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Why Do We Suer?

Disasters, war, diseases. How come such evil things occurred? People around the world are starving, crying out for help. Suffering. Why do we suffer? Is it a 'GOD' who plotted this, or is it a 'DEVIL'. Maybe after all, it's just ourselves going in the wrong direction at the wrong time. Does God even exist? First, let's assume GOD does exist, he gave us free will, and the right to choose choices. However, we humans beings often wanted to behave rebelliously and some says it's our own choice to suffer ourselves. But if GOD cancel out the possibility of pain and suffering, we'd just be like puppets. Because if you go and party in the sewage rather than your house, it would just be the same. So in order to be able 'to choose' you must have a real choice between alternatives and without 'pain and suffering' existing, real choices would exist. Well, does free will=pain and suffering, can the pain be lowered? If GOD created a universe with diminished pain, I might have cancer for 4 days instead of 4+ years we have here! Moreover, free will does NOT equal pain and suffering in my opinion because our freedom cannot control the weather, natural disasters and war. Another idea of suffering is the existence of devil. In this case, the Devil might not be a solid thing, it might be another voice inside our heart. For instance, we saw a 10 pound bill on the oor, the majority of us will just pick it up and put it inside our pockets. How many of us will think about the victim who had just lost 10 pounds? The Devil make us loose our temper and start screaming, he made us rude and imprudent. There's no real evidence about it, but many phycologist think that this devilish feeling occurred when a person gone through something bad before, like they have a ght and their mood will turn really bad. I disliked the evidence of the existence of Devil, even it's inside my heart. Because it's just a common excuse of doing something bad, or just loose control. Also, it is too virtual to believe that above us, there's God and Devil ghting. " Today is such a great day, sunshine and breezing winds, thank you God!' one said, " I've been starving, my family died one by one in front of my eyes, curse you God". Is this all God's act? Is God really that ambiguous? There is no scientic evidence to proof that a spirit of God existed, but I do believe that someone is controlling us. Let's say that life is a mouse trap game, there's all sorts of mechanisms that is triggered or caused by another, but at rst, there's a hand to wind the knob. And that very hand, might just be God. This theory is proposed by St Thomas Aquinas, he was born in the 13th century and he thinks that for every cause, there's another cause and the rst uncaused cause is God. It's very amazing to see how a man who lives 700 years ago can come up with a philosophy like that, even if we argued that the Big Bang theory created the universe, his idea can still be applied! It's God that uncaused the cause that cause........the Big bang to create the universe! In conclusion, I think that free will is the best argument to why is there suffering, because this explanation can be applied with or without any religion and it is a sensible statement to be applied. I also think that we should continue to pursue the theory of God, because 700 years ago, there's no Big Bang theory, but now it can be discovered. The possibilities are innite for us to nd.

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