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Steps to access formula bar

Step 1: Open MS Excel.

Step 2: Input the data you want to work with.
Step 3: Click on the cell you want to work with.
Step 4: Through formula bar, choose the formula you want to put in the data.

Steps to use (Sum, average, etc. )

Step 1. Begin by typing “=SUM(“.
Step 2. Then, select the cell range by clicking and dragging from cell B2 to cell F2.
Step 3. After selecting the range, close the bracket by typing “)”.
Step 4. Finally, press the “Enter” key to execute the formula.
Your formula should look like this: `=SUM(B2:F2)`
Step 5. Do that process in every column either copy that formula except (B3:F3) or change in
every row Situation.

Step 1. Average (B2:F3)` represents the calculation of the average value for the cells within the
range from B2 to F3.
Step 2. Do that process in every column either copy that formula except (B3:F3) change in every
row Situation.

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