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Needs Analysis

Read through the following questions then interview your partner.

1. Why are you learning English?

 To study at a university
 For work
 To move to an English–speaking country
 For fun
 Other_______________________________________________

2. How long have you been studying English?


3. Think of the last time you had English lessons (if you have had lessons before). What did you
enjoy about these and what didn’t you enjoy about them?


4. How do you feel about homework? Are you happy to do homework? How much homework
do you expect to get each lesson/ week?


5. How much do you practice your English outside of the class? Do you
 watch English TV Always/Sometimes/Never
 listen to English Radio Always/Sometimes/Never
 read articles on the internet Always/Sometimes/Never
 watch English films at the cinema Always/Sometimes/Never
 speak English with friends/family Always/Sometimes/Never
 other_______________________________________________

6. Do you have a vocabulary notebook? How do you organize this? Do you write in it in class/
at home/ both? Do you read it regularly? Where – at home/ on the bus/ train etc.?


7. Are you a risk taker or do you stay safe? Do you consider yourself as someone who speaks in
English and doesn’t mind if you make mistakes, or are you rather someone who thinks very
carefully about what you say before you say it?

8. Do you have a useful learners’ monolingual dictionary? Do you use it? When?


9. What sort of learner are you? Do you prefer to

 work alone
 work with others
 using visuals
 through listening
 through games
 through writing

(you may prefer a number of these options)

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