 21 and then break the thread. So you have your thread ready for
use. Now count the number of family members in the house under the influence. For instance if
there are 5 family members, you make 5 knots in this thread. However, before you make the
first knot, you recite the name of the eldest family member and his/her mother's name and then
you read Surah Quraysh 7 times and tie the knot. Like this you then come to the second eldest
family member. You recite his/her name, mother's name, recite Surah Quraysh 7 times and then
tie the second knot. Likewise you complete the knots depending on the number of family
members. After this you make a reel. Then 313 times you recite Surah Quraysh and blow on the
thread and then dig a hole in the house and bury that thread reel. If you do not have access to
an outside space, then put it under a cupboard or something heavy. This will protect you from
evil spells and practices.



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