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Name: ibtisam riaz

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3 1.0 Introduction

2.0 Explore sport as a political tool

2.1 Discuss sport as a social and cultural tool

2.2 Assess the effectiveness of sport being used as a political,

social, and cultural tool

2.3 Justify why sport is used by governments as a political,

social, and cultural tool

3.0 Review current mass participation models, strategies, or

policies, stating strengths and weaknesses

3.1 Examine the current elite sport models, strategies, or

policies, stating strengths and areas for improvement

4.0 Analyse the influence elite sport can have on mass

participation, and the impact of mass participation on elite sport

5.0 Compare elite sport models, strategies or polices to mass

participation models, strategies, or policies

6.0 Evaluate the success of the current mass participation and

elite sport models, strategies, and policies

7.0 Conclusion

1.0 Introduction:

Include what you are going to cover in this report and state why it is important to –
It is clear that the Nazis used the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games as a political
tool to further their cause, influence the public, and make a clean image of
Germany on the world stage. A disturbing chapter in the history of the Games
is the political abuse of the Olympic.The Berlin Games are frequently
remembered as a symbol of Nazi propaganda, highlighting the risks of
allowing oppressive governments to host such international events, despite
efforts to use the Olympics for positive public relations.
● The Nazis used the Berlin Olympics as a huge platform for propaganda. The
government looked to show off the strength of the Nazi party and the
dominance of the Aryan race.The Olympics have long been associated with
the values of peace,and friendly competition. In order to present a clean
image of Germany and move attention from their harsh rule and racist
policies, the Nazis took advantage of these ideals.A number of international
leaders attended the Olympics, automatically supporting the Nazi
government. Hitler's goals were becoming more realistic with the leaders of
different countries by his side.

● Sports events frequently have connected cultural customs and traditions. The
way supporters cheer on their teams or celebrate wins becomes a way for
culture to be expressed. Sports events provide places for expressing the
ideals and symbols of the country. Flags, national anthems, and pictures are
flown in a noticeable manner, adding to the cultural symbolism.It is frequently
necessary to develop important facilities in order to host major sporting
events. Governments take advantage of this to fund tourism, transportation,
and urban development. The Nazi intentionally wanted to present the 1936
Berlin Olympic Games as a means of entertainment to advance their firmly
established racist and nationalistic agenda, present an illusion of
internationalism, and showcase a specific image of German culture.

● Review the current mass participation and elite sport models, strategies or
policies, stating strengths and weaknesses.
strengths:Health a nd Well-Being: Physical activity is frequently encouraged by
public involvement theories, which improve health and wellbeing in a variety of age
Building Community: Playing sports promotes social interaction and a feeling of
community. Local athletic events can improve connections within the community.
Well thought programmes encourage participation from people of all ages, skill
levels, and backgrounds.
Development at the grassroots level: Widespread involvement serves as a pathway
for the recognition of potential athletes.
Public Relations: By showcasing their dedication to community involvement and
health, governments and organisations frequently use massive amounts of
participation events to generate helpful press.
weaknesses: Resource Intensity: Planning big gatherings with a large number of
participants calls for a lot of resources, which may be expensive.
Sustainability: There may be issues with some big gatherings if they are unable to sustain a
long-term interest and participation levels.
Inequality: Despite efforts to promote equality, some groups still face challenges to
involvement, such as a lack of resources or infrastructure.
Limited Impact on High Performance: High performance sports and the development of elite
athletes may not be directly impacted by mass participation models.

2.0 Explore sport as a political tool.

Explore how hosting sporting events can impact politics. Make sure you support this
section with references to make valid conclusions.
● The Rio 2016 Olympics were aimed at demonstrating Brazil's ability to host an
important international event, as well as its variety and environmental
sustainability. The opening ceremony highlighted Brazil's dedication to the
environment and its varied culture.

The Olympics served as a part of Brazil's larger plan to establish itself as an

important nation on the world stage. But political instability and economic
difficulties—including protests held during the Games—also brought attention to the
real issues.

Although Rio 2016's ceremonies included technological factors, they were not as
focused on technological showcases as China's. In keeping with worldwide trends,
the event also sparked conversations about sustainable urban development.

Another example could be that Beijing 2008 served as a platform for showcasing
China's political structure and progress in the economy. Chinese director Zhang
Yimou created the opening ceremony, which told the story of China's technological
advancements, cultural accomplishments, and historical development.

China's growth as a major political and economic force in the world was evidenced
by its successful 2008 Olympic bid and execution. The event's beauty, which
included the building of iconic venues, demonstrated China's capacity to host
significant international events.

China's technological achievements, particularly in infrastructure, were on display

during the Beijing Olympics. China's advancements in design and construction can
be seen by incredible structures such as the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest

2.1 Discuss sport as a social and cultural tool.

In this section consider how sport can be used to raise the profile of
under-represented groups, race, religion, and gender.

● Because they offer reasonably priced and easily available opportunities for
individuals from a variety of backgrounds to participate in physical activities,
grassroots sports programmes are essential for encouraging social equality.
Community football leagues, for instance, promote unity in society by bringing
together players from various social and economic and ethnic backgrounds.

Tourism is drawn to major sporting events, which brings in money for the host
cities. Global attractions include the Olympics, FIFA World Cup, and Grand
Slam competitions.
For example the city's tourism industry and economic growth were boosted by
an increase of tourists during the Rio 2016 Olympics.

A sense of national identity and pride is fostered by success in international sporting

events such as the FIFA World Cup. It unites people in support of a shared goal.
An example could be the rise in national pride was caused by the excitement and
friendship that accompanied the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France.

2.2 Assess the effectiveness of sport being used as a political, social, and
cultural tool, using examples.

In this part of the report assess the impact of using sport as a political, social, and
cultural tool, consider the following –
● Promoting official beliefs: China's political stability and economic
advancement were on display during the Beijing Olympics. With its careful
instruction, the opening ceremony attempted to support the narrative of a
China under the Communist Party that was rich in culture and on the rise.
● Technological Advancements: China's technological prowess was showcased
at iconic locations like the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest.
● Long-Term Effect:

● China's soft power increased as a result of the Beijing Olympics' success,

strengthening its standing in the world.
● The event's technological displays have an ongoing influence on China's
infrastructure and structural development.

● Immediate Impact: Brazil wanted to demonstrate its expanding economic

might and establish itself as a major player in the world economy by hosting
both the FIFA World Cup and the Rio Olympics. These actions were a part of
a larger political plan to improve Brazil's standing internationally.
● National Unity: By highlighting Brazil's cultural diversity and ability to host
significant international events, the events aimed to promote national pride
and unity.

Power Economic:

● Direct Effect: Large sums of money were invested in stadiums, infrastructure,
and tourism-related projects, demonstrating Brazil's economic potential. It was
expected that the events would increase employment, encourage tourism,
and encourage economic growth.
● Infrastructure Development: Brazil's dedication to modernization was
demonstrated by the building of new stadiums and urban infrastructure
● Globalisation

● Success in Worldwide Reach: The FIFA World Cup is one of the most widely
watched athletic events in the world, giving countries a chance to show off
their cultures, travel destinations, and athletic abilities.
● Cultural Exchange: By bringing together a variety of global audiences, the
Brazil tournament promoted cross cultural interaction development.

● Commercialization:

Media Exposure: The event received extensive media coverage, creating

opportunities for sponsors to reach a massive and diverse global audience.
Economic Impact: With its global appeal to sponsors, broadcasters, and
advertisers, the World Cup is a commercial giant. Brazil expected more tourism,
more merchandise sales, and more sponsorship agreements to boost its
Media Coverage: The event attracted a lot of media attention, which gave
sponsors a chance to connect with a sizable and varied international audience.

● Direct Effect: Brazil, and Rio de Janeiro, the host city, saw an enormous rise
in tourism during the 2014 World Cup. Travellers from all over the world
descended upon Brazil to take in the lively culture and football celebrations.
● Rio's Iconic Attractions: With its well-known sites like Christ the Redeemer
and Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro developed as a major hub for
travellers attending World Cup matches.

● Benefits to the Economy: Employment and Economic Activity Economic
activity resulted from hosting the World Cup, including the creation of jobs in
industries like services, hospitality, and tourism.
● Business Opportunities: Due to the event, there was a greater demand for
eating, sleeping, and entertainment, which presented business opportunities
for nearby businessmen.
● Brazil had the opportunity to present itself to the world as the World Cup's
host nation. When a country pulls off a major event like this, it strengthens its
soft power and shapes opinions around the world.
● Positive Legacy: The World Cup had a generally positive effect on Brazil's
reputation around the world, despite certain difficulties and criticism. The
nation is frequently linked to its vivacious culture and intense love of football.

2.3 Justify why sport is used by governments as a political, social, and cultural
Sports have the ability to unite communities by encouraging a sense of identity and
belonging. It encourages equality by connecting social, economic, and differences in
Impact: Governments can foster unity in society, clear up stereotypes, and
encourage participation from many different kinds of groups by funding
sports-related infrastructure, programmes, and events.

Sports and mental and physical health are related. Public health benefits from
government funding of sports facilities, leisure areas, and fitness campaigns.
Impact: Lower healthcare expenses, greater efficiency, and an all-around higher
standard of living are the outcomes of a healthier population. Sports facilities that are
long-term investments produce long-term health benefits.

Sports act as a common language that cuts over cultural divides. Sports events can
be used by governments as a means of promoting their cultures.
Impact: Through organising or taking part in international contests, nations can
promote their cultural legacies, advance international understanding, and create

3.0 Review current mass participation models, strategies, or policies, stating

strengths and weaknesses.

1. Active NationPromote the physical and mental well-being of the country by

encouraging and facilitating active lifestyles for all.


Boost the general level of physical activity among all age groups.
Encourage diversity by serving a range of consumer groups.
Create a long-lasting culture of consistent physical activity.
General Organisation:
Using a multifaceted strategy, Active Nation collaborates with regional sports
facilities and clubs, runs national advertising campaigns, and conducts
community outreach campaigns. A variety of organised sports activities,
fitness courses, and projects to include physical activity in everyday life are all
included in the programme.


Inclusivity: People of different ages, abilities, and economic status are

welcome to participate in Active Nation as it pushes to reach a wide range of
population trends.
Community Engagement: Collaborating with nearby sports teams and venues
improves community involvement. Sustainability: Constant efforts to sustain
interest may be necessary for long-term engagement and developing habits.
Resource Dependency: The program's effectiveness could be impacted by
the resources available for partnerships and community outreach.

3.1 Examine the current elite sport models, strategies, or policies, stating
strengths and areas for improvement.

● Give British athletes the opportunity to consistently win medals at the greatest
level of international competition.

● Goals:

● Recognise and assist gifted athletes who have the potential to medal in the
Olympics and Paralympics.
● Give athletes access to top-notch facilities, coaching, and support systems.
● Establish a culture that is performance-driven and encourages ongoing
● General Organisation:
● A government-funded programme called UK Sport's World Class Programme
helps top athletes in a range of sports. It offers access to cutting-edge
facilities, financial support, and coaching knowledge when working with
National Governing Bodies. The selection of athletes is based on their
likelihood of winning medals in highly regarded international competitions.

To maximise the impact of resources, financial support is given to sports that have
the highest potential for success.

Sports science, medical attention, and psychological support are all provided to


: A focus on winning medals can lead to a high-stress atmosphere that may have an
adverse effect on an athlete's well-being.

: Distributing resources among sports may make it difficult to ensure fair support for
every rule and regulation.

4.0 Analyse the influence elite sport can have on mass participation, and the
impact of mass participation on elite sport.

Motivators and exemplars:

Impact: Individuals may be motivated to engage in sports by witnessing the success
of elite athletes, particularly at major competitions such as the Olympics. Pro athletes
are role models who inspire others to pursue excellence in physical activity.
Example: Many people all over the world have been motivated to start running and
compete in local races by Usain Bolt's success in the sprinting competitions at the

Construction of Infrastructure:
Impact: Building sports infrastructure is frequently required in order to host major
athletic events. After the event, these facilities are still open, offering chances for
widespread involvement and community development.
As a case study, cities that host the Olympics construct brand-new stadiums and
sports complexes that are still used by the neighbourhood for a range of sports and
Enhanced Engagement Before, During, and After Events:

Impact: Sport major occasions like the Olympics or World Cup can lead to an an
increase in interest and participation in the host country. This frequently remains
after the event because of the remaining excitement created by the entertainment.
For instance, the growth of winter sports in South Korea following its hosting of the
2018 Winter Olympics demonstrates the rise in participation in winter sports in
nations that host the Winter Olympics.
Historical Projects and Community-Based Initiatives:

Impact: To guarantee a long-lasting influence on widespread participation, organisers

of major sporting events frequently carry out grassroots and legacy projects. New
sports facilities, neighbourhood campaigns, and improved sports accessibility are a
few examples of this.
For instance, the legacy projects of the London 2012 Olympics, such as the
transformation of the Queen Elizabeth

5.0 Compare elite sport models, strategies or polices to mass participation

models, strategies, or policies.

elite sport models

● Goals and Aspirations:

● Recognise and help athletes who have the potential to medal at the highest
level of international competition.
● Give elite athletes access to excellent facilities, coaching, and support

● Establish a culture that is focused on results and encourages ongoing
● financed by the government and carried out in association with National
Governing Bodies.
● a concentrated strategy that points out investing in sports with the highest
potential for success.
● a complete support system that includes medical care, psychological support,
and sports science.
● Finances:

● Public funds are mostly distributed by UK Sport, the country's sports agency.
● Strategic investment based on potential for medal success in major
international competitions.

Mass Participation Model:

Parkrun's mass participation model aims to achieve the following:

Provide beneficial, timed 5-kilometre runs in nearby parks to promote consistent

physical exercise.
Encourage a sense of community by getting involved in volunteer work and
interacting with others.
Encourage an environment that is inclusive and non-competitive for participants of all
ages and skill levels.

Events are planned using a decentralised model by neighbourhood volunteers.

Put a value on volunteering and community involvement while stressing accessibility
for a variety of participants.
Weekly events are held with a focus on equality and a non-competitive mindset.
supported by a mix of grants, sponsorships, and collaborations.
reliance on volunteers and local support to maintain free and open events
Community Engagement: The importance of community engagement is
acknowledged by both models. While Parkrun's distributed model depends on
community involvement and local volunteers, UK Sport works with NGBs.
Structure and Centralization: A national sports agency provides strategic planning
and focused funding as part of the elite sport model, which takes a more organised
approach. As a mass participation programme, Parkrun follows a community-driven,
organised event.

6.0 Evaluate the success of the current mass participation and elite sport
models, strategies, and policies.

● elite sport model

● Success Indicators: The World Class Programme run by UK Sport has proven
successful, especially when it comes to winning medals at the Olympics and
Paralympics. The UK has performed well in international competitions thanks
in part to its targeted investment strategy, dedication to sports science, and
support services.

Improve Athlete Welfare: To guarantee long-term success, attention should be
paid to athlete welfare, mental health, and work-life balance.
Boost Portfolio Creating variety in Sports: Continue to evaluate and move the
supported sports portfolio to keep a wide presence on the world stage.

Mass Participation Model: Parkrun

Success Indicators: In terms of participation rates worldwide, community

involvement, and equality, Parkrun has experienced significant achievement. The
model's appeal has been aided by its community structure, accessibility focus, and
ease of use.


Increase Accessibility: Keep working to make Parkrun events more accessible

worldwide so that people from a variety of backgrounds can take part.
Engage Local Communities in Collaboration: To improve Parkrun's effect on
community well-being, increase cooperation with nearby communities.
Positive Impact: Effective mass participation efforts raise awareness of sports and
may increase elite level sponsorships, investment, and viewership.


Creative Marketing: Employ creative marketing strategies to capture public interest

and create a positive image of the sport.
Involve Business Partners: Work together with business associates to obtain funding
and sponsorships that can be used for both the development of elite sports and
mass participation.

7.0 Conclusion

● In this work I have discussed how sports can be a useful tool for showing
political and economic. Events like the Olympics in Sochi, the FIFA World Cup
in Brazil, and the Olympics in Rio initially demonstrated political and economic
might, but the long-term effects were uneven. These incidents highlight the
importance of careful preparation, attending to social issues, and
guaranteeing that the financial benefits are inclusive and long-lasting. For
nations looking to project their political and economic might on the
international scene, sporting events can present both opportunities and

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