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Live Long Live Strong

This information has been prepared by an Independent Consultant of Arbonne and are not official materials prepared by Arbonne International.

How Long Will You Live?

How many more years do you have?


30, 10 years???

Average Life Span in the U.S.

Female 78 Male 72

Female in Hawaii 81 Male in Hawaii 75

People in Hawaii live 3 years longer than the national average. Why?

What do Japan, Macau, San Marino and Singapore have in common?

These countries have the Worlds Longest Life Spans and

They are surrounded by the SEA!

What does the SEA have to do with it?

In 350 B.C.E, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine encouraged his fellow healers to immerse patients with aching muscles and arthritis in sea water

Seawater and sea botanicals were recommended as

medical therapeutic agents as early as 1578 In 1865 Joseph La Bonardire coined the term thalassotherapy (Greek sea care") and began a tradition of serious study regarding the health benefits of seawater

Sea -A Source of Life

In 1904, the famous French biologist Rene Quinton demonstrated that seawater and human blood plasma shared identical nutrient ratios.

Today we know that Sea Vegetables help alkalize and purify the blood Sea Botanicals transform toxic metals into harmless salts that the body can eliminate.

Toxic Metals?
Do you experience:

Headaches Fatigue Bloating feeling Irritability Depression Mood swings All of these symptoms Low energy reported by Toxic Element Research Insomnia Foundation in Colorado by 1320 patients Out of breath found to be toxic with heavy metals Outbursts of anger

Where do these toxins come from?

Amalgam dental fillings contain 50% mercury Fish contains mercury Vaccinations Pesticides on fruits and vegetables Industrial and Vehicle emissions- lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium Drinking water- aluminum, pesticides and other chemicals Crematoriums- large amount of mercury from amalgams in corpses This is just the tip of the iceberg

How Can Toxins Be Removed

Skin Liver Colon Lungs Kidneys

Your Skin is a Revolving Door

Skin absorbs up to 60% of material placed upon it. According to the Health Science Institute you absorb more chlorine in a 10 minute shower than drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of water Skin selectively allows certain substances to enter and exit the body. Sea Botanicals escort unwanted toxins out of the the body through the skin. HOW???

Opposites Attract
Negatively charged SEA botanicals (in skin care or the ocean) attract positively charged toxins underneath the skin and pulls them out like a magnet

Skin is your largest detoxifying organ

Chlorella (Algae)- Highest content of chlorophyll of any known plant on earth. It is extremely high in enzymes, vitamins and minerals, including the full vitamin-B Complex. It can cross the blood brain barrier and can remove mercury,

cadmium and other toxic metals from the brain

ARBONNE products that contain Chlorella

Blue Green Algae/Red Marine Algae

Blue Green Algae -Amino Acids are identical to those needed by the human body. Only food source (other than cows milk) of GLA (Gama linoleic Acid) anti-inflamatory Red marine Alga is an anti-viral and has been shown to have significant inhibitory effects against herpes
SeaSource Detox Spa 7 Day Body Cleanse contains these alginates


Spirulina 60% protein content.

Compare this to red meat, at 27%, and soy, at 34%

One of the few plant sources of vitamin B12

The most avid believers in the health benefits of Spirulina are the Japanese, who both produce and consume more of it than anyone else SeaSource Detox Spa 5-in-1 Essential Massage Oil - SeaSource Detox Spa Detoxifying Rescue Wash - SeaSource Detox Spa Foaming Sea Salt Scrub - SeaSource Detox Spa Fortifying Hair Mask - SeaSource Detox Spa Purifying Sea Soak - SeaSource Detox Spa Sea Mud Face & Body Mask SeaSource Detox Spa 7-Day Body Cleanse

LIVE-R is the Largest Internal Detoxifying Organ

Liver carries out over 5,000 biochemical functions The LIVER filters out toxins and chemically converts them so they may be eliminated safely If your LIVER takes in more toxins than it can eliminate it malfunctions causing a variety of symptoms

External Signs of Sluggish Liver

Coated tongue Bad breath Flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood vessels Acne, psoriasis, eczema; oily skin Rosacea Yellow conjunctiva on the eyes Red swollen itchy eyes Dark circles under the eyes Brownish spots and blemishes (liver spots) Rashes and itchy skin

Inability to lose weight

Weight Loss and Toxicity

If you have a difficult time ridding yourself of toxins you will have a difficult time losing weight Excess body fat is synonymous with liver disorders. Research from the University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Kitakyshu, Japan, indicated that obesity is more closely related to liver dysfunction than to any other abnormality. A 15 week study by Laval University in Quebec discovered that environmental pollutants increased in the blood by as much as 23% during weight loss.

Digestive Problems are Signs of a Overburdened Liver

Gall Stone and Gall Bladder Disease Intolerance to fatty foods Intolerance to alcohol Indigestion Reflux Nausea Abdominal bloating Constipation Irritable bowel syndrome Hemorrhoids

Other signs of toxicity

Mood changes such as anger and irritability Poor concentration and "foggy brain" Recurrent headaches associated with nausea

Immune Dysfunction and Toxicity

Allergies- sinus, hay fever, asthma, dermatitis, hives, etc. Chemical and food sensitivities Auto-immune diseases Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Recurrent infections

Lifestyle Changes and Nutrients Increase Toxic Removal

Look who takes supplements

Harvard Medical School surveyed 1249 health care professionals and discovered 51% took herbal and nutritional supplements to ward off aging
Data compiled from the U.S.D A indicates that almost half of the US population suffer from a deficiency of at least one nutrient

Super Profood Blend

Lets look at some of the whole foods in Smart Nutritional Hybrids that make them the SUPER FOOD they are!

Elderberries Ward Off FLU

Elderberries destroy the ability of cold and flu viruses to infect a cell. A daily intake of elderberries will actually help you ward off colds and flu
During the 1980s, Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu and Dr. Jean Linderman isolated two active constituents from elderberry. Both of these constituents proved effective in fighting strains of influenza by rendering the viruses unable to replicate themselves ARBONNEs Smart Nutritional Hybrids have elderberries

Plant Nutrients Prevent Disease

Cruciferous Vegetables Cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and Broccoli fight cancer
Cruciferous means cross bearer because the flowers of cruciferous vegetables form the shape of a cross

1992 Johns Hopkins discovered that broccoli sprouts been shown to reduce the risk of malignant cancer


Antioxidant protection of GREEN TEA is 100 times more effective than Vitamin C The Chinese, who are large drinkers of GREEN TEA, have a 60% less chance of oesophageal cancer. Parts of Japan where people drink a lot of GREEN TEA, have a lower incidence of many types of cancers, A study that took place in Japan, where 80 percent of the population drinks green tea.. Found over the span of 11 years, those who drank more tea were less likely to die of heart disease.
Epidemiologist Shinichi Kuriyama from Tohoki University School of Medicine headed the study.

Green Tea Reverses Cervical Dysplasia

According to the European Journal of Cancer Prevention a recent study involving 88 women with cervical dysplasia revealed Green Tea was able to decrease or completely eliminate this precancerous condition in 69% of them.

ARBONNE Nutritional Products with Green Tea

Smart Nutritional Hybrids

(ORAC Complex- 400 mg Green Tea, quercetin, grape seed extract and rosemary extract)

- Figure 8 NRGGO3! Fizzing Beverage Tablet

Free of artificial sweeteners!

- Figure 8 Going, Going, Gone! Dietary Supplement

Do you have arthritis?

Pomegranate Fruit According to a Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine study Pomegranate fruit extracts can block enzymes that contribute to osteoarthritis, and slow the deterioration of human cartilage
Found in Smart Nutritional Hybrids

Are You Stressed?

Pantothenic Acid is the anti-stress vitamin Ideal for depression Helps to fight allergies and migraines Beneficial in the maintenance of healthy skin, muscles and nerves. Used as an anti aging vitamin.

Hybrids contain 500% Recommended Daily Value Can pay up to $25 for this alone

Rhodiola Fights Stress

Counteracts Stress Related Fatigue Enhances Stamina and Work Performance Boosts Mood and Memory Promotes Weight Loss In one clinical trial 150 individuals suffering from depression took Rhodiola rosea extracts for a period of one month. At the end of that period two-thirds of them had full remission

Found in ARBONNEs Smart Nutritonal Hybrids for Men and TEENS Figure 8 Weight Loss Chews

Want TOTAL Protection?

Lycopene- Researchers at Manchester and Newcastle universities in the United Kingdom

studied twenty people for 12 weeks.

Those eating 3 T. of tomato paste a day increased their ultraviolet rays protection by 33 percent while increasing their collagen levels Red bell pepper also contains high levels of lycopene to protect against prostate, cervix and pancreatic cancers

Hybrids have: Bell pepper and Tomato Fruit Plus 500 mcg Lycopene

Want Strong Bones?

Arbonne has combined 4 types of calcium into the Womens Hybrid formula for optimal absorption Aquamin Trace Mineral Complex -a natural calcium source rich in minerals and trace nutrients from the seaweed beds found in the clear, pollution-free Atlantic waters off the west coast of Ireland


Black Pepper Extract Promotes rapid absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract Hybrids have 13 Different Enzymes that act as catalysts breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates Digestive Herbal Complex (Ginger, Chamomile, FennelPeppermint, Hawthorne)
You could spend up to $45.00 for a similar blend

SMART Nutritional Hybrids

Fight Stress Gender Specific Fight Fatigue Super Pro Food Blend Fight Disease High ORAC Enzyme Blend Standardized Extracts Highly Absorbable USP Grade Cold Processed Whole Food Fruits and Vegetables

How much is YOUR LIFE worth?

You cant put a price tag on it!

Daily Detox (internally & externally) Daily Superfood Nutrition Monthly Internal Cleanse ( 7 Day Body Cleanse)

Live Long and Live Strong

For the people you love!

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