The Washington Post. February 18, 2024

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How Leonsis decided to move his D.C. teams to Va. Kremlin

Frustrated owner held
months of secret talks
on both sides of Potomac
The offer from the mayor was
just what Ted Leonsis had been
looking for.
For months, the billionaire
afternoon, Mayor Muriel e. Bows-
er was offering just that 4 $500
million toward an $800 million
project to keep his basketball and
ing, the mayor presented her offer
at Leonsis9s corporate offices at
Capital One Arena, in a confer-
ence room with windows over-
Youngkin was about to announce
a deal to build an arena for the
teams on the other side of the
Potomac River. she asked Leonsis
This article is by Jonathan
O9Connell, Sam Fortier, Teo Armus,
owner of the Washington Wizards
and Capitals had been pressing
the D.C. government to pay at
least half the cost of modernizing
hockey teams playing in the city
for decades to come.
Leonsis responded two hours
later, saying he would review the
looking the street below.
They spoke for an hour before
the Democratic mayor brought
up the elephant in the room. she
if it was true.
Leonsis spun 360 degrees in his
chair. Nothing had been signed,
he said, but he acknowledged he
chips at
Meagan Flynn, Gregory S. Schneider
and Laura Vozzella
his aging downtown arena. Now,
in an email on Dec. 10, a sunday
proposal right away and suggest-
ing they meet. On Tuesday morn-
said she had heard chatter that
Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn
would be joining Youngkin for an
see ArenA ON A10
A covert effort to
A changed cripple Zelensky
Troll farms storm social
Trump on media to drive a wedge


to judiciary When news first emerged last

month that Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky was prepar-
ing to fire his top military com-
mander, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny,
officials in Moscow seemed
Frayed alliances, anger at jubilant. They had been trying
courts could upend any to orchestrate just such a split
for many months, documents
2nd-term nominations show.
<We need to strengthen the
conflict between Zaluzhny and
BY J OSH D AWSEY AND Zelensky, along the lines of 8he
M ARIANNE L E V INE intends to fire him,9= one Krem-
lin political strategist wrote a
Donald Trump9s once-transac- year ago, after a meeting of
tional relationship with the con- senior Russian officials and Mos-
servative legal establishment has cow spin doctors, according to
splintered in recent years, and his internal Kremlin documents.
frustration toward the court sys- Russian President Vladimir
tem has grown 4 potentially Putin9s administration ordered a
heralding more volatility in how group of Russian political strat-
he would navigate judicial issues egists to use social media and
in a second term. fake news articles to push the
Now the dominant front-run- theme that Zelensky <is hysteri-
ner for his party9s presidential cal and weak. & He fears that he
nomination, Trump has broken will be pushed aside, therefore
with many of the leaders and he is getting rid of the dangerous
allies of the Federalist society, a ones.=
powerful conservative legal or-
ganization that boosted his cam-
paign eight years ago and helped
A battle for souls in the Amazon The Kremlin instruction re-
sulted in thousands of social
media posts and hundreds of
him stock the federal bench with fabricated articles, created by
their preferred picks. It is unclear The village of São Miguel had long been Catholic, until a mysterious evangelical troll farms and circulated in
how he would seek to fill judicial pastor arrived, set up a church and began converting residents Ukraine and across europe, that
vacancies and make other related tried to exploit what were then
decisions should he win a second rumored tensions between the
term, and he has not offered such two Ukrainian leaders, accord-
a potential list of potential judi- BY T ERRENCE M C C OY munity9s first evangelical church, be- ing to a trove of Kremlin docu-
cial nominees as he did eight ALONG THe PURUs RIVeR, BRAZIL fore a fever of conversions split the ments obtained by a european
years ago. community and turned it against it- intelligence service and re-

Trump has complained public- hen the rains finally re- self. Longtime friends stopped talking. viewed by The Washington Post.
ly and privately that his first-term ceded, Father Moisés Families fractured. suspicion and ru- The files, numbering more than
Justice Department leaders were Oliveira pulled his mo- mor spread about the Devil and death. 100 documents, were shared
too weak, that his supreme Court torboat out into the When a 12-year-old girl was found with The Post to expose for the
picks have tried to come across as swollen Purus River and dead in 2020, hanging from her porch first time the scale of Kremlin
too <independent= and that the pointed it downstream. Chugging rafters, Catholics saw a terrible acci- propaganda targeting Zelensky
court system has broadly been down muddy waters toward the next dent. But evangelicals whispered of with the aim of dividing and
biased against him, as he faces 91 community on his schedule, the Cath- suicide and a demon that the pastor destabilizing Ukrainian society
felony charges. Trump told do- olic priest felt uncertain. He9d heard said was stalking the community. 4 efforts that Moscow dubbed
nors in meetings in late 2023 that all about the problems in são Miguel. The priest looked across the waters <information psychological oper-
one of his only mistakes as presi- Like so many other isolated settle- and saw são Miguel up ahead, a line of ations.=
dent was that he did not pick the ments scattered throughout the Ama- shacks rising upon an escarpment. At Ukrainian society, however, has
right people to lead the Justice zon rainforest, são Miguel was histori- the far end, where forest nipped at the so far remained remarkably unit-
Department, according to people cally Catholic. Not that long ago, when village, was one of its newest build- ed since Russia9s invasion, accord-
who attended, and he regularly Father Moisés would make his annual ings. Painted white and blue, the pas- ing to opinion polls, and officials
discusses plans for the depart- journey there, his presence was a tor9s evangelical church gleamed like a in Moscow, the documents show,
Photos By alexandRe CRUz-noRonha FoR the Washintgon Post
ment in a second term. In some community event 4 the only time beacon in the day9s falling light. sometimes expressed frustration
ways, the handshake agreement when the people of são Miguel could tOp: A woman wears a Virgin Mary Father Moisés hadn9t met the pastor, see UkrAine ON A23
he once held with the traditional attend Mass, have their babies bap- necklace in the village of são Miguel, nor heard him preach, but his charis-
conservative legal movement has tized and make confession. The squat Brazil. the historically catholic village in ma was no secret. evangelicals said Putin basks in his power
evaporated. church could never fit all the faithful. the Amazon rainforest has seen many they9d never heard anyone speak of Rides high after navalny death. A19
<They were intellectually qualified But that was before the arrival of an convert to evangelical protestantism. God as he did. Thin and tanned, hands withdrawal from Avdiivka
see trUMp ON A13 evangelical Protestant pastor in early ABOVe: A storm brews over one of many calloused from years of wielding a Russia takes strategic city. A22
2020, before the opening of the com- evangelical churches near the purus river. see AMAzOn ON A16
Trump9s fraud verdict: What to Zelensky pleads in munich
know, and what comes next. A14 asks U.s., others to stay true. A22

Sinclair9s recipe for TV news: LEfTy DrIESELL | 1931-2024

Crime, homelessness, drugs Coach built U-Md. into

BY S ARAH E LLISON ter of stations, the editorial focus
reflects smith9s conservative
college basketball power
every year, local television views and plays on its audience9s
news stations owned by sinclair fears that America9s cities are fall- BY K ELYN S OONG
Broadcasting conduct short sur- ing apart, according to media ob-
veys among viewers to help guide servers, smith associates, and cur- When Lefty Driesell took the job as the University of Maryland9s
the year9s coverage. rent and former staffers who men9s basketball coach in 1969, it had been 11 years since the Terrapins
A key question in each poll, spoke on the condition of anonym- had appeared in the NCAA tournament.
according to David smith, the ity to discuss internal company The balding, brash-talking Mr. Driesell immediately declared that
company9s executive chairman: matters. his team 4 which had a record of 8-18 the year before he arrived 4 <has
<What are you most afraid of?= smith, an enthusiastic support- the potential to be the UCLA of the east.= At the time, UCLA was in the
The answers are evident in sin- er of Republican presidential midst of an unprecedented streak in which the team, coached by John
clair9s programming. Crime, front-runner Donald Trump who Wooden, won 10 national titles in 12 years.
William smith/aP
homelessness, illegal drug use, has built sinclair into one of the When people stopped laughing, Mr. Driesell set out to accomplish his
failing schools and other societal largest television station opera- University of Maryland men9s basketball coach Lefty Driesell, lofty goals 4 and nearly succeeded. In his 17 seasons at Maryland, he
ills have long been core elements tors in the country, purchased the shown in 1974, won 348 games in 17 seasons with the terrapins. won more than 300 games and led his team to Atlantic Coast
of local TV news coverage. But on Baltimore sun last month. In a Conference and National Invitation Tournament titles, even if his
sinclair9s growing nationwide ros- see sincLAir ON A7 Perspective: driesell was a character, a comic and an all-time great. D1 see DrieseLL ON A12


ø spring arts Preview: ø leaking propane tank
nBa kings Kevin durant, OPINION PAgES...............................................A25
leBron James and the best in theater, art, suspected in home blast wOrLD NEwS..................................................A21

stephen Curry still rule. tV, music and movies. that killed a firefighter.

CONTENT © 2024
The Washington Post / Year 147, No. 53765
Kirsten Bakis9s debut Fast food fueled a surge does the biggest cruise
was unforgettable 4 27 in child labor violations. ship in the world meet
years later, she9s back. one teen9s story. the hype? We tried it.
A2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Speaker Johnson says he

has priorities. So why
hasn9t he acted on them?
House Speaker Mexico border. He has said he
Mike Johnson (R- favors additional aid for Ukraine
La.) has held his in its war against Russian
position for barely aggression and more assistance
four months, not for Israel in its war with Hamas.
long by anyone9s But he has delivered on none of
Dan Balz standards, but this, even when given the
The Sunday long enough to opportunity for action.
Take ask this question: Johnson9s actions fall far short
Does he have any of words. In fact, they have been
major priority in conflict. Johnson keeps finding
other than survival? loopholes or excuses or rationales
Johnson has spoken to avoid acting on the very
repeatedly and sometimes priorities he claims to support.
vehemently about pending He is another exhibit in what has
issues. He has called for tougher become the story of House
policies to halt the surge of Republicans, which is a failure to
migrants coming across the U.S.- meet or even recognize the
demands of governing, one of
them being a willingness to
KLMNO compromise.
On Friday, the world was
shaken by the news that Russian
For home delivery comments opposition leader Alexei Navalny
or concerns contact us at had died in a Russian prison. or Johnson said in a statement that
send us an email at Russian President Vladimir Putin
Kent nishimura For the Washington Post or call must be met <with united
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 opposition,= adding, <As Congress Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) departs a Republican conference meeting on Capitol Hill on Feb. 6.
TO SUBScRIBE debates the best path forward to
202-334-6100 support Ukraine, the United security, saying they would not the top job until, exhausted and The decision by House from the House for ethical
States, and our partners, must be accept a Ukraine-Israel funding embarrassed, House Republicans Republicans to go ahead with the reasons. Some Republicans wrote
using every means available to bill without something on settled on the little-known impeachment of Mayorkas off the loss as to be expected in a
Classified: 202-334-6200 cut off Putin9s ability to fund his immigration. Johnson. amounted to performative district Biden won in 2020.
Display: 202-334-7642 unprovoked war in Ukraine and The proposal amounted to the He was put in the position of politics in the extreme. As others Republicans had sought to
aggression against the Baltic most conservative bipartisan trying to lead with the narrowest have said, if lawmakers want to make immigration the central
states.= immigration legislation proposed of majorities and in the face of a solve a problem, they have to issue in the election, as a flood of
One means for supporting in decades. But once former faction of hard-right rebels who introduce legislation and then migrants into New York has
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM Ukraine is legislation approved president Donald Trump can neither be persuaded nor get enough votes to pass it 4 and strained the city9s and the state9s
metro: 202-334-7300; on a strong bipartisan vote in the denounced it, it had no future in appeased. It is a difficult job, in the Senate that still means 60 capacity to handle them and Senate that would provide $95 either the Senate or House. made the more so by Johnson9s votes, not a simple majority. heightened public attention.
national: 202-334-7410; billion in assistance for Ukraine Republican senators ran away lack of experience in high-stakes Johnson has chastised Suozzi took up the call to deal and Israel, humanitarian from the measure, and it was governing. That is an explanation Democrats on immigration, more stiffly with the border surge
Business: 202-334-7320; assistance for Gaza and other defeated there. but hardly an excuse for what he pointing to legislation but also called out the hypocrisy funds. But Johnson immediately Johnson knows that to put the has done to date. Republicans approved last year of congressional Republicans for
sports: 202-334-7350; denounced the bill. newly passed $95 billion aid Johnson is a leader in name on a party-line vote and asking killing the bipartisan <House Republicans were package on the floor for a vote only, buffeted on all sides to the why the Senate has not taken it compromise. He won the election
investigative: 202-334-6179; crystal clear from the very would put his speakership at risk. point of immobility. His lone up. In a divided government, by eight percentage points. beginning of discussions that any Not to do so threatens the future success, if it can be called that, neither party fully gets its way. Johnson and his Republican
style: 202-334-7535; so-called national security of Ukraine9s efforts to hold off the was House passage of a But House Republicans, colleagues face another round of supplemental legislation must Russians. Biden put the House on resolution to impeach Homeland hamstrung by their tiny majority, decisions when they return from
recognize that national security notice on Friday during an Security Secretary Alejandro refuse to compromise. They look their current recess. One will be
Letters to the editor: begins at our own border,= he said appearance whose main purpose Mayorkas. The margin was by a inward rather than outward. aid for Ukraine and Israel. or call in a statement. Calling the Senate was to hail the courage of single vote, and it came a week A decade ago, Lamar Another will be how to keep the
202-334-6215 bill a <status quo= measure, he Navalny and to blame Putin for after Johnson and company were Alexander, the former senator government funded, an issue that
opinion: added, <The mandate of national his death. embarrassed by the failure to from Tennessee, once said that long has divided Republicans in security supplemental legislation <History is watching the House pass a similar resolution because the division inside the the House. That issue ultimately
was to secure America9s own of Representatives,= he said. <The Republican vote counters were Republican Party was not one of was McCarthy9s undoing, when
cO R R E c TIO NS border before sending additional failure to support Ukraine at this outfoxed by House Democrats. moderates vs. conservatives but he put on the floor a funding bill
foreign aid around the world.= critical moment will never be House Republicans found no rather <between conservatives that was approved with
It was an exercise in circular forgotten. & The clock is ticking, high crimes or misdemeanors, who think their job is finished Democratic votes.
the Washington Post is committed to logic by the speaker. Previously and this has to happen. We have the standard for such a rare step. when they make a speech and Johnson9s speakership could
correcting errors that appear in the he had declared as <dead on to help now.= He expressed Instead Mayorkas fell victim to conservatives who want to hinge on how he navigates these
newspaper. those interested in arrival= in the House a bipartisan exasperation that the House is in policy disputes between govern.= By that measure, things issues. His tenure could end
contacting the paper for that purpose Senate proposal that included a two-week recess at a time when Republicans and Democrats and have only gotten worse in the quickly or continue through the
can: provisions to secure the border as it could be acting to help Ukraine. to the administration9s failure to past decade. year. At that point, voters will
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be
well as aid for Ukraine and Israel. Johnson is an accidental move more quickly and decisively The GOP9s tiny House majority decide whether they want
connected to the desk involved 4 That bill was the result of months leader. He is the product of a to deal with the problems at the shrank by one last week when Republicans to remain in the
national, Foreign, metro, style, sports, of difficult negotiations among dysfunctional Republican border. There is virtually no Democrat Tom Suozzi, a former majority or take power out of
Business or any of the weekly sections. Republican and Democratic majority that ousted Rep. Kevin chance a trial in the Senate will member of the House, won the their hands and give it back to the
Comments can be directed to the senators. Those talks had begun McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the result in the secretary9s special election in New York in Democrats. Johnson9s first
Post9s reader advocate, who can be only because Republicans had speakership after less than a year conviction. Senators probably the district once held by the months as speaker have been
reached at 202-334-7582 or insisted that Democrats and in office and then pummeled will make quick work of their disgraced George Santos, a difficult but perhaps nothing like President Biden act on border other prospective candidates for responsibilities. Republican who was expelled what awaits him.

Ex-FBI spy hunter sentenced to 28 months for hiding cash payments

BY S PENCER S . H SU urged U.S. District Judge Colleen tained a <handsome= private in- FBI, McGonigal had been tasked 71/2 hour debriefing in which U.S. assignments for which he received
Kollar-Kotelly to stack the sen- come after an <illustrious= career. with investigating Deripaska, officials deemed him truthful, but what he knew were illegal pay-
The FBI9s former top spy hunter tences after the 22-year veteran of McGonigal was special agent in whose own indictment on sanc- declined a second requested ses- ments from a Cyprus bank filtered
in New York was sentenced in the bureau admitted to commit- charge of the counterintelligence tions-violation charges was un- sion because of what his attorney, through a New Jersey company.
Washington on Friday to 28 ting the very violations he was division of the FBI9s New York City sealed a few months before Seth DuCharme, said were unac- Defense attorneys DuCharme
months in prison for concealing at sworn to investigate. office from 2016 until his retire- McGonigal9s. ceptable conditions. and Meagan Maloney urged the
least $225,000 in payments he <This is a very serious offense,= ment in September 2018. He ad- McGonigal now has been sen- In a 90-minute sentencing judge to credit McGonigal9s distin-
received from a former Albanian Kollar-Kotelly said, one that tar- mitted that he hid from the FBI his tenced to a combined 61/2 years hearing, Assistant U.S. Attorney guished service with the FBI, in
intelligence official while working nished the integrity of the FBI, receipt of payments from Alba- behind bars for the two offenses, Elizabeth Aloi called McGonigal9s which he prevented a New York
for the bureau. risked the credibility of all the nian American Agron Neza, a for- although Kollar-Kotelly did not concealment of payments, <at its City subway attack, responded to
Charles McGonigal will serve cases he handled and abused the mer Albanian intelligence officer, add to the $40,000 fine and three core, corruption that undermines the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack
his punishment on top of a 50- public trust at a time government and his meetings with foreign offi- years post-release supervision. transparency and trust in the in- in Lower Manhattan and U.S. Em-
month prison term he received institutions are under fire. <The cials including Albanian prime The allegations against tegrity of the executive branch of bassy bombings in East Africa,
separately in New York last year motive could only be greed,= she minister Edi Rama. McGonigal McGonigal shocked the hush- government.= She said McGonigal and handled other cases that re-
for illegally conspiring with a Rus- said, as McGonigal lost his <moral said he sought to avoid questions hush world of his fellow top U.S. <sold his badge for $225,000= and main classified.
sian oligarch who wanted to be compass.= about a conflict of interest be- intelligence officials, and forced <betrayed his country,= as a law- DuCharme bristled at Aloi9s
removed from a U.S. sanctions list. <I don9t understand, frankly, tween his official duties and pri- an extensive damage assessment man who was <sworn to investi- claim that McGonigal betrayed
McGonigal, 55, is one of the why you would simply throw away vate plans to build his post-retire- by authorities given his depth of gate and prevent crimes against his country, and argued unsuc-
highest-ranking FBI agents ever your career at that moment for the ment business opportunities in knowledge about U.S. espionage the United States, not perpetrate cessfully for a concurrent sen-
convicted of criminal charges, and money,= the judge said, noting that country. practices and extraordinary ac- them.= tence by saying his client
federal prosecutors on Friday McGonigal would have main- In a parallel federal prosecu- cess to sensitive information. Of Under a plea deal in his pay- <shouldn9t be punished twice for
tion in Manhattan, McGonigal particular concern was his access ments case in Washington, the same thing.=


earlier admitted conspiring to to investigations of foreign spies McGonigal admitted to one count DuCharme said that McGoni-
launder money and violate U.S. or U.S. citizens suspected of work- of concealing material evidence. gal <used his business network

Death Notice placements on Sundays

sanctions intended to punish Rus- ing on behalf of foreign govern- Prosecutors dropped eight other before he retired to get his busi-
sian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, ments, as well as the loss of U.S. charges. ness launched,= broke the law, and
and federal holidays to be self-service only an oligarch with ties to President
Vladimir Putin. In his role at the
agents overseas.
McGonigal participated in one
McGonigal9s work on Deripas-
ka9s behalf began in 2019, when he
should have filled out his FBI fi-
nancial and travel disclosure
Starting May 1, 2024, The Washington Post Paid Death Notices was legitimately employed as a forms, but he was never accused of
Department will utilize a self-service only system on Sundays and consultant and investigator by a espionage.
law firm trying to undo the alumi- <I stand before you with a deep
federal holidays. There will not be any team members available to
num magnate9s U.S. sanctions list- sense of remorse and sorrow for

speak with on these days. As always, team members will be available ing. But McGonigal admitted that my actions,= McGonigal told the
during regular, non-holiday business hours Monday-Saturday. over several months in 2021, he judge, for which he accepted full
took on additional investigative responsibility and accountability.
The deadline to place a death notice will remain 4pm on Sunday for a
Monday insertion. The photo deadline for a Monday insertion is 1pm on
Saturday. On federal holidays, the deadline for next-day insertion will
be 3pm (photo deadline: 1pm).
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with the important role of publishing your death notices.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

Concerns rise about
space conûict with
Russia after warning
In his briefing to reporters
Thursday, Kirby said only that the
Development of nuclear system is <an antisatellite capabil-
space weapon brings ity that Russia is developing.=
He said that the administration
back Cold War-era fears intended eventually to declassify
information about the Russian
system but that the information
BYC HRISTIAN D AVENPORT, was prematurely made public,
E LLEN N AKASHIMA, following Turner9s cryptic public
A BIGAIL H AUSLOHNER statement. <The intelligence com-
AND S HANE H ARRIS munity has serious concerns
about a broad declassification of
Russia is developing a space- this intelligence,= Kirby said, in a
based capability to attack satel- not-so-subtle criticism of Turner
lites using a nuclear weapon, an for getting ahead of the adminis-
aggressive move that has alarmed tration9s process and setting off a
U.S. national security officials and media frenzy about the Russian
lawmakers who worry that Russia system.
could interfere with or disable Many national security space
critical communications and in- experts believe that a nuclear-
telligence systems, according to powered weapon is more plausi-
people familiar with classified in- ble than a warhead. But if the
telligence on the matter. weapons system Turner warned
<This is not an active capability about is, in fact, a nuclear bomb,
that9s been deployed,= White its use would amount to a <suicide
House spokesman John Kirby kamikaze attack,= said Todd roSCoSmoS StAte SPACe CorPorAtion/AP

told reporters Thursday. Kirby Harrison, a senior fellow at the Russian Soyuz 2.1a, with the Progress MS-26 cargo spaceship, blasts off at the Russian leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Baikonur,
didn9t address questions about American Enterprise Institute. Kazakhstan, on Thursday. The first Russian mission to the International Space Station in 2024 carries 2.5 tons of supplies.
whether the system was designed Russia has a host of its own mili-
to use a nuclear weapon or was tary and intelligence satellites in forts with our need to maintain invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Lt. operated satellites is <an extreme- range of frequencies and interfer-
perhaps powered by nuclear en- orbit that also would be affected stability and sustainability of the Gen. John Shaw, deputy com- ly dangerous trend that goes be- ing with electronic systems over a
ergy. But, citing earlier news re- by a nuclear detonation. orbits we are required to use,= he mander of U.S. Space Command, yond the harmless use of outer- wide area,= including some of the
ports, he said he could <confirm <You destroy yourself but hurt said. said that he was <certain that my space technologies and has be- orbits where the Pentagon parks
that it is related to an antisatellite the other guy in the process,= he The U.S. has led an internation- counterpart in Russia, whoever come apparent during the latest its most sensitive satellites.
capability that Russia is develop- said. <If Russia tried to use a al moratorium on destructive that is, is not very happy with developments in Ukraine.= Such a system <is much more
ing.= nuclear weapon in space, it would antisatellite attacks, which gener- Starlink, as it9s assisting Ukraine. He warned that <quasi-civilian plausible than the 8nuclear bomb
<Though Russia9s pursuit of be sloppy and reckless. It would ate dangerous debris fields in And with commercial imagery, infrastructure may become a le- ASAT9 [antisatellite weapon],=
this particular capability is trou- affect satellites indiscriminately, space, and probably would not such as Maxar9s products, that are gitimate target for retaliation.= Jonathan McDowell, of the
bling, there is no immediate including their own.= fire a missile in response, Weeden plastering all over the world news A nuclear-powered weapon, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
threat to anyone9s safety,= Kirby The installation of a nuclear said. Still, the Pentagon has a the things that are going on, I such as an electronic warfare or Astrophysics, wrote on X. <The
said. <We are not talking about a weapon in space also would be a <whole list of capabilities= at its don9t think they9re very happy directed energy system, would Soviet Navy had a long record of
weapon that can be used to attack violation of the 1967 Outer Space disposal to thwart an attack, he about that either. And we know make more sense than a nuclear launching reactor-powered radar
human beings or cause physical Treaty. said, from electronic warfare to that they9re probably going to warhead, several space national satellites (from 1970 to 1988), so
destruction here on Earth. That <The one inviolable law and cyberattacks on ground stations. take steps to try to stop those security experts have said, be- this would not be a new power
said, we9ve been closely monitor- consensus agreed to in interna- But defending against attacks in commercial services because they cause it could be targeted more capability for Russia, but it would
ing this Russian activity and we tional space law is: do not place space is complicated and depends run counter to Russia9s national precisely, frying onboard comput- be its first use in a space-based
will continue to take it very seri- nuclear weapons in orbit, on the on what the threats are, he said. interest.= ers or rendering satellites blind. weapons system.=
ously.= moon or on celestial bodies,= said In a contingency, Panda said, A few days later, during a meet- Russia has been developing Harrison agreed.
The capability is a nuclear- Brian Weeden, director of pro- depending on the altitude at ing at the United Nations, Kon- such weapons for some time, ac- <I suspect they might want to
armed 4 not a nuclear-powered gram planning at the Secure which such a weapon was de- stantin Vorontsov, deputy direc- cording to the Secure World use it against one of our big, juicy
4 weapon, said two U.S. officials, World Foundation, a think tank. ployed, it may be possible for the tor of the Russian Foreign Minis- Foundation. In a report last year, targets,= Harrison said. <For some
who like others familiar with the Given the strict nature of the United States to repurpose a mis- try9s department for nonprolifer- it wrote that a <nuclear reactor of our military systems, you only
intelligence spoke on the condi- treaty and its widespread adop- sile defense interceptor to take ation and arms, said in a speech would be powerful enough to sup- have to take out a couple of satel-
tion of anonymity to discuss sen- tion, detonating a nuclear war- something like this out in low that the proliferation of privately port jammers operating on a wide lites to have a huge effect.=
sitive information. ABC News head in space <doesn9t make sense earth orbit.
first reported that Russia was politically,= he said. <It completely A nuclear weapon has been
seeking to deploy a nuclear weap- destroys any credibility they have detonated in space before, by the


on. with the United Nations, and with United States, in 1962. Called
Revelations that Russia is de- the Chinese.= Starfish Prime, the 1.4 megaton
veloping a new kind of space According to a report by the bomb, more powerful than the
weapon have brought back fears Center for Strategic and Interna- atomic bomb dropped on Hiro-
about the use of nuclear weapons tional Studies, a <nuclear detona- shima in World War II, detonated
in space that go back to the Cold tion in space would immediately at an altitude of about 240 miles


War and the dawn of the Space affect satellites within range of its and knocked out about <one-third
Age. EMP [electromagnetic pulse], of the satellites on orbit,= Harri-
Space today is nothing like it and it would also create a high-ra- son said. <It affected our satel-
was in 1957, when the Soviet diation environment that would lites. It even destroyed the U.K.9s
Union9s launch of Sputnik trig- accelerate the degradation of sat- first-ever satellite that was only
gered a years-long space race that ellite components over the long launched a few months earlier.= UP TO
culminated with the U.S.9s landing term for unshielded satellites in The effects of such a blast <are
on the moon in 1968. Now, there the affected orbital regime.= going to be felt for weeks and
are thousands of satellites whiz- That could include China9s sat- months,= Weeden said, because of
zing in orbit at dizzying speeds ellites as well as the inhabited the lingering radiation it would
that allow everything from the space station China has assem- create.
blue-dot GPS signal on your bled in low Earth orbit. Russia has grown increasingly
phone to the image on your televi- <It would turn the whole world concerned about the prolifera-
sion. And a conflict in space that against them, and I mean includ- tion of the constellations of com-
affected those satellites would ing China and Latin American mercial satellites in orbit, such as
have wide-ranging implications, countries, and India as well,= those from companies such as
not just for the world9s militaries Harrison said. <They would screw Maxar and Planet, that have al-
but for civilians around the globe. everyone if they used a nuclear lowed real-time imagery of the
Deploying such a weapon EMP weapon in space.= war as it has unfolded. Other
would be highly escalatory and The International Space Sta- constellations, such as SpaceX9s
<mark a crossing of the nuclear tion, which is run jointly by the Starlink internet system, which
threshold,= said Ankit Panda, a space agencies of the United now has about 5,400 satellites in FREE *
nuclear policy expert at the States, Russia, Europe, Japan and orbit, have allowed Ukraine to REMOTE*
Carnegie Endowment for Inter- Canada, would also be affected by remain online during the Russian
national Peace.
<It would irreparably damage
a nuclear detonation. But that
hasn9t stopped Russia9s aggres-
onslaught and has served as a
communications lifeline for the
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In 2021, Russia hit another dead weapons, Panda said. <But we cessful. But Pentagon officials
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security threat,= said Rep. Mi- taries don9t tend to value space commercial technology has even
chael R. Turner (R-Ohio), chair- weapons with indiscriminate ef- been codified in the National De-
man of the House Intelligence fects,= he said. fense Strategy released by the
Committee. Last year, in unveiling a new Defense Department in 2022:
<I am requesting that President strategy for the U.S. Space Force, <We will increase collaboration
Biden declassify all information Gen. Chance Saltzman, chief of with the private sector in priority
relating to this threat so that space operations, said its <coun- areas, especially with the com-
Congress, the Administration, terspace activities may be neces- mercial space industry, leverag-
and our allies can openly discuss sary to prevent adversaries from ing its technological advance-
the actions necessary to respond leveraging space-enabled target- ments and entrepreneurial spirit *see store for restrictions

to this threat,= Turner wrote in a ing to attack our forces. But we to enable new capabilities.=
statement Wednesday. will balance our counterspace ef- A few months after Russia9s
A4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

8Drill, baby, drill9 and other nonsensical claims from Trump about inûation
<Remember this: <We wouldn9t have had pandemic-related shocks that Food prices have risen as level that it was impossible. & 230 percent in January 2023
Gasoline, fuel, oil, inflation because it was started rippled across the globe. much as 60 percent That9s what caused inflation, because of the bird flu.
natural gas went by energy. It was started by oil, Of course, the debate over why <Who can get elected with high and we9re going to bring it down So the core inflation rate often
up to a level that gasoline, which doubled, more inflation surged is still not interest rates, open borders, food because we9re going to go drill, is a better guide as to whether
it was impossible. than doubled.= settled. Blanchard and Bernanke that costs 40 percent, 50 percent, baby, drill. We drill, baby, drill. people9s income is rising fast
& That9s what 4 Remark at same rally also concluded inflation stayed 60 percent more than it did just We9re bringing it way down.= enough so they retain their
The Fact caused inflation, <[If I had been president] there high because of low interest a few years ago?= 4 Remark at the Las Vegas ability to keep buying products.
Checker and we9re going to wouldn9t have been an attack on rates and the impact of stimulus 4 Remark in a speech to the campaign rally When the overall inflation rate
Glenn bring it down Ukraine, and we wouldn9t have programs passed under Trump National Rifle Association, Feb. <In the first year, they [prices] hit 8.99 percent in June 2022,
Kessler because we9re had any inflation. Inflation was and Biden that put dollars in 9 are going to be reduced by the core inflation rate was much
going to go drill, caused by energy, by fuel, by oil people9s pockets and spurred <I mean, the inflation, what 50 percent because we are going lower 4 5.9 percent. But in
baby, drill.= going to $100 and $110 a barrel.= some of that demand. Biden9s it9s done to people, it9s devastated to drill, baby, drill, drill, baby, January, the core inflation rate
4 Former president Donald 4 Remark at the campaign bill, passed in early 2021, might people 4 35, 40, 50 percent, if drill. Inflation is going to come was 3.9 percent 4 higher than
Trump, remarks at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Jan. 29 have especially fueled spending you think, for basic staples.= way down, but in the first year, the overall rate of 3.1 percent.
rally in Las Vegas, Jan. 29 After decades of stable prices 4 as some economists (including 4 Remark at the South your energy costs are going That9s because although gasoline
Under President Biden, U.S. 4 inflation of about 2 percent a Blanchard) warned at the time it Carolina rally down by 50 percent.= prices fell, positively affecting
inflation as measured by the year 4 the sudden increase in would. But that bill was passed a Biden is especially vulnerable 4 Remark in the NRA speech the overall inflation rate, the
consumer price index neared Biden9s term was a shock, both full year before the invasion of to complaints about rising food Having established the pretext price of rent surged. Without
9 percent in June 2022, the for consumers and policymakers. Ukraine. Liberal economists prices 4 which overall have that inflation was sparked by energy prices to mitigate the
highest level in 43 years. While But Trump falsely says inflation push back against blaming fiscal risen 20.3 percent, according to energy, Trump then jumps the higher cost of shelter, the core
inflation has moderated 4 it was was caused by a spike in energy stimulus for inflation, saying the Bureau of Labor Statistics shark to claim the solution to inflation rate ended up higher
3.1 percent in January 4 the costs after Russia invaded that because inflation was a data that measures inflation for inflation is to expand domestic than the overall rate. That9s one
price hike early in his term Ukraine two years ago this global phenomenon, U.S. policies dairy products, meats, and fruits oil production. (He has also reason the financial markets
remains an albatross around month. shouldn9t get much blame. and vegetables. claimed that more oil production reacted negatively to the January
Biden9s reelection chances. The The invasion contributed to Trump appears to pin the Trump being Trump, he will magically eliminate the inflation report.
lowering of inflation has higher inflation, but it did not blame on Ukraine to avoid any sometimes triples this statistic. national debt.) He sometimes In a Feb. 4 interview on
improved consumer confidence, cause it. In fact, higher prices for accountability for the role his In his NRA speech, he used this even rashly promises that he will <Sunday Morning Futures,= host
but the Federal Reserve has kept goods and services would have covid legislation (and the faux metric to suggest that the reduce inflation by 50 percent in Maria Bartiromo pressed Trump
interest rates high, apparently happened no matter who was pandemic) may have played in only way Biden could defeat him the first year of his presidency. on whether he had any other
not convinced inflation has elected president in 2020. rising inflation. He also cites an is through election fraud 4 a Inflation rises or falls because ways to bring down inflation
moderated enough. Inflation initially spiked because invented claim that unnamed whole separate catalogue in of a variety of factors, including besides oil production. Trump
Trump exploits Biden9s of pandemic-related shocks 4 Democrats (on a program he Trump9s wheelhouse of the interest rate level set by the could only offer one answer 4
vulnerability on inflation at increased consumer demand as called <Deface the Nation=) said falsehoods. Federal Reserve 4 which is <drill, drill, drill.=
every rally. But Trump being the pandemic eased and an Ukraine would not have been The strange thing is that beyond a president9s control. BARTIROMO: Is your answer
Trump, he exaggerates the inability to meet this demand invaded if Trump were Trump would have a perfectly Trump betrays his failure to to getting inflation down, drill,
impact of inflation and misleads because of supply chain issues, president. We9re unaware of any good attack line simply by understand economic drill, drill, independent oil?
about the cause 4 and then as companies had reduced Democrat making that noting how much the cost of fundamentals when he makes TRUMP: Well, among other
makes promises he can9t possibly production when consumers statement. breakfast has gone up since statements like this. things, it9s drill, drill, drill, yes.
keep. hunkered down during the As for the price of gasoline Biden took office. There is no Energy costs are volatile, and BARTIROMO: What else?
Let9s take a tour through pandemic. doubling, that would be correct need for exaggeration. so many economists prefer to TRUMP: It9s drill, drill, drill.
Trump9s misleading and false You don9t have to take our if you started with the monthly Egg prices have increased focus on what is known as <core BARTIROMO: What9s your
rhetoric on inflation in recent word for it. That9s the retail price when Biden took about 72 percent during Biden9s inflation= 4 the price of goods answer to getting inflation
weeks. We sought comment from conclusion, broadly accepted by office in January 2021 ($2.42, presidency, mainly because of a and services excluding energy down?
a Trump campaign spokesman many economists, of an according to the Energy bird flu outbreak. That9s a bit of and food. TRUMP: There is no else. You
but did not get a response. influential paper written by Information Administration) an outlier. Even so, dairy That9s because energy, like have to get the oil.
Olivier Blanchard, former chief and ended with the high reached products have gone up food, is a staple, and demand But here9s the rub: Domestic
Inflation started because of economist of the International in June 2022 ($5.03). But if you 16 percent, while bacon is up doesn9t change much no matter oil production and natural gas
the Ukraine war Monetary Fund, and Ben S. date from the invasion of 13 percent. Cereals and bakery what the price. People generally production already hit record
Democrats <were saying that Bernanke, former chair of the Ukraine, as Trump does, the goods have gone up 25.6 percent. need to keep driving cars and highs under Biden in December,
8one thing I will admit, if Trump Federal Reserve. It was price of gasoline was $3.61 that eating food. Oil and gas, along according to the Energy
were president, you wouldn9t published by the National month 4 so that would be a gain The solution to inflation is with some food products like Information Administration.
have had Israel attacked, you Bureau of Economic Research in of 40 percent, not 100 percent. 8drill, drill, drill9 pork, are also commodities and There was a slight dip in January
wouldn9t have had Ukraine 2023. Meanwhile, the price of <His inflation that he [Biden] trade on exchanges, making because of production issues, but
attacked, and you wouldn9t have Indeed, inflation rose around gasoline has tumbled to $3.20 as caused and would9ve been so prices subject to speculation the EIA projects the December
had inflation.9= the world 4 with many peer of last month, so it9s now lower easy not to. All it was 4 is depending on weather, wars and production levels will be
4 Remark at a campaign countries doing worse than the than before the invasion of energy. Remember this, gasoline, other unforeseen events. Egg sustained through the rest of
rally in Conway, S.C., Feb. 10 United States 4 because of Ukraine. fuel, oil, natural gas went up to a prices, in fact, spiked as much as 2024.

After Ukraine-Israel aid

deal, a familiar political
rivalry for Senate leaders
One Senate leader border.
@PKCapitol exited the long <Our members who are up in
Paul Kane negotiations on 2024 can point to a real tough
border and global border bill that was supported
security with a by the Wall Street Journal
bitterly divided caucus, as some (editorial page), the Border
rank and file clamored for his Patrol union and the Chamber of
resignation. The other Senate Commerce,= Schumer said.
leader ended those talks with an At this stage, Schumer even
almost perfectly unified caucus, likes the positioning of Sens.
believing he had scored both a Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and
policy and political win. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who
But now, after four months of represent states where President
working about as closely as they Biden9s campaign is not
have in their seven years mounting a forceful effort.
overseeing the Senate together, Schumer is defending 23 seats
Minority Leader Mitch in November, while McConnell is
McConnell (R-Ky.) and Majority defending just 11. Currently 51-
Leader Charles E. Schumer (D- 49 in Schumer9s favor, the Senate
N.Y.) are moving into the season majority next year could depend
in which they9ll return to the on the winner of the likely
more familiar posture of hand- rematch between Biden and
to-hand political combat. former president Trump if the
In separate interviews over Senate again deadlocks at 50-50
the past few days, McConnell as it did in early 2021.
and Schumer detailed the long Democrats are trying to make
negotiations that ended with a Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) face
$95 billion national security another tough race, but he
package sent to the House. But remains a prohibitive favorite, as
each leader knows that with does Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.).
only a few must-pass bills Every other GOP seat remains
riCky CarioTi/The WashingTon PosT
remaining on the docket, the solidly in McConnell9s column.
next nine months will be much McConnell has virtually Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) before a Senate committee
more focused on political battles banked one seat following the meeting in November. The pair worked closely on the $95 billion national security package the Senate passed this month.
for control of the Senate and the retirement announcement of
agenda for whichever side also Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) benefit. today9s Republican Party relies it. edge in GOP primaries.
wins the presidency in in a state that Trump won by an <We realized that doing much more heavily on rural, Is he too out of step to keep <Daines is very much in my
November. average of roughly 40 border with Ukraine was a win- non-college-educated voters who leading his conference? Will he group of people who feel you
McConnell, with more than 17 percentage points the past two win for us, a win to get Ukraine cheer on Trump9s grievance- run again for leader after the need a quality candidate,=
years as leader, expressed little elections. Beyond the Montana and Israel [aid], but a win on the based, America-first nativism. elections? McConnell said.
concern about how much the and Ohio contests, McConnell is border because now Democrats That played out during the <I don9t have any He and Daines both recruited
far-right flank of the Senate GOP closely watching another could actually put together a border-global security announcement to make,= former Maryland governor Larry
conference came after him 4 handful of Democratic seats in strong, tough border bill,= he negotiations. McConnell said. Hogan, whose wife, Yumi, is
both over his policy decisions states Biden narrowly won. said. <I9m not surprised at all that One reason McConnell feels friendly with McConnell9s wife,
and his continued distancing <I think that this is the best The bipartisan talks produced the Republican voters around better than two years ago, when former Cabinet secretary Elaine
from the likely presidential map I9ve seen in a long time,= a compromise bill 4 something the country feel this way because early polling suggested Chao.
nominee, Donald Trump. McConnell said. more conservative leaning than our likely nominee for president Republicans should win the <We pulled out all the stops,
<You remember what Harry But Schumer9s candidates are any border-immigration is against the bill,= McConnell majority, is that he has an ally both personal and political,=
Truman said about if you want a steadily raising more funds for legislation considered this said. <That had an impact on running the National McConnell said.
friend in Washington, buy a their races, dramatically so in century 4 but Trump all but some of our members.= Republican Senatorial Schumer has adopted his own
dog?= McConnell said, some contests, continuing a ordered the GOP to back off so He disagreed with Trump9s Committee this time around. version of Biden9s political
predicting that Senate trend that has alarmed GOP the border would remain a assessment that passing the <We have a very good working euphemism of <don9t compare
Republican unity could come strategists in recent years. With potent political issue ahead of compromise might have helped relationship with the NRSC,= me to the Almighty, compare me
through winning the majority. no fix in sight, McConnell has the election. Biden if it helped slow the tide of McConnell said, noting a close to the alternative,= noting these
<Look, I don9t have a litmus test turned to super wealthy Schumer believes that migrants arriving at the border. working bond he retains with elections will always be a choice.
for what kind of a Republican candidates who can write their youthful liberals who are furious But once it became clear how Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.). At this stage of the 2022
[candidate I want]. I think our own campaign checks, in over Biden9s handling of Israel9s divisive the border issue was, Throughout the 2022 campaign, Biden9s approval
goal is to get to 51. And when Pennsylvania and Montana, and war with Hamas will eventually McConnell focused on getting campaign, McConnell publicly rating was 18 points upside
you9re at 51, you control the Schumer believes those GOP realize that another Trump the funding for Ukraine, Israel feuded with his NRSC chair, down in the most critical states,
agenda.= nominees can be pilloried as presidency is repulsive to their and Taiwan through the Senate Scott, who did not play favorites he noted. But when voters got
Schumer rejects the idea that out-of-touch millionaires. core values. in a rare moment that he knew in party primaries and ended up asked if they preferred a
his incumbents are on defense, And, perhaps most important, <It is a decent bet that more would divide his conference, but with several poor general- Republican or Democrat as
particularly after the border Schumer believes that all the Republicans do not vote for he was willing to suffer the election candidates. Scott also senator, it was a virtual tie.
negotiations unraveled when talk of Biden9s sagging poll Trump than Democrats do not consequences. used his post to promote his By the time November comes,
Trump demanded Republicans numbers weighing down vote for Biden,= he said, pointing <My personal view here was own agenda for the party, Schumer expects most of these
back away for political reasons Democratic candidates is to self-identified <Bush that I thought this was so prompting even more feuds with GOP candidates to be tied so
rather than trying to resolve the overblown and that Trump will Republicans= whose core values important for our country, and McConnell and other Senate closely to Trump that voters will
issue. Democrats facing tough present as a much bigger anchor run diametrically opposed to for the rest of the free world, leaders. recoil, just as they did in 2022.
reelections then got the benefit for GOP candidates. Trump. <They tend to be that I wanted to do my very best Despite Daines9s more More moves by the likely
of voting for what they consider On a call with his staff in early suburban. They tend to be more to do the right thing,= he said. populist tendencies 4 he was an Republican nominee torpedoing
a strong border-migration bill November, the majority leader affluent. They tend to be college Every GOP incumbent early endorser of Trump and bipartisan compromises would
and plan to use the GOP9s recalled realizing that educated.= running in November opposed opposed the national security be just the sort of boost Schumer
reversal and rejection of it as a embracing the <MAGA demand= Those used to be the core GOP the security bill. Just two of the package 4 the duo have been in would love.
cudgel when they face political for linking border security and base voters when McConnell, 81, 17 Republicans who took office sync trying to thwart potentially <The gift, the MAGA gift, kept
attacks over conditions at the Ukraine funding would be a entered the Senate in 1985. But in the last five years supported bad candidates from getting an giving,= he said.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A5

How the decision to honor a Trump ally tore apart a Hall of Fame
BY J OANNA S LATER ees of the University of Rhode But when she joined the board,
Island had voted unanimously to Maguire, 72, said she was startled
easT PRoVIdenCe, Rhode Is- strip Flynn of his honorary doctor- by her former professor9s domi-
land 4 For nearly 60 years, the ate, citing his felony plea and con- neering ways, which included be-
Rhode Island Heritage Hall of troversial comments. rating directors, particularly
Fame has inducted notables into Honoring Flynn would <jeopar- women.
its ranks, providing this tiny state dize the success of our signature Former board member Roberta
with a boost of pride. event= and force the board to an- Feather said that Conley called her
Its honorees have ranged from swer <unnecessary and difficult a sexist slur in November during a
Roger Williams, Rhode Island9s questions= from the media for disagreement over the process for
founder, to Martha McSally, the which <it would be hard to provide putting forward a different nomi-
first American woman to fly a credible and reasonable respons- nee. Reached later by the Provi-
fighter jet in combat, all recog- es,= he noted in the email. Taranti- dence Journal, Conley acknowl-
nized for having <brought credit= no urged his fellow board mem- edged making the remark.
to the state where they lived or bers not to vote for Flynn when Feather and her husband,
were born. they mailed in their ballots. James Hackett, an attorney, said
Then came the matter of Mi- The following month, the board they found Flynn9s induction and
chael Flynn. met via Zoom, former members Conley9s behavior unacceptable.
In December, it emerged that said. That9s when it was an- In January, Hackett reported Con-
Flynn 4 a Rhode Island native, nounced that Flynn9s nomination ley to the IRS for potentially violat-
retired lieutenant general and for- had been approved, after receiv- ing rules against <self-dealing= in a
mer national security adviser who ing a majority of the 19 votes. 2020 transaction in which Conley
pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI Ann Marie Maguire, who was transferred his waterfront home,
and was later pardoned by Donald the group9s treasurer, said her re- known as Gale Winds, to a founda-
Trump 4 would be inducted into action to the news was one of total tion Conley runs. Conley said last
the Hall of Fame at its annual shock. <We just kind of sat there month in an email to a reporter
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
banquet this spring. and said, 8What?9= she recalled. that he may have unknowingly
At least nine members of the Former national security adviser and retired three-star Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn speaks on Oct. 21, The resignation letters began run afoul of IRS rules.
organization9s board resigned in 2022, during the ReAwaken America Tour stop at the Spooky Nook Sports Complex in Manheim, Pa. arriving the next morning. Taran- On a recent afternoon at Gale
response. Some of this year9s other tino and Beatrice Lanzi, a former Winds, a dark blue sedan with the
inductees said they would decline coordinated protest,= he wrote in miles in the other 4 longs for Flynn was questioned by legisla- state legislator, wrote that the de- license plate <JDPHD= was parked
the honor. The husband of one of late December. The board would recognition. <Some say we9re a tors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, cision to honor Flynn was <dis- in the driveway (Conley has both a
the board members who had re- not withdraw Flynn9s induction small state with a big inferiority attack on the Capitol, he repeated- turbing= and <astounding.= law degree and a doctorate). Just
signed reported the group9s for- but would defer it to <a more complex,= said one former board ly invoked his Fifth Amendment (Tarantino declined to comment, beyond the house were the waters
mer longtime president to the In- peaceful and rational time.= member, who like several others right not to incriminate himself. and Lanzi did not respond.) Other of eastern Narragansett Bay, slate
ternal Revenue Service. He gave no indication of when spoke on the condition of anonym- He has toured the country telling resignations, Maguire9s included, gray under a cloudy January sky.
Of all the institutions torn apart that time would be. ity to discuss internal matters. audiences that America is in the swiftly followed. The woman who answered the
by the rise of Trump9s brand of Conley didn9t respond to re- <This idea that there are Hall of middle of a <spiritual war= and One former board member dry- door said Conley was unavailable.
politics and ensuing backlash, this peated requests for comment. Famers, great people, honorable called for the nation to embrace ly likened the decision to honor Meanwhile, at least three of this
may be the smallest and most un- Lawrence Reid, the Hall of Fame9s people, is something Rhode Island <one religion= during an appear- Flynn to a local Humane Society year9s other inductees 4 the head
usual. president, declined to speak with craves in its psyche.= ance at an evangelical mega- voting to support people harming of a breast cancer foundation, a
In interviews, half a dozen for- The Washington Post. Flynn did It9s a small state in other ways, church. animals. <It contradicts the mis- former member of Congress and a
mer board members expressed not respond to a request for com- too. Parrillo lives in Middletown, None of that information was sion,= the board member said. nationally recognized oncology
disbelief and sadness at how the ment on his induction. Flynn9s hometown, and knew provided to the Hall of Fame9s But Conley 4 who describes researcher 4 said they would de-
gale-force winds of partisan poli- John Parrillo teaches history at Flynn9s mother (<a wonderful per- board members when they gath- himself as the organization9s <vol- cline the honor in the wake of the
tics had wrecked the organiza- a local university and served on son=). But when he learned that ered on a November evening at a unteer general counsel= 4 dis- Flynn controversy.
tion9s reputation. The columnist the Hall of Fame9s board for seven Flynn had received a majority of red-brick office park in East Provi- agreed. In a Dec. 15 email sent to The Hall of Fame9s annual ban-
for the Boston Globe who first years before stepping down in late the board9s votes, he was stunned. dence. In the packet of back- board members, Conley said he quet is still scheduled for April.
reported Flynn9s impending in- December, saying he disagreed <I said, 8Holy cripe,9= Parrillo re- ground material they received on knew a college classmate of Flynn isn9t mentioned anywhere
duction acerbically called the with Flynn9s <far-right, militaris- called. <They have every right to the 18 candidates under consider- Flynn9s, who recalled him as patri- on the invitation. The current iter-
body a <hall of shame.= A previous tic= vision for America. do whatever they want, but we ation, there were three pages otic and upright. <Has this leopard ation of the organization9s website
honoree chastised the board for <It tears my heart out that I had shouldn9t put controversial people marked with Flynn9s logo: a biog- changed his spots?= Conley asked. lists only nine board members,
elevating a <radioactive= candi- to leave it,= Parrillo said. <We9ve in the Hall of Fame.= raphy highlighting his military Flynn was the victim of a <weap- and the roles of vice president and
date like Flynn. never talked politics.= The controversy around Flynn service and role as national secu- onized FBI,= Conley continued, treasurer are vacant.
A key figure in the dispute is Inductees are celebrated at an goes beyond pleading guilty to a rity adviser, together with a long echoing a common Trump com- Maguire, who resigned as trea-
Patrick Conley, an 85-year-old law- annual ceremony opened by bag- felony, a plea he later sought to list of commendations, according plaint. As a result, <I sought to surer, said the board needs to be
yer with a pugilistic temperament pipes and studded with local dig- withdraw before receiving a presi- to a copy reviewed by The Post. vindicate Flynn in his home state.= overhauled for the organization to
who serves as Rhode Island9s offi- nitaries. Each receives a statuette, dential pardon. He is also a high- The next morning, John Taran- Maguire, the former treasurer, continue. While she describes her-
cial <historian laureate.= Conley a replica of the <Independent profile proponent of conspiracy tino, a prominent Rhode Island said that many of the Hall of self as a former Trump fan, she has
was president of the Hall of Fame Man= atop Rhode Island9s State theories surrounding the 2020 lawyer who had recently joined Fame9s board members, including no admiration for Flynn, noting
for 20 years until 2023 and still House. Parrillo already had his election, which he baselessly the board, sent an email to his herself, were once students of that he admitted to breaking the
holds sway over the organization. nominee for 2025 picked out: nov- claims was stolen. fellow directors. <I have struggled Conley9s at Providence College, law.
Conley defended Flynn9s induc- elist Cormac McCarthy, who was In December 2020, he was part since I learned & that Gen. Mi- where he taught for many years. <There are people from Rhode
tion to the Hall of Fame in an born in Providence and died last of a group that urged Trump to chael Flynn is a nominee for ad- Conley brought Rhode Island his- Island who have done so much,=
opinion piece in the Providence year. direct the military to seize voting mission to the 2024 class,= he tory to vivid, pulsating life, she she said. <Those are the people we
Journal. The decision to honor The nation9s tiniest state 4 just machines, witnesses told a con- wrote in a message obtained by said. She described his class as the should put on a pedestal, not Mi-
Flynn had been the subject of <vile 48 miles in one direction and 37 gressional committee. When The Post. He noted that the trust- best course she ever took. chael Flynn.=

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A6 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

N o r t h e r n L o w l a n d s


Follow Perseverance9s Sojourner

2021 Utopia

path on Mars as Olympus

NASA Mars rover landings
Active No longer active

it hunts for signs |arsis

Va l l e
s M a r i ner i s
2004 Curiosity
2012 Spirit

of ancient life Argyre

-4 miles 0 13 miles

S o u t h e r n H i g h l a n d s

Five campaigns of Samples collected by type

Air Igneous Sedimentary Regolith
rock core rock core
Released from the rover at the sample depot*

Crater ûoor campaign

t river 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t in
n Delta front campaign
An 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
ter rim
Cra Upper fan campaign
19 20 21
Planned Margin campaign
crater rim 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 15 sample tubes remain

Current location
Note: |ere are ûve additional <witness tubes= designed to document
the cleanliness of the sampling system. |ree witness tubes have been
sealed, the third of which was placed at |ree Forks depot.

Perseverance9s 15.44-mile path had

Margin it landed at the Washington Monument
D.C. MD.


16TH ST.


Rock sampling Upper fan

location campaign
Roc k AVE Y
Creek Current
Park location Fort AV
Fan front

Zoo E.
. AV
|ree Forks Up p e r
sample fan

depot VE.
. A
C. A


Howard U. FLA
Perseverance . AV
landing H ST.

Crater ûoor Center Union
campaign site Wash.
Mon. U.S.
L9Enfant PA.
site A VE.

J e z e r o C r a t e r f l o o r VA. Crater
floor Anacostia

Scale varies in this perspective

When the Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars on Feb. 18, corner of the crater. Three years into its exploration, the rover has trav-
2021, it became the fifth NASA rover to begin a traverse across the Mar- eled more than 15 miles exploring the crater floor, risen up the fan front
tian landscape. It was targeting a corner of a lowland basin, called Isidis and is now exploring along the edge of the ancient river inlet that, billions
Planitia, which lies along a topographic boundary separating the heavily of years ago, allowed water to fill the crater. NASA has divided this jour-
cratered southern highland terrain from the northern lowlands. Within ney through geologic time into five campaigns of exploration: ¶ Consider-
this basin lies the 28-mile-wide Jezero Crater, which NASA scientists ing that the rover can only travel 152 meters per hour (a little less than 0.1
deemed had strong clues that, more than 3.5 billion years ago, it may have mph), it has covered quite a distance. When contemplating the path the
been a lake, fed by a river, and perhaps a source for life on the planet. ¶ rover has taken over the past three years on a planet surface devoid of any
The Perseverance rover is essentially a high-tech astrobiologist and geolo- contextual relationship for us here on Earth, it might help to consider the
gist, equipped to investigate the geologic history and past climate of this path over a more familiar terrain.

Crater floor campaign where there was expected to be a major geologic Upper fan campaign Earth,= Stack Morgan explained.
NASA was expecting the rover to land much transition from igneous rocks to more sedimentary When Perseverance landed on Mars, it carried
closer to the fan front but the landing site wound up rocks. NASA9s first helicopter in space, Ingenuity, which Planned crater rim campaign
being a blessing in disguise, research scientist Katie Once Perseverance reached the area, the rover was to test the feasibility of flying on remote For its next campaign, Perseverance will contin-
Stack Morgan explained, because it allowed the began a meandering path going back and forth planets. ue following the ancient river bed toward the
team to realize that Perseverance was near some along the front. It was <doing what geologists do,= The helicopter proved to be a capable partner, mouth of the inlet that breaks through the canyon
unexpected yet intriguing volcanic or igneous rock exploring multiple areas and returning back to flying slightly in advance of the rover. It captured rim. Campaign planning has begun, and scientists
at the crater floor, which was worth going out of its outcrops previously explored, Stack Morgan said. video of the surface and provided more material for have found a favorable slope up the rim that the
way to explore. Stack Morgan works at NASA9s Jet Ultimately, over a five-month period, nine sam- scientists on Earth to consider when deciding rover most likely will take out of the crater. As
Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech and is the deputy ples were collected 4 seven sedimentary rock cores where to take Perseverance. One such flight led the Perseverance moves up the rim, scientists expect
project scientist of the Mars 2020 rover mission. and two samples of regolith, or loose material. team to redirect the rover and uncover the youngest the geology will change in type and age as it moves
Perseverance9s team spent the first 90 sols Preliminary analysis by the rover team back on rock sample collected thus far, fulfilling an impor- away from the influences of the water forces that
(Mars9s days are about 40 minutes longer than Earth showed the core samples represent river, tant goal of acquiring not just different rock types formed the fan and crater floor below.
Earth9s) testing all the rover9s parts and instru- delta and lake bed environments. but rocks from different ages. The rover has 15 sample tubes remaining. It9s
ments, before allowing it to move and collect the This portion of the campaign also highlights the On Jan. 25, NASA announced that on its last possible the decision-making on when to use the
first of its 38 titanium sample tubes. Although the long-term strategic planning NASA implements flight a week before, Ingenuity damaged a rotor and remaining tubes may become fraught, because
first sample taken by the rover wound up being an when operating a rover 140 million miles away. is no longer operational. Ingenuity was designed to scientists can9t sample every rock they find interest-
air sample (the Martian atmosphere is 96 percent Through these first two campaigns, Perseverance fly only five times, but exceeded operational ing.
carbon dioxide), the next eight samples collected had been collecting rock-core samples essentially in expectations with 72 flights covering 11 miles.
were igneous rock cores. pairs as part of a contingency plan. The samples collected in this campaign showed How much more can Perseverance explore?
Once the NASA team chooses a rock to consider Arrangements are being made to bring these evidence the rocks were deposited by rivers. The Most of the hardware on the rover and the rover
for sampling, the drilling process begins. First, the samples to Earth in the early or mid-2030s as part three samples taken in this campaign included the itself is qualified to last 1½ Mars years, or about
rover cuts an abrasion patch, essentially scraping of a partnership with the European Space Agency. first collection of rock conglomerate, which is three Earth years, which it will be nearing this
away the upper part of a rock; after the patch is But, during this campaign, a contingency plan composed of pebble-sized grains cemented togeth- month, Stack Morgan said. While there are lots of
cleared of the residual dust, it can be analyzed NASA calls depot caching was employed to leave the er. This conglomerate was formed outside of the unknowns, she said, <there9s the hope and the
further by geologists. If the scientists decide to take duplicate samples on the planet9s surface. From crater and carried into the fan by fast-moving water. expectation that Perseverance would be able to
a sample, the rover switches to a drill that cuts Dec. 21, 2022, to Jan. 28, 2023, the rover placed 10 continue for many more years. On the other hand,
roughly 2 inches into the rock. Then the rover sample tubes, between 15 to 50 feet apart, in a Margin campaign there9s also this timeline of when Perseverance
breaks off the sample and hermetically seals it in a carefully mapped zigzag pattern. The Jezero Crater Perseverance9s current campaign is the margin would need to be in position to rendezvous with
tube. The tubes are placed on a storage rack in the depot, dubbed the Three Forks, is now a ready unit, essentially the <inside margin= of the Jezero future sample-collection missions. That directive in
belly of the rover. backup in the event Perseverance cannot deliver the Crater rim. Imagery of Mars from previous orbital a couple of months will very much crystallize what
samples to Earth. missions has shown strong evidence of carbonate our future mission is going to look like.=
Fan front campaign This month, NASA9s Jet Propulsion Laboratory deposits in this unit. <Carbonate is an important
After passing back by the original landing site, announced layoffs related to the mission of return- mineral for capturing and understanding the Path data and imagery were provided by NASA, U.S.
the rover went on a four-month rapid traverse ing Martian samples back to Earth. JPL pointed to atmosphere of Mars, the interaction between the Geological Survey, JPL-Caltech. D.C. vector data provided
across very smooth terrain. It conducted little funding uncertainties and the failure of Congress to atmosphere and water at the surface of Mars, and by D.C. Geographic Information System. Graphics editing
science as it focused on reaching the fan front, pass a 2024 budget for NASA. also is a very bio-relevant mineral, at least on by Samuel Granados.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A7

Chairman of local news powerhouse recently bought the Sun

SinclAir from A1 company9s stations <are commit- Sun education reporter who is orders from corporate were just condition of anonymity to freely
ted to accountability reporting, now covering the same topic at the that you must run these; the an- discuss Smith. He purchased it and
private meeting with the Sun9s exposing issues within the com- Baltimore Banner, a not-for-profit chors must read them exactly as associated properties with his own
journalists, he urged them to emu- munity, and seeking answers and newsroom that launched in 2022 written. So that9s when the warn- funds and with a minority invest-
late coverage at the local Sinclair solutions for viewers.= She added, and hired much of its staff from ing bells started to go off.= ment from conservative commen-
station, fox45, which in 2021 pro- <our aim is to help create safer the Sun. He specifically recalled that tator Armstrong Williams.
duced a documentary titled sim- communities, improve public <many of their education sto- <they were running this absurd When Smith addressed the
ply <Baltimore Is Dying.= education and the overall quality ries lack context, and therefore the 8terror alert desk9 just stoking fear Sun9s staff, he told them, <I haven9t
Sinclair9s local network of 185 of life, which are universal, non- public gets a very different im- that the terrorists are out to get read the newspaper in 40 years.
stations across the country makes partisan concerns.= pression of the school system in you.= Weiss said that, after less Literally have not read the news-
it an influential player in shaping Sinclair9s large network of local Baltimore,= said Bowie, who wrote than a year with Sinclair, <I just paper,= except for <maybe four
the views of millions of Ameri- stations tends to cover societal about education for the Sun for couldn9t look myself in the mirror times since I started working on
cans, especially at a time when problems in similar ways, experts more than 20 years. and had to go find another job.= He trying to buy this place,= according
local newspapers are rapidly be- say. A 2019 study by researchers at A Sinclair spokeswoman point- now works for a nonpartisan envi- to the recording. Nevertheless, he
Doug Wells/AP
ing gutted 4 or closed altogether. Stanford and Emory universities ed out that Project Baltimore has ronmental conservation nonprof- declared that the publication
As Sinclair increasingly fills the showed that a Sinclair acquisition won dozens of awards, including it in Denver. overlooked stories that readers David Smith, Sinclair9s
void, it offers its viewers a perspec- of local stations resulted in <sub- nearly 30 regional Emmy Awards, Israel Balderas worked for Sin- crave about crime and govern- executive chairman and owner
tive that aligns with Trump9s oft- stantial increases in coverage of seven regional Edward r. murrow clair9s WPEC CBS 12 station in ment dysfunction. of the Baltimore Sun.
stated opinion that America9s cit- national politics at the expense of Awards and nine Associated Press West Palm Beach, fla., from 2013 Smith inherited Sinclair from
ies, especially those run by Demo- local politics= and <a significant Awards. to 2016. He said he was asked to his father, Julian Smith, who start- term limits on city officials and to
cratic politicians, are dangerous rightward shift in the ideological <We9ve been at it for seven years interview Trump, then the 2016 ed operating his first local TV sta- shrink the size of the City Council.
and dysfunctional. slant of coverage.= and we are very proud of our republican nominee, for a seg- tion in 1971. The younger Smith Smith has been quietly funding
<Sinclair stations deliver mes- research demonstrates that lo- work,= Chris Papst, the lead re- ment that was to run at the top of and his brothers eventually pur- at least two lawsuits that have been
sages that appeal to older, White, cal news reports enjoy a greater porter for Project Baltimore, the evening news on Sinclair sta- chased their parents9 controlling covered extensively by Sinclair9s lo-
suburban audiences, and they play level of trust than national outlets. wrote in an email. Sinclair9s tions around the country. shares in the company and used cal station with no disclosure of the
up crime stories in a way that is That allows Sinclair to capitalize spokeswoman noted that Sin- <The central news desk gave me acquisitions to grow it into a na- connection. The first accuses Balti-
disproportionate to their statisti- on that trust, experts say, even as clair9s stations in Baltimore and the questions I should ask him, tional player. more City Public Schools of de-
cal presence,= said Anne Nelson, a some of its coverage delivers a Seattle are at the top of the ratings and I thought, 8These are softball raised in the Bolton Hill neigh- frauding taxpayers, and the second
journalist and author of <Shadow particular worldview. in their respective markets, a sign questions,= Balderas said in an in- borhood of Baltimore, the young- targeted a 2020 Baltimore mayoral
Network: media, money and the In Seattle, a local Sinclair sta- that the coverage is resonating terview. <one of the questions er Smith attended City College candidate for accruing pension
Secret Hub of the radical right.= tion devotes a special section on with viewers. was: 8Why do you think the media high school. In the spring of his service time from a different job
<All of it is fearmongering and feeds its website to <Crisis in the Class- In 2018, Sinclair made national is so hostile to you?9= junior year, the assassination of while working for the Baltimore
into a racialized view of cities.= room,= focusing on dysfunction in headlines when it directed dozens Balderas told his supervisors the rev. martin Luther King Jr. police department.
Nelson, who has spent decades city schools, and <Project Seattle,= of its local anchors to read a script that he wasn9t going to ask ques- spurred violent riots in the city. Both of Smith9s funding ar-
studying conservative media and which zeroes in on homelessness. that warned viewers that <some tions that weren9t his own but Army and National Guard troops rangements were secret until the
political propaganda, said that lo- The homepage is often heavy on members of the media use their would take their suggestions under quelled the violence, and the epi- Baltimore Banner reported the
cal TV news reports traditionally crime stories. platforms to push their own per- consideration. As a result, he said, sode left an impression on Smith, stories after the Sun acquisition
cover local crime stories, but Sin- The station9s focus on urban sonal bias and agenda to control he lost the assignment. <If you fol- according to two associates who became public. A Sinclair spokes-
clair9s programming does it <more problems in Seattle gained nation- 8exactly what people think.9= The lowed the script, your stories got spoke on the condition of anonym- woman said that Smith wasn9t in-
than usual, and with a particular al attention when the Sinclair sta- statement appeared to echo prime placement, and if you didn9t, ity to discuss Smith9s background. volved in any of the reporting or
message.= She said that the lack of tion produced an hour-long docu- Trump9s critique of the media and there was certainly retribution.= He has spent much of his adult life editorial decisions, that the local
local papers has changed the role mentary in 2019 titled <Seattle Is implied that Sinclair was trust- Balderas is now a journalism living in rural areas around Balti- station was unaware of Smith9s
of local TV news. Dying,= which described how <the worthy in a way that other sources professor at Elon University in more. funding, and that it would include
<When you remove those pa- appeal of the city is giving way to were not. North Carolina, where he said he Smith isn9t a major donor to a disclosure statement in future
pers, which would historically rampant crime, homelessness and The network also employed Bo- teaches his students the dangers national political campaigns. rec- coverage.
feed local radio and TV news pro- disgrace.= The Seattle Times, the ris Epshteyn, a former Trump ad- of companies like Sinclair buying ords show that he last made cam- Smith9s involvement in local
grams, you9re left with Sinclair main local newspaper, published a viser, as its chief political analyst local outlets. paign contributions in 2018, when initiatives shows that <he really
and the internet,= Nelson said. rebuttal after the documentary and directed its stations to air A representative for Sinclair he donated to a few Democrats cares about the issues and is in-
Smith, in his meeting with Sun aired, pointing out that Seattle9s Epshteyn9s interview with Trump said that the accounts of Weiss and along with a mostly republican vested in the city,= Williams,
employees, credited the broad- crime rates had declined signifi- and his related commentary, ac- Balderas are <not relevant to today slate. Smith9s partner in the Sun deal,
caster9s success to its audience cantly since the 1980s and 1990s. cording to former employees and as the news landscape and our But tax forms show that his said in an interview.
surveys and editorial approach, In Baltimore, a majority-Black internal memos. Sinclair dropped audience9s appetite has evolved family9s foundation contributed to But some former Sun journal-
according to a recording of the city where Democrats have long Epshteyn as a political analyst at over time. The former employees, conservative advocacy groups, in- ists noted that Smith9s acquisition
gathering obtained by The Wash- dominated local politics, the local the end of 2019, saying that the both of whom left the company cluding more than half a million of the publication was ironic given
ington Post. Sinclair station features <Project company wanted to focus on local several years ago, have no insight dollars to Project Veritas, a right- how adversarial he was when he
<If I9ve learned anything,= Smith Baltimore,= a regular segment that investigative projects. into the practices of today9s news- wing organization known for un- was the subject of its stories.
told the assembled staffers of his focuses on the failings of the pub- Aaron Weiss worked as a news rooms.= dercover sting operations. The <These guys were more likely to
experience running fox45, <is de- lic school system. director for Sinclair in Sioux City, Smith, 73, announced in mid- foundation also contributed threaten you when you called than
spite the fact that people might say A recent dispatch from Project Iowa, in 2013 and 2014. He remem- January his acquisition of the Sun, $121,000 in 2018 to moms for talk to you,= said David Zurawik, a
it9s a crazy, right-wing, looney- Baltimore noted that <Baltimore is bered Sinclair9s main offices in maryland9s largest daily newspa- America, an activist group that longtime media critic at the Sun
tunes [station] & they9re only inter- a tough city. Nearly a quarter of its maryland delivering video seg- per, from Alden Global Capital, an says it <empowers moms to raise who is now a professor at Goucher
ested in, 8What9s going on in my residents live in poverty. The mur- ments that he and his fellow news investment firm with a reputation patriots and promote liberty= and College. <It9s a fox News wannabe.
schools? Why is crime so bad? And der rate is one of the highest in the directors referred to as <must-run= for buying local newspapers and has pushed to remove books it That9s their model, a political tool
who in government is doing what nation. And schools are not im- pieces. slashing staff. finds controversial from public rather than a journalistic plat-
they shouldn9t be doing?9= mune to the city9s failures.= <Some of them were biased and The announcement surprised schools. form.=
Smith did not respond to re- While none of that is false, from a conservative viewpoint, most of Smith9s colleagues at Sin- Smith is also a major force in
quests for an interview. A spokes- fox459s reporting can leave out but many of them were just bad,= clair, according to three people at Baltimore politics, where he has laura Wagner and elahe Izadi
woman for Sinclair said that the context, said Liz Bowie, a former Weiss said in an interview. <The the company who spoke on the funded ballot measures to impose contributed to this report.

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Okla. principal forced to resign after being targeted for drag career
said that I shouldn’t consider that In January, Murnan said, he
while living in Oklahoma.” was again put on administrative
Conservatives including In December, NPR reported leave, and soon after was asked to
schools superintendent that Walters was looking to sign a resignation letter and a
amend the teacher code of con- confidentiality agreement to pre-
call for his firing duct to ban educators who en- vent him from publicly talking
gage in certain activities, such as about the controversy. He refused
performing in drag. the latter.
BY M AHAM J AVAID In his statement to The Post, Murnan has been performing
Walters said, “Teachers have a drag — currently as Shantel Man-
Shane Murnan thought he was unique and sacred responsibility dalay — for as long as he has been
living his professional dream to the students and communities an educator, and his two careers
when he was named principal of they serve. That is why I have had never been a concern for an
an elementary school. But it proposed the most aggressive employer before last year. “My
quickly soured after an anony- model in the nation for identify- drag was not something we dis-
mous newsletter highlighted his ing and uprooting people who cussed at work, and I never let the
after-hours performances in violate that trust from our two jobs cross,” he said.
drag. schools.” In the fall, when things came to
The school began receiving Murnan said the district’s han- a head, Savage asked Murnan to
threats weeks after his hiring. dling of his first semester on the “maintain a low profile,” he said,
Anonymous callers told staffers job was confusing. and he paused his drag perform-
that if Murnan, 52, came to his The district put him on admin- ances.
office, he would leave in a body istrative leave in August, but he Once he saw that the pause
bag, he said. was expected to keep working, was not minimizing the security
Days later, Murnan’s Okla- first from home and then from risks, Murnan continued doing
homa City home and John Glenn the curriculum building on the drag.
Elementary School were threat- main campus separate from the “I needed to perform for my
ened with bombs, police told him. school building. livelihood, for my sanity, and
Murnan, who has been work- He was told he couldn’t enter simply to feel better about
ing in public education for 26 his office during school hours things,” he said.
years, had to move homes out of because of security concerns, but Other staffers at John Glenn
security concerns, and the dis- the district asked him to help were also affected by the after-
trict told him not to come in another school in the district, math of the newsletter and the
during school hours. Greenvale Elementary, and he subsequent bomb threats.
Eventually, Murnan was asked SHANE MURNAN was allowed in that building. “After August, we couldn’t go
to resign in January. The school Shane Murnan has been performing drag — currently as Shantel Mandalay — for as long as he has been Murnan was asked to not come two weeks without a new threat
district accepted his resignation an educator. He says his two careers had never been a concern for an employer before last year. to school, but Stafford was not or article dropping on us,” said
last week. given similar instructions. Kiley Keeling, a former instruc-
Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma Murnan to be fired. was asked to choose between Savage had supported Murnan tional coach at John Glenn who
public schools superintendent “I insisted on the removal of accepting a termination letter or through fall, issuing multiple let- has known Murnan for about a
who played a role in highlighting this person from Oklahoma submitting his resignation. ters that explained how the dis- decade. “A lot of the teachers
Murnan’s drag work, is calling for schools from the beginning,” Wal- “My drag was not When Stafford asked why they trict had vetted and approved there are still dealing with PTSD.”
a regulation that would allow ters told The Post in a statement wanted him to leave, Savage and him before his hire and that said Keeling, 43, who has worked in
educators to be fired for “acts that Wednesday. “I will not allow the something we discussed school representatives in the the criminal charges against him education for 15 years, resigned
excessively promote sexuality” radical left to use our schools to hastily called meeting said, “It’s had been dismissed and ex- from the elementary school in
outside of work. indoctrinate our kids and pro- at work, and I never let because of the alter ego, your punged from his record, but she protest over how Murnan was
When the newsletter V1SUT mote the most extreme forms of drag persona,” Stafford told The ended her support abruptly in treated and discriminated
first posted about Murnan’s drag sexual deviancy in the classroom the two jobs cross.” Post. Officials noted the costs of December, Murnan said. against, she said, as well as a lack
career and past criminal charges and beyond.” Shane Murnan, the former principal extra security resources, as the In a Dec. 15 meeting with of satisfaction with how the
Aug. 29, he said he felt supported Other staffers’ jobs were also at at John Glenn Elementary School in school was still facing continued school staffers, Savage told the school was being run.
by the school district, especially risk. Oklahoma safety threats. employees that Murnan wouldn’t Murnan said the episode has
by Brayden Savage, the Western Paul Stafford, a kindergarten Savage and the school district return to the elementary school created an environment of fear
Heights School District superin- classroom aide who was hired by did not respond to The Post’s campus because she and the dis- among teachers at school.
tendent. Murnan in July and also works as request for comment. Savage told trict were still receiving hate mail “People, especially educators,
“Being gay, I’ve been attacked a drag queen on nights and the Oklahoman that the district and threats, according to a video are scared because we don’t know
my whole life,” Murnan told The weekends at clubs in Oklahoma had spent about $65,000 since of the meeting obtained by NBC who will be targeted next,” he
Washington Post. “And this publi- City, said he began worrying August on additional security, News. said. “I was working in a dinner
cation wasn’t even a very credible about his job after V1SUT men- administrative help and other Savage said that she was “not theater where people who are
one, so I wasn’t as upset as the tioned him in a newsletter mid- costs. caving to Ryan Walters” but that adults had to buy tickets to watch
school district and Savage fall, but the school district as- “I began working in education bringing “Shane back to the a show; it had nothing to do with
seemed to be for me.” sured him that everything would recently, and it really ignited a building is a risk to safety for all. I my job at the school.”
A few days later, Libs of Tik- be okay. passion in me,” Stafford said, cannot be totally sure that one of For almost three decades, Mur-
Tok, a right-wing social media On the first day of the spring adding that he was considering a those crazies will not show up to, nan’s dream was to be a principal.
influencer with a national follow- semester, however, Stafford, 35, career in public education when quote-unquote, cleanse the build- Now, he said, he’s not sure if he
ing, posted about Murnan, and who was honored as the school’s he was forced to resign. “But ing, which is something I’ve seen can ever return to public educa-
soon after, Walters called for best support staffer in December, Savage and others straight-up over and over again.” tion.

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Wendell Scott, the ûrst

Black NASCAR driver,
is ûnally getting his due
after his death, amid a nation-
wide racial reckoning and the
Elite racer faced overt continued advocacy efforts of his
snubs as racial prejudice family, Wendell Scott is finally
beginning to get his due.
ran rampant in the sport
From moonshine runner to
BY R ICH G RISET If you grew up in Danville in
the 1920s and 930s, you generally
Sliding around the turns, tires had to decide between two lines of
kicking up dirt, Wendell Scott9s work: milling cotton and process-
pale blue 962 Chevy was handling ing tobacco. Scott wanted neither.
better than his competitors9 rides. At an early age, he began learn-
Just ahead of him in first place ing auto mechanics from his fa-
was Richard Petty, driving a ther. After serving as a mechanic
bright blue Plymouth. during World War II in Europe, he
The date was Dec. 1, 1963, and returned home and opened a car
the heavily rutted dirt oval track repair shop. To make ends meet,
of Speedway Park in Jacksonville, he took up running moonshine, a
Fla., had taken out several drivers dangerous and illegal endeavor.
with broken wheels and axles. Like many racers of his era, in-
Then, with 25 laps left in the cluding Baker, Junior Johnson
200-lap race, it was Petty9s turn, as and Curtis Turner, Scott trans-
the track damaged his vehicle9s formed the driving skills he ac- ABOVE: Auto racer Wendell Scott of Danville, Va., on May 24, 1972, with the maroon Chevrolet Monte Carlo he drove at the World 600 in
steering arm. Scott took the lead. quired by running moonshine Charlotte. BELOW: Scott, left, was inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2015, 25 years after he died from spinal cancer.
But he got a shock when he into a racing career.
looked up at the scoreboard, After being indicted for moon- can drive a racecar, you can drive preserve his grandfather9s legacy
which usually listed the numbers shining in 1949 and sentenced to a racecar.= and helps underserved students
of the cars in the top five posi- three years9 probation, Scott was A few weeks after Jacksonville, get an education. The foundation
tions: All the numbers had disap- approached by a promoter for the at a race in Savannah, Scott was recently sponsored Rajah Caruth,
peared. Dixie Circuit, one of NASCAR9s summoned to the scoring stand one of two Black drivers currently
When Scott finished the final competitors. The promoter was and presented with an inexpen- competing full time in NASCAR.
lap ahead of the other drivers, looking for a Black driver to chal- sive block of wood in lieu of the In 2020, NASCAR made head-
there was no checkered flag to lenge the good ole boys at the typical trophy for his Jacksonville lines when it banned Confederate
signal the end of the race. Though track and asked Danville police if win. He felt humiliated. flags at the track, a big decision
Scott had just made history as the they knew of any prospects. Late in his career, at age 51, for a sport so firmly tied to White
first Black driver to win at NAS- Thus began Scott9s profession- Scott borrowed heavily so he Southern culture. NASCAR now
CAR9s top level, his achievement al racing career in 1951. Twelve could finally compete with a first- has multiple diversity initiatives
wasn9t initially acknowledged. In- days in, he won his first competi- class vehicle. and hosts Bubba9s Block Party,
stead, the checkered flag, trophy tion in Lynchburg, Va. He was His first race with his new car, a free festivals aimed at reaching
and victory-circle celebration denied entry into two NASCAR 1971 Mercury Montego, was on Black fans where attendees can
went to Buck Baker, the second- races before an official in Rich- May 6, 1973, at Talladega, NAS- meet Bubba Wallace, the only
place finisher, whom Scott had mond gave him his NASCAR li- CAR9s largest and fastest super- Black NASCAR driver to compete
lapped twice. cense in 1953, making him the speedway. Ten laps in, the engine at its top level other than Scott.
NASCAR officials were report- sport9s first Black racer. of a competitor9s car blew, coating Wallace became the first Black
edly concerned about how a Racism was a constant. In the backstretch with oil. Twenty- driver since Scott to win a NAS-
White crowd would react to a Fredericksburg, Va., a spectator one racers crashed, including CAR race when he finished first at
Black man kissing a White beauty threw a lit firecracker at his son Marty lederhandler/associated Press Scott, who totaled his car, dam- Martinsville, Va., in 2013.
queen in the victory circle, as was Wendell Jr., leaving a bloody aged his right kidney, and broke Scott is also getting his due in
customary for the winning driver. wound on his hand. At a race in been named rookie of the year for draw as much applause as his his left leg, pelvis, right knee and Hollywood. Steven Caple Jr., di-
It was only after the race was over Savannah, Ga., Scott discovered his 1961 debut at the Grand Na- more famous competitors. three ribs. rector of <Creed II= and <Trans-
and the crowd had left that Scott someone had slashed his tires tional level, now known as the Jacksonville was the pinnacle He raced a few more times after formers: Rise of the Beasts,= con-
was declared the winner. around the inside sidewall so that Cup Series. Today, the commen- of Scott9s career. After Baker was the crash but never competed as firmed via email that he9s working
The incident was par for the they wouldn9t go flat but would dation goes to the newcomer with awarded the trophy, NASCAR of- consistently as before. He died in on a project about Scott, though
course for Scott, NASCAR9s first blow out during the race, putting the most points for the season, ficials held a two-hour closed 1990 from spinal cancer. he said he couldn9t disclose more
Black driver and team owner. A his life in danger. After a race in but back then it was more discre- meeting. Finally, Scott was told details. <Like everyone who knew
native of Danville, Va., Scott saw Dover, Del., a spectator handed tionary. That year9s winner had there had been a scoring error. He Long-overdue recognition of Wendell, I was fascinated with
his racing career marred by racial him a drink spiked with a halluci- 3,580 points; Scott had 4,726. had won the race. There was no Though it was slow to support how he handled himself on the
prejudice, manifesting in death nogen. <Wendell Scott won it hands apology, no trophy and no cer- Scott, NASCAR has worked to track and how this black man
threats, slashed tires and deliber- One morning, while driving down,= NASCAR historian and emony, but he did receive the make amends in recent years. broke barriers in an all-white
ate attempts by competitors to alone to a speedway in Rocking- journalist Gene Granger told prize money. In 2015, Scott was inducted sport,= he wrote.
wreck his car. Still, he managed to ham, N.C., Scott came upon a Ku Donovan. In his book, Donovan quotes into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Previously, Scott9s story was
achieve 147 top-10 finishes in 495 Klux Klan roadblock. He later Scott accomplished this using Mike Bell, a spectator whose fa- Two years ago, his family was loosely adapted for the 1977 mov-
career Grand National starts and said he believed the hooded fig- inferior equipment. As he could ther was friends with the NAS- given a replica of the trophy he ie <Greased Lightning,= starring
finished in the top 10 annual ures waved him through because never find corporate backers to CAR track promoter Julian Klein. should have been awarded in Richard Pryor and Pam Grier. He
standings for four seasons. they didn9t realize he was Black give him a proper car, Scott was According to Donovan, Klein told Jacksonville nearly 60 years earli- also inspired the character River
<My father was one of the van- due to his light skin. constantly scrounging together Bell9s father, <I wasn9t about to er. Scott in <Cars 3,= voiced by Isiah
guards of NASCAR history,= said There were also issues with whatever parts he could to make give that man the trophy and let <Obviously, we wish it had hap- Whitlock Jr. And Warrick Scott
Wendell9s son Frank, who served NASCAR itself. NASCAR9s found- his car go. him kiss the trophy queen. & I9d pened sooner,= Frank Scott said. recently filmed an episode of
as part of his racing team along er, Bill France Sr., had close ties <He faced a lot of challenges probably have had a riot at the <It shouldn9t have taken that long <Kevin Hart9s Muscle Car Crew,=
with his six siblings. <With a shoe- with preeminent segregationist just to stay in the sport,= said racetrack if I had.= for the family to get a replica of where he and the comedian dis-
string budget and all of that other politicians, including Sen. Strom Scott9s son Frank, 72, who believes NASCAR maintained for dec- the trophy that he should have cuss his grandfather9s legacy.
adversity that we dealt with dur- Thurmond (D-S.C.) and Gov. he and his brother Wendell Jr. ades that it made an honest scor- gotten 58 years prior, 2,045 races Though Scott was denied the
ing those years, during the Jim George Wallace (D-Ala.). were the only Black pit crew ing error; it declined to comment ago.= widespread recognition he de-
Crow South, his legacy is amaz- Throughout his career, Scott was chiefs in the history of the top on whether this is still its posi- NASCAR now celebrates Wen- served during his lifetime, War-
ing.= denied entry to races, scored and level of NASCAR. (NASCAR says it tion. dell Scott9s life on the first week- rick said his grandfather was con-
Through his fierce determina- paid differently from White driv- doesn9t keep those records.) <It9s <It9s obviously clear that Wen- end of every March, with drivers stantly stopped by racing fans.
tion, skilled driving and mechani- ers, and subjected to needless very expensive, and he didn9t have dell Scott won the race,= said putting a commemorative decal <Wherever he would go, some-
cal talent, Scott was a trailblazer additional inspections that dis- anybody paying his bills.= Brandon Thompson, NASCAR9s on their cars at a race in Las body would recognize him,= War-
and one of the top drivers of his qualified him from races. Though NASCAR devotees current vice president of diversity Vegas. rick said, adding that many of his
era, but he9s still largely unknown In <Hard Driving,= a 2008 Scott were overwhelmingly White, and inclusion. <Wendell was suc- Efforts like these were pushed most effusive fans were White.
outside of racing circles. biography, Pulitzer Prize-winning Scott9s ability, determination and cessful that night and really by the Wendell Scott Foundation, <People would start crying if they
That might be starting to journalist Brian Donovan makes underdog status gained him showed and proved that it doesn9t a nonprofit founded by Scott9s saw him or ask for autographs. He
change. More than three decades the case that Scott should have many fans. By 1965, Scott could matter what color you are. If you grandson Warrick that works to was like a phenomenon.=

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A10 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

AREnA From A1

announcement the next day.

Suddenly, it became clear: He
hadn9t invited the mayor to his
offices to discuss her offer. He9d
done it to tell her she was too late.
<If you would have offered this
to me earlier,= he said, <I would
have accepted it.=
Leonsis9s decision to pull his
teams out of the city represents a
consequential rupture in what
has been a successful partnership
between a three-term mayor and
an owner who had invested in the
District for more than two dec-
ades and pledged to stay there. If
local and state officials in Virginia
sign off, the move could also stall
an economic engine that has
drawn more than 2 million visi-
tors per year to Chinatown, an
roBErT miLLEr/ThE WaShinGTon poST monumEnTaL SporTS & EnTErTainmEnT
area that has lately struggled with
empty storefronts, office vacan- Capital One Arena in D.C.9s Chinatown neighborhood is home to the Washington A rendering of proposed renovations for the arena. Ted Leonsis had wanted the D.C.
cies and crime. Wizards and Capitals. It opened in 1997 as the MCI Center. government to pay for at least half of an $800 million upgrade project.
The construction of a sports
and entertainment complex at
the site Leonsis has chosen in
Alexandria would further shift
wealth and spending to the pros-
perous Northern Virginia sub-
urbs. It would be a legacy-defin-
ing coup for a republican gover-
nor who has flirted with running
for president.
The District faced competition
from Virginia only because Leon-
sis had begun quietly exploring a
new home for his teams in 2022,
after years of complaining about
crime and the noise of buskers
outside his arena. He had come to
believe the mayor was more inter-
ested in other professional sports
teams, particularly the Com-
manders, whom Bowser was
courting to return to the District.
Leonsis first raised specific op-
tions for an arena renovation
John mCDonnELL/ThE WaShinGTon poST CourTESy of JBG SmiTh
with city officials in march 2022.
Talks dragged on for over a year, The site of the proposed Potomac Yard project in Alexandria. State and local officials A rendering of the project. Leonsis liked the idea of bringing all of his facilities
leaving the owner frustrated. still must sign off on Leonsis9s deal with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R). together into one hub and having a <more bespoke experience.=
In her negotiations to keep the
Wizards and the Capitals from
leaving, the mayor was hobbled
by the city9s self-imposed limit on
borrowing, which prevented her
For Leonsis, years of dissatisfaction in Chinatown
from offering the money Leonsis
said he needed upfront. Not until
six days before the meeting at his A rebirth and a honeymoon Wizards and the arena. At a news conference announc- city officials9 lack of urgency in
corporate offices did a major fi- The Chinatown area of down- Chinatown was booming, and ing the deal, Leonsis gave the new addressing conditions around the
nancial transaction allow her to town was pockmarked by empty Pollin was being credited for mak- mayor a peck on the cheek. <I arena.
offer hundreds of millions of dol- lots and vacant buildings in 1994, ing it happen. Law firms were think we have the most dynamic Buskers and street musicians
lars more upfront. when construction contractor moving in, retailers were compet- and accomplished mayor of any 4 sometimes with full drum sets
This account of months of se- Abe Pollin proposed building an ing for storefronts and the side- major city in our country,= he said. and amplifiers 4 were so loud
cret negotiations that culminated arena there. His two professional walks were teeming with visitors. Bowser smiled and bowed. below Leonsis9s office at the arena
in Leonsis9s decision to leave the sports teams, the Capitals and the D.C. renamed the block of F Street They both wanted a long-term that he covered windows with
District draws from interviews basketball franchise then known NW next to the arena Abe Pollin pact to keep his NBA and NHL thick wooden shelving.
with him, Bowser and Youngkin, as the Bullets, had spent years Way. teams downtown. In 2018, three D.C. Council
as well as with more than three playing home games at a stadium Along with the arena, Leonsis Bowser was well aware of the members introduced a bill to
dozen political leaders, govern- in suburban maryland. He want- acquired Pollin9s mortgage 4 price that was paid when crack down on amplified noise,
ment officials and business exec- ed them to play in the heart of the something he has often referred then-D.C. mayor Sharon Pratt an effort spurred by complaints
utives. many of them spoke on the city. to as <the worst building deal in failed to reach a stadium deal from downtown residents and
condition of anonymity to de- The District government of- professional sports.= The Wash- with Jack Kent Cooke, the owner business owners. The measure
scribe sensitive conversations. fered five acres between Sixth and ington Nationals play in a base- of Washington9s NFL franchise, in went nowhere in the face of oppo-
The Washington Post also ob- Seventh streets NW for the proj- ball stadium that was almost the early 1990s. Cooke moved his sition from street musicians and
tained emails and planning and ect, but the city9s finances were in completely paid for by the Dis- team to maryland, and Pratt lost activists who said it would stifle
John mCDonnELL/ThE WaShinGTon poST
financial documents that figured ruins. If Pollin wanted his arena, trict. By contrast, Leonsis pays her reelection bid after one term. cultural expression. Council
into the discussions. he would have to build the $220 around $21 million annually on a Leonsis often spoke of the members introduced the bill
Leonsis, 67, said that in the end million project himself 4 and he mortgage, according to monu- <double bottom line= of doing again in 2019, and again it stalled.
his decision did not hinge on did, borrowing heavily to do it. <He wants a bigger mental. good while doing well. He revital- When council member Brooke
crime, noise or feeling underap- D.C. provided a below-market When Bowser began her first ized the Capitals by drafting stars Pinto (D-Ward 2) took office in
preciated. It wasn9t even about land lease and tax benefits that uplift for his investment term as mayor in 2015, she such as Alexander ovechkin, June 2020, she heard from monu-
money, he claimed. helped pay part of the debt over couldn9t have gotten off to a better turning the team into a source of mental representatives almost
<This was about the future,= he time. The 20,674-seat venue than he could get start with Leonsis. A District na- civic pride as it repeatedly won immediately. They complained
said, and the chance to build opened as the mCI Center in 1997. tive, she had served eight years on division titles and eventually the about crime around the arena,
something special on a bigger Two years later, Pollin sold ma- in Washington. And the D.C. Council and took a more Stanley Cup. He made charitable regulations affecting the business
plot of land. <We can continue to jority control of the Capitals to pro-business approach than some contributions and invested in and and the buskers9 loud noise.
innovate and build new things if Leonsis, a grandson of Greek im- he should be honest of her colleagues. around his arena, then called the <Their displeasure with some
we want, as part of this partner- migrants who became the first in Eight months after she took Verizon Center. of what was going on in the city
ship. It was & well, we can make a his family to graduate from col- about that.= office, the two agreed to build a He told The Post in 2016 that he was very clear, and they made
more bespoke experience.= lege when he got his degree from $65 million, 4,200-seat facility in would never leave. <Have we that known in all of my meetings
D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D),
Bowser, 51, said she9s not sure Georgetown University. Leonsis Southeast Washington where the talked to Virginia? We have not. with them,= Pinto said.
on Ted Leonsis
Leonsis seriously considered the founded a software-catalogue Wizards would practice and two Have we talked to maryland? We In 2021, Pinto co-sponsored the
offers she made last fall given how business and sold it at age 27, other Leonsis basketball teams, have not. I would never do that. council9s third attempt at anti-
valuable a new Virginia arena walking away with $20 million, the Washington mystics and Cap- my goal would be stay where we noise legislation. Again, it failed
could be for monumental Sports and later became a senior execu- ital City Go-Go, would play home are or stay within the city.= to pass.
& Entertainment, his company tive at the early internet giant games. The District paid more Besides the noise, Leonsis was
that he plans to take public. AoL. than 90 percent of the cost, and Frustrations mount concerned about public safety
<I think it9s really simple. Ted After Pollin died in 2009, Leon- monumental brought fans to one As time went on, though, Leon- and the vacancies that spread as
wants to build from the ground sis added a majority stake in the of the poorest parts of the city. sis chafed at what he viewed as office workers remained home
up. He wants a large, undevel- following the worst of the covid-
oped parcel,= she said. <He wants 19 pandemic.
a bigger uplift for his investment <Covid changed the world in
than he could get in Washington. every city,= said raul Fernandez,
And he should be honest about one of monumental9s minority
that.= owners and a friend of Leonsis9s
The agreement between Leon- since their AoL days. <Some cities
sis and Youngkin is not a done handled it better than others, and
deal. It requires passage by the some handled being on the other
Virginia General Assembly and side of covid better than others.=
the Alexandria City Council, Violent crime fell citywide
which together must approve from 2021 to 2022, but it rose 46
borrowing nearly $1.5 billion 4 percent in the area within a half-
and kick in more than $300 mil- mile of the arena, according to
lion for transportation, a parking police data. robberies jumped 84
facility and concert hall. A power- percent.
ful Senate Democrat has objected Leonsis and his staff told the
to Youngkin9s plan, Alexandria D.C. Council and the mayor9s of-
residents have raised traffic con- fice that they weren9t doing
cerns, and Bowser has sparred enough to address violence, drug
with monumental over whether use, homelessness and struggling
Leonsis9s lease requires that the businesses around the arena and
teams remain in the building un- the practice facility in Southeast.
til 2047. The crime was putting staff and
The morning after Leonsis told fans at risk, they said, and they
Bowser she was too late, he and repeatedly asked city officials to
Youngkin stood on a stage togeth- assign more police to the areas
er inside a heated tent at Potomac around monumental9s facilities.
Yard in Alexandria. Bowser dispatched her chief of
They announced that the site, a staff and deputy mayor for plan-
former rail yard, would be the ning and economic development,
new home for the Washington John Falcicchio, to visit Leonsis in
Wizards and Washington Capi- mid-2022. As Leonsis tried to dis-
tals. cuss his concerns about the num-
Although some elected officials ber of businesses closing in the
and Alexandria business leaders area and the increase in crime,
celebrated, there was immediate music from the street below inter-
blowback. D.C. activists protested rupted their conversation.
outside the downtown arena, Al-
exandria residents began orga- Looking to upgrade
nizing in opposition and former By that time, Leonsis had be-
Wizards star Bradley Beal filmed gun to feel that the 25-year-old
a video urging Leonsis to recon- arena9s corridors, retail spaces
sider. on national television, and club-level seating lagged be-
marvin JoSEph/ThE WaShinGTon poST
ESPN host Tony Kornheiser hind competitors and needed to
called the move <villainy.= From left, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.); Matt Kelly, CEO of the developer JBG Smith; Leonsis; and Youngkin at the announcement of the be updated. In march 2022, com-
Potomac Yard project Dec. 13. Youngkin was initially skeptical, but by late October he and Leonsis were warming to a big plan. pany representatives and Falcic-
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A11

chio had begun analyzing three proposals to Monumental aimed

possibilities: a $355 million par- at raising the $400 million. Bows-
tial renovation, an $820 million er9s team offered to give Leonsis
full renovation and a $1.5 billion the land beneath Capital One for
newly built arena. Monumental free and later promised millions
decided to pursue the full renova- in expenditures from a fund cre-
tion, in part because it could yield ated to pay for Nationals Park.
more <high value= seats that were D.C. Council Chairman Phil
closer to the floor and a range of Mendelson (D) 4 who was con-
new luxury and premium suites cerned about what he saw as a
to maximize ticket revenue. lack of progress 4 had begun
The discussions were progress- drafting his own proposal in late
ing enough that Monumental summer, offering the company a
continued to invest in and around share of future taxes generated at
what had been renamed Capital the arena to repay Monumental
One Arena. In 2022, it completed for money it would borrow up-
$125 million in upgrades from the front. He made his own pitch to
previous decade and prepared to the owner on Oct. 11, then met
begin spending another $85 mil- repeatedly with Monumental ex-
lion. ecutives through November. Le-
In December, Leonsis celebrat- onsis aides told Mendelson that it
ed the anniversary with a blog was the first time anyone in D.C.
post. <Cheers to 25 MORE years!= government had given them a
he wrote. <piece of paper= and requested
But behind the scenes, as the that he and the mayor 4 who had
mayor began her third term and not involved Mendelson in her
declared reviving downtown a negotiations 4 align their efforts.
top priority, Leonsis had started <They couldn9t get us a coordi-
to look outside the city. nated $400 million offer. And it
His staff sent criteria for a new was very frustrating,= Leonsis
arena location to economic devel- said. <And then we go to Virginia
opment officials in Virginia, who and it9s a big state with a lot of
began looking for possible sites money with this unbelievable,
on the company9s behalf. once-in-a-lifetime piece of land,=
On Dec. 30, 2022, a state eco- he added. <And they are saying,
nomic development official in 8We can do this.9 That9s what the
Richmond sent emails to several governor said. 8I can get this done.
localities in Northern Virginia. Are you interested?9 And it was,
They were looking for potential 8Yes, we should take the next step
sports arena sites for a <highly because I have nothing firm from
JOhn McdOnneLL/the WashingtOn POst
confidential prospect.= The secret the city.9=
endeavor had a code name, the Leonsis arrives for his Alexandria announcement Dec. 13. In 2016, he had said he would never leave D.C.: <Have we talked to Virginia? On Nov. 13, Leonsis returned to
emails said: <Project Potter.= We have not. Have we talked to Maryland? We have not. I would never do that. My goal would be stay where we are or stay within the city.= Virginia to meet with the gover-
The emails laid out Monumen- nor, who days earlier had seen his
tal9s requirements: 10-12 acres for on the Greater Washington board see whether they could sketch out Youngkin invited Leonsis to the In the meeting, Leonsis raised party lose crucial legislative elec-
the arena, an additional 5-16 acres alongside Leonsis, told her to a deal. 14th-floor offices of a private busi- concerns about crime around the tions that deflated his 2024 presi-
for parking, 5-17 acres for training send him Monumental9s require- Later in June, Alexandria May- ness where they could enjoy ex- arena, but the money was his dential hopes.
facilities and 10-75 acres for a ments. or Justin M. Wilson (D) met with pansive views 4 and meet in primary focus. He said he didn9t Youngkin had agreed to bor-
<mixed-use complex (commer- <I think it will work,= Kelly told Kelly and other JBG Smith execu- secret. like the idea of a tax that would row nearly $1.5 billion for the
cial, residential, entertainment).= Dixon by phone about a week tives in the developer9s marketing Leonsis described his vision for take money out of other business project, with Virginia and Alexan-
Another desire was <a commu- later, Dixon recalled. A spokes- center, where a built-to-scale a sports and entertainment dis- owners9 pockets, and he didn9t dria taxpayers ultimately on the
nity that would welcome the en- woman for JBG Smith declined to model showed the neighbor- trict at Potomac Yard. The gover- want to have to rely on future hook for the debt. Leonsis would
gagement of approximately comment for this story. hood9s potential. nor 4 taking notes, as he often District leaders to follow through have to put up about $400 mil-
2.5M+ people annually through Monumental made little prog- Kelly also invited Sen. Mark R. had when sizing up deals for on Bowser9s promises. He told the lion, the same amount he had
games, concerts and events.= ress that spring in talks with D.C. Warner (D), a JBG Smith investor Carlyle 4 laid out his priorities: mayor he needed the city9s contri- envisioned putting into Capital
Virginia officials came back to officials, particularly after Falcic- and longtime acquaintance of Le- He would not support broad new bution upfront. One, plus make lease payments
Leonsis with a few potential sites chio, the company9s point person onsis9s, to come look at their plan. taxes on Virginians or give public During the previous two dec- once the arena opened.
outside the Beltway. Monumental in the mayor9s office, resigned in Warner was impressed. money directly to the company as ades, the District government Randall Boe, a former general
also had preliminary talks with March after he was accused of <My immediate concern was an incentive. He wanted Alexan- had injected hundreds of millions counsel at Monumental who lived
Maryland officials, who floated sexual harassment. where is the governor going to be dria and the commonwealth to of dollars into economic develop- in D.C. for three decades, said it
the idea of a new arena near the Later that month, Leonsis met on this, where is the community see economic benefits. He wanted ment projects that remade the broke his heart when he heard
teams9 previous home, in with Bowser and, according to going to be,= he said in an inter- to build something special. city: Nationals Park, the conven- discussions with the District were
Landover, according to Monu- Monumental, told her he was view. <That meeting was an impor- tion center hotel, the Yards devel- lagging.
mental. The company wasn9t in- reviewing an option across the Youngkin, 57, a former basket- tant one,= Youngkin said. <And it opment in Southeast, the Wharf <The teams have been part of
terested. Potomac. <You don9t want to go to ball player at Rice University, had was a place where we were able to in Southwest. the fabric of this city for as long as
But Leonsis wasn9t happy in Virginia,= she said twice, accord- risen to the top of the investment construct a shared vision about But Leonsis had shown up I9ve been here,= he said. <I couldn9t
the District, either. He felt his ing to notes taken by two execu- giant Carlyle Group, becoming where we might be able to go.= when the spigot was running dry. understand why the city didn9t
teams were not a top priority for tives present for that meeting and co-chief executive in 2018 before Under a law the D.C. Council move more aggressively on some-
the mayor and her staff, who had described to The Post. In an inter- running for governor in 2021. He 8I have nothing firm from passed more than a decade ago to thing that has been the economic
been working to woo the Wash- view, Bowser said she did not and Leonsis had met before the city9 safeguard the city9s finances and center for a long time.=
ington Commanders from Mary- remember Leonsis raising Vir- Youngkin entered politics, travel- But by Sept. 1, it seemed like improve its bond ratings, pay-
land to their old home on the ginia, adding, <I took Virginia ing in similar social circles in the Youngkin might be out of luck. ments toward debt have to stay A failed Hail Mary
Anacostia River. seriously the whole time.= ultrawealthy Washington-area Bowser and Leonsis broadly beneath 12 percent of total spend- By early December, Leonsis
<I started hearing, 8Well we In April, JBG Smith represen- business class. They spoke about agreed to proceed on the $800 ing. There was nowhere near and members of his ownership
want to bring the football team tatives gave Leonsis his first look the project for the first time in million renovation. Bowser coun- enough capacity for the District group were warming to the idea
back,9= he said. The city9s baseball at the land. They took him up to June. tered Leonsis9s $600 million re- to borrow $800 million, or even of moving to Virginia despite
stadium needed repairs as well, the roof of an office building <I was skeptical simply for lots quest with $432 million 4 a near- $400 million, without violating some of the criticism they knew
he added. <They had to make overlooking the 70-acre site, a of, lots of reasons,= Youngkin said. ly 50-50 split. Leonsis was amena- that 12 percent cap. would come with a divorce from
investments. I go, 8I don9t have a combination of vacant lots, park- <But I was also incredibly in- ble. <The mayor and I went back <We were at 11.9999999 with D.C. Then the District9s financial
high level of confidence that I9m ing and a shopping plaza an- trigued because of the unique- and forth and it9s like, all right, like 10 more nines,= Pinto said. <So outlook changed dramatically.
at the top of the stack.9= chored by a Target. From there he ness of this, and we really began let9s split it,= he said. <Let9s be we didn9t have the ability to bor- The city CFO9s office 4 which is
During a Capitals game last could see the Potomac River, Rea- to assess the opportunity of two partners.= row.= independent of the mayor9s office
year, he griped in the owner9s box gan National Airport, even Capi- teams moving at one time.= They arranged to meet less Bowser9s proposed new tax on 4 had refinanced D.C.9s debt, a
that despite what he contributed to tal One Arena. The two men met in person on than a week later, Sept. 7, in the downtown properties was an at- matter of routine. But officials
the city, its leadership seemed to <When this coalesced to me July 21 in the same Falls Church Walter E. Washington Conven- tempt at a workaround, but Leon- had landed lower interest rates
care more for other teams, and he was when I went out and climbed office complex that houses Young- tion Center. The mayor and her sis wouldn9t go for it. than expected. When the transac-
<couldn9t even get a fruit basket.= on the roof,= Leonsis said. He kin9s political action committee. team, with D.C. Chief Financial On Sept. 8, the next day, he tion closed on Wednesday, Dec. 6,
The mayor9s office got word. could envision how he could Rather than gather in the PAC9s Officer Glen Lee in attendance, traveled to Alexandria to hear it freed up space under the debt
Her staff sent him a gift box with a bring all of his facilities together windowless conference room, made their pitch with a 30-page Youngkin9s counter. cap.
candle and coasters adorned with into one hub. slide deck. Sharing preliminary thoughts The mayor9s team wanted to
D.C. logos. <You go jeez, it9s like, there9s Going into the meeting, Monu- with Leonsis, Youngkin began to use that money for Capital One.
water. I love being on the water. mental staff expected the city to get a sense that there were too The team and Mendelson hurried
For Youngkin and Leonsis, Jeez there9s the airport. I really propose providing its share of the many challenges to overcome. together a glossy new proposal
a shared vision like to fly out of there. And we can project cost upfront. Instead, <There was just some concern offering Leonsis $500 million
D.C. and Monumental were put a hotel and an office building Bowser called for Monumental to that we might not be able to fully over the next three years, an offer
still discussing a possible renova- here. Right now we9re in five front the full cost of the project make this work,= he said. that would allow him to trans-
tion when a chance encounter different places,= he said. <Visit- and for the District government But they kept talking. By late form his arena during the offsea-
brought Potomac Yard to Monu- ing teams could fly in and be at to pay back its share over six to 10 October, both sides were warm- sons and leave District taxpayers
mental9s attention. the hotel and be eating here. Boy, years. City officials promised the ing to a big, ambitious plan, pre- holding the debt, just as he had
In the first week of March 2023, the leagues would love that. The $432 million would come from a sented with slick charts by a pha- been asking for.
Leonsis aide Monica Dixon at- teams would love that.= new tax on properties within a lanx of veterans from the world of Bowser emailed the offer to
tended a board meeting of the With the potentially viable op- two-mile radius of the arena. high finance. The state would Leonsis that Sunday afternoon.
Greater Washington Partnership, tion at Potomac Yard, Leonsis D.C. officials Bowser also offered to invest tens create a stadium authority and <Once again, you will be the
a regional business group. Mak- made his first concrete request of of millions of dollars to build issue two sets of bonds that would anchor of downtown9s transfor-
ing small talk before the meeting the District. On June 7, Monu- <couldn9t get us housing and stabilize the Metro be paid back with proceeds from mation,= she wrote, alluding to
got underway, she told a board mental asked for $600 million system. the project. Pollin, who had chosen to borrow
member where things stood be- toward an $800 million renova- a coordinated The city9s aim was to make Youngkin could feel the mo- all he could 4 more than many
tween Monumental and D.C. The tion. Leonsis a partner in a rebirth of mentum with Leonsis building. thought was wise 4 to invest
board member said he9d just had Leonsis and Bowser agreed on $400 million offer. downtown much in the way the <He said, 8I9d like to try to find a downtown when D.C. was in
breakfast with Matt Kelly, the a Sept. 1 deadline to come to arena did when it opened under way to get this done,9= Youngkin need.
chief executive of the developer terms. That timeline also opened And it was very Pollin. recalled of one phone call during But by the time Bowser met
JBG Smith, who might have space a window for Virginia. In the But Leonsis didn9t want to take that period. <And that was a big with Leonsis two days later,
at Potomac Yard big enough for following weeks, economic devel- frustrating.= the risk Pollin had by borrowing moment.= Youngkin9s team was already
an arena. opment officials from the state all the money upfront with the Aware that Virginia had be- planning his news conference.
Ted Leonsis,
Dixon only had to cross the and the city of Alexandria kept up assurance that the city would pay come a serious threat, in the fall
on problems with negotiations
room to find out. Kelly, who sits regular calls with Monumental to off its share later. District officials made a series of erin cox contributed to this report.

dudLey M. BrOOks/the WashingtOn POst BiLL O'Leary/the WashingtOn POst

Team owner Abe Pollin, center left, and D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, center right, at a groundbreaking Construction of the arena in 1996. Pollin had borrowed heavily to invest in downtown D.C. The city
ceremony for the MCI Center 4 now Capital One Arena 4 in 1995. provided a below-market land lease and tax benefits that helped pay part of the debt over time.
A12 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

lefty driesell 1931-2024

Driesell built
winners but had
a complex legacy
DriESELL from A1
<once, after a particularly criti-
cal column,= Post sports colum-
efforts fell short of a final four nist Ken Denlinger wrote in 1983,
appearance, let alone an NCAA <Driesell charged me in the Terra-
title. pin dressing room, poked a finger
Jonathan neWton/the Washington post
With other coaching stints at in my chest and challenged me to
Davidson College, James madi- a fight outside Cole field House.
son University and Georgia State It never came off.= edly paid the tuition of one for- Ever defiant, mr. Driesell said:
University, mr. Driesell became mr. Driesell9s personality, for mer player seeking to complete <I9ve got a wonderful program. It9s
the first and only coach with 100 better and worse, was forged as a his college degree. a beautiful program. It9s a clean
victories at four colleges. Broad- young man. While coaching high In 1974, the NCAA presented program. What more could you
caster Billy Packer called him <the school basketball in his native mr. Driesell its Award of Valor for want to know?=
greatest program builder in the Virginia, the affable and persua- his actions a year earlier in Betha-
history of college basketball.= sive mr. Driesell worked part time ny Beach, Del. He and two fishing A life in basketball
Yet his success was often over- selling World Book encyclopedias partners saw flames coming out Charles Grice Driesell was born
shadowed by his volcanic temper door to door. He seldom took <no= of a nearby resort complex, broke in Norfolk on Dec. 25, 1931. His
and off-court controversies, most for an answer 4 and was credited down a door and rescued at least father was a jeweler, his mother a
notably the death of star player one year with selling more sets of 10 children from the burning homemaker.
Len Bias from a cocaine overdose encyclopedias than anyone else in building. As a left-handed, 6-foot-5 for-
in 1986. for years 4 until he was the state. <Don9t call me a hero,= mr. ward and center, he won an ath-
finally inducted in 2018 4 mr. <I just kept knockin9 on doors Driesell said, according to the letic scholarship to play basket-
Driesell was considered the best until I found people who wanted Virginian-Pilot. ball at Duke University. He and
coach not to be enshrined in the to buy what I was sellin9,= he told But some of the comments he his childhood sweetheart, Joyce
Naismith memorial Basketball The Post in 1983. made during his coaching tenure Gunter, eloped while mr. Driesell
Hall of fame. He later applied the same re- and mr. Driesell9s devoted sup- was an undergraduate.
He was 92 when he died feb. 17 lentless charisma to basketball port of his players occasionally His wife died in 2021 after
at his home in Virginia Beach, recruiting and coaching. spilled over into controversy and almost 70 years of marriage. Sur-
said his grandson, Ty Anderson. <He was just an incredible questionable decisions. vivors include three daughters,
No cause was given. force,= mcmillen, once the coun- In 1983, a female student at Pamela Driesell Anderson, a Pres-
mr. Driesell (pronounced druh- try9s most-recruited high school maryland accused a player, byterian minister in Atlanta, Pa-
ZELL) revitalized basketball pro- player, told Sports Illustrated in Herman Veal, of sexual miscon- tricia Driesell of Valdosta, Ga.,
grams everywhere he went and, 2017. <He was like a dog that grabs Rich Lipski/the Washington post duct. mr. Driesell came under fire and Carolyn Driesell of West
in 41 years as a head coach, had a your pant leg and won9t let go. TOP: Lefty Driesell during a return to College Park in when the student said the coach Chester, Pa.; a son, Chuck Drie-
losing record only three times. He9s just unyielding.= February 2016. ABOVE: Mr. Driesell talks with had pressured her to drop the sell, who played for his father at
At maryland, mr. Driesell made The player who might have Georgetown coach John Thompson in 1997, when he was complaint, sparking outrage from maryland in the early 1980s and
the Terrapins a perennial force in been mr. Driesell9s greatest re- the men9s basketball coach at Georgia State University. He the campus women9s center. later became a coach, of Bethesda,
the ACC, long considered the cruit, however, never played for also built programs at James Madison and Davidson. <I don9t care about the women9s md.; and 11 grandchildren.
most powerful college basketball him. In 1974, mr. Driesell signed center,= mr. Driesell said. <I9m a After graduating from Duke in
conference in the country, com- Virginia high school star moses men9s center. In my mind, 1954, mr. Driesell had tryouts
peting against Virginia, North malone to a scholarship to play Herman Veal is the victim.= with the NBA but failed to make a
Carolina, North Carolina State for maryland. But, on the day as the country9s top-ranked team, as one of the greatest games in Several players were suspend- team. He took an office job at a
and his alma mater, Duke. classes were to start, malone de- with a 25-1 record. Because of college basketball history. ed from his team for marijuana ford assembly plant in Norfolk,
By the time he retired in 2003, fected and signed a professional conference rules at the time, only <I guess nobody will ever forget possession, but nothing matched but after two years, he took a 50
his 786 victories in Division I contract with the Utah Stars of the winner would advance to the the dang thing,= mr. Driesell later the outcry surrounding the 1986 percent cut in salary to become a
ranked behind only Hall of fame the American Basketball Associa- NCAA tournament. said. death of Bias from apparent co- junior varsity basketball coach at
coaches Bob Knight, Adolph tion, becoming the first player to maryland took an early lead Departing from tradition, mr. caine intoxication, days after he his alma mater, Granby High
rupp and Dean Smith. go from high school to the profes- and led by five points at halftime. Driesell went to the N.C. State bus was the second player chosen in School.
<When you talk about legends sional ranks. In the second half, N.C. State9s to congratulate Sloan9s team. the NBA draft. At Granby and later Newport
and icons in the game of college malone would have joined a towering Burleson lofted one <I9m proud of all of you,= he It was reported that mr. Drie- News High School, he built bas-
basketball you9d better include team that mr. Driesell had built hook shot after another to finish said. <You played a great game to sell allegedly told an assistant ketball dynasties before moving
one Charles 8Lefty9 Driesell,= into a national powerhouse. His with a game-high 38 points. beat my team tonight. Now you coach to clean up the room where on to Davidson College, a small
broadcaster Dick Vitale told 1973-1974 squad might have been When the buzzer sounded at the better go and win the national Bias had used cocaine, but he men9s school in North Carolina, in
Sports Illustrated in 2017. his best ever, but it is remembered end of regulation time, the score championship.= adamantly denied the claim and 1960. With a recruiting budget of
In his third season at mary- more for a game it lost than for was tied at 97. N.C. State advanced to the final in fact said nothing should be $500, mr. Driesell drove around
land, mr. Driesell invented mid- the 23 games it won. <I still remember turning game by defeating seven-time de- disturbed. A grand jury investiga- the country in a Chevrolet station
night madness, the now-ritual Led by Elmore, Lucas, mcmil- around on the bench at one fending champion UCLA in dou- tion cleared mr. Driesell of any wagon, sleeping overnight at gas
practice of opening the team9s fall len and maurice Howard, the Ter- point,= N.C. State coach Norm ble-overtime, 80-77. The Wolfpack wrongdoing. stations, with a pistol in ready
practices at the earliest possible rapins dispatched Duke and Sloan told Sports Illustrated dec- then topped marquette, 76-64, to Still, a cloud hung over the reach.
moment. North Carolina in the first two ades later, <and just saying out win the national title. program, particularly when it <At dawn he would shave in the
Three minutes after midnight rounds of the ACC tournament. loud, 8my goodness, this is a hell of <We wouldn9t have been at the was revealed that five of the Terra- rest room,= a 1969 Sports Illustrat-
on oct. 15, 1971 4 the first day on march 9, 1974, they played a game.9 = final four if we hadn9t escaped pins9 12 players, including Bias, ed story noted, <then express his
basketball teams could practice North Carolina State for the con- mr. Driesell was reluctant to that night,= Sloan told Sports Il- had flunked out of school after the gratitude for the filling station9s
under NCAA rules 4 mr. Driesell ference championship. make any substitutions during lustrated in 1999. <I tell you, it was spring semester in 1986. hospitality by purchasing a dol-
had his players on the track at The Terrapins had a record of the five-minute overtime period: a tragedy a team of maryland9s Even though mr. Driesell had lar9s worth of gas.=
Byrd Stadium for a required one- 23-4 and were ranked No. 4 in the mcmillen and Howard scored 22 caliber wasn9t able to participate= won 348 games in 17 years and Within three years, he had
mile run. The scene was illumi- country. points apiece, Elmore and Lucas in the NCAA tournament. had just signed a 10-year contract, built Davidson into a basketball
nated only by headlights from <Lefty9s team that year was had 18 each. But with seconds maryland chancellor John B. program of national renown. In
cars 4 yet 800 night-owl students probably as good as 20 national remaining in overtime, an ex- A complex legacy Slaughter said the university 1966, he recruited the college9s
came out to watch. champions,= Krzyzewski told the hausted Lucas missed a free Throughout his coaching ca- needed <a greater commitment to first Black player, Charlie Scott,
A year later, 3,000 fans showed Athletic in 2018. throw and threw an errant pass. reer, mr. Driesell was exceptional- the development of the young who decided at the last moment
up for the team9s midnight scrim- North Carolina State, led by N.C. State held on to win, 103-100. ly close to his players and earned men playing in the program.= to attend North Carolina, where
mage at Cole field House in 6-foot-4 all-American David The high-scoring contest, the respect of his peers. He stayed mr. Driesell was forced off the he became the first African Amer-
College Park, launching a tradi- Thompson and 7-foot-4 center played before the shot clock and in touch with his players long sideline and reassigned to an ad- ican to play for the Tar Heels.
tion that has since become almost Tom Burleson, entered the game three-point shot, is remembered after they left campus and report- ministrative job. Davidson advanced to the NCAA9s
universal on college campuses. Elite Eight in 1968 and 1969, only
<I enjoy that people are still to be denied a trip to the final
doing it,= mr. Driesell told The four both times by the Tar Heels,
Washington Post in 2008. <But I led by Scott.
should have got a patent on it.= <People say all I could do was
He developed a reputation as recruit,= mr. Driesell told Sports
one of college basketball9s great- Illustrated in 2017. <Well, the two
est recruiters, with seven of his greatest players I ever recruited
maryland players 4 Bias, Tom never played for me. moses ma-
mcmillen, Len Elmore, John Lu- lone went pro. And Charlie Scott
cas, Brad Davis, Buck Williams just kept breaking my heart.=
and Albert King 4 selected in the After the Bias debacle at mary-
first round of the NBA draft. land, mr. Driesell returned to
mcmillen went on to become a coaching in 1988. He turned
rhodes scholar and member of around a flagging program at
Congress; Elmore became a law- James madison University in
yer and TV basketball commenta- Harrisonburg, Va., then moved on
tor; Lucas was a head coach in the in 1997 to Georgia State Univer-
NBA. sity, where he revived another
maryland won the NIT cham- moribund program, leading the
pionship under Driesell in 1972. team to a 29-5 record and the
Yet he never won a national cham- NCAA tournament in his fourth
pionship and invited plenty of season.
detractors with his on-court an- on New Year9s Day 2003, he
tics, such as stomping on his abruptly retired, saying: <I9m 71
jacket on the sideline after an years old. Why am I still doing
officiating call against his team. this?=
He was angered by a perception Less than a year earlier, mary-
that he was a slick, hustling re- land had won the 2002 NCAA
cruiter rather than an effective men9s basketball title under coach
courtside teacher, such as his col- Gary Williams, finally achieving
leagues Smith of North Carolina, what mr. Driesell had set out to do
mike Krzyzewski of Duke or Dig- decades earlier.
ger Phelps of Notre Dame. After winning the title, Wil-
Notoriously thin-skinned, mr. liams received a letter in his of-
Driesell repeatedly told critics, <I fice.
can coach.= <Gary, YoU have made mary-
When a Sports Illustrated arti- land the UCLA of the East. Con-
cle described maryland9s <helter- gratulations.=
skelter offense,= he sent a letter to It was signed <Lefty.=
the magazine with statistics to toni L. sandys/the Washington post

prove that his team ran an unself- Gary Williams, left, another legendary University of Maryland basketball coach, shakes hands with Mr. Driesell in October 2013 Matt schudel contributed to this
ish, disciplined offense. in College Park. Maryland won the NCAA title under Williams in 2002, earning him a congratulatory note from Mr. Driesell. report.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A13

Trump9s anger at courts, frayed alliances may upend approach to judicial issues
trump from A1 once instrumental, including for- concerned that Trump will be since 2020, according to people according to people familiar with would prefer another nominee 4
mer federalist Society leader convicted of felonies before he familiar with the matter. Their the White House dynamics. but were split on whether to back
for the most part to become Leonard Leo, former White can become president. relationship ended over a heated <I think he became convinced Trump if he wins. Another promi-
judges,= said former White House House counsel and federalist So- A spokesman for Trump did fight in 2020 at mar-a-Lago, that what we were doing was nent Washington lawyer de-
lawyer Ty Cobb, who has since ciety board member Donald mc- not respond to multiple requests where Trump accused Leo of quote successful,= mcConnell scribed debates at a federalist
become a Trump critic, speaking Gahn, or Senate minority Leader for comment. A spokesman for picking rod J. rosenstein to be said in a 2022 interview, describ- Society meeting about what it
of Trump9s first-term appointees. mitch mcConnell (r-Ky.) 4 the mcConnell declined to comment. deputy attorney general, a person ing Trump as <frequently at war would be to work inside again
<I don9t think there9s a chance triumvirate who propelled much mcGahn did not return a request familiar with the matter said. with his own advisers.= and whether they would popu-
that will be the case in a second of his judicial record in the first for comment. Trump9s anger around rosen- As he runs for another term, late the agencies.
term.= term. Leo said he felt Trump would stein centered on his decision to Trump talks about judicial issues At the heart of that debate is an
Trump has more broadly gravi- People close to all three men, continue to nominate conserva- appoint special counsel robert S. in less detail than he did during aversion by many of Trump9s
tated away from the GoP estab- who like others spoke on the tive judges who interpret the mueller III to oversee the Justice his first run. His unwillingness to advisers toward attorneys they
lishment he has long derided but condition of anonymity to be meaning of the Constitution as it Department9s probe of russian speak about the Supreme Court view as institutionalist republi-
learned to work with in his term more candid, said they have con- was written because he does not interference in the 2016 election. and conservative judicial issues can lawyers.
as president. The implications of cerns about Trump winning have much of a choice. He has A person close to Leo said he did has concerned some allies. The Leo, mcConnell and mcGahn
his shift could be significant 4 again but are loath to fight him told others he no longer talks to not recommend rosenstein for former president talks less fre- have expressed reservations
from potentially imperiling a publicly. Similarly, many in the Trump9s advisers and is largely the job. quently than he once did about about what another Trump term
long-observed firewall between conservative legal movement focused on spending billions to mcConnell and Trump have judges and does not plan to make would look like, though they have
the White House and the Justice who have backed away from reshape the country in a more not spoken since late 2020, and judges a centerpiece of his cam- largely stayed away from a public
Department, to appointing law- Trump are reluctant to speak out conservative direction with a fo- Trump has repeatedly called for paign, campaign advisers say, fight.
yers in his administration willing against him, and some have even cus on non-election issues. mcConnell to be removed as the even though conservatives view Some of the informal conversa-
to approve novel approaches to expressed openness about work- <I can9t see a situation where GoP leader of the Senate. the topic as one of his most tions and debates underway in
the law and dare courts to stop ing in a second Trump adminis- Donald Trump doesn9t pick origi- most members of the federal- substantial accomplishments conservative legal circles about a
them, to shifting the nation9s tration, sparking a larger debate nalist judges if he gets a second ist Society board of directors and one that motivated many of second Trump term include Proj-
courts further to the right. in the movement about whether term, because the federalist Soci- declined to comment on the rec- his supporters in 2016. He has not ect 2025, a coalition of right-wing
The former president will be to do so, interviews show. ety has won the philosophical ord or did not respond to a issued a new list of potential groups that has outlined plans
looking for appointees <who are Trump has recently floated debate, and the current court is request for comment. Interviews nominees. for the next republican adminis-
talented and strong and 4 here9s combative lawyers from outside now upholding the rule of law with a dozen other prominent tration. Clark, who is working on
the key ingredient 4 truly com- the traditional legal establish- and the Constitution more than lawyers suggested most had seri- New tensions over a second the Insurrection Act for Project
mitted to helping him accom- ment who go on television to at any other time in modern ous misgivings about Trump re- trump term 2025, has been charged with vio-
plish his agenda,= said mark defend him, such as mike Davis, history. This remains a clear and turning to power but were re- Trump is running on a cam- lating Georgia9s anti-racketeer-
Paoletta, former general counsel as top attorney general candi- necessary path for victory for any signed to the high likelihood he paign focused, at least in part, on ing law, in the case alleging
of the office of management and dates for a second term, telling republican,= Leo said. will be the nominee, and many vengeance and retribution. The Trump and co-conspirators of
Budget under Trump. advisers and donors that his expressed openness to working former president has made it interfering in the 2020 election.
Too many people in the last picks for the job were a mistake Frayed alliances for another Trump administra- clear that loyalty would be a key Clark has pleaded not guilty.
administration, Paoletta said, in the first term because they Trump9s 2016 campaign and tion. criteria in how he makes deci- The involvement of Clark with
<actually disagreed with the pres- were weak or defied him. Davis first term in the White House others described a president sions if returned to office. that effort has alarmed some
ident and tried to thwart him.= He has faced criticism for his com- received a boost from an enthusi- with a transactional view of judg- Trump has signaled that he other conservative lawyers who
noted: <You don9t want fair- ments about imprisoning jour- astic push on the right for con- es but noted that the Senate wants the Justice Department to view him as a potentially disas-
weather appointees in your ad- nalists and caging children if he servative judges and deregula- would still need to confirm his go after his political opponents, trous choice to take a senior
ministration,= and, <your lawyers became attorney general, com- tion 4 with many willing to nominees, offering a backstop for and his associates have drafted leadership role at the department
should be as aggressive as possi- ments which he said were made overlook other concerns about those who are unqualified or too plans to invoke the Insurrection because of his past activities
ble to help the president carry out in jest. Trump in pursuit of those goals. extreme. Senators also have sig- Act on his first day in office, around the 2020 election. A rep-
his agenda.= In an interview, Davis, presi- Under the Trump administra- nificant influence over their which would allow him to send resentative for Clark did not re-
When Trump first ran for the dent of the Article III project, a tion, the GoP-controlled Senate home-state lower court judicial the military against civil demon- spond to a request for comment.
White House, prominent mem- conservative judicial advocacy confirmed 174 district court judg- nominees. strations. Near the end of his time Despite the swirling concerns,
bers of the federalist Society gave group, said, <President Trump9s es, 54 circuit court judges and <He9s the leading candidate, so in the White House, he repeated- some attorneys on the right do
him the names of hundreds of next generation of judges will be three Supreme Court justices 4 I don9t know that it matters what ly complained that his White not expect a public outcry against
prospects to nominate for the even more bold and tough.= shifting the balance of the high- I think,= said Brent o. Hatch, a House Counsel9s office wasn9t Trump, noting that many have
federal bench and worked with others, including former est court to a 6-3 conservative lawyer who is on the board of the doing enough to help him over- often fallen in line behind him.
him to create a list of potential Trump Justice Department offi- majority. During his campaign federalist Society. turn the election results. His rob Kelner, a prominent con-
Supreme Court justices that he cial Jeffrey Clark, one of six rallies and events, Trump often Even while he was in the White attorney general resigned after servative lawyer, said more con-
promoted publicly. In office, unnamed co-conspirators re- likes to highlight the total, House, Trump grew frustrated he would not back up his claims. servative lawyers should have
Trump drew from that roster and ferred to in Trump9s indictment though he has exaggerated it. with some judicial nominees his There is a heated debate un- spoken up against Trump, but
other recommendations to stock in a federal election interference In a 2022 interview with The allies recommended to him and derway in conservative legal cir- that it would cost them business
his administration with their al- case, are at the center of informal Washington Post, mcConnell re- whose decisions he disagreed cles about how GoP lawyers and relationships.
lies, shift the high court to the discussions about a second term, called that Trump9s first candida- with, according to one person should interact with what in- <There were so many positions
right and appoint hundreds of prompting some alarm in con- cy had worried many conserva- familiar with Trump9s dynamic creasingly appears to be the likely he took and so many statements
other federal judges. He claimed servative legal circles. tives at the time but that his with the federalist Society. He nominee, according to conserva- that he made that flatly contra-
credit for landmark conservative The former president9s actions Supreme Court list and picks had also thought that Leo took too tive lawyers who described the dicted the foundational princi-
victories such as the Supreme on Jan. 6, 2021, when a pro- calmed their nerves and that his much credit for his judicial rec- private talks on the condition of ples of the conservative move-
Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Trump mob stormed the U.S. bargain with Trump had moved ord, this person said. anonymity. The discussions in- ment and the federalist Society,
which had established a constitu- Capitol, left some conservative the country <right of center.= In the first Trump term, Leo, clude whether they would return and yet it was so rare to hear
tional right to abortion. lawyers 4 who resolved to reap That bargain has frayed in key mcConnell and White House law- to work for Trump. conservative lawyers speak out
Trump now rails against the the benefits of Trump9s presiden- ways since Trump left office. yers learned that he usually ac- one prominent lawyer de- against Trump,= Kelner said.
federalist Society privately, ac- cy while ignoring many of his Trump and Leo, a prominent cepted the names they brought scribed a November dinner he
cording to advisers. He no longer excesses 4 believing he had gone conservative lawyer influential in him and liked to brag about his attended where almost all the Devlin Barrett contributed to this
speaks to many lawyers who were too far. Some said they also are his first term, have not spoken record number of appointees, attorneys in the room said they report.


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A14 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

EXPERIENCE What9s next after fraud case against Trump?

BY J ONATHAN O 9 C ONNELL, elder sons, Donald Trump Jr. and mortal sin,= Engoron wrote, refer-
S HAYNA J ACOBS Eric Trump, from doing so for two ring to the two Catholic catego-
AND M ARK B ERMAN years. The judge ordered that the ries of wrongdoing, the first being
company operate under the close minor offenses and the second
Former president Donald eye of two overseers, a monitor being grave offenses to God. <De-
Trump, his adult sons and other and an independent director of fendants did not commit murder

with one of the top executives at the Trump Or-

ganization on Friday were or-
dered to pay hundreds of millions
compliance, to ensure that the
company complies with financial
reporting obligations.
or arson. They did not rob a bank
at gunpoint. Donald Trump is not
Bernard Madoff. Yet defendants

of dollars in penalties following a are incapable of admitting the
civil fraud trial in which a judge Were Trump9s adult sons and error of their ways.=
found they had carried out a other Trump Org. executives
years-long scheme to use false also fined? Who brought the case?

Custom Fit
financial data to borrow money at Donald Trump Jr. and Eric New York Attorney General Le-
lower rates. Trump were fined $4 million titia James sued the Trump Or-
Trump himself was ordered to each. Two former top Trump Or- ganization and its top executives,
pay more than $354 million, plus ganization officials 4 Allen Weis- including Donald Trump. The

Hearing Aids
interest that so far is estimated to selberg, the former chief financial lawsuit alleged that the company
total about $100 million. He and officer, and Jeffrey McConney, routinely inflated the value of
others were banned for years who reported to him 4 were Trump9s real estate empire to ne-
from taking leadership roles in blocked from working as direc- gotiate better interest rates from
companies in New York state. tors or officers for any New York lenders and to cut down on insur-

Ever Made! Here9s what to know about the

case, the verdict and its impact.
Can Trump pay 4 and will he
corporation for three years. Weis-
selberg was found to be liable for
$1 million in ill-gotten funds, and
both he and McConney were
ance policy costs. Engoron ruled
for James, and wrote on Friday,
<The frauds found here leap off
the page and shock the con-
appeal? banned for the rest of their lives science.=
The short answer is yes to both. from working in <the financial Hours after the judge issued
Trump said shortly after the ver- control function= of any New York his verdict, James spoke to re-
dict that he plans to appeal. company. porters, pushing back against a
Bloomberg Billionaires Index central argument of Trump and
Who is the judge who levied
Now Now recently estimated the former
these penalties?
his lawyers: that no one was
president9s net worth at $3.1 bil- harmed by the way the company
You You lion, with about $600 million in New York Supreme Court Jus- valued its properties.
See It... Don9t! cash assets. The fine could con- tice Arthur Engoron is a veteran <I want to be clear: White-col-
sume more than half of those jurist nearing the end of his ca- lar financial fraud is not a victim-
assets 4 a big chunk of his fortune reer. He worked as a law clerk for less crime,= James said. <When
4 potentially prompting the com- a state court judge and in private the powerful break the law and
pany to sell more real estate if it practice before taking the bench take more than their fair share,
" 48 channel digital signal processing wants to free up cash. Last year,
Forbes downgraded its estimate
in 2003.
Engoron presided over
there are fewer resources avail-
able for working people.=
of the former president9s net Trump9s 10-week business fraud
" Engineering allows 1,0009s of custom settings worth to $2.5 billion, $600 mil- trial this fall, interspersing con- What other financial
penalties has Trump faced
lion less than its previous esti- tentious moments with jokes and
" Controlled by state-of-the-art software mate.
Trump still could make a lot
sometimes growing impatient
and irritated with Trump9s antics Trump, who is the leading Re-
more money, however, from paid inside the courtroom and in pub- publican candidate for the 2024
speeches, promotional business- lic remarks. The judge also some- Republican presidential nomina-
es and the golf courses, hotels and times had to referee disputes be- tion, faces $88.5 million in judg-
resorts that he operates. A review tween Trump9s defense team and ments from two other civil law-
SCHEDULE YOUR $20 VALUE by The Washington Post last July
showed that Trump had earned
the attorney general9s office.
In October, Engoron placed a
suits in the past year, both
brought by the writer E. Jean
about $1 billion since his presi- gag order on Trump after the Carroll. A Manhattan federal jury

dency ended. On Thursday, the former president posted on social in January ordered Trump to pay
* parent company of Truth Social, media about the judge9s law clerk Carroll $65 million in punitive
the former president9s social me- and included a picture of her. The damages and $18.3 million in
dia platform, won a key merger order forbade Trump or others to compensatory damages for de-
approval, which could give talk about court staff. Trump was faming her, after a different civil

Comprehensive Trump a stake worth nearly $4

Can Trump still operate his
fined $15,000 for violating the
order twice.
The judge did not hold back in
his ruling on Friday, saying
jury found last year that Trump
had sexually abused the writer
decades ago and defamed her
when she publicly accused him of

Hearing Evaluation business in New York state?

New York Supreme Court Jus-
tice Arthur Engoron barred
Trump from serving as an officer
Trump and other defendants had
<submitted blatantly false finan-
cial data= to accountants, causing
the flawed financial statements to
wrongdoing. The first jury or-
dered Trump to pay Carroll $5

AND RECEIVE A or director of any New York firm

for three years. He barred Trump9s
<This is a venial sin, not a
Devlin Barrett and Azi Paybarah
contributed to this report.




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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A15

Fraud trial ruling puts Trump business9s continued family control in doubt
geous= and that it was <based on
nothing other than having built a
Judge restricts corporate GREAT COMPANY.=
activities of former Clifford S. Robert, an attorney
for the two elder Trump sons,
president and 2 sons called the decision <gross injus-
tice= and said he was confident it
would be overturned on appeal.
BY J ONATHAN O 9 C ONNELL Trump still has the ability to
make lots of money, not only
For more than 100 years, since through the golf courses, hotels
Donald Trump9s grandfather and resorts that he operates but
started buying land in New York through speeches and other pro-
City, the Trump family has run a motional businesses. A Washing-
real estate business in New York. ton Post review last July showed
Barring a successful legal ap- earnings of about $1 billion since
peal of Friday9s decision by a New his presidency ended. And on
York Supreme Court judge, that Thursday, the parent company of
could change. Truth Social won a key merger
In his ruling during a months- approval, which could give
long civil trial brought against Trump a stake worth nearly $4
Trump and his business by New billion based on recent stock
York Attorney General Letitia values.
James (D), Justice Arthur F. A silver lining for Trump on
Engoron prohibited Trump from Friday was that Engoron vacated
serving as an officer or director his own earlier order to cancel all
of any New York firm for three of Trump9s business <certificates=
years. He barred Trump9s elder in the state. Had that order,
sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric which was already stayed by an
Trump, from doing so for two appellate court, been enforced,
years. experts said, Trump would have
Trump9s eponymous company, had to sell or transfer his mar-
Trump Organization, is already quee New York properties, in-
operating without a chief finan- cluding Trump Tower.
cial officer or a controller, ac- The former president did not
cording to the ruling. say Friday who would lead his
<There is no one at the finan- company should Engoron9s rul-
Jeenah Moon For the Washington Post
cial helm. There9s no CFO, no ing stick, forcing out Trump9s son
controller, and now you don9t Trump Tower in March. Beyond its nine-figure sum in penalties, the ruling bars former president Donald Trump from serving as an officer Eric, who has been running the
have Eric Trump, Donald Trump or director of any New York firm for three years 4 and his two elder sons from doing so for two years 4 barring a successful appeal. Trump Organization since 2017.
Jr. or Donald Sr. running it,= said Donald Trump could turn to
Boston College law professor Bri- York state for three years. That the Republican presidential ly to put serious strain on other Trumps to keep the compa-
an Quinn. includes entities affiliated with nomination 4 has moved some Trump9s business in a way that ny in his family9s hands. His
Whoever takes over the com- the company9s office building at of his wealth out of real estate hasn9t happened to date,= said daughter Ivanka was a senior
pany will face a host of challeng- <This is going to be 40 Wall Street and its hotel in developments and into more liq- New York Law School adjunct real estate executive before she
es in the short term. Chicago, as well the Trump Or- uid, cash positions, according to professor Steven M. Cohen, a left business for politics. Her
After finding that Trump Or- a business that will ganization itself. financial filings he9s made with former top official in the New husband, Jared Kushner, has real
ganization executives had en- There are enormous fines and the government. York attorney general9s office, estate experience. Perhaps Don-
gaged in years of fraud by inflat- look very different. ... It penalties to pay, provided they, Bloomberg Billionaires Index citing Friday9s decision and the ald Trump9s wife, Melania, the
ing their property values to get too, are not overturned on ap- recently estimated Trump9s net recent $83.3 million verdict in E. former first lady, would want to
better insurance and tax rates, can be a family-owned peal. Engoron ordered Trump to worth at $3.1 billion, with about Jean Carroll9s defamation law- give it a go.
Engoron ordered that the com- pay $354 million in penalties for $600 million in cash assets. The suit. Otherwise, Quinn said, the
pany operate under the close eye business, but it won9t be ill-gotten real estate deals, such fines and penalties levied by Cohen said Trump would have company may have to evolve
of two overseers, a monitor and as the sale of his luxury D.C. Engoron could eat into well over to post a bond covering full away from the model that
an independent director of com- a family-run business hotel, plus around $100 million half of that fortune, accumulated amount he owes in penalties and brought it success and notoriety
pliance, to ensure compliance in interest. His adult sons were over many years, and could interest before he appeals En- for generations.
with financial reporting obliga- for the next several each ordered to pay more than prompt the company to sell more goron9s ruling. <This is going to be a business
tions. $4 million 4 an amount equal to real estate if it wants to free up The recent verdicts, he added, that will look very different,=
In other words, Trump can years.= profits they made on the sale of cash. Last year, Forbes down- are <the one-two punch that I Quinn said. <It won9t be a family-
remain the owner, but he has lost the D.C. hotel 4 while the Trump graded its estimate of the former think are going to begin causing run business. It can be a family-
Brian Quinn,
control. Organization9s former financial president9s net worth to $2.5 real problems= for Trump9s fam- owned business, but it won9t be a
Boston College law professor
The ruling also bars a number chief was ordered to pay $1 mil- billion, $600 million less than its ily business. family-run business for the next
of the company9s units directly lion. previous estimate. In response to the ruling, several years.=
implicated in the ruling from Since entering politics, Trump <The financial penalties that Trump wrote on Truth Social, his
seeking loans from any financial 4 who is again running for the are being placed on Trump and social network site, that the shayna Jacobs in new York
institutions registered in New White House and is closing in on the Trump Organization are like- penalty amount was <outra- contributed to this report.

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A16 ez re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

PhoTos by alexaNdre Cruz-NoroNha for The WashiNgToN PosT

In Amazon, ABOVE: A woman takes her

son to be baptized at the
Catholic church in São José do

a moment Divino. Only the priest, who

visits once a year, can perform
baptisms, hear confession and

of spiritual offer Communion. LEFT,

CLOCKWISE: Religious
imagery in the Catholic church

decision in São Miguel; Father Moisés

Oliveira at a Mass in São José
do Divino; children attend Mass
in the village of Praia dos Paus;
AMAzOn from A1 a child rests in a window at the
Catholic church in São Miguel.
chain saw, the pastor looked no
different from thousands of oth-
ers struggling to survive along the
Purus. But followers said he9d
been touched by divine provi-
dence. He was rumored to have Christianity 4 sometimes called
banished malevolent spirits and charismatic or Pentecostal 4
cured illnesses. He claimed to be which often entailed speaking in
illiterate but somehow read the tongues and faith healing and
Bible with fluency. Wherever he emphasized a daily struggle be-
went, Catholics renounced their tween good and evil. one promi-
church and followed him. nent poll showed that slightly
The next day, father moisés more people already identified as
would step up to the altar of the evangelical than Catholic across
Catholic church and be forced to most of the Brazilian Amazon.
reckon with the pastor9s impact. The unique challenges posed
He didn9t know how many faith- by the rainforest 4 immense size,
ful he9d find in the pews at the wide dispersion of villages, few
annual mass or whether the com- roads 4 had exacerbated the
munity could still even be consid- church9s shortage of priests. Some
ered Catholic. He could only be communities were going a full
sure that whatever was happen- year without seeing a member of
ing in São miguel was not unique the clergy. The bishops urged
to it. radical change: Grant priestly
In his 36 years, father moisés powers to married men, breaking
had witnessed a marked retreat with the bedrock tenet of clerical
of Catholicism across Latin celibacy, and increase the reach of
America, where evangelical Prot- the cloth. <We have to change,=
estants were increasingly chal- pleaded one Amazon bishop,
lenging its historic dominance. Wilmar Santin.
The collapse had been particular- But the Catholic Church did
ly swift in the priest9s own Brazil not, and father moisés, one of
4 the church9s strongest redoubt only 78 priests in a swath of forest
by measure of Catholic adher- larger than Illinois, returned to
ents. His vast, deeply Christian the rivers of Acre state to do what
country, whose Catholic roots he could.
reached back to Portuguese colo- motoring down the Purus, sev-
nization, was now being reborn eral days before his visit to São
evangelical. miguel, he rubbed his beard and
In the roughly two decades squinted through rain-splattered
since he entered seminary, the glasses at the horizon. He was
number of evangelical churches halfway through a religious expe-
had tripled, according to the In- dition along the Purus, which, by
stitute of Applied Economic re- some measures, was easier to
search, and now accounted for 7 travel than the three other rivers
out of 10 religious establish- in his domain. Those trips often
ments. Nearly 180 million of his involved 10-hour boat rides down
fellow Brazilians 4 84 percent of log-strewn creeks and jungle
the population 4 were baptized treks by donkey. But the Purus
Catholic, Vatican statistics show. was challenging for other rea-
But so many had turned away sons.
from his church that soon, de- He passed one evangelical
mographers say, if not already, church on the river9s edge, paint-
Brazil would for the first time no ed brilliant blue. Then another,
longer be majority-Catholic. shining green. This entire river
father moisés left his boat on had once been Catholic. But now,
São miguel9s riverbank and many communities no longer
walked toward the settlement. even warranted a priestly visit.
Something already didn9t feel There were virtually no Catholics
right. At a time when most left.
Amazon communities would be He sped up the boat.
alive 4 villagers delighting in the So much about this land had
coolness of dusk 4 the village was been foreign when he first arrived
abnormally quiet. No music, no as a priest here in 2016 and
laughter. assumed command of the parish
father moisés learned that the in nearby Sena madureira. Born
pastor had just taken 18 village in the wealthy southern state of
converts with him to visit a dis- Santa Catarina, he9d never before
tant evangelical church. Even attended Thursday night prayer. her mother. Then she, too, began ment in impenetrable black, fa- n the autumn of 2019, scores slept in a hammock or piloted a
those who had once volunteered
inside the Catholic church were
turning away from it and toward
Contemplated a future in Catho-
lic ministry. Waked up in the
middle of the night to chant the
to waver.
Tomorrow, rosa and the rest of
São miguel would have to decide.
ther moisés lowered his husky
frame into a hammock. He sat
looking out toward the river. out
I of bishops from the Amazon
forest traveled to rome with
an urgent warning for Pope
riverboat. He9d also never seen
the Catholic Church in such trou-
ble. In manaus, the Amazon9s
him 4 people like rosa Costa de rosary. But her family, one of São Who would go to the annual there, in its dark waters, he heard francis: The Catholic Church was largest city, the number of evan-
Souza, 23, once seen by church miguel9s most devout, splintered mass? Which faith would the the rumble of a boat engine. losing its hold on the region. gelical churches had quadrupled
leaders as one of São miguel9s after hearing the words of the villagers choose? <That9s him out there,= a villag- People were converting to more in two decades, according to the
most promising Catholics. She9d pastor. first went her aunt. Then As evening shrouded the settle- er said. <The pastor.= expressive forms of evangelical order of Amazon Evangelical
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post ez re A17

PhoTos by alexaNdre Cruz-NoroNha for The WashiNgToN PosT

ABOVE: A woman and her baby the home of his rival, the pastor.
under a mosquito net in São
José do Divino. The region has igh above the river, Leudo
been hit by dengue fever,
carried by mosquitoes. RIGHT:
The village of São Miguel.
H alencar could see nothing
but forest, water and sky.
after so many years of religious
BELOW LEFT: A girl in São struggle along the purus, he en-
Miguel holds a rosary. She also joyed the isolation of this house,
has a keychain with the image where, he liked to say, <i hide
of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, myself away= from those who
patron saint of Brazil. BELOW might wish him harm. Seclusion
RIGHT: Rosa Costa de Souza, seemed particularly important in
23, at home in São Miguel. São Miguel, where pastor Leudo,
Once a devoted Catholic, she is 50, knew that his work opening
now an evangelical Protestant. the community9s first evangelical
church had made him powerful
He was no stranger to risk.
that had been the life he chose
decades earlier, when he attended
Ministers, rising to a staggering his first evangelical celebration
8,500. the situation of catholics and, at age 18, found not only a
in the region9s rural hinterlands, new faith but his life9s mission: to
where he alone served 88 commu- evangelize along the purus and
nities, was even more unsettling challenge the long dominance of
to catholics. catholicism.
For the faithful in the rural He had built his first church at
amazon, where many have al- the river9s edge in the mid-1990s
most no access to priests, catholi- in the community of novo
cism9s most fundamental rituals amparo. the reception was un-
were largely out of reach. Only the like anything he had expected.
clergy can baptize children, mar- people came in droves, desperate
ry couples, hear confession and for god. it convinced him, he
offer communion. these villag- said, of the weakness of the cath-
ers were, in the words of the olic church. its priests, largely
catholic church, <burdened= by outsiders, were entirely absent.
unfulfilled religious obligations. their scholarship was another
the rain was picking up, pin- barrier. in a region where few had
pricking his bare arms. He pulled much formal education, people
on his black coat. couldn9t relate to them. But they
part of Father Moisés wanted did to him 4 an illiterate farm-
to believe that missions like his hand who hadn9t needed the vow
kept catholics loyal. But most of poverty taken by some priests
days, he felt he was on the losing because poverty was all he9d ever
side of Brazil9s holy war. it had known.
taken him 12 years to become a that first church led to an-
priest. Every new catholic church other, in Ramal. and another, in
had to be registered by the archdi- Sardinha. His expansion along
ocese. But anyone could pick up a the purus made him a figure of
Bible, call themselves a pastor respect among the area9s promi-
and open an evangelical church. nent evangelicals, but also
pastors lived and preached in plunged the river into religious
villages he visited once a year. division. the catholics who
catholics, freighted by so much didn9t convert blamed him for it.
bureaucracy and history, couldn9t His wife, charide Luz de
compete. He couldn9t compete. albuquerque, 48, often asked him
Father Moisés had witnessed to slow down. <they criticize and
the fallout in places like São reject us,= she said she told him
Miguel, where catholic leaders once. <they won9t let us up into
complained with increasing bit- their houses.=
terness about the slipping loyalty But he9d rarely encountered
of people like Rosa, who was now such disdain as in São Miguel.
saying the pastor had shown her When he arrived in early 2020,
god in a new way. pastor Leudo found a community
and Father Moisés had seen it whose geographic isolation had
again earlier that very day, in the largely buffered it from the reli-
village of São José do divino, gious transfiguration of the for-
where every year seemed to bring est. the settlement9s social and
a new evangelical church. religious hierarchy was firmly es-
<How many families are still tablished.
catholic?= the priest had asked at the top was the Queiroz
several villagers. family, whose members owned
nervous laughter. much of the land in São Miguel,
<i could count them on one lived in concrete houses and ran
hand,= a person had finally said. the catholic church. Below them
Father Moisés hadn9t replied. were impoverished congregants
He9d just lowered his head and like Rosa. She resided in a wood-
later walked along the river to the plank shack, washed clothing in a
village chapel. it had recently creek below and didn9t own a
been built with parish money and phone. She barely knew anyone
painted a bright teal. But 10 min- from outside São Miguel.
utes before he was set to celebrate pastor Leudo, who believed
the annual Mass, it had sat va- god had granted him vision and
cant. by six families, and Father Moisés to worry. the conditions weren9t evangelical pastor had recently en. Father Moisés climbed into the power to heal, said he saw a
<people normally come at the was trying to focus on the next good for a high turnout. closed his church and moved his boat. He motored onward to a demon at work in the village. it
hour,= he said. community ahead, so small it But when he reached the away. this time, for this moment, community where he feared the had caused a woman to consider
then, at the hour: <people didn9t even appear on the map. church, the scene looked it was the catholic church that reception would be different. as suicide. driven a man to abuse
should still be coming.= When he arrived at praia dos snatched from another time. it felt ascendant. he came around the final bend, alcohol. Left a housewife twisted
and: <Let9s wait a little longer.= paus, he saw it had been swept by was overflowing with people. in <this isn9t my work,= Father closing in on the village of São by anger. When the village girl
now, it was hours after that dengue fever. no one came down the back, the faithful were stand- Moisés rejoiced. <it9s god9s.= Miguel, he saw atop the bluffs a Maírla campo de Souza, 12, was
Mass, which had been attended to greet him. Father Moisés began ing shoulder-to-shoulder. an the sky outside began to dark- single wood-plank house. it was cOntinuEd On nExt pagE
A18 ez re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

from previous page

found dead, hanging from a cord

tied to her balcony9s rafters,
pastor Leudo was sure it had been
the demon that had killed her. at
her funeral, he warned the vil-
lage: if it didn9t find its way to
god, he prophesied, others would
His evangelical church grew,
and his followers believed that
god rewarded their faith. The
demon, he said, was expelled. No
one else died.
But he knew that the Catholics,
less likely to see the Devil in daily
struggles, didn9t view it his way.
They called him an interloper, a
charlatan. one man threatened to
physically destroy his church,
pastor Leudo said, others to do it
with a lawsuit. more painfully, he
said, some blamed him for
maírla9s death. They said he9d
brought the demon to são
miguel. The leader of the village9s
Catholic church, adelson
Queiroz, would barely speak to
He wanted to tell adelson they
weren9t enemies, but allies. Those
whom adelson couldn9t reach
with Catholicism, pastor Leudo
could bring to god through evan-
gelicalism. But he didn9t know if
adelson would listen. many of the
villagers attending pastor Leudo9s
celebrations had been close to
adelson. Young rosa, whom
pastor Leudo had seen more and
more of in recent months, had
been like a daughter to adelson,
someone he had been grooming
for Catholic leadership.
pastor Leudo9s wife began to
worry that with feelings so raw,
PhoTos by alexaNdre Cruz-NoroNha for The WashiNgToN PosT
people in são miguel might want
to harm them.
adelson, she warned, was a ABOVE: Father Moisés baptizes a baby in São Miguel. LEFT:
dangerous man. Evangelical pastor Leudo Alencar sits with his Bible outside his
house on the Purus. The pastor, who came to São Miguel in early
nable to sleep, again, adel- 2020, is said to have banished malevolent spirits and cured

U son, 53, rose from bed just

before 4 a.m. and padded
through his darkened house to
illnesses. He claims to be illiterate but reads the Bible fluently.

the television. He had never slept

well. But lately, with father
moisés9s visit just two days away,
worry seemed to keep him up Detail
Ia Madureira brazil
every night. His thoughts would c
race, looping around a single

question: How?

How had são miguel, a com-


são Paulo
munity founded by his family in
1901, turned into something he
no longer recognized? How had NO RTH
so many friends become strang-
ers? How much more could he Route that Father
take before he packed up and left? Moisés Oliveira took
adelson, a sturdily built cattle to São Miguel
rancher with a large scar on his
forehead, turned on Catholic pro-
gramming. a prerecorded prayer
service was on. He sat, folded his
hands and joined in, chanting a

chaplet he knew so well: <for the


sake of His sorrowful passion,


ive r
have mercy on us and the whole sR

world &=
P ur
adelson knew são miguel had
never been an easy place to live. bo c a
many of its 27 families had little
to eat beyond what was grown, d o a cre
fished or hunted. illiteracy was
widespread. The nearest town
was three hours away by boat. But oriente
to adelson, são miguel9s wealthi-
est resident and owner of nearly
2,000 cattle, this had been a hap- São
py place, unified by a common Miguel
faith and sense of community. He 2 Miles
said he9d always tried to help haNNah dorMido, TiM MeKo aNd laris KarKlis / The WashiNgToN PosT
those in need, slaughtering cattle
to feed the hungry, providing
internet access to anyone who
wanted it, building a Catholic Didn9t the Word come from god, didn9t reply.
church beside his house so people not school? she also questioned Ten minutes past the sched-
had a place to pray. Then, in early Catholic imagery: all the crosses, uled start time, the priest stood
2020, a wiry outsider arrived chalices and clerical vestments. up. father moisés said he could
looking for work, and everything Hadn9t the Bible forbidden idola- wait no longer.
changed. try? <Let9s go,= he said.
adelson couldn9t understand in late 2022, after her mother far above the banks of the
the pastor9s appeal and, at first, and sister converted, she stopped purus, in a forested area people
didn9t take him seriously. The attending Catholic services. Her called the highlands, one of the
pastor had none of the religious grandfather, who ran the local absent was peeling cassava with a
training of the Catholic priest- church with adelson, said she9d long knife.
hood. The services held at his betrayed them. Her father said he rosa had awoken early that
church 4 which he built gallingly didn9t understand. adelson said morning, as dawn broke across
close to the Catholic church 4 nothing at all. the purus, flat and gray. in years
made even less sense to adelson. poured into the house. He rose, her in the church. Now he won- Catholic church. But she never The loss of that relationship past, she would have been busy
Just a lot of shouting and crying turned off the television and went dered whether she9d even come to went, worried that their church brought her to tears. she wished preparing for the Catholic
and indecipherable tongues. outside. The view from his balco- the annual mass. harbored demons. she became that adelson could see she was church9s most important day of
adelson didn9t know how anyone ny was expansive 4 verdant pas- curious only after one aunt, who9d still the same person. Just be- the year. But instead, on this
could see god in that noise. it tures, horses and cattle, a pond here had been a time not struggled with depression, had cause her religion was changing morning, she had met with her
stunned him that some did. and
that even more then followed.
But adelson recognized the ex-
rich with fish. Nowhere made
him feel closer to god. But adel-
son increasingly felt like he9d let
T long ago when rosa
thought little of the pastor.
Her family was one of são
converted and appeared to im-
prove. so one Thursday evening,
rosa went to meet the aunt at her
didn9t mean she was. Just because
she was rejecting Catholicism,
didn9t mean she was rejecting
mother and sister, and they9d set
out into the forest.
rosa sat on a grassy patch,
tent of change in his community Him down. Catholicism had been miguel9s most faithful, and she worship service. she looked in- him. foraged for cassava and smiled.
only after the girl maírla was brought here by his forefathers, recalled never doubting that her side. But that conversation never <i9ve made my decision,= she
found dead. adelson had known but he hadn9t safeguarded that rightful place was in the Catholic it wasn9t what she9d expected. happened, and over time, she said. <i9m evangelical. and i9m
her. so when the pastor stood tradition. The people didn9t want Church. That commitment only No demons. No pressure to con- began to see the village schism happy.=
before the community and said his faith. They didn9t want him. deepened in spring 2022, as con- vert. The pastor was thin and differently. for so long, she9d Down below, where the rest of
that a demon had killed her 4 The humiliation was almost more versions spread through the vil- fatherly. thought it was about religion. her village was deciding, father
and that its work wasn9t yet done than he could bear. lage and Catholic leaders pan- Then, one day, while watching Now she believed it was really moisés entered the church. He
in são miguel 4 adelson was Worst of all, he said, had been icked. Hoping to rejuvenate the Catholic television, she learned of about power and control. This stepped behind the altar and
outraged by this outsider9s temer- rosa9s family. They were practi- community9s church, adelson something called baptism in the long-awaited Catholic mass pulled on his priestly robes. He
ity. Then disturbed by how many cally kin. He9d known rosa9s had turned to rosa, whom he Holy spirit. it was fascinating. wouldn9t decide just which reli- set down a gold chalice and,
nodded in agreement. mother, maria antônia, his whole considered one of the faithful9s The process was similar to the gion was dominant in são miguel. murmuring a prayer over it,
He went home and prayed life. He was godfather to rosa9s most charismatic youngsters, and experiential, fervent baptisms it would determine who held closed his eyes. When he opened
harder than ever before, that the sister, maria Jesus. and he had given her new responsibilities. she9d seen performed by evangeli- sway over the village. them, he saw that the pews were
pastor was wrong, that no one looked at rosa, who had so much rosa felt blessed. she said she9d cals, but it was allowed under the half-empty. fewer than 30 people.
else would die. When he finally potential, as another of his kids. grown up admiring adelson and Catholic faith. she went down to he morning of the mass, a Less than one-third of the com-
ended his prayers seven days lat-
er, he considered them answered.
No one else had perished.
Then at dawn one morning in
autumn 2022, maria antônia
came to his house and told him:
had often had lunch at his house
after sunday service. That he and
his wife, valcir, took special inter-
the purus and performed the act
of worship. others at the Catholic
church mocked her for it. They
T hard rain began to fall. The
turn in weather made the
Catholics who had gathered at
adelson took a seat in the front
row. He stooped his shoulders,
But other prayers would go she9d searched her soul and had est in her 4 counseling her to said she was possessed by a de- adelson9s house uneasy. mass was pinched his nose and rocked back
unmet. são miguel would not decided to convert. afterward, he study Catholic services and en- mon, just like an evangelical. set to begin in half an hour, and and forth in prayer. Not as many
return to what it had been. The was sent a video. it showed her couraging her to explore a life in <it was such discrimination,= the weather was sure to dampen people as he9d hoped. But he tried
pastor, whom he called a <false daughter maria Jesus kneeling ministry 4 gave her the confi- she said. attendance. adelson, a tight smile to focus on those who were here:
prophet,= would not leave. The before the pastor in the purus, dence to assume the lectern her- adelson and his wife support- on his face, noted who was al- the last Catholics of são miguel.
village to which adelson had babbling an incomprehensible self. While others abandoned Ca- ed her, she said. They told her ready waiting on his porch and The true believers. They would
committed his life would divide tongue. His goddaughter, whom tholicism, she embraced it, rarely they still believed in her future in who was not. He saw his nephew stay with him.
along religious lines. he9d sworn to shepherd in a Cath- missing her Thursday night wom- Catholic ministry. But the ridi- and his wife. He saw a fellow <at least,= he said as the mass
<for the sake of His sorrowful olic life, had been baptized as an en9s prayer group at the chapel. cule made her question every- Catholic leader and his wife. He ended and the long wait for next
passion,= he chanted a final time, evangelical protestant. The evangelical church was thing. she wondered, if un- did not see rosa, or her family. year9s began, <i hope so.=
<have mercy on us and the whole and finally, there was rosa 4 just a short walk away. she re- schooled evangelicals could be- <i9m not nervous,= adelson
world.= raven-haired, dimple-cheeked membered hearing the shouts come pastors, why Catholic min- said. Marina dias in brasília contributed to
He opened his eyes. Daylight rosa. He9d done so much to keep and cries of its followers from the isters had to earn a certificate. father moisés, sitting nearby, this report.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A19

Putin basks in power

after announcement
of Navalny9s death
potential detractors on notice.
Last summer, the swift and
The Russian president demonstrative downing of a jet
appears cheerful without carrying Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the
Wagner mercenary commander
his most formidable foe who led a mutiny against Russia9s
military leadership, sent a chill-
ing signal to any opponents of
BY C ATHERINE B ELTON the Kremlin9s current course.
This month, Russian election
When prison authorities an- authorities rapidly blocked a lib-
nounced the death of Alexei Na- eral antiwar candidate, Boris Na-
valny, Vladimir Putin9s most po- dezhdin, from the presidential
tent political opponent, the Rus- ballot, claiming irregularities
sian president appeared to be with the signatures required for
overflowing with cheer. candidacy. Nadezhdin stood vir-
Addressing a group of workers tually no chance of winning, but
and students at a machinery the Kremlin will not tolerate
plant in the Russian industrial even the slightest show of dis-
city of Chelyabinsk on Friday, a sent.
smiling Putin, unsurprisingly, <Putin now remains alone,=
made no mention of Navalny9s Kolesnikov said. <He is solus rex,
death in a faraway Arctic prison the lonely king. No one can stop
and instead professed himself to him triumphing.=
be satisfied at the technological Some still cautioned that Putin
progress he had just seen. could overreach. They pointed to
alexandeR RyuMIn/aFP/getty IMages
<Forward! Success! To new Navalny9s stature among some
borders!= Putin declared to one members of the Russian elite and Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to students and workers at a machinery plant in Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Friday. Putin made no
young worker who had pro- the possibility that he will be mention of critic Alexei Navalny9s death in prison, instead professing his satisfaction with the technological progress at the plant.
claimed her admiration for the viewed as a martyr, as well as the
president. risk that the West could toughen how many would have responded opposition politician now in exile U.S. Republican Party to Russia9s
With Navalny9s demise at age its resolve against Putin9s regime Russian President to the call given fears over Putin9s in Paris. point of view could come undone
47, further military assistance for 4 and perhaps even increase increasingly repressive tactics. <Street protests can only work as a result of the death.
Ukraine still blocked in Congress assistance to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin Still, they said, Navalny9s death if millions come out,= Gudkov Already on Friday, GOP mem-
and Ukrainian forces retreating Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of may be a sign the Kremlin didn9t said. <But because people are not bers began denouncing members
on the battlefield, a lot seems to R.Politik, a Russian political con- <now remains alone. want to leave anything to chance. organized and don9t have any of the party who had recently
be going Putin9s way a month sultancy now based in France, Authorities in Moscow <are resources, or newspapers, or po- sided with Putin, while President
ahead of a presidential election said it seemed clear Putin would He is solus rex, the very sensitive now to any details,= litical leaders or parties or trade Biden railed against Republicans
in Russia that he is certain to crack down further on the rem- Kolesnikov added. unions, there is nothing.= for blocking passage of a bill that
win. nants of Russia9s opposition, mo- lonely king. No one can The muted display of mourn- Others said the death in jail of included billions in aid for
Before the trip to Chelyabinsk, tivated by fears that the West ing for Navalny in Moscow, with such a prominent and admired Ukraine.
Putin was already riding high off could exploit Navalny9s death to stop him triumphing.= few willing to dare challenge the political figure could still create <Putin does not need this now,=
an obsequious interview recently stir more unrest. authorities by leaving flowers, an array of problems for Putin. one Moscow business executive
Andrei Kolesnikov,
with former Fox News host Tuck- <In Putin9s eyes, the risk of was a sign of Russia9s transfor- Navalny9s <unmatched recog- said, speaking on the condition
a Moscow-based senior
er Carlson. Even sanctions im- Western interference remains mation since the February 2022 nition, significance to the elites of anonymity to discuss sensitive
research fellow at the Carnegie
posed by <our quasi-partners,= very serious,= she said. invasion of Ukraine. and involvement in domestic pol- matters. <It will now be very
Russia eurasia Center
Putin boasted Friday, had result- But for Russia9s beleaguered Thousands had taken to Mos- itics distinguished him from any difficult for the Republican Party
ed in a boost in orders for the opposition, there9s little left for cow9s streets to protest Navalny9s other opposition figure,= to object.=
plant that he was visiting. Putin to do to completely cripple arrest on his return to Russia in Stanovaya posted on X, previous- Opposition politicians called
Putin is now <outside of any the movement. January 2021 in scenes that some ly known as Twitter. <This creates for the West to strengthen its
competition,= said Andrei Kole- In January, Navalny had called observers likened to the August a significant political problem for response to the Putin regime.
snikov, a Moscow-based senior for a nationwide protest on the 2020 protests in Minsk that the regime 4 they will have to <The world should understand
research fellow at the Carnegie day of the March presidential threatened to topple the Belaru- deal with Navalny9s legacy,= she that Putin is not a human being.
Russia Eurasia Center. election and for voters to gather sian president. said. He is a threat to civilization,=
Navalny9s death not only re- at the polls at noon as a sign of But protesters in Moscow to- In Moscow, some Russian Gudkov said. <Without the col-
moves a major 4 if distant 4 dissent against Putin. day would face <an enormous business executives were ner- lapse of the Putin regime, the
political thorn; it also is one more But analysts and opposition mass of armed people,= said Gen- vously watching whether inroads world will not be able to live
development that puts Putin9s politicians said it wasn9t clear nady Gudkov, a senior Russian made in winning over part of the peacefully.=

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A20 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Navalny9s team
demands body be
returned to family
tion to establish the cause of
death. They refused to hand over
Spokeswoman conûrms the body until the official investi-
the Russian opposition gation is carried out, stating that
the results would be released next
leader died in prison week, she said.
<Only an hour ago, the lawyers
were informed that the investiga-
BY R OBYN D IXON AND tion had been concluded and that
N ATALIA A BBAKUMOVA something criminal had not been
established,= Yarmysh posted on
RIGA, Latvia 4 A spokeswoman Twitter shortly afterward. <They
for Alexei Navalny, the Russian literally lie every time, driving us
opposition leader who died sud- around in circles and covering
denly in an Arctic prison, demand- their tracks.=
ed on Saturday that authorities The removal of Navalny9s body
hand over his body, as his mother, from the prison for a potential
Lyudmila Navalnaya, and lawyers autopsy by Russian authorities in-
struggled fruitlessly with officials dicates that the true cause of his
to reclaim his remains. death may never be known.
Russia9s Investigative Commit- After Navalny was poisoned
tee refused a lawyer9s demand to with a banned nerve agent in Au-
surrender the body until an offi- gust 2020, he and his supporters
cial medical investigation was fought unsuccessfully for the re-
complete, according to the spokes- turn of the clothing he was wear-
woman, Kira Yarmysh. ing when he was poisoned, hoping
<We demand that Alexei Naval- to discover evidence. During an
ny9s body be handed over to his investigation led by the Bellingcat,
maxim shemetov/reuters
family immediately,= Yarmysh the investigative journalism
wrote in a statement on Saturday. group, Navalny later tricked an Lyudmila Navalnaya, the mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and lawyer Vasily Dubkov arrive at the regional
Navalnaya, who had visited her agent of Russia9s Federal Security department of Russia's Investigative Committee in the town of Salekhard in the Yamal-Nenets Region, Russia, on Saturday.
son just on Monday in the harsh Service, or FSB, into admitting
prison camp known as <Polar that he had been sent to clean any Navalny9s team initially said that In Moscow at the <Wall of Sor- contest that excludes any signifi- political capital, you lose your in-
Wolf= in Kharp, a town in the far traces of evidence from Navalny9s they did not trust statements by row,= a memorial to victims of cant opponent. fluence and so on 4 everyone who
north region of Yamalo-Nenets, underwear, which was in the cus- Russian authorities on Friday that political repressions, riot police Navalny9s death was seen as a talks like that and spreads this
returned there Saturday morning tody of local authorities. he had died. But any lingering overpowered dozens of people watershed in Russia signaling that idea is an accomplice to murder,=
with Navalny9s lawyer and was Lyudmila Navalnaya9s struggle uncertainty was dispelled Satur- who tried to lay flowers in memory no dissent will be tolerated, as he said bitterly. <I want you to stay
given documentation showing his to recover her son9s body Saturday day. of Navalny and dragged them to a Putin shifts toward a highly cen- awake for the rest of your lives.=
death occurred at 2:17 p.m. local echoes the stark bureaucratic cru- Ivan Zhdanov, a leader of Naval- nearby phalanx of security vehi- tralized, deeply repressive totali- OVD-Info, a Russian legal
time on Friday. elty when Russian security offi- ny9s Anti-Corruption Foundation, cles. tarian regime. rights group that provides legal
Navalnaya, 69, faced a grueling cials obstructed his wife, Yulia Na- which is now based in Vilnius, Muscovites left flowers at other An opposition figure and mem- assistance to detainees, said that
and absurd ordeal after she flew valnaya, from evacuating Navalny Lithuania, issued a statement say- highly symbolic locations, includ- ber of Navalny9s team in exile, more than 231 people had been
into the town of Salekhard early from the Siberian hospital after ing: <That9s it. It9s over. Alexei Na- ing the Solovetsky Stone, a memo- Vladimir Milov, said he believed arrested in more than 23 cities.
Saturday and drove 33 miles to the his poisoning in 2020. valny has been assassinated.= rial to victims of the Soviet gulag that Navalny9s death was simply The largest number of arrests was
Kharp prison, where officials said He was only flown to Germany As recently as Thursday, Naval- and political repressions in Luby- murder. <Because they can do any- in St. Petersburg, where 126 peo-
that her son9s body was taken to two days later, after Yulia issued a ny was seen on video attending a anka Square, in front of the head- thing they want now,= Milov said. ple were detained.
the morgue in Salekhard, assuring personal appeal to Russian Presi- court hearing, in which he seemed quarters of the FSB, previously the <They can withhold the body in- Alexander Polupan, a doctor
her the facility was open and oper- dent Vladimir Putin, who granted in good health and good spirits, KGB. definitely.= who treated Navalny after his
ating, according to Yarmysh. the request. Navalny was taken to and was even joking with court And they placed flowers at a Milov said there could now be 2020 poisoning, said on Friday
But when Navalnaya and a law- a hospital in Berlin, where he officials. bridge near the Kremlin where no independent investigation to that an autopsy would be required
yer arrived, the morgue was eventually recovered and re- Navalny embodied the resis- another of Putin9s opposition ri- establish the cause of death. to establish how he died.
closed. turned to Moscow in 2021. He was tance to Putin9s regime more than vals, Boris Nemtsov, was shot to Milov, who tried to convince Asked about the possibility that
They phoned a number on the then immediately arrested, im- any other Russian opposition fig- death on Feb. 27, 2015. Navalny not to return to Russia Navalny may have been poisoned
door, only to be told his body was prisoned and given several hefty ure, and in the numbing after- With the political opposition after his poisoning, expressed fury again, he said determining this
not there, Yarmysh said. sentences, totaling 30 years, in math of his death, police arrested crushed inside of Russia and the at the members of his team who would require a chemical and toxi-
Yarmysh said a second Navalny cases that he and international dozens of Russians who laid flow- opposition-in-exile divided, the encouraged him to do so, on the cological examination.
lawyer visited the Investigative rights groups described as ers at spontaneous memorials. loss of Navalny9s powerful, charis- logic that he could not be a rel- <Right now we don9t have any
Committee in Salekhard, where trumped up for political retribu- Late Friday, security officials with matic voice raised doubts about its evant opposition figure in exile. medical data to support either ver-
officials said Navalny9s body was tion. trash bags removed piles of flow- future, just a month before Putin9s <The idiotic idea that if you go sion, was it violent death or natu-
undergoing a medical investiga- Yulia Navalnaya and leaders of ers. certain reelection in a presidential into exile, that9s it, you lose your ral death,= Polupan said.

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A21

The World

PHoTos by Heidi Levine for THe WasHingTon PosT

Angry families demand return of Israeli hostages

Protesters take to the streets as frustration toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu9s approach to negotiations intensifies

BY S TEVE H ENDRIX But hostage groups reacted

AND H EIDI L EVINE with fury. They said Netanyahu
was prioritizing the appease-
TEL AVIV 4 Family members of ment of his right-wing political
Israeli hostages held by Hamas base over reaching a deal.
braved winter thunderstorms <If the Cairo initiative fails,
Saturday for a second night of 134 children and parents will be
protests since cease-fire negotia- sacrificed and will die,= the larg-
tions stalled last week, a develop- est family umbrella group said in
ment that families blame on a statement. <Do not sacrifice
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- them, do not abandon them
yahu. again.=
Thousands gathered outside One family member after an-
Israeli military headquarters other took the stage Saturday to
here chanting <Now! Now! beseech the government to act.
Now!= Demonstrators Thursday <Leave politics out of this,= the
shut down a major road in son of one hostage cried. <Bring
downtown Tel Aviv; a group of them home now.=
hostage family members hand- Thousands came out despite
cuffed themselves together and heavy rain and cold winds
blocked the gates during a meet- through the weekend. Netanya-
ing of the war cabinet. Some hu has seen his support drop to
have set off colored smoke all-time lows as citizens increas-
bombs and carried posters de- ingly hold him accountable for
picting Netanyahu9s son Yair as a policies that allowed Hamas to
hostage with the legend: <How flourish, and the collapse of
would it be different it was him?= intelligence and security that
On Friday, protesters fired allowed the militants to lead the
flares in the air and demanded Oct. 7 assault.
Netanyahu step down. Mounted More than two-thirds of Is-
police and trucks blocked their raelis want to see early elections,
way. Demonstrators blame the polls show, and about a third are
prime minister for the security ready for them even before the
failures leading to the Hamas Gaza war is concluded.
attack on Israeli communities on On Saturday, the leader of
Oct. 7 4 when authorities here Israel9s largest and most influen-
say militants killed 1,200 people tial trade union group called on
4 as well his handling of the war Netanyahu to step down and face
in Gaza and the hostages since. the voters.
<Netanyahu has to leave or TOP: Tali Attias holds a bouquet of yellow roses as she holds posters of her relatives being held hostage in Gaza as family members and <We9re at a dead end, and
we9ll never get the hostages supporters protest in Tel Aviv. ABOVE: Over a dozen family members handcuffed themselves together outside the Israeli Defense Ministry. there9s only one way out 4
home,= said Karen Beltz, a Tel elections,= said Arnon Bar-David,
Aviv film producer. She said the in Gaza. any hostage deal. of the negotiations. Diplomats said the negotia- the head of Histadrut, local me-
protests were beginning to swell, Advocates warn that time is The Cairo meeting, reportedly Netanyahu, under pressure tions brokered by Egypt, Qatar dia reported.
but were still not as large or running out for the hostages, attended by Mossad head David from right-wing members of his and the United States continue. Anger against the prime min-
angry as the anti-government who have been held in Gaza for Barnea, CIA Director William J. narrow governing majority to One Israeli familiar with the ister is rising, but analysts say it9s
demonstrations that rocked Isra- 19 weeks. They were infuriated Burns and senior Hamas leaders keep up the Gaza offensive, or- discussion said Netanyahu9s pub- unlikely to reach critical mass
el for months last year. when Netanyahu pulled Israel9s from outside of Gaza, followed dered his team out of Egypt in lic statements did not mean he until the number of combat forc-
Hamas and allied fighters took team out of cease-fire negotia- reports of progress in Paris talks. defiance of not only the demands has blocked Israeli negotiators es in Gaza comes down, tensions
more than 253 people hostage on tions in Cairo on Wednesday. Hope rose among the families of of the hostage families but the from engaging behind the ease along the border with Leba-
Oct. 7. More than 100 were freed The prime minister said fur- the remaining hostages, some of growing international outrage scenes. non and the hostages are freed.
in exchange for more than 200 ther talks were pointless until whom are elderly or injured. over the soaring civilian death <They are still talking,= said <There isn9t a sense that we9re
Palestinian detainees during a Hamas dropped <delusional de- Israel estimates that more toll in Gaza. In three months of the person, who spoke on the in a postwar situation yet,= said
November pause in fighting. Is- mands= that Israel withdraw than two dozen hostages may war, more than 28,000 Gazans condition of anonymity because Yohanan Plesner, president of
raeli authorities believe that from Gaza and free thousands of have died. Officials have made have been killed, according to they were not authorized to com- the Israel Democracy Institute.
more than 100 hostages remain detained Palestinians as part of the return of their remains part the Gaza Health Ministry. ment. <But we9re getting there.=


AFgHANistAN The Taliban 4 which took intimidation. frustration among his European independent media, were not presidential election, originally
over Afghanistan in 2021 during 4 Associated Press Union and NATO allies. permitted to attend the speech. scheduled for Feb. 25, citing
Report shows women the final weeks of U.S. and NATO Meanwhile, widespread public 4 Associated Press unresolved disputes over who
feel scared of Taliban withdrawal from the country 4 HUNgARY outrage has gripped Hungary could run. The National
has barred women from most over a pardon the president seNegAL Assembly then voted to
Afghan women feel scared or areas of public life and stopped Orban tries to contain issued to a convict in a child reschedule the election for Dec.
unsafe leaving their homes alone girls from going to school political fallout sexual abuse case. In his speech, Protesters demand 15.
because of Taliban decrees and beyond the sixth grade as part of which marked the 25th quick balloting However, the country9s
enforcement campaigns on harsh measures it imposed Hungarian Prime Minister anniversary of his first address Constitutional Council ruled
clothing and male guardians, despite initial promises of a Viktor Orban sought to contain to the nation during his Protesters took to the streets Thursday that those moves were
according to a report from the more moderate rule. the political fallout of a freshman term as prime minister in Senegal9s capital Saturday to unconstitutional and ordered
U.N. mission in Afghanistan. The Taliban is also restricting presidential pardon scandal in 1999, Orban immediately keep the pressure on President the government to hold the
The report, issued Friday, women9s access to work, travel during an annual state of the addressed the Feb. 10 Macky Sall to hold elections election, presumably allowing
comes days before a U.N.- and health care if they are nation address Saturday, his first resignation of President Katalin quickly. enough time for campaigning.
convened meeting in the Qatari unmarried or don9t have a male public appearance since Novak. Hundreds of people walked The panel acknowledged that
capital is set to start, with guardian, and arresting those Hungary9s president, his ally, He said that 2024 <could not and biked through downtown Feb. 25 wouldn9t now be feasible
member states and special who don9t comply with the resigned a week ago. The have begun any worse= and that Dakar chanting <Macky dictator,= but said the government should
envoys to Afghanistan due to Taliban9s interpretation of hijab, nationalist Orban is under her resignation was a while others called for the act fast.
discuss engagement with the or Islamic headscarf. intense pressure from multiple <nightmare= for the country. release of imprisoned opposition Sall said Friday that his
Taliban and the country9s crises, The U.N. mission9s report said angles as his obstructionist International news figures. government will organize the
including the human rights the decrees are being enforced conduct on the international organizations, including the Sall issued a decree earlier this balloting as soon as possible.
situation. through arrest, harassment and stage has spurred growing Associated Press and Hungary9s month to postpone the 4 Associated Press
A22 ez re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

war in ukraine

In Munich, Zelensky implores U.S., others to stick with Ukraine

BY E MILY R AUHALA, countries if they do not spend aid for Ukraine, Zelensky noted European policymakers at the their uncertainty about U.S. com- plan B for how to help Ukraine
M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM, enough on defense, deepening dryly that unlike politicians in conference said they are increas- mitments. because plan A, passing the $61
C LEVE R . W OOTSON J R. questions about American reli- the West, Putin is moving quickly. ingly concerned that weakening Ukrainian leaders, meanwhile, billion in support for Kyiv
AND S OUAD M EKHENNET ability in the years ahead. <Please, everyone, remember that support from Washington means said that they were determined to through Congress, will eventually
In Munich, top U.S. officials, dictators do not go on vacation,= that Putin might be tempted to keep fighting, but they also said succeed.
MUNICH 4 Ukrainian President including Vice President Harris he said. test NATO if Trump wins. Some that they were approaching a Many European policymakers
Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded on and Secretary of State Antony Zelensky tried to make clear leaders are expressing fresh in- crucial and dangerous threshold in Munich said they don9t trust
Saturday for the United States Blinken, have tried to reassure the stakes without directly call- terest in bolstering Europe9s nu- as they run out of munitions for that that will actually happen.
and other international support- allies. But since they have little ing out U.S. officials. When asked clear arsenal to hedge against a their air defense systems. If Kyiv They said that they lack good
ers to stick with Ukraine, warn- concrete to offer apart from sun- by CNN9s Christiane Amanpour wandering Washington. Others is no longer able to protect its substitutes for U.S. military aid
ing a gathering of political lead- ny words, they have made little what he would say to the Republi- say they believe they need to skies, they said, civilians in while the European defense in-
ers and security and defense offi- headway with alarmed and cans blocking Ukraine aid, Zel- deepen European defense coop- Ukraine9s cities will be vastly dustry ramps up but that they
cials that his country, if left alone, gloomy Europeans. Many Euro- ensky quipped, <Is this being eration in case Trump drops U.S. more at risk, and the country9s expect to be better able to pro-
will be destroyed by Russia. pean policymakers here are ex- shown on television now?= Then guarantees for their security. economy will take a hit, too. duce large quantities of shells
Zelensky, in a speech at the pecting Trump to win in Novem- he said he would not comment. Harris, speaking alongside Zel- The impact of the funding and more advanced equipment in
annual Munich Security Confer- ber, given President Biden9s low The Ukrainian leader, known ensky on Saturday, told reporters delay is already being felt on the the coming years.
ence, seemed to speak directly to poll numbers, and they are start- for fiery speeches and direct ap- that <we are unwavering, and battlefield, NATO Secretary Gen- For now, some of them think
members of Congress who are ing to plan accordingly. peals, took the time to politely that has nothing to do with an eral Jens Stoltenberg told report- the best option might be Euro-
blocking critical aid as he high- Questions about the deadlock acknowledge the U.S. support to election cycle. It has to do with ers in Munich on Saturday. pean purchases of U.S. military
lighted short-term deficits on the in Washington over aid to Ukraine so far 4 and to invite a who we are and what kind of <There has been a reduction in equipment on behalf of Kyiv. But,
battlefield as well as the longer- Ukraine 4 and about U.S. global certain Republican presidential country we want to be 4 one that the flow of standard ammunition they add, such a move has uncer-
term threat posed by Russia9s leadership more broadly 4 have candidate to visit. stands with our friends.= and air defense,= he said. <That tain political support on the con-
aggression to the rules-based in- dominated the annual conclave. Trump9s threat against NATO But one senior European dip- makes it urgent to have a decision tinent and is unlikely to lead to
ternational order. Zelensky last visited the con- allies that underspend on defense lomat at the conference said that in the United States.= weapons deliveries at the speed
His remarks came as Ukraine ference two years ago, just days was just his latest utterance to there was <a difference between The sheer size of the U.S. necessary to aid Ukraine amid its
withdrew from the strategic east- before Russia9s invasion. At the cause anxiety in Kyiv. The former the sound and the picture= in the economy and the strength of its current battlefield dilemma.
ern city of Avdiivka, sealing Rus- time, a war seemed inevitable, president has also claimed that message coming from the United military make unblocking aid the <I don9t think there was a
sia9s most significant territorial with thousands of Russian troops he could settle the war within a States. The picture, the diplomat priority for Ukraine and for member of Congress of either
victory since capturing Bakhmut massed at the border, although day 4 an assertion that has said, was obvious, especially with NATO allies, he said. party that didn9t stand up and
last spring, and as opposition Zelensky was saying he did not alarmed supporters of Ukraine Republican lawmakers at the <Now the most important sin- swear on a Bible in the first few
leader Alexei Navalny9s death put expect an attack. Since then, who fear that Ukraine would be conference talking about their gle decision is for the U.S. to agree weeks of the war that we will be
renewed focus on President Ukrainian leaders have held on forced to surrender large swaths need for border security. That to a package of support for with Ukraine,= said one member
Vladimir Putin9s brutal repres- against tremendous odds 4 of sovereign territory. message fell flat with some of the Ukraine,= he said. <Just because of the large congressional delega-
sion of dissent. although front-line troops warn Zelensky said he would be Europeans, who noted that they of the magnitude and the mili- tion at the conference, Sen. Mark
Adding to the unease at the that they are quickly running out pleased to work with Trump 4 had accommodated a wave of tary capabilities that the United R. Warner (D-Va.), chair of the
annual Munich conference, for- of manpower and ammunition. and also to show him around. If millions of Ukrainian refugees States has.= Senate Intelligence Committee,
mer president Donald Trump a With the House just having he comes to Ukraine, Zelensky for the past two years. The diplo- Speaking alongside Zelensky, who expressed frustration at
week ago suggested he would gone on a two-week recess de- said, <I am ready to go with him mat spoke on the condition of Harris repeated what has become House Republicans9 wavering
encourage Russia to attack NATO spite not having approved fresh to the front line.= anonymity to speak frankly about a U.S. mantra: that there is no support for Kyiv.

Ukraine withdraws from Avdiivka as Russia advances into strategic city

BY D AVID L . S TERN, A NDREW defense on more favorable lines,= conducting <a relatively con-
J EONG AND J OHN H UDSON Syrsky said. <Our soldiers per- trolled withdrawal= while Russian
formed their military duty with troops attempt to complicate or
KYIV 4 Ukrainian forces with- dignity, did everything possible to prevent it, the Institute for the
drew from the strategic city of destroy the best Russian military Study of War, a Washington-based
Avdiivka in the eastern part of the units, inflicted significant losses think tank, said in a report pub-
country Saturday, paving the way on the enemy.= lished Friday.
for advancing Russian forces to Ukrainian military officials re- Ukrainian military leaders
clinch their most significant bat- ported that Russia had launched praised troops for their efforts to
tlefield victory in nearly a year. large-scale attacks in the Avdiivka hold Avdiivka and the coke plant,
Russian President Vladimir Pu- area on Friday. Some Ukrainian once a main employer in the re-
tin congratulated the military on troops were captured while trying gion.
the <important victory,= state me- to move to new positions, they <I thank the fighters for the
dia reported. A statement from the said, adding that it was difficult to worthy battle they gave to the en-
Defense Ministry said Russian evacuate the wounded amid con- emy in Avdiivka, in the conditions
forces took <complete= control of tinued Russian shelling. of the total numerical superiority
the city in the Donetsk region but Ukrainian forces were greatly of the Russians in manpower,
were still clearing some areas, in- outgunned, Gen. Oleksandr Tar- equipment, and ammunition,= An-
cluding a coke and chemical plant navsky, commander of Ukrainian driy Biletsky, commander of the
Ukrainian troops used as a final forces in the Donetsk region, said 3rd Separate Assault Brigade,
stronghold in the battle. in a statement announcing the wrote Saturday on Telegram, an-
Ukrainian President Volod- withdrawal. nouncing their withdrawal from
ymyr Zelensky, speaking at the <In the situation where the en- the coke factory.
Munich Security Conference, ac- emy is advancing on the corpses of Russian forces <dropped 60-80=
knowledged earlier on Saturday his own soldiers with a 10-to-1 aerial bombs <in one day= on the
that a pullback from Avdiivka was shell advantage, under constant plant, Maksym Zhorin, a member
Wojciech grzedzinski for the Washington Post
underway. Ukrainian forces are bombardment, this is the only cor- of the brigade, wrote Friday on
struggling with shortages of am- rect solution,= Tarnavsky said. A member of the Ukrainian Security Service at the Avdiivka coke plant, a final stronghold, on Feb. 6. Telegram.
munition, weapons and soldiers Capturing the city would mark <There is a feeling that this is
as a roughly $60 billion aid pack- the most significant battlefield the Russian-occupied regional 8, replacing Gen. Valery Zaluzhny. er, Ukrainian forces also suffered the largest number of aerial
age proposed by President Biden victory for Russia since Kyiv9s capital of Donetsk, has strategic In his previous position as com- heavy casualties 4 raising ques- bombs on such a piece of land in
remains blocked by Republicans counteroffensive last year ended and logistical value for Moscow mander of Ukraine9s ground forc- tions of whether the losses were the entire time of the existence of
in Congress. in heavy casualties and a failure to and has been the target of its es, Syrsky was criticized for possi- justified, given Bakhmut9s rela- mankind,= he wrote. <These
Ukrainian commanders sought retake large swaths of occupied attacks since 2014. The city has bly waiting too long to withdraw tively low strategic value. bombs completely destroy any po-
to put a positive spin on the pull- territory defended by well-forti- become the latest symbol of the from Bakhmut, another eastern By contrast, the decision to pull sition. All buildings and struc-
back, but it amounted to a stinging fied Russian positions. The with- grinding war of attrition unfold- city, when it was under siege last back from Avdiivka, a more stra- tures simply turn into a pit after
defeat. Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syr- drawal will also boost Russian mo- ing in Ukraine, as Ukrainian forc- year. tegically valuable location, was the arrival of just one.=
sky, Ukraine9s recently appointed rale ahead of the second anniver- es there in recent months weath- Bakhmut became a symbol of made just days after Syrsky took
military chief, said the withdrawal sary of the war on Feb. 24 and ered Russian missiles and ground Ukrainian tenacity, as Ukrainian overall command 4 a clear reflec- jeong reported from seoul and
aimed to avoid Russian encircle- reinforce concerns about assaults involving infantry, ar- defenders held on for months and tion of Ukraine9s difficulties on the hudson from Washington. emily
ment and reduce casualties. Ukraine9s dwindling military sup- mored vehicles and air support. inflicted heavy losses on Russian front line and its need to preserve rauhala in Munich, and serhiy
<I decided to withdraw our plies and personnel. Zelensky named Syrsky as forces before retreating and sur- ammunition and soldiers. Morgunov and serhiy korolchuk
units from the city and move to Avdiivka, located 15 miles from Ukraine9s top commander on Feb. rendering the city in May. Howev- Ukrainian forces appear to be contributed to this report.


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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A23

war in ukraine

Covert disinformation operation aims to undercut Zelensky

UKrAInE from A1 without discussing this with
at their inability to undermine on the basis of this article, one
Zelensky and foment division. of the strategists ordered a troll
one of them complained in one farm employee to prepare social
exchange that the Ukrainian media posts in french saying,
president was like Brad Pitt, a <Washington will replace Zel-
global star with an image that ensky with a more capable presi-
couldn9t be sullied. dent. And france will have to
But with Gen. Zaluzhny now silently continue arming and
out, the front lines frozen and financing Ukraine.=
further military and financial Another article described how
support from the United States Zelensky had pushed for Ukrai-
uncertain, some in Kyiv are con- nian forces to defend Bakhmut
cerned that russia9s covert against Zaluzhny9s wishes, lead-
propaganda efforts could begin ing, it said, to the deaths of
to erode national cohesion and 250,000 Ukrainian troops, a
morale. wildly exaggerated death toll in
<The most difficult times are what was nonetheless a brutal
ahead,= said one senior European battle for the city. The troll farm
security official who, like others, employees were asked to write
spoke on the condition of ano- comments such as <Why do
nymity to discuss sensitive mat- Ukrainian generals hate
ters. <russia survived and they Zelensky? Pr out of the blood of
are preparing a new campaign fighters= and <To shoot the
which consists of three main exhausted president? In
directions: first, pressure on the Ukraine, a generals9 conspiracy
front line; second, attacks on is brewing.=
Ukrainian infrastructure; and one of the strategists9 aims,
thirdly, this destabilization cam- European security officials said,
paign.= was to ensure that the themes
placed in European social media
Moscow9s four key objectives filtered back into Ukraine,
The documents show how in through reposts and amplifica-
January 2023 the Kremlin9s first tion, or by being picked up by
deputy chief of staff, Sergei Kiri- Ukrainian politicians keen to
yenko, tasked a team of officials boost their profiles with provoc-
and political strategists with es- ative posts.
tablishing a presence on Ukrai- <They look for weak spots. &
nian social media to distribute global iMageS Ukraine/getty iMageS They use what they create them-
disinformation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shakes hands with Gen. Valery Zaluzhny at an August ceremony in Kyiv. Even before Zelensky9s selves and whatever is lying
The effort built on an earlier firing of Zaluzhny as his top military commander, the Kremlin9s online strategists sought to amplify strains between the two men. under their feet,= a second Euro-
project that Kiriyenko, a long- pean security officials said. <Ev-
time Putin aide, had been run- After the fake Baerbock ac- against the EU and member erything is aimed at demoraliz-
ning to subvert Western support count declared in September states.= Gambashidze and Tu- ing people.=
for Ukraine, including in france that <the war in Ukraine will be pikin were named by the U.S. The strategists also had price
and Germany, previous report- over in 3 months,= the German State Department in November lists for planting pro-russian
ing by The Post shows. authorities launched an investi- for their role in Kremlin efforts commentary in prominent West-
The European propaganda gation and found more than to spread disinformation in Lat- ern media and for paying social
group was overseen by one of 50,000 fake user accounts coor- in America media <influencers= in the Unit-
Kiriyenko9s deputies, Tatyana dinating pro-russian propa- Zakharova, Gambashidze and ed States and Europe <willing to
matveeva, head of the Kremlin9s ganda, including those promot- Tupikin did not respond to de- work with russian clients.= The
department for developing infor- ing the tweet. officials be- tailed requests for comment on documents say the russians
mation and communication lieve the fake accounts were the contents of the documents. were willing to pay up to $39,000
technologies, the documents an extension of the Doppelgän- Gambashidze, Tupikin and for the planting of pro-russian
show. ger campaign, Der Spiegel re- their colleagues proposed narra- commentary in major media out-
By the end of 2022, after ported. tives they hoped would destroy lets in the West.
Ukraine pushed back russian The Doppelgänger operation Zelensky9s image in the West as <Practically everywhere this
forces in the Kharkiv and Kher- was first exposed by meta in <the hero of a small country will be columnists, leaders of
son regions and officials in Kyiv September 2022 and then by fighting a global evil,= one of the public opinion, former diplo-
began to talk of a major spring french authorities last summer documents sent in April shows. mats, officials, professors and so
counteroffensive in the east and and tied to reliable recent They suggested portraying Zel- on,= a note attached to the price
south, Kiriyenko put together a News, a fake news site traced ensky as an actor only capable of list states. It is unclear from the
second team focused on destabi- Mikhail Svetlov/getty iMageS back to two russian companies, following a script written for him documents whether the Kremlin
lizing Ukraine itself, the docu- Sergei Kiriyenko, the Kremlin9s first deputy chief of staff, in 2018. the Social Design Agency and by the United States and NATo, was able to get material into
ments show. In 2022, he set up a team to target Ukraine with disinformation. Structura National Technologies. and his Western backers as tiring Western publications or whether
That effort was headed by one The Kremlin documents show of him. They proposed distribut- anyone was paid.
of his closest deputies, Alexander comments on Ukrainian social our old resources,= one of the that the heads of Social Design ing fake Ukrainian government But the Kremlin political
Kharichev, a bureaucrat known media each week, according to strategists wrote on April 5 after Agency and Structura 4 Ilya documents as evidence of cor- strategists were not above lining
in some moscow circles as the one of the dashboard a Kremlin meeting. Gambashidze and Nikolai Tu- rupt military procurement their own pockets in the process:
<fixer= or <election handler= presentations. records show By the first week of may, a post pikin 4 worked directly with schemes, and suggesting that <I added 20 percent,= one of them
because he ensures that domes- that employees at troll farms the Kremlin strategists had Kiriyenko and another Kremlin Zelensky and his family had wrote to a colleague.
tic elections go the Kremlin9s earned 60,000 rubles a month, or planted on facebook, saying that official, Sofiya Zakharova, who Western bank accounts, the doc- As winter descended on Kyiv, a
way. $660, for writing 100 comments <Valery Zaluzhny can become the coordinated efforts in Eu- ument shows. number of deepfake videos por-
At a Jan. 16, 2023, meeting, a day. next president of Ukraine,= had rope and Ukraine. <She is the The plans led to hundreds of traying Zaluzhny calling Zel-
Kiriyenko laid out four key ob- most of the strategists9 re- garnered 4.3 million views, one brain,= a European security offi- articles and thousands of social ensky an enemy of the people
jectives for the Ukraine propa- ports to their political masters of the dashboard presentations cial said. media posts translated into and calling for a coup began to
ganda team: discrediting Kyiv9s focused on the volume of con- shows. The Kremlin then issued The E.U. imposed sanctions in french, German and English appear. The videos were quickly
military and political leader- tent produced and total views, orders to create similar posts or July on Gambashidze, Structura that targeted Zelensky, the docu- denounced as fake and did not
ship, splitting the Ukrainian but for the first five months, <additional reality= 4 a term National Technologies and Social ment trove shows. have any real impact in Ukraine.
elite, demoralizing Ukrainian they offered little in the way of used by russian officials for fake Design Agency for what it said one article, for a french audi- But the senior European security
troops and disorienting the evidence that the effort was news 4 including reports that was their role in creating fake ence, was headlined: <The con- official said he worried the
Ukrainian population, the docu- having any impact on Ukraini- Western leaders were looking for webpages and social media ac- ductor has gotten bored of Zel- Kremlin was only testing the
ments show. ans. The Kremlin-conducted a replacement for Zelensky and counts <usurping the identity of ensky9s concerts: the actions of ground for future deepfakes.
The team9s success was to be polls showed that trust in that Zaluzhny intended to halt national media outlets and gov- the U.S. in Ukraine lead one to <It9s very expensive, but it can
measured according to key indi- Zelensky remained consistently the counteroffensive. ernment websites= as part of <a believe that Washington soon work,= he said. <In the proper
cators: They were to <lower the high, with 68 to 73.3 percent of meta, the parent company of hybrid campaign by russia intends to get rid of Zelensky, time, it can be used.=
ratings of key personnel in Zel- Ukrainians trusting the presi- facebook, said in a statement
ensky9s office, the Ukrainian gov- dent from february to June. referring to the russian posts
ernment, and the command of By August, however, the Krem- about Zaluzhny and the alleged
Ukraine9s armed forces,= and in- lin polls showed this measure lack of state aid for the fallen
crease the belief among the falling to 65.4 percent. It is soldier that it had been <moni-
Ukrainian population that the impossible to gauge the accuracy toring and blocking accounts,
country9s elite was working only of these polls, and it9s unclear Pages and websites run by this
for itself. <A growth in the num- how the russians are conducting campaign= since 2022, <includ-
ber of government dismissals them in Ukraine. ing these two Pages that were
and public conflicts= would also A poll by the Kyiv-based ra- quickly detected and disabled by
be a sign of achievement. zumkov Center in July showed our security team.=
To increase fear and anxiety, trust in Zelensky at 81 percent. Undeterred, the strategists
Ukrainian war losses were to be The most recent poll published planted a plethora of articles in
exaggerated, the documents by the center, on feb. 8, showed Ukraine via social media, with
state. trust in Zelensky had dropped to one in may headlined <Zelensky
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry 69 percent. is holding on to the throne. In
Peskov, Kharichev and matveeva The strategists were aware of Ukraine democracy is being liq-
did not respond to detailed re- the difficulty of their task. <At the uidated,= the documents show.
quests for comment on the con- current moment, we are having Another in June sought to play
tents of the documents. to enter Ukraine9s media land- up what it claimed was the
The documents show that scape practically from zero,= one prolonged disappearance of
progress was monitored at near- report in April said. <The pro- Zaluzhny from public view, with
weekly Kremlin meetings, where russian segment has been com- bloggers instructed to post com-
the strategists gave dashboard pletely purged from the mass ments declaring: <This is why
presentations showcasing the media and social networks.= Zaluzhny disappeared: Because
most widely read posts they9d The strategists advised devel- he could have and should have
planted in Ukrainian social me- oping <a network of Telegram taken Zelensky9s place.=
dia and tallying the overall dis- channels in combination with
tribution of their output. They Twitter and facebook/Insta- recycling disinformation
also ran weekly opinion polls on gram= as the most effective way The strategists also sought to
the level of trust in Zelensky and of penetrating Ukraine9s media exploit Kiriyenko9s campaign in
the country9s military leader- space, noting that the Telegram Western Europe by recycling its
ship. audience in Ukraine had grown disinformation for use in
Among the material they high- 600 percent over the previous Ukraine. The tactics in the Euro-
lighted was a fabricated face- year. After the invasion, Zel- pean campaign included cloning
book post claiming that the fam- ensky9s government had created and usurping media and govern-
ily of a fallen soldier had not a single source of television ment websites, such as those for
received any help from the state, news, but Ukrainians had drifted Le monde and the french for-
which garnered more than 2 away from the programming, eign ministry, and then posting
million views, according to one saying Ukraine9s military strug- fake content on them denigrat-
of the dashboard presentations. gles were not sufficiently report- ing the Ukrainian government,
According to another, a top post ed or discussed. in an operation dubbed Doppel-
for the goal of disorienting the <Telegram became the most gänger by European Union offi-
population was a fake video on important source of news, even cials. They also included creating
Telegram claiming that the main more important than main- fake accounts on X, or Twitter,
war aim of authorities in Kyiv stream media,= the senior Euro- for prominent figures including
was <to fight to the last Ukraini- pean security official said. <It9s German foreign minister An-
an.= impossible to block it.= nalena Baerbock. The strategists
The moscow strategists em- sought to place stories or posts
Beginning from zero phasized the need to avoid bla- from those websites or accounts
By early march, dozens of tant pro-russian propaganda to on Ukrainian social media as
hired trolls were pumping out build trust with the audience. genuine European reporting or
more than 1,300 texts and 37,000 <It9s clear that we can9t fly with commentary.
A24 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A25

the opinions essay

Doug Chayka For the Washington Post

How Trump
s it turned out, it was capitalism after all. made me feel like a parent whose progeny had turned
If I had to pick the moment when it all into, well, assholes.
went off the rails for the tech industry, I9d My first call was to one of the potentates who was
choose saturday morning, Dec. 10, 2016, sometimes testy, often funny and always accessible. of
when I was at a farmers market consider- everyone I had covered, I could count on elon Musk, chief
ing some epic Meyer lemons with my executive of Tesla and spaceX, to engage with me on a

pushed oldest son, who liked to cook. It was there

in the san Francisco sunshine that I got a tip: The
crowned heads of silicon Valley9s most powerful tech
companies had been summoned to tromp into Manhat-
tan9s Trump Tower and meet the man who had unexpect-
semihuman basis. While Musk would morph later into a
troll-king-at-scale on Twitter, which he would rename X,
he was among the few tech titans who did not fall back on
practiced talking points, even if he might have been the
one who most should have.

Silicon Valley
edly just been elected president and was the antithesis of so, what did Musk think of Trump9s invitation? The
all they supposedly represented. meeting had no stated agenda, which made it clear to me
<skulk= was more like it. The only reason I was hearing that it had nothing to do with policy and everything to do
about the tech summit was because one of tech9s top-tier with a photo op.
players had not been invited because of his <liberal <You shouldn9t go,= I warned him. <Trump9s going to
leanings= and <outspoken opposition= to President-elect screw you.=

ob the rails Donald Trump. The outcast called me in a lather.

<sucking up to that corpulent loser who never met a
business he didn9t drive straight into a wall, it9s
shameful,= he said. <Can you believe it? Can you believe
After decades of covering the nascent internet indus-
Musk disagreed. He told me he would attend, adding
he had already joined a business council for the
president-elect, too. When I brought up Trump9s constant
divisive fearmongering and campaign promises to unrav-
el progress on issues ranging from immigration to gay
rights, Musk dismissed the threats.
by Kara Swisher try from its birth, I could believe it. While my actual son I can convince him, he assured me. I can influence him,
filled me with pride, an increasing number of these once he told me.
fresh-faced wunderkinds I had mostly rooted for now see the opinions essAy on A26
A26 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

the opinions essay

the opinions essAy from A25 holders. only successful litigation stopped the
Apparently, musk thought his very presence It was a massive embarrassment for an industry
would turn the fetid water into fine wine, since he that had promised to be better than anything that
had long considered himself more than just a man had come before it.
but an icon and, on some days, a god. Good luck In November 2018, I interviewed musk for my
with that, I thought to myself as we hung up. <recode Decode= podcast. I reminded him that I
I moved on, calling other C-suiters for comment. had called and warned him about Trump before
The guest list had been compiled by contrarian that tech summit.
investor and persistent irritant Peter Thiel, who <I said you shouldn9t go because he was going to
had made a fortune betting on visionary technol- screw you, remember?= I said. <We had a whole4=
ogies. Still, his latest vision for the future was his musk interrupted me. <Well, you are right,= he
most outlandish: backing Trump. It was certainly a said.
bold bet by Thiel, and it had panned out magnifi- <I am right, thank you, Elon. I know that,= I
cently. replied.
I didn9t even attempt to contact Thiel. The I do enjoy being right, but I took no pleasure in it
entrepreneur had long since stopped communicat- this time.
ing with me, especially after a lengthy video
interview in 2007 in which we agreed on exactly he Trump tech summit was a major turning
nothing. After the camera stopped rolling, I pressed
Thiel on the need to ensure LGBTQ+ people had the
same rights to be married and have children as
T point for me and how I viewed the industry I9d
been covering since the early 1990s. The lack
of humanity was overwhelming. my minor in
straight people. famously, both Thiel and I are gay, college was in Holocaust studies. I studied propa-
but he argued that gay people should not get ganda, and I could see Trump was an expert at it. I
<special rights,= even as I asserted that we had no knew exactly where this was headed. I ended my
rights at all. We had exactly nothing in common. original recode column that broke the story with
And, while we would both go on to get married and this epigram: <Welcome to the brave new world,
have kids (me, twice), it was probably a good which is neither brave nor new. But it9s now the
instinct on his part to avoid me. world we live in, in which it9s Trump who is the
But I talked with other invitees, a few of whom disrupter and tech the disrupted. Yeah, you can say
said Thiel had pressured them to get on board. Doug Chayka for the Washington Post it: F---f---f---.=
others welcomed Thiel9s invite and insisted Trump maybe that wasn9t the most professional sen-
did not mean the terrible things he had said tence I9ve ever written, but I was trying to express
repeatedly on the stump. Another tried to convince
me that meeting Trump <was a public show of The Trump tech summit was a major my deep disappointment. I love tech, I breathe tech.
And I believe in tech. But for tech to fulfill its
truce.= Like musk, many insisted they would bring promise, founders and executives who ran their
up substantive issues, except behind closed doors.
<Look, this is obviously a circus,= one person told
turning point for me and how creations needed to put more safety tools in place.
They needed to anticipate consequences more. or
me. <Everyone in tech just wants to be invisible
right now when it comes to this administration but I viewed the industry I9d been at all. They needed to acknowledge that online rage
might extend into the real world in increasingly
has to participate since we9ve done it before.= scary ways.

he sticky part was that many of the tech

covering since the early 1990s. Instead, far too many of these founders and
innovators were careless, an attitude best summa-

T leaders 4 including facebook9s Sheryl Sand-

berg, who had been a prominent supporter of
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
The lack of humanity was rized by the ethos on early facebook office posters:
<move fast and break things.= I know it9s a software
slogan and it would later change (facebook CEo
4 had openly opposed Trump9s stances during the
campaign. Almost all of them pushed back when
overwhelming. and co-founder mark Zuckerberg jokingly changed
it to <move fast with stable infra,= as in infrastruc-
Trump called for <a total and complete shutdown of ture, in 2014), but I still think it reflects a
muslims entering the United States= and announced deep-seated childishness. Children like to break
a plan to severely limit immigration. In fact, two of things. I9d have initially preferred <move fast and
the invitees 4 musk and microsoft CEo Satya leaders to visit Trump Tower. Short of that, they are first Amendment. They have weaponized civic change things.= or, even more adult, <move fast and
Nadella 4 were immigrants themselves. And most being used to legitimize a fascist.= discourse. And they have weaponized, most of all, fix things.=
had privately derided Trump to me as a buffoon. Did Sacca change minds where I had failed? politics.= But they decided to start with <break,= and such
This kind of casual hypocrisy became increasing- Nope. And on Dec. 14, the people 4 or, more The tech titans would argue they were no worse carelessness has led to damage around the globe
ly common over the decades that I covered Silicon accurately, <sheeple,= as I described those who had than cable networks such as fox News (true, but a that, in turn, helped me understand what was
Valley9s elite. over that time, I watched founders helped invent the future slipped in through the very low bar) and that there was no easily provable happening to our own country. In August 2016,
transform from young, idealistic strivers in a back entrance of Trump Tower to enable a fascist. causality that they polarized the populace (a nearly investigative journalist maria ressa gave facebook
scrappy upstart industry into leaders of some of Even though the president-elect had openly at- impossible thing to measure). most of all, they often alarming data about people in the Philippines who
America9s largest and most influential businesses. tacked Amazon and Apple by name, Jeff Bezos (who dismissed any weaponization as <unintended con- were being targeted for graphic online abuse after
And while there were exceptions, the richer and owns The Post) and Tim Cook joined a dozen or so sequences.= criticizing then-President rodrigo Duterte9s drug
more powerful people grew, the more compromised others to compete in a nontelevised episode of <The maybe so, but it was not an unimaginable war. facebook did not take down the pages until
they became 4 wrapping themselves in expensive Apprentice: Nerd Edition.= consequence. french philosopher Paul Virilio has a two years after her report.
cashmere batting until the genuine person fell deep quote I think about a lot: <When you invent the So, in 2017, maria contacted me and asked if I
inside a cocoon of comfort and privilege where no hat none of these CEos wanted to admit ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you could help convince facebook of the burgeoning
unpleasantness intruded.
When people get really rich, they seem to attract
legions of enablers who lick them up and down all
W were the real reasons they flocked to the
wolf 9s gilded den: There was a heap of
money at stake, and they wanted to avoid a lot of
invent the plane, you also invent the plane crash;
and when you invent electricity, you invent electro-
cution. Every technology carries its own negativity,
threat. <We9re the canary in the coal mine, and it9s
coming to you,= said the woman who would later
win the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to shed
day. many of these billionaires had then started to damage the incoming Trump administration could which is invented at the same time as technical light on the murderous reality in her country. <Can
think of this fawning as reality 4 suddenly do to the tech sector. As much as tech execs wanted progress.= you help me stop them?=
everything that came out of their mouths was visas, they also wanted contracts with the new As it turned out, as much as I tried to sound
golden. History gets rewritten as hagiography. But government, especially the military. They wanted et me be clear: Hitler didn9t need Instagram. alarms, I could not stop them.
if you knew them in the Before Times and have
some prior knowledge of their original selves, you
either become an asset (truth-teller) or a threat
profits repatriated back to the United States from
foreign countries where they had been stashing
their lucre. more than anything, they wanted to be
L mussolini didn9t need to tweet. murderous
autocrats did not need to Snapchat their way
to infamy. But just imagine if they9d had those
Each year since has brought bigger and fresher
tech messes. Twitter, stupidly renamed X, has
mutated into a platform where the richest man in
(truth-teller) to them. shielded from regulation, which they had neatly supercharged tools. Well, Trump did, and he won the world offers his retweet support to racist, sexist
Still, I hoped even they had some limits, and and completely avoided so far. the 2016 election, thanks in large part to social and homophobic conspiracies. AI9s deep fakes and
there was a way to view the meeting as an Normally, sucking up to power isn9t news in the media. It wasn9t the only reason, but it9s easy to see a misinformation open a virtual Pandora9s box, with
opportunity, an opening to voice one9s opinion. I corporate world, but Silicon Valley was supposed to direct line from fDr mastering radio to JfK the potential to unleash troubles to plague human-
advised the people who called me back to make a be different. In 2000, Google incorporated the mastering TV to Trump mastering social media. kind faster than any actual plague. Chinese-owned
strong public joint statement going into the meet- motto <don9t be evil= into its code of conduct. At And Trump didn9t do it alone. Purveyors of TikTok makes parents feel better by employing
ing on key values and issues important to tech and Tesla, musk insisted that his dedication to humani- propaganda, both foreign and domestic, saw an safety features for teens, while the platform could
its employees. ty led him to make cool electric cars for the mass opportunity to spread lies and misinformation. be extending the Communist Party9s surveillance
<Isn9t that the point of a democracy?= I urged one market and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Today, malevolent actors continue to game the state across the globe, according to increasing
CEo. <Let the public know that you9re not going to facebook was supposed to be a tool to create platforms, and there9s still no real solution in sight numbers of government officials I have interviewed
Trump Tower to bend the knee to a king but to stand <stronger relationships with those you love, a because these powerful platforms are doing exactly around the world.
up to a bully. You can resist Trump9s stances against stronger economy with more opportunities, and a what they were designed to do. over time, I9ve come to settle on a theory that
immigrants because it is immigrants who built stronger society that reflects all of our values.= on the 25th floor of Trump Tower, the tech tech people embrace one of two pop culture visions
America and immigrants who most definitely built All these companies began with a gauzy credo to leaders managed to nix the photo op 4 but not the of the future. first, there9s the <Star Wars= view,
tech. You can defend science because climate change the world. And they had indeed done that 4 video op. In the four minutes that have been which pits the forces of good against the Dark Side.
change is a big threat and tech can be a crucial part but in ways they hadn9t imagined at the start, publicly released, we can see a grinning Trump And, as we know, the Dark Side puts up a
of fixing it. You can insist we invest in critical increasingly with troubling consequences from a flanked by Vice President-elect mike Pence and disturbingly good fight. While the Death Star gets
technologies that point the way to revolutions in flood of misinformation to a society becoming Thiel, whom Trump awkwardly pats on the hand destroyed, heroes die and then it inevitably gets
things like health and transportation and not get isolated and addicted to gadgets. So had I, so much and praises for being <very special.= rebuilt. Evil, in fact, does tend to prevail.
bogged down in the politics.= so that I had taken to joking at the end when I made reporters were quickly shooed out when the Then there9s the <Star Trek= view, in which a crew
Admittedly, I was monologuing. speeches: <I leave you to your own devices. meeting commenced. Afterward, Bezos works together to travel to distant worlds like an
my advice, of course, was completely ignored. I mean that: Your phone is the best called it <very productive,= and Safra interstellar Benetton commercial, promoting toler-
These famed <disrupters= accepted Trump9s invita- relationship you all have now, the first Catz, oracle9s chief executive and a ance and persuading villains not to be villains. It
tion with no conditions. They gave up their dignity thing you pick up in the morning and the Trump transition team member, flashed often works. I am, no surprise, a Trekkie, and I am
for nothing. Hewlett-Packard9s meg Whitman, last thing you touch at night.= a thumbs-up to cameras. most other not alone. At a 2007 AllThingsD conference tech
whom I had tangled with over her opposition to It always got a laugh, but by the time attendees slipped out the same way they columnist Walt mossberg and I hosted, Apple
same-sex marriage in 2010 when she ran for Trump was halfway through his term, it had sneaked in. legend Steve Jobs appeared onstage and said: <I like
governor of California (a stance she later recanted), was much less funny and it was dead I was not surprised the tech summit 8Star Trek.9 I want 8Star Trek.9 =
was the rare exception and was therefore not at the clear that I had underestimated how attendees didn9t release a statement, Now, Jobs is long dead, and the <Star Wars=
meeting. Despite being a staunch republican, she compromised the tech companies would either collectively or individually. But version seems to have won. Even if it were never the
had accurately pegged Trump as <a dishonest become. you know who did? Trump. His team intention, tech companies became key players in
demagogue= and shifted her support to Clinton in <facebook, as well as Twitter and went public with a list of 13 topics of killing our comity and stymieing our politics, our
August before the election. Google9s YouTube, have become the digi- Excerpted from discussion with no mention of immigra- government, our social fabric, and, most of all, our
Investor Chris Sacca, who also was not invited to tal arms dealers of the modern age,= I <Burn Book: A Tech tion, even though I9d called around and minds by seeding isolation, outrage and addictive
the meeting, likewise seemed to grasp what was wrote in 2018 in one of my first columns Love Story= by Kara learned that microsoft9s Nadella had behavior. Innocuous boy-kings who wanted to make
happening, boiling it down beautifully. <It9s funny, for the New York Times. I later added: Swisher. Copyright asked specifically about H-1B visas, the world a better place and ended up cosplaying
in every tech deal I9ve ever done, the photo op <They have mutated human communica- © 2024 by Kara often called the <genius visa.= reported- Darth Vader feels like science fiction. But it all really
comes after you9ve signed the papers,= he told me. tion, so that connecting people has too Swisher. Reprinted ly, Trump responded with, <Let9s fix that. happened.
<If Trump publicly commits to embrace science, often become about pitting them against with permission of What can I do to make it better?=
stops threatening censorship of the internet, rejects one another, and turbocharged that dis- Simon & Schuster. Instead, his administration made it kara swisher is the host of the podcast <on with kara
fake news and denounces hate against our diverse cord to an unprecedented and damaging All rights worse, eventually issuing a proclama- swisher.= she was the co-founder and editor at large of
employees, only then it would make sense for tech volume. . . . They have weaponized the reserved. tion to suspend the entry of H-1B visa recode.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a27

sunday opinion
Dana milbank

The bomb-thrower caucus expands the GOP debris ûeld

n Tuesday night, after House Americans today.=

O Republicans lost a closely

watched special congressional
election in New York, longtime
Republican pollster Frank Luntz warned
them that the result was <a rejection of
Invoking Trump9s nativist phrase, Mo-
ran went on: <I believe in America First.
But, unfortunately, America First means
we have to engage in the world. Taking a
sober view of history, there should be no
House Republican chaos= and a House doubt of the importance of the outcome
majority that <gave voters nothing to in Ukraine . . . and what it means to the
vote for.= United States.=
<Tonight is the final wakeup call for Cutting and running in Ukraine, and
the @HouseGOP,= he posted on X (for- abandoning an ally to Vladimir Putin9s
merly Twitter). <If they ignore or attempt depredations, would, as Sen. Angus King
to explain away why they lost, they will (I-Maine) memorably put it, <echo
lose in November as well.= throughout the history of this country
On Wednesday morning, House Re- and the history of the world for genera-
publicans attempted to explain away the tions,= as surely as the appeasement of
loss. Hitler in 1938.
Walking out of the Republican caucus And King said that before House
meeting in the Capitol basement, Intelligence Chairman Michael R. Tur-
Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio) explained that ner (R-Ohio) sounded a public alarm
part of the district was in the <liberal Wednesday about a <serious national
cesspool= of New York City 4 yet at the security threat= that turned out to be a
same time argued that the vanquished new Russian nuclear weapon that could
Republican <should have embraced be used in space against satellites.
Trump.= Opponents answered with Russian
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) propaganda. Sen. Tommy Tuberville
attributed it to <a bunch of stupid (R-Ala.), echoing Putin, claimed on X that
decisions= by a <bad campaign.= <Russia is open to a peace agreement,
<Snow played a factor,= offered while it is DC warmongers who want to
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). prolong the war.= He also claimed that
Rep. Marc Molinaro (R.-N.Y.), wearing Ukraine <can9t win= against Russia.
a tie with an ice-cream-cone pattern, On the Senate floor, J.D. Vance
sugarcoated it by saying that <special (R-Ohio) blended his isolationism with a
elections suck.= vulgar appeal to ethno-nationalism. <Not
<Let9s not try to make this into some a single country 4 not even the U.S. 4
big narrative on November,= proposed within the NATO alliance has birthrates
endangered Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.). at replacement level,= he complained.
The loss had absolutely nothing to do <We don9t have enough families and
with the fact that House Republicans, children to continue as a nation, and yet
after 14 months in the majority, had leah Millis/reuTers we9re talking about problems 6,000
produced nothing but mayhem! To judge House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) takes questions during a news conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. miles away.=
from House GOP leaders9 message at Maybe, deep down, Johnson recogniz-
their Wednesday morning news confer- state= spying on ordinary Americans, Enforcement, has forced ICE to prepare es the moral urgency of helping Ukraine,
ence, the only thing they had to do Republican leaders pulled the bill from plans to release thousands of migrants and the cramped arguments of Putin9s
differently was to call President Biden Maybe, deep down, the floor, canceled votes and left for from detention to cover a budget apologists. But it doesn9t really matter
senile more often. recess a day early. shortfall. what he believes, because by his actions
House Republican Conference Chair- the speaker recognizes the The House isn9t scheduled to recon- The abandonment of Ukraine will he is choosing his own job security over
woman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) led off with vene until Feb. 28, barely 24 hours before have even graver consequences. national security. One of the anti-
her view that the president9s <deteriorat- moral urgency of helping the government shuts down without Writing in the Hill on Wednesday, Ukraine zealots, Rep. Warren Davidson
ing mental state= left him <mentally congressional action. And the House still British Foreign Secretary David (R-Ohio), told CNN9s Manu Raju that
unfit= to serve. Ukraine. But it doesn9t really has no spending plan. Cameron, the Conservative former Johnson would face a motion to vacate
Majority Whip Tom Emmer (Minn.) At Wednesday morning9s news confer- prime minister, thanked the Senate for his speakership if he let the Senate9s aid
concurred that Biden was <unfit= and matter what he believes, ence, PBS9s Lisa Desjardins asked John- acting and pleaded with those blocking package come to a vote, and that this is
had <zero business occupying the Oval son pointedly about his plans for border the aid. <I believe our joint history shows <not an empty threat.=
Office.= because by his actions he is security and Ukraine: <Are you actually the folly of giving in to tyrants in Europe Though the foreign aid bill would pass
And Speaker Mike Johnson, leaning going to do nothing?= who believe in redrawing boundaries by the House easily, Johnson blocks it from
as the others did on the medical exper- choosing his own job security Replied the speaker: <We are not going force,= he wrote. <I do not want us to getting a vote to preserve his own weak
tise of special counsel Robert Hur, a to be forced into action by the Senate.= show the weakness displayed against speakership. Is it any wonder that vet-
Republican lawyer, opined: <A man too over national security. Nor, apparently, by anything else. Hitler in the 1930s. He came back for eran lawmakers are running for the exit?
incapable of being held accountable for Finally, after lawmakers had already more, costing us far more lives to stop his This past week, Chairman Mike Gallagh-
mishandling classified information is left town for their break, House Republi- aggression.= er of the Select Committee on the Chi-
certainly unfit for the Oval Office.= the tools and the executive authority cans9 allegations of bribery and corrup- Asked about Cameron9s words by Brit- nese Communist Party and Chairman
To emphasize the point, Republicans necessary= without legislation. tion against Biden unraveled when a ain9s Sky News, Greene replied: <David Mark Green of the Homeland Security
invited to the microphone Rep. Ronny Mr. Speaker, please remember these special prosecutor announced that the Cameron needs to worry about his own Committee announced their retire-
Jackson (R-Tex.), who, as the White words: Person. Man. Woman. Camera. FBI informant at the heart of their case country, and frankly he can kiss my a--.= ments, joining Financial Services Chair-
House physician, was known as the TV. had been indicted on charges of provid- In that, Congresswoman Space Lasers man Patrick T. McHenry, Appropriations
<candyman= for his liberal dispensing of ing <false derogatory information to the has an ally in Donald Trump, who Chairwoman Kay Granger, and Energy
pills. <We need a cognitive test,= the f Johnson has not taken leave of his FBI= about the president and his son, threatened anew to blow up NATO and and Commerce Chairwoman Cathy
doctor ordered.
But if there is anybody in public life
whose actions scream out for the Mon-
I mental faculties, the alternative is
worse: He is deliberately and know-
ingly sabotaging the functioning of the
Hunter. The informant9s story about the
Bidens had been a <fabrication,= the
indictment charged.
said he would not protect allies attacked
by Russia if they don9t spend more for
their own defense. Instead, he would
McMorris Rodgers.
Gallagher announced he was quitting
just a few days after he opposed the
treal Cognitive Assessment, it is John- U.S. government because he thinks it in The week9s lone accomplishment for <encourage [Russia] to do whatever the Mayorkas impeachment on grounds
son. A couple of weeks ago, the Louisi- his interest. House Republicans: Impeaching Home- hell they want.= that it would <pry open the Pandora9s
ana Republican got Israel and Iran First, he killed border security. Now, land Security Secretary Alejandro On Tuesday morning, 22 Senate Re- box of perpetual impeachment.= The
mixed up during a <Meet the Press= he9s blocking aid to Ukraine. He told Mayorkas on the second try, even though publicans, including Minority Leader zealots were already threatening to ex-
appearance. Now, he seems to be forget- Republicans Wednesday that there9s <no the Senate will quickly set aside the Mitch McConnell, defied Trump and communicate him in the Liz Cheney
ting what he did just last week. rush= to get military aid to Ukraine as it error-laced articles. Republican stood by Ukraine. tradition. <I firmly don9t believe that the
On Monday, Johnson issued a state- struggles to hold off Russian invaders. He Sen. Kevin Cramer (N.D.) has called it <Why am I so focused on this vote?= best use for the next chapter of my
ment rejecting out of hand an emergen- proposed discussing the legislation at <the worst, dumbest exercise and use of Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), one of the career is staying in Congress for another
cy foreign aid package that was sailing the House GOP retreat 4 a month from time.= honorable 22, asked on the Senate floor. decade,= Gallagher told the Milwaukee
through the Senate en route to passage now. Even that dubious achievement, <Because I don9t want to be on the pages Journal Sentinel.
by an overwhelming, bipartisan vote of It9s not as though he has anything passed by a single vote, required a of history that we will regret if we walk A year ago, I celebrated Gallagher as a
70-29. <House Republicans were crystal better to do. GOP leaders this past week legislative sleight-of-hand, scheduling away. You will see the alliance that is leader who <puts country before party=
clear from the very beginning of discus- scheduled a vote on a bill, desired by New the vote right after Rep. Steve Scalise supporting Ukraine crumble. You will in the <bipartisan, serious and produc-
sions that any so-called national security York Republicans, to expand deductions (R-La.) returned from weeks of cancer ultimately see China become embold- tive= way he ran his committee: <Gallagh-
supplemental legislation must recognize for state and local taxes. But 18 Republi- treatment and about 90 minutes before ened, and I am not going to be on that er is exactly the sort of person you want
that national security begins at our own cans blocked it from being taken up for the polls closed in New York, which gave page of history.= in this role as China9s growing aggres-
border,= he wrote. debate 4 the sixth time during this Democrats an additional seat in the Another of the 22, Sen. Jerry Moran sion pushes us toward a new cold war. A
Apparently, he just plum forgot that he Congress that a <rule= for debate had House. (Kan.), urged his colleagues not to undo 39-year-old Princeton graduate and for-
was the one who, a week earlier, had failed. Before these guys took over, it Johnson9s growing debris field of legis- in a moment all that had been built, at mer Marine captain with a PhD in
killed a bipartisan border security bill 4 hadn9t happened in more than 20 years. lative wreckage has already led to some the cost of great blood and treasure, in international relations, he noted with
the toughest in a generation 4 that he The majority also abandoned (for a dire consequences in the real world. As the postwar years. <We owe something to satisfaction . . . that his panel has 8no
had originally demanded but now called second time) plans to renew the Foreign The Post9s Nick Miroff first reported, the those who served,= he said. <We owe bomb throwers.9 =
<dead on arrival.= He had earlier said that Intelligence Surveillance Act last week killing of the border security bill, which them to live up to our responsibilities to Alas, there is no place for such a man
congressional action was indispensable because of more GOP infighting. With would have sent $6 billion in emergency preserve what they have defended and in this House GOP conference. Only
but now claimed Biden already had <all hard-liners howling about the <deep funding to Immigration and Customs protected and made available to me, to bomb throwers need apply.

CatheRine Rampell

Trump9s family business eyes a new piggy bank: The RNC

he Trump gravy train is about to Trump has already run his own busi- political events. For instance: Lara Trump recently said

T run over the Republican National

Former president Donald
Trump officially endorsed his daughter-
in-law Lara Trump to become co-chair of
ness and charitable foundation into the
ground 4 and sometimes outside the
contours of the law. You might recall the
bankruptcies, the unpaid bills, the de-
frauding of banks and insurers, the ap-
Trump9s family relations also did okay
in this arrangement. For instance, Trump9s
son-in-law Jared Kushner ran the admin-
istration9s Middle East policy 4 then
shortly after leaving office, secured a
on Newsmax that, if elected RNC co-chair,
she9d ensure <every single penny= of RNC
funds goes toward putting her father-in-
law back in the White House. This might
unsettle down-ballot candidates, who
the RNC. This would be her first leader- pointments of unqualified family mem- $2 billion investment from a fund led by also need a few pennies here and there.
ship role within the party, but she9s none- bers who proved equally allergic to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Sal- But hey, if past is prologue, they might be
theless considered qualified for the job truth, the criminal convictions of staff man, known as MBS. When asked this past able pry away some RNC money for their
because she9s related to the likely and attorneys. Trump himself has legal week about this investment and the own events 4 assuming those events are
2024 nominee. Hey, it definitely says restrictions on his ability to serve on U.S. intelligence report finding the crown held at Mar-a-Lago or another venue that
something when your foremost profes- charity boards after he admitted to per- prince had murdered Post contributor Ja- channels donor money to their party lead-
sional achievement is marrying Eric sonally misusing funds. mal Khashoggi, an exasperated Kushner er9s bank account.
Trump. Trump ascended to office on promises responded: <Are we really still doing this?= In any case, the RNC is on its worst
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has en- to run government like a business, and as Meanwhile, MBS recently affirmed he financial footing in at least a decade. With
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
dorsed two other staunch allies for top president, that he did 4 by taking those would maintain his investment in Kush- the Trump family in charge, it seems likely
RNC posts: Michael Whatley, chair of the Lara Trump in March. exact kleptocratic, nepotistic business in- ner9s private equity fund if Trump gets that any available funds will be diverted
North Carolina Republican Party and a stincts and applying them to the execu- reelected. not toward the races where they9re put to
rabid 2020 election denier, to be chair- tives 4 they should be shoo-ins. tive branch. I dredge all this up partly because best use but to wherever they9re most
man; and Chris LaCivita, a Trump cam- Trump critics have chided Republicans He managed to siphon money away right-wing outlets have tried to memory- advantageous (politically, legally or finan-
paign senior adviser, to be chief operating for these choices. They argue that the from taxpayers through exorbitantly hole it 4 more fun to talk about Hunter cially) for the paterfamilias.
officer. LaCivita would still keep his role former president9s picks are just another priced Secret Service rentals of Trump- Biden9s shady art sales, I guess. But also Good. The RNC needs to go broke, to be
with the Trump campaign, CBS News sign that the party is a subsidiary of owned properties. Also from Saudi, because it9s a useful preview of what as poorly run as possible, if the Grand Old
reports. Trump Inc. That he9s attempting to run Chinese and Turkish government offi- Trump familial leadership of the RNC Party is to ever shake out of its Trump
These positions are not exactly ap- the party like his incompetently run fam- cials, plus U.S. corporate lobbyists and could look like. Trump9s grift-first-and- trance.
pointments; chair and co-chair must be ily business. That the plan is to fleece GOP GOP bigwigs hoping for favorable govern-later management style might None of this means incompetent man-
elected by RNC committee members. But donors in service of paying off Trump9s government treatment. Astonishingly, have been disastrous for democracy when agement of the party will doom Trump in
given Trump9s stranglehold on every oth- mounting legal bills and subordinate the once he left office and sold off the Trump his people ran the White House, but it November. This is a man adept at failing
er GOP-connected institution 4 up to and party9s national interests to his own. International Hotel in downtown D.C., it could be terrific when applied to ravaging upward. But win or lose, Trump will be
including the U.S. House of Representa- By golly, let9s hope so. became a much less popular location for the GOP. laughing all the way to the bank.
a28 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024



Death behind bars

ONVICTED SEX OFFENDER Jeffrey ers the quality of life of those in residence. But but of adhering to existing ones. More than 100 of somehow left him enough sheets to hang himself,

C Epstein9s suicide and mob boss Whitey

Bulger9s murder both made headlines as
shocking failures of the federal prison sys-
tem. But the shortcomings that led to these famous
men9s deaths weren9t the exception 4 they were the
other operational flaws at Tallahassee mirror the
ones last week9s report identifies as contributing to
avoidable deaths: short staffing among correction-
al officers; crumbling infrastructure; insufficient
coverage by security cameras as well as haphazard
the 187 suicides in the report were by inmates in
the lowest category of mental health care. The
disconnect likely results in part from inadequate
training for those conducting assessments; many
staff, the report says, didn9t attend the requisite
one stunning story featured in the report is of an
inmate found dead with 1,000 pills in his unit 4
though it was reported searched the previous day.
Staff also didn9t conduct rounds as frequently as
protocol required. In one instance, following the
rule. screening for contraband. sessions with psychologists. Worse, sometimes rules could have allowed patrollers to spot an
The Justice Department9s inspector general last Some of the missteps the latest report spotlights inmate braiding the rope he eventually used to kill
week released a report on the could be averted by revising department policy. himself.
EdiTOriaL Federal Bureau of Prisons9 manifest The Bureau of Prisons, for example, has been Perhaps most troubling of all, prisons have no
difficulty keeping inmates alive. scrutinizing its rules on single-celling inmates 4 How to stop the suicide crisis way of knowing the extent of their own deficien-
Between 2014 and 2021, the investigation reveals, a which, when those individuals are also in restric- cies. For more than one-third of the deaths covered
total of 344 individuals died by suicide, homicide, tive housing, amounts to placing them in solitary in federal prisons. by the report, records were lacking. No wonder:
drug overdose or other accident. The number has confinement. (Bulger, after his stay in a single cell Key information on many of the bureau9s problems
been increasing steadily, even as the prison popula- pending a transfer, declared he had <lost the will to is absent. Director Colette Peters, asked on CBS9s
tion has decreased. The majority of these deaths by live.=) But no policy update has come, and in those assessments didn9t even take place 4 either <60 Minutes= last month how many additional
unnatural causes were suicides; the majority of multiple instances the inspector general discov- prisoners weren9t evaluated at intake, or they officers the agency needed to mitigate its person-
those suicides involved inmates in single cells. The ered that individuals deemed at risk of self-harm didn9t receive follow-up evaluations even when nel crisis, said the bureau will specify the number
evidence suggests they were preventable. were nonetheless housed alone; one of these they exhibited behaviors, such as giving away their <very soon= 4 by October, she expects.
It9s not news that the bureau is beset by inmates died by suicide a day after his placement possessions or refusing meals, that suggested they Fixing the bureau9s shortcomings will require
problems. This summer, the inspector general in a single cell at a transfer center. The bureau were at risk. sustained focus, which we hope Ms. Peters brings
released a separate report on a surprise inspection ought also to modernize its security camera Sometimes, lapses in communication led to to an institution that has had six directors in as
conducted at the Federal Correctional Institution apparatus 4 a priority recommendation from the disaster. One service (say, health services) might many years. It will also require money from
Tallahassee, a women9s prison. There, inmates inspector general 4 and conduct random searches recognize an inmate9s condition but fail to tell Congress and support from the president. Unlike
dined on moldy bread and rotting vegetables, as of staff to guard against illicit substances making another (correctional services, for example) 4 or Jeffrey Epstein and Whitey Bulger, the more than
well as cereal from bags with insects in them their way inside prisons9 walls. vice versa. And neglecting to complete searches of 300 individuals who died preventable deaths in
stored in warehouses contaminated with rodent Other issues plaguing the country9s prison inmates9 cells could be fatal. Just as officers prisons over the past seven years didn9t make the
droppings. This disgraceful treatment surely low- system aren9t a matter of setting new standards claimed they had searched Epstein9s cell but news 4 but they mattered just the same.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr ann TELnaEs The frightening NATO threat

Be careful with abortion pledges Mr. Putin9s foe Alexei Navalny dies in prison Regarding the Feb. 12 front-page article
<European allies riled by Trump comments=:
Voters in Maryland should beware of As a Republican who watched with shock and
Republicans, including former Maryland governor dread as Donald Trump completed his coup of my
Larry Hogan, who pledge not to restrict abortion party nearly eight years ago, I ask those still with
rights and claim abortion rights to be settled law him: Does his refusal to stand up for NATO and our
in Maryland, as reported in the Feb. 10 Metro other allies and reject the tyranny of autocrats
article <Hogan running for U.S. Senate.= Even if a around the world not mark a bridge too far?
future Sen. Hogan were to vote against a Throughout his first term, our nation saw
nationwide abortion ban, that same senator would Mr. Trump employ an isolationist, nativist
contribute to the Republican Party being the mentality, embracing human-rights-abusing
majority party, thereby allowing a proposed ban to dictators such as Russian President Vladimir Putin
come to a vote in the first place. and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un while
That same Sen. Hogan would empower that shunning and disparaging the leaders of our
same Republican Party to make all sorts of efforts longtime allies. His recent comments that he would
to defund Planned Parenthood and other <encourage= Russia to attack NATO allies without
agencies whose purpose is to provide health care, fear of a U.S. response is more than troubling; it9s
including reproductive health care, to women. disqualifying from the presidency.
Worse, by voting with a Republican majority, a When our world is so fragile, we need a
future Sen. Hogan would empower the same commander in chief who firmly stands against
Republican Party to bring to a vote in the Senate autocracy and for democracy. The former president
the nominations of judges whose prime is not that person, and shame on us if we refuse to
qualification will be to remove reproductive see that.
choice from women9s health care. Kiran Bhatia, Brookline, Mass.
Voters who place a priority on freedom of choice
in reproductive care and maintaining a right to On Feb. 10, former president Donald Trump said
abortion across the country must vote against all that if a NATO country had not spent 2 percent of
Republicans these days. Mr. Hogan is a wolf in its gross domestic product on defense, he would not
sheep9s clothing, telling voters to look the other only refuse to defend the NATO member if it were
way while his election helps the Republican Party, attacked; he would also encourage an attack.
as if by magic, do the dirty work in its efforts to I expected a mass outcry following the
eviscerate reproductive freedom. announcement, but, in my view, the pushback has
Marc Springer, Brookline, Mass. been dangerously muted. In fact, the lack of an
outcry is itself an encouragement to Russia to
Covid isn9t over For all the complaints about aid to Ukraine, the
fact remains that Ukraine is fighting for us. If
Regarding the Feb. 15 news article <CDC plans Russia conquers Ukraine, Poland is next and the
to drop five-day covid isolation guidelines=: NATO Article 5 pledge is on the line. It is only the
The Centers for Disease Control and threat of a united opposition to an attack on Poland
Prevention9s potential loosening of coronavirus 4 or Finland or Estonia 4 that provides some
isolation guidelines is a reckless, anti-public- assurance that Europe will not refight World War II.
health policy that goes against science, encourages I am frightened 4 and so should Europe be 4
disease spread and puts everyone at greater risk. that there is minimal outcry over Mr. Trump9s
The bare minimum we should have learned from a express encouragement of Russian aggression.
devastating pandemic that has killed and disabled Katherine Davies, Bethesda
millions is that we should stay home when we are
sick. Yet, inexplicably, by caving in to corporate Former president Donald Trump9s latest
interests, governments are encouraging people to absurdity 4 encouraging Russian leaders to do
not even do the bare minimum. <whatever the hell they want= to low-paying NATO
The truth is that covid is still killing and members 4 is further evidence that he could be the
disabling way too many people, and too many Democrats9 best electoral asset. I find it unlikely
people are locked out of society and can9t even that the American electorate, writ large, will ever
access medical care safely because of high levels of again allow Mr. Trump to be in a position to act
covid transmission. We still need science-based matrix of common sense. was a concern of the Founding Fathers as they upon his myriad lunacies. By giving vent to them,
isolation guidance, and we need better public And their technicalities were not even accurate. crafted the Constitution. he reminds the electorate of his twisted mind-set.
health protections. For some, there are Some justices asserted or implied that Section 3 of Their classical educations had taught them of the As a loyal Republican of some 84 years, I have
understandable financial reasons they can9t take the 14th Amendment was intended to apply only to inescapable struggles of long-dead empires against confidence, despite Mr. Trump and his loudly
time off work for an extended period. But instead appointed officers and not to elected ones. But that such internal strife. Though the Founders could not caterwauling, cowardly, lemming-like base, that the
of weakening isolation guidance for everyone, section9s wording refers to <any officer=; justices visualize insurrectional traps awaiting their new essential goodness and common sense of the
governments can more effectively reduce harm by ignored a colloquy in the 1866 Senate wherein the republic, they knew such menaces would arise. The American people will prevail in the general
pushing for increased structural supports that word <any= was emphasized. They claimed that the best they could devise was introducing a body of election.
reduce virus spread, such as free N95 masks and president is not an officer, ignoring that Webster respected but unelected electors as a vehicle for Mr. Trump is a demonstrable liar, loser and
more paid sick leave and clean-air infrastructure. defines <president= as <the highest executive officer= moderating the factional enthusiasms they could generally reprehensible human being. His active
The pandemic isn9t over, and covid isn9t over. and <any presiding officer= and that the amendment foresee in popular elections for the president. desire to return to the White House should
The coronavirus might look different than in was written while President Andrew Johnson had Alexander Hamilton gave evidence of the drafters9 nauseate, if not scare the hell out of, the majority of
2020, but it is still harming many people, and we referred to himself as the nation9s <chief executive hope that this had addressed this issue in Federalist thinking Americans.
need to make long-term adjustments to make officer.= Paper No. 9: <A firm Union will be of the utmost Grant Heggie, Nellysford, Va.
society healthier and accessible to everyone. The amendment9s developers were concerned that moment in the peace and liberty of the States, as a
Lucky Tran, New York some candidates for elective office who violated oaths barrier against domestic faction and insurrection.=
The writer is a public health advocate and to honor the Constitution would be very popular, as James Madison went even further in Federalist 10 Guest opinion submissions
science communicator at Columbia University. Mr. Trump is. The Supreme Court whitewashed to address blunting the effects of factional excess by The Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
Mr. Trump9s violation of the emoluments clause. Now, a majority. In 1861, the Founders9 premonitions of topic. We welcome submissions on local, national and
despite knowing that many members of Congress are insurrections became concrete. The leaders of the international issues. We publish work that varies in length
Mr. Trump and the 14th Amendment obsequious to Mr. Trump, justices repeatedly implied surviving republic crafted and ratified the 14th and format, including multimedia. Submit a guest opinion
that Congress should decide whether Mr. Trump is Amendment. Applied in the wake of the Civil War, it at or read our guide to writing an
Regarding the Feb. 11 news article <Much unease disqualified. They didn9t seem to recognize that they has seen little use until now. opinion article at
in blue states as Supreme Court weighs the Trump have any responsibility. What places the 14th Amendment in question is
ballot case=: Gilbert Wootton, Annapolis only the fortuitous truth that the United States has Letter submissions
In oral arguments for Trump v. Anderson held on had only infrequent experience with political actors Letters can be sent to
Feb. 8, justices steered the discussion away from the As the Supreme Court considers the Colorado as truly dangerous as the insurrectionist confronting Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
point that President Donald Trump had instigated Supreme Court9s decision to implement the us now. He assaulted the Founders9 electoral college include the writer9s address and day and evening
an insurrection from November 2020 to January 14th Amendment9s Section 3 to exclude the former defense against insurrection by his actions telephone numbers. Letters are subject to editing and
2021, including pressuring Georgia9s secretary of chief executive officer of the United States from state surrounding Jan. 6, 2021, and is attacking the abridgment. Please do not send letters as attachments.
state to falsify Mr. Trump9s vote count. They dealt ballots for the next presidential election, public 14th Amendment9s defenses before the Supreme Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
mostly in pedantic legal technicalities, which are attention focuses exclusively on this amendment9s Court now. unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
useful only if they are grounded and embedded in a post-Civil War context. Yet, the threat of insurrection John J. Kohout III, Williamsburg, Va. are under consideration for publication will be contacted.

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a29

ruth Marcus george F. Will

What Trump9s Biden9s

next Supreme dishwasher
Court might rules are a
look like dirty joke
f Donald Trump is elected again, the ndustrial policy 4 government plan-

I impact won9t last for just four years. One

of the biggest consequences of a second
Trump presidency, and one of the least
discussed, would extend for decades: a rein-
forced, reinvigorated conservative majority
I ning the billions of variables generated
by hundreds of millions of people mak-
ing economic choices 4 provides some-
thing there is never enough of: comic relief.
And when industrial policy mates with cli-
on the Supreme Court. mate policy, there is surplus merriment.
Unless the unexpected happens, Trump Topics for another day are the difficul-
isn9t likely to be able to add a seventh ties of electric vehicles, which supposedly
conservative to the existing six-justice super- will ameliorate global boiling 4 if they can
majority. But what a Republican in the White be coaxed into functioning during some-
LoAy Ayyoub for the WAshington Post
House can do is deliver a younger set of thing that evidently was left out of the
conservatives to the high court and entrench An injured Palestinian child in the southern Gaza Strip on Jan. 18. planners9 plans: winter. Instead, today con-
the existing majority for another 20 or 30 sider another of the Biden administration9s
The oldest justices are Clarence Thomas,
75, and Samuel A. Alito Jr., 73. They could be
expected to seize the moment of a Republican
The U.S. should go it alone on aspirations: planet-friendly dishwashers.
The Energy Department9s busy beavers,
with their unsleeping search for reasons to
boss us around for our own good, decided
presidency to step aside; the pressure on
them to do so would be enormous. That would
give Trump the opportunity to name two
more justices, on top of the three he selected
humanitarian relief for Gaza that dishwashers use too much water and
energy, there presumably being a shortage
of the former and a stigma attached to
using the latter. So, in 2012 the department
during his first term 4 Neil M. Gorsuch, 56; issued regulations so annoying to consum-
Brett M. Kavanaugh, 59; and Amy Coney BY J EFF M ERKLEY, support to Gaza. In conflict after dinate the transportation of Palestin- ers, the Trump administration relaxed
Barrett, 52. D ICK D URBIN, conflict around the world, we shine a ians with serious injuries to hospitals them. That was sufficient reason for the
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. is 69. I E LIZABETH W ARREN, light on humanitarian tragedies and in the region and to establish no-fire Biden administration, on its first day, to
don9t see him giving Trump the opportunity C HRIS V AN H OLLEN admonish the governments responsi- zones for field hospitals. order a reversal of the reversal.
to replace him; remember, this is a chief AND P ETER W ELCH ble. We stand against bombing cam- Second, the impending famine This issue was catnip for the admirable
justice who took Trump to task after the paigns that result in high civilian must be stopped through immediate Competitive Enterprise Institute, which
then-president denounced an <Obama judge.= he United States must act casualties. We coordinate aid to assist onshore deliveries of food. Extreme was founded 40 years ago to be a nuisance
None of the liberal justices 4 Sonia Soto-
mayor, 69; Elena Kagan, 63; Ketanji Brown
Jackson, 53 4 is going anywhere voluntarily if
Trump is reelected, even if their lot with the
conservative majority is rather grim. <I live in
T immediately to address the
humanitarian catastrophe in
Israel has every right to pursue
those who carried out Hamas9s hor-
those suffering. Because of our close
partnership with Israel, it is even
more imperative that we act in Gaza.
Up until now, the administration
has emphasized two strategies in this
hunger is widespread after months of
grossly inadequate deliveries. Nine
out of 10 Palestinians are surviving on
less than one meal a day. Successfully
feeding that many people will also
to government that makes a nuisance of
itself. The CEI9s prodding in 2018 produced
the Energy Department9s 2020 ruling per-
mitting dishwashers that were better (for
the reasons, read on) at washing dishes
frustration,= Sotomayor said in revealing re- rific terrorist assault on Oct. 7. But matter: urging Israel to greatly ampli- require the delivery of fuel to restart than were machines that complied with
marks to law students at the University of the war strategy chosen by Israeli fy the delivery of aid, and pursuing a bakeries and cooking stoves. the 2012 regulations.
California at Berkeley last month. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya- diplomatic strategy to finalize a pause Third, address the acute water Responding to the Biden administra-
If the thought of a more youthful conserva- hu9s government has had a massive in fighting that will stop the bombing shortage. Contaminated water is al- tion9s reinstatement of those regulations, a
tive majority fills you with dread, it should 4 and unacceptable impact on Pales- and provide an opportunity for an ready driving widespread illness; slew of states sued the Energy Department,
and this is a danger that Democrats are tinian civilians. Israel9s campaign of infusion of aid. These strategies mini- cholera and other diseases could asserting standing to sue because they buy
underemphasizing. Their party has reaped bombing and shelling has killed an mize conflict with the Netanyahu spread quickly, with devastating ef- dishwashers and are injured by being pre-
political benefits from the backlash to the estimated 28,000 Palestinians, ac- government and avoid the complexity fects. Two of the three lines that vented from buying a product precluded by
court9s overruling of Roe v. Wade, and Presi- cording to the health ministry in and responsibility for coordinating previously supplied Gaza with clean a regulation. This dispute reached the
dent Biden plans to make the threat to Gaza, more than 70 percent of them direct assistance. But these strategies water from Israel have been out of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit,
abortion rights a centerpiece of the campaign. women and children. Many more are have failed. The Palestinians cannot commission for weeks. Israel should which, in its Jan. 8 ruling, swatted away
But Biden and other Democrats have been seriously injured. Acute shortages of wait any longer, and our country be pressed to repair and activate what it tartly called the department9s
largely silent on the bigger stakes for the medicine, food, water and shelter, needs to act now. them. The United States should also <government-always-wins= argument for
court. Much damage has already been done combined with power and communi- The role of the United States in this ensure that the water desalination denying the states9 standing: Because the
under the Trump-enhanced majority 4 an cation blackouts, have created a cas- operation should be to get medical plants on the coast have the fuel they Energy Department9s regulations prevent-
enormous expansion of gun rights, an end to cading disaster. aid directly to hospitals by air and need to operate and should use its ed manufacturers from producing never-
affirmative action in higher-education admis- For months, the Biden administra- supplies of food, water and necessi- sea-to-shore assets to deliver water made machines, the states cannot prove
sions, a hobbling (with more on the way) of tion has made urgent and repeated ties to the shore. Humanitarian or- and water purification equipment. that anyone would actually have purchased
regulatory agencies. But there9s a lot of mis- requests to the Netanyahu govern- ganizations must take over from Fourth, provide safe shelter. The them.
chief left to do, and the prospect of extending ment to pursue a more targeted cam- there to distribute and utilize the Netanyahu government has repeated- Then the court termed the rule repealing
this remarkable period of conservative domi- paign against Hamas and to dramati- supplies. In this intense conflict, the ly directed Palestinians to locations the 2020 rule <arbitrary and capricious.= It
nance is terrifying. cally increase the facilitation of hu- presence of U.S. troops or personnel that have subsequently come under noted:
And the threat is asymmetric. Not much manitarian aid delivered through the on the ground inside Gaza would be military attack. Netanyahu9s threat- <DOE stated that its energy conserva-
would change if Biden won reelection; it9s Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossing an invitation to direct involvement in ened military operation in Rafah tion program must promote 8water conser-
possible Sotomayor, who turns 70 this year, points. Israel has largely disregarded the conflict. We must not make that would cause massive and unaccept- vation9 and regulate 8water use.9 But it is
would retire, but the rest of the court would these appeals. In addition, the Netan- mistake. able additional displacement. Opera- unclear how or why DOE thinks it has any
likely remain. A more closely divided court 4 yahu government is considering a We should immediately launch tion Gaza Relief should facilitate as- statutory authority to regulate 8water use9
or even a liberal majority 4 will take years, or military campaign in Rafah, where <Operation Gaza Relief.= It would sistance for aid organizations to deliv- in dishwashers and washing machines.=
the happenstance of unanticipated depar- more than 1 million displaced Pales- address four key needs: er and erect emergency shelters in The pertinent statute authorizes regulat-
tures, to come about. tinians are living, which would make First, supply desperately needed areas coordinated with Israel and the ing energy use <or= water use. <So it seems
I used to say that a Thomas retirement the humanitarian crisis even worse. medicine and medical equipment. United Nations to make sure they are obvious that the statute gave DOE power to
would probably move the court to the left, for Given the lack of a meaningful The 11 partially functional hospitals safe zones. regulate energy use for energy-using appli-
the simple reason that there weren9t many response to the Biden administra- remaining in Gaza cannot provide To improve the humanitarian con- ances= such as dishwashers, or <water use
Supreme Court candidates as conservative. tion9s appeals to the Netanyahu gov- care needed by thousands of Palestin- ditions in Gaza, the United States for non-energy-using appliances,= such as
That9s no longer true. A victorious Trump, and ernment, the responsibility to lead ians with life-threatening injuries. should continue to push for a cease- shower heads.
his advisers, would reap the benefits of having falls upon the United States. It falls on Children are going through amputa- fire coupled with the release of hos- So, the court said, not only has the
installed scores of stalwart conservatives on the United States because we are the tions and mothers through Caesarean tages, to advocate for a more targeted Energy Department acted in excess of
the lower federal courts 4 and have been largest provider of military assistance sections without anesthesia. The effort against Hamas that prioritizes statutory authority, but the record also
monitoring their performance ever since. to Israel. It falls on us because the United States should mobilize and avoiding civilian harm and to encour- contains <ample evidence= that the depart-
We don9t have to speculate wildly about United States has supplied many of support airlifts to provide those hos- age Israel to deliver more aid. ment9s new rules reduced efficiency in both
who the most likely nominees might be. In the bombs and artillery shells that pitals with supplies including basic But given the dire circumstances, energy and water use because <purportedly
September 2020, the week before the death of Israel has employed in its Gaza cam- medicines, from antibiotics to insu- these efforts alone are not enough. 8energy efficient9 appliances do not work.=
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump helpful- paign. It falls on us because the lin. We should also consider deploy- Operation Gaza Relief is essential. People <may use more energy and more
ly updated his list of potential nominees, United States has a massive sealift ment of the Navy9s two hospital ships, Our values demand action. There is water to preclean, reclean, or handwash
including 10 jurists he placed on lower courts. capability to deliver aid and might be each with a 1,000-bed capacity, to the no time to waste. their stuff before, after, or in lieu of using
There are also a few Trump appointees who the only nation Israel would allow to eastern Mediterranean 4 and coordi- DOE-regulated appliances.=
did not make that list but might well be coordinate the direct provision of aid nate help from hospital ships operat- Democrats Jeff Merkley (ore.), Dick Says who? Says the Energy Department,
considered in a second Trump term. to Gaza to address the suffering. ed by other nations and the nonprofit Durbin (ill.), elizabeth Warren (Mass.), citing commentators reporting that <many
If first-term Trump was wowed by poten- Moreover, our values demand the Mercy Ships. The United States Chris Van hollen (Md.) and Peter Welch consumers end up running their dishwash-
tial nominees with glittering Ivy League résu- provision of lifesaving humanitarian should also work with Israel to coor- (Vt.) are u.s. senators. er multiple times to get dishes clean.= The
més and good looks, second-term Trump court said the department <appeared to
would bring to the selection process the agree that the frustratingly slow pace of
experience of having been disappointed by modern dishwashers caused consumer
what he perceives as some of his nominees9 substitution away from dishwashers and
subsequent disloyalty and lack of courage. alexandra Petri toward handwashing.= And: <DOE itself
So, he might fish from a different pond estimated in 2011 that handwashing con-
entirely, looking outside the federal judiciary
and instead tapping Republican senators
such as Utah9s Mike Lee or Missouri9s Josh
Who is Mike Johnson always calling? sumes 350% more water and 140% more
energy than machine washing.=
The court: <What did DOE say in re-
Hawley. Another difference: He would likely sponse? Basically nothing: It acknowl-
manage the process without the guidance of peaker of the House Mike John- What is he awaiting, exactly? What of course, but wonder. The hold music edged the concern and moved on.= But: <It9s
the Federalist Society9s Leonard Leo, who has
been on the outs with Trump. Instead,
Trump9s judge-picking guide appears likely to
be Mike Davis, who helped shepherd Gorsuch
through the confirmation process and then
S son is still on hold, and so is
everything else.
The House is in recess now,
having produced enough legislation to
fill the navel of a gnat, and also Republi-
voice is so important that the speaker of
the House has to walk around with his
phone glued to his ear, listening for it?
Well, until he hears, nothing can get
passed. It is too important.
is, frankly, a little odd. <Angel of Music=
and <You Can9t Always Get What You
Want,= followed by <YMCA=? Of course,
he is not questioning. He would never.
The Voice will let him know what to
a well-worn principle of arbitrary-and-
capricious review that an administrative
agency 8must examine the relevant data
and articulate a satisfactory explanation
for its action including a rational connec-
served as the Senate Judiciary Committee9s cans held two votes to impeach Home- He remembers when he took the do next. But it is so hard to know his tion between the facts found and the choice
hyperaggressive chief nominations counsel land Security Secretary Alejandro May- gavel for the first time, feeling that it will. Is now the moment to pass legisla- made.9 =
during the Kavanaugh nomination. Recently, orkas, either for doing his job or for not was Someone9s will that he 4 not Jim tion about the border, or is now the Imagine how many government under-
he has been leading the campaign to de- doing his job 4 they are not sure. (<Not Jordan, not Kevin McCarthy, not Steve moment to call for someone else to take takings 4 in industrial policy, climate pol-
nounce the Trump indictments as politically only is Secretary Mayorkas horrible at Scalise 4 was now speaker. This was all action at the border, or some unknown icy and elsewhere 4 might perish if held to
motivated <lawfare.= his job, he is willfully refusing to do it,= part of a larger plan. third thing? Is now the moment to pass the reasonable requirement of connecting
A Trump shortlist seems likely to include complained Rep. Brian Mast.) But since that numinous moment, foreign aid? If so, to whom? facts and choices in non-arbitrary, non-
three judges from the ultraconservative You could see Johnson, a Louisiana the plan has been much more difficult He is the speaker, so you might think capricious ways.
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit: Republican, in the halls of Congress, to discern. That9s why he thought it he would get to decide, but Johnson The Washington Examiner9s Jon Milti-
James Ho, a former Thomas clerk; Andrew waiting with his phone to his ear 4 might be better to call and find out knows that humility is proper for one in more, noting the probability that many
Oldham, who clerked for Alito; and Kyle conspicuously, continuously 4 even what is going on. his position. One might think one is people respond to low-flow shower heads
Duncan, a target of student protests when he before he declared a recess. And surely this is the right line. He acting righteously, as Sen. James Lank- by taking longer showers, recalls the <Sein-
spoke at Stanford Law School. Also on the Some suggested the phone was a had been explicit in his request: <Put ford (R) did when, with Minority Leader feld= episode in which Jerry, Newman and
potential list: Amul Thapar of the 6th Circuit, ruse to avoid reporters. Or possibly he me on with the one all-powerful entity Mitch McConnell9s blessing, he went out Kramer are distraught and disheveled be-
who wrote a book last year praising Thomas; was trying to listen very quickly to an who is in charge of my life and the life of to seek collaborators on a bill about the cause they cannot get properly cleaned
Elizabeth Branch of the 11th Circuit, who audiobook about how House rules every Republican here, without whom border. But that is pride. Pride cometh using the government9s preferred shower
joined Ho9s boycott of hiring clerks from Yale worked so he could stop having to pass nothing can come to pass for the Re- before a fall. Better to call and just check. heads. Kramer (<There9s no pressure; I
Law School after student protests of con- things via a suspension that required a publican Party, neither good nor evil, For a moment, the hold music on the can9t get the shampoo out of my hair!=)
servative speakers there; Lawrence VanDyke, two-thirds majority, as though the the one whose will I must obey to keep other end gives way to silence. Could it solves the problem by buying on the black
who has been a strident dissenter on the chamber were a sort of unwieldier my position and retain my honor with be 4 the longed-for Voice? Explaining market a shower head made before the
liberal-leaning 9th Circuit; and Patrick Bu- Senate that had to include Marjorie the people. Let me hear his voice and what to do? It can9t just be to wait until ascendancy of the climate scolds.
matay, also of the 9th Circuit. Taylor Greene for some reason. know his will.= the election, can it? He can9t just be The Energy Department, whose Loan
These are not your George W. Bush-era Through all this noise and chaos, Then someone on the other end said, supposed to keep doing that? His arm is Programs Office has dispensed hundreds
Republican nominees. For the most part, they Johnson keeps the phone pressed to his <Would you mind being placed on a going to get tired, and he is going to run of millions of disappearing dollars in bad
would make Trump9s first-term picks look ear, listening hard for word. This call brief hold?= and he has been on hold out of paradoxical reasons to impeach investments, has a lengthening menu of
mild by comparison. That is saying something must be very important to him. ever since. And so have the rest of us. A people. mischief. The implementing regulations
4 something that should be getting more So he waits. <Shouldn9t you be legis- fine way to govern! No, never mind. It9s just <You Can9t are produced by people who went to law
attention as the prospect of another Trump lating?= people ask him. Hush! If you But the longer he waits on hold, the Always Get What You Want.= The wait school to be qualified to write such annoy-
term seems ever more possible. are too loud, he will miss the message. more he starts to wonder 4 not doubt, continues. ances. Amazing.
A30 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

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book world Sunday, feBruary 18 , 2024 . Section B eZ ee

evelyn freja for The WashingTon PosT

27 years later,
Kirsten Bakis is back
She beguiled readers with 8Lives of the Monster Dogs.9
To write her second novel, she had to find her voice again.

f you were a bookish teenager in the late 1990s, the otherwise genteel canines turn on their masters and even-

I odds are good that <Lives of the Monster Dogs,= Kirsten

Bakis9s first novel, arrived in your life like a spirit
visitation. I remember it staring out at me from the
fiction shelves at a seattle bookstore, not long after it
was published in 1997, cover-forward among a thicket of
variegated spines. And what a cover it was, a faded photo-
graph of a dignified malamute standing, presumably, on his
tually make their way to 21st-century new York City, where a
human woman named Cleo Pira lovingly documents their
follies and their fall.
1997 was a formidable year in publishing. As Jeff Vander-
Meer noted in his introduction to the 20th-anniversary
edition of <Monster Dogs,= Bakis9s debut was competing for
attention with Charles Frazier9s <Cold Mountain,= as well as
hind legs, his body sheathed in an antiquated silk smoking canonical doorstops like Don DeLillo9s <Underworld= and
jacket, cravat at the collar, one paw 4 or was it a hand? 4 Thomas Pynchon9s <Mason & Dixon.= even in that company,
balanced rakishly on a cane. staring into his eyes, you <Monster Dogs= clearly marked the arrival of a major talent,
couldn9t not pick it up; picking it up, you couldn9t not read it; a writer of prodigious commitment, capability and imagina-
reading it, you never forgot it. tion. It was a book you spoke about in whispers, less out of
The story Bakis told 4 one that unfolded in the style of cultish secrecy than awe in the face of a sui generis classic.
<Frankenstein= or <Dracula,= through a patchwork of diary And yet, Bakis herself remained largely silent in the
entries, magazine articles, letters and even a lengthy opera decades that followed, publishing almost nothing. If you
libretto 4 was as melancholy as it was beguiling: A Prussian loved the book, you might occasionally wonder what had
mad scientist in the 19th century sets out to create a race of happened to its author, but mostly you just kept talking
perfect canine soldiers for the kaiser, and his followers about what she had written. Pete simon, the editor in chief
spend decades completing his work in isolation after his of Liveright Publishing, found himself doing just that in
death. When their plans at last come to fruition, the see Bakis on B8

Novelist kirsten Bakis at Croton Gorge Park in Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., on Feb. 2.

Crime in an America of a different shade. B2

eight ideas to counteract the inhumane logic of the economy. B3
What is romantasy? The mega-selling book trend, explained. B7
b2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024



hat if ?

A grisly killing in an a cop who itches to throw his badge away and

W What if the smallpox that was

imported to the Americas by
Europeans during the <Age of
Discovery= had been a milder
variant of that virus 4 one that merely
sickened the Indigenous population, rather
than decimating it? (Historians estimate that
alternate America
play jazz piano. He is put off by the mercenary
cynicism of his White (takata) partner, Drum-
mond, and is resolutely loyal to him. Barrow
himself is part takouma, part taklousa 4 a
<Thrown-Away Boy= who was raised in an
orphanage and understands fewer phrases of
Anopa than his White partner does. Now, in
up to 95 percent of Native Americans died of the wake of the pyramid murder, the city
European diseases, chiefly smallpox.) What if, BY M AUREEN C ORRIGAN splinters into racial factions, and Barrow, the
in this alternate reality, the country that came man without a fixed sense of identity, must
into being was one where Indigenous people choose one. In a cinematic scene, he finds
were a force that wielded political power? himself in the wrong place at the wrong time
This is the United States that Francis <This was a heartless crime,= wisecracks the with fictitious maps, backstories and histori- as a mob of Klan members pours into the
Spufford imagines in his atmospheric new meaner of the two detectives, named <Phin= cal documents allegedly authored by Jesuit center of the city to stake a claim for White
novel, <Cahokia Jazz.= Spufford, one of our Drummond. Here9s something else to consid- missionaries and Founding Fathers. He even rule. Here9s the climactic moment where the
most powerful writers of wayward historical er: The skylight the victim was bound to with draws upon an old trade jargon to flesh out a mob and Barrow meet:
fiction, sets his book 4 a hard-boiled crime rope is shaped like a pyramid. In another city, language, <Anopa,= that9s used in Cahokia. The <Barrow looked at the mob and saw in them
story 4 in an America that9s recognizable yet that would be a curious but relatively inconse- three most useful Anopa words 4 helpfully his undoing. Not just the chance of his death,
disquietingly not. quential detail. But this is Cahokia. In this city, supplied by an excerpt from a chipper (and but the undoing of his doubts. He might be
<Cahokia Jazz= is weirder and more austere the gutting of a White man atop a pyramid bogus) Better Business Bureau guide in the endlessly uncertain what he was. They
in tone than Spufford9s preceding works of invokes Aztec ritual sacrifices and, thus, the front of the novel 4 identify the three races weren9t. They would see 4 they were seeing &
fiction, <Golden Hill= (2016) and <Light Per- Indigenous civilization that once flourished in predominant in Cahokia: <A takouma 4 is a a big brown man to play with. A toy for people
petual= (2021), which take place in pre-revolu- the area. person native to the continent; a taklousa 4 is angry that till now they9d not been allowed,
CahOKia Jazz
tionary New York City and World War II In the real history of the Americas, Cahokia, a person of African ancestry; a takata 4 is a here, to be the biggest things in the world.=
By Francis
London, respectively. Perhaps that9s because a site outside present-day St. Louis, was the person of European extraction.= Anopa phras- Spufford clearly has a blast in <Cahokia
<Cahokia Jazz= is the most timely of the trio in largest urban center built north of Mexico es are scattered liberally throughout the story Jazz,= summoning up the language and all the
its nightmare visions of a democratic concord before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. that follows, sometimes with translations, traditional tropes of a 1920s hard-boiled tale
464 pp. $28
strained to the limits. Here, Spufford book- Today, some 80 man-made mounds testify to sometimes not. 4 the femme fatale; the shady land deals; the
ends what some critics have categorized as his the remains of the ancient city. In Spufford9s World-building can be a tedious project, crooked cops, politicians and rich guys; and
first work of fiction, the genre-bending <Red invention, Cahokia endured and evolved into and there are stretches, especially early on, the working-class resentment as bitter as
Plenty= (2010), a subterranean history of the a modern metropolis whose Indigenous, where <Cahokia Jazz= threatens to buckle bathtub gin 4 and wedding them to an
Khrushchev-era Soviet Union. In <Cahokia White and Black populations live in cautious under the weight of all these details. Fortu- alternative American history narrative that
Jazz,= he aims to tease out the tensions within harmony. The grisly murder threatens to nately, the other police detective on the roof pointedly comments on the present. In the
that other great national experiment of mo- destabilize that harmony. This story, after all, that night comes to the rescue of this novel compelling character of Barrow 4 a mostly
dernity, the United States. is set in 1922, a time when the Ku Klux Klan is and its dark, desperate promise of American decent man trying to make sense of a fallen
Much of the action of this novel plays out in ascendant, especially in the Midwest. Cahokia redemption. <what if= world 4 many of us will recognize
the shadows, beginning with its opening scene is an outlier, a place where <the color line= Joe Barrow is the brooding moral center of our own held-breath bafflement, caught, as we
4 at first glance, a classic noir tableau. On a doesn9t exist. Utopia it isn9t 4 much of the city this story: the man who leads readers through are, on the darkling plain of our own barely
chilly, wet night, two police detectives stand is dirty, cramped and dangerous 4 but Ca- the maze of this mystery and makes us care believable times.
on the roof of a downtown office building and hokia is a rough zone of democratic possibility. about who is generating 4 and profiting from
stare down at a corpse of a White man splayed It takes brick upon brick of details to erect a 4 all this chaos. Like every tough-guy detec- Maureen Corrigan, who teaches literature at
out on a skylight. But look closer: The corpse city that never was onto the foundations of tive who9s ever walked the mean streets of Georgetown University, is the book critic for the
has been eviscerated, his innards scooped out. one that9s vanished. Spufford layers this novel pulp, Barrow is both within and without. He9s NPR program <Fresh Air.=

The brilliant short stories of a writer who died too young

BY J ACKIE T HOMAS- K ENNEDY kind of plea for mercy. span of time than most of its fellows. Oliver
Oliver gives most of her characters children. In carefully documents the exhausting nature of
iane Oliver was a graduate student at the the case of college-bound women who are not domesticlabor,butshedepictsidleness4in<The

D University of Iowa Writers9 Workshop

when she died in a motorcycle crash at age
22. Before her death in 1966, she published four
parents, their days are still full of child care,
tending to their younger siblings. Their mothers
work, as Oliver beautifully describes it, in a
Visitor= and <Spiders Cry Without Tears= 4 as
having its own painful qualities.
In <The Visitor,= Alice, a doctor9s wife, silently
stories in such journals as the Sewanee Review. <world of pots and pans and narrow back doors.= bemoans her efforts to impress her peers (and
It9s hard to know what brilliance she might have There is no need to rank the heartache among manage her great distaste for her stepdaughter):
bestowed on the world had she lived longer, but these pages, but surely a moment in the titular <Lies, lies, they were the center of her life.= Oliver
the newly published collection <Neighbors and story would rise to the top of any list. Ellie has is curious about the line between deceiving one-
Other Stories= provides some inkling. Oliver9s finished bathing her younger brother, Tommy, self and harboring hope. Nora9s family in <Key to
perceptive, insightful work reflects great talent who is preparing to integrate his local school in the City,= for instance, takes a bus from Still Creek,
and Other
and ambition. The ease and elegance of her prose the morning. As she begins to dress him for bed, Ga., to Chicago, hoping that her absent father will
are striking, as is her faith in her readers9 intelli- Tommy asks, <Are they gonna get me tomorrow?= greet them there. It swiftly becomes clear that he
By Diane Oliver
gence 4 the certainty that they will see glints of Ellie deflects with a joke, but hours later the will not. When Nora asks her mother, <Did you
subtext without the need for explication. house is attacked, and the family is on the floor, know all the time?= she receives this answer: <I
272 pp. $27
Oliver9s characters 4 primarily Black women surrounded by broken glass. Tommy and Ellie9s couldn9t know for sure. & We had to work toward
in the American South during the era of the civil parentsdebatewhethertosendTommytoschool. something. Don9t you see? We wouldn9t have ever
rights movement 4 must often rely on silence <How we are going to tell him we9re afraid of gotten out if we didn9t work toward something.=
andimplication.In<TrafficJam,=Libby,oneofthe them?= their father says. Oliver rarely expounds As in other moments throughout this collection,
few characters to appear in multiple stories, on who her characters9 antagonists are; often, she Oliver imbues this one with a kind of sorrowful
shows up for work at Mrs. Nelson9s house only to uses only pronouns. Here is Jenny in <Before determination, a dignified uncertainty.
endure her employer9s invasive, personal ques- Twilight,= reflecting on the loss of her father:
tions and ill-conceived advice. <Libby nodded her session in <Before Twilight,= after four friends <Sometimes when she was thinking by herself, Jackie thomas-Kennedy is a former Stegner fellow
head the way she always did, mumbled some- stage a sit-in at a tea room. When a police officer she wondered how her mother could forgive at Stanford University.
thing that sounded like 8yes, ma9am,9 and busied asks, <Who put you kids up to this?= the response them for not sending the ambulance right away
herself arranging the kitchen curtains until she from one of the four is, <Nobody,= followed by a and then carrying him right past the big hospital
was certain Mrs. Nelson had left the room.= pause <to make noticeable his omission of 8sir.9= to reach the one that would take him.=
In this seemingly understated moment, Oliver The policeman calls the sit-in participants Diane Oliver Several stories stand out either stylistically or Charles and
develops both character and setting. She shows <kids,= while Reverend Honeycutt, the <little published a thematically. The hint of defiance and menace in Dirda are away.
that Libby has a method for managing Mrs. black man= who appears at the jail to secure their few stories the title of <Mint Juleps Not Served Here= fore- Their columns
will resume when
Nelson safely, without truly engaging. And her release, greets them, <Good evening, children.= before dying shadows a surprising bolt of violence (though they return.
response 4 <something that sounded like 8yes, He adds: <The officer tells me you children are a in a violence erupts in other stories as well). <Frozen
ma9am,9= 4 adheres to social rules, though she little confused. I told him you all weren9t doing motorcycle Voices=isanatypicallylong,kaleidoscopic,senso-
keeps her actual words to herself, affording her a nothing but playing games.= The word <children= crash in 1966, ry-driven work; <Spiders Cry Without Tears,= Ron Michael
sliver of privacy. There is an echo of this self-pos- appears seven times in a single scene, becoming a at age 22. about an interracial relationship, covers a greater Charles Dirda
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee B3

Book World

Eight case studies economists

should read 4 and won9t
In 1991, long before these interventions into the market as
Lawrence Summers inefficient. As Romeo points out, however,
claimed, while president of the costs of prioritizing capital gains over
Harvard, that women were human and planetary flourishing are
innately disinclined toward already vast, even if they are difficult to
science, he served as chief measure and quantify (and even if the
Becca economist of the World ruling classes have every incentive to turn a
Rothfeld Bank. In this capacity, too, blind eye to them). While true prices may
he distinguished himself. prove higher for Western consumers, they
<I9ve always thought that under- do not represent an increase in total cost
populated countries in Africa are vastly but <a shift in who pays.= Criminally
UNDER-polluted,= he wrote to his undercompensated child laborers and
colleagues in a memo. <I think the victims of climate-induced displacement in
economic logic behind dumping a load of other parts of the world already pay an
toxic waste in the lowest wage country is unconscionably high price for the groceries
impeccable and we should face up to we buy so cavalierly.
that.= After all, he reasoned, the rest of Similarly, as the founder of Well-Paid
the world would not lose out on much Maids tells Romeo, the wages he offers
money or value if poor people with his employees are <what it costs, right?
shorter life spans sickened and died; it You9re either paying for it now by actually
would be far more profitable to keep paying the price of the service in a way
healthier populations with higher that allows somebody to live, or you9re
incomes alive. (Summers later told a paying for it in the externality, where
Senate committee that the memo was you9re supporting a business model that
satirical and <never intended in any way doesn9t allow people to take care of
as a serious policy recommendation.=) themselves. You9re paying for it in the
José Lutzenberger, Brazil9s environment societal and generational costs of how
minister, replied to the memo: <Your that person9s kids are going to grow up
reasoning is perfectly logical but totally and what choices people are going to
insane.= make in an environment of scarcity.=
According to Nick Romeo, we could say It also happens to be true that many of
much the same thing to the majority of the initiatives in <The Alternative= prove
contemporary economists. In Romeo9s straightforwardly lucrative. <Multiple
diligently researched and admirably academic studies have found that
principled new book, <The Alternative: cooperatives with worker governance and
aNNa moNeymakeR/getty imageS
How to Build a Just Economy,= he argues ownership are as or more profitable than
that the world wrought by neoclassical conventional firms,= Romeo reports, and
economics is <perfectly logical= 4 but Well-Paid Maids has flourished in a way
horrifically inhumane. scientific vocabulary,= an arcane lexicon provides them with <an expansive that even the most conventional
Fortunately, it is not the only option. that <obscures the ethical and political benefits package with twenty-four days of economist could appreciate: The
The eight case studies in <The questions that lie at the heart of the paid time off annually, predictable company was yielding $600,000 in
Alternative= present diverse solutions to discipline.= Although <the major topics of schedules, employer-paid commuting annual revenue just two years after its
the problems of paltry wages, rampant economics are inescapably moral and costs, and excellent health, dental, and founding.
unemployment, unstable housing and political,= many of today9s thinkers refuse to vision benefits.= In depressing contrast, But Romeo stresses in no uncertain
exploitative labor practices. At a time countenance value judgments, much less <the median hourly wage for cleaners in terms that ethical scruples come before the
when global and national politics often acknowledge that their supposedly neutral Washington, D.C., is $15.44 an hour, and bottom line. Even when we would
overshadow local victories, it is methods are rife with questionable many lack sick leave, vacation, or hemorrhage money by acting morally, we
heartening to hear of a successful assumptions. unemployment insurance.= stand to lose something much more
workers9 cooperative in Spain, or of the Romeo suggests that their approach is Federal minimum-wage legislation is important if we fail to devise an economy in
small city in Portugal that empowers its not merely intellectually dishonest: It tHE no help whatsoever: Since 2009, it has which we can treat one another like human
residents to determine how to allocate its also plays straight into the hands of the altErnativE guaranteed only the meager and beings.
budget, or of the handful of American wealthy. By framing the market as <a How to Build a unlivable sum of $7.25 an hour. The living This is precisely the sort of appeal that
cities where there are plans to establish realm of immutable laws and forces,= he Just Economy wage calculator favored by a number of has no place in neoclassical economics.
<a public-sector platform to create more writes, neoclassical economists deter us by Nick Romeo prominent corporations, a tool devised by Its champions will no doubt object that
humane and efficient labor markets= 4 in from <pursuing alternative Publicaffairs. MIT economist Amy Glasmeier, shows consumers, whom they think of as
effect, to reconceptualize gig work as a arrangements= 4 ones that might allow a 372 pp. $32 that <a typical American single parent of ruthlessly rational actors, are unwilling to
public utility so as to protect workers much broader swath of people to live two children earning $7.25 per hour make financial sacrifices in the name of
while allowing them to enjoy flexible fulfilling and comfortable lives. would need to work 138 hours per week to high-minded ideals. But in fact, people
schedules. Because mainstream economists refuse earn her living wage standard.= Even have consistently demonstrated that they
<The Alternative= is a brisk and to rethink their field, the task has fallen those who support a more generous are willing to pay more to protect the
sensible book that details bold and to organizers and policymakers on the <living wage= are often woefully workers responsible for the goods they
ingenious proposals in measured tones. ground, and the bulk of <The Alternative= unambitious. purchase. After De Aanzet adopted a true-
Romeo, a writer for the New Yorker and a is dedicated to the quietly heroic figures By Romeo9s own admission, the price model, <business increased by 5
professor of journalism at the University who are implementing novel initiatives in measures he surveys are only stopgaps. percent.=
of California at Berkeley, has the their own communities. Romeo writes of Neither companies offering living wages Does it follow that the store9s
approachable style of a moderate but the the Austrian town of Gramatneusiedl, of their own volition nor programs customers were simply irrational? Romeo
bold convictions of a radical. Though the which has pioneered a job guarantee awarding living wage certifications to does not sound irrational in the least
tactics he chronicles differ dramatically, program in which <participants shape the unusually upstanding employers are a when he writes, <It feels wrong that the
they are all designed to reimagine <the work they do,= coming together to Nick Romeo suitable substitute for laws mandating person who cares for your children or
economy as a place of moral action and <brainstorm with social workers about the fair payment of workers. Romeo is delivers your packages is not paid enough
accountability,= and they are all examples their skills and interests=; the annual emphatic that <only living wage to go out to dinner once a month, save
of the sort of compassionate creativity climate budgeting process in Oslo, during legislation can prevent some firms from anything for retirement, or take a
that Summers and his ilk should, but which every department in the city undercutting their more ethical vacation.= Like the clientele of De Aanzet,
probably won9t, dare to muster. Indeed, <identifies specific policies and actions to competitors.= We could 4 and Romeo he is simply embracing a more expansive
<The Alternative= is the sort of book that reduce its emissions=; and the <true generally does 4 tell a similar story about and more intuitive form of rationality 4
Summers and his ilk should, but probably price= system at De Aanzet, an most of the proposals in <The one that counts moral and social harms
won9t, read and learn from. independent grocery store in the Alternative.= as costs.
It was not always thus. <The insight Netherlands, that takes the Still, as long as the powers that be For who, at the end of the day, is more
that economics is in essence a subfield of environmental and social costs of continue to twiddle their thumbs and logical? The companies willing to
philosophy was once widespread,= Romeo production into account. For instance, De consult Lawrence Summers, the countenance child labor to produce cheap
writes wistfully. In an earlier era, many of Aanzet charges 3.97 euros (about $4.25) strategies in <The Alternative= have an coffee, and the economists willing to dump
the subject9s leading lights were for a kilo of tomatoes when it would important place: They are not a toxins on the most impoverished people?
commendably humanistic: Adam Smith is normally charge 3.75 euros (about $4). <replacement for these political Or Romeo, who wants to live in a world
renowned as both a moral philosopher One pathbreaker who features instruments,= Romeo tells us, so much as where everyone has a chance at a decent
and the founder of the dismal science. prominently in <The Alternative= is Aaron <a preparation for them.= At a minimum, life?
But in the intervening centuries, Seyedian, founder of Well-Paid Maids, a many of them could induce companies
mainstream academics have adopted what cleaning service in Washington that pays and consumers to behave better. Becca rothfeld is the nonfiction book critic for
Romeo describes as <a technocratic, quasi- workers $22 an hour before tips and Orthodox economists are likely to regard the Washington Post.

Activists with the One Fair Wage coalition, which advocates for restaurant workers, take part in a demonstration outside Old Ebbitt Grill in May 2021.
Nick Romeo9s book examines similar on-the-ground efforts to tackle economic issues such as low wages, unemployment and worker exploitation.

8Children are the . . . people A: Oh, it was one of the great delights of my
working life! I spent hundreds of hours in
libraries, reading bestiaries, encyclopedias
of mythical beasts, old manuscripts 4 and
who deserve the best books9 finding creatures like the al-miraj, which is
a gold-horned hare, and karkadanns,
which are unicorns hungry for blood. And
then it9s the work of trying to make those
BY R ON C HARLES anything, I think it would be the fashion, creatures as real as possible so that you feel
currently in the U.K., for celebrities to write you can smell the peculiar sweetness of a
t the end of 2023, I mentioned that I9d (or have ghostwritten for them) children9s unicorn9s breath, feel the brush of the two-

A read a smuggled copy of a spectacular

fantasy novel for young readers called
<Impossible Creatures,= by Katherine Rundell.
novels as part of their brand expansion. I
think we should be more furious about that
than we are, because those books are often
tailed fox, the kanko, against your palm,
heft the weight of a baby griffin on your
The first of a planned trilogy, it9s about a boy dashed off over a month or two, and children
from the ordinary world and a girl from a are the group of people who deserve the best Q: Many young people are feeling alarmed
magical realm who team up to save mythologi- books. Children have such a hunger for about the plight of the Earth. How does
cal animals. The Brits were going crazy for it, living, and that hunger deserves to be met <Impossible Creatures= address those
but alas, at that time, there was no U.S. edition. with the finest we can give them: the fears about the environment without
My fellow Americans, we have a publication funniest, warmest, cleverest, boldest, most becoming preachy?
date: On Sept. 10, Knopf Books for Young generous, truest, most original work possible. A: I wanted the book to be an exciting story,
Readers will release a first printing of 250,000 To feed the hungry on books that are cheap, first and foremost and always. I dislike
copies. thin, shoddy, bogus, disingenuous, trite: That books through which the moral bellows like
Given my unhinged excitement about this does children a powerful disservice. a foghorn. I find it intellectually dishonest,
novel, the publisher put me in contact with to promise a child a story and then deliver a
NiNa SubiN
Rundell as she was traveling in India: Q: I knew you first as the author of a sermon. But I did also, very urgently, want
brilliant biography of John Donne called Katherine Rundell to say something with the book, both to
Q: <Impossible Creatures= is so wildly <Super-Infinite.= Is there a connection children and to adult readers who pick up
propulsive. Were you writing in reaction to between writing about the great the book: that your wit, your endurance,
some unexciting children9s books that we9ve metaphysical poet and creating this magical I think the thing he taught me was that your loving anger, your hope, your care for
all endured? (I9m looking at you, <Wind in world for kids? language is not a set of rules but a set of the world will be needed in these hard years
the Willows.=) A: I9ve loved John Donne since I was a child. possibilities 4 something to be shaken, bent, to come, and they are worth the pain and
A: I want something that will grab children My parents paid me to memorize his poetry, spun. I find him liberating: a joyful and work that will come in the giving of them.
by the wrist and pull them along, fast enough and I was a mercenary kid with an insatiable galvanic presence.
that they have to run to keep up. I want to hunger for plastic dog figurines called Puppy this article was excerpted from our free book Club
give them a story with bite and sweep and in My Pocket, and so I9ve been carrying his Q: What research did you do to assemble newsletter. to subscribe, visit
joy. But if I9m writing as a corrective to words around, under my skin, for a long time. your collection of mythological animals? booknewsletter.
B4 ez ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


The lavish life and F

or as long as there has been wealth, ready to declare herself <a believer again= in
there have been those who can9t help <the possibility of good billionaires.= The
but flicker their envious gazes up- naiveté is striking, almost to the point of
ward at those who possess it. And as incredulity. It takes some mental gymnastics
the past decade of mass media and to buy that Sun, an otherwise smart and

nightmarish job of a popular culture suggests, the appetite for

stories about the lives of the 1 percent has
never been more voracious. Hit shows like
<Billions,= <Succession,= <The White Lotus,=
competent individual, could be so guileless
that she earnestly believed at one point that
working at Fidelity would allow her to find
fulfillment <after helping the rest of America

billionaire9s assistant
<Gossip Girl= (the original and the less-suc- achieve their financial dreams,= and that
cessful reboot) and <The Crown= have enticed working at Carbon would mean <serving
viewers with depictions of not just wealth9s humanity.=
luxurious trappings 4 the extravagant man- And yet, why else would she stay in a job
A Memoir
sions and diamond jewelry 4 but its under- that would become hellish, demanding not
By Carrie sun
belly, what it costs those heiresses and pluto- just her time, attention and labor but her
Penguin Press.
BY J ENNY G . Z HANG crats and corporate (or literal) princes to live physical and emotional well-being? That9s the
339 pp. $29
the rarefied lives that they do. underlying question that animates the major-
A tension has emerged, however, in how ity of the book, as the stresses of Sun9s role
audiences and critics receive these works. Do result in an injury, disordered eating, and the
such depictions ultimately glorify or condemn abandonment of any pursuit of writing or
the obscene levels of wealth and privilege other personal joys. She deftly weaves togeth-
enjoyed by those in the highest stratum of er multiple threads 4 a childhood of love and
society? There are some 4 the more pedagogic abuse, the complications that come with
among us, one might say 4 who would being the child of Chinese immigrants, surviv-
demand that a more explicit message be ing and sublimating a trauma in college 4
delivered through the layers of satire, absurdi- that suggest a psychology of sorts, a blurry
ty and complexity: that billionaires are bad portrait of the kind of person who could
and should not be objects of either idolatry or willingly damage herself for such a job. But
aspiration. the individual paint strokes, although exqui-
Enter the view from below. You9d be sitely and vividly rendered, never quite come
hard-pressed to find many of the super rich together to form a convincing whole; there is
willing to give the world an unfiltered something about the artist that remains
account of what it9s like to be them, but the elusive, as if, even in her own memoir, she9s
common people whose livelihoods revolve reclaiming a modicum of the private peace she
around those stars 4 the help, the hench- forfeited during her stint at Carbon.
men, the hangers-on 4 may have no such Sun is much more forthcoming about why
qualms (barring any nondisclosure agree- she finally decided to call it quits. <I used to
ments). Through their eyes, we are granted a think that Boone was driven by a love of the
front-row seat to the glittering drama, game= and <that making money was a side
grounded in the perspective of someone effect,= she writes about one moment of
whose moral selling point is that they9re just realization. <No. There was only money. Ev-
like you or me. erything else was a side effect.= From there, the
<Private Equity,= a memoir by Fidelity-ana- epiphanies come fast and furious, each more
lyst-turned-MFA-graduate Carrie Sun, docu- ham-fisted than the next in its grasping of
ments her years as a personal assistant to class consciousness:
Boone Prescott, the founder of a hedge fund <For billionaires, the distraction of others
named Carbon. (Sun has given pseudonyms to was the point. & Every delay 4 every stale-
both the fund and its founder.) Carbon is not mate, TBD, or indecision about billionaires9
just any hedge fund; it was described to Sun as lives, their management styles, their tax
<a rock star of a fund= and <the world9s hottest avoidances or excessive influence 4 was a win
hedge fund,= and Boone as a <once-in-a-gener- for them. They were the ones with the luxury
ation investor.= He is also 4 according to the of time to wait out storms in palatial shelters,
headhunter who recruited Sun for the job 4 while the rest of us, with no areas of refuge,
supposed to be <the nicest,= which is evidently watched the weather to stay alive.=
odd enough for a billionaire, let alone a hedge And: <As the world burns, as life gets more
fund guy, to be worth highlighting. difficult for everyone outside the 1 percent, I
Money, like Sun herself in her role as worry that those in precarious situations
Boone9s right hand, greases the wheels of all (often women, people of color, and other
that makes Carbon 4 and by extension, the marginalized and disadvantaged groups and,
world 4 run. It9s what allows the company to especially, their children) will develop an
maximize its returns, leveraging existing capi- increased sense of alienation & an alienation
tal for access to information that helps to that is then exacerbated and exploited, as Karl
create more profits, in an accelerating feed- Marx predicted, by the system that is capital-
back loop of success. It9s what enabled Sun to ism.=
make every element of her boss9s life seamless, While I can appreciate a good Marx shout-
from lavish vacations to private jets to opulent out, there is a clumsiness to Sun9s invocation,
office parties. It9s what Boone showered Sun as if, in the final scene of <Succession,= Cousin
with, in the form of compensation 4 her Greg had turned directly to the camera and
salary, bonus and the ultimate reward, invest- urged the workers of the world to seize the
ment in the fund itself 4 and perks: spa days, Carrie Sun means of production. As a political message, it
designer goods, shopping sprees, all-expens- writes about may have its merits, but it falls flat as a
es-paid trips, private fitness classes. <Remem- her years as conclusion to an otherwise absorbing memoir
ber,= he told her early on, <money can solve the personal with enough damning details to stand on their
nearly everything.= assistant to own. Some lessons about the world don9t need
With this one statement, Boone told Sun all the founder of to be taught so much as felt.
she needed to know about him. She didn9t <the world9s
realize this initially, or at least she professed hottest hedge Jenny G. Zhang, a Book World contributing writer,
BeOWULF sHeeHAN not to. After her first day of work, she was fund.= is a senior culture editor at slate.

Copying, copyright and the history of human creation

BY M ADHAVI S UNDER games, software, architecture, choreogra-
phy, kitsch and ephemera, from stripes on
efore Claudine Gay, there were Virgil, cheerleading uniforms to adult banana

B Helen Keller, George Harrison and

Taylor Swift.
Virgil9s <Aeneid= was attacked as plagia-
costumes. And copyrights endure for the
life of the author plus another 70 years.
While the book does a nice job discussing
rizing Homer9s <Iliad.= Helen Keller stood the excesses of copyright, it does not explore
accused of copying work that had been read emergent claims of cultural appropriation
to her aloud before she could read Braille. by traditionally disempowered creators,
George Harrison was found guilty of <sub- many of whom seek copyrights themselves.
consciously= copying the Chiffons9 1962 A new case brought against Martha Stewart
chart-topper, <He9s So Fine,= to make his wHO Owns by an employee alleging theft of her cranber-
1970 hit, <My Sweet Lord.= More recently, THis ry nut torte recipe is one example. Academic
Taylor Swift settled a copyright lawsuit sEnTEnCE? plagiarism cases raise the question of how
alleging that she stole the lyrics <players A History of much of a scholar9s published work is the
gonna play & haters gonna hate,= the Copyrights fruit of uncredited research assistants. A
memorable riff in her 2014 megahit <Shake and wrongs recent Supreme Court decision finding that
It Off.= By david Bellos Andy Warhol has no <celebrity-plagiarist
These examples 4 save for that of the and Alexandre privilege= against a lesser-known female
ex-Beatle 4 plus scores more are explored Montagu photographer whose photograph he appro-
in <Who Owns This Sentence?: A History of W.W. Norton. priated brings claims of fairness and power
Copyrights and Wrongs,= a new book by 384 pp. $28.99 front and center. Creators suing AI compa-
David Bellos, a literature professor and nies echo the language of fairness and
translator at Princeton, and Alexandre livelihood. How do we reconcile these
Montagu, an intellectual-property lawyer. reparative claims with the necessity of
This encyclopedic yet refreshingly breezy <The Public Domain= (2008) cover similar important ways in which copyright is a copying to promote speech and culture?
book takes readers across time 4 from territory. sophisticated instrument for handling com- The authors weave in and out of various
ancient honor codes policing plagiarism to Still, <Who Owns This Sentence?= is a plex disputes. Plagiarism is a case in point. intellectual-property domains. A careful
the first modern copyright statutes, World welcome and timely addition to our under- Moralistic honor codes often indiscrimi- reader will need to pay attention to the
Trade Organization rules and developments standing of this complex issue, particularly of nately decry the mere repetition of words. distinctions between trademark, patent and
in copyright in China. The result is a the political economy of copyright. Though Copyright makes finer distinctions, protect- copyright. For instance, it9s possible that
compelling history of human creation, invisible to most people, copyright, the ing original expression of an idea (<It was even if a particular action does not violate
which for better or worse inevitably in- authors point out, is the legal matrix underly- the best of times, it was the worst of times.=) one area of intellectual-property law, it may
volves copying. ing the wealth of nations today, with copy- but not underlying ideas and facts. And violate another. To take one recent example,
Today, artificial intelligence could use rights in design, software and popular cul- copyright recognizes that sometimes there even though the earliest images of Mickey
such an eloquent defender. This book may ture accounting for nearly all the valuation of are just a few effective ways of expressing an Mouse finally entered the public domain at
very well be it. Bellos and Montagu argue <six of the largest corporations in the world 4 idea 4 like when explaining the rules of a the start of this year, those depictions could
that <cryptomnesia,= a term psychologists Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta game 4 and law does not preclude copying still be protected by trademark, so long as
coined for involuntary copying, is not a and Disney.= The lesser-known and abstract in those situations. the iconic mouse signals Disney.
<mental disorder= but simply a part of how law of copyright, they reveal, is <the world9s In short, archaic honor codes policing But these are quibbles in a book that
humans learn and create. The centuries-old greatest money machine= and the engine of plagiarism moralize without much room for grapples with some of the biggest and most
stories and lessons in this book have contemporary empires, funneling billions in nuance. Copyright9s modern approach of challenging questions of our time. Which
implications for very modern questions, as royalties from poor to rich countries. built-in limitations and exceptions is, in the approach to copying will resolve the great-
creators sue companies like OpenAI for The authors spend considerable time Supreme Court9s words, <the engine of free est copyright question of the 21st century,
feeding their machines others9 content. recounting how copyright proliferated expression.= over the future of AI? An archaic, moralistic
Machine learning replicates human learn- without rigorous public debate. They also But Bellos and Montagu are absolutely approach that extracts tolls from every
ing, to an exponential degree, mimicking debunk the myth that copyright helps right that, though well-meaning, copyright person and machine that has learned from
how we from birth ingest knowledge from artists. To the contrary, they write, <most has become a monstrous Frankenstein that Alexandre another creator? Or a balanced approach
all around us. copyrights of commercial value now belong is now out of control. Copyright started in Montagu, left, that recognizes, in Mark Twain9s prophetic
Of course, a book that argues, essentially, not to artists, but to corporations.= The early 18th-century Britain to wrest control and David words, that <the kernel, the soul & of
that there are no new ideas under the sun authors bemoan that, to play the music of of printing from the Crown and monopolis- Bellos use virtually all human utterances is plagia-
must tread carefully. Indeed, this is not the Bruce Springsteen, generations will pay tic publishers. It gave a limited property examples from rism?=
first work to ring alarm bells about the royalties not to the artist but to Sony Corp., right to authors to spur new works that ancient Rome
creep of copyright into every corner of our which bought the copyrights in the Boss9s would promote learning among the public. to Taylor Swift Madhavi sunder is the Frank sherry professor
lives, or to point out the pitfalls of requiring work for more than half a billion dollars. The first copyrights lasted for a maximum to explore the of intellectual-property law at georgetown
permissions and royalties to create new In their efforts to warn about the harms of 28 years and were limited in scope. Today, history of University Law Center and a fellow at the
works. Siva Vaidhyanathan9s <Copyrights of copyright overprotection, Bellos and copyright covers not only literature, film, intellectual Berkman Klein Center for internet and society
and Copywrongs= (2001) and James Boyle9s Montagu at times miss out on explaining photography and music, but also video property. at Harvard University.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE B5

Book World

How the anti-tax movement captured the GOP


ow did the GOP go from being a
center-right party epitomized by
the likes of Gerald Ford, Bob
Dole and George H.W. Bush to an
extreme-right party largely inca-
pable of governing and hellbent on political
warfare? There are many familiar answers:
the rise of conservative media; the increas-
ing import of an evangelical Christian base
that craves hypermasculine, bellicose lead-
ership; the role of structural factors tied to
primary elections and geographic polariza-
tion. Michael J. Graetz9s <The Power to
Destroy: How the Antitax Movement Hi-
jacked America= provides a comprehensive
account of another key factor.
Graetz narrates how, beginning in the
late 1970s, activists discovered the political
potency of railing against taxes. As he
shows, that issue would slowly become the
main glue holding together various fac-
tions of the GOP. Graetz9s book is concise
and well written, and spotlights key players
who don9t always receive as much credit (or
blame) for the state of the party as they
deserve. The story it tells is key to
understanding the modern GOP, the $34
trillion national debt and the dysfunction
rampant in our political system.
One of the key benefits of <The Power to
Destroy= is its comprehensive coverage of
the roots of the anti-tax movement and its
takeover of the GOP. Popular memory tells
a simple story: Economist Arthur Laffer
drew his famous curve depicting the
relationship between income tax levels
and government revenue on a cocktail
napkin for Dick Cheney and Donald H.
Rumsfeld, opening up the tantalizing
possibility that tax cuts might pay for
themselves by increasing economic pro-
ductivity. Laffer and other key boosters,
like the Wall Street Journal9s Jude Wannis-
ki, won over Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), and
Kemp9s eponymous tax cuts eventually
became the centerpiece of Ronald Rea- BiLL o'LEary/thE WashinGton Post

gan9s agenda. But the rise of <supply-side

economics= isn9t the only reason the GOP
went from championing fiscal responsibil- servative evangelicals erupted. The Rev. enue shortage. He also had refused to sign the faces of the push, generated broad
ity and balanced budgets to worshiping Jerry Falwell told viewers of his <Old Time Americans for Tax Reform9s anti-tax pledge popular opposition to the tax, despite it
tax cuts. Gospel Hour=: <The Infernal Revenue when he ran for president in 1988. But affecting only the wealthiest of the wealthy.
Instead, the real story starts, as Graetz Service has been questioning the taxabili- before launching his 1996 campaign, he Graetz closes by discussing the myriad
explains, with Howard Jarvis, a right-wing ty, the exempt status of Christian schools. signed the pledge. Dole knew he couldn9t and negative impacts of 40 years of
political gadfly in California who finally hit Why? Because they9re motivated by the capture the nomination if he refused. He never-ending tax cuts combined with an
upon a political moment auspicious for devil in this business, that9s why.= even made a tax cut the centerpiece of his unwillingness to cut spending or pro-
advancing his anti-tax, anti-government The ensuing uproar was enormous, in- campaign. grams. He points out that this means
agenda. Jarvis was <never taken seriously cluding 150,000 comments on the rule Henceforth, Republicans wouldn9t meet average Americans essentially pay a hid-
in California politics= before 1978, when he changes and four days of angry public a tax cut they didn9t like and would den tax to cover interest payments necessi-
ignited the anti-tax wave by successfully hearings. It enabled conservative political steadfastly refuse to increase taxes even in tated by deficit spending that has resulted
shepherding Proposition 13 4 which limit- operatives Paul Weyrich and Richard the Power wartime or moments of crisis, when legisla- from tax cuts for the wealthiest Ameri-
ed property taxes 4 to passage, an event Viguerie to coax leading conservative reli- to Destroy tors had traditionally done so to cover cans.
that sent shock waves throughout Ameri- gious leaders, especially Falwell, into how the costs. But Graetz also highlights how There are some small flaws in <The
can politics. launching a political crusade. Reagan de- Antitax Democrats, too, bought into the new Power to Destroy=: It9s clear that Graetz
Though most of the factors driving the nounced the IRS move, and the episode Movement politics, gradually coming around to oppos- abhors the anti-tax movement and its
approval of Proposition 13 were local, helped bring religious conservatives into a hijacked ing any new taxes on all but the super- impact, and scorns some of the key players
politicians saw the result as a sign that Republican Party that increasingly loathed America wealthy. he spotlights, which may prompt some to
voters were against government programs taxes and championed conservative Chris- By Michael J. Graetz9s narrative spotlights three cru- dismiss the book as a political hatchet job
and the taxes that financed them. Republi- tian values. Graetz cial figures: activist Grover Norquist, who 4 though it9s not. More important, the book
cans also started to grasp that tax cuts were Once Graetz establishes the roots of the Princeton dreamed up the anti-tax pledge; Rep. Newt loses a bit of focus once he turns the
the way out of their <Scrooge= problem. For anti-tax movement, the story becomes a University Press. Gingrich, who grasped the value of taxes as spotlight to attacks on the estate tax and
decades, they had screamed about fiscal more typical one of high-level politics, 359 pp. $29.95 an issue for Republicans; and Rush Lim- Republicans9 demonization of the IRS in
responsibility while Democrats promised tracing the changes in tax policy over 40 baugh, who championed their views of the 2000s. His brief coverage of individual
new programs to make Americans9 lives years and explaining their implications. taxation over the airwaves. The latter two tax battles sometimes leaves readers want-
easier. Tax cuts gave them something The most critical moments in this story are major figures in every account of the ing more on the debates within administra-
enticing to offer voters instead. come in the early 1990s. First, George H.W. rise of the more extremely right-wing GOP, tions and among legislators. Similarly, the
The other pivotal forgotten episode that Bush broke his famous <read my lips, no but Graetz9s insertion of Norquist into the narrative would have benefited from a
Graetz spotlights is a 1978 uprising among new taxes= vow in 1990 and then went narrative is crucial. While the activist is more detailed discussion of why the bala-
evangelical Christians over new IRS rules down to defeat in 1992. Soon after, Bill well known in political circles, he9s far less nced-budget conservatives didn9t fight
designed to ensure that segregated private Clinton raised taxes and witnessed his recognizable to average Americans than back harder as their party got overtaken by
schools did not receive tax exemptions. party9s evisceration in the 1994 midterm Grover Gingrich or Limbaugh is. Nonetheless, his anti-tax zealots.
The situation stemmed from a federal elections 4 Democrats lost control of the Norquist pledge helped create and enforce the new But those are minor quibbles. <The
court ruling and had been percolating House for the first time in 40 years. These addresses tea Republican orthodoxy, and his efforts Power to Destroy= belongs in the growing
throughout the 1970s. In fact, it was losses solidified the idea that supporting party activists brought together social and economic pantheon of books that help us understand
Richard M. Nixon9s IRS that had initially tax cuts was political gold, while increasing in 2010. He conservatives. how the GOP became what it is today. It9s
announced that it would deny the exemp- taxes promised doom. was a key Graetz illuminates how savvy framing also an essential resource for understand-
tions and tax deductions for charitable That newly received political wisdom figure in and political organizing by the anti-tax ing the fiscal storm clouds that Graetz sees
contributions to segregated private broke the back of whatever traditional making taxes a movement changed how the public per- on the horizon.
schools. But when Jimmy Carter9s IRS budget-balancing conservatism remained winning issue ceived taxes, especially the estate tax,
commissioner issued stricter rules on what in the GOP. Dole had spearheaded a tax for the GOP, which it successfully rebranded as the Brian rosenwald is a political historian and a
constituted desegregation 4 imperiling increase in 1982 after Reagan9s seminal Michael J. <death tax.= That linguistic shift, along with scholar in residence at the University of
many Southern religious schools 4 con- 1981 tax cuts produced an alarming rev- Graetz argues. the selection of sympathetic figures to be Pennsylvania.

hIstor I C A L FI C tI o N
by Carol Memmott

A Japanese war bride, a feisty journalist with the paper9s founder: She9ll ferret out
and an up-and-coming opera singer are the name of the anonymous gangster 4
three of the compelling characters in five known as the Mayor of Maxwell Street 4
new historical novels that transport who controls bootlegging and gambling in
readers to other times and places. the city. In return she9ll have her name on
the story. The narrative in this superlative
8The Phoenix Crown,9 debut is propulsive, and the dialogue burns
by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang hot as the fiery and fearless Nelly endures
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake is racism and misogyny as she tracks down
the sensational backdrop in this seamless the Mayor. (Hyperion Avenue, Jan. 30)
collaboration of two terrific novelists. The
story centers on forward-thinking women 8Sisters of Belfast,9
and a priceless Chinese relic, the Phoenix serviceman and emigrated to the United based on a little-known piece of history by Melanie Maure
Crown. Looted from the Summer Palace in States after World War II. With empathy about formerly enslaved people who An estimated 9,000 children died in
Beijing, the crown9s magnificence pulls the and heart, Churchill portrays the traveled from Mississippi to North Ireland9s horrific <mother and baby homes,=
novel9s characters into its orbit. Gemma challenges these women faced. Likable and Carolina, where they established a where unwed pregnant women endured
Garland is an aspiring opera soprano, and quirky Mineko Cope is a Japanese war socialist-like society. Residents of Happy unimaginable abuse at the hands of the
Suling Feng is a talented embroideress bride who struggles to fit into the small Land are self-supporting and thriving, but people meant to protect them. Babies born
trying to avoid an arranged marriage. The Texas community where she9s the only it doesn9t stop the Ku Klux Klan and the in the homes were often stolen from their
authors write vividly of the struggles person of Asian heritage. Equally marauding Night Riders from threatening mothers, and the children who perished
Gemma, Suling and other women face as compelling is Mineko9s relationship with them. The dialogue sometimes feels overly were buried in unmarked graves. This
they fight for rights and opportunities her granddaughter Lia, who also feels like formal, but it doesn9t distract from this tragedy is at the heart of Maure9s powerful
springing up in the new century. The crown an outsider. Churchill ably captures the quintessential story of brave people debut novel. It begins with the Nazi
is part of what draws them into the stings of racism that biracial Lia endures fighting for what they know they deserve. bombing of Belfast that kills the parents of
clutches of an enigmatic tycoon, and this and portrays with sympathy the people of (Thomas Nelson, Jan. 30) 10-year-old twins Aelish and Isabel
history-based novel tips into thriller Japan, whose lives, like those of people McGuire. They are sent to an orphanage,
territory when his true nature is revealed. around the world, were decimated by the 8The Mayor of Maxwell Street,9 where they are abused by the nuns who live
The novel builds toward the quake, then war. (Harper, Feb. 20) by Avery Cunningham and work there. Down the road from the
paints cinematic pictures of its destructive It9s the Roaring Twenties in Chicago and orphanage is a <mother and baby home,=
powers. (William Morrow, Feb. 13) 8The American Queen,9 Nelly Sawyer, daughter of the richest Black and when Isabel witnesses a terrible event,
by Vanessa Miller man in America, is hurtling toward a future the truth about what goes on there
8The Turtle House,9 Miller9s stirring novel begins as the Civil of her choosing. Nelly9s parents want her to gradually comes to light. Despite its bleak
by Amanda Churchill War ends. Its intrepid heroine, Louella be a high-society wife, but Nelly wants to storyline, this is an achingly beautiful
This meticulously researched novel is Bobo, is a young Black woman who dreams be a reporter for the Chicago Defender, an novel about redemption and the power of
inspired by the life of Churchill9s of a place called the Kingdom of Happy influential Black newspaper. Her articles sisterhood. (Harper, Feb. 27)
grandmother, who, like thousands of Land where Black people can live away are lauded but only because she9s forced to
Japanese women, married an American from prejudice and hate. Miller9s novel is write under a man9s name. She cuts a deal Carol Memmott is a writer in austin.
B6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Book World

Washington Post
Hardcover Bestsellers
courtesy of the american
Booksellers association


1 THe WOMeN (st. martin9s, $30). By

kristin hannah. an army nurse in
Vietnam treats soldiers wounded in
combat but struggles to find support
when she returns home.
2 THe HeaVeN aNd earTH GrOCery
STOre (riverhead, $28). By James
mcBride. in a ramshackle
Pennsylvania neighborhood during
the 1920s and 930s, Jewish and
african american residents come
together to hide an orphan from state
3 HOUSe Of flaMe aNd SHadOW
(Bloomsbury, $32). By sarah J. maas.
Bryce races to save midgard while
the asteri hold hunt captive in the
next volume of the crescent city
4 MarTyr! (knopf, $28). By kaveh
akbar. a man tries to understand his
tendency toward sadness and self-
sabotage by writing a book about

10 noteworthy books for February martyrs.

5 fOUrTH WING (red tower Books,
$29.99). By rebecca yarros. a young
woman competes to secure a spot at
an elite war college for dragon riders.
Leap into stories of hidden towns, sibling bonds, a tropical brothel and more
6 IrON flaMe (red tower Books,
$29.99). By rebecca yarros. the
empyrean series continues as
BY B ECKY M ELOAN ing to fight against each other seems impossi- disapproval creates problems, the women, second-year students face new
ble. When a mysterious stranger offers them who have never let cultural expectations dic- challenges at Basgiath War college.

or book lovers in 2024, an extra day in shelter and a way to forget their trauma, the tate their lifestyle choices, must decide how to
February means more time for read- lines between reality and imagination start to thrive in a society where men hold all the 7 NOrTH WOOdS (random house,
ing. Fiction set on a tropical island, blur. Months later, Freddie9s sister, Laura, is power. (Doubleday, Feb. 20) $28). By Daniel mason. over the
an otherworldly war novel and a notified of his death, but whispers of battle- centuries, a new england farmhouse
memoir about the demands of corpo- field hauntings call her to the trenches to see 8Sito: An American Teenager is a home that interconnects people,
rate finance are just some of the ways to keep whether Freddie has survived or fallen victim and the City That Failed Him,9 plants and animals.
everyone happily occupied. to something more sinister. Arden, best by Laurence Ralph
8 deMON COPPerHead (harper,
known for her Winternight fantasy trilogy, Ralph, a professor of anthropology who
$32.50). By Barbara kingsolver. in
8Greta & Valdin,9 weaves together a tale of supernatural folklore wrote a book about gang violence, considered
this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, a
by Rebecca K Reilly and war that emphasizes the ghastliness of his academic work in a new light after learning
boy born in a trailer in appalachia
Siblings Greta and Valdin are young, queer both. (Del Rey, Feb. 13) of his family9s connection to a young man
faces the challenges of childhood
and at that stage in life when the future feels called Sito who was killed at 19. Years before,
poverty with resilience.
urgent yet unknowable; when today looks like 8Private Equity: A Memoir,9 Sito had witnessed the murder of a straight-A
$7.49 in the bank and lots of time spent waiting by Carrie Sun Catholic school student. Arrested and de- 9 reMarKaBly BrIGHT CreaTUreS
for things to happen. Valdin is really, really Sun9s candid memoir is at once an intro- tained for months at a juvenile facility, await- (ecco, $29.99). By shelby Van Pelt. a
okay with his breakup a year ago, but when spective look at one woman9s experience work- ing a trial on murder charges that were even- woman develops a friendship with an
he9s thrown back into the path of his former ing for the billionaire founder of a well-known tually dropped, Sito remained suspect in the octopus living in an aquarium.
lover, he is forced to consider what he genuine- hedge fund and a frank depiction of the eyes of his neighbors, whose prejudices cur-
ly wants. Younger sister Greta is similarly corporate financial industry that often favors tailed his ability to get his life back on track. 10 TOM laKe (harper, $30). By ann
ambivalent about her career in academia, but those who are already part of the entrenched Ralph9s investigation leads him to reevaluate Patchett. over the course of a
when she attempts to improve her life, a new culture of wealth. After acing multiple inter- some of his prior beliefs as he comes to summer, a woman tells her three
family drama always gets in the way. Already a views, Sun dove headfirst into a world opti- understand the realities of living in communi- daughters the story of her affair, at
best-selling novelist in her native New Zea- mized for efficiency. Despite the trappings of ties where gang violence is a daily consider- 19, with an actor on the cusp of
land, Reilly creates charming multicultural modern success 4 high-end, neutrally deco- ation. (Grand Central, Feb. 20) stardom.
characters whose struggles feel at once mod- rated offices featuring plush carpets and soft-
ern and universal. (Avid Reader, Feb. 6) closing drawers 4 and luxe gifts from an 8The Other Valley,9
appreciative boss 4 a Balenciaga tote, a $2,500 by Scott Alexander Howard NONfICTION
8A Love Song for Ricki Wilde,9 SoulCycle gift certificate 4 it wasn9t long Howard9s debut is a contemplative, philo-
by Tia Williams before the extreme workload exacted its toll on sophical time-travel novel centering on the 1 THe WaGer (Doubleday, $30). By
The author of <Seven Days in June= weaves her mental and physical health. The harder inhabitants of a town in a valley with heavily David Grann. after enduring storms,
the history of the Harlem Renaissance into a she worked, the more she felt herself disap- guarded borders. Only residents with excep- sickness and a shipwreck, the
modern-day romance. Owning a flower shop pearing, and she realized something would tional circumstances may be granted permis- surviving crew members of hms
has put Ricki on a path toward the life she has have to change so she could find herself again. sion to travel to identical neighboring towns; Wager turn against one another.
always wanted, but when she meets a mysteri- (Penguin Press, Feb. 13) the one to the west exists 20 years in the past,
ous gentleman in a garden, things take an and the one to the east, 20 years in the future. 2 THe CreaTIVe aCT (Penguin, $32).
unexpected turn. The enigmatic stranger 8Ours,9 When teenage Odile recognizes disguised visi- By rick rubin. a Grammy-winning
turns out to be Ezra, a musician with a hazy by Phillip B. Williams tors from the future as her friend Edme9s music producer shares how artists
past, and as the two are drawn to each other, Williams9s Antebellum novel uses history as grieving parents, she realizes he is doomed. work and suggests ways to foster
they uncover a transcendent connection that a springboard to imagine a town called Ours, Her promise to keep what she saw a secret creativity in everyday life.
neither expected. (Grand Central, Feb. 6) built by formerly enslaved Black people, and haunts her, but an opportunity to make things
headed by their liberator, a woman named right could result in a ripple effect that chang- 3 HOW TO KNOW a PerSON (random
8Nightwatching,9 Saint who has the magical ability to hide the es more than she intends. (Atria, Feb. 27) house, $30). By David Brooks. a new
by Tracy Sierra town when it comes under threat. Despite her york times columnist draws on
Home alone at night with her two small intention of offering a safe haven, the trauma 8The Painter9s Daughters,9 various sources to consider how
children, a mother hears footsteps on the she carries casts a shadow over the residents, by Emily Howes people can make more meaningful
stairs. Using her knowledge of her nearly and her temper and ego may lead to dangerous As children, Peggy and Molly, daughters of connections with one another.
300-year-old New England farmhouse9s lay- repercussions for all. <Ours= considers the way English painter Thomas Gainsborough, are 4 aTOMIC HaBITS (avery, $27). By
out, she safeguards her family while plotting a individuals who have experienced vastly dif- inseparable, cavorting through fields and spy- James clear. how to make small
way to escape. But when help finally arrives, ferent forms of suffering from enslavement ing on their father9s work. Although Peggy is changes that have a big impact.
the police question her sanity. Sierra9s debut might define their freedom. (Viking, Feb. 20) the younger of the girls, she instinctively
offers hold-your-breath suspense while delv- knows she must look after Molly, who is prone 5 OaTH aNd HONOr (little, Brown,
ing into psychological and emotional fear, 8Mrs. Gulliver,9 to spells of confusion. When the family moves $32.50). By liz cheney. the former
informed by the author9s work with dom- by Valerie Martin to Bath to improve their station, the demands member of congress and chair of the
estic-violence survivors whose stories were Lila Gulliver is the madam of a tropical of polite society make it harder to conceal house republican conference
often doubted. (Pamela Dorman, Feb. 6) island9s legal high-end brothel when Carità Molly9s condition. Meanwhile, each of the describes her experiences during and
Bercy, a beautiful young blind woman, arrives young women catches the eye of a man who, after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the
8The Warm Hands of Ghosts,9 desperate for work. After quickly becoming an unbeknownst to them, courts them both, caus- capitol.
by Katherine Arden asset to the house, Carità catches the eye of Ian ing a rift that could destroy their bond. A dual
Freddie Iven, wounded and trapped with an Drohan, the son of the island9s wealthiest storyline delves into their family9s history and 6 THe COMfOrT Of CrOWS (spiegel
enemy soldier, Hans Winter, under a pillbox family. Lila knows Carità is self-sufficient and involves fascinating speculation about the & Grau, $32). By margaret renkl. in
during World War I, wouldn9t mind dying, but ambitious, so she isn9t surprised when Carità possible origins of Molly9s illness. (Simon & 52 chapters, the author of <late
after he and Hans claw their way out, return- and Ian elope. But when the Drohan family9s Schuster, Feb. 27) migrations= chronicles the evolution
of her backyard over the course of a
7 alPHaBeTICal dIarIeS (farrar,
straus and Giroux, $27). By sheila
heti. the author9s diaries over the
lITera ry Ca leNd a r last 10 years, arranged alphabetically
by sentence.
feb. 18 - 25
8 OUTlIVe (harmony, $32). By Peter
18 SUNday | 3 P.M. Susannah Fox discusses <rebel 7 P.M. Marie Arana discusses <latinoland: a Portrait of 7 P.M. Hala Gorani discusses <But you Don9t look arab: attia and Bill Gifford. a physician
health: a field Guide to the Patient-led revolution in america9s largest and least understood minority= at and other tales of unbelonging= at Politics and Prose at offers alternate ways of looking at
medical care= with Helen Burstin at Politics and Prose, Politics and Prose. the Wharf. aging and longevity.
5015 connecticut ave. nW. 202-364-1919. 9 THe BOy, THe MOle, THe fOX aNd
22 THUrSday | 6 P.M. Jessica S. Henry, Dana L. 24 SaTUrday | 10:30 a.M. Ruth Forman presents <like
5 P.M. Roxana Robinson discusses <leaving= with Marie Cunningham, Nicole L. Cammack and Danielle R. Busby so= at the Woodridge library, 1801 hamlin st. ne. 202- THe HOrSe (harperone, $22.99). By
Arana at Politics and Prose. discuss <healing racial stress Workbook for Black teens= 541-6226. charlie mackesy. the British
at Politics and Prose at the Wharf, 610 Water st. sW. 202- illustrator brings to life fables about
19 MONday | 7 P.M. David Finkel discusses <an 3 P.M. Joseph Earl Thomas discusses <sink: a memoir= at unlikely friendships.
american Dreamer: life in a Divided country= with Dana 488-3867. Politics and Prose.
Priest at Politics and Prose. 7 P.M. Marlon James discusses <moon Witch, spider 10 COMe TOGeTHer (Ballantine, $30).
3 P.M. Doran Larson discusses <inside knowledge:
20 TUeSday | 6 P.M. Heather Box and Julian Mocine- king= at the fall for the Book festival at George mason incarcerated People on the failures of the american By emily nagoski. a health educator
McQueen discuss <how your story sets you free= at university9s harris theater, 4400 university Dr., fairfax. Prison= at Politics and Prose. considers sexual connections in long-
People9s Book, 7014-a Westmoreland ave., takoma Park. term relationships.
7 P.M. Akilah Cadet discusses <White supremacy is all 5 P.M. Phillip B. Williams discusses <ours= at Politics and
240-641-8979. around: notes from a Black Disabled Woman in a White Prose at union market. rankings reflect sales for the week ended feb. 11. the
6:45 P.M. Allen Pietrobon discusses <norman cousins: World= at Politics and Prose at union market, 1270 fifth charts may not be reproduced without permission from the
st. ne. 202-544-4452. 5 P.M. Edda L. Fields discusses <combee: harriet tubman, american Booksellers association, the trade association for
Peacemaker in the atomic age= and the personalities independent bookstores in the united states, and
the combahee river raid, and Black freedom During the
behind the manhattan Project, streamed through 7 P.M. Kerri Greenidge discusses <the Grimkes: the copyright 2024. american Booksellers
civil War= with Paul Gardullo at Politics and Prose. association. (the bestseller lists alternate between
smithsonian associates at legacy of slavery in an american family= with Carla hardcover and paperback each week.)
$20-$25. 6 P.M. Donna Everhart discusses <When the Jessamine
Hayden at the library of congress, 101 independence ave.
Grows= at Bards alley, 110 church st. nW, Vienna. 571-459-
7 P.M. Jared Cohen discusses <life after Power: seven se. 202-707-5502.
Presidents and their search for Purpose Beyond the
7 P.M. Jeremy Norton discusses <trauma sponges:
White house= at Politics and Prose.
Dispatches from the scarred heart of emergency 25 SUNday | 6 P.M. Book World editor John Williams hosts
7 P.M. Katherine Marsh discusses <medusa= with Gareth response= at Politics and Prose. <forests of the imagination,= a conversation with novelists
Hinds at Politics and Prose. Barbara Kingsolver and Richard Powers at studio k at the
23 frIday | 7 P.M. Leslie Jamison discusses <splinters: kennedy center. reserve tickets at
21 WedNeSday | 6 P.M. Esther Goldenberg discusses another kind of love story= with Kathryn Schulz at Politics
<the scrolls of Deborah= at People's Book. and Prose. for more literary events, go to
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE B7

Book World

How this writer

ûnally escaped a
8prison of denial9

ince childhood, the writer Lucy Sante 4
formerly Luc Sante 4 knew she was
transgender. In a recent online message
to librarians interested in her new book,
<I Heard Her Call My Name: A Memoir of
Transition,= Sante says she knew at age 9 or 10: <It
was the consuming furnace at the center of my
life.= As she puts it in the book, Sante9s <egg
cracked= in 2021, when she wrote an email to
I HeArd Her
about 30 friends announcing the news. <The
CAll my NAme
fortification of secrets I9d spent nearly sixty years
A memoir
building and reinforcing had crumbled to dust in
of Transition
a little over a week,= she writes.
By Lucy Sante
<I Heard Her Call My Name= is a two-tier
Penguin Press.
narrative, bouncing between Sante9s experience
226 pp. $27
of her transition in 2021 and the details of her
entire life. Best known as a writer of essays on art
and culture at the New York Review of Books and
as the author of the wonderful <Low Life= (1991),
about the less-glamorous corners of New York
City at the turn of the 20th century, Sante recent-
ly retired after 24 years teaching at Bard College.
This new book is about the often paralyzing cost
of trying to live two different lives: as a man or a
woman, but also as a human being and a writer.
Sante was born in 1954 in Belgium. Her moth-
er had previously suffered the stillbirth of a
daughter. <The death certificate is the only proof
I have that she existed at all, but she was nonethe-
less a living presence throughout my childhood.
My mother could not let go of her,= Sante writes.
<Sometimes she was a phantom, sometimes she
was my imaginary playmate and bedfellow, and
sometimes she was me.=
When Sante won an Arbor Day essay contest at
school as a 12-year-old, the winners appeared in
the local paper. <I was the only boy,= Sante writes.
<When a photo of the five of us was published in
the New Providence Dispatch, I appeared in the
caption as 8Lucy Sante.9= A typo of momentous
proportions. It seemed fated 4 and yet, what
followed were decades of struggle, of half-life.
Sante writes: <I see how close my trans identi-
ty was to the surface in my adolescence and
twenties, when I was completely befuddled
about it, almost totally ignorant, and had no idea
what to do but try to escape it.= Living in New
York in the 970s, there was little to dissuade Sante
from pursuing that call from Lucy. But she was <My work
driven into denial by fear. Sante spent most of the
970s at clubs like CBGB and Max9s taking amphet- had always
amine-based <black beauties= and rubbing el-
bows with Warhol superstar Jackie Curtis and been my
Patti Smith. (<I was instantly in love, and I also
wanted to be her.=) She describes passing refuge from
through the same circles as <[trans artist] Greer
Lankton and [trans model] Teri Toye, although I the rest
was too scared to ever talk to them; they seemed
like mythological creatures come to earth.= of my life,
But even if New York in the 970s 4 the city of hence
<ruins,= as Sante writes, <the ruins of ideals, of
struggles, of the university, of the city, of housing,
of transit, of expectations, of ambitions= 4 didn9t
help affirm her gender identity, becoming Bar- from aNNaNN PuTTITHaNaSorN

bara Epstein9s assistant at the New York Review

of Books gave her the greatest gift a writer can gender.=
receive: <the ability to arrogate unto myself the Of course, coming out as trans is nothing less Reading this book is a joy. Sante is funny and that I felt genderless. And that made sense be-
authority to speak. It9s the reason I can write lucy Sante, than earth-shattering, but most of Sante9s warm, and her new life (or her newfound owner- cause my work had always been my refuge from
meaningfully on an array of subjects, without in <I Heard Her friends, at least the female ones, were not sur- ship of her life) gives her journey, in retrospect, a the rest of my life, hence divorced from gender.=
being an expert on any of them; it9s the reason I9m Call My Name= prised. Less than two weeks after the initial email rosy tint. But Sante is aware that a transition of <I Heard Her Call My Name= has much to say
able to write this book.= to friends, Sante wrote one retracting 4 or at gender identity isn9t as relatively comfortable for about the trans journey and will undoubtedly
Diving headlong into adulthood, Sante got least qualifying 4 her statement, saying she was everyone. <Not only am I lucky to have had my become a standard for those in need of guidance.
married, not once but twice, became a father, <sticking with Luc for now= but would be <in egg crack at something close to the last minute, But the book speaks to a wider audience, too: for
and used the tools she had learned <from the daily conversation with Lucy.= She now calls this I9m also lucky to have survived my own repres- anyone who needs to break out of their self-im-
Jesuits= (<I was brought up in strict and even follow-up letter, which she never sent, a <desper- sion,= she writes. <I suspect that many in my posed <prison of denial,= as Sante puts it, or to
fanatical Catholic observance=) to act as her own ate flailing attempt= to preserve a 14-year roman- position have not.= stop punishing themselves for wanting what
judge, jury and executioner; her guilt, in the tic relationship. <In a larger sense, it was caused Sante is partly able to square her identity as a they want. When Sante told a younger friend in
form of denial, self-consciousness and pure ter- by my inability to square my gender identity with woman and a writer, she says, because her writing an online forum that she had come out, the
ror, would stifle any peep Lucy tried to make. As my attraction to women.= There was also her has never been about her gender. <I was still very friend responded, <The sky out my window liter-
the writer Hélène Cixous puts it in <Three Steps reputation as a writer to consider. <Would I be much aware of the presence of Luc, whom I ally just brightened.=
on the Ladder of Writing=: <Each human being9s risking my public identity as a writer by chang- sometimes liked to think of as my sad-sack ex-
story is always the greatest and cruelest of ing it?= And: <Do I deserve this?= Could there be a husband. It would happen to me that if I had been Jessica Ferri is a writer based in Berkeley, Calif., and
stories. We are the ones who reduce and annihi- more devastating question than whether we writing & or had gotten into a conversation about the author, most recently, of <Silent Cities San
late them to nothing.= deserve to live our lives as ourselves? books, say, I would suddenly look up and realize Francisco.=

Romantasy: It9s a little romance, a little fantasy and yes, a little hot
BY S ARAH W ENDELL romantic elements and a romantasy: In the originally published in 2007, has a new cover The Mead Mishaps series,
latter, without the romance, the book falls that reflects romantasy9s influence on mar- by Kimberly Lemming
t9s been awhile since a single book could apart. keting imagery. Bramble, a new fantasy and The titles say it all 4 <That Time I Got

I summon thousands, but in November and

again in January, fans lined up outside
bookstores in the cold, awaiting the stroke of
The fastest way to tell if you9re looking at a
romantasy is to note the title. Is there a
common noun, followed by two that involve
romance imprint from Tor, is publishing <The
Spellshop,= by Sarah Beth Durst, in a hard-
cover edition with purple tinted edges and a
Drunk and Saved a Demon,= <That Time I Got
Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a
Werewolf.= Kimberly Lemming is having
midnight. The draw? Romantasy. something terrestrial and something corpo- luminous cover that adds a hefty dose of blast playing with the tropes and clichés of
Rebecca Yarros9s <Iron Flame,= which real? A <House of Earth and Blood=? A <Song <cozy= to the romantasy. romance and fantasy.
broke a preorder record, arrived on Nov. 7 of Blood and Stone=? You9ve got romantasy. Long-running romantasy series can fill
and shot to the top of bestseller lists You may also encounter a verb, followed by miles of shelves with books from Jennifer L. 8Consort of Fire,9 by Kit Rocha
worldwide. Then came Sarah J. Maas9s disaster and anger nouns (<Fall of Ruin and Armentrout, Nalini Singh, Kresley Cole, L. and 8Dragon Actually9 by G.A. Aiken
<House of Flame and Shadow,= the third Wrath,= <King of Battle and Blood=), or an Penelope and Jennifer Estep. Indie publish- If you like your romantasy with dragons,
volume in the Crescent City series. Released authority figure of weather (<Queen of ers have their own romantasy titles of every particularly horny ones, look no further. Kit
on Jan. 30, it sold more than 120,000 copies Shadows=). Don9t worry, though: Click one flavor as well, such as <Daughter of No Rocha9s new series features a seductress, a
in the first week and was an instant bestseller and your friendly neighborhood algorithm Worlds,= by Carissa Broadbent, and the handmaiden/assassin and a dragon who
too. Maas9s biggest competition may be will show you many more. impossibly lush <Trial of the Sun Queen,= by wants to possess them both. Much of the hot
herself 4 she has four novels on the New York Romantasy may be a new-sounding term, Nisha J. Tuli. There are online reader spaces dragon romantasy can trace its lineage to
Times bestseller list and 13 on the USA Today but the genre is not. Among the earliest titles like StoryGraph and subreddits like r/fanta- books like <Dragon Actually,= by G.A. Aiken,
list 4 and Yarros, whose books are on five is <War for the Oaks,= by Emma Bull (1987), syromance that are actively swapping book the first of a series that features a ferocious
bestseller lists. which won the Locus Award for best first suggestions 4 and of course BookTok and heroine named Annwyl the Bloody who
Romantasy is hot, in more ways than one. novel. It follows a young rock singer whose Instagram. But if you9re new to romantasy trains with a mysterious, arrogant knight
It9s one of the fastest-growing genres, accord- band and relationship fall apart just in time and want to see what the fuss is about, here during the day and shares her secrets at night
ing to market researcher Circana, with sales for her to be drafted into a fairy war. In the are a few recommendations: with a dragon named Fearghus the Destroyer.
increasing by 42 percent from 2022 to 2023. years since, romantasy has more often been
Maas alone has sold 40 million copies of her found within other genre headings like 8House of Flame and Shadow,9 The Bliss Wars trilogy,
books worldwide. <urban fantasy,= <epic fantasy= or <paranor- by Sarah J. Maas by L. Penelope
What is romantasy anyway? mal.= The latest in the spicy and rich Crescent In <Savage City,= a captive Fai must heal a
Like all fun indulgences such as brunch, With the increasing popularity of roman- City series that began with <House of Earth princess of the Nimali, his sworn and hated
Botox and Bennifer, romantasy is a portman- tasy as a search term and a genre 4 the and Blood= in 2020, this story finds the lead enemy, in a world that blends high fantasy,
teau combining <romance= and <fantasy.= #romantasy tag has some 800 million views characters worlds apart and yearning for fae and shifters in an urban post-apocalyptic
These books feature all the fantasy hall- on TikTok, for example 4 some of the early, home, and may include special surprises for landscape. The concluding book in this
marks, such as magic systems, mythology, influential books are getting new covers that well-read Maas fans as well. And an added trilogy, <Brutal Fortress,= arrives in March, so
high stakes and abundant worldbuilding, but move away from the classic clinch of two treat for audiobook fans: A new audio you have time to catch up.
the love story is central to the narrative. people fervently embracing in favor of more version of the first book featuring a full cast
Romance gets top billing in part because current styles, such as bas-relief illustrations of voice actors, with music and sound Sarah Wendell is the author of three books and
<fantamance= is a terrible name, and because of something on fire, encased in ice or both. effects, will be released in two parts, a co-founder of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, an
there9s a difference between a fantasy with C.L. Wilson9s <Lord of the Fading Lands,= beginning Feb. 29. online community devoted to romance fiction.
B8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Book World

eveLyN freja for the WashiNgtoN Post

Kirsten Bakis reclaims her voice

BaKiS from B1 we spent together, she was wearing an unas- Prize for fiction. <I always remember her say- grinders were noisiest. She cobbled together a
suming zippered sweatshirt and a coat that ing, Yeah, I9m a workhorse; this is part of the lot of work in the decades between her novels,
2022 while in a meeting with the agent Lynn seemed almost too light for the afternoon job,= Bakis said. <I was like, Next time, I9m going mostly teaching and freelance editing, the lat-
Nesbit, when he recalled reading <monster freeze. The filmmaker Chris Wedge 4 who to have that attitude.= ter typically for people trying to finish novels of
Dogs= for a book club in the late 990s. <She just spent years working on an adaptation of <Lives But next time just & didn9t come, though not their own. In passing, she mentioned that she
lit up,= Simon told me. <She was like, I have of the monster Dogs= that he was never able to for want of effort. <I don9t know whether to be actually lost income the year she finalized
something to show you.= produce 4 describes her in an admiring spirit: proud of this or embarrassed by this, but I <King Nyx,= since it had taken time away from
That something was an early draft of <King <Walking down the street, you wouldn9t know never stopped writing,= she said. <I pretty much the other, more immediately lucrative services
Nyx,= Bakis9s second novel 4 or, at least, the that she was carrying these kinds of worlds wrote every day, all that time.= But she wasn9t she provided.
second that she will have published when it inside her. She doesn9t come across with any of satisfied with what she was producing. <mon- She might not have written <King Nyx= if it
makes its way into bookstores at the end of the affectations you9d expect,= he said. <When I ster Dogs,= which had taken her seven years, hadn9t been for her teaching and editing. <I
february. knew her, her kids were young, and she seemed KiNg Nyx may have been acclaimed, but it hadn9t made partly taught myself to come back to writing by
If <monster Dogs= is a descendant of 19th- like a mom who was doing what she could.= By Kirsten Bakis her rich, and around 2004, when she was seeing other people struggling with the same
century horror, <King Nyx= is a close cousin of At a restaurant called 105 Twenty Bar & Grill, Liveright. pregnant with Theo, she sold a second book out things I was,= she said. <When you see someone
feminist gothic stories in the key of <Wuthering Bakis and I ate surprisingly excellent polenta- 306 pp. $28.99 of financial panic. She worked on it for years in else doing it, you9re like, Oh, you can fix it like
Heights.= During the 1918 flu pandemic, the and-quinoa burgers; she used a knife and fork, dialogue with her editor, Jonathan Galassi, this. I would kind of take that back and apply it
writer Charles fort 4 a real-life notorious treating it like an open-face sandwich. She9s who also edited <monster Dogs= and whom she to myself.=
researcher of paranormal and unexplained been a vegetarian since she was 11, when a describes as unfailingly supportive. <I finished I got a sense of what it might be like to learn
phenomena 4 and his wife, Anna filing fort, babysitter told her that it was the right thing to it three times, but it was just dead,= she said. from Bakis when we were driving through
make their way to the secluded island of an do if you loved animals, which she did, very <They wanted to publish it. They were like: Just town and she started eagerly peppering me
obscenely rich and possibly mad industrial much. <I was not scared of any animal,= she do these couple more things. Just fix this and with questions about my own perpetually-in-
magnate who has promised Charles the free- said. <I just wanted to run up and hug every this. But the patient was dead.= She abandoned progress novel. When I told her that I knew the
dom to finish his book. There, they encounter a animal that I saw. It9s so native to who I am.= it for good in 2009, right around the time she beginnings of my story but not where I wanted
strange series of circumstances 4 mysterious She hasn9t eaten meat in the 45 years since, gave birth to Charlotte. it to go, she enthusiastically quoted a phrase of
girls who lurk at the edges of the orchards, with one exception. A neighbor was slaughter- The day after I visited, Bakis sent me an E.L. Doctorow9s, about writing being like driv-
rumors of murder, humanoid automatons 4 ing some turkeys he9d raised, and she volun- email, reflecting on her lost book. <I don9t know ing a car at night, such that <you can only see as
that sometimes seems to have been designed teered to help, wanting to give them a clean if I mentioned everything else I was doing far as your headlights.=
for Anna9s benefit alone. death. She recalls picking up the 40-pound while I was working on it: for example, for some <Lives of the monster Dogs= was a big,
<King Nyx= is a book that understands that birds from behind, hugging their wings in of the time, I had a baby, a toddler who was important book, at least in Bakis9s life, and it
the crumbling mansions of gothic fiction mere- place with her arms while the farmer cut their having challenges, three dogs, and we were took her decades to get out from under its
ly materialize the minds of their female protag- throats. <The guy who raised them was like, Oh, broke so I was cooking all our meals and baking shadow. It is no spoiler to say that Cleo, the
onists. It also understands that they must this vegetarian is going to run crying out of the our bread too. I9d sit up writing after the kids book9s protagonist, spends her later life won-
understand this fact, too, if they are to reclaim room,= she recalled, laughing. <Well, guess who were asleep, cutting into my already short sleep dering if her youthful days with the dogs were
what is properly theirs. or, as Bakis put it to me ran crying out of the room? It wasn9t me.= And time. It was a level of exhaustion that9s hard to the most important thing that ever happened
when I made my way to see her in New York9s yet, she still felt it, <felt the weight of taking even describe,= she wrote. <A life that contains to her. In some ways, Bakis said, it was a little
Hudson Valley on a snowy day last month, it is their life. To be so close and to feel them different kinds of work, instead of one straight like that for her, though <not really, because I
about finding your voice again when it has been fighting and dying. So I ate some.= career trajectory, is a rich life.= had a very full life. I wasn9t sitting there with a
taken from you 4 perhaps as much by circum- But never since, and never again. Today, the Still, she made progress on other novels in bottle of whiskey looking out the window.=
stance as by malice. birds she lives with are retired laying hens, the years after and tried her hand at other When she dropped me off at the train sta-
In this regard, if in almost no other, <King rescued from a farming system that typically projects, including some screenplays. But tion, I asked her one more time about her hopes
Nyx= reads almost autobiographically. <I kind gives up on fowl when they9re just 2 or 3 years nothing quite came of any of it. There was still for <King Nyx= and what it felt like to finally
of lost my voice,= Bakis told me. And so, too, she old, even though they can live into their teens. no pulse to her projects, not until she started have a follow-up to <monster Dogs.= She told
said, did her version of Anna, who in the novel At one point while we were talking, one of her <King Nyx= in 2020. Though it is not a pandem- me that although she9s always grateful when
has sacrificed something of her <inner compass kids called and a busy clucking noise emerged ic novel, the traces of that year9s isolated days people tell her how much they love her first
voice= to carry on living. from her bag 4 she had recorded the chatter of crop up here and there 4 as they do, for book, she hasn9t even read it since it came out.
Whereas Bakis wrote much of <monster her chickens in the yard and made it her example, when a gas-masked chauffeur ferries She wants the new one to be a success, of
Dogs= in a Lower manhattan apartment above ringtone. Kirsten Bakis the forts to a secluded cabin, where they are course, and I9d argue that it very much deserves
an Irish bar, she has lived since 2010 in Croton- <monster Dogs,= too, had emerged out of her in Croton-on- forced to quarantine before they can meet their to be. mostly, though, she9s eager not to simply
on-Hudson, a village about an hour9s drive love for animals, germinating from a question Hudson, in benefactor. She wrote the book 4 and has be <Kirsten Bakis, the author of 8Lives of the
from the city. (This is the other, smaller way in she9d asked herself for most of her life: <What if New York9s continued to write since 4 standing up at the monster Dogs9= anymore. That was the person
which the novel is almost autobiographical: my dog could talk?= Bakis was a student at the Hudson kitchen counter. She likes it there because she she9d become right around the time she turned
The older Anna who narrates the novel lives on Iowa Writers9 Workshop when she sold the Valley, where can see the chickens pecking about in the 30. All this time later, she said, <I really want to
a farm just outside Croton.) As we drove to novel, in the 1990s. The short-story writer she has lived backyard while also remaining attentive to the be a working writer.=
lunch, she gestured to the rented two-family Deborah Eisenberg, who was then a teacher at since 2010. movements of her children, which she couldn9t Earlier in the afternoon, we had stopped by
home where she lives with her children 4 the workshop, was one of the book9s first She published be if she were locked away in her room. the New Croton Dam, a dauntingly massive
18-year-old Theo and 15-year-old Charlotte, her readers, and she recalls being <flabbergasted= her acclaimed After lunch, we decamped to the Black Cow, structure on the edge of town that was finished
new novel9s dedicatees 4 as well as one dog, by its excellence. <It is enchanted,= she told me. first novel, a coffee shop around the corner with an at- in the early 20th century. Dams resemble barri-
two cats and four chickens. <I mean, it is enchanting, but there9s also <Lives of the tached bookstore. Around 3 p.m., teenagers ers, and they are, but what really matters about
<I don9t want to think of myself as blocked,= something sort of enchanting and enchanted Monster spilled in, fresh out of school. As we were them is the water they ultimately cannot con-
she told me. <I wasn9t stuck, in that I was about the book. It floats into you; it floats Dogs,= in 1997 chatting about the turkeys she had helped kill, tain, whether by accident or design. Bakis,
writing, but I was stuck in that I couldn9t get to around you. The depth of feeling is so intense.= but almost three of the kids approached our table, and one working writer, walked through the snow
the heart of it.= Wedge shared similar feelings about his first nothing since. tapped her on the shoulder. It was her daugh- toward the base of the terraced spillway, where
Bakis speaks deliberately, often pausing af- contact with it, telling me, <It9s a beautiful, ter, Charlotte, and two of her friends, and for a once-restrained water rushed down in torren-
ter every few words, as if composing a sentence romantic tragedy. I felt consumed by it.= while, Charlotte and Bakis bantered amiably in tial sheets, past tree branches bowed by scab-
instead of merely letting it sprawl forth. Later, The book9s successes 4 the positive reviews, the way that mothers and daughters do 4 bards of ice. As she turned her back to it, I
she would characterize this as a product of the award nominations, the interest from Hol- mostly phatic, but no less loving for it. <I just stared up at the hand-hewn stones above, but
nervousness, but I took it to be of a piece with lywood 4 were ultimately overwhelming for want to buy a house for my kids,= Bakis told me really I was watching her as she looked out
her desire to get things right. or to <get to the Bakis. <It9s weird to say this, but I was kind of a after Charlotte departed and the Black Cow toward the landscape beyond, through which
heart of the thing,= as she kept saying in one little traumatized by it, which I feel bad for emptied out again. the descending current cut streams into the
way or another. saying, because I was so fortunate. I always for a while after she moved to Croton, Bakis frozen ground. Little capillaries branching out,
She has attentive, busy eyes set in a calm recognize that,= she said. She recalled being taught writing workshops in the Black Cow, pulsing with stories from the heart of the thing.
face, and sports the heavy, turquoise-framed backstage at an event with Ann Patchett when though she had to schedule them around the
glasses of a considerate librarian. on the day they were both in the running for the orange times and days when the shop9s roaster and Jacob Brogan is an editor in Book World.

<A life that contains different kinds of work, instead of one straight career trajectory, is a rich life.=
Kirsten Bakis, whose new novel, <King Nyx,= is coming out this month

METRO sunday, february 18 , 2024 eZ Re k c

high today at capiTal WeaTher gang The DisTricT obiTuaries
approx. 4 p.m.
model errors and slight Police say they found guns bob moore, 94, was the
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
49° storm changes led to a and ammunition at the amiable face of natural
Precip: 0% snowfall below what was home of a man suspected foods as the founder of
29 42 49 42 ° ° ° Wind: sW
8-16 mph forecast. c3 of animal cruelty. c5 bob9s Red mill. c6

Bill sets

battlefield luggage
diary sells rules for
at auction foster kids
tRAsH BAGs still
Rare account from used in some moves
8citizen soldier9 on fight
that led to independence Advocates hope law will
instill dignity for youths
The cannon fire from the be-
sieged British was deadly. one Javier9s clothes were stuffed
shot had just killed four Ameri- into a black trash bag and
cans. Another had killed a drum- thrown into the trunk of a car,
mer who had stepped from cover. according to a photo taken last
Yet, as the Americans dug their month and recently shown to
trenches closer and closer, one Maryland lawmakers. As he was
man stood in the open, taunting being transferred from one fos-
the enemy gunners. ter home to another, this bag,
Each time the British shot and secured by a red tie at the top,
missed he waved his spade in held all of his life9s belongings.
defiance, saying he9d be damned The practice, detailed by fos-
if he would duck. <Possessed of ter youth advocates to Maryland
more bravery than prudence. . . . state lawmakers in testimony
He had escaped longer than earlier this month, is still hap-
could have been expected,= Capt. pening despite insistence from
James Duncan, an American offi- state officials that luggage is
cer, recorded in his diary. already provided to youths.
But the unnamed soldier was Front-line workers who report
moRiah RaTneR FoR The WaShingTon PoST
foolish, Duncan wrote, and final- seeing it are leaning on the state
ly <a ball came and put an end to General Assembly to enshrine in
his capers.= law a requirement that every
It was oct. 3, 1781, during the
siege of Yorktown, Va., in the
Revolutionary War. Duncan9s
battlefield diary is a rare account
Leaking 500-gallon propane tank foster child receive new luggage.
Unlike many of the complex
problems that land children in
the state9s systems of care, they
from a <citizen soldier= of the
historic fight that would end the
war and lead to full American
appears to be cause of massive home blast told delegates at a House com-
mittee hearing, the dehumaniz-
ing issue would be simple to fix.
independence. <This can improve the lives of
Last month, the diary was put Authorities identified the firefighter killed in the explosion as 45-year-old Trevor Brown the children that we serve,= Erica
up for auction at sotheby9s in LeMon, director of advocacy for
New York, where it was anticipat- children9s rights at Maryland Le-
ed to bring between $300,000 J USTIN J OUVENAL,
BY bedroom. It was a little before gal Aid testified at the Maryland
and $500,000. But the bidding N ICKI J HABVALA, 8:30 p.m., and the boy, improba- House Judiciary Committee on
that day only reached $240,000, O LIVIA D IAZ bly, was sleeping peacefully, cov- Thursday, using Javier as a
short of the expected minimum, AND C LARENCE W ILLIAMS ered in insulation, dry wall and pseudonym for the foster child to
and the diary was not sold. pieces of a closet door. Mohseni protect the boy9s identity. <We
But last week, a spokeswoman sean Mohseni had just stepped said he grabbed the child and his would like for Maryland to treat
for sotheby9s said the diary sold out of the shower Friday night 7-year-old daughter and fled the our foster children like we would
privately the day after the auc- when <a sonic boom,= as he put it, home with the rest of the family. treat our own children, with
tion. she declined to identify the rocked his Loudoun County, Va., outside, they were stunned by a dignity and respect.=
buyer or the exact price but said home. The ceiling of the master hellish scene: a house engulfed in The Maryland Department of
it was above $300,000. bedroom suddenly collapsed on flames and smoke, debris strewn Human services opposes the bill,
<To have an English-language his head and on his 2-year-old son. in the trees and firefighters introduced in the House by Del.
contemporary journal written by The windows in the room shat- scrambling amid the destruction. Joe Vogel (D-Montgomery), ac-
a Continental [Army] soldier . . . tered inward, showering his wife The explosion on silver Ridge cording to a spokesperson who
is exceptionally rare,= selby with glass. Drive, heard for miles around, said it would create administra-
Kiffer, sotheby9s international A massive explosion, likely killed volunteer firefighter Trevor tive burdens on social workers.
senior specialist for books and caused by a leaking 500-gallon Brown, 45, and injured 13 others, Rafael J. Lopez, secretary of
manuscripts, said before the propane tank, had destroyed his officials said. Brown, a member of Maryland9s Department of
auction. next-door neighbor9s home and the sterling Volunteer Fire Com- Human services, said in written
<The content, the fact that it killed a firefighter, officials said. pany, lived in Ashburn, Va., was a testimony that children are al-
was about such a pivotal event, Mohseni described the moment married father of three and had ready given luggage. Brian
that fact that it just reads won- as one of <complete terror,= as he schleter, a department spokes-
Loudoun counTy combined FiRe and ReScue SySTem
derfully 4 this gripping, first- charged into his 10-year-old son9s sEE ExPlOSiOn oN C2 man, further clarified to The
person narrative 4 that fact that Washington Post that local de-
it9s still in the family of Captain partments across the state are
Duncan,= he said. tOP: Authorities investigate the aftermath of an explosion at a home in Sterling, Va., on able to use their existing luggage
Most such accounts that have Saturday. A woman listed as a resident of the home said she was <alive and well= but said supplies for foster youth.
come to the market recently are she had been told not to talk about the blast. ABOVE: trevor Brown, 45, of the Sterling <No child should ever suffer
in French. <Which is wonderful,= Volunteer Fire Company died in the line of duty on Friday. <He was such a good person. He the needless humiliation and
Kiffer said. <obviously, our was so much better than me,= thomas Brown, the firefighter9s father, said. trauma of being forced to move
sEE rEtrOPOliS oN C4 their belongings in a disposable
bag, no matter the circum-
stances,= schleter said. <DHs has
longtime practices in place to

Adults and kids alike combat empty shelves in Md. school library ensure this does not happen in
Laws relating to giving lug-
gage to foster youth were passed
A fourth-grade them into their school9s library last year in oregon and Texas.
girl with Velcro and make them want to stay There is not a law to regulate this
straps on her there. They also know that the issue in the District, but Keena
pink and white grown-ups around them have Blackmon, a spokeswoman for
tennis shoes been trying to fulfill their the D.C. Child and Family ser-
theresa wishes her school wishes. vices Agency said children re-
vargas library had While the nation has been ceive duffels or backpacks
enough books to focusing on book bans, school through partnerships with local
ensure that when libraries all around us have nonprofits and donations from
she finishes reading one she gone without enough individuals, churches and other
enjoys, she could walk over to a (noncontroversial) books. Or organizations.
shelf and pick a similar one. inviting furniture. Or amenities <We strongly believe in ensur-
<sometimes I just choose the that would help create a sense ing that children in foster care
same book, because I can9t find of community. are not using trash bags as they
one I like,= she says as she sits at oxon Hill is one of those move from one home to another,=
a table in her school9s cafeteria. schools. Blackmon said in a statement. A
Near her sits a long-legged For the past year, staff spokesperson for the Virginia
fifth-grader who wishes the members and parents have been Department of social services
library had more comfortable working to raise money to give did not immediately provide a
chairs. The chairs there now students at the school the comment on whether foster
have short legs and hard backs. library of their dreams. youth use trash bags or luggage.
Next to her sits a fifth-grade But they remain far from There are about 3,800 chil-
girl who is tired of looking at their goal. dren in foster care across Mary-
the library9s brown and bare I hadn9t planned to tell you land each year, according to an
shelves. she wishes those about the library, but then I saw estimate in the bill9s fiscal and
shelves were at least painted in it while visiting the school policy note. If the bill is imple-
brighter, <more fun= colors. recently for another purpose. mented, the note estimates the
Getting children to read more It9s impossible to walk through total cost of providing this new
can sometimes pose a challenge. the building and not notice the luggage would be a minimum of
But students at oxon Hill library. It sits smack in the $76,560. The bill would also
TheReSa VaRgaS/The WaShingTon PoST
Elementary school in Prince middle of an open space require the human services de-
George9s County, Md., know between hallways. the library inside Oxon Hill Elementary School in Prince George9s County, Md. the school9s librarian, partment to record when chil-
exactly what would help pull sEE VArGAS oN C4 Jannie Cobb, said she has had trouble stocking the shelves because of the school9s limited resources. dren use a disposable bag to
C2 eZ Re k the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Blast will
take days to
chief says
expLoSion from C1

been a firefighter since 2016.

<We lost a family member,= said
Chief Keith Johnson of the Lou-
doun County fire department.
<Quite frankly, we are probably
lucky we only had one fatality.=
mohseni agreed, calling it a
<miracle= that his family survived
the blast unscathed.
Thomas Brown, the firefight-
er9s father, said his son9s children
are ages 6, 9 and 11. <He was a
fantastic father,= Thomas Brown
said. <He was such a good person.
He was so much better than me.
He and his wife poured every-
thing into those children. You just
don9t see that in the world today.=
Johnson said it will take days to
definitively determine what
caused the explosion. He said 11
firefighters and two civilians
were injured and four people re-
mained hospitalized Saturday. All
are expected to survive.
<our hearts are with the Ster-
ling community and we are pray-
ing for the family of the brave
firefighter who gave their life,=
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin
said in a social media post. <We
MoRiah RaTneR foR The WashingTon PosT
are grateful for these fearless
heroes who run toward danger to The aftermath of an explosion at a home in Sterling on Saturday. A gas leak is being examined as the cause. Chief Keith Johnson of Loudoun County9s fire department said that
protect and serve their fellow he was forming a team that will examine how the incident, which resulted in the death of one volunteer firefighter, was handled by the department.
Virginians every day.=
Johnson said a 911 call about a Another who arrived on the scene counted for. Brown was pro- and a half earlier, and I smelled garage. dled by the department. It will
possible gas leak came at 7:38 a short time later remarked grim- nounced dead on the scene. The gas.= mohseni9s house, which was include members from outside
p.m. friday. firefighters arrived ly: <The house is pretty much injured firefighters and occu- michelle Barbiere, who lives a heavily damaged, had its win- the department.
at 7:48 p.m. and found the leaking leveled.= pants of the home were transport- half mile from the explosion, said dows boarded up Saturday and When reached by phone Satur-
underground propane tank on a firefighters immediately be- ed to hospitals for treatment. the vibrations jolted her. part of its siding hanging off. day, a woman listed as a resident
side of the home. Johnson said gan trying to rescue their col- residents in Sterling, near <I thought for sure a big truck mohseni said he was unsure of the home that was destroyed
propane had seeped into the leagues trapped in the debris, and Seneca ridge and Silver ridge ran into my house,= she said. whether it would be habitable said she was <alive and well= but
house. a rapid response team was de- drives, felt the ground tremble at But Barbiere said she and her again or would need to be rebuilt. had been told not to talk about the
Two occupants of the home ployed to help with the effort, the time of the blast. People living husband could not find anything Johnson said other homes in the blast. She declined to comment
and some pets were evacuated, he Johnson said. radio traffic indi- on the other side of the Potomac wrong inside the house. It was neighborhood were less severely further. Property records indicate
said. firefighters donned special cated firefighters were trying to river, in montgomery County, only when they cracked open the damaged. she purchased the home in 2015.
protective gear and entered the knock down flames and remove md., also felt shaking. front door that they smelled the Thomas Brown said his son Thomas Brown said his last
dwelling. Then, at 8:25 p.m., came debris to enter the basement. Aerial videos of the scene gas, she said. <Then all of a sud- was a volunteer firefighter and a communication with his son was
the enormous blast. At 8:36 p.m., another firefight- showed what could be taken for a den, it was like every siren you stay-at-home father, and his wife a text message friday 4 a video of
recorded traffic from depart- er trapped in the debris issued a disordered lumberyard, with could hear in our community works for the federal govern- a puppy that the family had just
ment radios captured the harrow- mayday, Johnson said. Around pieces of the wooden skeleton of a started coming. And then heli- ment. He said his son enjoyed gotten. Brown said he got busy
ing moment. muffled cries and that time, a firefighter could be house strewn all over the inter- copters started coming.= working on computers, barbecu- and forgot to reply.
shouts of <mayday!= could be heard saying on the radio that he section, partially obscured by ris- Padgett, who does not know ing, traveling and being outdoors. <I didn9t respond to it,= he said,
heard. Some yelled that firefight- was trapped in the basement and ing smoke. the residents of the house that The fire marshal was at the site his voice cracking. <I guess I9ll
ers were trapped beneath debris flames were nearby. <The whole house shook,= said blew up, said the aftermath was of the blast Saturday to investi- never have the chance now.=
in the basement. By 9:15 p.m., Johnson said, all John Padgett, a neighbor on Sene- <horrific.= The only pieces of the gate its cause. Johnson said he
<We just had a catastrophic the firefighters had been re- ca ridge Drive. <I had walked my house left standing Saturday was forming a team that will ex- Martin Weil and Monika Mathur
explosion!= a firefighter shouted. moved from the rubble and ac- dog earlier, about an hour, hour were its chimney and part of its amine how the incident was han- contributed to this report.

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Capital Weather gang

Why the
D.C. snow
was a bust

Weather forecasting has come a

long way since the 1970s and is
among the greatest science success
stories of our time. Forecasts are
generally quite accurate, even as
far out as five to seven days into the
future, and have improved enor-
mously since the 1970s. They save
countless lives, and their economic
value is estimated to be over $30
billion annually (that estimate is
from 2009; the value has probably
grown considerably since).
But they9re not perfect, and
that9s especially true when it comes
to snow. Forecasters, like our-
selves, obsess over every detail in
snow forecasts and still sometimes
struggle to get it right. That was
clearly the case with Friday night9s
forecast. We9re not wrong for lack
of trying; the tools we have just
aren9t quite good enough yet. Ask
forecasters in Boston how they feel
about predicting 7 to 13 inches of
snow last monday when only 0.1
inches was ultimately measured.
There was sound logic and effort
for that forecast, but the storm
MaTT MCClain/The WashingTon PosT
subtly shifted.
A similar dynamic played out A pedestrian makes their way past a dusting of snow on Saturday in Springfield, Va. On Friday, the Capital Weather Gang forecast called for about 1 to 5 inches of snow across
here Friday night, in a less dramat- the Washington region from south to north, but just trace amounts to a few inches fell.
ic way.
Our Capital Weather Gang fore- which is 5 inches or more. Its forecast? the ground. Our thinking was that
cast called for about 1 to 5 inches of forecast suggested that if every One could make that criticism these two factors would work to-
snow across the Washington re- flake stuck, amounts would range but without appreciating our gether to cool the air and dump
gion from south to north. Just trace from about 1 to 4 inches from south thought process. Weather systems snowfall.
amounts to a few inches fell. The to north. that come in from the west like The zone of frontogenesis ended
forecast wasn9t wrong everywhere, We were reluctant to scale back Friday night9s are often moisture- up shifting to the north 4 and
and it9s not the worst miss we9ve our forecast based on the Euro- deprived, especially after they pass plastered parts of east central
ever had, but it is among the more pean model by itself. Even though over the Appalachians. So should Pennsylvania with up to 14 inches
notable ones in the last few years. it9s the most accurate model on we have been more skeptical of the of snow. One of the hardest aspects
Here9s how much snow fell in average, it9s not the best-perform- model simulations for at least 4 to 6 of predicting snowstorms is figur-
some select locations: ing in every single storm. And its inches of snow? Also, temperatures ing out where very localized bands
" Damascus, Westminster and snow forecast was only slightly were only marginally cold enough of heavy snow will set up because
Elkridge: 3.0 inches lower than other models. But it for snowfall. Highs on Friday models are bad at this. In the days
" Gaithersburg: 2.8 inches presaged a steep decline in reached 45 to 50 degrees and were leading up to this forecast, the
" Lovettsville: 2.5 inches amounts in the other models dur- still hovering around 40 at 10 p.m. models consistently showed strong
" BWI marshall Airport: 2.2 inches ing the afternoon and evening. just a couple of hours before pre- potential for such a band over
" rockville and Laurel: 1.8 inches A big warning sign was that the cipitation began. Shouldn9t we Washington. It just shifted.
" Crofton: 1.5 inches high-resolution NAm model 4 have taken that into account? I hope this perspective offered a
" Silver Spring: 1.4 inches which is among the more reliable Trust me when I say we consid- helpful, under the hood, lens into
" Herndon: 1.2 inches in the short term 4 cut its predict- ered both of these factors. It was for our forecast process. And the point
" Dulles Airport: 1.1 inches ed snowfall by 50 percent between these reasons I wrote the following of this review is not to apologize for
" Fairfax: 1.0 inches its simulations released Friday in our briefing for this forecast: our forecast but to explain that
" Northeast Washington: morning and Friday evening. Amounts could end up on the low errant snow forecasts like this are
0.8 inches The NAm model9s decrease mo- end of forecasts or in our <bust= still simply a fact of life. The Na-
" Springfield: 0.5 inches tivated us to lower our predicted range if precipitation intensity is a tional Weather Service and televi-
" reagan National Airport: 0.1 totals at 9:30 p.m. Friday. Impor- little lighter than simulated and sion meteorologists predicted
inches tantly, another high-resolution temperatures are on the warm end comparable amounts or even more
Amounts missed the mark as the model known as the Hrrr had of predictions. The risk of a bust is than we did. But, once in a while,
snow arrived later, departed earli- also consistently shown under- highest around downtown Wash- despite all of our best efforts, we9re
er and fell at lighter intensity than whelming amounts of snow since ington and to the south, where just going to miss the mark be-
we expected. the morning 4 it was another clue above-freezing temperatures could cause the tools we have aren9t quite
So why did we get it wrong? In that more aggressive snowfall fore- eat into amounts. Also, if the snow good enough.
short, the models we used as tools casts 4 like a forecast for 4 to 6 moves through more quickly than In such situations, the best we
to make the forecast simulated too inches from the American (GFS) forecast, that would also reduce can do is to continue to try to
much precipitation and the heavi- model 4 would be wrong. totals. Some models show just a provide the best possible forecast
est amounts shifted to the north. Of course, the adjustment we couple of hours of moderate to and communicate its uncertainty. I
On Friday morning, when we ana- made at 9:30 p.m. to lower heavy snow. believe we did that in this case
lyzed about a half-dozen different amounts was still inadequate. Ac- Even though we knew moisture although, with the benefit of hind-
models, they all supported the tual snow totals were on the low could be limited and temperatures sight, we probably should have
forecast we made. side of our revised prediction. were marginal for accumulation, done so more forcefully.
But trouble started to appear in Mark Miller/The WashingTon PosT
When a forecast is going wrong, it9s there were two meteorological in- Despite this missed forecast,
the afternoon. Ironically, about 15 psychologically difficult to pull the Dog tracks mark a dusting of snow in Leesburg, Va., on Saturday. gredients we thought could over there are a lot exciting develop-
minutes before the National plug entirely, and there was still Predictions ranged from a dusting to 6 inches. come these factors. First, models ments in weather forecasting that
Weather Service issued a winter some modeling (e.g. the American were showing the potential for should, over time, reduce the likeli-
storm warning for our western model) that supported a snowier have to predict the weather and, they9re guidance, not gospel. strong <frontogenesis= 4 a process hood of these <busted= snow fore-
counties, the European computer forecast. without them, weather forecasting Skilled forecasters analyze the in which clashing air masses result casts. The rapid advancement of AI
model 4 which has the highest All of this model talk may raise would be set back many decades. models and apply their experience in the formation of a localized front and machine learning, for exam-
skill score of all models 4 suggest- the question: Why do forecasters We get a lot of snowstorm forecasts and knowledge to adjust for their and narrow zone of particularly ple, shows great promise to im-
ed no location in the region would like us rely so much on them? It9s pretty close to right, and it9s largely errors and biases. Did we not ad- heavy snow. Second, they showed prove forecasts 4 but this technol-
see warning-criteria snowfall, simple 4 they9re the best tools we because of models. That said, equately do that with Friday night9s frigid air about 5,000 feet above ogy is still in its infancy.

Md. foster kids still use trash bags to move, advocates say. A bill would end that.
LuGGAGe FrOm C1 trash bags 4 is actually happen-
transport belongings and why <This is a very, very common-
they were not given luggage. sense first step to making sure
Advocates for foster youth that we affirm the dignity of
pushed back on the notion that every person, every child, in our
foster youth are already being foster care system,= he said in an
given luggage. The photo of interview.
Javier9s trash bag of belongings, rob Scheer testified earlier
which Lemon showed to the this month, in support of the bill
committee Thursday, was taken in hopes that foster children
last month. Delora Sanchez receive hope and dignity through
Ifekauche, who was in the mary- their own luggage.
land foster care system and men- When Scheer9s five children
tors former foster youth, testified arrived at his door through foster
that she carried her belongings care, they showed up the same
in a trash bag more than 25 years way Scheer did more than four
ago and has heard from mentees decades ago 4 with a trash bag.
that they had that same experi- In an interview, Scheer explained
ence. that his eldest son arrived at his
Del. Aaron m. Kaufman (D- maryland home in 2019 and he
montgomery) asked why officials thought <how the hell could this
in the human services depart- still be happening?=
ment believe youth are already Scheer co-founded Comfort
being given luggage while advo- Cases, a rockville-based
cates on the ground say that is nonprofit that delivers care
not happening. packages and luggage to foster
<So where is the disconnect?= children with the goal of eradi-
he asked. cating trash bags from the sys-
The answer is not clear, Ifeka- tem.
uche said. <A trash bag for kids like me in
<I can tell you from my own the system, it makes us feel
personal experience and young disposable. It makes us feel that
people that I continue to mentor we don9t matter, that we9re invisi-
in foster care, that is not the ble,= Scheer said. <We know at a
case,= Ifekauche testified. <They young age why a trash bag was
are carrying their only worldly made and that was to put trash in
belongings in garbage bags.= it. And so when all of a sudden
Vogel said the mandatory re- you9re putting children9s clothing
porting aspect of this bill would alfredo Perez in it, including my own, it can do
clarify whether the practice of A foster child9s belongings inside a trash bag in January. <No child should ever suffer the needless humiliation and trauma of being forced nothing but take away your self-
giving children luggage 4 not to move their belongings in a disposable bag= Brian Schleter, a spokesman for the state9s Department of Human Services, said. worth.=
C4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Theresa Vargas

School community turns to fundraisers to restock its library9s emptying shelves

VargaS from C1 Lipford-Transou said the
estimated cost for making the
The library, in some ways, is improvements is about
like many school libraries. $25,000, and the fundraisers
It is decorated with posters have so far brought in about
that feature cartoonish animals $9,000.
and words that encourage <It9s nowhere near the
young minds to get lost in amount we need,= she said.
books. <reading Helps you Even so, she said, the
Imagine,= reads one. <Come. children and their families are
Stay. read a great tale!= reads proud of what they have been
another. able to raise.
But, unlike some libraries, it Last year9s fundraiser ended
also has this: empty shelves with Lipford-Transou and the
that are about to get emptier. school9s vice principal sitting
A few years ago, the school on a stage, taking pies to the
had to remove a large number face. They had agreed to that
of books as part of a weeding public punishment if the
process that is required by the fundraising amount hit a
state to make sure old and certain benchmark.
damaged books don9t remain <That took me out of my
on the shelves. The school9s comfort zone,= Lipford-Transou
librarian, Jannie Cobb, said said. <That9s how much I
another weeding process will wanted to improve that library.=
require her to remove 5 percent Lipford-Transou said she
more of the school9s books by hopes to create the library
April. students and the staff want.
<I understand the reasoning, She also wants to add
because you do want to have computers, so that parents who
up-to-date collections,= Cobb, may not have access to one at
whose official title at the school home can come in to fill out
is media specialist, told me forms and take care of other
when I asked about the state of online needs.
the library. The school, which has a
removing the books has not student body that is mostly
been the problem, she said. Latino and African American,
replacing them and adding faces many of the same
more popular titles has been challenges as schools across the
the challenge because of the country. one is absenteeism.
school9s limited resources. Another is the lack of
About transportation for some
80 percent of the school9s 229 students who are left to walk
students qualify for free and routes that aren9t ideal. Those
reduced lunch, and the school Students and officials at Oxon Hill Elementary School in Prince george9s County, Md., are advocating for more books and amenities for issues take time and
does not have an active PTA, their school library. The school community has held two fundraisers for the library, and has reached about $9,000 of their $25,000 goal. collaboration to fix. Improving
which is how many schools a library just takes will and
raise extra funds. The library <There are so many series library. contained on the shelves, so last year, said she noticed the money 4 and the school has
collects some funds through that are incomplete because we She would like to see it get that they forget about whatever state of the library the first day one and is working on the
the Scholastic Book fair, but don9t have the resources to put more comfortable furniture, problems may exist at home or she walked through the other.
that money does not stretch far, them in place and put them in partitions that offer some in their lives, at least for a little building. Cobb said the fundraisers
Cobb said. kids9 hands,= Cobb said. soundproofing so she can give while,= she said. <This will, I She recalled her first have energized the students,
right now, a child at the <It really tears at my heart lessons without surrounding hope, help to transform their thought: <I can9t be the only and now they don9t only ask
school who finishes <Diary of a when kids come into the library noises distracting students and lives as well so that they begin one this bothers.= her if she has the latest <Dog
Wimpy Kid= and wants to keep and they are looking for books more <books, books and books.= to see themselves as future Since then, school officials man= book.
reading through the series will and they aren9t finding the <I hope that the library will teachers, lawyers, doctors, have met with an architectural <They come to me and say,
find the library9s collection books they want. Then they say, be transformed into an inviting policemen and firefighters, and firm to get ideas for making 8When are they going to
incomplete. The same is true 8There are no books in there for place of wonder where kids will know that it is attainable.= improvements, and the school renovate the library?9= she said.
for the popular graphic novels me,9= Cobb added. want to come in and lose Sibigi Lipford-Transou, who community has held two <I tell them, 8We9re still working
by Dav Pilkey. Cobb has wishes, too, for the themselves in the stories became the school9s principal fundraisers for the library. on it.9=

Dramatic account of bloody Yorktown battle is part of diary sold at auction

rETrOPOLiS from C1

french allies played an enor-

mous role, not only in Yorktown
but in winning our independ-
Duncan9s diary <is very much
the narrative of a citizen soldier,=
he said. <It shows us, I believe,
that the revolutionary War was
won by people like Duncan and
people like his comrades, the
ones who were being killed or
maimed by cannonball.=
Kiffer added: <It9s one thing to
read a letter from Washington in
which he9s discussing strategy.
Here is war stripped down to its
real horrors.=
The 23-page Yorktown account
is contained in a 110-page note-
book 4 about 8 inches by 6
inches 4 that includes other
jottings unrelated to the war as
well as some blank pages.
It9s a story of bloody trench SoTHebY'S
warfare that sounds more like a rare handwritten journal by
World War I than 1781, with Capt. James Duncan, an officer
soldiers hunkering in dugouts in george Washington's army
under enemy shellfire and charg- during the 1781 siege.
ing across no man9s land.
on oct. 14, as Duncan and two
friends were sitting in a crowded
trench around midnight, a sentry <Although I esteem him
called out a warning of an incom-
ing shell. & I must beg leave in
Duncan had jumped up to see
where it was headed as it landed this instance to think he
in the trench about two feet from
him and blew up. <I immediately wantonly exposed the
flung myself = aside, he wrote.
<Although the explosion was lives of his men.=
very sudden and the trench as Capt. James Duncan,
full of men as it could possibly criticizing a strategic maneuver by Lt.
LibrArY of CongreSS
contain, yet not a single man was Col. Alexander Hamilton during the
killed,= he wrote. <only two of my siege of Yorktown, in his diary The siege of Yorktown culminated with the surrender on Oct. 19, 1781, of the 8,300-man British army under Lt. gen. Charles Cornwallis to
own company [were] slightly a combined american and French force under george Washington.
He added: <We all counted it a men.= and communicated it to another, At Yorktown, he became a force under George Washington.
most miraculous escape. Were I <We were ordered to mount the (The Broadway hit musical both of which were burnt down. member of Brig. Gen. moses <It was the pivotal event in
to recount all the narrow escapes bank, front the enemy, and there <Hamilton= includes a dramatic <They must have lost a consid- Hazen9s brigade. Duncan was American history,= Jerome A.
I made that night it would almost by word of command go through song about Yorktown.) erable quantity of powder in the well educated. He wrote legibly, Greene wrote in his 2005 book
be incredible.= all the ceremony of soldiery, Duncan described events as last, as there was an explosion using an ink bottle and a quill about the siege, <The Guns of
Duncan mentions several his- ordering and grounding our the Americans and the french which made a heavy report. The pen, said Kiffer, the Sotheby9s Independence.=
toric figures who fought in the arms.= gradually closed in on the Brit- whole night was nothing but one expert. <He writes very well and <Its successful conclusion vir-
siege and the war: the french Although the British had been ish, who were pinned against the continual roar of cannon, mixed very vividly,= he said. tually assured [the creation] of
officers Lafayette and rocham- firing, <they did not now give us a York river in Yorktown, about with the bursting of shells and The siege of Yorktown oc- American democratic institu-
beau, the Prussian Baron von single shot,= he wrote. <I suppose 160 miles south of Washington. rumbling of houses torn to curred at the end of the revolu- tions from which all subsequent
Steuben and the impetuous their astonishment at our con- on oct. 11, he wrote: pieces.= tionary War, which lasted from events followed,= he wrote.
24-year-old Lt. Col. Alexander duct must have prevented them, <Last night commenced a very Duncan, who was about 25, 1775 to 1783 and led to independ- Duncan survived the war, So-
Hamilton. for I can assign no other reason.= heavy cannonade and the enemy was born in Philadelphia. He ence from Britain. theby9s said. He became a court
Duncan respected Hamilton Duncan wrote, <Colonel Ham- returned the fire with no less gave up his preparations for the The siege culminated with the official in Adams County, Pa., and
as <one of the first officers in the ilton gave these orders. Although spirit. . . . The largest of the ministry as the war broke out surrender on oct. 19, 1781, of the was later elected to the U.S.
. . . army= but criticized him for I esteem him . . . I must beg leave enemy9s vessels was set on fire by and volunteered to serve in 8,300-man British Army under House of representatives but
one reckless maneuver. in this instance to think he the bursting of a shell or red hot George Washington9s Continen- Lt. Gen. Charles Cornwallis to a resigned before the 17th Con-
on oct. 7, Duncan recounted, wantonly exposed the lives of his ball from some of our batteries, tal Army, Sotheby9s said. combined American and french gress assembled. He died in 1844.

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re c5


Annapolis acquires site on bay9s historical 8Black Coast9

BY M EGAN L OOCK ty from developer Theo Rodgers.
The state of Maryland put up
The city of Annapolis an- $4.8 million toward the purchase
nounced Thursday that it has with an additional $2 million
acquired a cottage that once from the federal government.
belonged to Parlett L. Moore, an With the properties in hand,
educator and former president of the city9s Recreation and Parks
Coppin State University, from his Department will develop a mas-
grandchildren for $1.6 million. ter plan and solicit community
The property, approximately input. The plan will incorporate
two-thirds of an acre, is located historical components and a
next to Elktonia Beach, a five- coastal restoration plan in part-
acre tract of land the city ac- nership with the Annapolis and
quired in 2022. Elktonia Beach is Anne Arundel County Resilience
the last remaining piece of a Authority. The new park will be
once-vibrant 180-acre property managed by the Recreation and
known as Carr9s and Sparrow9s Parks Department and open to
beaches, two popular resorts on the public. The coastal restora-
the Chesapeake Bay that served tion should be completed in
as a place for the Black commu- about 18 months, said Roslyn
nity to find refuge during segre- Johnson, director of Recreation
gation. and Parks.
Moore9s property along Edge- <Acquiring the Elktonia prop-
wood and Bembe Beach roads erty and adding the adjacent
was used as a summer cottage Moore property to the City9s
since the 1940s for family and Recreation and Parks portfolio is
friends to have access to the part of a continuing effort to tell
Chesapeake Bay, according to a more complete history of the
Vincent Leggett, founder and City of Annapolis and provide
president of Blacks of the Chesa- equitable public water access to
peake Foundation. The proper- all,= Johnson said.
ty9s current owners, Paul and <This acquisition makes sure
Pierre Beauchemin, are grand- these key properties belong to
children of Moore9s. the people for centuries to come
Leggett called the acquisition for future generations to learn,
a <historic milestone= in a experience, and enjoy.=
two-decade journey to preserve Born in Wetpquin in Wicomi-
Black historical sites along the co County, Moore was the son of
Chesapeake Bay. a Chesapeake Bay steamboat
JeFFrey F. Bill/BalTimore sun
<The historic locations of the captain. From 1930 to 1956,
Carr9s, Sparrow9s, Elktonia Annapolis announced the acquisition of a cottage that once belonged to Parlett L. Moore, an educator and onetime president of Coppin Moore served as principal in
beaches, and now the Parlett State University. The property is a significant acquisition due to its proximity to the historical Black-owned beaches in the city. three different schools, including
Moore family cottage, represent St. Claire High School in Cam-
the 8Black Coast9 of the Bay,= nonprofit based in Virginia, the State Democrat Dels. Dana Jones will fuel the wisdom and com- Temptations. bridge, Lincoln High School in
Leggett said. <Working with Chesapeake Conservancy, Blacks and Shaneka Henson; County passion that our society, our <This was a place to gather to Rockville and Carver High
Mayor [Gavin] Buckley, the di- of the Chesapeake, the Maryland Executive Steuart Pittman; Wes- community needs.= give people access to the Chesa- School and Junior College in
rector of Recreation and Parks, Heritage Area Authority, as well ley Wood, a member of the The Carr9s and Sparrow9s peake Bay, particularly during a Montgomery County.
and public/private partners, our as private donors, also helped Maryland Commission on Afri- beach resorts were operated by time when we were not given In 1956, Moore was named the
vision is to open a state-of-the- fund the transaction. can American History and Cul- sisters Elizabeth Carr Smith and access to places such as these second president at Coppin State
art educational, environmental, <Annapolis is a city with so ture; County Council member Florence Carr Sparrow and were wonderful locations on the bay,= University in Baltimore, where
and cultural heritage center de- much history, but I always feel Lisa Rodvien, a Democrat from commonly referred to as <The Leggett said. he served for 14 years before
signed to train and motivate the like we just tell one set of history District 6; and members of the Beaches.= Known as <a miniature In March 2022, the city ac- retiring in 1970. Following his
next generation of African 4 it9s amazing colonial history. Annapolis City Council were also Woodstock,= the beaches hosted quired the Elktonia Beach prop- retirement, Moore spent time at
American land conservation and But the modern history and the in attendance. some of the country9s well- erty through a patchwork of the summer cottage on the Ches-
heritage preservation champi- things that come out of Mary- <This is really the nexus of the known Black musical performers federal, state and local funding. apeake Bay, the same property
ons.= land, those modern stories need past and present and future,= of the 1940s, 950s, 960s and the The city, Blacks of the Chesa- that is now owned by the city of
Annapolis and Anne Arundel to be told,= Buckley said at a news said Joel Dunn, president & CEO early 970s including stars such as peake, Chesapeake Conservancy Annapolis. Moore died in his
County both contributed conference announcing the deal. of the Chesapeake Conservancy. Chuck Berry, James Brown, Duke and the state entered into an sleep in January 2000 at the age
$500,000 to purchase the prop- The event was attended by an <It9s a special place that connects Ellington, Sarah Vaughan, Stevie agreement with the Conserva- of 92.
erty. The Conservation Fund, a array of state and local leaders. us to nature and culture and it Wonder, Patti LaBelle and the tion Fund, to acquire the proper- 4 Baltimore Sun

the District

Guns, ammunition found at home

of animal-cruelty suspect, police say
BY P ETER H ERMANN front door partially open and and said he had fired warning
were confronted by dogs. A po- shots and did not know who was
Investigators found three lice spokesman said an officer coming into the house. Prosecu-
handguns, two rifles and hun- fired during this initial encoun- tors rejected that assertion. An
dreds of rounds of ammunition ter, but would not say whether arrest affidavit says James told
while searching a house in that officer was one of the three police negotiators that he was
Southeast Washington a day af- who were wounded. The man afraid police would kill his dogs.
ter three D.C. police officers was not injured. That arrest affidavit, filed in
were shot at the start of an Police arrested a suspect after D.C. Superior Court on Thursday
armed standoff Wednesday, au- a 13-hour standoff at the house morning, said police had found
thorities said Friday. on charges that include assault one disassembled firearm in a
Police also said that a review with intent to kill, assault on second-floor bedroom. Police
of video from cameras worn by police officers and cruelty to said Friday that a more extensive
officers serving an arrest war- animals. In court, the man said search later revealed the addi-
rant in an animal cruelty case his name was Julius James. Po- tional guns, along with ammuni-
revealed that one officer fired a lice had initially identified him tion and a bullet-resistant vest.
gun during the incident in the as such and said he was 46 years The Humane Rescue Alliance
5000 block of Hanna Place SE. old. The U.S. attorney9s office took possession of the dogs, 20
Police said they later found 31 filed criminal charges under a adults and 11 puppies, which
dogs in the house. different name 4 Stephen C. they said appeared to be Ameri-
Authorities said they had Rattigan 4 and authorities said can Bullies. An official with the
gone to the home Wednesday he was 48. rescue group said staffers identi-
morning but the man refused to James9s attorney argued in fied <injuries associated with craig Hudson For THe WasHingTon PosT

come out. Police said he started court Thursday that his client [the dogs] fighting among each A dog is removed from the home where a man barricaded himself for 13 hours and allegedly shot
shooting as police forced the needed a mental health exam, other.= officers serving a warrant. Police said they recovered 31 dogs from the house, 11 of which were puppies.

Death Notice placements on Sundays
Pr. George9s sheriff9s deputy found guilty of rape and federal holidays to be self-service only
BY O MARI D ANIELS <This in no form or fashion was
Starting May 1, 2024, The Washington Post Paid Death Notices
ever her fault,= Assistant State9s Department will utilize a self-service only system on Sundays and
After a four-day trial, a jury Attorney Chanel Jackson said. <I federal holidays. There will not be any team members available to
found a Prince George9s County commend her for her courage= in speak with on these days. As always, team members will be available
sheriff 9s deputy guilty of coming forward. during regular, non-holiday business hours Monday-Saturday.
second-degree rape in the assault Burroughs had been suspend-
of a woman with whom he had ed without pay and placed on a
previously been in a relationship, no-duty status. The deadline to place a death notice will remain 4pm on Sunday for a
Prince George9s County State9s At- Sheriff John D.B. Carr said that Monday insertion. The photo deadline for a Monday insertion is 1pm on
torney Aisha Braveboy said at a the internal investigation has Saturday. On federal holidays, the deadline for next-day insertion will
news conference Friday. been completed and that his de- be 3pm (photo deadline: 1pm).
Cpl. Brandon Joel Burroughs partment is moving forward in
will be sentenced in May. accordance with the Police Ac- Our 2024 operational hours for Death Notices will be:
Braveboy said officers are not countability Act of 2021 to ad- Sunday (& federal holidays) Self-service only*
exempt from the law. dress Burroughs9s employment
<We9re talking about violation at the sheriff9s office. Monday 9am- 5pm
of an individual in the worst pos- Carr said his department has Tuesday 9am- 5pm
sible way. When you rape some- handed details of the investiga- Wednesday 9am- 5pm
one, you9re trying to take away tion to the Police Accountability Thursday 9am- 5pm
their dignity,= she said. Board and was waiting for it to Friday 9am- 5pm
An attorney listed for Bur- hear the administrative portion
Saturday 11am-4pm
roughs did not immediately re- of the case, but the criminal por-
spond to a request for comment. tion came first. Carr said he is *
The assault occurred Oct. 22, awaiting word from the board on The self-service platform is always available to you, 24/7,
2022, according to the county when a hearing will be held. and features a full suite of advertising capabilities.
sheriff9s office. The victim said <Our first and foremost con-
Burroughs contacted her that cern is dealing with our survivor Thank you for continuing to trust The Washington Post
day and asked whether he could Cpl. Brandon Joel Burroughs will be sentenced in May in the 2022 of this incident and our commu- with the important role of publishing your death notices.
come over. She agreed. assault of a woman he had previously been in a relationship with. nity,= Carr said. <No one wearing
While at her home, the two had a uniform is above the law. We are
an argument, according to court forced off the woman9s clothes day, the woman contacted the here to serve you.=
documents. Burroughs followed and repeatedly struck her before Prince George9s County Commis- take |e Post shopping
her into different rooms and re- raping her. sioner9s Office and obtained a Jasmine Hilton contributed to this Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
fused to leave when asked. He Burroughs then left. The next protective order. report.
s0108 2x1

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C6 eZ re k the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

bob Moore, 94

Folksy, Santa-like ûgure who was the face and founder of Bob9s Red Mill

Bob Moore, who became an

amiable face of the natural foods
industry as the bearded, bolo
tie-wearing founder of Bob9s Red
Mill, the whole-grain food brand
known as a favorite of vegans,
home bakers, health-food enthu-
siasts and gluten-free diners,
died Feb. 10 at his home in Mil-
waukie, Ore., the former mill
town where the company is
based. He was 94.
A company spokeswoman
confirmed his death but did not
give a cause.
A folksy, almost Santa-like fig-
ure who often donned a red vest
or coat, Mr. Moore was immedi-
ately recognizable to anyone who
ever bought a package of Bob9s
Red Mill barley, bulgur or buck-
wheat. An illustration of his face,
gently smiling under a flat cap
and wire-rimmed glasses, adorns
each of the company9s more than
200 products, alongside a saluta-
tion that conveyed some of the
onetime seminarian9s easygoing
charm: <To Your Good Health.=
Under Mr. Moore and his wife,
co-founder Charlee Moore, the
private company grew from an
artisanal Oregon business into a
global empire of stone-ground
grains, cereals and flours, with
annual sales of <well over $100
million,= Mr. Moore told podcast
host Guy Raz in 2018. The compa-
ny went on a hiring spree in 2020,
buoyed by a surge of interest in
baking during the coronavirus
pandemic, and says it now has
more than 700 employees, with
sales in more than 70 countries.
Mr. Moore, who retired as
chief executive in 2018 and con-
tinued to serve on the board until
his death, was initially hesitant
to embrace the health-conscious
approach that his brand promot-
ed from its founding in 1978. He PhoTos by Leah nash for The WashingTon PosT

once thought that gluten-free di- Bob Moore, founder of the natural foods brand Bob9s Red Mill, outside the company9s manufacturing facility and grain storage in Milwaukie, Ore., in 2011. Under him and his
eters <were nuts,= he said, and wife, co-founder Charlee Moore, the private company grew from an artisanal Oregon business into a global empire with annual sales of <over $100 million,= Mr. Moore said.
was skeptical of his wife9s interest
in books like <Let9s Get Well,= by his children. He sold most of his fair and more benevolent.= Lakes, Calif., before relocating to
nutritionist Adelle Davis. possessions, moved to Portland, Mr. Moore continued to come Sacramento, where he sold lawn
But his father9s death from a Ore., with his wife and enrolled at into the office daily, driving to mowers and hardware supplies
heart attack at age 49, along with Western Evangelical Seminary, work in one of his two 1931 Ford at a Sears. For a time, he and his
his wife9s experiments in whole- now part of George Fox Univer- Model As, and sometimes played family lived on a five-acre goat
grain baking in the 1960s, began sity, where he sought to fulfill a piano duets for visitors, perform- farm, where Charlee baked with
to pique his interest in healthy long-held ambition of learning ing Gershwin or Cole Porter whole grains, raised chickens
eating. <Our world needed better Hebrew and Greek so that he songs with his executive assis- and tended to a garden. Mr.
food, it needed whole grains,= he could read the Bible in two of its tant. More often he could be Moore described it as <heaven on
recalled in an episode of Raz9s original languages. found checking the mill equip- earth.=
podcast <How I Built This.= <That was my goal in life, one ment, conducting product tests He and his wife later set aside
While managing a J.C. Penney hundred percent,= he said in an three times a day and singing the $30 million to launch two aca-
auto shop in Redding, Calif., Mr. oral history for Oregon State Uni- praises of old-fashioned tech- demic hubs, the Moore Family
Moore came across a library versity. <I gave myself over to it.= niques that he sought to marry Center for Whole Grain Foods,
book, <John Goffe9s Mill,= in Within six months, Mr. Moore with modern machinery. Nutrition and Preventive Health
which Harvard anthropologist was again seized by visions of <We built these machines,= he at Oregon State University in
George Woodbury chronicled his stone-ground flour and grains. told The Washington Post in 2011, Corvallis and the Bob and Char-
attempts to restore a derelict mill He and his wife were quizzing showing off the mill. <The others lee Moore Institute for Nutrition
that belonged to his family in each other on Greek nouns and that existed, they screamed, got and Wellness at Oregon Health
New Hampshire. The book, with verbs, going over flashcards dur- hot and went 94 miles per hour. I and Science University in Port-
its evocative descriptions of tra- ing a walk in nearby Milwaukie, a don9t live my life that way, and I land.
ditional milling techniques and few miles south of downtown don9t want my food that way.= Charlee died in 2018. Survi-
the glories of stone-ground flour Portland, when they spotted an The older of two children, Rob- vors include their three sons,
and corn meal, inspired Mr. old mill and a <for sale= sign out Items for sale at the Bob9s Red Mill Whole Grain Store. Mr. Moore9s ert Gene Moore was born in Port- Ken, Bob Jr. and David; nine
Moore to think that he might be front. Inside were bucket eleva- smiling face adorns the company9s more than 200 products. land on Feb. 15, 1929. He grew up grandchildren; and six great-
able to run a mill of his own. tors and grain cleaners, along in San Bernardino, Calif., where grandchildren.
Mr. Moore began writing let- with virtually all of the milling getting on the evening news ing wholesalers across the coun- his father drove a truck selling At age 87, Mr. Moore traveled
ters to millers across the country, equipment that Mr. Moore knew within a few weeks of opening try. It started overseas sales in the Wonder Bread, according to the to the village of Carrbridge, in the
seeking out antique equipment, he needed to get started. the mill and filling the parking early 2000s. <How I Built This= podcast. Scottish Highlands, where he
and eventually acquired a few <I call it my emotional epiph- lot shortly after that. For years, Mr. Moore turned After graduating from high won the Golden Spurtle World
sets of 19th-century quartz mill- any,= he told the Oregonian news- The company grew with help down prospective buyers, insist- school, Mr. Moore served three Porridge Making Championship
stones from a defunct mill in paper, recalling his first encoun- from the Fred Meyer superstore ing on maintaining ownership of years in the Army, helping build using a batch of his company9s
North Carolina. He went on to ter with the building. <Whatever chain, which began carrying its the company. In 2010, on his 81st roads and bridges on Enewetak steel cut oats. The honor was for a
find modest success with his first excuse I care to give, I was just products in the Pacific North- birthday, he began transferring Atoll in the Marshall Islands, traditional porridge, made only
milling company, Moores9 Flour sucked into it like a vortex.= west. After a fire destroyed the control to his staff through a new where the military conducted with oats, water and salt, al-
Mill, which he founded in 1974 Using a set of 1870s millstones mill in 1988 4 an arsonist report- employee stock ownership plan. nuclear testing. He returned though Portland Monthly report-
with his wife and two of his sons, he acquired from another old edly set the building ablaze 4 Mr. <The Bible says to do unto others home to work as an electronics ed that Mr. Moore preferred to
working out of a vacant Quonset mill, he soon launched Bob9s Red Moore moved the company into a as you would have them do unto technician and married Charlee make a few concessions to mo-
hut in Redding. Mill. His wife did the bookwork larger plant in Milwaukie, ex- you,= he later told Portland Lu Coote in 1953, a year after they dernity, preparing his daily oats
But a few years later, on the and packaged many of the origi- panding from about 18,000 to Monthly, explaining his belief met on a blind date. with <flaxseed meal, walnuts,
verge of turning 50, he decided to nal products while Mr. Moore set 60,000 square feet. Within a few that sharing profits and owner- Mr. Moore ran service stations sliced banana, turbinado sugar,
turn the milling business over to to work promoting the business, years, the business was supply- ship would <make things more in Gardena and Mammoth and skim milk.=




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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post ez re C7


Resilient disability rights activist was CARLA KING ROCKELLI
November 10, 1941 - February 19, 2019
In Loving Memory
(Age 72)
Vincent, formerly of Washington DC, de-
parted this life on February 5, 2024 at his
home in Tallahassee FL. He is survived
It is with great sorrow we announce the
passing of Jeffrey David Mears on January
15, 2024, in his adopted home state of Col-
orado. He was 58 years old.

paralyzed at 11 after being hit by a car Loving wife of the late Paul E. Rockelli
and sister of the late Barbara A. King;
and survied by loving Sister Brenda
J. King.
by his wife Emma; son Brandon; and two
sisters, Janis Belk and Geraldine Edwards.
He is predeceased by parents Vincent Jes-
se Edwards Sr. and Hattie Edwards, sister
Born in Silver Spring Maryland in 1965 he
was the son of John Conrad Mears, Sr.
(deceased) and Jeanette Mears-Kyle. Jeff
moved to Colorado in 1991 and made his
home in Longmont.
Joan Bradshaw and brother Michael Ed-
wards. Family plans a private Memorial He is preceded in death by his father, John
BY E MILY L ANGER days before the movie aired. York state Senate in 2006, the Service. Conrad Mears, Sr.; his brother, John Conrad
<I didn9t want people to focus year she turned 28. She lost to DEATH NOTICE Mears, Jr.; and sister, Jamie Mears Fitzpat-
Brooke Ellison9s <first life,= as on what I had lost in my life, but the incumbent Republican, John Those who mourn him include his wife,
Tracie Rubin Mears; daughter Lilyana Rose
she called it, ended on Sept. 4,
1990, when she was 11 years old.
rather on what I still had in my
life,= Dr. Ellison told the New
J. Flanagan.
Returning to graduate school,
ADAMS FELRICE Mears; his mother, Jeanette Mears-Kyle
(John); brother Joseph Mears, and sister
Julie Mears Brust (Leon); nephews Stephen
It was the day before the start of York Times in 2005. <Thankfully she received her doctorate in WILLIAM WELLS ADAMS <Bill= HELEN FELRICE Mears (Melissa) and Eric Mears (Katie), as
On Thursday, February 15, Helen Ruth Felrice, 78 passed well as many extended family and friends.
seventh grade. She was crossing my accident did not rob me of 2012 from Stony Brook Univer- 2024, William Wells <Bill= Ad- away peacefully in the pres- Memorial service to be held at 11 a.m. on
a busy street on her walk home my ability to think, reason or sity, where she taught in the ams of Silver Spring, Maryland, ence of her family on Feb- Saturday, February 24, 2024 at Our Lady
died peacefully. Beloved hus- ruary 13, 2024. Helen was a of Grace Catholic Church, 15663 Norbeck
from orientation at her junior remain a vital part of society. My university9s School of Health band of Elizabeth Shaw Adams loving wife to Joel Felrice, her Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20906.
high school in Stony Brook, Long body would not respond, but my Professions until her death. and devoted father of Ruth husband of 58 years, devoted A Celebration of Life will be held in Long-
and Sarah (Dwight Shank) Adams, loving mother of Scott (Tricia), Andrew (Ali), and mont, Colorado on April 13, 2024.
Island, when she was hit by a car. mind and my heart were just the Dr. Ellison served on the Em- grandfather of Aaron, Hannah and Dylan, Matthew (Erin) Felrice. Cherished grand- In lieu of ûowers donations in Jeff9s honor
and dear brother of the late Carol Steele. mother of Julia, Ryan, Leo, Will, Dylan,
The impact cracked open her same as they had always been.= pire State Stem Cell Board, Bill was a ûrst generation college student and Ben Felrice. Funeral services are to
can be made to The Arc of Montgomery
County, Maryland, the Longmont, Colorado
skull, broke nearly every major Brooke Mackenzie Ellison was helping to oversee New York who received his undergraduate degree be held on Thursday, February 15 at 1 Humane Society or the Bird Conservancy
from UCLA and his Ph.D. from Columbia p.m. at The Chapel at the Garden of Re- of the Rockies.
bone in her body and left her in a born in the Long Island town of state policy on stem cell re- University. He devoted most of his career membrance Memorial Park, 14321 Comus
coma for 36 hours. When she Rockville Centre on Oct. 20, search, which has shown prom- to teaching and research in Mathemat- Road Clarksburg, Maryland, or via lives-
ics at the University of Maryland, writing tream at (
awoke, she learned she had been 1978, the second of three chil- ise in the treatment of spinal many articles and a few books on Number b57031dd). The family will be observing
paralyzed from the neck down. dren. Her father worked for the cord paralysis. Theory. Bill was an avid birder who spent Shiva on Thursday, February 15 from 3 p.m.
much of his free time looking to the trees to 9 p.m. at the residence of Matthew and
For the rest of her life 4 her
<second life,= she said 4 she
Social Security Administration.
Her mother, who had started a
In other advocacy efforts, she
worked with health-care and
in search of ever more elusive birds to add
to his extensive life list (2,746 species). Bill
Erin Felrice.
Helen was born in Brooklyn, NY, and re-
shared his birding passion with his wife, located to Gaithersburg, MD where she
depended on a ventilator to job as a special-education teach- technology companies to im- Liz, and daughter, Ruth, many friends, and raised her family and lived for 40 years. She MARLENE P. MILLNER 1936 - 2024
his grandson, Dylan. When not birding, Bill worked at the National Institute of Stan- It is with heavy hearts that the Millner
breathe and a motorized wheel- er the day of Brooke9s accident, prove products for disabled peo- could be found ushering at many theaters dards and Technology for 30 years where family announces the passing of our Mom
chair, which she controlled with became her daughter9s constant ple. For years, her independence in the area, cheering on his grandchildren she was honored for her service and was and Matriarch on February, 1, 2024. She
in all their activities, solving Kenken, read- also a founding member of Gaithersburg is survived by her loving children Pamela
her mouth, for mobility. caregiver and champion. was vastly increased by a retain- ing, playing cards, boating in Southold and Hebrew Congregation (Kehilat Shalom). In Martin, LaShawn Millner-Green (Trimmer)
and Kenneth Millner (Belinda). Viewing will
Defying all expectations, she Before her accident, Brooke er-like device that sat on the roof cheering on the Washington Nationals and 2014 Helen and Joel moved to Boynton
be held Friday, February 23, 2024, 10 a.m.
Maryland Terps. Funeral services will be Beach Florida where they enjoyed their re-
underwent months of rehabili- filled her after-school life with of her mouth and allowed her to held on Sunday, February 18, 2024, 1:30 tirement in the Valencia Cove community. until the time of service 11 a.m. at Marshall
p.m. at Boulevard-Riverside Chapels, Hew- March Funeral Home, 4308 Suitland Road,
tation and returned to school for dance, sports, karate, cello les- control her wheelchair and com- lett, NY, with interment at New Monteûo-
Helen enjoyed playing Canasta, Mah Jongg,
Suitland, Maryland 20746. Interment Res-
casino visits, and cruising with her many
the beginning of eighth grade. sons and choir practice. When puter 4 and even turn the televi- re Cemetery, West Babylon, NY. Memorial friends. urrection Cemetery.
She graduated from high school she emerged from her coma, she sion or lights on and off 4 by contributions may be made to Nature Memorial contributions may be made to
Forward, Local the Multiple Myeloma Research Foun-
and was admitted to Harvard asked immediately if she would tapping her tongue. arrangements entrusted to TORCHINSKY dation (, American
HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 202-541-1001. Cancer Society (,
University, where she studied be held back in school. With help When the company that made or JNF 3 Plant a Tree in Israel (https://usa.
cognitive neuroscience. from tutors, and through her the retainer went out of busi- Services
She remained at Harvard af- own determination, she was not. ness, Dr. Ellison was left with a entrusted to Sagel Bloomûeld Danzansky
Goldberg Funeral Care.
ter her undergraduate training Beginning in Brooke9s eighth- more primitive device that al- www.sagelbloomû JOHN ANGELO MITTINO
John A. Mittino passed away in Springûeld,
to receive a master9s degree in grade year, her mother attended lowed her to control only her VA. on January 30, 2024. John is preceded
public policy and then earned a school with her to tend to her chair. She felt as though she had in death by his wife, Florence Mittino,and
his former wife in earlier years, Eunice Mit-
doctorate in sociology from
Stony Brook University, where
medical needs, which the school
nurse was not trained to meet.
been paralyzed again, her par-
ents said. Until her death, they
FORD tino; and his son, John R. Mittino. John is
survived by is two daughters, Janice Mit-
JEANETTE FORD <Sue= tino and Parricia Mittino Brown and his
she joined the faculty, teaching Jean Ellison raised her hand on said, she was testing new devices Jeanette Ford, of Arlington VA, passed step-daughter Mary Louise Markland. He
courses that touched on medical her daughter9s behalf when that might enhance the lives of away on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at the is also survived by three grandchildren:
age of 83. She was a loving wife to the late Stephen W. Brown, Christian B. Brown and
ethics, stem cell research and Brooke had a question in class. people with disabilities. James Ford; mother to Steven and Ben- Michael Markland.
sociology. She turned the pages of the Besides her parents, both of jamin Ford; mother-in-law to Dixie Ford
A visitation will be held on February 21 at
and Hope Redwine-Ford; sister to Steven
Dr. Ellison, who outlasted by books her daughter was as- Stony Brook, survivors include a Kenna and wife Mary Lou. A loving and 2 p.m. at Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home,
Dale City, VA. A Mass of Christian Burial will
nearly a quarter-century the signed to read. But Brooke did sister and a brother. caring grandmother to Spencer and Con-
be held at 11 a.m. on February 22, 2024 at
ner Ford. She led a wonderful life with 35
nine-year life expectancy she the work. Dr. Ellison wrote a second years at the FBI, before enjoying 10 years St. Frances of Assisi in Triangle, VA. Burial
will be held at Arlington National Cemetery
was given at the time of her When Brooke entered Har- memoir of her life after her of retirement with her family. After grow-
at a later date. Funeral Services being han-
ing restless in retirement she went on to
accident, and who emerged as a vard, her mother also moved accident, <Look Both Ways,= a second career with BAE Systems for 18 dled by Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home,
tireless advocate for disability into the dormitory suite, which published in 2021.
DEATH NOTICE years. Jeanette enjoyed everything life had Dale City, VA, where full obituary maybe
to offer, but some of her favorite moments viewed.
rights, died Feb. 4 at a hospital in the university had renovated <There9s not a day that goes by
Stony Brook. She was 45. The with features including a hy- that I don9t think what if . . .
CONNOLLY were spent at the Outer Banks with her
family and friends. Whether it was metal
detecting on the beach, playing in the pool,
cause was complications from draulic lift and an electronic what if I didn9t cross that road BARBARA ANN CONNOLLY or building puzzles, family vacations were
Barbara Ann Connolly (nee Bechtold) died always special. She was an avid reader,
quadriplegia, said her parents, door opener. Brooke started a that day or didn9t decide to walk peacefully on February 14, 2024 with her and collector of literature. Always welcom-
Edward and Jean Ellison. student group on disability home from school that day. husband, Donald at her side. Born in 1926 ing, especially to any animals, big or small,
in Cle Elum, WA, grew up in Seattle. In 1957, that needed a home. She had a beautiful
Dr. Ellison recounted her sto-
ry in a memoir, <Miracles Hap-
rights and received a bachelor9s
degree in 2000 with an honors
Where would I be right now,
what would I be doing?= she
joined the Navy Nurse Corp; assigned to
Naval Hospital Bethesda. Married in 1961,
had three children, Paul, Ann and Matthew,
soul and wanted nothing but the best for
those around her. The world will be a little
emptier without her. A celebration of life
pen= (2001), which she co-wrote thesis on <The Element of Hope once told an interviewer. lived in the Bethesda, MD and Washington, will be held at a later date. Please view and
with her mother and which in Resilient Adolescents.= She <It didn9t [take] long for me to DC area until her death. Grandmother of sign the family guest book or light a candle
inspired a 2004 TV movie, <The received her master9s degree realize that all of those things
Sarah, Sam, Evan, Grant, Quinn and Alexis.
Visitation is at St Bartholomew9s Church,
Brooke Ellison Story,= directed
by Christopher Reeve. Reeve, the
from the Harvard Kennedy
School in 2004.
are purely hypotheticals no less
real than any other way we could
6100 River Rd., Bethesda at 10 a.m. Sat-
urday, February 24, followed by a mass at
11 a.m. For more information please go to
<Superman= actor who was para- She paused her schooling to have envisioned our lives,= she HUGHES HOURS
lyzed from the neck down in an run as a Democrat for a Long continued. <What we have right
equestrian accident in 1995, died Island-based seat in the New now is all that matters.= Monday,
February 19, 2024
11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.
Photo Deadline:
1 p.m.

To place a notice,
On Friday, February 9, 2024,
George Hughes of Bowie,
DEATH NOTICE Maryland entered into eter- 800-627-1150
nal rest. Loving husband of
Particia Hughes. Also sur- Ext. 4-4122
DAVIES vived by many other relatives
and friends. Family will receive friends on
Tuesday, February 20, from 10 a.m. until
PATRICIA CROFTON DAVIES the time of funeral service at 11 a.m., at
Patricia Crofton Davies of First United Methodist Church Bradbury
Bethesda, Maryland passed Heights, 4323 Bowen Road SE, Washington,
away on February 11, 2024. DC. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
She was predeceased in death
by her beloved husband, Dea-
con Gary R. Davies. Pat was
born in Washington, DC on November 29,
1932, to the late Josephine and Dr. George DEATH NOTICES
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Crofton. She graduated from the Academy
of the Holy Cross and Georgetown Visi- JACOBOWITZ SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
tation Junior College and was an active To place a notice, call:
volunteer at her church and in her com- HERBERT JACOBOWITZ 202-334-4122
munity. On February 16, 2024. Beloved
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
The Mass of Christian Burial will be held husband of Barbara Esterman
at The Church of The Little Flower, 5607 Jacobowitz; devoted father of
Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda, Maryland Robin Small and Karen Gallo;
on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 10 a.m., cherished grandfather of Zoe Email and faxes MUST include
preceded by a visitation at the Church at Elyse Gallo. name, home address & home phone #
9 a.m. In lieu of ûowers, donations in her Herb received his B.S. from Brooklyn of the responsible billing party.
memory made be made to The Church of College, his M.S. from the University of Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
The Little Flower and JSSA Hospice, 6123 Maryland and his PhD from MIT. As an at- Phone-In deadline
Montrose Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852. mospheric physicist at NOAA, Herb was 4 p.m. M-F
Interment private; arrangements by DeVol a leader in the development of weather 3 p.m. Sa-Su
kriSty LeiBowitz/Stony Brook UniverSity Funeral Home, Washington, DC. satellite experiments and in studies of cli-
mate change. At retirement, he fulûlled his CURRENT 2023 RATES:
lifelong wish to teach mathematics as an (PER DAY)
Brooke Ellison, left, earned degrees from Harvard and Stony Brook University, where she taught until adjunct professor at Montgomery College.
her death, and sat on a board helping to oversee New York state policy on stem cell research. His greatest joys were his adoring family MONDAY-SATURDAY
and his wide circle of precious friends who Black & White
appreciated his lovable and caring nature. 1" - $160 (text only)

When the Services will be held at Temple Shalom,

8401 Grubb Road, Chevy Chase, MD at 12
noon on Tuesday, February 20. Interment
2" - $370 (text only)
3" - $525
4" - $575
5" - $725
need arises, will be at the Judean Memorial Gardens,
16225 Batchellor9s Forest Road, Olney, MD
at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20. Shiva
Black & White
will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb-
let families ruary 20 and Wednesday, February 21 in
1"- $191 (text only)

2" - $405 (text only)
Booklets " Brochures the event room at 15000 Pennûeld Circle,
Silver Spring, MD 20906. In lieu of ûowers,
3" - $580
4" - $610

Posters " Flyers

ond you in the memorial contributions may be made to
Children9s National Hospital, Temple Sha-
lom, or the charity of your choice.
5" - $790
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices

$160 each additional inch Mon - Sat

Funeral Services

$191 each additional inch Sunday


Directory. LOUGHRIN
3" - $670
4" - $725
5" - $885
Business Cards ------

To be seen in the Michael J. Loughrin passed 3" - $710
And More Funeral Services
away on February 14, 2024, af-
ter a brief illness. He was born
on February 13, 1936, and was
4" - $810
5" - $985

the only son of Joseph and 6"+ for ALL color notices
Directory, please call Katherine Loughrin. Michael
was a lifelong resident of the District of
$268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$299 each additional inch Sunday
paid Death Notices Columbia. He attended Holy Trinity School,
Gonzaga College High School, and George- Notices with photos begin at 3"
town University. He is survived by cousins, (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
at 202-334-4122. Ann Flagg and Dorothy Jordan.
Mass of Christian burial will be offered on
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 10 a.m.

How can we
at St. Ann Catholic Church, 4001 Yuma St., All notices over 2" include
NW. Memorial contributions may be made complimentary memorial plaque
to St. Ann. Arrangements by DeVol Funeral
Home. Additional plaques start at $26 each
and may be ordered.


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Visit today. debit/credit card.

C8 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

wife, Ellen Albert; children, Michael (Fran)
Zeta Rosenberg, formerly of Washington, Of Falls Church, VA, passed away February
She was a devout Catholic with strong Albert, Nanette (David) Bender; grandchildren 8, 2024 after a year-long illness. The son of
Irish roots. As a member of St. Rapha- DC, died peacefully February 14, 2024 in
Steven Albert, Sami Albert, Jake Bender, Ross Douglassville, PA. She was born in South Hubert and Margaret Warner, he grew up in
el Catholic Church, Rockville, MD since (Hanna) Bender; twin sister Barbara Sandler Elkridge, MD and graduated from Howard
1968, she was active in the Rosary Al- Africa in 1940 and lived for many years in
(the late Robert). He was predeceased by his England before emigrating to Canada and High School. After proudly served his coun-
tar Society and Sodality. She had a great parents, Ruth and Simon Albert. try as an airman at Loring AFB, he worked
love for family, knitting, and traveling. then to the U.S. She met and married her
Stanley was a native Washingtonian where husband, David C. Jordan, while they were over 36 years for United Airlines, and he
he was a graduate of Woodrow Wilson both serving in the Peace Corps in Sierra helped ensure that school groups from
Ruth and her late husband Richard B. High School and attended the University of across the country had worry-free visits
Hacker (LCDR US Navy) were married for Leone. The couple returned to Washing-
Maryland. He was the founder of S. Albert ton, where she earned a master9s degree to the Nation9s Capital. Homer is survived
more than sixty-four years and were long- Glass Co. Inc., and a long-time member of by his son Brad, partner Samira Cherif, and
time residents of Potomac, MD. Along Adas Israel Congregation. in economics. She was a vice president of
ICF, a major energy consulting ûrm, and siblings Maureen and Laurance. A service
with their two sons, they traveled the Funeral Services will be held on Monday, will be held at a later date. An extended
U.S. extensively, but their favorite fami- February 19, 2024 at 1 p.m. at Judean Me- worked on key projects in the U.S. and for
the World Bank, many African countries, obituary can be found at
ly vacations were in Daytona Beach, FL. morial Gardens9 Chapel, 16225 Batchellors
Forest Road, Olney, MD 20832 with burial and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Ruth is predeceased by her husband Rich- to follow. The family will be mourning and Agency. She traveled widely and enjoyed
ard Hacker; son John Hacker, daughter- observing Shiva at Park Potomac Condo- collecting art. In her spare time she was
in-law Linda Hacker; two brothers, Robert minium 12500 Park Potomac Ave., Potomac, an avid reader, gardener, and knitter. Zeta
was predeceased by her husband. She is
Fallon and Edward Fallon; and three sis-
ters, Jean Fallon, Rosemary Fallon, and
MD 20854, Monday and Tuesday Evening.
The family asks that in lieu of ûowers contri- survived by her sister, Gale Rosenberg;
her sisters-in-law Pat Jordan, Martha Ha-
RUTH HACKER (NÈE FALLON) Frances Papas. She is survived by son STANLEY MYRON ALBERT butions in his memory can be made to the vens, Jane Haag, and Dorrie Jordan; and
Of Potomac, MD, passed away peacefully Brian Hacker, daughter-in-law Mary Hack- Stanley Myron Albert of Suburban Hospital Nursing Care of Bethesda
February 10, 2024 in Richmond, VA, just shy er; three granddaughters, Jessica Triv- Maryland or the Adas Israel Congregation of extended family in England, the U.S., South
Potomac, MD passed away on Africa, and Australia. Houck & Gofus Fu-
of her 99th birthday. She was born in Dan- izas (Andrew), Tracy MacDonnell (Mark), Friday February 16, 2024, at the Washington, DC.
ville, PA, to the late Edward F. and Katherine Michelle <Shelly= Hacker; and ûve great SagelBloomû neral Home in Pottstown, PA, is handling
age of 90. He is survived by his arrangements. A service will be held at 10
(nèe Rogers) Fallon. She had fond memo- grandchildren Demetri, Xavier, and Niko
ries of living with her brothers and sisters Trivizas, and Maeve and Shay MacDonnell. a.m. Monday, February 19, 2024.
above their parents9 confectionery shop on
Mill Street in Danville. She graduated from
Danville High School in 1942. She moved
The family will receive friends at Pumphrey
Funeral Home, 300 W. Montgomery Ave. RICHARDSON
to the Washington, DC area after gradua- Rockville, MD 20850 on Thursday, Febru-
tion to work for the federal government. ary 22 from 4 to 7 p.m. Mass of Christian would live the rest of her life. She opened a
In the U.S. Attorney9s ofûce, she worked Burial will be held at St. Raphael Catholic photography studio with Lisa Berg and con-
for Joseph Gillespie, Senator John Warner, Church, 1513 Dunster Rd., Rockville, MD tinued taking photos for many years.
and Bob Short. She retired from the De- 20854 on Friday, February 23 at 10:30 a.m.
partment of Health and Human Services/
FDA in Rockville, MD after a long career.
In 1981, she married John, of Providence, RI,
and in 1984, they welcomed their only child ROSENTHAL
Scott. Nina went back to school in her late
40s, ultimately obtaining her college degree JERRY ROSENTHAL
from American University in 1997. She could On Saturday, February 17,
HERMAN be found well into her 70s auditing classes
at Georgetown University and the Osher Life-
2024, Jerry Rosenthal of Silver
Spring, MD. Beloved husband CHESTER LEWIS WHITE
long Learning Institute at AU. She served as of Micheline Rosenthal; de- Chester Lewis White, 79, of Washington,
cuse University and an LLM from Yale Law a member of the boards of the Initiative to voted father of Norene (Mark)
School. He enlisted in the United States Air District of Columbia, passed away on Feb-
Educate Afghan Women and the Friends of Rosenthal, Craig Rosenthal ruary 7, 2024, at his home. Beloved hus-
Force as a Judge Advocate, his career taking Volta Park, and spent time volunteering at (Mindy), and Janice (George) Kinigopou-
him to Germany, the Philippines, and ûve band of Barbara Powell White. Services
a women9s prison in Maryland and making los; and cherished grandfather of Joshua will take place on Wednesday, February 21.
years each as a professor at the Air Force short videos for nonproût organizations. (Kat), Eric (Nicole), Jeremy (Casey), Ste-
Academy and as an Appellate Judge on the 2024 at 9420 Marlboro Pike, Upper Marl-
phen, Alexa (Brian) and Zoe (Bre); loving boro, MD 20772. Viewing 11 a.m. followed
Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals, among In 2018, Nina became <Nana= to Jack, a role great-grandfather of Felicity, Molly, Ron-
other assignments. After retiring from the by funeral services at 12 p.m. Arrange-
that she cherished. She was able to meet nie, Mya, and Cal; brother-in-law of Betty ments by Dunn and Sons Funeral Service.
U.S. Air Force, he was employed as the and hold her second grandson Maclean, who Rosenthal. Dear Son of the late Louis and
Clerk of the D.C. Court of Appeals and lat- NINA LEAKE RICHARDSON was born in December 2023. Nina was a Ida Rosenthal. The Rosenthal Family wish-
er worked for AARP9s Legal Counsel for the Nina Leake Richardson, of Washington, DC member of the Sulgrave Club and the Chevy es to acknowledge with gratitude Jerry9s
Elderly. Since 1989, he was an active medi- passed away on February 7, 2024, at the age Chase Club, and she was an avid golfer and compassionate aides; William, Noeli, Sally,
ator for the D.C. Superior Court Multi-Door of 79, following a two-year battle with glio- ûerce bridge player. Nina will be missed ter- Merci, and Kelvin. Funeral Services will
Dispute Resolution Division and helped train blastoma. She is survived by her husband of ribly by her family and friends throughout be held at Shaare Teûla Congregation in
new mediators. A strong proponent of low 42 years, John Dennett Richardson; son Scott Washington, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Olney, MD on Monday, February 19, 2024,
bono legal services, he assisted in founding Richardson, daughter-in-law Nicole Richard- elsewhere. She will be remembered for her at 10:30 a.m. with interment to follow at
DC Refers, a network of affordable lawyers son, grandsons John <Jack= Richardson and kindness, humor, and appetite for learning Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Adelphi, MD. The
who represent modest-means clients at be- Maclean Richardson, sister Nora <Tooey= and seeing the world. family will be receiving immediately fol-
low-market rates. He was also a member of Cameron, niece Nora <Nonie= Cameron; lowing services in the Leisure World Party
the Alexandria Chapter of the Barbershop nephew Roderick <Rory= Cameron, nephew A memorial service will be held on Friday, Room at 3005 S. Leisure World Blvd., Silver
Harmony Society and the Arlington Phil- Nicholas Richardson, niece Rachael Brewer, February 23, 10:30 a.m. at Christ Church, Spring, MD. Shiva will resume on Tuesday,
ALAN I. HERMAN harmonic. A voracious reader, he appreci- and four great nephews and great nieces. Georgetown, in Washington, DC, followed by starting at 1 p.m. In lieu of ûowers, me-
Alan I. Herman, 87, an attorney living in Ar- ated the arts, traveling, and museums. He a reception at the Sulgrave Club. A visitation morial contributions may be made to the
lington, VA, passed away on February 10, also enjoyed spending time with his family Nina was born in New York, NY, on Septem- will be held at Joseph Gawler9s Sons funeral Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.
2024 after a long illness. He is survived by and at his cabin in the mountains. He was ber 11, 1944, to Eugene Walter Leake, Jr. and home on Thursday, February 22, 5:30 p.m. org) or JSSA ( Services entrusted
his wife, Irene Szopo; two children, Cyn- a lifelong animal and wildlife lover. He was Nora Bullitt Leake. She grew up in Louisville, in Washington, DC. In lieu of ûowers, gifts in to Sagel Bloomûeld Danzansky Goldberg
thia Herman and Gregory Herman, as well an avid tennis player at the ANCC, where KY, and attended Louisville Collegiate School memory of Nina may be directed to support Funeral Care.
as an abundance of friends. A second son, he was a member. We will forever miss his before going to boarding school at The Ship- the brain cancer research program at the www.sagelbloomû
David Herman, predeceased him. He also
leaves behind four grandchildren, Audrey
great sense of humor and positive outlook
on life. A memorial service and celebration
ley School in Bryn Mawr, PA, where she grad- Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center. DEATH NOTICE
uated in 1962.
Herman, Caroline Morin, Samantha Morin, of his life will be held at a later date. In lieu of
Benjamin Morin, and his brother Seymour
Herman. Alan was born in New York City, NY
ûowers, contributions may be made to the
Alexandria Chapter of the Barbershop Har-
Nina moved to New York, where she studied
at Parsons School of Design and began work
in 1936, received a B.S. degree in accounting mony Society, or the Arlington Philharmonic. in publishing, which included stints at Vogue
from New York University, a J.D. from Syra- Magazine and National Geographic. In 1969, Hill Farm, which he bought in 1998 in his
Nina moved to Washington, DC, where she hometown of Washington, VA. There you
could catch him riding his tractor, mowing
grass, or hosting events. John generously
LYONS gave back to his community, with both his

also active in the Jaycees, where he won

ROSE service and his resources.
He was preceded in death by his parents,
Loring and Ada Mae Anderson; siblings, Lor-
several awards and served as President in ing Anderson Jr., Virginia Herold, Grace All-
1976/1977. Georgia. While at Ft. Benning he also served
as an Adjunct Professor for the American man and Donald Anderson.
Bill had a unique sense of humor, always John is survived by his four children, Michael
ready with a quip or quirky remark to ût any University teaching graduate classes in Ed-
ucation. He commanded the Medical Battal- C. Anderson (Carrie) of Fairfax, VA, Jennifer
situation, or family member. When the fam- A. McWhirter (Jeff) of Leesburg, VA, Stacey
ily was preparing to go somewhere, it was ions of the 4th Infantry Division and the 5th
Mechanized Division and served as a senior L. Anderson of Ashburn, VA and Scott M. An-
Bill who would remind them <if you9re not derson of Fairfax Station, VA; a sister, Alice
15 minutes early, you9re 15 minutes late.= planner in the Joint Chiefs of Staff before
his retirement as a Colonel in 1976 to join Anderson of Washington, VA; ûve grandchil-
And everyone who visited the Lyons9 swim- dren, Mackenzie, Christian, Tatum, Sawyer
ming pool on Pagnell Circle knew to watch the U.S. Foreign Service. Among his awards
and decorations earned during his military and Hailey; his former wife and mother of
out for the alligator lurking at the bottom. his children, Christine M. Anderson of Fair-
Throughout his retirement years Bill ûlled service were the Legion of Merit, Bronze
Star, the Meritorious Service Medal (2), the fax, VA; and numerous nieces, nephews,
his time with crossword puzzles, more golf, cousins, and friends.
Army Commendation Medial (4), the Army
and spending time with his grandchildren -
Aviation Badge, Joint Chiefs of Staff Badge, JOHN MORGAN ANDERSON (Age 77) A funeral service will be held on Saturday,
but rest assured that cup-of-coffee always John Morgan Anderson, 77, of Washington, March 2, 2024, at 1 p.m. at Jessamine Hill
remained in his hand. and The Expert Medical Badge.
His Foreign Service career led him to senior Virginia, passed away on January 31, 2024. Farm. The burial and a Celebration of Life re-
In addition to his parents, Bill was preceded John started his career in 1964 with the ception will immediately follow the service.
in death by his granddaughter Katie Murray management assignments in Washington
and abroad, where he served as Deputy Interstate Commerce Commission in Wash- Visitation will be held at the Moser Funeral
and bother-in-law Ken Pollard. Left behind ington, DC. He later joined the management Home in Warrenton, VA, on Friday, March 1,
to celebrate his life are his wife of 57 years Chief of Mission of our Embassy in Liberia
during the darkest days of the Liberian Civil consulting ûrm A.T. Kearney, Inc., where he 2024, from 3 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.
WILLIAM JOSEPH LYONS Ruth Lyons; his son John Lyons, his daughter became a Vice President and Partner. He In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made
William Joseph <Bill= Lyons passed away on Christy Murray and her husband Stephen; War during which he supervised the evacu-
GERALD S. ROSE ation of all American citizens as the rebels worked there for over 40 years until his to the Rappahannock Food Pantry, 11763
February 6, 2024, following a long battle and his grandchildren Billy and Robbie Lyons retirement in January 2022. He especially Lee Highway, Sperryville, VA 22740; the Rap-
with Alzheimer9s. Born on October 6, 1943 and Ellie Murray; and his siblings Donna Pol- Gerald <Jerry= S. Rose passed away peace- closed in on Monrovia. He conducted sever-
fully on January 19, 2024, with his wife by al negotiations with warlord Charles Taylor, loved his family which included his beloved pahannock Benevolent Fund, PO Box 133,
in Denver, CO, Bill was the oldest son of lard, John and Sandy Lyons, and Becky and dog Einstein, his consulting work, and Rap- Washington, VA 22747; or to the Washing-
William and Jeannie Lyons. His youth was Ralph Vigil. And, of course, a good number his side at his home in Falls Church, Vir- including successful release of Senegalese
ginia. Jerry was ûrst and foremost a loving soldiers held captive by the rebel forces. Fol- pahannock County, where he grew up. He ton Volunteer Fire Dept., 10 Firehouse Ln.,
spent in Needles, CA and Bountiful, UT with of nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws and was an avid storyteller, often sharing tales Washington, VA 22747. Online condolences
his three siblings. Following his high school friends; all of whom called him family. husband, father, and civil servant. Jerry was lowing retirement from the Foreign Service,
born in Long Beach, California and resided Jerry served as an international consultant, of his father, Loring Anderson, Sr. or of his may be expressed at moserfuneralhome.
graduation Bill joined the Air Force, serving While we are all saddened by his passing we extensive work and travel adventures. He com.
as a Communications Specialist from 1962- take comfort knowing he is in a better place in Falls Church, Virginia since 1993. Jerry will was a member of the Peace Operations
be interred in Arlington National Cemetery. Policy Program of George Mason University, was most proud of his home, Jessamine
1966. During this time, while stationed at where golf rounds are free, the coffee is al-
Andrews in Camp Springs, MD, Bill met his ways ready, and your favorite crime shows Jerry grew up during the depression and was a free-lance writer, and attempted to
wife Ruth - a blind date arranged by mutu- run all day. chose his direction to serve his country. spur action that would bring to justice the
al friends in 1965. As blind dates go, it was
a bit of a rocky start but Bill managed to
Services will be held at Raymond Funeral
Chapel in La Plata, MD on Wednesday, Feb-
First as an Army Ofûcer and then as a For-
eign Service Ofûcer, Gerald S. Rose served
his country for 42 years. His Army career
murderers of ûve American citizen nuns in
Liberia during the conûict. During his For-
eign Service he was twice presented the
sweep the young las off her feet and they ruary 21, 2024. Visitation will begin at 10
married on August 20, 1966. a.m. until the Service at 12 p.m. Interment was highlighted by leading an inter-agency Presidents9 Meritorious Service award. ANNE MACK DEAN (Age 97)
When not working his job of 38 years at the will immediately follow. task force that established the camps for He is survived by his wife of 71 years, Peggy Anne M. Dean died on January 13, 2024, after election judge capping decades of service.
Census Bureau, as Branch Section Chief, In lieu of ûowers, please make a donation Vietnamese refugees that ûed during the Hampton Rose; as well as two daughters, a brief illness. She was 97. Her warm, cheer- Anne had a great gift for personal connec-
Bill enjoyed playing golf, spreading his loy- to your favorite local charity in honor of Bill. fall of Viet Nam in 1975. During his Army Janice Rose Mullins of Athens, Georgia, and ful, and generous nature endeared her to all tion. Throughout her life she was at the
alty for Ford vehicles, and maintaining the Please visit career Jerry served as a medical evacuation Joyce Rose Cruickshank of Broadlands, Vir- who knew her. heart of a large extended family. She loved
best kept yard in the neighborhood. Bill was helicopter pilot and ûew in Korea and Viet ginia; a granddaughter, Heather C. Wolford She was born Anne Elizabeth Mack in Brook- to gather family and friends and was always
Nam. He later was the ûrst non-physician of Wellington, Colorado, and a grandson, lyn, NY. She earned a BA in Physics from up for an adventure. She loved reading, book
to hold the title Staff Surgeon of the Infan- Wilice G. Mullins of Athens, Georgia. Western College for Women in Oxford, OH, groups and her cakes and gingerbread hous-
try School at Ft. Benning (now Ft. Moore), in 1947. She taught Physics and Astronomy es were legendary as were her 10th birthday
at Connecticut College for Women in New trips with her grandchildren. She formed life-
MASON London, CT, before moving to Chicago to
pursue a MA in Astronomy at Northwestern
long friendships with classmates, colleagues,
neighbors, sons9 friends, and not least mem-
University. She was a technician in Harold bers of the Women9s Club of Chevy Chase,
John Mason, 89, of the City of Fairfax, Vir- in 1976. Following his military service, John
SANCHEZ Urey9s laboratory at the University of Chicago
where she met Laurence B. Dean, Jr. <Larry=,
where she was an active member for de-
cades, serving as President and honored as
ginia, died of natural causes at The Virginian served as vice president at SAIC as Direc- and they were married in 1951. When Larry Maryland Club Woman of the Year.
Northern Virginia to Albuquerque, NM in taught at Harvard, she worked at the cyclo- Anne is survived by ûve sons, Jeffrey Dean
care facility in Fairfax on Wednesday, Feb- tor of the Transportation Policy and Analysis 1995, and continued his work in mortgages
ruary 7, 2024. Center. In 2001, he served as chairperson of tron. They moved to the DC area in 1953 and (Penelope Gouk) of Manchester, England,
for many years while helping families there she left the workforce to bring up ûve sons. Peter Dean (Charlotte) of Chevy Chase, MD,
John Mason was the former and lon- the national board of the American Metro- become homeowners. While in New Mexico
gest-serving mayor of the City of Fairfax, politan Planning Organization (AMPO). When Larry died in 1975, Anne became a sin- Robert Dean (Monica) of Bethesda, MD, Rus-
he joined touch football and volleyball clubs gle parent. She worked as a teacher9s aide sell Dean (Amy) of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA,
and was a devoted husband, father, grand- John became a citizen activist in the City and enjoyed his involvement with Highlands
father, friend, soldier, and public servant. of Fairfax, serving as President of the-then in Science at Rollingwood Elementary and and Bruce Dean (Ellen) of Frederick, MD, by
University. He frequently rode his Harley up Chevy Chase Elementary. There she touched 12 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren
John was born on Sunday, January 27, 1935, Old Lee Hills Civic Association, and then a in the Northern part of the state into Chama,
in Springûeld, Massachusetts, the ûrst child member of the city9s Planning Commission the lives of many children especially through and eight nieces and nephews. In addition
one of his favorite rides. He then returned Outdoor Education and the annual Science to her husband, Larry, she was predeceased
of Anders and Magda Mason. Anders Mason before serving four years on the Fairfax City to the Washington, DC area and continued
was born in Sweden (1903) and Magda was Council (1986-1990) and subsequently serv- Fair, for which she established a mentoring by her brother John D. Mack and her sister,
in the same industry until just the last few program that paired children with working Mary Hurst. Service March 16, 11 a.m. at the
born in Denmark (1900). ing as mayor for 12 years (1990-2002). Sub- years.
John attended Classical High School in sequently, he served as the ûrst executive scientists. Anne also served as precinct chief Women9s Club of Chevy Chase, MD.
Springûeld, earned the rank of Eagle Scout director of the Northern Virginia Transporta- Leveo savored life! He loved to travel, ex-
with Troop 30 at Trinity Methodist Church, tion Authority and later the chief executive perience new places, eat all kinds of foods,
and spent many rewarding years as a scout ofûcer of the Workhouse Arts Center. He
at Camp Woronoak before matriculating at
the University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
also served on the boards of the National
Capital Area Chapter of the American Red
and expose himself to interesting cultures.
Summers he could be found at the beach DIGGS
hanging out with his large group of friends
where he studied political science and en- Cross, the National Capital Area Council of who all enjoyed his company in part be-
rolled in its ROTC program. Upon graduation the Boy Scouts of America, the Fairfax Sym- tant, musician, painter, builder, jeweler, trav-
cause of his incredibly quick sense of hu- eler, gardener, boater, ûnancial planner, in-
in 1956, John was commissioned in the Unit- phony, the Arts Council of Fairfax County, mor. Everyone that knew him knew how
ed States Army in its Armored Division, with Fall for the Book Festival, and Mason Hous- vestor, and collector. Walter graduated with
assignments at Fort Benning, Fort Bliss, and ing at George Mason University.
LEVEO VICTOR SANCHEZ much he loved music and attended hun- his bachelor9s degree from North Carolina
Leveo Victor Sanchez III, beloved son, broth- dreds of concerts. He relished in all that Central in 1951, and Master of Science in
a three-year posting to Hawaii, followed by John is survived by his wife Jeanette of 60 er, uncle and great uncle died on Friday, Jan- there was to know about the music industry
an assignment to Fort Hood in central Texas, years, son John, Jr. (Karen); daughter Joan- 1958. He served in the U.S Air Force for four
uary 26, 2024 in Washington, DC. Leveo was and could recall all sorts of trivia to every- years and retired from the Federal Govern-
where he met and subsequently married na, and son Jeff (Billie Jo) four grandchildren, born August 22, 1966 in Washington, DC and one9s amazement. His memory to recall his-
Jeanette Funk on May 11, 1963. In 1965, he and two great grandchildren, as well as his ment to enjoy a happy retirement.
was the son of Leveo Victor Sanchez II and torical and scientiûc facts was another area
served his initial Vietnam tour as an advisor brother, Karl (Nancy). Patricia Marshall Sanchez. Leveo is survived in which he took great pride. He traveled all
to a Vietnamese railway security battalion, Visitation will be on Friday, March 1 from Walter Preston Diggs held many roles in life,
by his father, Leveo Victor Sanchez II of San- over the world including Thailand, Argenti- yet his favorite role was being a husband,
followed by thee-years as a Senior Armor 4 to 8 p.m. at the Demaine Funeral Home, ta Fe, New Mexico; his sisters, Lia Patricia na, Uruguay, Mexico, Costa Rica and many
Instructor at the United States Military 10565 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030. The funer- father and grandfather. He loved spending
Sanchez of Arlington, Virginia, Victoria Elena countries in Europe. time with his wife, children, and grandchil-
Academy at West Point. His second Vietnam al service will be held on Saturday, March Sanchez (Mitchell D. Gabor) of Santa Fe, New
assignment in 1970 included command of 2 at 11 a.m. at Fairfax United Methodist dren. Walter was a generous and steady
Mexico and by six nieces and nephews and He was kind and caring and learned much head of the family.
the 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry, followed Church, 10300 Stratford Ave, Fairfax, VA their husbands, Ryan Stites, Melissa Stites from his Abuela, Victoria D. de Sanchez as
by a command tour with the 5th Battalion, 22030, followed by a private burial at the Miller (Matthew), Kimberly Stites (Daniel he tried to emulate her generosity and em-
68th Armor, 8th Infantry Division, and as G3, Fairfax City Cemetery. A reception will be Walter is survived by his devoted wife, Thel-
Hartigan), Morgan Stites, Austin Griggs and pathy. He will be greatly missed by all his ma; two daughters, Brenda and Sheila; and
1st Armored Division in Germany. John9s û- held immediately following at the Old Town Marselina Griggs. He was a great uncle to family and many friends around the coun-
nal assignment was as Assistant Director, Hall, 3999 University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia three granddaughters, Jasmine, Alexandra,
Juliet Miller, Alice Miller and Cary Hartigan. try. No services planned. In lieu of ûowers, and Shannon.
Operations and Readiness, Ofûce of Deputy 22030. please support his favorite causes, The Hu-
Chief of Staff, HQDA. He retired as a colonel Leveo graduated from Clemson Univer- mane Society, ASPCA and any other organi- WALTER PRESTON DIGGS (Age 95) Walter Preston Diggs will be laid to rest on
sity with a BA in Economics and Business zation that will help your own community Walter Preston Diggs of Washington, DC, Monday, February 26 at 1 p.m. in a brief in-
Administration and went on to be a very keep animals from being euthanized and passed away on February 11, 2024, sur- terment at Parklawn Memorial Park in Rock-
successful loan ofûcer. He moved from encourage adoption.
MOSER rounded by his family. ville, MD.

Walter, fondly called Preston by family, was There will be a Celebration of Life service on
won several art contests before graduation, born to Edgar and Mary Diggs on September April 20, 2024, at Northminster Presbyterian
thereby planting the seed for his future ca-
SPANO 27, 1928, in Wilson, North Carolina. Walter
was an energetic and innovative thinker
Church, 7720 Alaska Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20012.
with countless talents. He was an accoun-
In 1943, Bill served his country and enlisted Leo was a veteran of WWII, serving as a Mer-
in the U.S. Navy. He served in three theaters: chant Marine with the United States Coast
the Mediterranean; the Atlantic and the Pa- Guard in the Atlantic and Paciûc Combat
ciûc. He was honorably discharged in 1946. Zones. He then went on to become a Lieu-
tenant Commander in the United States Na-
He attended the Washington School of Art val Reserve for 30 years. A graduate of New
in DC, where he met Virginia. They married York State Maritime Academy, he served as St. Louis in 1959 with a degree in Industri-
in 1950, started a family and eventually set- a pilot in New York Harbor. After the war Leo al Engineering. He then came to Virginia to
tled in Potomac MD where they spent 56 yrs settled in Washington, DC, receiving a B.S. accept a patent examiner position with the
until Virginia passed in 2011. Bill was a govt from Georgetown University and an MBA USPTO. He retired from the USPTO in 1992
employee where he advanced to become from American University. He then went as Director of the Mechanical Classiûcation
the founding Art Director for the Navy Re- on to work as a Transportation Ofûcer with Division. During his career, he won many
cruiting Command in DC and VA. He retired the Military Sealift Command, Department awards for his work at the USPTO and lec-
after 38 yrs of service, continued to paint, of Defense. Leo worked tirelessly for many tured extensively about the U.S. patent clas-
and spent his last 5 years in Frederick, MD. years with active Merchant Marine retirees siûcation system at many locations including
Bill was a devoted sibling, husband, and fa- and Congress to substantiate their war ser- various USPTO Patent & Trademark Deposi-
ther. vice for retiree pay and beneûts. tory Libraries and the Korean Patent Ofûce
WILLIAM MOSER JR. <Bill= We would like to extend our most sincere in 1983.
10/16/1924 - 1/21/2024 thanks to the many caregivers from Home A lifelong, natural athlete, Leo played street He donated his time when his son was young
On January 21, 2024, God reached down and Instead and Visiting Angels. We owe a spe- hockey in the streets of New York while helping coach baseball and soccer, and was
invited William <Bill= Moser to join his be- cial thanks to the staff at Silverado Memory growing up, earning him the nicknames of an intense Washington Redskins fan.
loved wife, Virginia, for eternity. He gratefully Care Community, in Frederick, MD. LEO J. SPANO Rocky and Gooch. He also played compet- John was a proud member of Phi Delta Theta.
and peacefully accepted the invitation. Bill Leo J. Spano, 100, of Rockville, itive baseball as a shortstop and second He kept in touch with his many of his broth-
had a full and valued life and thanked God A memorial service will be held on April 20, Maryland, departed this life on baseman. As an adult, he was an active ers, and attended their reunions throughout
for the body that he wore out after 99 years 2024, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 7730 January 23, 2024. A native New tennis player and later a dedicated and suc- the years in St. Louis.
of use. He and his beloved wife will spend Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817, begin- Yorker, Leo was born on April 30, cessful coach to his children9s youth sports He was also a member of the Little Theater of
eternity painting the heavens for all to enjoy. ning at 11 a.m. As an artist, Bill was ada- 1923 in Manhattan and raised teams. Alexandria where he performed in dramatic
mant that people wear colorful clothing to in Astoria, Queens. He was the JOHN W. WILL and musical productions as well as serving
Bill was preceded in death by his parents, his funeral so please honor him by wearing son of Italian immigrants, Michael and An- A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered John W. Will, 90, of Fairfax, VA passed away in various administrative positions, including
Virginia (wife of 61 years), and three siblings. something colorful. toinette Spano. The beloved husband to at St. Mary9s Catholic Church, 520 Veirs Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at his home. Born President.
He is survived by his sister Leah Brokhoff, his the late Elizabeth (née Meehan), Leo will be Mill Road, Rockville, MD on Friday, February May 15, 1933 in St. Louis, Missouri, he has In retirement, he and wife Lynn were blessed
children Bill lll, Ginger Moser-Morse, Gretch- In lieu of ûowers, any contributions can be lovingly remembered by his children John 23, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. with a visitation be- resided in northern Virginia since the early with being able to travel to many countries in
en Sanders, and their families including ûve sent to the William <Bill= Moser Art Schol- (Christine), Catherine (Drew), and Marie forehand at 9:30 a.m. Interment, St. Mary9s 19609s. John is survived by his wife, Lynn; Europe and the Caribbean. Their most inter-
grandchildren and three great grandchil- arship, Pottsville High School, 600 Elk Ave- Spano and his beloved grandchildren Wil- Cemetery, Rockville, MD. In lieu of ûowers son, John, Jr. (mother Barbara); daughter-in- esting trip was a cruise from St. Petersburg,
dren. nue, Pottsville, PA 17901, payable to PAHS liam, Anthony, Elizabeth, Gabriella, and Car- memorial contributions may be made to NY law, Melody; grandson, John III and grand- Russia to Moscow. Their most beautiful trip
Auxiliary. oline. He was the brother of the late Charles, State Maritime College (https://www.suny- daughter, Morgan; stepsons, Scott Smith (Ve- was in northern Italy, including the lake dis-
Born in Mahanoy City, PA, Bill called Potts- Joseph and Philip Spano and is also survived Please sign the ronica), and Steven Smith (Cassie), and their trict and into southern Switzerland. He was
ville home. He loved music, sports, and art. Please visit to by several nieces and nephews. online guest book at children Connor and Adrian. well-loved and will be missed by all of us.
Although he hoped to become a writer, he view the full obituary John graduated from Washington University, Services will be held at a later date.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C9

mother Diane Kling, and many extended Vice President for Student Affairs.
family and friends. She is predeceased by
her husband, Christopher Bellini. Lily was John became the second full-time exec-
born on December 16th, 1964 in Baton utive director of the Gay Men9s Chorus of
Rouge, LA, and was the ûrst child of Joseph Washington, DC (GMCW), in 1997. He was
and Diane Kling. After graduating Summa involved with the Chorus since its founding
Cum Laude from Louisiana State University, in 1981, serving as Chairman of the Capital
Lily went on to graduate Magna Cum Laude Club and Secretary of the Board of Direc-
from Georgetown University Law Center. tors. He received the GMCW President9s
She then pursued her legal career for sever- Award in 1994. John also served on the
al years at Jones Day until dedicating herself Mayor9s Advisory Committee on GLBT Af-
to motherhood. fairs in Washington, DC, and on the boards
Lily was a beloved wife, friend, and mother, of directors for the Northern Virginia AIDS
and was a pillar of support to those around Ministry and the Wolf Trap Foundation for
her. She had a brilliant mind, and loved to the Performing Arts.
read, learn, and travel throughout her life.
Her favorite place was at the beach in Nova John moved to Orlando in 2001 to care for
Scotia, where she could often be found his parents at the end of their lives. While
running along the coast listening to music, there, he co-founded The Orlando Chorale
or enjoying the sunset. Her amazing sense and served as the Executive Director for
of humor, strength of spirit, and unceasing BETTY S. MORRIS DORIS MILLER eight years. He was also an organizational
LILY DIANE BELLINI love for her family will be sorely missed. A 1944 - 2020 Doris Miller, 76 of Lorton, Virginia, peace- JOHN E. PERKINS consultant for the Orlando Children9s Cho-
Lily Diane Bellini of Falls Church, VA, passed celebration of life will be held at a later date. fully entered into eternal rest on Saturday MARCH 3, 1942 3 FEBRUARY 8, 2024 rus and a volunteer for Mad Cow Theatre.
away on October 30, 2023 at the age of 58 The online guestbook is available at In Remembrance of Betty February 3, 2024. Predeceased by her hus- John E. Perkins of Washington, DC, passed
due to unexpected health complications. band Edward Miller Jr. She is survived by away on February 8, 2024, in Chevy Chase, In 2011, John returned to his beloved Capitol
Lily is survived by her three children, her She was an effective and well-liked leader her son, Andre Gooden; two grandchildren Maryland. He was 81 years old. Hill neighborhood in Washington, DC, where
and DCPS educator, an engaged and ador- Justin and Destini; three great grandchil- he spent the last years of his life enjoying
ing parent/grandparent, a great buddy to dren Riley, Sienna and Zimari, two sisters John Edward Perkins was born on March music, theatre, and friends. John was an en-
many friends and relatives, and a wonder- Shirlee Gordon and Clara Gray, and a host 3, 1942, in Piqua, Ohio, the only child of thusiastic entertainer, hosting many dinner
ful wife and marital friend. of other relatives and friends. Charles W. <Bill= Perkins and Frances G. Per- parties and introducing his friends to his
passions for music, theatre, architecture,
BENNETT Thankful Husband, Joel
A viewing will be held on Thursday, Febru-
ary 22, 2024 at 10 a.m. Bethlehem Baptist
kins. His family moved to Orlando, Florida,
in 1948, where John graduated from Boone and cuisine. John read and traveled exten-
sively, always sharing his experiences at
Church, 7836 Fordson Rd., Alexandria, VA. High School. He received bachelor9s and
Service starts at 11 a.m. master9s degrees in Music History and Lit- the many gatherings he held at his house,
active member of the Kappa Alpha Theta ûrst on A Street, SE, then Walter Street, SE.
sorority. She went on to receive a masters erature from Florida State University, where
he also played trumpet and produced and Involved in his communities, whatever and
in Education from the University of Pennsyl- wherever they were, John quickly made
vania. She then moved to Washington, DC directed programs for WFSU-FM and TV.
friends, invited them into his life, and held
to begin working for the Ofûce of Economic onto them.
Opportunity, the anti-poverty agency head- Following college, John served two years in
the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War work-
ed by Sargent Shriver and served as a Com-
munity Action Program Field Representative
DEATH NOTICE ing at the Pentagon and earning the rank of John Perkins is preceded in death by his
Specialist-5. He settled in Washington, DC, parents. He is survived by his chosen family,
in eastern Kentucky, one of the poorest re- which is too large to list, and several cous-
gions in the US. CALOMIRIS where he held senior management posi-
tions with the Council on Post-Secondary ins. A memorial service will be held at a later
In 1968 she met Walter Edward Bennett SAMPSON Accreditation, Trade Communications, Inc.,
the National Association of Student Person-
date. Contributions in his memory may be
made to Federal City Performance Arts As-
who was a White House Press photogra- sociation/Gay Men9s Chorus of Washington,
pher for Time Magazine. They fell in love and nel Administrators, and at George Washing-
ton University, where he was the Assistant DC.
married in 1970 and celebrated the arrival of
their ûrst and only child, Lisa Lynn Bennett
in July of 1971. Joy was an active participant
for the National Organization for Women,
working to push through the passing of the
Equal Rights Amendment. She went on to
have a 17 year career working for Nation-
JOY LYNN BENNETT al Education Association, traveling to all 50
for their home and took up Chinese brush
Joy Lynn Bennett passed away peacefully states advocating for teachers.
painting. In Hawaii she learned Hula dancing,
on October 23, 2023, in her home in Santa she studied Ikebana ûower arranging which
Barbara, California with her daughter Lisa Joy had a passion for politics and believed
that one person could make a difference, led her to later become an active member
and sister Susan by her side. Joy was born in of the Potomac Valley Chapter of the Ikeno-
Ottawa, Iowa on August 4,1937. The eldest always working to support the underdog.
She was an avid traveler, reader, art enthusi- bo Ikebana Society. She was a member of
daughter to Edward Eugene Furry and Helen various church groups and Ofûcer9s Wives
Louise Howel. Raised in Plymouth, Indiana ast, loved Jazz and Irish music and was well
known for her yearly Irish parties. She is sur- Clubs and a member of the China Tifûn Club
along side her siblings Judy, Bill and Susan. in DC. After her husband9s retirement from
Joy was Homecoming Queen and Valedicto- vived by her daughter Lisa Bennett Lerner
and grandchildren Jake Bennett Lerner and the Marine Corps in 1979 they moved to
rian, graduating from Plymouth High School Fauquier Country where she lived for almost
in 1955. She graduated Northwestern Uni- Caroline Chase Lerner.
versity in 1959 with a major in English and GEORGE PETER DONALD CALOMIRIS 40 years. They built a home, Greenstone, on
Services are private. George Peter Donald Calomiris, 64, of CORRINE DELORES PANNELL Pignut Mountain. No challenge was insur-
a minor in American History and was an mountable to her. Once she set her mind to
Washington, DC, passed away peacefully
on February 14, 2024. He was the beloved SAMPSON (Age 93) doing something she followed it through to
husband of JoAnn Deoudes Calomiris and Departed this world peacefully on Friday, completion. For her new home she learned
the devoted father of Alexa Helen and Julia February 9, 2024. Preceded in death by the art of stone wall building and built a dry
Marie. her beloved husband of 57 years, Dr. Calvin stack stone wall along the driveway up to
CAPPELLARI A viewing will be held at 9 a.m., followed
by funeral services at 10 a.m. on Tuesday,
Sampson. Loving mother to Cathy Samp-
son (Evelyn Branic) and Judy Smith (Jeff);
the house. She also took up mural painting,
painting several scenes from their tour in
February 20, at Saint Sophia, Greek Ortho- the most amazing grandmother to David Gaeta Italy. After her husband9s passing, she
Washington, DC. dox Cathedral in Washington, DC. Inter- (Bridget), Jordan (Michael) and Kathryn LYDIA DUBBELDE THOMAS <Deanie= moved to Vint Hill where she lived for 18
ment will take place at Saint Paul9s Rock (Xhuljo) and great-grandchildren Eliana years. There she designed a Japanese gar-
and Kieran. Survived by numerous nieces, (Age 92)
Joe had a long career in pharmaceutical Creek Cemetery in Washington, DC. Died peacefully with her family at her side den for her back yard. She was a member
sales. He had numerous hobbies and en- In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made nephews and countless friends. and president of the Warrenton Antiquarian
On Thursday, February 22, friends and rel- on Monday, December 25, 2023, in Fred-
joyed lively discussions about economics, to the Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathe- ericksburg, VA. She was the beloved wife Society and was a docent at Weston.
history and current events. Joe9s retirement dral Narthex Campaign. atives may call at Michigan Park Christian She loved the Marine Corps and followed
Church, 1600 Taylor Street NE, Washington of the late Col. Gerald C Thomas Jr., USMC
years were ûlled with a variety of activities (Ret.) for 49 years. She was the daughter of her husband9s dream for the National Mu-
ranging from spending time with his grand- DC 20017 for viewing from 9:30 a.m. until seum of the Marine Corps by becoming a
start of services at 11 a.m.; repast imme- the late Col. John J. Dubbelde Jr and Jose-
children, attending family and school re- phine Dubbelde. docent from its opening until 2020. She car-
unions, vacationing at mountain and beach diately following. Interment: Ft. Lincoln ried pamphlets about the museum in her
Cemetery. Born in Newport, RI in December 1931, she
locations, and always working around the was raised an army dependent and moved purse and would hand them out to those
house with a cigar in his hand. All the while, In lieu of ûowers, her daughters respect- she met who had not yet visited the muse-
fully request contributions be made to her every year to various army bases through-
Joe remained a generous and gregarious out the US and other countries around the um encouraging them to visit. She loved to
host with an infectious sense of humor and favorite and most impactful local charity: share her knowledge of history, especially
The Sharon Hall Scholarship Fund (c/o world. They included The Philippines, Ger-
a life-long love of West Coast jazz. many, France, Minnesota, Georgia, Kansas, military history.
Michigan Park Christian Church). She is survived by daughters, Virginia (Gini)
Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Virgin-
Joe Cappellari is survived by his son Joseph ia. Each one offered her a new opportunity Robins and her husband Robbie, Susan Mas-
Stephen Cappellari II; his daughter Susan to adapt to various climates, cultures, and talski and her husband Tony and son Gerald
and son-in-law Kenneth Johnson; and his traditions. (Jerry) Thomas III and his wife Kelly. She is
son John Thomas Cappellari and daughter- She graduated from St. Agnes in Alexandria, also survived by four granddaughters and
in-law Stacy. Joe also leaves his six grand- VA and Wheaton College in Norton, Massa- four grandsons and two great granddaugh-
6/7/35 - 11/9/23
children; Samantha Cappellari, Joseph Ste-
phen Cappellari III, John Edward and Thomas
MACKEY chusetts with a bachelor9s degree in music.
She studied classical music from the age
Funeral services will be held at the Semper
Joseph Stephen Cappellari, <Joe,= died on Cappellari, and Spencer and Madelena of 7 onward. In early 1954 she met USMC Fidelis Memorial Chapel near the entrance
Friday, November 9, 2023 in Fairfax, Virginia. Johnson. Joe is survived by his two broth- Captain Gerald C Thomas Jr. on a blind date, of the National Museum of the Marine
Joe, the son of James and Alverta Cappellari ers; James Oliver Cappellari II and John Jesse and they were married six months later. To- Corps, 1701 Semper Fidelis Way, Triangle,
of Logan County, West Virginia, was born
on June 7, 1935. He was a graduate of Mar-
<Jack= Cappellari SMITH gether they raised three children, and she
supported him as they travelled from duty
VA on February 26, 2024, at 11:30 a.m., fol-
lowed by a reception in the Medal of Honor
shall University in Huntington, WV where he Funeral Serivice, Fairfax United Methodist station to duty station around the US and Lobby in the Museum.
earned a degree in Accounting and met his Church, 10300 Stratford Ave., Fairfax, VA the world including Virginia, Hawaii, Taiwan In lieu of ûowers, memorial contributions
wife, Joyce, who died in 2018. Joe received 22030 on February 24 at 11 a.m. (twice), California, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is- can be made to the Marine Corps Heritage
an MBA from the American University in land, North Carolina, and Italy. Foundation or Wounded Warrior Project or a
With each new home she dove into learning charity of your choice. Online condolences
about the history and traditions of the area. may be shared on the Moser Funeral Home
While in Taiwan she taught Taiwanese sol- website
diers English, designed furniture to be made
for Submarine Warfare. He was promoted to
Vice Admiral December 5, 1985.
On September 30, 1988, he was conûrmed
by the U.S. Senate for promotion to four- began their lives in Tacoma, Washington,
star rank. On October 22, 1988, he relieved JENISE JOHANNA MACKEY where son Michael was born, then moved
Admiral McKee as Director, Naval Nuclear Jensie Johanna Queen Mackey was born to Arlington, Virginia, where sons Joe (de-
Propulsion. February 16, 1940, in Fauquier County, ceased), Paul and David were born. The fam-
Virginia, and transitioned on February 6, ily9s Montana Street home was the epitome
Admiral DeMars retired on October 1, 1996, 2024. Survived by devoted husband Rod- of the warm, welcoming, and energized life
after 44 years of service to his country. Upon ney Mackey and a host of other relatives ALFRED RICHARD SMITH JR. (Age 86) and upbringing that Gen gave to her hus-
his retirement, both houses of Congress and friends. Services will be held at St. Peacefully entered into eternal rest on band and children. She later made wonder-
honored Admiral DeMars with resolutions Judah Spiritual Baptist Church, 43 Anacos- Sunday, January 21, 2024. A celebration ful homes in Tenaûy, New Jersey (a house
recognizing his distinguished service. tia Road NE, Washington, DC on Monday, of life will be held on Friday, February 23 she never saw pre-purchase), Manhattan,
February 19, 2024. Viewing 10 to 11 a.m. at Ebenezer AME Church, 7707 Allentown Spring Lake, New Jersey and then back in
Admiral DeMars9 decorations include two Funeral 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Arrangements Road, Ft. Washington, MD 20744, Visitation Arlington. Even a staid Teachers College
awards of the Distinguished Service Med- by Robinson Funeral Home, Inc. at 11 a.m., Service at 12 p.m. president9s house was transformed into one
al, four awards of the Legion of Merit, two of Gen9s homes for family and friends visit-
awards of the Meritorious Service Medal, ing New York City.
two awards of the Navy Commendation Outside of all these amazing homes, Gen
Medal, three awards of the Meritorious Unit
Commendation Medal, the Navy Achieve-
BEECHER re-commenced her professional career in
the early 19709s, working in nursing and
ADMIRAL, U.S. NAVY (RET.) ment Medal, and the Navy Unit Commen- guidance counseling in Virginia before two
Admiral Bruce DeMars passed away Febru- dation. on May 9, 1969. Bill9s reporting led him on unique jobs in New Jersey-one organizing a
ary 3, 2024 in Falls Church, VA at the age of frequent lengthy assignments in the former World Day of Prayer and the other running
88 after a brief illness. After retiring from active duty, he served on Soviet Union, Eastern and Western Europe, GENEVIEVE L. TIMPANE Broadway music into high schools. Gen was
the boards of Exelon Corporation, McDer- the Middle East and the Far East, including There is a special place in heaven for the also deeply involved with Arlington politics,
Admiral Bruce DeMars was born in Chicago, mott International Inc., Duratek Corporation, ûve trips to Vietnam during that war. On mother of four boys. Genevieve LaGrua and she was one of the ûrst women to serve
IL, on June 3, 1935, and graduated from the Yellow Ribbon Fund, and OceanWorks Inter- one of those trips, his helicopter was shot Timpane, of Arlington, Virginia, passed away as chair of her Nova Catholic community. A
United States Naval Academy in 1957. On national Inc. Admiral DeMars was a member down over the Mekong Delta. On another peacefully on February 4, 2024, to take her talented artist, Gen was a sculptor, sketch
graduation night, he married his high school of the Corporation of the Draper Laboratory assignment, a single engine Cessna in which place there with her husband and soulmate artist and cross-stitch master. A fantastic
sweetheart, Margaret Ann Milburn, in the and served as an advisor to industry and he was ûying over the Sinai desert had its Mike (2022), and her son Joe (2016). A life knitter, Gen passed this passion on to both
Naval Academy Chapel. Following commis- government. He was Chairman of the Naval engine knocked out by a riûe shot. In both full of love, laughter, and friendship is to be of her granddaughters.
sioning, he served in the attack transports Submarine League and the Naval Historical cases skillful pilots were able to land safely. celebrated and remembered, and Gen9s life Gen is survived by her sons Mike, Paul and
USS TELFAIR and USS OKANOGAN and, Foundation. Admiral DeMars was presented was full of all of that and more. Throughout David; cherished daughters Jane, Sharon
after Submarine School, the diesel-elec- the 2009 U.S. Naval Academy Distinguished Bill also served two years at the Pentagon the many locations Gen lived with Mike over and Anne; grandchildren Veronica, Michael,
tric submarine USS CAPITAINE. Following Graduate Award, the 2011 Ellis Island Medal as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public the years, each was always a home, not only Brandon, Marcus, Rob, Julia and Peter, and
nuclear power training, he served in the of Honor, the 2012 National Maritime His- Affairs (Acting) and ten years as Director of to her family but to all who entered. Warmth, close cousins Mark, Patti and Mary Levins.
nuclear-powered submarines USS GEORGE torical Society Distinguished Service Award, the Ofûce of Public Affairs for the Nuclear welcome, and well-being energized all who Gen also joins in heaven her close friends
WASHINGTON, USS SNOOK, and USS STUR- and the 2016 Naval Submarine League Dis- Regulatory Commission. After retiring, Bill knew Gen and her deep wellspring of giving Donna Courtney, Midge and Joe Wholey, and
GEON before reporting for duty as Com- tinguished Submariner Award. served as an adjunct professor of journalism and kindness. Delores and Tom Leckey.
manding Ofûcer of USS CAVALLA. at the University of Maryland. He authored Genevieve LaGrua was born on June 24, There will be a wake for Gen on Thursday,
Admiral DeMars was a member of Burning eight novels inspired by his love of national 1935, to Michael Vincent LaGrua and Eliz- March 14, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Murphy
Shore duty tours included instructor duty Tree Golf Club, the Army & Navy Club, the security and defense analysis, as well as a abeth Kelly LaGrua, known to all as Mick Funeral Home on Wilson Boulevard in Arling-
at Nuclear Power School and Submarine Military Order of the Carabao, and the Alibi WILLIAM BEECHER memoir and a cookbook. and Did. Gen (called <Jim= as a child) grew ton. A funeral mass will be held on Friday,
School and attendance at the Armed Forc- Club. William <Bill= Beecher, 90, passed away up in Union City, New Jersey, and although March 15, at 11 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of
es Staff College. Following staff duty with peacefully surrounded by family members While Bill will be remembered for his sto- an only child grew up surrounded by a large Peace on S. 17th Street also in Arlington, to
Squadron TEN, Admiral DeMars served Admiral DeMars is survived by his loving on February 9, 2024, in Wilmington, North ried journalistic career, he was treasured family. She attended St. Michael9s Elemen- be followed by an interment and reception
as Senior Member of the Nuclear Propul- wife of 66 years Margaret; his brother Lee Carolina. by his family for the love, wit, compassion tary and the Holy Rosary Academy for high at Columbia Gardens cemetery on Route 50
sion Examining Board, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. (Joanne); his son Bruce Fitzhugh DeMars and generosity he shared so freely. He took school. In her own words, Gen loved <every- in Arlington. In lieu of ûowers, please send
He commanded Submarine Development (Patty), Midlothian, VA, his daughter Mar- Born on May 27, 1933, in Framingham, Mas- great pride and interest in each of their lives. thing= about her parents, and had a young any memorial donations to The NOVA Cath-
Squadron TWELVE in New London, Connecti- garet Troup (Jamie), Bethesda, MD; three sachusetts, Bill earned a bachelor9s degree His was a life well-lived. life <full of fun=. Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers olic Community.
cut and then served as Deputy Director, At- grandchildren, Rebecca Gills (Matthew), from Harvard University and a master9s de- ûlms, summers at the Jersey shore, and the
tack Submarine Division in the Ofûce of the Bruce (Brinn) and Catherine Troup, three gree from the Columbia School of Journal- Bill is preceded in death by his beloved wife, <Let9s Pretend= radio show were favorite
Chief of Naval Operations, until selected for great grandchildren, Grace Gills, Everly Gills, ism. He worked his way through college and Eileen Beecher. He is survived by his four pastimes.
promotion to Rear Admiral in 1981. and Hattie DeMars. He was predeceased by graduate school and served a short tour in daughters and their spouses: Debbie Spartin As a high-achieving young woman, in 1952
his brother Charles E. DeMars (Pat). A private the U.S. Army before embarking on a career (Peter), Diane Beecher (Mark Morris), Lori Gen attended The Catholic University, and
As a ûag ofûcer, Admiral DeMars served as service will be held at the Naval Academy in in journalism. Focusing on foreign and do- Beecher (Marc Burstein), and Nancy Kotz in 1953 began dating Mike. They wed on
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas, Annapolis, MD. In lieu of ûowers, please con- mestic policy, national security and defense, (Ken), and 10 adoring grandchildren: Sam, November 30, 1957, and were married
Commander, U.S. Naval Base Guam and sider a donation to the Dolphin Scholarship Bill was a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspon- Ally, Jack, Caroline, May, Will, Jay, Andy, Mi- for more than 64 years. The young couple
Commander in Chief, Paciûc Representative Foundation ( dent who reported for The New York Times, chael and Nick.
for Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pa- The Boston Globe, and The Wall Street Jour-
ciûc Islands; and as Deputy Assistant Chief Friends and family may offer condolences at nal, as well as serving as the Washington bu- A private family burial service will take
and then Deputy Chief of Naval Operations reau chief for The Minneapolis Star Tribune. place. Memorial contributions may be made
to fund a journalism scholarship in Bill9s
Bill broke a number of signiûcant stories memory at the Columbia School of Journal-
during his career, including the story expos-
ing the U.S. secret bombing of Cambodia
ism (https://journalism.givenow.columbia.
edu/#) or at the University of Maryland (go.
on the front page of the New York Times
ECKERLIN in WrocCaw, Poland, on April 17, 1950, she
graduated from a technical high school in
1969 specializing in building construction,
his unique ability to make difûcult concepts
understandable. In 1979 he married his
OVERBEY and earned a degree in Civil Engineering
from the Polytechnic Institute of Wroclaw in
present wife, Mary. Ralph was awarded the 1976. She was a draftsman at the Bureau of
Virginia State Council of Higher Education9s for Rep. John Anderson and had several jobs Industrial Design and Research in Wroclaw,
Outstanding Faculty Award in 2009 and was in ûnancial planning and business. Poland from 1969 to 1970. She emigrated to
an Adjunct professor at George Washington But her heart was always in the arts and her the United States in December 1976, earn-
University from 1980 to 2004, teaching his passion was pottery. She ûrst took lessons ing an MS in Civil Engineering from George
true passion, Parasitology. at Jill Hinkley9s Studio on Wisconsin Avenue Washington University in 1983. In May 1985
In addition to being a gifted teacher, Ralph in the 1970s. she was the recipient of the Outstanding
was a proliûc researcher and writer, collect- Anne also loved to travel and learn of other Women in Fairfax Award from the Fairfax
ing and describing at least six new species cultures through reading, meeting people, County Board of Supervisors. Zoûa worked
in several countries. He authored over 70 art, and cuisine. for Fairfax County9s Department of Planning
peer-reviewed publications, a biology lab She and Sandy, her loving travel partner and and Development and eventually became
manual, multiple book chapters, and edited husband for 38 years, enjoyed Europe, Asia, Director of Inspection Services until her re-
a volume on Appalachian Biogeography for South America, and Africa. They explored tirement in April 2004. Zoûa also engaged
the Virginia Museum of Natural History. He the natural world, museums, city streets, art in poetry, traveled extensively in retirement
was a world-renown ûea specialist. He is the studios, theatres, and more. and was active in her grandchildren9s lives.
co-author of an exhaustive compendium, But for pure joy and vacation they always Zoûa is also survived by former husbands
The Siphonaptera (ûeas) of North America, went to the beach, especially Culebra, Puer- ZOFIA ANIELA ZAGER <Sophie= Jurek Omelan and Edward Zager. A Celebra-
soon to be published in the Annals of the to Rico. Zoûa <Sophie= Aniela Zager, aged 73, passed tion of Life service will be held at the Uni-
Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Always giving and welcoming, Anne and away on February 6, 2024. She was the tarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax,
RALPH PETER ECKERLIN Ralph was active in at least 14 professional Sandy enjoyed a large and diverse group daughter of Weronika Szwast Tadla. Her 2709 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA 22124 at
It is with profound sadness that we an- societies, holding ofûces in most. He be- of friends. Due to illness combined with the survivors include husband William <Bill= 11:30 a.m., April 20, 2024. In lieu of ûow-
nounce the death of Ralph Peter Eckerlin, came a member of the prestigious Wash- Covid pandemic, the past several years al- Repsher; daughter Kathy, son Martin (Mar- ers, memorial contributions can be sent to
PhD of Annandale, VA on February 9, 2024. ington Biologists9 Field Club in 2000, serv- ANNE TOWNSEND OVERBEY lowed for only virtual travel and visiting. But ty); daughter-in-law Carrie; grandson Mason; Friends of the Forum (friendsoftheforum.
He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Mary ing as president from 2017 to 2021. After Anne Townsend Overbey was born in Wash- Anne continued to engage with friends and and granddaughters Zoe and Phoebe. Born org)
Peay Eckerlin; daughters, Laura Inlow (Dan), retirement, he was a Research Assistant at ington, DC on July 8, 1952 and died Decem- loved sharing books.
Linda Wiersch (John); and grandsons, Kevin the Smithsonian Institute of Natural History. ber 18, 2023 at her home in Reston, VA. Anne is survived by her husband, Sandy
(Jordan) and Connor Inlow. In the ultimate scientiûc honor, a ûea and a Anne was the ûrst child of Joseph John Overbey; his son Christian (Karen Middleton)
Ralph was born in 1938 in New York. He shrew have been named after him. Crowley, Jr. and Eleanor Townsend Crowley. Overbey; his grandson, Jasper Overbey, and
obtained a BA in Biological Sciences from Ralph was most proud of his family, and She grew up in ReBeach, DE and attended Karen9s daughter, Zoe. Anne is also survived
Rutgers in 1960, MS in Zoology from the Uni-
versity of Miami in 1962, and a PhD in Para-
fully appreciated Mary9s unwavering love
and support. Their annual Groundhog9s Day
Abbot Academy in Andover, MA for high
by her sister, Sue (Bill) Birchard; and neph-
ews, Kye Birchard and Jake Birchard, and
sitology and Zoology from the University of party was legendary. He loved his jokes and Anne earned her BA in anthropology at Oc- Jake9s wife, Dani, and their child, Warren.
Connecticut in 1975. limericks, trips to the Chincoteague house, cidental College in Los Angeles. A Memorial will be heid March 2, 2 p.m. at
Now death notices on allow
In 1971, Ralph joined the faculty at NVCC playing cards, his cats, and a good cocktail. After college Anne moved to the Washing- Langley Hill Friends Meeting on 6410 Old you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
where he taught multiple science classes for In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made to ton area where she had close childhood and Georgetown Pike in Langley, VA. All are wel-
41 years, remaining on as Professor Emeri-
tus after retirement. His students praised
the National Wildlife Federation. A memorial
will be held at a later date.
college friends as well as a large and loving
extended family. She worked on Capitol Hill
come. In lieu of ûowers, please send dona-
tions to Doctors Without Borders.

The Weather

Sunny and devoid of snow Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Mostly sunny Sunny Mostly cloudy Sunny Mostly cloudy Breezy;
We continue with a good deal of intervals morning rain Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

sunshine through the day. Milder,

with highs in the 40s to near 50.
Winds are a bit gusty again, but this
time from the southwest. Some gusts
around 20 or 25 mph are possible. It should
remain clear at night. Lows make the 20s in the
coldest spots to perhaps around freezing
49° 31 ° 49° 30 ° 53° 33 ° 56° 38 ° 56° 43 ° 54° 32 °

FEELS*: 44° FEELS: 49° FEELS: 50° FEELS: 53° FEELS: 53° FEELS: 48°
CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 5% P: 5% P: 10% P: 25% P: 85%
WIND: SW 8–16 mph W: NW 6–12 mph W: SE 6–12 mph W: ESE 6–12 mph W: W 7–14 mph W: NNE 10–20 mph
HUMIDITY: Low H: Low H: Low H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 42° 1:55 p.m. 41° 12:09 a.m. 40° 12:31 a.m.
Low 33° 2:25 a.m. 33° 2:00 a.m. 32° 3:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
44/29 Normal 49°/32° 47°/27° 47°/27°
43/27 Record high 79° 1976 75° 1976 76° 1976
Hagerstown Record low 5° 1958 –4° 1979 3° 1958
49/28 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +5.5° yr. to date: +3.5°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
32/20 49/31 45/34
48/30 OCEAN: 44°

Charlottesville Ocean City

54/28 45/32
OCEAN: 43°
51/27 Virginia Beach
49/36 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 45°
49/34 Past 24 hours 0.10" 0.12" 0.24"
Total this month 1.09" 1.22" 1.30"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.57" 1.56" 1.71"
OCEAN: 46° Total this year 6.97" 7.22" 8.07"
Normal 4.43" 4.50" 4.79"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good Snow, past 24 hours 0.1" 1.1" 2.2"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone Snow, season total 8.0" 11.7" 11.3"
Trees Moderate
Weeds Low UV: Moderate Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 4 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:56 a.m. 5:48 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly sunny, winds gusting past 40 Moon 12:10 p.m. 3:10 a.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Feb 24 Mar 3 Mar 10 Mar 16
mph. High 33 to 37. Winds west 30–40 mph. Tonight, clear. Yesterday's National World
Full Last New First
Venus 5:39 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
Low 25 to 30. Winds west–northwest 10–20 mph. Monday, High: Fort Lauderdale, FL 85° High: Paraburdoo, Australia 116° Mars 5:48 a.m. 3:37 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Lake Yellowstone, WY –23° Low: Delyankir, Russia –70° Jupiter 9:56 a.m. 11:33 p.m.
sunny. High 37 to 42. Winds west 10–20 mph. Tuesday, for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 7:27 a.m. 6:29 p.m.
partly sunny.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 43/23/s 53/26/pc Oklahoma City 55/32/pc 61/38/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 63/53/sh 61/48/r Rio de Janeiro 85/76/t 84/76/t
Atlantic beaches: Today, sunny, but some clouds in Detroit 39/23/pc 41/27/s Omaha 48/26/s 54/25/pc Addis Ababa 78/56/pc 75/57/sh Istanbul 48/40/c 49/40/c Riyadh 75/51/pc 77/55/pc
the south. High 44 to 49. Winds southwest 10–20 mph. Albany, NY 37/25/c 36/18/s El Paso 64/42/pc 73/47/pc Orlando 62/51/r 67/46/pc Amsterdam 51/45/r 50/43/r Jerusalem 55/45/pc 53/40/sh Rome 63/48/s 61/40/pc
Tonight, clear. Low 30 to 35. Winds west 7–14 mph. Albuquerque 57/34/c 63/39/s Fairbanks, AK 14/4/c 24/17/pc Philadelphia 44/29/s 44/26/s Athens 64/45/s 62/48/s Johannesburg 85/60/t 84/60/t San Salvador 90/66/pc 91/64/s
Monday, sunny. High 43 to 49. Winds north 7–14 mph. Anchorage 34/30/i 40/36/c Fargo, ND 34/22/s 41/23/s Phoenix 76/51/s 79/53/c Auckland 78/62/c 80/65/pc Kabul 44/35/r 39/20/r Santiago 97/56/s 88/57/s
Tuesday, mostly sunny. High 45 to 50. Atlanta 54/35/s 59/36/pc Hartford, CT 37/26/pc 40/19/s Pittsburgh 38/22/pc 43/24/s Baghdad 69/48/s 71/52/s Kingston, Jam. 87/77/pc 87/76/sh Sarajevo 56/25/c 57/37/pc
Austin 56/35/s 69/46/s Honolulu 79/67/pc 78/69/pc Portland, ME 34/27/pc 33/16/s Bangkok 94/78/c 94/79/s Kolkata 85/69/s 88/72/s Seoul 55/49/r 55/34/r
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, sunny. Wind southwest Baltimore 49/28/s 48/28/s Houston 59/39/s 67/47/s Portland, OR 51/42/r 52/41/sh Beijing 50/32/c 41/21/c Kyiv 43/24/sn 36/26/c Shanghai 81/59/pc 72/44/r
7–14 knots. Waves 2 feet or less. Visibility unrestricted. • Lower Billings, MT 40/29/c 47/34/s Indianapolis 40/20/s 51/28/s Providence, RI 38/26/pc 40/21/s Berlin 52/45/c 47/44/r Lagos 91/82/t 91/82/t Singapore 90/78/pc 92/79/pc
Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, sunny. Wind southwest 8–16 Birmingham 52/26/s 61/33/pc Jackson, MS 53/27/s 61/37/pc Raleigh, NC 52/31/c 59/30/s Bogota 74/44/pc 74/48/sh Lima 84/74/c 85/74/pc Stockholm 34/29/pc 34/29/i
knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Potomac; 1–3 feet on the Bismarck, ND 41/17/s 41/17/s Jacksonville, FL 54/40/r 63/38/pc Reno, NV 57/40/sh 53/35/sh Brussels 51/46/r 52/42/r Lisbon 68/54/s 68/52/pc Sydney 83/73/pc 78/69/t
Boise 52/36/sn 50/40/c Kansas City, MO 54/29/s 58/29/pc Richmond 51/27/s 53/27/s Buenos Aires 81/70/t 83/71/pc London 59/44/r 56/41/sh Taipei City 84/65/s 89/68/pc
Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls will be
Boston 38/30/pc 38/24/s Las Vegas 69/50/s 69/52/pc Sacramento 66/54/r 63/52/t Cairo 69/55/s 70/53/pc Madrid 62/43/pc 66/39/s Tehran 53/37/pc 50/39/c
around 5.40 feet today, falling to 5.30 Monday. Flood stage at Little Buffalo 33/22/sf 32/21/c Little Rock 57/29/s 63/38/pc St. Louis 50/26/s 61/37/pc Manila 90/78/s 91/76/pc Tokyo 61/55/s 64/59/c
Caracas 79/67/s 79/67/pc
Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 32/17/sf 25/14/pc Los Angeles 64/55/c 61/55/r St. Thomas, VI 85/74/s 85/75/pc Copenhagen 43/39/r 43/38/c Mexico City 70/44/pc 76/44/s Toronto 35/19/sn 33/20/pc
Charleston, SC 54/35/c 63/37/s Louisville 48/27/s 55/32/s Salt Lake City 52/40/r 55/41/c Dakar 89/72/s 89/72/pc Montreal 32/12/sn 21/4/pc Vienna 53/40/pc 55/43/r
Charleston, WV 44/22/s 50/24/s Memphis 50/31/s 58/39/pc San Diego 65/54/c 65/57/c Dublin 56/45/r 53/47/c Moscow 34/16/sn 25/12/c Warsaw 41/30/pc 43/39/r
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 54/29/s 62/32/s Miami 75/62/r 73/55/c San Francisco 64/55/r 62/52/t Edinburgh 54/45/pc 52/46/pc Mumbai 94/75/pc 92/74/s
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 2:56 a.m. 9:32 a.m. 3:14 p.m. 10:40 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 46/30/c 49/35/s Milwaukee 41/23/s 43/31/pc San Juan, PR 89/74/s 89/73/pc Frankfurt 53/46/r 54/42/c Nairobi 89/64/pc 89/63/s sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 43/27/s 48/31/s Minneapolis 36/19/s 41/26/pc Seattle 50/40/r 49/40/sh New Delhi 80/59/pc 81/60/s sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 5:58 a.m. 1:13 p.m. 7:25 p.m. none Geneva 54/40/c 56/36/c
Cincinnati 43/23/s 49/29/s Nashville 50/26/s 60/36/s Spokane, WA 36/29/sn 43/35/sh Oslo 34/28/sn 36/21/c Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 2:32 a.m. 9:12 a.m. 2:49 p.m. 8:54 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 65/58/sh 66/63/r Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 36/25/s 40/27/s New Orleans 57/41/s 64/45/pc Syracuse 35/22/c 30/14/c Helsinki 30/8/s 32/24/pc Ottawa 30/8/sn 20/4/s quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 4:41 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 4:57 p.m. 11:01 p.m. Dallas 56/37/s 69/44/s New York City 41/32/pc 42/30/s Tampa 61/52/r 68/49/s Ho Chi Minh City 97/77/s 97/77/s Paris 54/49/r 55/41/pc * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:50 a.m. 8:57 a.m. 3:58 p.m. 8:37 p.m. Denver 50/31/c 57/37/s Norfolk 49/34/s 49/35/s Wichita 56/29/s 60/35/s Hong Kong 80/69/pc 80/71/r Prague 52/43/c 47/40/r measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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SPORTS sunday, february 18 , 2024 m2 D

Driesell was a character, a comic and a great coach

Among the many He was a great yet often championship game between greatest games I9ve ever seen,= he
descriptions underrated coach. He won 786 Maryland and North Carolina said. <I was proud of my team,
people have come games and reached the Elite State. The Wolfpack won, and I9m proud of you. You9re a
up with for Lefty Eight four times 4 twice at 103-100 in overtime, in a game great team. I hope you win the
Driesell, the best Davidson and twice at Maryland. played with no shot clock, no national championship. You
one came from a But he had the misfortune to three-point shot and virtually no deserve it.=
John late colleague, coach in the ACC for 17 years turnovers. The Wolfpack won the
Feinstein longtime against Dean Smith, Mike That was the last season in championship after upsetting
Washington Post Krzyzewski, Jim Valvano, Norm which only conference Bill Walton9s UCLA in the
columnist Ken Denlinger. Sloan and his former pupil, Terry champions went to the NCAA semifinals.
Lefty, he wrote in 1984, was Holland 4 who, among all of tournament, what was then a SEE FeiNSteiN ON D4
<God9s unique [Christmas] gift to those who did Lefty imitations, 25-team event. After the N.C.
the world= in 1931. Unique did the best one of all. State players got on their bus, Obituary: A basketball legend at
indeed. He also was part of what was they looked up to see Lefty maryland and beyond dies at 92. A1
ElISE AmENDolA/ASSocIATED prESS Lefty died Saturday morning considered at the time the standing in front of them.
Lefty Driesell, who revived Maryland9s basketball program and led at 92 after as unique of a life as greatest college game ever <Men, I just wanted to tell you On the court: An emotional day at
four schools to the NCaa tournament, died Saturday. He was 92. anyone has ever led. played, the 1974 ACC I thought you played one of the Xfinity center ends in a defeat. D4

As downtowns struggle to recover from the pandemic,

what happens if the games that help them thrive leave, too? fourth lead
is the one
that sticks
Capitals 4,
Canadiens 3

MONTREal 4 It was never com-

The Washington Capitals never
had the luxury of a multi-goal lead
or the feeling they were in control
Saturday night at Bell Centre. The
momentum swung wildly, and the
Capitals couldn9t take a deep
breath until the final horn sound-
ed on their 4-3 victory over the
Montreal Canadiens.
<I loved the resiliency,= Capitals
Coach Spencer Carbery said. <This
game, for us, as we try to stay in
this fight, we had to have two
points. There9s no skirting around
it. We needed two points tonight,
so for us to deliver 4 we give the
lead back, and then we get that
game-winner. Liked a lot of the
things we did tonight.=
Goaltender Darcy Kuemper
made 28 saves for Washington,
which got the winning goal from
Aliaksei Protas with 8:03 to go.
Jake Allen stopped 30 shots for
Anthony Mantha, who grew up
just outside Montreal, gave Wash-
Games at Capital one arena bring thousands of people to D.C.9s Chinatown neighborhood, but the Wizards and Capitals might soon move to Virginia. ington (24-21-8) the lead just 3:40
in. Defenseman Nick Jensen9s shot
from the top of the right circle was
tipped by Protas in front of the net,
Two hours before the
Washington Capitals play in
Chinatown on a crisp
November evening, a man
The crucial link war, looks like a makeshift D.C. police
headquarters; its entrances are blocked off,
only motorcycles and cruisers occupying the
city block.
and Allen couldn9t control the
puck. Mantha was waiting on the
back post to tap in the rebound.
But the lead quickly vanished.

stretches out on the pavement
near Sixth and F streets NW,
wrapped beneath a gray
between sports Welcome to our living room. Downtown.
There9s a rhythm to downtown America. It
pulsates and moves, and yet in city after city,
Just 84 seconds later, Montreal9s
Arber Xhekaj fired a blistering
one-timer 4 the broadcast on
hoodie that he9s using as a
blanket. Around the corner, a
woman rolls a blunt outside the arena9s
sportsbook entrance, and soon the waft of
and U.S. cities the American downtown is sputtering in an
attempt to find its heartbeat four years after
the pandemic shutdown. I remember when it
was alive and well.
Sportsnet registered it at
102.2 mph 4 off the rush that
Kuemper didn9t see coming. Kue-
mper, who was partially screened
marijuana will perfume the area. There9s a
spillage of vomit, green, near the tree on the
sidewalk. Another man, this one cradling his
is fraying While growing up where all the ranch-style
homes looked the same, I was fascinated by
downtown. And I glamorized it as a faraway
by winger Tom Wilson, glanced up
at the video board after the red
light went on, a near-universal
arms behind his back and mumbling, doesn9t place where busy people in business suits sign that the goalie wasn9t quite
seem to notice the mess as he walks over it worked in the tall buildings and the cool and sure what happened.
and bends over to pick up old cigarette butts. mysterious types lived in those factories- The fast-paced first period led
Because it9s a game night, a guitarist plugs turned-condos with the oversized windows. to winger Max Pacioretty, who
into his amplifier and plays a bluesy melody The things I could see only on television captained the Canadiens (22-25-8)
for tips. Fans wearing the Capitals9 red, white procedurals happened downtown, I assumed. from 2015 to 2018, drawing a trip-
and blue exit the Metro escalator with a It was where I wanted to be. ping penalty on Joel Armia about
purpose. And F Street, the center of the How we got here: Inside leonsis9s decision My sports heroes were already there. midway through. The tone for a
region9s fiercest political and financial tug of to move Wizards, capitals to Alexandria. A1 SEE BuCkNer ON D3 power play is often set in the early
SEE CapitaLS ON D5

Devils at Capitals
Tuesday, 7 p.m., monumental

Long live the NBA9s three ageless kings Nats9 Gore seeks consistency
Well into their 30s, James, Durant and Curry are still holding court after all these years to pair with off-speed arsenal
BY M ICHAEL L EE not to become relics anytime BY A NDREW G OLDEN more like it. <Nice, nice,= Ruiz
soon. Not when they still have so said.
One day, LeBron James will much to give to the game. WEST PalM BEaCH, Fla. 4 Dur- <Everybody throws bad ones 4
take his breakaway tomahawk <Basketball is going to end at ing a recent bullpen session, left- even the best in the game throw
dunk and tuck it in his back some point,= Curry says. <I9m hander MacKenzie Gore snapped bad ones,= Gore said. <It9s just
pocket, the same way Kareem trying to get everything I can out off a curveball that sailed wide to understanding how to make that
Abdul-Jabbar did his sky hook. of this.= his glove side, forcing catcher adjustment.=
Eventually, Kevin Durant9s pull- The NBA relies on its stars Keibert Ruiz to reach to reel it in. Consistency 4 that9s the pri-
up midrange jumper will be des- more than any other league, and Gore knew he could do better. So mary challenge for Gore, 24, who
tined for a time capsule, like Tim it has leaned on James, Durant he snapped his fingers twice, then will enter his second full season
Duncan9s bank shot. And at some and Curry for nearly a decade as twirled his index finger to get the with the Nationals hoping to
point, Stephen Curry9s post- the game has grown globally. Led ball back quickly as he kicked dirt build off his growing pains from
three-pointer shimmies will be by the Milwaukee Bucks9 Giannis on a mound at the Washington 2023. Gore ended last season with
relegated to memes, much like SEE NBa ON D6 Nationals9 spring training facility. a 7-10 record and a 4.42 ERA, but
Michael Jordan9s shoulder shrug. Another curveball followed. those numbers overshadowed
But that day is not today, and NBA All-Star Game The pitch started at the top of the how dominant he looked at times.
the trio are headlining NBA All- 8 p.m., TNT, TBS strike zone, then dropped into He had a 2.56 ERA in his seven
Star Weekend again. These late Buckner: As Bilal coulibaly tries to Ruiz9s mitt above the black on the wins and a 2.59 ERA in his seven
30-somethings are determined fit in, it9s obvious he9s different. D5 right side of home plate. That was SEE NatioNaLS ON D7


Ashley owusu is thriving again for penn State, her third After gun violence ruined its Super Bowl parade, The Jackson-reed boys and the Dunbar girls are
college team. She returns to college park today. D4 Kansas city has a chance to make a difference. D5 DcIAA champions after surging to the finish line. D8
d2 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


SOCCER $2.8 million. He is eligible for free
agency after this year9s World
MLs will start season Series. . . .
with replacement refs The Arizona Diamondbacks
and outfielder Randal Grichuk
MLS said Saturday it will start agreed to a one-year, $2 million
the season this week with contract that includes a mutual
replacement game officials after option for 2025. . . .
the referees9 union The Kansas City Royals
overwhelmingly rejected a acquired right-hander John
tentative labor agreement with Schreiber from the Boston Red
the organization that oversees Sox in exchange for minor league
officiating in this country. righty David Sandlin.
The league opener is
Wednesday in South Florida, TENNIS
featuring Lionel Messi and Inter
Miami against Real Salt Lake. A swiatek wins in Qatar
full slate of matches is scheduled for third year in a row
for next weekend.
The Professional Referee Top-ranked Iga Swiatek won
Organization informed MLS that, the Qatar Open for a third
as of midnight Sunday, it will lock straight year in Doha.
out members of the Professional Swiatek defeated No. 4 Elena
Soccer Referees Association, Rybakina of Kazakhstan, 7-6
which on Saturday turned down a (10-8), 6-2 in the final.
five-year package that PRO says Rybakina led 4-1 but cut her leg
would have increased overall in her serving motion and needed
compensation by 25 percent. medical attention. Swiatek rallied
Almost 96 percent of voting to 4-4. Rybakina broke again for
members voted against the 6-5 and a chance to serve out the
proposal. set, but Swiatek broke back.
4 Steven Goff In the tiebreaker, the
Big wins for Liverpool and defending champion from Poland
Arsenal felt even bigger after missed three set points as the
Manchester City lost ground in score reached 8-8. But then
the race for the English Premier Swiatek hit a backhand winner
League title. and snatched the 90-minute set
Leader Liverpool won, 4-1, at with a backhand passing shot. . . .
Brentford and Arsenal routed No. 2-ranked Carlos Alcaraz
host Burnley, 5-0, before City was was upset by Nicolás Jarry of
held by visiting Chelsea to 1-1. STACy ReVeRe/GeTTy ImAGeS Chile, 7-6 (7-2), 6-3, in the
It took a deflected strike from semifinals of the Argentina Open
Rodri in the 83rd minute for City Three cheers in Buenos Aires.
to salvage the draw after former Jarry, after the biggest win of
Stephen Curry beat Sabrina Ionescu, 29-26, in a first-of-its-kind three-point shootout during the NBA9s All-Star Weekend.
player Raheem Sterling gave his career, will face home crowd
Chelsea a first-half lead. . . . favorite Facundo Díaz Acosta in
Kylian Mbappé came off the the final Sunday. It will be their
bench to convert a late penalty as first tour-level meeting. . . .
French league leader Paris Jannik Sinner eased into the
Saint-Germain won, 2-0, at final of the ABN Amro Open in
Nantes and moved 14 points clear SPOTLIGHT: C OLLEGE BASKETBALL Rotterdam in his first
of second-place Nice. . . . tournament since winning the
Tennis balls rained on the Australian Open.
German Bundesliga in protest as
Bayer Leverkusen consolidated
the top spot by beating
No. 21 Cavs deny the Demon Deacons a sweep The top-seeded Sinner spoiled
local hopes by ousting Dutch
player Tallon Griekspoor, 6-2,
Heidenheim, 2-1, on the road. 6-4, in the semifinals. Sinner9s
BY H ANK K URZ J R. Wake Forest pulled within two. second straight Rotterdam final
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Virginia 49, The score was 43-42 when Beekman will be against fifth-seeded Alex
no. 1 Huskies men roll, CHARLOTTESVILLE 4 Reece Beekman wake forest 47 found McKneely in the corner for his only de Minaur, who eliminated
scored 20 points and No. 21 Virginia three-pointer of the game, stretching the sixth-seeded Grigor Dimitrov,
take control in Big east overcame poor free throw shooting to
Beekman leads the way lead to 46-42, but both teams failed to 6-4, 6-3.
beat Wake Forest, 49-47, on Saturday. score for more than two minutes before
Connecticut is the No. 1 men9s The Cavaliers (20-6, 11-4 ACC) also got on ugly day at free throw line Cameron Hildreth9s powerful layup GOLF
team in the nation and the 12 points from Isaac McKneely, who had pulled the Demon Deacons to within
defending national champion, yet their only made free throw on their 11th 46-44 with 1:07 to play. Cantlay9s lead shrinks
the Huskies went into their and final attempt. Ryan Dunn added six man held him in check this time. Blake Buchanan9s putback with 39.6 at genesis invitational
matchup with No. 4 Marquette points, nine rebounds and seven of Vir- <I thought Reece had a heck of a game seconds left doubled the Cavaliers9 lead,
coveting something the Golden ginia9s 13 blocks. and we matched him up,= Cavaliers Coach but he missed an ensuing free throw. Patrick Cantlay moved one
Eagles won a year ago: a Big East Hunter Sallis led the Demon Deacons Tony Bennett said. <We just tried to make Virginia secured the rebound, and Dunn round closer to winning before
championship. (16-9, 8-6) with 12 points, and Efton Reid him earn because he9s such a prolific was fouled, but he missed the front end of home fans at Riviera on his
Donovan Clingan finished III scored 10. Wake Forest was denied a scorer and he did torch us last time we a one-and-one. The Cavaliers were 0 for 10 favorite Los Angeles course. He
with 17 points and 10 rebounds to season sweep of the Cavaliers. were there.= at the line before McKneely made the just moved the wrong way at the
power Connecticut to an 81-53 Sallis came in averaging 18.7 points and Virginia used a 10-2 run to open its second of a pair with 6.7 seconds left to end in the Genesis Invitational.
rout of Marquette in Hartford, scored 21 when the Demon Deacons beat largest lead at 41-34 with 9:14 left but then raucous cheers from the crowd. Cantlay got up-and-down from
Conn., taking control of the Virginia, 66-47, at home Jan. 13, but Beek- went scoreless for nearly four minutes as 4 Associated Press short of the 18th green to save par
conference race. for a 1-under-par 70, giving him a
Tristen Newton had 15 points, two-shot lead over good friend
eight rebounds and eight assists Xander Schauffele and Will
for the Huskies (24-2, 14-1), who T E L E V I SI O N A N d R Ad I O Zalatoris.
have won 14 straight. . . . Cantlay was leading by four
Jordan King scored 24 points shots for much of the back nine,
as Richmond (18-7, 10-2 Atlantic NBA AUTO RACING reaching 15 under with a bold
10) defeated George Washington 8 p.m. All-Star Game » TNT, TBS, WSBN (630 Am) 2:30 p.m. NASCAR Cup Series: daytona 500 » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45), approach to a back left pin on the
(14-11, 3-9), 90-74, at Smith WSBN (630 Am) 13th. But he made a soft bogey on
Center. . . . GOLF the par-5 17th, and Schauffele
3 p.m. Stadium Series: New York Rangers vs. New York Islanders »
Terrence Edwards scored WJLA (Ch. 7), WmAR (Ch. 2) 1 p.m. PGA Tour: Genesis Invitational, final round » Golf Channel
(65) and Zalatoris (65) finished
19 points for James Madison 3 p.m. PGA Tour: Genesis Invitational, final round » WUSA (Ch. 9), strong.
(24-3, 12-3 Sun Belt) in an 87-80 MEN9S COLLEGE BASKETBALL WJZ (Ch. 13)
victory over Georgia Southern Noon Florida Atlantic at South Florida » eSPN 3 p.m. PGA Tour Champions: Chubb Classic, final round » Golf Channel SKIING
(5-22, 5-9) in Harrisonburg, Noon Wichita State at Charlotte » eSPN2
Va. . . . Noon Loyola Chicago at Rhode Island » CBS Sports Network SOCCER Bassino dominates
Marcus Dockery had 1 p.m.
2 p.m.
Purdue at Ohio State » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
Bradley at Northern Iowa » eSPN2
9 a.m. English Premier League: Brighton at Sheffield United
» USA Network
for first downhill win
26 points, Bryce Harris added 23
2 p.m. Chattanooga at Furman » CBS Sports Network 9 a.m. French Ligue 1: Toulouse at Monaco » beIN Sports
and Howard (11-14, 5-3 3 p.m. Northwestern at Indiana » Fox Sports 1 10 a.m. Women9s German Bundesliga: Essen at Bayern
Italian skier Marta Bassino
Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference) 4 p.m. Memphis at SMU » eSPN » CBS Sports Network used all her technical skills to
earned a 90-82 victory over North 5 p.m. Seton Hall at St. John9s » Fox Sports 1 11 a.m. French Ligue 1: Lens at Reims » beIN Sports dominate a women9s World Cup
Carolina Central (13-10, 5-3) at 6:30 p.m. Rutgers at Minnesota » Big Ten Network 11:30 a.m. English Premier League: Manchester United at Luton Town downhill in Crans-Montana,
Burr Gymnasium. . . . 7 p.m. Utah at UCLA » Fox Sports 1 » USA Network Switzerland, and claim her first
MJ Collins had 18 points and 2:30 p.m. French Ligue 1: Marseille at Brest » beIN Sports win in the sport9s fastest
reserve Mylyjael Poteat scored 15 TENNIS discipline.
Noon Georgia Tech at North Carolina State » WDCW (Ch. 50),
to lead Virginia Tech (14-11, 6-8 Bassino, who is a giant slalom
WNUV (Ch. 54) 9 a.m. ATP: delray Beach Open, ABN Amro Open and Argentina Open,
ACC) in a 96-81 loss to No. 7 North Noon Michigan State at Michigan » Big Ten Network finals; WTA: dubai duty Free Tennis Championships, early rounds
specialist and won the super-G
Carolina (20-6, 12-3) in Chapel Noon Florida at Kentucky » SeC Network » Tennis Channel world title last year, gained time
Hill, N.C. The Hokies have lost Noon Pittsburgh at Clemson » ACC Network 2 a.m. ATP: Rio Open, Qatar Open and Los Cabos Open, early rounds; on all her competitors in the
four of five. . . . 1 p.m. Georgia at South Carolina » WJLA (Ch. 7), WmAR (Ch. 2) (monday) WTA: dubai duty Free Tennis Championships, early rounds twisting opening and final
Matt Rogers posted 17 points 1 p.m. Penn State at Maryland » Big Ten Network Plus, WTem (980 Am) » Tennis Channel sections of the Mont Lachau
and seven rebounds as American 2 p.m. Virginia Tech at Louisville » eSPN
course to finish 0.54 seconds
(14-13, 8-6 Patriot League) fell, 2 p.m. Columbia at Harvard » eSPNU ahead of teammate Federica
2 p.m. Syracuse at Virginia » ACC Network 9:30 a.m. Texas vs. Northwestern » eSPN2
68-62, to Lafayette (11-16, 10-4) at Brignone.
2 p.m. Tennessee at Vanderbilt » SeC Network 9:30 a.m. Washington vs. North Carolina » ACC Network
Bender Arena. . . . 9:30 a.m. Minnesota vs. LSU » SeC Network
Swiss star Lara Gut-Behrami,
4 p.m. Texas Tech at Baylor » eSPN2
Austin Benigni had 19 points 4 p.m. Florida State at Miami » ACC Network 6 p.m. Central Florida vs. UCLA » eSPN who won Friday9s race, finished
for Navy (8-17, 4-10 Patriot) in a 4 p.m. Missouri at Arkansas » SeC Network 8 p.m. Florida State vs. Tennessee » eSPN 1.11 behind in third to extend her
74-65 loss at Boston. . . . 6 p.m. North Carolina at Wake Forest » ACC Network lead in the overall standings over
Reserve Maggie Doogan COLLEGE WRESTLING the injured Mikaela Shiffrin to
scored 20 points as the Richmond 2 p.m. Wisconsin at Iowa » Big Ten Network 165 points. . . .
women9s team (23-4, 13-1 A-10) 4 p.m. Nebraska at Penn State » Big Ten Network On a rare day with dominant
took over first place in the World Cup skier Marco
conference with a 75-71 home win Odermatt absent from the
over Loyola Chicago. . . . podium, teammate Niels
Grace Hutson finished with a Hintermann stepped up to earn
career-high 16 points off the Switzerland a victory in a
bench to power VCU (22-4, 11-3 a 64-57 loss to Lafayette (9-15, 4-9) Game. Embiid 4 the reigning McMichael contracted another month. He is scheduled to be downhill in Kvitfjell, Norway.
A-10) to a 60-49 win over in Easton, Pa. . . . MVP and two-time defending infection and was undergoing a inducted Aug. 3. Hintermann edged Vincent
Massachusetts (3-24, 1-14) in Janyah Bohanon had 14 points scoring champion 4 is missing blood transfusion days after Kriechmayr of Austria by 0.08
Amherst, Mass. . . . off the bench as Howard (8-14, 5-3 the game because of a knee injury. being admitted into intensive BASEBALL seconds for his second downhill
Jazmyn Doster had 17 points MEAC) fell to North Carolina Adebayo made the all-star care at a suburban Chicago victory.
and eight rebounds and Paula Central (12-11, 6-2), 70-64, in team this season as a reserve hospital, his family said in a scott beats Marlins in
Suarez added 16 points to help overtime at Burr Gymnasium. selected by coaches, just as he did statement. final arbitration case SWIMMING
George Mason (20-5, 11-3 A-10) in 2020 4 when he also won the The family said McMichael 4
take down George Washington PRO BASKETBALL skills competition at All-Star who went public with an ALS Left-hander Tanner Scott beat Curzan, Zhanle snare
(10-16, 3-11), 60-57, at EagleBank
Heat9s adebayo earns Weekend 4 and 2023. . . . diagnosis three years ago 4 the Miami Marlins in the year9s fourth gold medals
Arena. . . . NBA champion and <Survivor= contracted MRSA, a staph final salary arbitration case,
Peyton McDaniel led all his first all-star start contestant Scot Pollard is <awake infection that can be difficult to leaving players with a 9-6 margin Standout swimmers Claire
scorers with 22 points as James and feeling great= a day after a treat because it is resistant to in decisions this year. Curzan of the United States and
Madison (18-9, 10-4 Sun Belt) A new honor is awaiting the heart transplant, his wife said on certain antibiotics. Scott, 29, was awarded Pan Zhanle of China won their
defeated Coastal Carolina (8-19, Miami Heat9s Bam Adebayo: social media. McMichael was hospitalized $5.7 million instead of the fourth gold medals at the world
2-12), 73-60, in Harrisonburg. . . . He9ll be an all-star starter for the Thursday with what was initially Marlins9 $5.2 million offer by championships in Doha.
Zanai Barnett-Gay finished first time. PRO FOOTBALL thought to be pneumonia. He was Robert Herman, John Woods Curzan was in control all the
with 26 points for Navy (9-15, 5-8 Adebayo was announced as the diagnosed with a urinary tract and Allen Ponak, who heard way in the 200-meter backstroke
Patriot) in a 69-60 loss to Boston replacement for the Philadelphia Bears great McMichael infection. arguments Friday. final. Pan and China won the
(15-9, 7-6) at Alumni Hall. . . . 76ers9 Joel Embiid in the Eastern has another infection The 66-year-old former Scott was 9-5 with a 2.31 ERA 4x100 mixed freestyle relay.
Anna LeMaster led American Conference starting lineup for defensive tackle was voted into and 12 saves in 16 chances last 4 From news services
(9-15, 7-6 Patriot) with 21 points in Sunday night9s NBA All-Star Chicago Bears great Steve the Pro Football Hall of Fame this season, when he made and staff reports
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su d3

candace Buckner

and sports
are better
BuCkNER fRom D1

They would play baseball in a

downtown St. Louis stadium, and
the most iconic of the bunch
would turn into bronze statues,
remaining there forever. To me,
sports meant excitement. And
that excitement lived downtown.
of all the cultural themes that
testify to America 4 race,
religion, politics, sexuality 4
sports is our true identity, the
thing closest to unifying us. We
come together to watch sports,
crowding stadium seats and
experiencing the shared yet low-
stakes trauma of our favorite
team losing or the breakthrough
in group therapy when it finally
wins the big one. And for sports
fans in so many American cities,
that binding experience happens
But in this new and strange
world, where things never quite
returned to what they used to be,
that synergy between our city
centers and our sports no longer
feels the same. Travel across
downtown America and you will
feel it, too. When attending a
craig hudson for the Washington Post
Super Bowl victory parade in a
midwestern downtown could
cost you your life because of
America9s undying allegiance to
guns, you will wonder whether
there9s a way to fix what has been
broken. In Washington, it might
be too late.
This past week, Ted Leonsis,
the owner of Capital one Arena,
and his monumental Sports
& Entertainment continued to
defend plans to move the
Capitals and Wizards to the
Virginia suburbs. In october, on
the same night the Wizards
played their home season opener,
a 13-year-old boy allegedly
attempted to carjack an off-duty
federal agent three blocks from
the arena. The boy was shot and chris Bergin for the Washington Post

killed, a tragedy that magnified TOP: Anthony Davis and Camille Cannady danced together while
complaints made by <Mr. Handtastic= Spencer Lancaster plays guitar near Capital One
monumental executives about Arena in November. LEFT: People walked toward Rocket Mortgage
the deteriorating condition of FieldHouse in downtown Cleveland before a Cavaliers game this
Chinatown. The city9s woes could season. ABOVE: In downtown Indianapolis, which hosts the NBA
just be an easy cover for Leonsis All-Star Game on Sunday, streets can be empty 4 and to some
to expand his sports kingdom people feel unsafe 4 when the city9s sports teams aren9t playing.
into more fertile land, but the candace Buckner/the Washington Post

billionaire owner isn9t the only

one who feels the unsettling
cadence of a downtown that no clubs and bars throughout his experiences,= says Taylor grate on the sidewalk so that the pot, but in August, Gateway helped curb the uptick of
longer implies excitement. adult life. Yet he did something Schaffer, CEo of Downtown Indy rising steam provides some approved the Cavaliers9 request homelessness, the U.S.
<I9ve been yelled at. I9ve been many people might find insane. Inc., explaining the ripple effect: measure of heat. It doesn9t for an additional $24.4 million Department of Housing and
offered a lot of drugs,= a 28-year- Last may, he opened Walk-on9s <I think coming down to empty appear as if he has anywhere else for more upgrades. Urban Development reported, on
old Capitals fan named Aaron Sports Bistreaux, a family- streets, coming down to a to go. Though Gilbert would profit a single night in January 2023,
recalls. Aaron and his girlfriend themed bar and restaurant on downtown that felt empty, that I walk past him, like so many immensely from a thriving city more than 650,000 people in
live in Washington9s Navy Yard meridian Street, about three didn9t feel like the downtown others. The downtown streets are where his NBA team plays, his America were without
neighborhood and still take the blocks from Gainbridge they knew. I think especially at packed. Because its people aren9t commitment to overhaul the permanent shelter, an increase of
Green Line to the arena, but now fieldhouse and a couple of steps the height of the pandemic, there afraid of the cold, I can see why downtown riverfront makes me 12 percent from the previous
they avoid the exit near Seventh from an underpass. Ever since, he was an uptick in those downtown Cleveland ranks wonder about billionaire sports year.
and H streets NW. has been trying to convince experiencing homelessness in among the top midwestern cities owners and their civic In Portland, more than half of
<That bus stop is very, very scared Hoosiers that it9s okay to really visible ways. And so, as I in pandemic recovery. A responsibilities. In return for people in families with children
crowded,= he says. <There9s a lot come downtown again. said, I think that can really shape University of Toronto study has more than $100 million in public experiencing homelessness were
of weed smoking going on. <most of my friends don9t want how people feel about a space. If tracked 66 North American cities financing, what do Clevelanders unsheltered, according to HUD9s
There9s a lot of open booze going to come downtown to visit me. it doesn9t feel welcoming, if it and how they have bounced back get? 2023 annual report; last year a
on.= They9ll do DoorDash and doesn9t feel cared for, if it doesn9t since 2020, based on downtown They get a night out after a TikTok video showed a fire
Downtown has changed for whatnot because they just don9t feel safe 4 regardless of reality.= visitors. In the latest update, snowstorm. around a homeless camp in
the worse 4 or at least that9s how feel safe. And that9s a direct Schaffer says downtown Cleveland came in at 31st overall What other community event downtown Portland near moda
some perceive it. Not just in reflection, you know, on Indianapolis is responsible for and fourth among its can gather 19,000 people Center, where the Portland Trail
Washington but in other perceptions,= Johnson says. less than 3 percent of crime that midwestern peers, with together on a frigid evening? The Blazers play. City officials in San
communities9 living rooms 4 in The people here have long occurs in marion County, and the 78 percent recovery, behind superficial draw might be Diego 4 which ranked fourth in
downtown Indianapolis and memories. I learned that when I hours of off-duty foot and bike Indianapolis at 79 percent. watching their guys beat the homelessness among major cities
downtown Cleveland and moved to Indianapolis in 2013, patrols have increased from <Cleveland has a bona fide Atlanta Hawks. But the true 4 cleared homeless camps near
uptown Charlotte, where some and the Pacers had a fun team 4 10 hours a week to almost 120. downtown comeback story,= says benefit is the feeling of belonging Petco Park ahead of the Padres9
members of the city9s unhoused winning and sitting atop the The perception for some, Karen Chapple, the director of and connection, which is why home opener last year.
population congregate near Eastern Conference 4 but I however, is that downtown still School of Cities at the University Natalie Harris comes downtown. In Indianapolis, Reynaldo
Spectrum Center on game nights. heard from some native Hoosiers looks like a sound stage for a of Toronto. Harris, that brave woman. Garcia, who once earned $1,000 a
Sports once provided the that they still withheld their post-apocalyptic zombie flick. The progress can be seen in She9s conducting street week installing drywall before
soundtrack to a thriving support because of <The Brawl,= <They get locked in on that the business openings 4 a net interviews about Cleveland9s drinking it all away, tells me he
American downtown, but lately, which happened a decade earlier. stuff. They do,= Johnson says. <We increase of 61 since march 2020 beloved sports 4 without gloves lost his apartment in 2020. When
the rhythm has been off. Seriously? Seriously. So I are not doing up to our 4 and office-to-residential on 4 for a class assignment. She the Pacers play, he will sit across
understand what Johnson is up expectation level [at Walk-on9s], conversions. Pro sports seems to energetically chats up a parking the street from Gainbridge
Downtown Indianapolis against. but we are holding our own. . . . be aiding this renaissance. lot attendant on Prospect fieldhouse. on a good night he
The vision of downtown four years ago, the pandemic The stretches in between Bedrock, Cleveland Cavaliers Avenue, laughing at his musings will make 20 bucks.
Indianapolis comes alive on a cratered downtown businesses, conventions and big sporting owner Dan Gilbert9s real estate about the Browns and holding a <Do you think I9m happy to be
Sunday such as this one in and its impact is still felt events, it9s very slow. And all my company, has struck a deal with lavaliere microphone near his here? No! Nobody9s happy to be
November. Years ago, before the nationwide, with one study compadres up and down the city on a massive $3.5 billion mouth. here,= Garcia tells me. <I don9t
city hosted Super Bowl XLVI in suggesting that downtown office meridian Street tell me the same riverfront development. Partly She9s good at this. Charming want to die like a dog in the
2012, leaders reimagined the vacancy rate reached 17.3 percent thing. All the other bars and because of this undertaking, and gregarious, she9s like the fan street.=
neighborhood as the perfect in 2023. Indianapolis was no restaurants. They9re very, very up Downtown Cleveland CEo you would want to pull up a seat Three teenage boys in Pacers
sports and convention hub. The different. Before covid, and down, which hasn9t been the michael Deemer calls the next to at a sports bar and debate gear exit the parking garage
city9s two major league approximately 155,000 workers case before 2019.= Cavaliers <phenomenal partners Joe flacco vs. Deshaun Watson. where Garcia places his seated
professional franchises play were downtown on a daily basis, Thanks to the sports in building a vibrant downtown.= At 41, Harris serves drinks at her walker, and while waiting for the
about a half a mile away from according to Downtown Indy doubleheader of Colts and The team also gives back in direct day job. But last year when she light to turn green, the one with a
each other, and on a cold Sunday Inc., but those numbers dwindled Indiana hoops, followed by a ways; according to the Cavaliers9 sent her oldest to college, Harris head of mop top curls reaches for
4 midwest cold, mind you 4 all during the shutdown. Then the Pacers game the next night, 2022-23 Community Impact decided to make a leap herself, his wallet.
these Colts fans really don9t have murder of George floyd led to Walk-on9s remains busy during report, the franchise has donated and now she9s studying to <Got any words of advice?= the
to venture outside because an protests on the streets. The this November stretch, its best more than $48 million since it become a sports broadcaster. boy asks Garcia, dangling the
indoor walkway connects the nightly demonstrations turned weekend since opening. And moved to downtown Cleveland in much like her city9s downtown, money.
convention center to Lucas oil destructive and deadly. Two Johnson seems excited about the 1994. However, that averages out Harris is making a comeback, Garcia doesn9t respond.
Stadium. people were gunned down. That crowds that would come when to less than $2 million every year and sports is at the center of it. <It don9t matter. Here9s a
But because they9re Hoosiers vicious one-two combo (work Indianapolis hosts NBA All-Star 4 a fraction of what taxpayers dollar,= the boy says.
and apparently used to freezing, from home, which led to higher Weekend. But when thousands of have given the team. Downtown America Back in D.C., where the electric
they walk outside anyway, and so building vacancies, and the fear fans flood downtown Cleveland9s three pro sports Downtowns, at their core, guitarist strums the blues, the
that funny cocktail of blue of returning to the city center) Indianapolis before Sunday9s All- stadiums are located downtown, reflect their cities. When you go marijuana 4 this particular
horseshoes and red and white made downtown an undesirable Star Game, the family-friendly with the nonprofit Gateway to an arena located in the 9burbs, strain smells like dead skunk 4
candy stripes fill the streets. visit, and by the end of 2020, bar and restaurant at 247 South Economic Development you will sit and wait in traffic on fills the air and the fans stream
Basketball 4 the state9s true 56 restaurants and bars had meridian Street won9t be there. Corporation serving as landlord the interstate, pay too much for past the man with the gray
obsession 4 tips off later when reportedly closed their doors. After only eight months, Walk- for the Guardians and Cavaliers. parking, watch a game and then hoodie, the Caps are about to
the Indiana men9s team plays While the neighborhood has on9s closed its doors and is When the facilities need repairs leave, to get stuck again behind a play. Downtown.
Harvard at Gainbridge moved forward 4 new spots have moving to fishers, a suburb to and renovations, each individual sea of red taillights. But when I wonder what our living room
fieldhouse. This is what they call opened, and features that the north. team can get approximately you go downtown for sports, the will look like if the teams that
a good day in Indianapolis. And a suburbanites might love dot the Perception 4 that undefeated $92 million from taxes collected game day experience should feel occupy Capital one Arena leave.
great one for Todd Johnson9s area, such as that ice skating rink foe 4 won again. on alcohol and cigarettes 4 the like an immersive one. You will for now, however, the Caps and
sports bar. outside the arena 4 many people county9s <sin tax= 4 through eat, walk around, interact with the Wizards still play in
Johnson seems rational have not. Downtown Cleveland 2034. Rocket mortgage the city 4 its electricity as well as Chinatown, in a neighborhood
enough when we chat. He9s 58, <We continue to have It9s a night after one of those fieldHouse, where Gilbert9s its distress. In America9s post- that composes our city9s
married with a 9-year-old son, challenges with what I describe lake-effect snowstorms dumped Cavaliers play, has received pandemic reality, that distress wretched and beautiful song. It9s
effortlessly sprinkles in a as our suburban neighbors. for 13 inches of snow on Northeast $82 million from taxpayers. The has most visibly been seen in a far from perfect, but it9s ours.
younger man9s patois such as so many, their perception may be ohio, and a man on East Ninth arena should have just rise in homelessness. And so for now, the rhythm goes
<that9ll be dope!= and has owned [steeped] in previous Street is curled up atop the metal $10 million remaining from the Although some measures have on.
D4 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

College Basketball

Emotional day ends with a tight loss

john Feinstein

Often underrated, Driesell

illinois 85,
Maryland 80
8made Maryland matter9
Feinstein from D1 fiction, it took Lefty until 2018 to
BY G ENE W ANG get into the Hall of fame. I wrote
Lefty9s greatest rival 4 and about that injustice frequently
The maryland men9s basketball nemesis 4 was Smith. Years ago, before finally figuring out that
team opened Saturday9s game when the NCAA was considering no one cared what I thought. I
against No. 14 Illinois with energy adding a third referee, I asked called former NBA
and exuberance that had been Lefty how he felt about it. commissioner David Stern and
sorely lacking recently. Part of the <I9m against it,= he said. asked for help, knowing people
reason for the renewed vigor: The <Why?= I asked. did care what he thought. He
opponent provided one of two <Because that way, when I agreed to look into it.
remaining Quadrant 1 victory op- play Dean,= he said, <it9ll be eight Sure enough, Lefty got in that
portunities for the Terrapins9 fiz- against five instead of seven spring. I have no illusions as to
zling NCAA tournament aspira- against five.= why it happened when it
tions. one year when maryland was happened.
The death of beloved former playing Carolina in Carmichael Soon after the announcement,
maryland coach Lefty Driesell at Auditorium, Terps assistant I got a call from Lefty. <I9d really
92 on Saturday morning provided coach Dave Pritchett walked into like to invite you as my guest,= he
plenty of inspiration as well, but the bathroom and found Lefty said. <But they only give me 10
the Terps could not honor the standing on a toilet seat. seats, and I have 11
Basketball Hall of famer with a <Coach, what in the world are grandchildren.=
win. Instead, maryland failed to you doing?= Pritchett asked. I understood.
get critical stops down the stretch <I just know Dean9s got a Lefty had his battles through
during its 85-80 loss at Xfinity microphone here somewhere,= the years with Georgetown Hall
Center. Lefty said. of famer John Thompson Jr.
Jahmir Young led the Terps Yes, Lefty was paranoid. In And yet, when Lefty was finally
(14-12, 6-9 Big Ten) with a game- that sense, he was like most inducted to the Hall, he was
high 28 points but made just 8 of coaches 4 only more so. escorted to the podium by
23 field goal attempts, missing He was also funny. once, Thompson and Krzyzewski. And
several shots deep in the painted when introducing Dean at a Krzyzewski gave the induction
area during the closing minutes banquet in Hawaii, he said, speech.
of maryland9s fourth loss in five <Dean Smith9s the only coach in <I honestly believe if
games. Julian reese added 18 history to win 800 games and be maryland hadn9t made him the
points and 11 rebounds, but the the underdog in every one of scapegoat in the Bias case, he
gReg Fiume/getty images
Terps made just 4 of 18 three- them.= might have been the all-time
pointers and shot 41.3 percent Jahmir Young (1) led Maryland with 28 points but could not convert on key chances late in the game. And yet, when word began to winningest coach,= Krzyzewski
overall 4 including 34.3 percent circulate that Smith had said Saturday. <He was that
in the second half. <obviously today is 4 in the maryland during lean times 4 some of the top high school talent dementia, the coach he heard good. . . .
maryland, which has the top overall scheme of things 4 a real- before Driesell arrived in College in the country. from most often was Lefty. <I wish I could have spent
scoring defense in the Big Ten, ly sad day for maryland basket- Park 4 and then came back to He coached one of the greatest <He called at least once a more time with him the last few
allowed its most points of the ball,= second-year coach Kevin direct the Terps to the national athletes in school history, Len week,= said Smith9s wife, Linnea. years. We talked all the time. I
season. Transition defense was Willard said. <I want to give con- championship in 2002. Bias, who was the No. 2 pick by the <Even when Dean was fading, loved hearing his voice. He and
particularly troublesome, with dolences to Lefty9s family. obvi- Driesell coached at maryland Boston Celtics in the 1986 NBA Lefty could still make him [wife] Joyce were such an all-
the fighting Illini (19-6, 10-4) ously Lefty was a huge part of from 1969 to 1986. He went 348- draft. The Prince George9s County laugh.= American couple 4 four kids,
holding a 19-2 advantage in fast- maryland basketball, but he was 159 while packing the stands at legend never played in the NBA, Lefty9s most repeated line was grandchildren, great-
break points. also a really big part of college Cole field House. dying two days after the draft of a the one from his opening news grandchildren. They were great
maryland also played with a basketball. So it9s tough when you <Having played here in the cocaine overdose. one day after a conference in College Park, people.=
limited roster because of injuries lose a legend, especially at your mid- to late 960s and seeing how tragedy that still resonates in Col- when he declared maryland Joyce and Lefty, high school
to, most notably, Jordan Geroni- school, but I think college basket- the basketball program was then lege Park, Driesell delivered an could become <the UCLA of the sweethearts in Newport News,
mo and Noah Batchelor. fifth- ball today really lost someone compared to when Lefty came in, emotional tribute to Bias to an East.= Va., were together for 70 years.
year forward Donta Scott, nor- who gave a lot to the game.= what he did with Cole field House overflow crowd in the lobby at No one has ever done that, but once, doing a magazine piece on
mally a starter, missed the begin- fans rose from their seats and then becoming a factor in the Cole field House, calling him <the maryland did beat UCLA at Cole Lefty, I discovered for all his self-
ning of the game after slipping in shortly before tip-off for a mo- ACC, which we really weren9t greatest basketball player that field House in December 1982. deprecating talk, he had been an
a tunnel near the court but wound ment of silence for the coach re- when I was here, and then on the ever played in the Atlantic Coast of course, that was the same honor student as a senior at
up playing 34 minutes and scor- sponsible for moving maryland national level, beating UCLA, not Conference.= night Chaminade beat top- Duke. When I asked him how
ing 17 points. onto the national landscape, de- being afraid to put maryland9s <There9s so many stories,= said ranked Virginia in Hawaii, that was possible, he said,
Illinois got 27 points from claring the school would become basketball program out there,= Keith Gatlin, a standout fresh- rendering maryland9s victory a <That9s because mama [Joyce]
guard Terrence Shannon Jr. to the <UCLA of the East.= The Terps said Williams, the only coach with man on the 1984 team. <The one footnote. wrote all my papers for me.=
avenge a 76-67 loss last month in never reached that level, but Drie- more wins at maryland than Drie- for me was just how personable It was Gary Williams who Joyce died suddenly in 2021.
Champaign and end a three-game sell9s teams captured local loyal- sell, <that takes some guts to do Coach was, how he was so loving. finally took maryland to the <I never thought she9d go first,=
slide in the series. The second- ties thanks to indelible achieve- that.= The best times I had with him promised land, winning the Lefty said to me a few days later.
leading scorer in the Big Ten ments such as winning the 1984 other notable achievements were actually at his house. on national title in 2002. Williams <Never.=
missed the first meeting while ACC tournament. under Driesell included six ap- Saturdays, we9d play one-on-one, and Lefty had their differences Not surprisingly, he was never
suspended amid a rape charge. members from that team who pearances in the ACC title game, go to church with his family on over the years but eventually quite the same, although his
This time, maryland tied the played for Driesell were recog- eight NCAA tournament berths Sundays 4 those are things I don9t became friends. mind was as sharp as ever. He
score at 68 with 5:39 to play nized during a 40th-anniversary and the 1972 NIT championship. think Coach got a lot of credit for. <I9m not sure if anyone ever called often with ideas on how to
before the Illini went on a decisive halftime ceremony, as was the maryland was ranked as high as He was way before his time.= turned a program around faster fix college basketball. The only
11-5 burst to close a day devoted to 2004 team that won the ACC tour- second in the Associated Press than Lefty turned maryland noticeable difference was that he
recognizing Driesell9s vast contri- nament championship under poll for four consecutive seasons Maryland at Wisconsin around,= Williams said Saturday started calling me <John=
butions to the Terps9 program. Gary Williams. Williams played at from 1972 to 1976 and attracted tuesday, 9 p.m., peacock morning. <I was there just before instead of <faahnsteen.=
he got there, and playing in Cole Several years ago, Lefty9s son,
field House was like playing in Chuck, who is the coach at
an old, dark museum. He came maret School in Northwest

At Penn State, Owusu is making up for lost time in 1969, and three years later
they won the NIT when it was
still a big deal. Then they played
Washington, had a player named
Luka Garza. After seeing him
play, Lefty called maryland9s
in that classic game in 974. He mark Turgeon and Krzyzewski
BY K AREEM C OPELAND loss of the season when it was put seats on the floor, and the and urged them to check Garza
trounced, 112-76, late last month fans lit up the place every night. out. They both did 4 in a token
Ashley owusu remembers go- in State College. Shyanne Sellers <He started midnight fashion. Garza landed at Iowa.
ing on her recruiting trip to Penn suffered a knee injury in that madness. He made maryland During his sophomore year,
State last year when Coach Caro- game and played just nine min- matter. When they write the Garza scored 20 points in an
lyn Kieger broke out the visuals. utes. book someday about the game9s NCAA tournament first-round
She essentially described being Brinae Alexander acknowl- all-time giants, he has to be one win over Cincinnati. It was an
presented a pair of vision boards. edged it was an emotional game of them.= afternoon game. Perfect column
one focused on the Nittany playing against owusu, and she Lefty is still the only college for me: D.C. kid makes good.
Lions9 goals as a team. The other expects it to be again as the Terps coach to win more than 100 I called Lefty. He answered on
centered on owusu9s personal need every win they can get as games at four schools: Davidson, the first ring: <faahnsteen,= he
goals. they sit on the NCAA tournament maryland, James madison and said. <I told you he could play.=
<It was like a six- to seven- bubble. Georgia State. He also took all one story that sums him up
month plan,= owusu said. <What <It9ll mean a lot to them as well four to the NCAA tournament. best happened on Halloween
we were going to do from the day I . . . knowing that Ashley used to In 2001, after Georgia State night 1984. I made a recruiting
stepped on campus and what play here,= Alexander said, <and upset Wisconsin in the first visit with Lefty and assistant
we9re going to do in order for me playing for her and playing round, someone asked Lefty to coach ron Bradley to a Dunbar
to achieve not only my team goals against Coach [frese]. I think it describe the differences between senior named Sean Alvarado,
but also my personal goals. And will be high emotions all around.= coaching in the ACC and who lived in Anacostia.
that9s something that I don9t think Nothing has been particularly coaching at a mid-major such as As we got out of the car, about
that I experienced since I9ve been easy in these past two years, Georgia State. a dozen little kids ran up to us
mattHew Holst/getty images
in college.= owusu acknowledged. The bas- <mid-major,= Lefty roared. screaming, <Trick or treat!=
The clock is ticking on a col- Paul Vi grad Ashley Owusu transferred from Maryland to Virginia ketball court is her safe haven, the <mid-major! I ain9t never been Lefty pulled out his billfold
legiate career that has had more tech, then to Penn state, where she is averaging 18.5 points a game. place where she9s comfortable mid-anything. Go over and ask and peeled off bills until all were
twists and turns than a Holly- and confident. But after that was Wisconsin if we9re mid-major.= gone.
wood thriller as owusu returns to required surgery, and she fell out owusu worked closely with lost for a while, building it back up Lefty was forced to resign at As the kids ran off, Lefty
the place where it all began. Penn of the rotation upon her return. WNBA guard Natisha Hiedeman, has been a process. And time is maryland in the wake of Len shook his head, laughed and
State on Sunday visits maryland, owusu logged double-digit min- who is an assistant on the Penn running out on catching the eyes Bias9s death. An urban legend said, <Damn, I hope I didn9t have
where she arrived in 2019 as utes just three times afterward State staff, but the school said a of WNBA coaches and front offic- grew that Lefty had wanted to any big bills on there.=
ESPN9s seventh-ranked freshman and didn9t play at all in the post- health issue kept her from making es. owusu recently talked to for- clean the room of any evidence Typical Lefty: He would give
in the country. season as the Hokies advanced to her debut until Jan. 14. When it mer teammate Diamond miller, that Bias died of a cocaine away his last dollar and laugh
owusu, an All-met selection at the final four. Virginia Tech came, she poured in 18 points to and it really hit her that the finish overdose, but a grand jury about it. on and off the court, he
Paul VI, was named freshman of Coach Kenny Brooks insisted the go with five rebounds, five assists line is rapidly approaching. cleared Lefty of any wrongdoing. was a unique gift. And he sure
the year, all-Big Ten first team as a decision was based on how the and two steals. owusu has been working on Largely because of that could coach.
sophomore and a third-team all- team was playing, but the lack of <A little 8I9m back9 game,= Hiede- being more vocal, something
American as a junior while win- playing time remained a curious man said with a laugh. Hiedeman has stressed knowing
ning the Ann meyers Drysdale situation that spilled into social Ten games in, owusu is averag- that9s a necessity for point guards
Award as the top shooting guard media, as teammates, former ing career highs in points (18.5) in the pros. She also said her
in the nation. That 2021-22 season teammates and owusu9s father and rebounds (6.3) while handing tribulations have helped her im-
ended in a Sweet 16 loss for the commented online. Brooks told out 4.2 assists per game. Her focus prove from a mental standpoint,
Terrapins as team chemistry dete- the roanoke Times that the injury has been on getting back a feel for learning how to overcome the
riorated despite a stretch being caused owusu to miss critical de- the game while learning the new unexpected and outlast the tough
ranked as high as No. 2 in the velopment time and that she system and teammates. Penn times.
country. wasn9t able to get <incorporated State has lost four in a row, but <Playing in the WNBA has been
owusu decided it was time for a into what we were doing.= owusu is looking more like the a goal of mine since I was 6 years
change. Transfers are commonplace in player who shined in College Park. old,= she said. <And everyone goes
<Kind of just looking for a fresh today9s NCAA. Even the same <She9s doing what you would through stuff. I think it9s what you
start,= owusu said, <and just kind player transferring multiple expect a fifth year to do,= mary- do after you go through that, is
of looking for a coach, a coaching times in consecutive years isn9t land Coach Brenda frese said. what [defines] you as a person.
staff and a program that not only strange anymore. To have a for- <She9s got that kind of experience, obviously it9s easier said than
understood my team goals, what I mer all-American who was named so she9s leading her team. She9s done. I had good and bad days.
wanted to achieve with my team- the best shooting guard in the always been a talented player. She But just staying positive and just
mates and everything that9s country not even get off the bench can score; she can distribute. staying focused on my goal, and
around me, but also my personal was an oddity that remains un- She9s a tough matchup for anyone. also just allowing the love from
goals.= clear. The Virginia Tech experi- She9s really tried to put her team my parents, friends, stuff like that
Virginia Tech, in her home ment ended after the team9s final on her back, like you would expect to fill me, and just keep my head
state, signed owusu out of the four loss, and owusu was looking with a grad senior.= down and working.=
transfer portal last season in what for a new home again. Yet things Sunday won9t be her debut pHoto by Joel RicHaRdson

became a disastrous year. A bro- still weren9t smooth after she against her former team. mary- Penn state at Maryland Lefty Driesell, center, was forced to resign at Maryland after star
ken finger suffered in December headed to Happy Valley. land had its most disappointing 1 p.m., big ten plus player Len Bias, left, died of a cocaine overdose on campus in 1986.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ m2 d5

The United States has a gun problem. The Super Bowl champions could help.
mark Sharp wasn9t Bowl. A year earlier on the same reid gets out there and says
certain what he weekend, the system counted something, people will listen.
was seeing on a 102 shots. People will write. Will everybody
television But Sharp has failed to get the listen? No, but I mean, we can9t act
Wednesday inside governor or fellow elected officials like there9s not an issue there, and
Kansas City9s to make it law. that9s what we9ve been doing.=
Kevin B. Union Station more disheartening, he said, he mahomes did chime in more
Blackistone where he had been has failed to get the back-to-back friday. He announced on social
bused with other Super Bowl champions to back his media that he and his wife were
missouri state legislators for the cause. leading a club effort to help people
city9s Super Bowl parade. <I live in South Kansas City, most affected by gun violence.
<I couldn9t figure out why the where it happens a lot,= Sharp It is too little, too late, of course,
hell everybody was running back said. <So I did reach out to the for what happened Wednesday or
inside [Union Station],= Sharp, a Chiefs9 [lobbyist] rich AuBuchon. even last year.
Democrat in his second term He said he would take that As Sharp lamented, in 2023,
representing missouri9s Jackson message up to the higher-ups. Kansas City set a record for
County, told me Thursday. And my message was basically, homicides, most by guns. And
It wasn9t until he got home could somebody with the Chiefs9 there are new gun law proposals
hours later that he learned the staff, or maybe the Chiefs9 social in missouri, such as one to exempt
mad scramble resulted from a media platform, just [say] two ammunition sales from sales tax.
shooting that left a local DJ dead words, 8Celebrate safely.9 That9s it: That9s what should be included in
and 22 people, at least half 8Celebrate safely.9 I didn9t think mahomes9s reaction, promoting
children, injured among an that was a huge ask. legislation to make the city safer
estimated million people who <We give the Chiefs whatever rather than just cleaning up the
turned out for the Super Bowl they ask for,= Sharp lamented. <So aftermath of lax gun laws.
party. Police said they detained I was a little taken aback that I <I mean, these are their fans,=
two juveniles and recovered couldn9t even get a response back.= Sharp said of the city9s beloved
several firearms. I haven9t heard back from the football team. <K.C. is getting
CHARlie Riedel/ASSoCiATed pReSS
<I9m figuring it9s just one franchise about Sharp9s plea, ready to host six World Cup games
dummy out there shooting his either. A vigil was held Thursday for the victims of the shooting during Kansas City9s Super Bowl parade. in 2026. What happens? What
gun in the air,= Sharp said. The tragedy that unfolded happens if this happens then? The
Because that9s what so many Valentine9s Day in the heart of the team came from a couple of The rest of their teammates What Kansas City9s football Chiefs have to get out in front of
Kansas Citians and missourians Kansas City was not connected to players. Defensive lineman who took to social media offered team should be doing at the least this a little bit. Sending out a press
do, if you can believe it, when the team beyond it being the Charles omenihu wrote in part: only prayers despite being in a is joining a movement such as the [release] and sending out a
celebrating their NfL team9s center of that day9s attention. But <A time of celebration ends in state with gun laws stronger than one in the nation9s capital in June, statement after it9s already
championships. or the new year. the Kansas City team, as Sharp9s tragedy. When are we going to fix only two other states in the Gun Violence Awareness month, happened just doesn9t do
or the fourth of July. It9s known unanswered entreaty suggests, these gun laws? How many more country, according to the Giffords when the pro teams joined to fund anything.=
around there as celebratory also isn9t absolved from not being people have to die to say enough is Law Center to Prevent Gun gun violence prevention groups The team9s newest chance is to
gunfire. It killed an 11-year-old part of the solution to the scourge enough? It9s too easy for the Violence. missouri allows open and sensitize more people to gun- support the missouri Senate bill
girl, Blair Shanahan Lane, on the of gun violence in its community wrong people to obtain guns in carry and doesn9t require a license related killings that may be mimicking Blair9s Law. Then it
fourth of July in 2011. It prompted and this country. And I would America and that9s a fACT.= He to carry a firearm. Kansas City interpreted as only affecting should join legislators such as
Sharp to draft a bill known as have thought the Kansas City was joined by safety Justin reid allows open carry with a permit. marginalized communities of Sharp on the missouri House
Blair9s Law to crack down on the franchise would be particularly on the X platform, who wrote in Kansas City Police Chief Stacey color. Committee on Crime Prevention
increasingly dangerous gunplay. sensitive to the problem. After all, part: <We cannot ourselves . . . Graves said at the scene <There are some guys on the and Public Safety working to get
To be sure, in the NfL postseason one year after Blair was killed, become numb and chalk it up to Wednesday that the <tragedy Chiefs team that if they say guns in the city and state off the
just concluded, the Kansas City Kansas City linebacker Jovan 8just another shooting in America9 occurred even in the presence of anything, it9s like scripture, streets.
Beacon reported that the Kansas Belcher shot and killed his and reduce people in statistics uniformed law enforcement right?= said Sharp, a former minor
City Police Department9s girlfriend and then drove to and then move on [tomorrow]. officers.= But when someone can league baseball player. <If Kevin B. Blackistone, eSpN panelist
ShotSpotter technology recorded Arrowhead Stadium and killed This is a SErIoUS ProBLEm!! I carry a weapon openly as if it9s [quarterback Patrick mahomes] and professor at the philip merrill
130 rounds after the city9s football himself in front of his coach and pray our leaders enact real Dodge City of the Wild, Wild West, gets out there and says something, College of Journalism at the University
team won the AfC championship general manager. solutions so our kids9 kids won9t police presence doesn9t seem like if [Travis] Kelce gets out there and of maryland, writes sports
game to advance to the Super But the only protest heard from know this violence.= an adequate deterrence. says something, if [Coach] Andy commentary for The Washington post.

Caps 8scratch and claw9

for a victory in Montreal
CAPiTAlS from D1
C aPiTa L s 9 N e x T Three
seconds of the man advantage, vs. New Jersey devils
and after center Dylan Strome
won the faceoff to begin the se- Tuesday 7 monumental
quence, it was clear Washington
was in sync. at Tampa Bay Lightning
The Capitals snapped the puck Thursday 7 eSpN
around the zone in a way they
haven9t for much of the season, at Florida Panthers
and winger T.J. oshie capitalized
on Washington9s sixth shot in un- Saturday 6 monumental
der a minute to score his 300th ca-
reer goal at 10:00. Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
<Power play had a little bit of a
different look, a little bit more lead of the game. Allen stopped
movement tonight, which we9ve center Nic Dowd9s initial shot, but
been trying to get to,= oshie said. Protas, battling for position at the
<We got there tonight and ended front of the net, followed up the
up finding the back of the net. rebound and fired it home.
That9s a good little bit of momen- <That9s a big one,= Protas said.
tum for the PP moving forward <As a forward, you always want to
here.= score. You just have to get to the
The second period quickly net, get in there and just battle
turned frantic and may have fea- through that in there. I found one,
tured more turnovers and icing so that9s great. Hopefully it will get
calls than it did scoring chances. me going.=
The Capitals clung to their slight Even after Protas scored what
edge until, with 3:45 left, mon- became the game-winner, the
treal9s Alex Newhook benefited Capitals couldn9t relax. Wilson
from a fortuitous bounce after took a high-sticking penalty with
Kyle TeRAdA/ASSoCiATed pReSS Capitals winger Beck malenstyn just 1:27 to play, giving montreal a
The Wizards9 Bilal Coulibaly (0) played in Friday9s Rising Stars event. Before that, he was at ease as he navigated the NBA9s media gantlet. blocked his shot. The rebound six-on-four advantage as it sought
came directly to Newhook, who the tying goal with its net empty.
slotted it past Kuemper to tie it. Defenseman John Carlson had to

Coulibaly stands out but wants to prove he belongs Washington got its own fortu-
itous bounce early in the third
period when winger Sonny mila-
block a shot by Juraj Slafkovsky as
time expired to seal the win.
<There9s not a point out there
no, playing his first game since that we don9t need right now,=
INDIANAPOLIS 4 my best friend coming here.= Wiz ards9 Nex T Three well. Dec. 10 after missing 27 games oshie said. <To get it done, to get it
more than 30 NBA many fresh-faced giants Every room brought more with an upper-body injury, redi- done in regulation and really just
and G League roamed the city during All-Star at denver Nuggets questions, and in the <NBA on rected a blind pass from Pacioretty scratch and claw. . . . We want to
players Weekend, those with bright TNT= room he had to show off his past Allen to give the Capitals their protect leads better than we did
participated in the tomorrows as future all-stars and Thursday 9 monumental acting chops while imitating the third lead of the game at 3:27. tonight, but for the guys to gut it
rising Stars event superstars. Given their rising network9s most outspoken That was not the end of the out until the very end, it9s some-
Candace friday night, and I prominence, those players spent at Oklahoma City Thunder analyst. A staffer directed roller coaster. Nick Suzuki, who thing we9ve seen a lot from this
Buckner imagine only one their first day here saddled with Coulibaly to read <Chuck9s lines= had two goals against the Capitals group. We9re going to need it, defi-
Friday 8 monumental
of them waited his media obligations. Coulibaly, a off the screen, to which the kid in montreal9s 5-2 victory feb. 6 at nitely, going down the stretch
turn at a hotel coffee stand to 19-year-old millionaire whose vs. Cleveland Cavaliers from the suburbs of Paris replied, Capital one Arena, evened the here.=
order hot chocolate. Can9t say for sweet mother still instinctively <Charles Barkley, right?= score again with a power-play tally Note: Defenseman martin fe-
sure, but I9m also willing to bet reaches for her credit card, took Feb. 25 6 monumental Coulibaly proved to be a at 9:45. His shot from the top of the hervary left early in the first peri-
that only one responded with <I9m his turn in the spotlight as well. natural at pretending to be left circle appeared to deflect off od with a lower-body injury and
fine= when his mom 4 who can9t Though Coulibaly arrived from Radio: WTEM (980 AM) <Chuck,= and then he looked defenseman Trevor van riemsdyk did not return. He skated just two
help but nurture her teenage son New orleans early Thursday, he equally at ease friday during his on the way to the net, giving Kue- shifts, totaling 96 seconds. The
4 offered to pay for his drink. started his day by leaving the questions before, but he answered nearly eight-minute run on Team mper little chance. injury appeared to happen on an
Washington Wizards rookie players9 hotel to meet his family each one as if he was excited to tell Pau. Coulibaly streaked down the But just over two minutes later, awkward fall behind the Caps9 net.
Bilal Coulibaly spent his once they landed. After hanging the world (again) about the middle of the lane for a feed from Protas, who hadn9t scored since Carbery didn9t have an update on
introduction to the league9s out in the hotel lobby 4 just your memories he wanted to make Golden State Warriors rookie Dec. 7, finally found the back of the the severity of the injury, but fe-
splashiest weekend as both a average 6-foot-8 teen in a gray friday, how he hopes to establish Brandin Podziemski and finished net 4 for his fourth goal of the hervary was using crutches as he
blossoming NBA player and a Nike sweatsuit 4 Coulibaly put on himself in the league, the way he with a two-handed slam. He was season and Washington9s fourth departed the dressing room.
humble kid from the suburbs of an easy smile while providing would describe his game and the playing on national television for
Paris. NBA assistant coaches sound bites for every camera most difficult thing about being a the first time in his NBA career
noticed Coulibaly9s game, so they trained on his baby face. rookie. (for the record, Coulibaly (beyond the league-operated
voted him into the showcase <I9m here at All-Star Weekend. wishes he would get more calls channel), so that moment might
event for the league9s best young Come follow me!= Coulibaly from the officials.) have been the first time casual
players. Coulibaly was so excited announced in one of the many After he repeated yet another fans heard the name Bilal
to be included among the next lines he was asked to repeat tag line 4 <Go behind the scenes Coulibaly.
group in the league that he had throughout the morning. with me with the NBA App!= 4 <I just want to show them I9m
his hair braider creatively twist Besides the Wizards9 content Coulibaly9s first interview came to here to compete,= he said. <I9m just
his cornrows into a star on the top team following Coulibaly, a an end. But first, he asked for a trying to show, yeah, I can play.
of his head. And because videographer from his agency photo of himself on the set. After I9m one of them ones. I9m just
Coulibaly grew up watching NBA also tracked his every move. He each of his four interviews, trying to show that.=
All-Star Games while talking on said he would have loved Coulibaly would give his phone to Among the rising stars who
the phone with his best friend 4 watching behind-the-scenes someone in the room and request powered through interview after
sometimes as early as 4 a.m., footage such as this of his favorite a photo. He said he was told to get interview, surely only one made
given the time difference 4 he NBA player when he was a kid 4 pics for a media outlet that he was the polite request for a personal
remained in Indianapolis all which, of course, wasn9t that long partnering with, but Coulibaly photo on set. And only one
weekend to soak up the ago. So when Coulibaly entered admitted he wanted to capture arrived with a star braided on top
experience. the darkened room with the the moment for himself as well. of his head. As much as Coulibaly
<I9m staying to watch all the <NBAE Content= sign on the door, <Please, hold it this way,= he wants to show he belongs, he is
contests and everything,= he said. his team came along. would instruct whomever was different. He9s a future star but a gRAHAm HUgHeS/ASSoCiATed pReSS

<I used to watch it on TV, and I The interview was simple. holding his phone, asking for forever fan, and that should help Capitals center Aliaksei Protas scored the game-winner midway
just wanted to see it live. I9ve got Coulibaly had heard many of the shots to be taken horizontally as him stand out among the best. through the third period Saturday, his first goal since Dec. 7.
D6 eZ su the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Is league scoring boom something to get defensive about?

an East-vs.-West setup and a stan- <Shooting ability, scoring ability, bridge fieldhouse on Sunday handsy and physical. an 82-game regular season dotted
dard four-quarter format for Sun- five-man units where everybody is night is less important than During a recent nine-day span, by huge scoring totals and blow-
Some NBA coaches want day9s All-Star Game after recent a threat to shoot the ball 4 the whether the league9s decision- the Atlanta Hawks were burned outs.
rules that limit defenders, dalliances with teams drafted by game has changed dramatically. = makers believe they need to make by Doncic for 73 points and Curry In addition to letting more con-
captains and an <Elam Ending= While this sharp scoring boom structural adjustments to restore for 60 points. tact go in the paint and basket
boost offenses rolled back that sought to prevent blowouts, has been cause for excitement, it the balance between offense and <Great offense is going to beat area, the NBA could alter its de-
the modern game has evolved into has prompted confusion and con- defense or whether the increased great defense all the time,= Phoe- fensive goaltending rules, loosen
a fast-paced, perimeter-oriented, sternation, too. NBA Commis- fireworks are the new normal in a nix Suns forward Kevin Durant or remove illegal defense viola-
BY B EN G OLLIVER high-scoring affair that would sioner Adam Silver criticized last sport that has undergone a three- said. <I watched Luka9s 70-point tions or push back the three-point
make Wooden blush and leave year9s All-Star Game for its lack of point revolution. game 4 he was making tough shot line. one radical proposal would
INDIANAPOLIS 4 When the NBA Jimmy Chitwood green with envy. competitiveness 4 Team Giannis Silver acknowledged Saturday after tough shot. I feel somebody see the corner three-point shot be
descended upon the American Appropriately, the NBA9s all-star beat Team LeBron, 184-175, in a that some coaches have cam- can break 80 points.= eliminated altogether.
heartland friday, it was greeted by Saturday events were set to be pickup game snoozer 4 and paigned for rule changes to favor After seeing the outbursts by This year, eight teams have
snow flurries and a host city eager held on a state-of-the-art LED league executive Joe Dumars defenders, who are asked to cover Doncic and Curry up close, Hawks topped 150 points in a game,
to flex its basketball bona fides. glass court rather than traditional stressed to the league9s players more distance because of the guard Trae Young said Chamber- something no team did during the
All-Star Weekend visitors were hardwood. that they need to put on a better growing prevalence of three- lain9s record could be in jeopardy. 2013-14 season. With two months
treated to hand-knit beanies, in a When miller and Rose battled show this time. point shooters. However, the com- Paolo Banchero, a first-time all- to play, there have already been 51
blue-and-yellow Indiana Pacers michael Jordan9s Chicago Bulls in The All-Star Game dud in Salt missioner said he was <pleased star, pushed back on the notion games won by a margin of at least
color scheme, and handwritten the 1998 Eastern Conference fi- Lake City and the rise of eye-pop- with the state of the game= and that lackadaisical defense is the 30 points. There were only 39 such
welcome notes hailing the sport9s nals, the Pacers averaged 96 ping scoring totals have contrib- said he <disagree[d] with the peo- culprit; his orlando magic ranks games during the 2013-14 season.
impact on midwest communities. points per game 4 just slightly uted to a perception that defense ple who feel like teams aren9t play- fifth in defense. of course, good Perhaps it9s time for a correc-
A downtown statue of John Wood- above the league9s average of 95.6. is a dying art in the NBA. ing defense.= defense is relative: The magic con- tion.
en, one of the game9s great philos- This season, Tyrese Haliburton <Wilt [Chamberlain] scored <I want to dispel any notion cedes 110.9 points per game; or- <All the rule changes over the
ophers, was caked with snow, and has guided Indiana to the NBA9s 100, so it9s never too much [scor- that the league office feels that lando allowed 94.4 points in last 10 or 15 years have all been
it stood not far from artistic trib- highest-scoring offense 4 a whop- ing]:= milwaukee Bucks Coach high-scoring games are good,= Sil- 2008-09, when it made its most offensive rule changes,= Rivers
utes to the movie <Hoosiers= and a ping 123.7 points per game 4 and Doc Rivers said. <I don9t know ver said. <What we want are com- recent trip to the finals. said. <my guess is they will bring
massive mural of Pacers star Reg- the league average of 115.6 makes what is too much. I think what petitive games.= <We guard,= Banchero said. <We back the way the game is allowed
gie miller launching a jumper. this its highest-scoring season stands out is that so many guys In the early 2000s, the NBA try to shut down guys and high- to be played 4 it will be a little
Before friday9s opening events, since 1969-70 (116.7). Since Janu- have [scored a lot] this year. You banned hand-checking and took paced offenses. I think the offense more physical. The playoffs will be
Jalen Rose, one of miller9s former ary 2023, four all-stars 4 Dono- have [guys scoring in the] 50s, 60s other steps to boost scoring and and the shooting is at a level it9s that way 4 don9t worry. over the
teammates, played to the home van mitchell, Damian Lillard, Joel and 70s, and it makes the layper- appeal to television audiences. never been at.= last 20 years, the same teams win
crowd9s old-school values with a Embiid and Luka Doncic 4 have son say, 8What9s going on?9 I can more recently, the NBA has short- Some coaches, including Steve it: the teams that are in the top five
well-worn slogan. crossed a once-rare threshold by tell you the guys are playing de- ened the shot-clock reset to 14 Kerr of the Warriors, have won- or 10 in offense and defense.
<In 49 states, it9s just basket- scoring 70 points in a game. fense, but it9s harder to defend seconds to pick up the pace of play dered aloud whether it9s time to That9s not going away. You can
ball,= Rose declared. <But this is <Talent is at an all-time high in with the rules.= while also implementing free- allow defenders to get away with score all you want, but you better
Indiana.= every position,= Golden State War- Whether the superstar class dom-of-movement rules that pre- more contact so there is more be able to defend, too, if you want
Though the NBA is returning to riors guard Stephen Curry said. cranks up the intensity at Gain- vent defenders from being too give-and-take, especially during to win.=

Hard work,
passion fuel
longevity of
NBA royalty
NBA fRom D1

Antetokounmpo (Greece), the

Denver Nuggets9 Nikola Jokic
(Serbia) and the Philadelphia
76ers9 Joel Embiid (Cameroon),
international players have
claimed the past five mVP
awards, with the Dallas maver-
icks9 Luka Doncic (Slovenia), the
oklahoma City Thunder9s Shai
Gilgeous-Alexander (Canada)
and the San Antonio Spurs9 Vic-
tor Wembanyama (france)
emerging as potential heirs.
Even as Americans such as
Jayson Tatum, Devin Booker, An-
thony Edwards, Tyrese Halibur-
ton and Paolo Banchero have
reached the cusp of superstar-
dom, none has given the NBA9s
broadcast partners reason to
turn away from James, Durant
and Curry, who continue to defy
what9s expected of players their
<If they can figure it out, good
luck,= Draymond Green, Curry9s NIck WAss/AssocIAted press FrANk FrANklIN II/AssocIAted press mAtt slocum/AssocIAted press

teammate for the past 12 seasons, The Suns9 Kevin Durant (age 35), the Lakers9 LeBron James (39) and the Warriors9 Stephen Curry (35) continue to thrive. <I think we all just love to hoop,= Curry said.
a former Durant teammate and
James9s good friend, says of the for how long he plans to play but James is trying. Now that he has become a Two of Curry9s three highest- <How I approach anything
next wave of American players. also won9t limit himself with a player others measure their tal- scoring seasons occurred after he is how I approach everything,=
<You got to remove them off the number because, as he says, <I Feb. 4 in Washington ent against, Durant stands firmly suffered a broken hand in the Curry says. <And so there9s a
throne. I think we got some already exceeded it.= At the 80-minute mark on the rooted in the present so that he 2019-20 season, and he is on pace reverence and a respect for what
young guys, they9re starting to <The league9s given me so pregame clock, Durant leaves the remains relevant. to make it three of four. A month that responsibility comes with.
make a petition, but it don9t just much,= James says. <I just try to visiting locker room at Capital <Those older guys didn9t want shy of his 36th birthday, Curry, The business of basketball gets
happen because they get older.= set an example for the next gener- one Arena and jogs to the main to just say, 8Here, young9un, you who is averaging 28.0 points this to you every once in a while. All
from painstaking preparation ation. I never got into, like, 8oh, court to begin his routine. the next one up.9 You had to try to season, is the most unexpected the hard work is stuff you do in
to competitive commitment, I9m the face of the NBA.9 I never, Before getting into his compli- take that from them,= Durant member of the trio to be in this the weight room and recovery
James, Durant and Curry know ever even said that. I9ve always cated shooting drills from above says. <I9m not going out there and position despite being the son of and strength and conditioning.
what it takes to get there 4 and just understood it as a responsi- the foul line 4 hopping one- relying on my name and what I9ve an NBA standout. He wasn9t The mental stuff. And then you
stay there. bility with being a professional. legged from side to side before done in the past to get that drafted first or second, wasn9t get on the court, it9s fun. It9s
<We9re true to the game,= James And I9ve always wanted to be that shooting, lowering himself and respect. I respect that about the challenged to make champion- kind of an automatic trigger. It9s
says. <And when you9re true to the and always have done that.= spinning around like a top into young players. They don9t give a ship runs upon his arrival or not every night you hit that 10 out
game, the game continues to give No other player over 36 is more jumpers 4 Durant, 35, does s--- about what you did in the heavily criticized for not doing so. of 10 in the joy, but it9s pretty
back to you.= averaging more than nine points, strength and flexibility exercises past. It9s about today. So that Yet he has the same number of close.=
The trio visited the East Coast but James (24.8) is averaging behind the basket with aqua keeps me on point.= championships as James, he
in early february and discussed more points than all but 15 play- sandbags. He concludes his 15- His late-career objective is helped Durant win two, and his The next wave
how they continue to go extra ers and more assists than all but minute workout by making a mastering the game. He9s not incomparable shot ushered in the The late 30-somethings aren9t
rounds with father Time. seven. In 21 seasons, James has 360-degree spin while throwing worried about his body betraying league9s love affair with the three- playing for championship con-
evolved from a fresh-faced wun- down a lob dunk. him before he meets the impossi- pointer. tenders, but their presence still
Feb. 3 in New York derkind to a literal graybeard Durant is back home, but he9s ble standard that he9s chasing. <I never thought I9d be here to makes their teams relevant, and
It9s a little past 11 p.m., and who inspires wonderment. not interested in stealing the Seventeen years after he was begin with,= Curry says. their résumés allow their voices
James has just completed a per- And he continues to put in the show from teammate Bradley drafted, Durant, a player once That has contributed to his to resonate. To anyone hoping
formance at madison Square work. more than two hours be- Beal, who spent his first 11 sea- reluctant to acknowledge his appeal, a pandemonium that fol- one day to fill James9s size 15
Garden in which he scored 25 fore tip-off, well before most fans sons with the Wizards and is height, is being used as a small- lows him wherever he plays. He sneakers, Durant9s size 18s or
points to help end the New York are allowed to enter his favorite returning to face them for the ball center while devastating de- has sculpted his body to better Curry9s size 131/2s, James explains
Knicks9 nine-game winning road arena, James shot turn- first time. The Suns win easily, fenses with the latest develop- handle the rigors of extended that <the game gods= will reward
streak. That included a late-game around fadeaways and three- giving Durant a light day9s work, ment in his game. playoff runs, but the added mus- players based on their levels of
fadeaway that gave him a chance pointers with Los Angeles Lakers and he makes time for some <Whatever curveball they cle hasn9t made him any less commitment. And he offers some
to talk some smack to Spike Lee. assistant Phil Handy before quick postgame weightlifting. throw at you, you still got to hit relatable or fun. He can still hit a advice:
James is shirtless, his feet are throwing down a two-handed lob <I was just trying to get to 10 it,= he says. <And I feel my experi- full-court shot in warmups, refus- <Learn the history of the game.
buried in a tub of ice, and both dunk and leaving the court. years in the league, and that was ence helps me with that and my ing to limit his showmanship. Respect the ones that came be-
knees are covered with ice bags. <He doesn9t skip any steps,= my goal. But then once you get to fundamental skills help me with fans swarm the basket where fore you, even when they do
The faded ink from the tattoo Lakers Coach Darvin Ham says of nine, eight, you9re like: 8I feel that.= Curry gets ready for games with disrespect you. It9s okay. It9s abso-
across his back that reads <The James, who potentially has posi- great right now. I can keep go- his legendary workout. lutely okay. Know who paved the
Chosen 1= serves as a reminder of tioned himself to be the first NBA ing,9 = Durant says, adding that Feb. 7 in Philadelphia When he darts to the court in a way. Pour it all into the game 4 if
how long he has lived in the fish player to share the floor with his he, James and Curry could play Game shorts dripping, torso black hoodie for his workout, you want to be great and if you
bowl of social media and mind- son. Bronny is a freshman at into their 40s. blushed red, Curry enters the fans cheer his arrival as though a want to be someone that will
less debate shows while meeting Southern California, and Bryce is After winning the last of his visiting locker room at Wells far- prizefighter is entering the ring, never be forgotten in this league.
the NBA9s hopes that he would a junior in high school. four scoring titles at 25, Durant go Center, fresh from an ice bath and it9s impossible to tell whether The cars and the jewelry and all
provide a marketable name while When James came on the has spent the past decade focused on a rare night in which the this is his first game or his 927th. the other dumb s--- that don9t
avoiding any serious off-court scene, smartphones were still on scoring efficiency, not volume. Warriors didn9t need his bril- His enthusiasm hasn9t waned. matter means absolutely noth-
scandal. He has flexed his power years away. In the years since, his Last season was the second time liance to defeat a Philadelphia The switch that Curry flips, he ing. Worry about the game. Wor-
in a manner that exceeds any of brain has become one, filled with in his career that he reached the team missing reigning mVP Joel says, goes back to what Durant ry about your family, and then
his predecessors, building him- apps that allow him to take ad- coveted 50-40-90 shooting per- Embiid. used to say during their three worry about the game some
self into the only billion-dollar vantage of opponents9 tendencies centage splits. He has shot better Unlike Durant and James 4 seasons together in the Bay Area: more. And be selfish, too. It9s okay
business empire who can still and manipulate defenses with than 50 percent from the field in who have the benefit of all-star <Get your feet on the floor.= mean- to be selfish because you have to
physically dominate a game. craftiness, guile and no wasted each of his past 10 seasons, better teammates in Booker and Antho- ing: Just having the opportunity be a little bit selfish to be able to
James is the oldest player in motion. His dedication to invest- than 40 percent on three-point ny Davis, respectively 4 Curry to play is sufficient because it be great. Some people have to fall
the league 4 at 39, he is older ing seven figures into his body attempts six times and at least 90 isn9t afforded many off nights provides a purpose and justifies to the wayside at times.=
than three NBA head coaches 4 every season is well-documented, percent from the free throw line such as this one, when he is held all of the hours invested in the <If it9s meant for you, it9ll
and holds the unusual distinc- and he has managed to reinvent five times. to nine points just five days after gym to be among the all-time happen,= Curry says. <I think we
tion of having competed against himself multiple times, turning Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Dirk matching Bryant as the only play- greats. all just love to hoop. People might
35 percent of the players in his accumulated knowledge and Nowitzki and James were the ers 35 or older to score at least 60 The drills Curry runs with think that9s a given, but I don9t
league history. He has battled skill into an unprecedented pack- standard-bearers when Durant in a game. He still keeps with a assistant Bruce fraser include think it is.=
legends of different eras, outlast- age. was drafted second overall in postgame routine that can be fancy dribbling, half-court shots Says Durant of that love for the
ing not only his contemporaries <You always hate to see when a 2007. Durant managed to beat all strenuous and monotonous 4 and a closing two-handed dunk game: <once that fades away,
but several stars who came a great player retires,= Knicks four in the postseason, taking and freezing cold. It has resulted that comes after he volleyball then I9ll move on to something
generation or two later. James Coach Tom Thibodeau says. <You down the first three in his first in Curry scoring at a higher clip serves the ball and catches it off else.=
doesn9t have a clock in his head want him to play forever.= run to the NBA finals in 2012. in his 30s than he did in his 20s. the bounce. But that day is not today.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post Ez M2 d7



NBA NHL Oilers 4, Stars 3 (OT) NCAA men NCAA women

eastern conference atlantic gp w l ot pts gf ga eDMonton ....................... 0 3 0 1 4 4 saturDaY9s results saturDaY9s results
Florida......................... 55 36 15 4 76 185 135 Dallas .............................. 0 3 0 0 4 3 east east
atlantic w l pct gb Boston ........................ 55 32 12 11 75 185 147 Akron 73, Buffalo 62 Army 58, Holy Cross 43
Boston ........................................ 43 12 .782 4 seconD perioD
Toronto ....................... 53 29 16 8 66 193 168 Army 59, Holy Cross 53 Binghamton 68, New Jersey Institute of Technology 48
New York .................................... 33 22 .600 10 Tampa Bay.................. 56 30 21 5 65 193 189 scoring: 1, Dallas, Marchment 18 (Johnston, Duchene), Baylor 94, West Virginia 81 Boston 69, Navy 60
Philadelphia................................ 32 22 .593 101/2 Detroit ........................ 54 28 20 6 62 190 176 1:08 (pp). 2, Edmonton, Bouchard 13 (Ekholm, Perry), Binghamton 69, New Jersey Institute of Technology 55 Brown 61, Penn 59
Brooklyn ..................................... 21 33 .389 211/2 Buffalo........................ 54 24 26 4 52 158 166 2:03. 3, Dallas, Harley 14 (Duchene, Heiskanen), 4:47. 4, Boston College 85, Miami 77 Bryant 62, Massachusetts Lowell 43
Toronto....................................... 19 36 .345 24 Montreal..................... 55 22 25 8 52 157 198 Edmonton, Perry 6 (Draisaitl, McDavid), 6:55. 5, Edmon- Boston 74, Navy 65 Butler 55, Villanova 52
Ottawa........................ 51 22 27 2 46 172 184 ton, Ryan 5 (Nugent-Hopkins), 18:42 (sh). 6, Dallas, Brown 71, Penn 64 Canisius 71, Siena 64
southeast w l pct gb Duchene 22 (Marchment, Harley), 19:02 (pp). Colgate 62, Bucknell 50 Colgate 59, Bucknell 55
Miami ......................................... 30 25 .545 4 Metropolitan gp w l ot pts gf ga overtiMe Connecticut 81, Marquette 53 Dartmouth 48, Cornell 44
Orlando....................................... 30 25 .545 4 N.Y. Rangers............... 54 35 16 3 73 179 151 Cornell 89, Dartmouth 80 Fairfield 61, Mount St. Mary9s 59
Atlanta ....................................... 24 31 .436 6 x-Carolina ................... 53 31 17 5 67 178 154 scoring: 7, Edmonton, Bouchard 14 (Draisaitl), 0:30 (pp). Delaware State 66, Coppin State 56 Fairleigh Dickinson 68, St. Francis (Pa.) 48 saul MarTiNEz for ThE WashiNgToN PosT
Charlotte .................................... 13 41 .241 161/2 x-Philadelphia............. 55 29 19 7 65 164 159 Drexel 81, Campbell 66 Iona 54, St. Peter9s 35
Washington.................................. 9 45 .167 20 2 shots on goal Duquesne 66, Saint Joseph9s 56 Lafayette 64, American 57
x-New Jersey.............. 53 27 22 4 58 177 182 MacKenzie Gore went 7-10 with
N.Y. Islanders ............. 53 22 18 13 57 155 177 eDMonton ....................... 7 10 6 1 4 24 Fairleigh Dickinson 93, St. Francis (Pa.) 74 Le Moyne 55, Stonehill 44
central w l pct gb Washington ................ 53 24 21 8 56 131 167 Dallas .............................. 6 16 5 0 4 27 Harvard 80, Columbia 75 Maine 57, Vermont 55 a 4.42 ERA in his first season
Cleveland.................................... 36 17 .679 4 Pittsburgh .................. 51 24 20 7 55 150 137 power-play opportunities: Edmonton 1 of 4; Dallas 2 of 3. Hofstra 82, Northeastern 62 Manhattan 72, Quinnipiac 66 (OT) with the nationals in 2023.
Milwaukee.................................. 35 21 .625 21/2 x-Columbus................. 52 16 26 10 42 153 194 goalies: Edmonton, Pickard 7-2-0 (27 shots-24 saves). Howard 90, North Carolina Central 82 Niagara 90, Marist 64
Indiana........................................ 31 25 .554 61/2 Dallas, Oettinger 20-9-3 (24-20). a: 18,532 (18,532). t: Illinois 85, Maryland 80 Princeton 70, Yale 25
Chicago ....................................... 26 29 .473 11 2:32. La Salle 82, Massachusetts 81 Rhode Island 61, Davidson 49
central gp w l ot pts gf ga Lafayette 68, American 62 Sacred Heart 79, Wagner 55
Detroit .......................................... 8 46 .148 281/2 Dallas.......................... 55 34 14 7 75 208 167
western conference
New Orleans............................... 33
w l
Colorado...................... 55
x-Winnipeg ................. 51
St. Louis...................... 54
Nashville..................... 55
4 70 205 178
5 69 152 117
2 60 160 168
2 58 167 179
Predators 5, Blues 2
nashville .............................. 1 1 3 4 5
Le Moyne 75, Stonehill 67
Lehigh 75, Loyola (Md.) 70
Massachusetts Lowell 86, Bryant 77
Morgan State 70, Maryland Eastern Shore 65
Pittsburgh 86, Louisville 59
Seton Hall 91, DePaul 78
VCU 63, Massachusetts 49
West Virginia 70, Oklahoma 66
Wisconsin 61, Rutgers 43
Dallas.......................................... 32 23 .582 1 Minnesota .................. 54 25 23 6 56 164 176 Providence 81, DePaul 70
Arizona ....................... 53 23 26 4 50 154 168 st. louis ................................. 1 0 1 4 2 Alabama A&M 64, Mississippi Valley State 51
Houston...................................... 24 30 .444 81/2 Richmond 90, George Washington 74
Memphis..................................... 20 36 .357 131/2 Chicago ....................... 55 15 37 3 33 115 193 UMBC 80, Albany (N.Y.) 75 Alabama Birmingham 87, Rice 74
first perioD Alcorn State 51, Bethune Cookman 40
San Antonio................................ 11 44 .200 22 Vermont 68, Maine 57
pacific gp w l ot pts gf ga scoring: 1, Nashville, Sissons 14, 4:11. 2, St. Louis, Kyrou Appalachian State 93, Georgia State 67

Gore seeks
x-Vancouver ............... 55 37 12 6 80 203 142 19 (Thomas, Krug), 19:05 (pp). Arkansas Pine Bluff 70, Alabama State 47
northwest w l pct gb Alabama 100, Texas A&M 75 Austin Peay 73, Lipscomb 60
Minnesota .................................. 39 16 .709 4 x-Vegas....................... 53 31 16 6 68 172 146 seconD perioD
Edmonton ................... 51 32 18 1 65 181 147 Appalachian State 85, Louisiana Lafayette 73 Chattanooga 56, East Tennessee State 41
Oklahoma City............................ 37 17 .685 11/2 Arkansas State 76, South Alabama 73 Coppin State 53, Delaware State 46
Los Angeles ................ 52 26 16 10 62 163 144 scoring: 3, Nashville, Evangelista 10 (Lauzon), 13:09.
Denver ........................................ 36 19 .655 3 Cincinnati 76, Central Florida 74 Drake 77, Belmont 71
Utah............................................ 26 30 .464 131/2 Seattle ........................ 54 23 21 10 56 149 155

thirD perioD Coastal Carolina 74, Marshall 67 Florida Atlantic 67, South Florida 55
Portland...................................... 15 39 .278 23 2
1/ Calgary........................ 55 25 25 5 55 166 174
Anaheim ..................... 54 19 33 2 40 139 190 scoring: 4, Nashville, Forsberg 26 (Josi, O9Reilly), 6:48 Delaware 62, North Carolina A&T 54 Florida Gulf Coast 86, Queens (N.C.) 60
x-San Jose .................. 53 15 33 5 35 113 203 (pp). 5, Nashville, Schenn 1 (Sherwood, McDonagh), Duke 76, Florida State 67 Florida International 68, Louisiana Tech 51
pacific w l pct gb 7:51. 6, St. Louis, Walker 5 (Hayes, Leddy), 12:52. 7, Florida 88, Georgia 82 George Mason 60, George Washington 57
L.A. Clippers ............................... 36 17 .679 4 x-Late game Nashville, O9Reilly 20 (Nyquist, Forsberg), 18:28 (en). Georgia State 68, Old Dominion 65 High Point 67, Radford 50
Phoenix....................................... 33 22 .600 4 Georgia Tech 65, Syracuse 60 Jackson State 71, Florida A&M 44
Sacramento ................................ 31 23 .574 51/2 friDaY9s result shots on goal Hampton 67, Towson 61 Jacksonville 73, North Florida 60
L.A. Lakers.................................. 30 26 .536 71/2 Carolina 5, at Arizona 1 High Point 99, Radford 74 James Madison 73, Coastal Carolina 60 nAtionAls from D1
nashville .............................. 8 12 13 4 33
Golden State .............................. 27 26 .509 9 st. louis ............................... 12 16 9 4 37 James Madison 87, Georgia Southern 80 Liberty 86, Sam Houston State 56
saturDaY9s results Kentucky 70, Auburn 59 Marshall 89, Old Dominion 75
power-play opportunities: Nashville 1 of 4; St. Louis 1 of LSU 64, South Carolina 63 no-decisions. But in his 10 losses,
friDaY9s results Washington 4, at Montreal 3 Memphis 72, East Carolina 70
4. goalies: Nashville, Saros 21-21-2 (37 shots-35 saves). Longwood 81, Presbyterian 73 Nicholls 81, McNeese State 67
Rising stars challenge: Los Angeles 5, at Boston 4 (OT) St. Louis, Binnington 19-15-2 (32-28). a: 18,096 he pitched to a 7.71 ErA.
at Chicago 3, Ottawa 2 Louisiana Tech 75, Florida International 68 Norfolk State 87, South Carolina State 25
Team Jalen 40, Team Tamika 35 (18,096). t: 2:27.
Team Detlef 41, Team Pau 36 Edmonton 4, at Dallas 3 (OT)
Mississippi State 71, Arkansas 67 North Alabama 88, Bellarmine 66 Gore9s high-riding fastball is an
Norfolk State 71, South Carolina State 67 (OT) North Carolina Central 70, Howard 64 (OT)
Team Jalen 26, Team Detlef 13 Detroit 5, at Calgary 0 North Carolina 96, Virginia Tech 81 Northern Iowa 89, Murray State 87 electric pitch. He has the second-
Nashville 5, at St. Louis 2 North Carolina State 78, Clemson 77 Presbyterian 67, Longwood 52
saturDaY9s results Buffalo 3, at Minnesota 2 (OT) Sabres 3, Wild 2 (OT) Southern Mississippi 78, Texas State 74 Richmond 75, Loyola Chicago 71
ary pitches to pair with it. But
No games scheduled. Florida 9, at Tampa Bay 2 buffalo ........................... 0 0 2 1 4 3 Tennessee 88, Vanderbilt 53 South Carolina Upstate 73, Gardner Webb 56 finding consistency with those
at Toronto 9, Anaheim 2 Minnesota ...................... 0 0 2 0 4 2 The Citadel 76, VMI 51 Southern Mississippi 68, Texas State 58
sunDaY9s gaMe
Philadelphia vs. New Jersey at MetLife Stadium, late Troy 85, Louisiana Monroe 57 Stetson 64, Kennesaw State 54 secondary pitches and using
All-Star Game, 8 thirD perioD Virginia 49, Wake Forest 47 Tennessee Martin 70, Morehead State 54 them at the right time could turn
Winnipeg at Vancouver, late
scoring: 1, Buffalo, Mittelstadt 13 (Jokiharju), 0:39. 2, Western Carolina 70, ETSU 65 Troy 81, Louisiana Monroe 77
MonDaY9s gaMes Carolina at Vegas, late Western Kentucky 72, New Mexico State 58 him into an ace. fortunately,
Columbus at San Jose, late Minnesota, Eriksson Ek 25 (Kaprizov), 4:02. 3, Minne- MiDwest
No games scheduled. sota, Chisholm 1 (Johansson, Rossi), 11:21 (pp). 4, MiDwest Akron 65, Buffalo 54 Gore9s arsenal includes a curve-
tuesDaY9s gaMes sunDaY9s gaMes Buffalo, Greenway 9 (Dahlin, Thompson), 19:23. Central Michigan 69, Western Michigan 42 Ball State 75, Ohio 60
N.Y. Rangers vs. N.Y. Islanders at MetLife Stadium, 3 Creighton 79, Butler 57 Cleveland State 64, Milwaukee 51 ball, a slider and a change-up 4
No games scheduled. overtiMe
Arizona at Colorado, 6 Dayton 78, Fordham 70 Illinois Chicago 68, Bradley 47 all above-average options. Those
Los Angeles at Pittsburgh, 6 scoring: 5, Buffalo, Jokiharju 3 (Thompson, Tuch), 1:29. Eastern Michigan 69, Bowling Green 60 Illinois State 78, Valparaiso 64
Fort Wayne 83, Detroit 69 Kansas State 60, Central Florida 58 pitches had whiff rates of 37.9,
MonDaY9s gaMes shots on goal Iowa 88, Wisconsin 86 (OT) Kent State 77, Central Michigan 54
GOLF buffalo ......................... 12 3 12 1 4 28 Iowa State 82, Texas Tech 74 Miami (Ohio) 58, Western Michigan 50
37.5 and 38.2 percent in 2023. But
Anaheim at Buffalo, 12:30
Dallas at Boston, 1
Minnesota .................... 12 10 10 0 4 32 Kent State 85, Northern Illinois 47 Minnesota 88, Northwestern 63 he threw his curveball and slider
power-play opportunities: Buffalo 0 of 3; Minnesota 1 of Miami (Ohio) 80, Ball State 59 Missouri State 73, Evansville 56
PGA Tour Toronto at St. Louis, 1
4. goalies: Buffalo, Luukkonen 14-13-2 (32 shots-30 Michigan State 73, Michigan 63 Nebraska 77, Purdue 65 just 18.8 and 18.2 percent of the
Vancouver at Minnesota, 2 saves). Minnesota, Gustavsson 15-13-3 (28-25). a: Missouri State 82, Valparaiso 74 North Dakota State 86, Denver 65 time. And he rarely used his
genesis invitational
At Riviera Country Club; in Pacific Palisades, Calif. Detroit at Seattle, 3:30 19,276 (18,064). t: 2:33. Nebraska 68, Penn State 49 Northern Illinois 61, Eastern Michigan 52
purse: $20 million Edmonton at Arizona, 4 TCU 75, Kansas State 72 TCU 79, Cincinnati 72 change-up.
Yardage: 7,322; par: 71 Vegas at San Jose, 4 southwest Toledo 88, Bowling Green 68 <We9re not trying to necessarily
Winnipeg at Calgary, 4 Wichita State 74, Tulsa 65
Houston 82, Texas 61
thirD rounD Chicago at Carolina, 7 Kansas 67, Oklahoma 57 southwest improve his secondary pitches,=
Patrick Cantlay .............................. 64 65 70 4 199 -14 Ottawa at Tampa Bay, 7 Red Wings 5, Flames 0 Oklahoma State 93, BYU 83 Grambling State 60, Texas Southern 55 pitching coach Jim Hickey said.
Xander Schauffele ......................... 70 66 65 4 201 -12 Sam Houston State 83, Liberty 73 Houston 65, Oklahoma State 57
Will Zalatoris ................................ 66 70 65 4 201 -12 Detroit .................................. 2 2 1 4 5 <They9re all legitimate. They9re all
calgarY ................................. 0 0 0 4 0 Tulsa 93, Rice 82 (OT) Middle Tennessee 56, Texas El Paso 41
Luke List ........................................ 65 69 68 4 202 -11 Texas 81, Iowa State 60
Jason Day ...................................... 65 69 69 4 203 -10 C A P I TA L S 9 N e x T THRee first perioD
west good enough.=
Harris English ................................ 69 69 65 4 203 -10 Boise State 90, Fresno State 66 west
Corey Conners ............................... 70 65 70 4 205 -8 scoring: 1, Detroit, Kane 9 (Seider, Fabbri), 14:56 (pp). 2, California 82, Washington 80 Colorado State 75, Wyoming 70
Hickey wanted Gore to rely on
Hideki Matsuyama ........................ 69 68 68 4 205 -8 vs. New Jersey devils Detroit, Compher 13 (Raymond, DeBrincat), 15:59. Colorado State 75, Utah State 55 Eastern Washington 74, Weber State 54 his curveball more a season ago,
J.T. Poston ..................................... 68 71 66 4 205 -8 Idaho 55, Idaho State 53 Fresno State 74, San Jose State 59
Adam Hadwin ................................ 69 70 67 4 206 -7
seconD perioD UC Santa Barbara 77, Hawaii 71 Gonzaga 91, Pacific 78 and he thinks Gore will use it and
Tom Hoge ...................................... 66 70 70 4 206 -7 Tuesday 7 Monumental scoring: 3, Detroit, Larkin 24 (Gostisbehere, Kane), 5:12 Washington State 72, Stanford 59 Idaho 49, Idaho State 48 his change-up more in 2024. Gore
Beau Hossler ................................. 68 70 68 4 206 -7 (pp). 4, Detroit, Perron 12 (Copp, Veleno), 6:41. Kansas 70, BYU 62
Mackenzie Hughes ........................ 69 65 72 4 206 -7 Montana 72, Montana State 50 said developing consistency
Adam Svensson ............................ 67 72 67 4 206 -7 at Tampa Bay Lightning thirD perioD Northern Arizona 89, Portland State 73
Eric Cole ......................................... 73 69 65 4 207 -6
No. 21 Virginia 49, Nevada 68, Boise State 65 (OT)
starts with understanding how he
scoring: 5, Detroit, Raymond 15 (Seider), 15:40.
Tony Finau ..................................... 70 67 70 4 207 -6
Thursday 7 EsPN Wake Forest 47 New Mexico State 64, Western Kentucky 61 is releasing the ball. He wants to
Ben Griffin ..................................... 72 69 66 4 207 -6 shots on goal San Diego 66, Loyola Marymount 50
Adam Scott ................................... 72 68 67 4 207 -6 Detroit .................................. 8 8 5 4 21
wake forest (16-9) San Diego State 90, Utah State 62 make sure his fingers are on the
Carr 1-7 2-2 4, Reid 5-11 0-0 10, Hildreth 2-10 0-1 4, Santa Clara 66, Portland 58
Cameron Young ............................. 72 66 69 4 207 -6
at Florida Panthers calgarY ............................... 12 16 10 4 38 Miller 3-8 2-2 9, Sallis 5-10 0-0 12, Friedrichsen 2-5 0-0 5, UC Irvine 72, CS Bakersfield 68
proper part of the seams upon
Christiaan Bezuidenhout .............. 69 69 70 4 208 -5 power-play opportunities: Detroit 2 of 5; Calgary 0 of 5.
Lucas Glover .................................. 69 71 68 4 208 -5 goalies: Detroit, Reimer 5-6-2 (38 shots-38 saves).
Monsanto 1-4 0-0 3, Marsh 0-0 0-0 0. totals 19-55 4-5 47. UC Riverside 50, UC Davis 41 release so his secondary pitches
Russell Henley .............................. 70 69 69 4 208 -5 virginia (20-6) Utah Tech 89, Seattle 75
saturday 6 Monumental Calgary, Vladar 7-7-2 (9-8), Calgary, Markstrom 17-15-2 Minor 0-1 0-2 0, Beekman 9-16 0-1 20, R.Dunn 3-8 0-3 6, spin the way he wants. After every
Max Homa ..................................... 73 65 70 4 208 -5 (12-8). a: 17,854 (19,289). t: 2:41.
Kurt Kitayama ............................... 70 69 69 4 208 -5 McKneely 5-12 1-2 12, Rohde 1-6 0-0 3, Buchanan 3-7 0-3 few pitches during a bullpen ses-
Scottie Scheffler ........................... 68 70 70 4 208 -5 6, Groves 0-2 0-0 0, Harris 1-2 0-0 2, Murray 0-0 0-0 0.
Brendon Todd ................................ 68 71 69 4 208 -5
Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM) totals 22-54 1-11 49. No. 5 Texas 81, Iowa State 60 sion Saturday, Gore would check
Byeong Hun An .............................. 67 72 70 4 209 -4 halftime: Wake Forest 22-21. three-point goals: Wake
Sam Burns ..................................... 70 71 68 4 209 -4 Blackhawks 3, Senators 2 Forest 5-21 (Sallis 2-4, Miller 1-2, Friedrichsen 1-4, iowa state ...................... 18 15 17 10 4 60 an iPad for information gathered
Capitals 4, Canadiens 3 Monsanto 1-4, Hildreth 0-2, Reid 0-2, Carr 0-3), Virginia texas ................................ 22 21 15 23 4 81 from a Trackman machine. occa-
Tommy Fleetwood ........................ 70 68 71 4 209 -4 ottawa .................................. 1 1 0 4 2
Viktor Hovland .............................. 70 69 70 4 209 -4 4-13 (Beekman 2-3, Rohde 1-3, McKneely 1-4, Groves iowa state (14-10)
Rory McIlroy .................................. 74 66 69 4 209 -4
washington ......................... 2 0 2 4 4 chicago .................................. 1 1 1 4 3 0-1, R.Dunn 0-2). rebounds: Wake Forest 37 (Reid 12), Brown 4-11 1-2 11, Crooks 10-19 4-6 24, Belanger 1-6 0-0 sionally he would yell a number 4
Montreal .............................. 1 1 1 4 3 Virginia 33 (R.Dunn 9). assists: Wake Forest 11 (Hil- 3, Jackson 2-6 3-4 9, Ryan 3-6 0-0 7, Bristow 0-0 0-0 0,
Seamus Power .............................. 74 68 67 4 209 -4 first perioD
dreth 4), Virginia 11 (Beekman, Rohde 4). total fouls: Natabou 1-3 0-0 2, Joens 1-3 1-2 4, totals 22-54 9-14 60
his guess about the amount of
Nick Taylor .................................... 70 69 70 4 209 -4 first perioD
Ludvig Aberg ................................. 68 72 70 4 210 -3 scoring: 1, Chicago, Foligno 12 (Kurashev, Bedard), Wake Forest 13, Virginia 11. a: 14,637 (14,593). texas (24-3) break on his pitch.
scoring: 1, Washington, Mantha 17 (Protas, Jensen), 13:29. 2, Ottawa, Stutzle 12 (Joseph, Giroux), 15:57. Booker 6-11 6-6 18, Jones 2-5 2-4 6, Moore 5-10 2-2 12,
Rickie Fowler ................................. 70 69 71 4 210 -3 Gore9s fastball and curveball
3:40. 2, Montreal, Xhekaj 2 (Armia, Roy), 5:04. 3, Gonzales 8-15 0-0 18, Holle 6-13 1-2 16, Gaston 4-5 0-0 8,
Brian Harman ................................ 69 70 71 4 210 -3 seconD perioD
Washington, Oshie 10 (Strome, Ovechkin), 10:00 (pp). No. 7 North Carolina 96, Muhammad 0-1 1-2 1, Mwenentanda 1-1 0-0 2, totals play off each other. Sean Doolit-
Tom Kim ........................................ 69 69 72 4 210 -3
Taylor Moore ................................. 69 73 68 4 210 -3 scoring: 3, Ottawa, Chychrun 9 (Tarasenko, Stutzle), 32-61 12-16 81
seconD perioD 8:13 (pp). 4, Chicago, Bedard 16 (Kurashev), 10:54. Virginia Tech 81 tle, the Nationals9 pitching strat-
Cameron Davis .............................. 65 73 73 4 211 -2 three-point goals: Iowa State 7-15 (Brown 2-3, Crooks
Sungjae Im .................................... 71 71 69 4 211 -2 scoring: 4, Montreal, Newhook 8 (Armia), 16:15. 0-1, Belanger 1-2, Jackson 2-5, Ryan 1-1, Joens 1-3), egist, said the two pitches are on
thirD perioD virginia tech (14-11)
Denny McCarthy ............................ 69 74 68 4 211 -2 Beran 0-2 0-0 0, Kidd 5-7 1-1 11, Cattoor 3-10 4-4 11, Texas 5-15 (Booker 0-1, Gonzales 2-6, Holle 3-8).
thirD perioD scoring: 5, Chicago, Dickinson 17 (T.Johnson, Anderson), assists: Iowa State 15 (Ryan 7), Texas 19 (Booker 10). the same spin axis, but Gore9s
Collin Morikawa ............................ 70 71 70 4 211 -2 Collins 7-15 2-2 18, Pedulla 3-13 4-6 10, Nickel 5-8 0-0 14,
Sahith Theegala ............................ 72 69 70 4 211 -2 scoring: 5, Washington, Milano 5 (Edmundson, Pacioret- 18:08. fouled out: None. rebounds: Iowa State 27 (Brown 5),
Lee Hodges .................................... 69 74 69 4 212 -1 ty), 3:27. 6, Montreal, Suzuki 20 (Matheson, Slafk-
Poteat 5-8 5-5 15, Young 0-2 2-2 2, Wessler 0-1 0-0 0,
Texas 38 (Jones 13). total fouls: Iowa State 15, Texas fastball spins backward while his
shots on goal Rechsteiner 0-1 0-0 0. totals 28-67 18-20 81.
Si Woo Kim .................................... 69 74 69 4 212 -1 ovsky), 9:45 (pp). 7, Washington, Protas 4 (Mantha, north carolina (20-6) 15. Technical Fouls_None. a: 7,013. curveball has topspin, making it
Andrew Putnam ............................ 71 70 71 4 212 -1 Dowd), 11:57. ottawa .................................. 7 22 13 4 42 Ingram 4-11 4-5 12, Bacot 11-16 3-3 25, Cadeau 4-7 0-0 8,
Gary Woodland .............................. 70 72 70 4 212 -1 chicago .................................. 8 6 8 4 22 Davis 6-13 5-6 20, Ryan 4-11 4-4 16, Trimble 1-2 2-2 4,
difficult for the hitter to deter-
shots on goal
Nicolai Hojgaard ............................ 70 71 73 4 214 +1
washington ....................... 16 9 9 4 34
power-play opportunities: Ottawa 1 of 2; Chicago 0 of 1. Washington 3-4 1-2 7, Withers 2-4 0-1 4, Wojcik 0-0 0-0 No. 7 Kansas State 60, mine which pitch is coming. It is
Emiliano Grillo ............................... 70 71 74 4 215 +2 goalies: Ottawa, Korpisalo 13-18-2 (22 shots-19 saves). 0. totals 35-68 19-23 96.
Charley Hoffman ........................... 69 74 72 4 215 +2 Montreal ............................ 11 7 13 4 31 Chicago, Mrazek 13-21-2 (42-40). a: 18,888 (19,717). t: halftime: North Carolina 50-39. three-point goals: Central Florida 58 even harder to react because of
Chase Johnson .............................. 72 70 73 4 215 +2 power-play opportunities: Washington 1 of 1; Montreal 2:28. Virginia Tech 7-26 (Nickel 4-6, Collins 2-6, Cattoor 1-6, how quickly his fastball gets in on
Jordan Spieth ............................... 66 73 DQ 1 of 3. goalies: Washington, Kuemper 12-12-3 (31 central floriDa ............ 18 6 12 22 4 58
Beran 0-1, Rechsteiner 0-1, Young 0-2, Pedulla 0-4),
shots-28 saves). Montreal, Allen 5-11-3 (34-30). a: Kansas state ................. 10 17 19 14 4 60 the hitter9s hands and how late
North Carolina 7-21 (Ryan 4-7, Davis 3-8, Cadeau 0-2,
21,105 (21,288). t: 2:31. Ingram 0-4). rebounds: Virginia Tech 29 (Poteat 8), central florida (12-12)
North Carolina 40 (Ingram 17). assists: Virginia Tech 13 Ngodu 0-1 0-0 0, Burns 5-9 0-0 10, Jewett 3-10 0-0 8, his curveball breaks.
Te NNIS HIGH S CHOOLS (Pedulla 5), North Carolina 18 (Davis 5). total fouls: Peterson 10-22 5-6 26, Robinson-Nwagwu 2-5 2-2 6, Akot Hickey and Doolittle also raved
Virginia Tech 19, North Carolina 18. a: 21,750 (21,750). 0-1 0-0 0, Gibson 1-2 0-0 2, Kelly 1-3 0-0 2, Godbolt 0-0 0-0
Kings 5, Bruins 4 (OT) 0, Todd 1-3 0-0 2, Ware 1-4 0-0 2, totals 24-60 7-8 58 about Gore9s improved change-
ATP Kansas state (22-4)
los angeles .................... 1 1 2 1 4 5 saturDaY9s results Sanchez 0-3 1-2 1, Brylee Glenn 0-6 0-0 0, Jaelyn Glenn up. Gore didn9t change his grip,
boston ............................. 2 1 1 0 4 4 boYs9 basKetball
abn aMro open
No. 14 Illinois 85, Maryland 80 2-8 0-0 5, Gregory 7-14 4-5 19, Sundell 5-8 0-4 10, but he has noticed a difference in
At Ahoy Rotterdam (Netherlands) first perioD Maupin 5-6 5-9 15, Sides 0-3 0-0 0, Walker 4-7 2-2 10,
purse: $2,300,117 Jackson-Reed 66, Cardozo 52 illinois (19-6) totals 23-55 12-22 60 the pitch9s movement. He
scoring: 1, Boston, van Riemsdyk 10 (Shattenkirk, Freder- Hawkins 4-6 5-5 14, Shannon 6-16 14-16 27, Domask three-point goals: Central Florida 3-20 (Burns 0-1,
surface: Hardcourt indoor ic), 8:03. 2, Los Angeles, Roy 3 (Lewis, Englund), 11:02. 3, MarYlanD
7-14 4-5 19, Guerrier 2-5 4-5 9, Rodgers 1-1 2-2 4, Jewett 2-7, Peterson 1-9, Robinson-Nwagwu 0-1, Todd
wouldn9t go into specifics but
Boston, van Riemsdyk 11 (Pastrnak, McAvoy), 14:45 (pp). Chopticon 52, Thomas Stone 48
singles 4 seMifinals Harmon 3-6 3-3 10, Goode 0-1 0-0 0, Dainja 1-1 0-0 2, 0-1, Ware 0-1), Kansas State 2-15 (B.Glenn 0-1, J.Glenn hopes the ball will drop more and
Alex de Minaur (5), Australia, def. Grigor Dimitrov (6), seconD perioD virginia Hansberry 0-0 0-0 0. totals 24-50 32-36 85. 1-3, Gregory 1-8, Sides 0-2, Walker 0-1). assists: Central
Bulgaria, 6-4, 6-3; Jannik Sinner (1), Italy, def. Tallon South County 49, Mount Vernon 43 Maryland (14-12) Florida 14 (Jewett 7), Kansas State 13 (Sundell 5). get more separation from his fast-
Griekspoor, Netherlands, 6-2, 6-4. scoring: 4, Boston, Richard 1 (Lauko, Boqvist), 13:04. 5, Thomas Jefferson 64, West Springfield 46 Kaiser 1-3 1-2 4, Reese 6-8 6-7 18, Traore 0-0 0-0 0, fouled out: None. rebounds: Central Florida 37 (Kelly 7), ball. And he hopes to maintain
Los Angeles, Gavrikov 4 (Dubois, Clarke), 16:38. West Potomac 77, Falls Church 30 Harris-Smith 4-11 0-1 8, Young 8-23 11-11 28, Scott 5-11 Kansas State 35 (Maupin 11). total fouls: Central
Doubles 4 seMifinals
thirD perioD Woodson 77, Annandale 56 6-7 17, Long 2-6 0-1 5, Swanton-Rodger 0-1 0-0 0. totals Florida 19, Kansas State 13. Technical Fouls_None. a: the shape of his slider.
Robin Haase and Botic Van de Zandschulp, Netherlands, 26-63 24-29 80. 6,316.
def. Jack Withrow and Nathaniel Lammons (3), United scoring: 6, Los Angeles, Laferriere 7 (Dubois, Byfield), 5:51.
private halftime: Illinois 43-38. three-point goals: Illinois 5-20 <It9s just understanding that,
DeMatha 74, St. John Paul the Great 62 (Domask 1-2, Harmon 1-3, Hawkins 1-3, Guerrier 1-4,
States, 6-4, 4-6, 10-8; Nikola Mektic, Croatia, and 7, Boston, Frederic 15 (van Riemsdyk, Geekie), 7:12. 8, Los
St. Andrew9s 72, Flint Hill 71 Shannon 1-7, Goode 0-1), Maryland 4-18 (Kaiser 1-2,
like: 8man, your stuff is so good.
Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, def. Ivan Dodig, Croatia, Angeles, Kopitar 17 (Doughty, Arvidsson), 18:25 (pp).
and Austin Krajicek (1), United States, 7-5, 6-4. girls9 basKetball Long 1-3, Young 1-4, Scott 1-5, Harris-Smith 0-4). No. 17 Gonzaga 91, Pacific 78 You don9t have to do anything
overtiMe fouled out: Kaiser, Harris-Smith. rebounds: Illinois 30
(Domask 12), Maryland 35 (Reese 11). assists: Illinois 9 gonzaga .......................... 21 24 30 16 4 91 extra other than execute,9 = Doolit-
scoring: 9, Los Angeles, Clarke 1 (Danault), 4:33. Dunbar 51, Eastern 36 pacific .............................. 26 20 14 18 4 78
(Domask 3), Maryland 9 (Young 6). total fouls: Illinois tle said. <And then the next step is,
shots on goal virginia 22, Maryland 25. a: 17,950 (17,950). gonzaga (26-2)
DelraY beach open
los angeles .................. 16 6 12 1 4 35 Lake Braddock 46, Justice 39 Ejim 12-22 4-6 28, Hollingsworth 5-9 0-0 12, Maxwell 2-7 during the game, when there9s a
At Delray Beach (Fla.) Stadium & Tennis Center boston ............................. 8 9 10 4 4 31 South County 65, Thomas Jefferson 39 5-6 10, Kaylynne Truong 5-11 0-0 15, Kayleigh Truong 4-6 little bit of adrenaline going, can
purse: $661,585 West Springfield 50, Falls Church 41 1-2 12, Burton 0-0 0-0 0, Huijbens 4-6 0-0 9, Little 0-0 0-0
surface: Hardcourt outdoor power-play opportunities: Los Angeles 1 of 2; Boston 1 Richmond 90, you stay disciplined enough to
Woodson 67, Mount Vernon 41 0, O9Connor 0-0 0-0 0, Stokes 1-3 2-2 5, totals 33-64
of 4. goalies: Los Angeles, Rittich 8-2-3 (31 shots-27
12-16 91
singles 4 seMifinals saves). Boston, Ullmark 16-6-4 (35-30). a: 17,850 private George Washington 74 pacific (14-11) just trust yourself and trust your
Tommy Paul (3), United States, def. Frances Tiafoe (2), (17,565). t: 2:48. Bullis 62, Georgetown Visitation 47
United States, 6-2, 6-2; Taylor Fritz (1), United States, Example Academy National 69, Mount Zion 65 richmond (18-7) Holmberg 4-8 2-2 10, Elliott 6-6 2-4 14, Deaton 5-13 1-1 mechanics and not try to do too
Bigelow 4-8 2-2 12, Quinn 9-12 1-2 19, Bailey 8-12 0-0 16, 12, James 5-9 2-2 13, Smith 4-9 2-2 11, Glazier 4-8 0-0 8,
def. Marcos Giron, United States, 7-6 (10-8), 6-2. Montverde Academy 81, Sidwell Friends 72
Hunt 2-8 0-1 4, King 7-13 8-8 24, Tyne 3-6 0-0 8, Walz 2-3 0-0 Kent 0-0 0-0 0, Schweizer 2-5 4-4 8, Lowery 1-1 0-0 2, much?=
Panthers 9, Lightning 2 friDaY9s results 4, Roche 1-2 0-0 3, Harris 0-0 0-0 0. totals 36-64 11-13 90. Ward 0-1 0-0 0, totals 31-60 13-15 78 It9s only mid-february, but
Doubles 4 seMifinals three-point goals: Gonzaga 13-30 (Ejim 0-2, Hollings-
Julian Cash, Britain, and Robert Galloway (3), United boYs9 basKetball george washington (14-11)
States, def. Hugo Nys, Monaco, and Jan Zielinski (2),
floriDa .................................. 4 2 3 4 9
D.c. Buchanan 3-9 1-4 7, Akingbola 2-6 0-0 4, Autry 0-3 0-0 0, worth 2-5, Maxwell 1-5, Kayly.Truong 5-9, Kayle.Truong Gore9s trademark snarkiness per-
taMpa baY ............................ 1 0 1 4 2 Bishop 7-20 4-4 23, Hutchinson 5-9 2-2 15, Edwards 6-10 3-5, Huijbens 1-2, Stokes 1-2), Pacific 3-11 (Deaton 1-4,
Poland, 6-4, 7-5; Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and Neal Capital City PCS 64, Don Bosco 51
4-4 19, A.Smith 3-7 0-1 6, Schroder 0-0 0-0 0. totals James 1-3, Smith 1-3, Ward 0-1). assists: Gonzaga 28 sisted even during his bullpen
Skupski (1), Britain, def. Cristian Rodriguez, Colombia, first perioD Friendship Collegiate 69, Georgetown Day 66
and Diego Hidalgo, Ecuador, 7-6 (11-9), 7-6 (7-5). School Without Walls 50, BASIS 36 26-64 11-15 74. (Kayle.Truong 10), Pacific 17 (James 9). fouled out: sessions.
scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Hagel 20 (Cirelli), 0:24. 2, Florida, halftime: Richmond 52-37. three-point goals: Richmond Pacific Schweizer. rebounds: Gonzaga 35 (Ejim 9,
Montour 3 (Bennett), 7:01. 3, Florida, Bennett 12 MarYlanD 7-18 (Bigelow 2-4, King 2-4, Tyne 2-4, Roche 1-2, Bailey Hollingsworth 9), Pacific 29 (Glazier 6). total fouls: <Not where you want it, but
(Kulikov, Tkachuk), 12:28. 4, Florida, Stenlund 9 Annapolis 81, Chesapeake 63 0-1, Quinn 0-1, Hunt 0-2), George Washington 11-27 Gonzaga 13, Pacific 16. Technical Fouls_None. a: 1,183. that9s okay= was his comment
(Lomberg, Mahura), 17:44. 5, Florida, Forsling 8, 18:38. Arundel 71, Broadneck 65 (Bishop 5-9, Hutchinson 3-3, Edwards 3-7, Akingbola
argentina open
seconD perioD
Blake 78, Richard Montgomery 65 0-1, Autry 0-2, Buchanan 0-2, A.Smith 0-3). rebounds: after one pitch. <Don9t do that=
At Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis Club Glen Burnie 77, South River 73 Richmond 32 (Bigelow 9), George Washington 29
purse: $642,615 scoring: 6, Florida, Tkachuk 19 (Barkov, Montour), 0:23 (pp). Huntingtown 78, Northern 55 (Akingbola 9). assists: Richmond 21 (Quinn 7), George
No. 24 West Virginia 70, came later in the session as he
surface: Red clay 7, Florida, Tkachuk 20 (Verhaeghe, Montour), 1:37 (pp). Paint Branch 66, Sherwood 59 Washington 10 (Bishop 4). total fouls: Richmond 12, No. 23 Oklahoma 66 stared at the ground. Toward the
Seneca Valley 72, Watkins Mill 56 George Washington 14. a: 2,233 (5,000).
singles 4 seMifinals thirD perioD Severna Park 54, Meade 38 oKlahoMa ....................... 18 14 16 18 4 66 end, he clicked his teeth together:
Facundo Diaz Acosta, Argentina, def. Federico Coria, Springbrook 74, Wheaton 49 west virginia ................. 18 13 16 23 4 70
Argentina, 6-2, 6-3; Nicolas Jarry (3), Chile, def. Carlos
scoring: 8, Florida, Verhaeghe 29 (Bennett, Tkachuk),
Thomas Stone 64, St. Charles 60 oklahoma (18-7)
<one more.=
1:05. 9, Florida, Bennett 13 (Rodrigues, Lundell), 1:56
Alcaraz (1), Spain, 7-6 (7-2), 6-3. (pp). 10, Florida, Verhaeghe 30 (Forsling, Reinhart), 4:09. Westlake 65, North Point 60 Lafayette 68, American 62 Williams 1-4 0-0 2, Keys 3-7 2-2 11, Tot 5-10 0-2 12, Vann But there also were a few per-
11, Tampa Bay, Point 27 (Hedman, Kucherov), 10:51 (pp). Wise 67, Atholton 51 5-14 0-0 11, Verhulst 7-14 0-0 20, Johnson 1-2 2-5 4,
Doubles 4 seMifinals lafayette (11-16)
Jenkins 3-5 2-2 10, Vander Baan 4-9 0-1 9, Butler 2-2 1-2 Culliton 0-3 0-0 0, Joens 0-0 0-0 0, Scott 2-3 1-2 6, Tucker
fectly deceptive change-ups that
Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (1),
shots on goal 5, Hines 6-11 3-3 20, Sondberg 1-7 3-4 6, Pettit 0-3 0-0 0, 0-0 0-0 0, totals 24-57 5-11 66 started in the bottom half of the
Argentina, def. Matwe Middelkoop, Netherlands, and Hayfield 49, Edison 42
floriDa ................................ 14 8 9 4 31 Potomac Falls 57, Riverside 50 Savicevic 5-7 0-0 14, Rubayo 2-2 0-0 4, Wyche 0-1 0-0 0. west virginia (22-3)
Marcelo Melo (4), Brazil, 6-3, 6-3; Simone Bolelli and taMpa baY ............................ 9 16 5 4 30 South Lakes 57, James Madison 34 totals 23-47 9-12 68. Blacksten 0-2 0-0 0, Fields 1-4 1-4 4, Harrison 2-10 5-6 strike zone and looked like fast-
Andrea Vavassori (3), Italy, def. Nicolas Barrientos, 10, Quinerly 8-18 1-2 18, Watson 4-11 1-1 11, Arigbabu
Colombia, and Rafael Matos, Brazil, 7-5, 6-3. power-play opportunities: Florida 4 of 4; Tampa Bay 0 of private
american (14-13)
3-5 0-0 6, Diggs 6-9 0-2 12, Hemingway 1-3 6-6 9, totals
balls until, at the last moment,
4. goalies: Florida, Bobrovsky 26-10-2 (30 shots-28 Mayock 6-11 2-2 16, Rogers 5-12 6-7 17, Ball 2-5 5-7 10,
saves). Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 19-11-0 (22-16), Tampa Bullis 82, St. Albans 37 Donadio 1-6 0-0 3, Stephens 2-4 0-0 4, G.Jones 4-8 0-0 9, 25-62 14-21 70 they dove toward the dirt. A nod
DeMatha 95, The Heights 62 Samuels 1-3 0-0 3, Gleaton 0-1 0-0 0, Whittaker 0-3 0-0 three-point goals: Oklahoma 13-21 (Keys 3-5, Tot 2-4,
Bay, Johansson 10-7-5 (9-6). a: 0 (19,092). t: 2:37.
Georgetown Prep 75, Landon 41 0, N.Jones 0-1 0-0 0. totals 21-54 13-16 62. Vann 1-3, Verhulst 6-8, Scott 1-1), West Virginia 6-23 of approval from Gore followed
WTA Paul VI 84, Bishop McNamara 38 halftime: Lafayette 27-26. three-point goals: Lafayette (Blacksten 0-2, Fields 1-4, Harrison 1-5, Quinerly 1-4, after each pitch.
Severn School 61, Annapolis Area Christian School 56 13-27 (Hines 5-7, Savicevic 4-5, Jenkins 2-3, Vander Watson 2-7, Hemingway 1-1). assists: Oklahoma 10
Qatar open Maple Leafs 9, ducks 2 Sidwell Friends 87, St. James 43 Baan 1-4, Sondberg 1-5, Wyche 0-1, Pettit 0-2), Ameri- (Tot 3), West Virginia 13 (Harrison 9). fouled out: None. <If you9ve got four good weap-
At Khalifa International Tennis and Squash Complex St. Andrew9s 58, Maret 48 rebounds: Oklahoma 41 (Vann 14), West Virginia 31
in Doha, Qatar
anaheiM ................................ 1 0 1 4 2
St. John9s 58, Bishop O9Connell 53
can 7-22 (Mayock 2-5, Samuels 1-1, Ball 1-2, Donadio
(Watson 9). total fouls: Oklahoma 18, West Virginia 16.
ons, it9s nice to use them all,= he
toronto ................................ 4 4 1 4 9 1-3, G.Jones 1-3, Rogers 1-4, Gleaton 0-1, Whittaker 0-1,
purse: $3,211,715
girls9 basKetball Stephens 0-2). rebounds: Lafayette 27 (Vander Baan 7), Technical Fouls_None. a: 3,715. said. <We9re going to see where
surface: Hardcourt outdoor first perioD American 27 (Rogers 7). assists: Lafayette 15 (Vander
D.c. Baan, Butler 4), American 11 (Ball 4). total fouls:
we9re at in the spring. It9s going to
singles 4 chaMpionship scoring: 1, Toronto, Matthews 46 (Knies, Marner), 3:41. Seed 58, Washington Latin Public Charter School 22
Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. Elena Rybakina (3), 2, Toronto, McMann 6 (Robertson, Lajoie), 6:06 (pp). 3, Lafayette 14, American 17. a: 1,087 (4,500). No. 25 Princeton 70, Yale 25 be fun, though. Do things a little
Toronto, McCabe 5 (Domi, Nylander), 10:33. 4, Anaheim, MarYlanD
Kazakhstan, 7-6 (10-8), 6-2.
Vatrano 24 (Strome, Silfverberg), 11:32 (pp). 5, Toronto, Bethesda-Chevy Chase 56, Whitman 45 princeton ........................ 19 13 28 10 4 70 different, see what happens.=
Doubles 4 chaMpionship Nylander 28 (Matthews, Liljegren), 17:37 (pp). Broadneck 65, Arundel 20 Boston U. 74, Navy 65 Yale ..................................... 8 7 6 4 4 25
Demi Schuurs, Netherlands, and Luisa Stefani (5), Brazil,
seconD perioD
Leonardtown 63, Great Mills 49
navy (8-17)
princeton (20-3) nats sign right-hander Davies
def. Desirae Krawczyk and Caroline Dolehide, United Northern 50, Huntingtown 41 Hill 4-4 0-0 8, Mitchell 2-3 1-1 5, Belker 2-3 0-0 4, Chen
Richard Montgomery 64, Blake 48 Draper 2-6 1-3 5, Fischer 0-0 1-2 1, Benigni 6-12 7-7 19, 7-9 3-4 18, St. Rose 4-9 2-4 10, Amanze 4-5 1-3 9, Charles
States, 6-4, 6-2. scoring: 6, Toronto, Matthews 47 (Marner, Nylander),
Severna Park 43, Meade 35 MacDonald 0-3 0-0 0, Rehnstrom 4-12 0-0 12, Woods 0-1 0-0 0, Morton 0-1 0-0 0, Thiers 0-0 0-0 0, Bickley 3-7
The Nationals signed right-
0:50 (pp). 7, Toronto, Bertuzzi 7 (Matthews, Liljegren),
2:51 (pp). 8, Toronto, Matthews 48 (Knies, McCabe), Southern 45, Crofton 35 5-10 2-5 12, Pennick 4-9 0-0 9, Inge 2-4 0-0 5, Kehoe 1-2 0-0 7, Chea 1-7 0-0 2, Hutcherson 2-2 0-0 4, Osgood 0-2 handed starter Zach Davies to a
Springbrook 52, Wheaton 18 0-0 2, Howard 0-1 0-0 0. totals 24-59 11-17 65. 0-0 0, Tall 1-3 0-0 3, totals 30-56 7-12 70
TR ANSAC TIO NS 5:39. 9, Toronto, McMann 7 (Liljegren, Domi), 17:58. minor league contract with an
St. Charles 64, Thomas Stone 26 boston (11-16) Yale (6-17)
thirD perioD Suitland 51, Parkdale 43 Landrum 6-8 7-8 19, Nobili 5-9 0-0 11, Alexander 6-12 5-6 McDonald 2-7 2-2 6, Astrom 0-2 0-0 0, Capstraw 0-5 0-0 invitation to spring training, ac-
19, Brewster 2-6 1-2 6, Okwuosa 0-5 2-2 2, Roy 1-4 1-2 4, 0, Clark 2-7 3-7 8, McGill 2-5 1-2 5, Thybulle 1-4 0-0 2,
Mlb scoring: 10, Anaheim, Strome 9 (Lindstrom, Killorn), virginia Morales 2-5 0-0 5, Baptiste 1-1 2-2 4, McNair 2-3 0-0 4. cording to a person familiar with
15:36. 11, Toronto, Robertson 8 (McMann), 17:54. Egger 1-3 0-0 2, Lesmond 0-1 0-0 0, Lynn 0-0 0-0 0,
Briar Woods 43, Stone Bridge 34 totals 25-53 18-22 74. McCann 1-1 0-0 2, totals 9-35 6-11 25
seattle Mariners: Claimed RHP Levi Stoudt off waivers
shots on goal
Edison 45, Hayfield 40 halftime: Boston 36-28. three-point goals: Navy 6-23 three-point goals: Princeton 3-9 (Chen 1-1, St. Rose 0-2,
the deal. Davies, 31, is a nine-year
from Cincinnati. Designated OF Canaan Smith-Njigba for McLean 42, Langley 36 (Rehnstrom 4-10, Inge 1-2, Pennick 1-5, Benigni 0-2,
assignment. anaheiM ................................ 3 10 8 4 21 Robinson 50, West Potomac 29 Draper 0-2, MacDonald 0-2), Boston 6-13 (Alexander
Bickley 1-1, Chea 0-3, Osgood 0-1, Tall 1-1), Yale 1-7 veteran with a career 4.36 ErA.
(McDonald 0-1, Capstraw 0-3, Clark 1-2, Lesmond 0-1).
toronto .............................. 18 9 4 4 31 private 2-3, Nobili 1-1, Roy 1-1, Morales 1-2, Brewster 1-3, assists: Princeton 12 (Chen 6), Yale 7 (Clark 4). fouled He spent the past two seasons
power-play opportunities: Anaheim 1 of 3; Toronto 4 of Okwuosa 0-3). rebounds: Navy 26 (Draper 7), Boston 32
vancouver canucks: Recalled F Arshdeep Bains from 5. goalies: Anaheim, Gibson 11-19-1 (13 shots-8 saves),
Elizabeth Seton 55, Bishop O9Connell 50
(Alexander 7). assists: Navy 9 (MacDonald, Woods 2),
out: None. rebounds: Princeton 34 (Amanze 6), Yale 25 with the Arizona Diamondbacks,
Mount Zion 54, Lincoln Prep (Canada) 36 (Clark 4, Thybulle 4). total fouls: Princeton 12, Yale 12.
Abbotsford (AHL). Returned D Jett Woo to Abbotsford Anaheim, Dostal 8-14-1 (18-14). Toronto, Jones 10-7-1 Boston 12 (Landrum, Alexander, Roy 2). total fouls: going 2-5 with a 7.00 ErA in
St. John9s 64, Paul VI 50 Technical Fouls_None. a: 545.
on loan. (21-19). a: 19,247 (18,819). t: 2:23. Navy 20, Boston 16. a: 1,175 (1,800).
18 starts in 2023.
d8 eZ sU the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

High schools
VIrgInIA gymnAStICS ChAmpIonShIpS dCIAA boyS9 bASketbAll fInAl

Bruins are undeniable Tigers pounce in second half to return to the top
in pulling off three-peat jaCkson-reed 66, really wanted it.=
Fort finished with 17 points.
Cardozo 52 Junior forward JJ Massaquoi led
Class 1 through 5 session. the Tigers with 19 points and took
In Saturday9s individual com- home game MVP honors.
Lake Braddock prevails petition, Colgan9s Natalya Shir- BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO The Tigers have won five of the
in all four events to cap ley won on vault with a 9.675. past seven DCIAA titles, falling
Battlefield9s Ryan Grothoff and The Jackson-Reed Tigers, long short in 2020 and 2023. Last
another dominant season Jordan Ignacio finished first and seen as the team to beat in the winter, the program was stunned
second on floor, respectively, D.C. Interscholastic Athletic As- in the semifinals by a Bard squad
with scores of 9.750 and 9.725. sociation, gathered in their locker that went on to win it all. The
BY T AYLOR L YONS Saturday9s field featured few room at halftime of Saturday9s Tigers bounced back this season
of the area9s top gymnasts be- boys9 basketball championship with an undefeated league cam-
Before the dominant Lake cause the Excalibur Cup, a highly game and reviewed some basics. paign, reaffirming themselves as
Braddock gymnastics team as- regarded club meet in Virginia Cardozo guard Wisdom Carter kings of the DCIAA and one of the
cended on Ocean Lakes High for Beach, also was taking place that had just nailed a buzzer-beating best teams in the D.C. area.
the Virginia state champion- day and drew many of the ath- three to close out the second <We had a chip on our shoulder
ships, the Bruins took a quick letes who qualified for states. quarter, sending his team sprint- in practice every day,= senior
detour to a nearby Chick-fil-A. The Excalibur Cup is a key event ing into the locker room with a guard Joseph McRae said. <It
Filling up on chicken sand- for college recruiting. hard-earned and somewhat sur- feels like we really deserve this
wiches, french fries and milk- Lake Braddock9s third straight amanda andRade-Rhoades foR the Washington Post
prising one-point lead. Momen- moment right now.=
shakes has become a tradition team championship marks the tum, it seemed, was not on the JJ Massaquoi receives the MVP award after scoring 19 points for The Tigers can turn their atten-
for the group before the past two first time a Class 6 program has side of the heavily favored Tigers. the Tigers, who have won five of the past seven DCIAA titles. tion to the D.C. State Athletic
state championships. It helps won three consecutive titles <I reminded them that a game Association tournament, which
calm nerves before competitions since the Bruins won five only needs be won by one point,= turning point in what would be a They opened the third quarter they last won in 2018. Last year,
and has been a constant through straight in the 1990s. Cooper also Tigers Coach Tee Johnson said. <I 66-52 win. with an electric 11-0 run, capped Jackson-Reed fell to Sidwell
the Bruins9 three-year run of coached those teams, then re- think a lot of times we win by a lot No. 3 Jackson-Reed (32-2) by a thundering dunk from junior Friends in the state title game.
supremacy. turned to the school after a in this league, so the guys start to emerged from its locker room Jayden Fort that forced a timeout <We9re going to try to find the
<My team believes in a little two-decade hiatus to spark this feel defeated when the game is with less than a minute remain- by Cardozo (21-4) and brought balance between keeping our
superstition,= Coach Michael current run. close. But it9s simple: We just ing on the halftime clock, giving half of the fans to their feet. guys as fresh as possible while
Cooper said. <They have their Winning by wide margins has needed to get one basket at a itself barely enough time for a few <We just wanted to swing the also keeping them focused,= John-
own little quirks about what they become the norm for Cooper9s time, one stop at a time.= warmup shots. Nevertheless, the energy,= Fort said. <We knew the son said. <We want to be locked
do to prepare for a meet, and team. That has forced him to find That reminder proved to be the Tigers were ready to pounce. championship was ours if we in.=
that9s one of them.= ways to keep his gymnasts moti-
When Lake Braddock finally vated. Often at practices
took to the bars, vault, beam and throughout this season, he
floor, the squad again displayed pointed to the championship
why it has been impossible to banners that hang from Lake
beat. The Bruins captured their Braddock9s gym walls to remind
third consecutive Class 6 state the Bruins what they were chas-
title Friday in Virginia Beach. ing.
With 148.325 points, Lake The team will return nearly all
Braddock breezed past second- of its top gymnasts next season.
place Battlefield (142.300). The Bell and Suson have won a title
Bruins finished first in all four in each of their first three sea-
events. Madi Bell posted a 9.775 sons. Sophomores Sophie Bod-
on vault and a 9.750 on beam, ner and Abby Parrish were also
and Maggie Suson scored a 9.725 key in the Bruins9 victory.
on bars, with both juniors finish- Next year, this 2024 champi-
ing far ahead of the second-place onship will be staring at Lake
finishers in those events. Braddock during workouts. The
<Five of my girls competed on coach9s mid-practice lectures
beam, and all five stuck their will hold even more validity. The
landing,= Cooper said. <We start- quest will continue for another
ed on beam, and that just set the championship 4 and another
tone for the whole meet. You stop at Chick-fil-A.
could tell the other teams, after <It9s just a great feeling,= Coo-
they saw what we did on beam, per said. <Our [juniors and sen-
got a little rattled.= iors] that have been together
Woodgrove finished third and have won three titles now. You
Stone Bridge placed fifth in the don9t come across that too often.=

VIrgInIA wreStlIng ChAmpIonShIpS

Woodgrove takes down

all comers, wins Class 4
it9s about the other guys who came
in here and worked so hard and
Chantilly is runner-up got to state and earned points for
in Class 6 on strength the team. I9m just so proud of these amanda andRade-Rhoades foR the Washington Post

guys.= Demi Marshall helped Dunbar close the game on a 23-11 run 4 after Eastern pulled within three 4 en route to a fifth straight DCIAA title.
of Keel9s dominant meet In Class 6, Chantilly placed sec-
ond behind state champ Moun-
tain View. Last year, Chantilly ju- dCIAA gIrlS9 bASketbAll fInAl
BY M IKE H OLTZCLAW nior Ezekiel Keel won the state


grove Wolverines finished what
they started Saturday at Virginia
title at 113 pounds, and this time
around he went one better 4 win-
ning at 120 pounds and not giving
up a single point in the meet. Keel
Calmed Tide sweeps away Ramblers
Beach Sports Center, winning the stopped Glen Allen9s Carl An-
first state wrestling champion- drade, 6-0, in the championship game. We are winning this game Knowing it can be hard for a its best season in years, never got
ship in school history. match. dunbar 51, 4 look at the scoreboard.= team to grow without challenge, within one score again.
The Class 4 title capped a per- <Giving up zero points feels eastern 36 Dunbar can be forgiven for Gross and her staff sought out a When it was all over, the Dun-
fect season in which Woodgrove really amazing,= Keel said. <I put a equating a close game to a crisis. tough nonconference schedule bar players crowded around their
went unbeaten in 22 dual meets lot of work into my defense, in my Entering Saturday, the Tide had featuring private school powers trophy and held five fingers in the
and won its region championship. training. Defense is probably BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO won every league game by double such as St. John9s and Georgetown air, proud to repeat a tradition.
Senior Austen Watson, who won 50-50 mental and physical. You digits. More than once, it held its Visitation. When league play ar- <Every game we play, we know
at 150 pounds, said the roots of the can beat a lot of people if you Midway through the third opponent to single digits. The rived, the Tide talked about play- that if we lose the other team will
team championship were planted wrestle smart.= quarter of Saturday9s D.C. Inter- players knew they had the talent ing every quarter as if it was be on Instagram talking about it,=
long before the season. Chantilly also scored a state ti- scholastic Athletic Association to beat the Ramblers at Coolidge trailing. On Saturday, as Eastern9s Holt said. <It would be a big deal.
<Everyone on this team was do- tle from Carter Shin at championship, Dunbar girls9 bas- on Saturday; their coach just pressure mounted, the coach had And we never want that.=
ing the right things 4 lifting, eat- 106 pounds. Robinson secured ketball coach BreAnna Gross needed to remind them. to tell her team that wasn9t actual- Next up is the D.C. State Athlet-
ing right,= he said. <So much work state championships at called a timeout to try to bring her Dunbar closed out the game ly the case. ic Association tournament, in
gets done in the dark, when no one 113 pounds from Caden Smith and team back to reality. The Crimson with patience and poise, earning a Dunbar outscored the Ram- which the public school power-
else sees it. That9s how you suc- at 132 pounds from Tristan Corb- Tide had led Eastern for most of 51-36 win and the program9s fifth blers 23-11 after that timeout in house will have another chance to
ceed. That9s how you win state in. Both seniors came in as defend- the afternoon, but its advantage straight DCIAA title. the third quarter. Sophomore for- prove itself against private
championships.= ing state champs. had just been cut to three, and <There9s pressure every sea- ward Kirsten Holt, who earned schools.
In addition to Watson9s victory, Smith defended the weight Gross9s players looked rattled. son,= junior guard Emorean game MVP honors, gave the Tide <We played those tough games
Woodgrove was buoyed by a state class he had taken as a junior, <I9m just calling this timeout so Thomas said. <People are doubt- (20-9) an unmatchable presence early on to prepare us for games
title from sophomore Sawyer dominating Western Branch9s you can get it together,= she told ing us, rooting against us. That9s down low and freed up an athletic like today,= Gross said. <And hope-
Jones at 144 pounds. Early in the Brandon Cynar for a 10-4 decision. them. <You9re frantic out there, hard. And it feels good to do some- stable of guards to make plays on fully they prepared us for states,
season, Watson was wrestling at <It feels good, but it9s also a little playing like you9re losing the thing I always knew we could do.= the outside. Eastern (19-6), having too.=
144 and Jones was struggling to sad that it9s my last time wrestling
make weight at 138, so the friends in high school,= said Smith, who is
and wrestling partners each committed to wrestle at Virginia
bumped up a weight class. Tech. <I was confident coming in. dCSAA wreStlIng ChAmpIonShIpS
<It was a decision we made to- There was some pressure, given
gether,= Watson said. <We figured,
why win one state title between us
when we could bump up and win
that I won state last year, but I
have confidence in my skills and in
the way I9ve trained.=
Gonzaga dominates as sport sees growth in the city
two? And it all came together to- Also winning state titles in
day.= Class 6 were Kross Cassidy from BY E MMETT S IEGEL St. Albans School in Northwest until January but made no mis- with six guys in the finals, so that
Woodgrove, which sent 13 wres- Fairfax at 157 pounds, Lucas Ma- Washington. take defending his championship. was a testament to the teamwork
tlers to the state meet, also re- theny from Lake Braddock at 175, Beck Holtzman had his path to Gonzaga dominated the team As a team, though, nobody and full team effort,= Gonzaga
ceived runner-up finishes from Ethan Osborn of Hayfield at 190 tying the score all planned out. competition, but performances matched Gonzaga, which ran Coach Reggie Snowden said.
Ben Spagnoli at 126 pounds, Cam- and Marshall9s Soren Pirhoun at Facing a five-point deficit enter- such as Holtzman9s had seven away with the title with <They represented themselves
eron Owens at 157 and Luke Ben- 215. ing the third period, the George- other schools leaving the gym 202 points, well ahead of second- with some pride today.=
kelman at 190. In Class 4, Loudoun County town Day junior told his coaches with state champions. place Jackson-Reed (167.5) and At the 2022 DCSAA champion-
Coach Mike Skinner said the boasted three individual champi- precisely what he would do: an <It9s all a blur. I9m not even third-place St. John9s (150). ships, only two non-private
team9s depth was its biggest ons: Lincoln Kelley at 126 pounds, escape and two takedowns. thinking when I9m wrestling. It9s The Eagles, who won the 2022 schools were present, with the
strength throughout the season. Justin Lowery at 157 and Octavian Once he executed, Holtzman too much of an adrenaline rush,= title, had all but locked up the sport still in its infancy among
<These guys have the talent and Ashford at 175. didn9t let Ethan Glessner 4 one of Holtzman said. <I9ve never cel- victory entering the finals as they public and charter schools. Last
the work ethic, but it9s more than In Class 5, Aidan Shufelt of In- his club teammates who wrestles ebrated a big win, but it was a big held a 41.5-point lead. They added year, private schools had their
that,= Skinner said. <We brought dependence took the title at for St. John9s 4 free, denying him deal.= to their total with three individual own competition, so this event
two state finalists back from last 113 pounds. Cox won the Class 5 an escape and sending the match After winning a state champi- champions: Connor Meeker featured only public and charter
year, so we knew we9d be good. But team title. into a sudden-death period. onship last year, Holtzman (106 pounds), Matt Van Sice (157) schools 4 nine total, with just
Holtzman pushed the pace and missed much of this season after and Bojan Sulc (165), who was 48 wrestlers competing.
take |e post shopping recorded a takedown, granting tearing his meniscus over the named the event9s most outstand- But Saturday, there was a true
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
him a 12-10 win and the summer. He continued wrestling ing wrestler. Four other Eagles blend as 17 schools and 143 wres-
132-pound crown Saturday at the for multiple months before ulti- earned top-three finishes. tlers participated. Every corner of
s0108 2x1
D.C. State Athletic Association mately getting surgery in the fall. <We only had two guys that the city was represented, offering
Politics " History " Culture " More
wrestling championships at He didn9t return to competition were top-two seeds and ended up testimony to the sport9s growth.
sunday, february 18, 2024 eZ ee E




Theater E6 l Art E10 l Television E16 l Classical Music E18 l Pop Music E20 l Movies E21
illuStration by Shira inbar for the waShington poSt
e2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Filmmaker Ed Zwick
in 2019. Zwick has
directed some of our
biggest movie stars,
including two films
with Tom Cruise and
three with Denzel
Washington, who won
his first Academy
Award for Zwick9s
1989 film <Glory.=

director from 1986 to 2018 are varied and

generally strong, but do not cohere into a
consistent aesthetic or worldview the
way our most-remembered filmmakers9
oeuvres tend to do. I9d thought of the
director of <About Last Night= (an adap-
tation of David Mamet9s play <Sexual
Perversity in Chicago= shorn of its sala-
cious title) and the (first) Iraq War drama
<Courage Under Fire= as a reliable but
unexciting company man in the vein of
Ron Howard. His memoir convinced me
that my assessment was unfair 4 not that
Zwick is pleading for anyone9s approval.
In addition to co-creating (with his
lifelong creative partner Marshall Hers-
kovitz) three TV shows that channeled
the zeitgeist of their eras 4 the late 980s
yuppies-have-feelings-too ABC drama
<Thirtysomething,= then the shorter-
lived <My So-Called Life= and <Once and
Again= 4 Zwick cast the gone-too-soon
Andre Braugher and the stayed-too-long
Josh Gad in their first film roles. He
butted heads with Matthew Broderick
and Brad Pitt on (respectively) <Glory=
and <Legends of the Fall.= He directed
Denzel Washington in three films (in-
cluding <Glory,= which brought Washing-
ton his first Academy Award) and Tom
Cruise in two, of which 20039s <The Last
Samurai= was the more notable. For
anyone wondering how, exactly, one di-
rects stars of such herculean charisma
and power, Zwick supplies anecdotes
that essentially boil down to him know-
ing when these titans need a small
obstacle to push against, and supplying
that obstacle.
Zwick punctuates his chapters with
palate-cleansing lists: <Nine Thoughts on
Assistant Directors,= wherein he praises
the sacrifices made by filmmakers whose
names the public seldom knows; <Ten
Tips from Long Lunches with Sydney,=
wherein he shares wisdom cribbed from
his longtime friend and mentor, the
filmmaker and character actor Sydney
One of the liveliest chapters recounts
how Zwick9s dreams were dashed when
Julia Roberts abruptly pulled out of the
version of <Shakespeare in Love= he was
set to direct in 1992, taking the entire
production with her. Retaining a pro-
ducer credit on the version that got
made, Zwick would be elbowed out of the
way from the podium by the justly reviled
Harvey Weinstein when the John Mad-
den-directed <Shakespeare in Love= took
best picture at the Academy Awards
seven years later. (Gwyneth Paltrow won
best actress in what would have been the
BiLL o9LEary/thE washinGton Post Roberts role.) As the person who realized
Tom Stoppard was the man to alchemize
Marc Norman9s solid-but-earthbound
script into the magical document it be-

Filmmaker Ed Zwick is not afraid came 4 and who talked the legendary
playwright into taking the assignment 4
Zwick does deserve our gratitude. (He
also takes credit for prodding Stoppard
to put more sex into the script.)

to name names in candid memoir The point is that Zwick has seen things
and done things, and he9s reached a stage
of his career 4 and, 15 years after being
diagnosed with non-Hodgkin9s lympho-
ma, in his life 4 where he9s unafraid
whom he might offend.
In rare instances this comes off as
C HRIS K LIMEK he TL;DR distillation of vet- arrogance. His 1998 action drama <The

eran screen storyteller Ed Siege= imagined the U.S. Army enforcing
Zwick9s candid new memoir, martial law and interning American citi-
<Hits, Flops, and Other Illu- zens of Middle Eastern descent after a
sions,= doesn9t come until Page series of terrorist attacks in New York
242 of a 289-page book. City. When the film became the target of
<My hope as a Hollywood filmmaker protests organized by the American-Arab
who at times has chosen to dramatize Anti-Discrimination Committee, Zwick
provocative subjects,= Zwick observes, <is responded with a New York Times op-ed,
to reach beyond the natural constituency which he reprints in full. Without elabo-
for such subjects. I9m betting some 18- rating on his 1998 sign-off (<So, I9m sorry
year-old will walk into a multiplex in I offended anyone. But I9m really not.=),
pursuit of a good movie with great actors, he recalls how the weeks after 9/11 found
maybe even some action, and be sur- him moonlighting awkwardly as a TV
prised to find himself thinking deeper talking head.
about something he might never have Ultimately, Zwick seems less troubled
encountered otherwise. Maybe he9ll by the suspicion that his own time may
someday watch a documentary about it, have passed than by the near-certainty
or God help me, read a book.= that the types of movies he makes 4
hIts, FlOps, and For anyone looking to (God help them) entertainments, but entertainments of
Other IllusIOns read a book on how The Industry has weight and substance 4 have gone ex-
My Fortysomething changed in the half-century since a fresh- tinct, at least at the big studios that
Years in hollywood out-of-Harvard Zwick first entered it as funded his. He recalls an incident follow-
By Ed Zwick an assistant to 4 there9s no way to ing the release of <Blood Diamond,= his
Gallery. 289 pp. sugarcoat this 4 Woody Allen, this name- Leonard DiCaprio-headlined drama
$27.99 dropping but also rewardingly name- about Sierra Leone9s civil war. Warner
naming look back from the director of Bros. chief Alan Horn told Zwick he was
19899s <Glory= and other consequential hanging the film9s poster in his office,
films is a surprisingly strong choice. because he was proud of the movie, and
Surprising, I say, because its author is not he knew he9d never make another like it.
quite an auteur. While objections to the This somber, brilliantly acted film, sans
Auteur Theory are well-known and well- superheroes or merchandising tie-ins,
founded, cinephiles like me can9t seem to had been nominated for five Oscars and
courtEsy of Ed Zwick
stop thinking of the movies we love as the earned a profit, but not enough of one.
product of a single and singular genius: a <Forty million doesn9t move the needle
Wilder or a Kubrick, a Kelly Reichardt or Zwick in the <Thirtysomething= offices with his wife, Liberty Godshall. on our stock price,= Horn told the author.
a Jordan Peele. After that series, Zwick and his longtime creative partner Marshall Hers- <Blood Diamond= came out 17 years
Not a Zwick, whose 13 feature films as kovitz went on to co-create <My So-Called Life= and <Once and Again.= ago.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee e3

She9s dating a new guy and is mortiûed to discover she has started snoring
Dear Carolyn: adventure. Slighted: I feel this, as a current motive for his choice that is the
I9m a middle-aged You snore, he loves it or leaves payer of college tuitions that least personal, least insulting
hetero woman it, at least till you and your pinch. and absolute least reflection on
who has been doctor address underlying I can even join you in some of your daughter (or you).
divorced for many causes. (ASAP.) your mystification, since lifting Maybe: He believes more in
years. I gained 20 And stop dodging. My advice up one9s own family through helping many disadvantaged
Carolyn pounds over the upon winning this and other future generations is much more kids through college than in
Hax past couple of corporeal jackpots is to own your our cultural style right now than helping one who9s in pretty good
years due to humanity, out loud: <I just lifting up nameless others. Your shape.
hormone figured out that I snore. I hope father-in-law does seem outside Best part, this doesn9t even
imbalance (thanks, menopause!). you find that adorable.= the norm. have to be true. You just need to
I9ve also recently discovered that If you can9t imagine being so But I can9t sign on to the decide it is to reverse your
I snore. Over the past few frank, then my advice victim narrative you9re nurturing bitterness: <I won9t lie, we9d love
months, I would sometimes prerequisite is to work toward here. She is <not worthy=? And the help, but how can we
wake myself up during the night crossing that honesty threshold. being <slighted,= so you9re complain when he9s a hero to so
with a single <snort.= I Learn to accept yourself before <hurt=? many kids?=
downloaded an app that records you worry about whether anyone That is not a facts-at-face- Before you decide whether to
sounds while I9m sleeping, and to else accepts you. value approach. You9ve added a start framing it this way in your
my dismay, I learned that while it You might be surprised by filter of your choosing, which own mind, think of your
isn9t horribly loud, there9s no how much of the hard work of escalates a pretty normal <10 daughter: What example are you
denying I snore. relationships is behind you once grand would sure be nice right setting for her?
Why this has become a you complete that first step. now= to bitterness. You9re in
problem now is that I started Never forget, too, that all our protective and angry parent-bear Write to carolyn hax at
dating New Guy about four faults, real or perceived, are mode where acceptance would get her
months ago. Although we9ve filters. You don9t want someone serve you much better. column delivered to your inbox each
been intimate, we9ve so far had who can9t get past your less- For acceptance, dial back to morning at
only two sleepovers. I have never than-smoking-hot traits. facts at face value: Your father-
been super comfortable sleeping The man who sees your faults in-law focuses on public õ Join the discussion live at noon
with someone overnight, so I try as a small price to pay for the joy philanthropy over family. fridays at
to keep those at a minimum. But of being close to you, and about nick gaLifianakis for the Washington Post Then from there, attribute a -chats.
now that I know I snore, I can9t whom you feel the same? That9s
bear the thought of an overnight the right fit for you both. And the
visit. only way to find out whether you
So what do I say to New Guy? have it is to let your snort flag fly.
Do I apologize for probably Mike Du Jour By Mike Lester
snoring during our two Dear Carolyn: Our daughter is
overnight visits? I don9t want any nearing college age. We9ve been
more overnights now 4 I9m so saving, but we9ll probably still
embarrassed 4 but he deserves have to take out loans to pay for
to know the reason. I9m under a her education. My well-off
doctor9s care for my menopause father-in-law has contributed a
symptoms and working on losing very small amount to her college
the weight, but I don9t know fund over the years. On the other
what to do in the meantime. hand, he regularly gives many
For reference, my ex-husband tens of thousands of dollars to
snored so badly we had to sleep charities and organizations, and
in separate rooms, so I know even scholarship funds at
how unbearable it can be. universities.
4 Anonymous I9m so confused. She is the
ONLY grandchild. Why is she not
Anonymous: My goodness, are worthy of more financial
you always so tough on yourself? contributions? I know 4 his
You have a body. It9s changing money, his business 4 but at this
with time. You9re working on point, it9s almost hurtful. I just
mitigating whatever negative don9t understand his reasoning,
effects you9re able to mitigate and a bitterness is growing
within reason, or at least by your within me.
definition of it. I don9t want to feel that way,
So what else are you supposed but I just feel slighted on my
to offer anyone beyond that? At daughter9s behalf.
some point, every one of us 4 Slighted
becomes a love-it-or-leave-it

Photo by Jose Luiz Pederneiras.


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E4 PG EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Is it okay to visit an ex from two decades ago who is now in declining health?
Dear Amy: assisted-care facility with with her. Years ago, after she of an explanation. are legally allowed to choose advice to <Cheerful Giver,=
Ask Amy Twenty years ago, multiple sclerosis and in pursued you and you two Everyone tells me that he9s which parent they want to live whose <love language= is giving
Amy <Sadie= and I declining health. Although the engaged in a relationship, you grieving and that I need to give with. You should review your material gifts, but was
Dickinson divorced after 12 timing was not right for Deana broke up with her and left. him time. I think it9s time to custody agreement. However, in disappointed that on her
years of marriage and me after my divorce, I have My point is that she might confront him about his choice to my view, you should NOT birthday, her friends and family
and two children. always retained 4 but have not not have lingering fond move back in with his mother, attempt to legally force your son members didn9t reciprocate.
Sadie developed a cocaine habit, acted on 4 my admiration and memories of you and might not because I think the real reason to return to your home, unless Thank you for pointing out that
which destroyed our finances affection for her. I would like to want to see you. And feeling he moved in with her is that life living with his mother presents calls, texts and cards represent
and threw us into debt. She also fly out to see Deana before she sorry for her or closing the is just easier for him without threats to his health or safety. caring relationships, and that
had a string of affairs and then passes, but I think it would be circle on your own unresolved guidelines. What do you think? You don9t offer any details these are gifts, too!
divorced me. inappropriate to do so. I sent a feelings for her would not be the 4 Sad Dad about your wife9s recent passing, 4 Grateful
After the divorce, while I was holiday card to her and her best reason to connect now. and I9m assuming that this was
in shock, <Deana,= a co-worker, husband, expressing my Before hopping on a plane, you Sad Dad: Because you are stung a fairly traumatic time for both Grateful: As I pointed out,
asked me out. Deana and I had sympathy for her illness. should at the very least contact by two momentous losses, I of you. Now you are both <Words of Affirmation= is
an affair that lasted for several Should I leave it at that? her and ask if she would like for think you should take the issue behaving in a way designed to another love language. She
months. Although she was a 4K you to visit. of <Theo= living with you off the avoid dealing directly with your should become fluent.
wonderful woman, and I was table for now, and focus instead grief 4 or each other 4 to shield
falling for her, I was not ready. I K: If you think it would be Dear Amy: I have a teenage son, on ways to maintain a positive your wounded hearts from your Amy's column appears seven days a
broke it off and left the inappropriate to get on a plane <Theo,= from a previous and compassionate relationship vastly altered reality. Be patient. week at
company for another job. After to visit this long-ago inamorata, marriage. Theo lived primarily with him during this period of Reach out with kindness and Write to
five years taking care of my then carefully examine your with me and my second wife, extreme change and instability. concern. Offer Theo options to or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
children, I remarried. Deana motives, and decide not to do it. <Margaret.= Theo and I had an You should pursue grief see you on weekends if he would Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
married at about the same time. <Deana9s= illness has not robbed extraordinarily strong counseling, which will help you like, and do your very best to be follow her @askingamy.
Her husband is a terrific man her of her memories or relationship. Margaret passed to express and work through his loving dad, even from a
who adores her. relationships. Aside from your away three months ago. Then your sadness and anger. distance. © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
Now I hear that Deana, who recent contact, you don9t seem Theo moved back in with his Most teens over a certain age Tribune Content Agency.
lives in another state, is in an to have maintained a friendship biological mother without much (depending on where you live) Dear Amy: I appreciated your



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Located on the Fairfax campus of CHOPIN AND LISZT Prepare to be bow-wowed! Sunday, April 21 at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
George Mason University Sunday, March 3 at 7 p.m. Bluegrass music, playful lyrics, and childhood wonder
An enlightening <concert with commentary= KEYBOARD CONVERSATIONS® Performances are sensory-friendly


Sunday, March 10 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 7 at 7 p.m.
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NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA *Applies to Hylton-presented performances
OF UKRAINE American Icons
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Natalia Khoma, cello A star-spangled concert of iconic works by some of
Sunday, February 25 at 2 p.m. America9s greatest composers
Featuring works by Bortniansky, Schumann and Brahms
Barry Douglas, piano and conductor Sunday, April 7 at 1 and 4 p.m. TICKETS
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A groundbreaking chamber orchestra celebrating
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Friday, March 15 at 8 p.m. Technology Campus of George
One of America9s top dance companies shares fresh Mason University.
and fervent stories through movement
E6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Spring Arts Preview

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E7

Fiennes takes a crack at the throne-usurping
king in director Simon Godwin9s audacious stag-
ing of the Scottish play, which stars <Game of
Carell, Fiennes among headliners Thrones= alum Indira Varma as the conniving
Lady Macbeth. The innovative production, which
to take the stage in productions that has already finished runs in Liverpool and Edin-
burgh and is now onstage in London, will be
include music, comedy and romance mounted not at the Shakespeare Theatre9s Har-
man Hall or Klein Theatre but at a former BET
Studios soundstage in Brentwood 4 complete
with an enveloping set design that drops theater-
goers into a contemporary war zone. April 9-May

-list names and buzzy productions will grace 5 at Shakespeare Theatre, 1301 W St. NE, Wash-
stages in Washington and New York this spring, as ington.
Steve Carell, Eddie Redmayne and Jeremy Strong
head to Broadway, Ralph Fiennes comes to D.C.,
Fresh off a triumphant revival of <Ragtime,=
and new shows liven the musical scene with a bit which racked up 11 nominations for D.C.9s Helen
of romance. But the following 10 productions only scratch the Hayes Awards, director Matthew Gardiner piv-
ots to another ambitious endeavor: Galt Mac-
surface of the inviting offerings up and down the Mid-Atlantic. Dermot, Gerome Ragni and James Rado9s rock
musical about counterculture, tribalism and
Marc Brenner
civil disobedience in 1960s America. It9s sure to
Indira Varma and Ralph Fiennes head to D.C. for a production of <Macbeth.= The be an intriguing undertaking from a director
The Notebook show opens in April and will be performed on a former BET Studios soundstage. who has proved particularly adept at tackling
Indie-folk darling Ingrid Michaelson sprawling shows 4 <Into the Woods,= <Rent=
wrote the music and lyrics for this stage and <A Chorus Line,= among them 4 and
version of Nicholas Sparks9s 1996 novel 4 reimagining them for Signature9s intimate
already adapted into a popular 2004 movie space. April 16-July 7 at Signature Theatre, 4200
4 about a yearning, decades-spanning ro-
An Enemy of the People Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club Campbell Ave., Arlington, Va.
mance in the back half of the 20th century. <Succession= star Strong, the method act- Redmayne reprises his Olivier Award-win-
Bekah Brunstetter, co-writer of the charm-
ing musical <A.D. 16,= penned the book for
ing maestro who broke into show business as
a creature of New York theater, returns to the
ning turn as the Emcee in this hyped West End
transfer, which puts an immersive twist on Joe
this production, and Michael Greif and stage for the first time in more than a decade Masteroff, John Kander and Fred Ebb9s hedo- Esteemed D.C. theater-maker Psalmayene
Schele Williams return to co-direct after for playwright Amy Herzog9s adaptation of nistic depiction of Germany9s descent into 24 directs this revival of Mary Zimmerman9s
overseeing a well-received tryout run at the Henrik Ibsen9s 19th-century standby. The Nazism. Joining Redmayne in his return to 1996 play, which adapts Ovid9s classic poem
Chicago Shakespeare Theater in 2022. (If Emmy winner plays Thomas Stockmann, a Broadway 4 for the first time since his into vignettes ruminating on the human
Sparks isn9t your speed, Broadway has an- small-town doctor whose attempts to raise Tony-winning performance in 20109s <Red= 4 condition through the gaze of gods and mor-
other romance novel adaptation on offer: the alarm about a local health hazard are is <Perry Mason= actor Gayle Rankin as eccen- tals. Although the under-renovation Folger
<Water for Elephants,= based on Sara Gruen9s opposed by those in power. Michael Imperioli tric ingenue Sally Bowles (stepping in for welcomed back audiences to its Elizabethan
2006 potboiler, begins previews Feb. 24.) also appears in the Sam Gold-directed pro- Jessie Buckley, who played the role in Lon- Theatre in November, this production will
Opened on Saturday at the Schoenfeld Thea- duction, which follows in the footsteps of last don). The stacked cast also features stage coincide with the June reopening of the rest of
tre, 236 W. 45th St., New York. notebookmu- year9s Jessica Chastain-starring revival of <A stalwart Bebe Neuwirth as the jaded Fraulein the Capitol Hill facility 4 including an exhibi- Doll9s House= 4 another Herzog-adapted Schneider. Begins April 1 at the August Wilson tion hall publicly showcasing the library9s 82
Ibsen classic. Feb. 27-June 16 at Circle in the Theatre, 245 W. 52nd St., New York. volumes of Shakespeare9s First Folios for the
Teeth Square Theatre, 235 W. 50th St., New York. first time. May 7-June 16 at Folger Theatre, 201
E. Capitol St. SE, Washington.
Michael R. Jackson, the Tony- and Pulitzer Uncle Vanya
Prize-winning writer behind <A Strange Loop,=
collaborated with Anna K. Jacobs on the book
Unknown Soldier Carell makes his Broadway debut in a new
and score for this world-premiere off-Broad- This elegiac musical, from Daniel Goldstein translation of the Anton Chekhov staple, cour- Jamil Jude, the artistic director of Kenny
way musical, adapted from the 2007 hor- and the late <Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson= tesy of <What the Constitution Means to Me= Leon9s True Colors Theatre in Atlanta, helms a
ror-comedy film of the same name. Alyse Alan composer Michael Friedman, premiered in playwright Heidi Schrek. Carell plays Vanya, a revival of Suzan-Lori Parks9s modern classic,
Louis (a veteran of Jackson9s <White Girl in 2015 at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in bitter man wrestling with regret while oversee- which follows a pair of African American broth-
Danger=) stars as Dawn, an abstinence-preach- Massachusetts before its lauded but truncated ing his brother-in-law9s estate, in a cast that ers grappling with familial strife, socioeconomic
ing teen whose genitalia bites back in this off-Broadway production in March 2020. Trip also includes Alison Pill, Anika Noni Rose, entrapment and hopeless aspiration. The sear-
bloody riff on the folk myth of vagina dentata. Cullman is back to direct the century-travers- William Jackson Harper, Jayne Houdyshell and ing, Pulitzer-winning two-hander is having a
And Steven Pasquale, fresh off a scene-stealing ing tale, in which a woman embarks on a Alfred Molina. Lila Neugebauer, the director moment of renewed appreciation: A Broadway
turn in the posthumously completed Stephen journey of familial discovery after finding a behind the blazing, Sarah Paulson-starring staging starring Corey Hawkins and Yahya Ab-
Sondheim musical <Here We Are,= plays her photo of an anonymous soldier in her grand- staging of <Appropriate= on Broadway through dul-Mateen II claimed last year9s Tony for best
evangelical stepfather. Feb. 21-March 31 at mother9s home. March 29-May 5 at Arena June 23, helms this production as well. April revival of a play. May 29-June 23 at Round House
Playwrights Horizons, 416 W. 42nd St., New Stage, 1101 Sixth St. SW, Washington. 2-June 16 at Lincoln Center9s Vivian Beaumont Theatre, 4545 East-West Hwy., Bethesda, Md.
York. Theater, 150 W. 65th St., New York.




Ralph Fiennes and Indira Varma for Macbeth by Oliver Rosser.


Produced in association with Wessex Grove and Underbelly
Produced in association with Goodman Theatre


The Lehman Trilogy is presented by arrangement with

Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

e8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


brittany Diliberto

Synetic gears up its riveting

revival of 8Romeo & Juliet9
BY R EBECCA t9s often said that successful rela- post-Soviet poverty and unrest. She was a
R ITZEL tionships are all about timing, and dancer, trained by the same academy
Synetic theater9s propulsive pro- that turns out star ballerinas; he was
duction of Shakespeare9s <Romeo already established in eastern european
and Juliet= is entirely built upon that movement theater, which combines
principle. the fair Verona where the movement with acting, music and mime.
troupe convenes is styled as the inner Since 2002, the company has mounted
workings of a clock, with a giant pendu- more than 90 shows, almost all adapted
lum swinging from the rafters and a from stories in the public domain. a few
gaggle of oversize gears, made feature dialogue, some have
from foam but painted to re- theater review voice-over narration, many
semble tarnished brass, scat- have no words at all.
tered across the stage. Wielded by cast traditional theater troupes bring in
members, the cogs become shields, re- new creative teams and concepts each
volving doors and spinning wheels of fate. time they revisit a classic. Synetic9s prac-
the star-crossed lovers may be tice is more in step with ballet companies
trapped in a metaphor they can9t escape, that pull the same sets and costumes out
but audiences are lucky to be stuck in a of storage, banking on nostalgia and
theater for 85 intermission-less minutes. casting changes to bring audiences back.
Synetic9s original 2008 production of Synetic9s seamless and searing <Ro-
<Romeo & Juliet= elevated the young meo & Juliet= should do just that, espe-
The cast of company from local oddity to Washing- cially as it9s unclear where the company

BY BRYNA TURNER Synetic Theater9s ton treasure. co-founders paata and iri- will perform next. JBg Smith, the Bethes-
DIRECTED BY TOM STORY <Romeo and na tsikurishvili immigrated to the unit- da-based mega developer, is not renew-
Juliet.= ed States from georgia in 1995, fleeing continued on next page



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as $44

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Impeccable And More

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A Division of The Washington Post
Ailyn Mario Deanna Jonathan
Pérez Chang Breiwick Johnson
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E9


from previous page

ing synetic9s lease when it expires april

30, the theater company says, and <ro-
meo & Juliet= will be its last production
Jennifer Bartlett
in the former Crystal City movie theater
that9s been its home for 15 years. a In and Out
representative for JBg smith said the
company has no comment on the thea- of the Garden
ter9s account or its plans for the space.
synetic9s plan, executive director Ben
Cunis says, is to become <semi-itinerant.=
The company is inking deals to share
other Washington-area arts spaces, in- Through April 30, 2024
cluding some that have reduced pro-
graming since the pandemic. However,
synetic will still need a dance studio
where it can rehearse its movement-in-
tense shows and offer year-round teen
programming as well as summer camps
for kids.
Dive into the light
several former teen company mem-
bers are onstage in <romeo & Juliet,=
and color of France
including irina Kavsadze, who has grown
into a graceful and expressive leading
lady. The original couple, Cunis and
Courtney pauroso, played up the lovers9
headlong rush, while Kavsadze and her
brittany Diliberto
romeo, Zana gankhuyag, opt for ele-
gance. <Love is a smoke made from the
fumes of sighs,= romeo says in fully
staged versions of the play, while synetic mercutio and one of his pals. synetic Irina Kavsadze
emphasizes the line with an onstage fog would be wise to tone this down; Baum- and Zana
machine and romantic duets. gardner seizes her girl power moment, Gankhuyag
irakli Kavsadze (irina9s father), repris- but it is 2024, and most audience mem- deliver an elegant
es his role as the loving, morally conflict- bers recognize unwanted kissing as sex- interpretation of
ed friar Lawrence, who, in synetic9s ual assault. a little ribald teasing would the titular couple March 2-June 2, 2024
production, also takes on functions of the be plenty to incite the rough-and-tumble in Synetic
prince, apothecary and father figure for street fight that proceeds romeo and Theater's
romeo. more than some of synetic9s Juliet9s clandestine exchange of vows. <Romeo &
other wordless shakespeare adaptations, The clock ticks toward tragedy once Juliet.=
<romeo & Juliet= assumes audiences the couple weds, propelled by a score
have knowledge of the plot. There9s little from Konstantine Lortkipanidze. His
indication, for example, that romeo is music mixes radiohead-esque rock with
banished for killing Tybalt, or that Juliet
gulps a sleeping draft.
arvo pärt-inspired classical minimalism.
There9s no prince to announce <all are
Up Close with
The trade-off is vigorous combat, an
enviable masquerade ball and a sex scene
punished= when romeo and Juliet are
found dead in the Capulet crypt. instead, Paul Cezanne
that9s been seared on my retinas for a percussive heartbeat goes silent like a
sixteen years. ensemble members hold a vital signs machine fading out. fans have
sheet in front of the lovers, while others to hope that synetic Theater, unlike the
illuminate their bodies by flashlight. doomed lovers, will rise again someday
What audiences see are silhouettes en- soon.
gaged in a shadow play of entwined April 17-July 14, 2024
hands and arched backs, sensual but not Romeo & Juliet, adapted from William
X-rated. Shakespeare by nathan Weinberger. Directed
Note that synetic9s shows are often by Paata tsikurishvili and choreographed by
appropriate for adolescents who would irina tsikurishvili. original music and sound
balk at two hours of shakespearean
dialogue. That9s true of <romeo & Juliet=
design, Konstantine lortkipanidze; scenic
designs, Phil Charlwood; remount costumes, Visit Today!
with one exception: The nurse (Janine alexa Cassandra Duimstra; lighting, brian S.
Baumgardner) is portrayed as a no-non- allard; additional sound design and
sense lady-in-waiting rather than an in- engineering, Paata tsikurishvili and brandon
dulgent nanny. Baumgardner is fabulous, Cook. about 85 minutes. through March 24
but while on her message-delivering mis- at Synetic theater, 1800 S. bell St., arlington.
Jennifer Bartlet, Pool (detail), 1983, Oil on canvas, 84 x 140 in., Private Collection © Jennifer Bartlet. Courtesy Locks Gallery, Philadelphia
sion to romeo, she is forcibly kissed by
and The Jennifer Bartlet 2013 Trust; Pierre Bonnard, Dining Room on the Garden, 1935, Oil on canvas, 50 x 53 1/4 in., Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum, New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection, By giv © 2024 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris;
Paul Cézanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire, 1886-87, Oil on canvas, 23 ½ x 28 ½ in., The Phillips Collection, Acquired 1925
E10 eZ ee k the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Spring Arts Preview

Dive into the thrilling challenges

of these ambitious exhibits
illuSTraTion by Shira inbar for The WaShingTon PoST


Hours: Tues 3 Sun 10am 3 5pm

4155 Linnean Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. Free parking
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post ez ee E11

Brilliant Exiles: American
Women in Paris 1900-1939
Just as Paris has had an enormous impact
on artists, writers, actors and dancers from
Museums spotlight photographers, other lands, so in turn have those exiles
affected Paris. <Brilliant Exiles: American
painters, weavers who imbue their Women in Paris 1900-1939= will celebrate this
reciprocity as it presents such transformative
works with wit and compassion figures as Josephine Baker, Isadora Duncan,
Anna May Wong, Loïs Mailou Jones, Edna St.
Vincent Millay, Anaïs Nin and Gertrude Stein.
April 26-Feb. 23, 2025, at the National Portrait

hen you know how much creativity, time, Gallery, Washington.
money and high-level negotiations go into
organizing museum exhibitions 4 often LaToya Ruby Frazier:
two to 10 years in the making 4 you can9t Monuments of Solidarity
The great contribution of the American pho-
help but marvel at how many we have tographer and activist LaToya Ruby Frazier has
every year to choose from. America has some of the world9s been to blast holes in the wall separating the art
world from the plights of ordinary people.
best, most ambitious and, frankly, most productive mu- <LaToya Ruby Frazier: Monuments of Solidari-
seums. ¶ This spring? It9s going to be great. Below are some ty= will present an overview of her career so far.
A champion of the dispossessed, the overlooked
of the shows I9m most keen to see. Take your pick. But also: and the factored-out, Frazier uses old formats
Do your own research. Every museum website has an (the photo essay, the monument) to pit herself
and her often-heroic subjects against historical
<upcoming exhibitions= page. Mix and match, or dig into amnesia. May 12-Sept. 7 at the Museum of
your favorite style or period of art. Make travel plans, if need latoya ruby Frazier/gladstone gallery
Modern Art, New York.
<Momme= (2008) is part of the <LaToya Ruby Frazier: Monuments of Solidarity=
be. Take a friend, your dad, an aunt, your anarchic little twins
4 one of whom likes drawing, the other throwing punches.
exhibition on display starting in May at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Dario Robleto: The Signal
For years, Dario Robleto has been obsessed
See how things go. (Or don9t risk it?) If you9ve left them at with the Golden Record, the gold-plated pho-
home, find a nice place (maybe the museum cafe) where you nation9s capital this spring. The exhibition, woven items are intricately connected to nograph disc containing sounds and images
<Bonnard9s Worlds,= was organized by the modern art and to 20th-century society and selected by a team at NASA to portray life on
can retire for lunch or an early evening glass of wine. Try to Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, where it politics. March 17-July 28 at the National Earth to extraterrestrials. For many years, the
appreciate all the work and logistics that go into bringing showed last year. March 2-June 2 at the Phillips Gallery of Art, Washington. American artist has been examining the Gold-
Collection, Washington. en Record in films, sculptures and works on
you so many beautiful, challenging, fascinating things to
look at, and enjoy the freedom to come and go as you please.
Käthe Kollwitz paper that are hilarious, haunting and bril-
Marisol: A Retrospective With unrivaled expressive force, the great
liantly inventive. <Dario Robleto: The Signal=
will present the artist9s meditations on this
Marisol, one of the most fascinating artists German artist Käthe Kollwitz depicted suffer- unique object, which is hurtling through
of the 1960s, is enjoying a revival. People are ing, love and despair. <Käthe Kollwitz= will space on the twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft.
Matisse and the Sea discovering that the Venezuelan American include drawings, prints and sculptures that May 12-Oct. 27 at the Amon Carter Museum of
A new angle on Henri Matisse? Is that even artist (born María Sol Escobar) made power- give voice to the working poor, children and American Art, Fort Worth.
possible? In this case, yes. Matisse drew, ful work (mostly wooden sculptures, but also women, all of them animated by fierce com-
painted and made cutouts on marine themes
throughout his career. The French artist voy-
drawings and installations) before and well
after the decade with which she9s mostly
passion. March 31-July 20 at the Museum of
Modern Art, New York.
OSGEMEOS: Endless Story
aged long distances by ship. And of course, he associated. This major retrospective, which Identical twins Gustavo and Otavio Pan-
loved the color blue. <Matisse and the Sea,= at
the Saint Louis Art Museum, will include
opened in Montreal and will also travel to
Buffalo and Dallas, reveals the psychological
Nicole Eisenman: dolfo, known as OSGEMEOS (Portuguese for
<the twins=), have been amazing street-art
paintings, sculptures, paper cutouts, draw- depth and compassion beneath Marisol9s What Happened audiences and charming museum-goers for
ings, prints, ceramics and textiles. If nothing cool and witty veneer. March 2-June 2 at the <What Happened= is just the right subtitle more than 20 years. <OSGEMEOS: Endless
else, it9s bound to make everyone who sees it Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo. toledo for this first serious survey of the work of Story,= at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculp-
breathe more deeply. Through May 12 at the Nicole Eisenman. Based in Brooklyn, Eisen- ture Garden, will present an overview of the
Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis. man is a poet of the absurd, the inexplicable, Brazilian duo9s career in a year-long exhibition
Woven Histories: Textiles and the dislocated, the dismayed. The French- of more than 1,000 works. It will include an
Bonnard9s Worlds Modern Abstraction
born artist9s paintings, prints, sculptures and
installations are witty and heartfelt respons-
immersive installation dedicated to <Tritrez,=
a mystical universe the artists invented as
Pierre Bonnard, at his best, is hard to beat. Most of what we wear, and much else es to the ways in which personal and social children that they continue to populate with
Intensity of color, intimacy, reverie, bliss: He besides, is woven. <Woven Histories: Textiles life are ineluctably entangled with 4 and their signature small-bodied, large-headed
could turn colored oil paint and banal domes- and Modern Abstraction= will display more oftentimes stunned by 4 politics in the 21st figures. May 24-July 6, 2025, at the Hirshhorn
ticity into pure enchantment. A selection of the than 160 paintings, weavings, basketry, net- century. April 9-Sept. 22 at the Museum of Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Frenchman9s finest works is coming to the ting, knotting and knitting to show how these Contemporary Art, Chicago.




Vinny DePonto in Mindplay. Photo by Chris Ruggiero. Gina Daniels as Anna Julia Cooper for Tempestuous Elements. Photo by Tony Powell.


e12 PG ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


i n T he Ga l l er ies

Eerie prints and ominous sculpture hint at ecological ruin


The world is almost entirely

black and white in <After
Thought 4 emotional
Landscapes,= a three-artist show
at Washington Printmakers
Gallery. But not all that black is
ink. erin owen9s <Dreams of
Glacier national Park=
haphazardly piles greenish glass
balls, partly filled with crude oil,
atop crisscrossed wooden
dowels. Those rods can be
removed, potentially sending the
spheres to tumble, crack open
and spill their messy black
The oklahoma-based artist9s
work, the exhibition9s
centerpiece, is an
environmentally minded update
of the vintage children9s game
KerPlunk. It9s also one of the
show9s most explicit ecological
statements, and a rare example
of sculpture on display at a
gallery that specializes in works
on paper.
The other two contributors,
William Demaria and oliver
stern, make starkly handsome
landscape prints, some realistic
and others partly abstracted.
The artists use etching and other
techniques to craft pictures that
contrast hard and seemingly soft
forms. Demaria, a Baltimorean,
produces some of the more
literal images, but also stripped
renderings of natural features
whose haziness (according to
two of the titles) is meant to
evoke distant memories. stern,
who works in Upstate new York,
depicts cracks, paths and
openings. some of these features
appear monumental, while
others could be microscopic.
In addition to a second
sculptural work that features oil-
filled glass spheres, owen offers
a single print, the only one in the
show that9s not monochromatic.
erin Owen <Free enterprise= is a toylike
<Free Enterprise,= a woodcut by Erin Owen, shows fires raging in a toylike small town. Owen9s work is on display at the Washington Printmakers Gallery through Feb. 25. see GallEriEs on E13

to schedule your
free quote!
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE E13



gALLERy nEPtunE & BRown

nAthAn MuLLins/AdAh RosE gALLERy

GALLERIES From E12 levels derived from individual artists, one of whom pairs her
chapters of <moby-Dick.= one of work with a colleague9s verse.
small-town cityscape in which the few pictures to include The contributors suggest the
both buildings and foliage burn stenciled text drops the word qualities of water with paint, ink
with red-orange flames. After <plumb= vertically into the and wood, or simply with light.
the oil spill comes the composition as if the letters Among local artist ruth
conflagration. themselves constitute a plumb Lozner9s entries are frameworks
line dropped into water to of model houses, made of
William Demaria, Erin Owen and measure its depth. Dupont9s art painted wood raised on stilts as
Oliver Stern: After thought 4 is idiosyncratic, yet tethered to a if in preparation for a great
Emotional Landscapes through feb. wider world of fact and fiction. flood. meredith Starr makes
25 at washington Printmakers The show9s other artist, blueprint-like cyanotypes whose
gallery, 1675 wisconsin Ave. nw. Nathan mullins, is almost a stark imagery complements
LEEAnnA EARP/MontgoMERy CoLLEgE, VisuAL And PERfoRMing ARts dEPARtMEnt 202- realist painter. His vignettes of poems by Sarah Kain Gutowski,
669-1497. everyday life are easily a fellow New York area resident,
recognizable, yet flattened and who writes about nature9s harsh
stylized in ways that make them beauty. CLOCKWISE of British artist David Nash9s
Dupont & Mullins seem slightly eerie. While the Also featured are local artist FROM TOP:
College, 930 King st., silver spring; 240-567-5821. charcoal drawing of his
In previous appearances at three figures in <Friends on Fair Jacqui Crocetta9s pretty but <Faraway monumental charred-wood
Adah rose Gallery, Brian Ground Fence= look ordinary, ominous paintings of beaches Memories 13,= by Celebrating 45 Years sculpture, a rendering contained
Dupont has shown abstract they9re arranged to appear more and tidal pools contaminated by William Demaria. by a frame that9s also blackened
paintings characterized by an as formal elements than stray plastic, which are often <Rhino,= by Fifo of Robert Brown wood.
industrial feel and the use of everyday people. The mississippi painted on actual plastic (from Stricker. Multiple Gallery Brown regulars will expect,
stenciled lettering. His work in artist also occasionally the same series recently shown parts of the correctly, to see distinctive prints
<of Homage or of Hope,= a two- introduces surrealistic elements, at the mcLean Project for the <Natural Blue= In 1981, robert Brown moved by South Africa9s William
person show, is a significant such as the large creature that Arts). installation at King his three-year-old gallery from Kentridge and russia9s oleg
departure from his earlier floats above a reclining nude The most ethereal works are Street Gallery. New York to Washington, Kudryashov. other highlights
output. The New York artist has woman in <Dream of the Big meredith Leich9s videos, filmed <Afternoon beginning his D.C. run with a are painstakingly intricate
recently produced a series of Fish.= mullins depicts the on sea- and ice-forged locations Window With show by Swiss artist Fifo drawings and prints by Linn
<Annotations,= mixed-media commonplace in a manner that in Iceland, Alaska and a small Candles and Stricker. Two of Stricker9s meyers (abstract) and Ben
pictures on paper that feature allows reveries to sometimes massachusetts island that may be Hanging Plants,= by whimsical pictures of animals Tolman (surrealistic), and Frank
handwritten excerpts from the seep in. submerged by a rising ocean. The Nathan Mullins. who partly merge with Stewart9s photo of jazz pianist
writings of Herman melville and Boston artist projects patterns on inanimate objects are included Ahmad Jamal with an intent
Walt Whitman. Brian Dupont and Nathan Mullins: boulders or a large boat propeller, in <45 Years,= the anniversary expression and his keyboard
The drawing-paintings are Of Homage or of Hope through using stop-action animation to tribute to Brown9s career at what reflected in his glasses. The
smudged, layered and March 1 at Adah Rose gallery, 3766 suggest aquatic currents or is now Gallery Neptune & detail is exquisite, yet not
apparently improvisational. Yet howard Ave., Kensington. glacial movements. Leich9s Brown. surprising at a gallery that has
they take cues from both the 301-922-0162. creations are delicately beautiful, The venue, a collaboration long presented art of exceptional
content and form of the books but they warn of such perils as with Brown9s spouse, Christine precision.
that inspired them. The green in the slowing of the Gulf Stream Neptune, often exhibits prints
one picture is derived from the
Natural Blue and the disappearance of and drawings, but this show also Celebrating 45 Years of Robert
color of the binding of the The ocean is both threatened glaciers. encompasses paintings, Brown Gallerythrough March 2 at
original edition of <Leaves of and threatening in <Natural photographs and sculptures. gallery neptune & Brown, 1530 14th
Grass,= and the oceanic blues in Blue,= a King Street Gallery show Natural Bluethrough March 1 at Sometimes a work on paper can st. nw.
another piece are arrayed at that showcases four visual King street gallery, Montgomery evoke a 3D piece, as in the case 202-986-1200.
e14 ez ee the washington post .


critic9s notebook

Alicia Keys, Swizz Beatz

enlist some big names
for 8Giants9 Exhibition

ute story: The rapper and record of whether every single thing you acquire is
producer Swizz Beatz (a.k.a. Kasseem museum-worthy. (Is every single or album or
Dean) was late for a date with Alicia performance by Keys or Swizz Beatz a total
Keys. Sitting waiting at the agreed success? Of course not, and they get that.)
rendezvous, Keys wasn9t happy. So that9s what I enjoyed about this show: its
Let me just say that at this point in the story, big-hearted vibe, its generous spirit. The
I9m not happy either. Who would be stupid atmosphere is reinforced by a sprinkling of
enough to be late for a date with Alicia Keys? sofas for visitors to kick back in and by Bang &
When he finally arrived, Beatz presented Olufsen speakers emitting a Marvin Gaye-
Keys with a bag containing some expensive heavy playlist compiled by Swizz Beatz.
glass. Still annoyed, she deliberately showed The good stuff ? I love Jamel Shabazz, the
more interest in the bag than what it con- longtime Brooklyn-based photographer. The
tained. After sharing a meal, they left the selection of his work here reveals his dashing
venue, and it was only at this point 4 ta-da! 4 eye for color, for unusual and telling physical
that Keys understood. poses, and for amusing group dynamics. For
So keen, it turns out, had Beatz been to instance, in <Fly Girl, Brownsville, Brooklyn,=
make a fine impression that he had made a 1980, the tilted torso of the coy, grinning girl
painting for her, found it was too big to fit in in the white shirt and bright-red skirt, which
the car, eventually secured it to the top and she spreads wide with her pocketed hands,
had it waiting for her when they came out. It causes her head to intersect with a maroon-
showed piano keys with paintbrushes on top, colored car in the background. A diagonal
an attempt to represent her as a musician and white line on the road, meanwhile, aligns
him as a painter (he has always loved art). with her raised right shoulder. Color, contrast
<So he wasn9t really late,= concluded Keys. and geometry all unify the picture, but the
<He was doing something sweet.= result is not austere or mathematical: It9s
I told you: cute. This story is told 4 with simply gorgeous.
charm and understatement 4 by the couple in I also loved photographs by Mali9s Malick
a video playing in the final gallery of <Giants: Sidibé, Burkina Faso9s Sanlé Sory, and Ameri-
Art From the Dean Collection of Swizz Beatz cans Parks, Kwame Braithwaite and Lawson.
and Alicia Keys= at the Brooklyn Museum. Two works from the beginning and end of
By the time I sat down to watch it, I was sold the career of Ernie Barnes (1938-2009), an
on the show 4 and I think you9ll like it too. artist who grew up in segregated North
There are lots of big names, including Carolina, were also engrossing. The Deans
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Nick Cave, Henry Tay- befriended Barnes and championed his work.
lor, Deana Lawson, Mickalene Thomas, Ke- His unfinished, large-scale charcoal drawing,
hinde Wiley and Gordon Parks. But there are <Study for 8Spoken Word,9= is riveting: It shows
also artists you9re less likely to know. Almost a woman reading poetry against a backdrop of
all the artists are people of color, but they9re bookshelves. Disembodied hands emerge
not all American; others are from Africa, from the shelves, making gestures of praise.
Europe and the Caribbean. There9s a bias Stenciled over the lower part of Barnes9s
toward living artists 4 although the show also drawing are the names of six Black writers.
has a historical dimension 4 and toward One of them, Langston Hughes, is also the
figurative art, particularly portraiture 4 al- focus of the small Basquiat work in the
though there are also some abstract paintings collection.
and sculptures. Other highlights, for me (your list will be
<Every person [in this show] & is just like different), are the surprisingly sweet land-
you and I,= says Keys in the video interview. scapes of Barkley L. Hendricks, an artist
<We want you to see that you are also a giant. better known for his portraits, and abstract
That you are special, incredible, unique.= works, charged with conceptual content, by
Collectors obviously stand to gain from Esther Mahlangu, Odili Donald Odita and
having their works hung together in mu- Hank Willis Thomas.
seums. Museums can gain too. But none of I adored, too, Cave9s <Soundsuit= and his
this is new, and similar arrangements occur wall sculpture, titled <Tondo,= and Taylor9s
all the time at America9s major museums. painting <Cornerstone,= which shows a Black
Swizz Beatz was on the board at the Brooklyn man against a green landscape. The man
Museum until last year; he stepped down to holds a yellow sign that reads <FOOD.= Taylor,
avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. the subject of a recent retrospective at the
I9m fine with all that. Nor am I profoundly Whitney Museum of American Art, has a
disturbed by the Brooklyn Museum9s recent knack of combining incredible directness
obsession with the drawing power of celebri- with tender reticence.
ties, from Hannah Gadsby to Spike Lee and I9ve said before that I9m no fan of Kehinde
Paul McCartney. Like Swizz Beatz and Keys, Wiley, whose work forms part of the origin
these people are all creative in different fields story of the Dean collection. There are two
and the idea, presumably, is to break down Wiley portraits of Keys and Swizz Beatz at the
barriers around art. Meanwhile, the museum start of the show and a massive Wiley painting
can step outside the mainstream: Right now, of a reclining youth in its largest gallery. For
for instance, it has mounted <Copy Machine me, they9re formulaic, conceptually fatigued.
Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines,= an edgy But no matter: The same large gallery
survey of the past half-century of countercul- contains a superb 4 and surprising 4 Arthur
tural zines. Jafa sculpture, two arresting pendant por-
<Giants= is not one of those collection traits of Baltimore youths on dirt bikes, and a
shows in which everything is strenuously superb, multi-panel painting, <Catfish,= by
blue-chip 4 where you can imagine the Nina Chanel Abney. Calling to mind Henri
obsessive collector (whose art adviser fees and Matisse9s <Bathers by a River,= Abney9s paint-
deep cash outlays have finally been validated ing electrifies the geometric severity and
by a museum) responding to a fellow titan of pressurized introversion of that painting with
business mentioning his own forays into art the explosive, syncopated energy of hip-hop
collecting with thin-lipped, how-nice-for-you and the danger of online sex and deceit.
condescension. One long room is taken up with a remark-
No, this is a collection show that9s relaxed. able, multi-panel figurative painting by Me-
It9s open-armed. It has some very fine work in leko Mokgosi. It9s a slice-of-society mural that
it. It also has some duds. But somehow, that touches on colonial history, political enfran-
doesn9t matter. As you walk around the chisement, nationalism and private life. It will
exhibition, you9re made to sense instead what start great conversations about whether it
glenn sTeIgelmAn/THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeATz
must be a big part of the appeal of collecting succeeds or fails. I came away persuaded.
work by one9s contemporaries: The process is Less impressive, to me, were the works of
intimate. You become friends with the artists. Titus Kaphar (arch), Tschabalala Self (unre-
Your collecting leads to the formation of an ad solved) and Derrick Adams (dull). But I9ve
hoc, mutually supportive community, a fam- seen good things by those artists too. And,
ily. What9s more, it9s speculative 4 not in the again, what I like about this show and love
mercenary sense but in the sense that you9re about this collection is the way, even in the
experimenting, following your instinct, devel- formalized context of a museum presentation,
oping your own taste, not emulating others. it feels open to failure, adjustment and im-
So of course there are going to be duds. The provement.
best work might not always be available, for It has, in other words, a pulse.
starters. But there9s a deeper dimension to it:
When you understand that creativity is a Giants: Art From the Dean collection of swizz
process in need of support (as Keys and Beatz beatz and Alicia keys Through July 7 at the
surely do), you want to provide it, regardless Brooklyn museum.

sHAreIf zIyADAT/geTTy ImAges

Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys attend the opening of <Giants: Art
From the Dean Collection of Swizz Beatz and Alicia Keys= at the
glenn sTeIgelmAn/THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeAT
Brooklyn Museum earlier this month.
sunday, february 18, 2024 ez ee e15


JosepH HyDe/ THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeATz AnD AlIcIA Keys

glenn sTeIgelmAn/THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeATz AnD AlIcIA Keys

z AnD AlIcIA Keys

glenn sTeIgelmAn/THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeATz AnD AlIcIA Keys


<Deliverance,= 2022. Kehinde Wiley,
<Femme piquée par un serpent,= 2008.
Barkley L. Hendricks, <Fort Charles
Crocodile,= 1998. Kwame Brathwaite.
<Untitled (Model Who Embraced Natural
Hairstyles at AJASS Photoshoot),= circa
1970. Odili Donald Odita, <Place," 2018.
Gordon Parks, <Untitled, Miami, Florida,=

Tz AnD AlIcIA Keys JosHuA WHITe / THe DeAn collecTIon, courTesy of sWIzz BeATz AnD AlIcIA Keys
E16 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Spring Arts Preview


IlluSTraTIon by ShIra Inbar for The WaShIngTon PoST







Y 5
R I L 1 0 3 MA MARCH 9 - JUNE 2


NE 23
A Y 2 9 3 JU
240.644.1100 |
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E17

Fall9s strike put shows on hold, most exclusive club. Working in her favor are a
comatose mother-in-law (Carol Burnett), a
but these buzzy, starry new hippie feminist trying to raise her conscious-
ness (Laura Dern) and a gay shopkeeper
miniseries are worth the wait (Dominic Burgess). Those against her include
the doyennes of the Palm Royale, played by
Allison Janney, Leslie Bibb and the incompa-
rable Julia Duffy. And one waiter (Ricky

t turns out a fall TV strike makes for a very lush TV Martin). March 20, Apple TV Plus
spring. ¶ A number of shows originally slated for
this past fall are finally airing, such as Donald Glover9s The Girls on the Bus
<Mr. and Mrs. Smith,= a wryly unglamorous riff on the Based on a chapter from Amy Chozick9s
book <Chasing Hillary,= this comedy about
2005 film. Co-starring Maya Erskine and featuring journalists on the campaign trail follows Sadie
guest stars including John Turturro, Parker Posey and McCarthy (Melissa Benoist), a reporter whose
intense breakdown when her preferred candi-
Michaela Coel, all eight episodes dropped on Prime Video on APPle TV Plus
date lost made her a meme and a laughing-
Feb. 2. Other delayed shows include Season 3 of ABC9s Kristen Wiig as the social-climbing Maxine in <Palm Royale= on Apple TV Plus. The stock. Determined to try again, she9s told to
series also stars Carol Burnett, Laura Dern, Allison Janney and Ricky Martin. cover a presidential candidate on the road.
<Abbott Elementary= (Feb. 7) and Season 6 of CBS9s <The Also on the campaign bus are the people she9ll
Conners= (Feb. 7), which (rumor has it) may not be ending be competing with for stories: a cynical
political reporter (Carla Gugino), a Black
after all. Also back from the maybe-dead: musical comedy Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks) that it9s only reporter for a conservative network (Christina
<Girls5eva= (originally a Peacock production), a third season The New Look 10 episodes long. Starring Cosmo Jarvis as Elmore), and a TikTok influencer with no
The Nazis in German-occupied Paris want English pilot John Blackthorne (whose journey journalistic scruples and a massive following
of which will air on Netflix on March 14. ¶ Series that are pretty gowns for their girlfriends. You can from outsider to samurai the series tracks), (Natasha Behnam). March TBA, Max
ending this spring include Max9s <Curb Your Enthusiasm= experience World War II through the lens of Hiroyuki Sanada as Lord Yoshii Toranaga and
(the 12th season started Feb. 4) and CBS9s <Young Sheldon,= couture designers Christian Dior and Coco
Chanel in Todd Kessler9s curious series inves-
Anna Sawai as Toda Mariko, the series 4
boasting a formidably deep bench of Japanese
which begins its seventh and final season Feb. 15. tigating how two fashion pioneers navigated actors 4 looks hard to resist. Feb. 27, FX There9s a new talented Mr. Ripley, and it9s
the period9s moral hazards and practical traps. Andrew Scott, the priest from <Fleabag=! Also

But the biggest story of the season is its

Juliette Binoche stars as Chanel, Ben Mendel-
sohn as Dior, and Maisie Williams as Cather-
Elsbeth starring Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood
and Johnnie Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf, this
bumper crop of star-studded miniseries. Those ine Dior, his sister. John Malkovich plays A spinoff of a spinoff is hard to get excited eight-episode limited series about Patricia
already in progress include Jodie Foster in Lucien Lelong, and a messy Emily Mortimer about, but <Elsbeth= creators Michelle and Highsmith9s obsessive grifter is written, di-
Max9s <True Detective: Night Country,= Mandy steals the show as Chanel frenemy Elsa Lom- Robert King, who made <The Good Wife= and rected and executive-produced by Steve Zail-
Patinkin in Hulu9s <Death and Other Details,= bardi (an upper-crust Brit who married a spinoff <The Good Fight,= have a solid track lian. April 4, Netflix
Austin Butler in Apple TV Plus9s <Masters of the member of the Italian fascist party and even- record. And Elsbeth Tascioni 4 the sunny,
Air,= Tom Hollander in FX9s <Feud: Capote vs.
the Swans,= Sofia Vergara as Colombian drug
tually denounced Chanel as a Nazi collabora-
tor). Feb. 14, Apple TV Plus
eccentric attorney played by Carrie Preston in
both series 4 might be their finest joint
lord Griselda Blanco in Netflix9s <Griselda= and creation. Still set in the King universe (the In the wake of Abraham Lincoln9s assassina-
Clive Owen in AMC9s <Monsieur Spade.= Nicole
Kidman headlines Lulu Wang9s <Expats,= a
Constellation pilot mentions <Good Wife= character Cary
Agos), <Elsbeth= has Tascioni relocating from
tion, Edwin Stanton (Tobias Menzies), his secre-
tary of war, spearheads the search for his
Prime Video miniseries following three Ameri- Noomi Rapace plays Jo, an astronaut on a Chicago to New York, where she9s observing assassin, actor John Wilkes Booth (Anthony
can women living in Hong Kong, along with long mission aboard the International Space the NYPD as part of a consent decree. And Boyle). The slightly unstable tone of this histori-
Sarayu Blue and Ji-young Yoo. Station that gets cut short when the corpse of a (you guessed it) solving crimes. Feb. 29, CBS cal thriller may be an artifact of the James L.
Forthcoming limited series include Starz9s female cosmonaut smashes into some vital Swanson book on which it9s based (which
<Mary and George= (April 5,) starring Julianne
Moore and Nicholas Galitzine as a mother-son
equipment, causing catastrophic damage. She
makes it back to Earth to find parts of her life
The Regime packages the historical events into a kind of
action-adventure). Combining period costumes
pair conspiring to seduce King James I; missing or different, including her relation- Not much is known yet about this peculiar with unabashedly modern dialogue (including
Peacock9s <Apples Never Fall= (March 14), in ship with her husband (James D9Arcy) and her and stylish production except that showrun- plenty of swearing), the series features Patton
which Annette Bening plays a mom who 10-year-old daughter. Jonathan Banks plays ner Will Tracy, one of the writers for <Succes- Oswalt, Matt Walsh and Lovie Simone. Also Lili
disappears; Alexander Woo and <Game of an older ex-astronaut suffering from similar sion,= has Kate Winslet playing some kind of Taylor portraying a lively and intemperate Mary
Thrones= duo David Benioff and D.B. Weiss9s gaps. Three episodes in, this disconcerting (modern) mad king. Set in a fictional country Todd Lincoln. March 15, Apple TV Plus
adaptation of <The 3 Body Problem= (March 21 sci-fi series about the observer effect might be in Central Europe at a moment of institutional
on Netflix); and a Max production based on
Viet Thanh Nguyen9s <The Sympathizer,= fea-
as eerie a fable about parenthood as <The
Changeling.= Feb. 21, Apple TV Plus
collapse, the six-episode satire also stars An-
drea Riseborough, Hugh Grant, Martha Plimp-
turing Hoa Xuande, Sandra Oh and Robert ton and Matthias Schoenaerts. March 3, Max Jerrod Carmichael9s comedy special
Downey Jr. (date TBA). Hulu9s <We Were the Shogun <Rothaniel= was a stunning capstone to 4 and
Lucky Ones,= an adaptation of the Georgia
Hunter novel, follows a Jewish family separat- The first draft of <Shogun,= James Clavell9s
Palm Royale revision of 4 some of his previous specials. On
the strength of these and his two 2019 docu-
ed during World War II (March 28). 1975 novel set during an explosive moment of This period comedy set in 1969 chronicles mentaries, <Home Videos= and <Sermon on
Here9s a closer look at 10 of the big, buzzy, transition in feudal Japan, was 2,300 pages the misadventures of a sunny, social-climbing the Mount,= Max has greenlighted an autobio-
mostly <limited= shows coming your way this long. It9s a testament to the ambition and grifter (Kristin Wiig) as she tries to penetrate graphical <comedy docuseries= by the comedi-
spring. density of this FX adaptation (helmed by the sacred walls of Palm Springs9 wealthiest, an and filmmaker. I can9t wait. TBA, Max


Immerse yourself in the Center9s two exhibition hangars

filled with nearly 200 aircraft, Space Shuttle Discovery,
satellites, rockets, and more. Enjoy free guided tours,
An exhilarating musical adventure films on the Airbus IMAX Theater9s six-story screen,
about a deaf soldier in World War I flight simulators, and so much more.
Free admission; entry passes NOT required
If we are going to talk about the Trojan War, we need a drink Parking $15, free for vehicles entering after 4 pm

Silver Line to Innovation Center,
A witty musical then Fairfax Connector 983
Let the Sunshine In

The rock musical


A father and son take parallel journeys across America

35 years apart blurring time and the distance between
them in this beautiful folk-inspired musical

where the mountain meets the sea

MAY 21 3 JULY 7

See the first eight of our new galleries, take in a

Planetarium show, or enjoy some of our engaging
public programs. The Museum is currently in the midst
of a large-scale, multi-year renovation. More new
galleries will be unveiled over the next few years.
Free admission; timed-entry passes required
Reserve at

L9Enfant Plaza 3 Blue, Yellow, Orange,
Green,and Silver Lines
E18 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Spring Arts Preview

The upcoming classical season

can barely contain itself
illustration by shira inbar for the washington post


Romantic Classics. Living Composers.

Indian Classical Music. TEELIN IRISH DANCE:
Bach Reimagined. SATURDAY, MAR 16 " 7:00 PM

Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

SUNDAY, MAR 17 " 3:00 PM


with Chief Conductor Lahav Shani,
feat. pianist Daniil Trifonov
March 11 / Kennedy Center Concert Hall

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra


with Chief Conductor Sir Simon Rattle, SATURDAY, MAR 23 " 8:00 PM
feat. bass-baritone Lester Lynch
April 30 / Kennedy Center Concert Hall LEAHY
Zakir Hussain, tabla MONDAY, APRIL 15 " 8:00 PM
with Debopriya Chatterjee, bansuri,
and Sabir Khan, sarangi STEP AFRIKA!
March 20 / Sixth & I FRIDAY, APRIL 26 " 8:00 PM

Beatrice Rana, piano

Feb. 26 / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater BUY TICKETS
Alisa Weilerstein, cello TODAY! ANIMANIACS
April 6 / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater IN CONCERT

Rachel Barton Pine, violin

April 19 / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater

Anna Geniushene, piano

April 27 / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater

In Memory of Isaac Stern

Evgeny Kissin, piano TEELIN IRISH DANCE:
May 11 / Kennedy Center Concert Hall CELTIC JOURNEY
Children of the Gospel Choir
June 1 / Lisner Auditorium
Explore these,
free performances,
and more
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E19

World premieres, visiting orchestras ing the U.S. premiere of <Five Muses of Dun-
huang= (May 18 and 19). I9m most looking for-
trated vision of Blanchard9s refreshingly inti-
mate score. Music Center at Strathmore,
and real superstars promise packed ward to new music director Jonathon Heyward9s
<maiden Mahler voyage= as he leads the BSO in

classical music schedule this spring Symphony No. 6 (March 21- 24). Vocal Arts DC
Alisa Weilerstein After welcoming mezzo-soprano Raehann
Bryce-Davis in January and tenor Russell

his spring promises to be both unseasonably Washington Performing Arts presents the Thomas for a Valentine9s Day recital, Vocal Arts
warm and unreasonably busy 4 especially with area premiere of Alisa Weilerstein9s <Frag- DC concludes its strong spring season with a
ments.= The MacArthur-winning cellist collab- pair of world premiere performances. Mezzo-
the classical music world in such full bloom. ¶ If I orated with more than two dozen composers to soprano Daniela Mack and pianist Keun-A Lee
had the space, I would tell you about the packed create 10-minute responses to Bach9s cello will give the world premiere of a new song cycle
suites. These <fragments= emerge in Weiler- by Rene Orth as well as pieces by Rossini,
lineup of free concerts at the Library of Congress, stein9s performances of the suites as unexpect- Ginastera, Piazzolla, Pauline Viardot and Car-
or the Philips Collection9s mostly sold-out but still live-stream- ed intrusions, extensions, detours and distilla- los Guastavino (April 18). And soprano Erin
tions. On April 6, Weilerstein will put in double Morley will be joined by pianist Gerald Martin
able season of Sunday concerts, or Washington Concert duty, giving one hour-long performance at 4 Moore for the world premiere of Ricky Ian
Opera9s one-off performance of Puccini9s rarely heard <La p.m. and another at 7:30, each featuring differ- Gordon9s <Huit Chansons De Fleurs= as well as
ent repertoire and the latter doubling as WPA9s works by Saint-Saëns, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rach-
Rondine= (April 7), or Opera Lafayette9s modern premiere of courTesy of Terence Blanchard
annual Ruth Bader Ginsburg Memorial Recital. maninoff, Berg, Zemlinsky and Sir Arthur
Jean-Joseph Mouret9s 1714 opera-ballet <Les Fêtes de Thalie= Terence Blanchard will perform April 6, Kennedy Center Terrace Theater, Sullivan (May 13).
<Fire Shut Up in My Bones= at the
(May 3 and 4). But I simply do not! ¶ I do, however, have room
to remind you to check out or revisit my Black History Month
Music Center at Strathmore. 8Elijah Reimagined9
National Symphony Orchestra Baritone and multi-talent Will Liverman
preview to fill up February9s remaining weeks. And below are a For the National Symphony Orchestra, most helms this (re-) visionary treatment of Men-
mere 10 highlights of the forthcoming season. Click through, ton. The title role will be split between sopra- of February will be spent on the road. Starting delssohn9s well-known oratorio. Artistic direc-
nos Ewa Plonka and Marjorie Owens. with a visit to Carnegie Hall, the orchestra9s first tor Eugene Rogers and his formidable Wash-
dig deep and explore 4 there9s so much to be heard. European tour under maestro Gianandrea Nose- ington Chorus will be joined by soprano Caitlin
da will include 10 performances across Spain, Lynch, mezzo-soprano Antona Yost, tenor Nor-
Fortas Chamber Concerts Incoming orchestras Italy and Germany. And while the orchestra will
take a well-earned nap for much of March,
man Shankle, the Children9s Chorus of Wash-
ington and the University of Michigan Cham-
Violinist Jennifer Koh is already making an Washington Performing Arts welcomes two late-season highlights include Xian Zhang lead- ber Choir for what promises to be a power-
impact as the new artistic director of the Fortas internationally touring orchestras to the Ken- ing Dvorak9s <New World= Symphony and Steven house choral performance. June 8, www.the
Chamber Music Concerts. This forthcoming nedy Center Concert Hall this spring. On March Banks playing Billy Childs9s <Saxophone Concer-
season welcomes a powerhouse lineup of artists 11, Lahav Shani leads the Rotterdam Philhar- to= (April 11-13), guest appearances by Snarky
to the Kennedy Center, including Abeo Quartet
(March 6), Hub New Music and special guests
monic in a program of Arvo Pärt (<Swansong=),
Mozart (superstar Daniil Trifonov playing his
Puppy (April 17) and Chris Thile (April 23), and a
tribute to Leonard Cohen (April 26 and 27).
The Duke
performing Carlos Simon9s <Requiem for the Piano Concerto No. 9 in E-flat major) and There are intriguing guest conductors 4 such as Last but by no means least, there is no bigger
Enslaved= (March 14), Catalyst Quartet (March Prokofiev (excerpts from <Romeo and Juliet=). the French Canadian Bernard Labadie leading birthday party in D.C. than Duke Ellington9s
21), Imani Winds (April 3) and Dover Quartet And on April 30, Sir Simon Rattle makes his Fauré9s <Requiem= with the Washington Chorus quasquicentennial (that9s 125, for those keeping
with Leif Ove Andsnes (April 23). But before all first visit to D.C. in two decades with his (April 4-6), or Simone Young leading <Also count). The Duke9s big day is May 24, but his
of these, Koh herself takes the stage with com- Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. For this sprach Zarathustra= (April 18-20) 4 and strong timeless music will be the sound of the whole
poser Missy Mazzoli on piano for an evening- performance 4 one of only four in the States 4 soloists, such as pianist Benjamin Grosvenor spring. Many of the festivities fall under the big
length exploration of Mazzoli9s music in the the orchestra will play Wagner9s <Prelude und (May 9-11) and violinist Randall Goosby (May tent of the Kennedy Center9s substantial Elling-
intimate setting of the Kennedy Center9s Studio Liebestod= from <Tristan und Isolde,= Beetho- 16-19). For a season-closing dose of Noseda, catch ton 125 festival: Legendary Rolling Stones backup
K. March 1-April 23, ven9s Symphony No. 6 (i.e. the <Pastorale=) and him leading Mahler9s Symphony No. 7 (a.k.a. the singer Lisa Fischer sings with the Duke Ellington
Alexander von Zemlinsky9s <Symphony Gesän- <Song of the Night=) or conducting a concert Orchestra (March 15); the NSO throws <Sympho-
Washington National Opera ge,= featuring bass-baritone Lester Lynch.
version of Verdi9s <Otello= (June 7 and 9).
ny Swing!: An Evening of Duke Ellington= (March
15 and 16) as well as a family concert of Ellington
Washington National Opera rounds out its favorites (March 17); Jason Moran plays an eve-
spring season with a pair of new productions.
Jacques Offenbach9s 1868 opéra bouffe <La
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 8Fire Shut Up in My Bones9 ning of solo piano works by Ellington (April 10);
PostClassical Ensemble goes deep with <Beyond
Périchole= is hatched anew as <Songbird= The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has a If you haven9t made it to the Metropolitan Category: The Concert Music of Duke Ellington=
(March 9-23), set in Prohibition-era New Or- lively and varied season (see: its Fusion event Opera to see Terence Blanchard9s <Fire Shut Up (April 16); and cellist Tomeka Reid (April 24) and
leans and jazzed up with brassy new arrange- April 12 combining Kendrick Lamar9s <Damn.= in My Bones= 4 when the opera made history pianists Justin Kauflin, José André Montaño and
ments. Mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard sings with Stravinsky9s <Petrouchka=) with plenty of as the company9s first by a Black composer 4 Matthew Whitaker (April 26) all raise a glass. If
the title role alongside the Tony-nominated highlights: BSO artist-in-residence soprano don9t miss this chance to hear it in concert. On you9ve never experienced Ellington9s large-scale
Ramin Karimloo as Piquillo. In May, Puccini9s Christine Goerke returns to the stage with con- April 26, Washington Performing Arts and <Sacred Concert,= pianist, composer and pro-
<Turandot= (May 11-25) gets its own glow-up. ductor James Conlon for a program of Schubert Strathmore present a newly created <opera ducer Cyrus Chestnut presents his own genre-
The new production by Francesca Zambello and Wagner (March 1 and 2). Music Director suite= production from the team of Blanchard, spanning interpretation at the Kennedy Center
begins and ends unlike any other, with a world Laureate Marin Alsop leads a program of Simon, the E-Collective, two-time Grammy-winning (April 29), and Cathedral Choral Society teams
premiere prologue and ending furnished by Ives and Rachmaninoff (April 26 and 28). And Turtle Island Quartet and visual artist Andrew with Heritage Signature Chorale and Pershing9s
composer-playwright Christopher Tin and composer Tan Dun conducts an evening split F. Scott. The duo of baritone Justin Austin and Own U.S. Army Band for a free performance at
playwright-screenwriter Susan Soon He Stan- between Stravinsky and his own pieces, includ- soprano Adrienne Danrich sing this concen- Washington National Cathedral (May 19).


Free and Open Late

on Thursdays
Spring Concerts
FEB 22
An Evening with J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion
Kerri Greenidge palm sunday, march 24 " 4 pm
29 Complex legacies in the untold
stories of an abolitionist family

FEB 29 In the Company of the Saints

Le Consort sunday, may 5 " 4 pm
Works by Baroque masters
alongside rare gems

MAR 14 Marin Alsop Conducts

SM Percussion with
Beethoven's 9th Symphony
Beatbox and breath artistry sunday, june 30 " 6 pm
14 with boundary-pushing

Celebrating Women9s History Month

Featuring Chelsea Clinton,
Rita Williams-Garcia
and Meg Medina

10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Family activities
2 p.m. Authors discuss
<She Persisted= book series

Reserve your seat at
E20 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Spring Arts Preview

locals come up big on top concert list

illustration by shira inbar for the washington post

ashington is a music city. It isn9t a music indus- for it between sets when organizers announce singer9s most recent sessions with legendary sound like? March 14 at Black Cat, blackcat

this year9s complete festival lineup. Feb. 23 at hip-hop producers Adrian Younge and Ali Sha-
try city like New York, or Los Angeles or Nash- Songbyrd, heed Muhammad of A Tribe Called Quest. To-
ville. But against tremendous odds, important gether, the intergenerational trio has made a Kim Gordon
sounds get made here 4 across various scenes, Initialize groove-minded album in which Carne9s voice
sounds both wispy and warm, like sunlight The world of song is far too unruly for your
styles and traditions, too. That all feels appar- Washington9s visionary Hast du Feuer DJ col- pushing through curls of smoke. Feb. 29 and tired bingo card jokes, but where does <Kim
lective has outdone itself right here. Initialize is a March 1 at Blues Alley, Gordon makes a rap album= fit on any grid of
ent this approaching concert season with roughly half of this one-night, festival-size dance party hosting a vari- human expectation? <Bye Bye,= the startling first
spring9s highlights originating right around the corner. Let9s get ety of planetary and hyperlocal rhythms under
one rooftop 4 District go-go originals Trouble
Ankhlejohn single from the Sonic Youth co-founder9s forth-
coming solo record, finds Gordon reciting a
out there and see if the stars can outshine our neighbors. Funk; father-daughter Detroit techno duo Floor- One of this District native9s great talents in- packing list 4 <Advil, black jeans, blue jeans,
plan; a slew of DMV rap explorers (El Cousteau, volves rapping in a sour, ornery sneer that can cardigan, purse, passport, pajamas &= 4 over a
NappyNappa, Auto Lola); beat selectors (Amal, often be traced back to a tender, hurting heart. pummeling trap beat before everything bursts
Home Rule festival launch Dee Clark, Bri Mafia, Trilla Kay); polymaths who On a recent standout track, last year9s <I Miss into squeals of electric guitar. It9s like a lost Salem
Warning: The following is a preview of a pre- defy description (Anno); and more. If it sounds You,= he9s grieving an entire city that9s become track, only 10 times cooler. (And for the record, I
view. Heading into its third summer, the District9s like too much to wrap your head around, put your increasingly difficult to recognize. <There9s a lot always liked Salem. But this is Kim Gordon.)
Home Rule music festival continues to celebrate body on the dance floor and see what happens. of men that died, and there9s a lot of men inside,= March 22 at Black Cat,
the past, present and future of DMV jazz 4 and at Feb. 23 at Republiq Hall, Ankhlejohn seethes. <They got my city gentri-
this special launch party, the festival9s promoters fied; to the old D.C., just know I [miss you].= Robert Glasper
will be doing it all in the space of a few hours. The
evening begins with a screening of <Black Fire,= a
Jean Carne March 2 at Union Stage,
If you9re surprised to hear that the pianist Rob-
documentary film about Black Fire Records, the
storied D.C. jazz label behind essential 1970s
<It feels like it9s my time now.= That9s what the
singer Jean Carne, now 76, told the Guardian in
BabyTron ert Glasper has been booked by the Kennedy Cen-
ter to celebrate the expansive songbooks of Duke
recordings from Experience Unlimited and One- 2022, reflecting on a career that began in the Is BabyTron still a rising rap star? Or is he Ellington and J. Dilla within the tight frame of a
ness of Juju. After that, live performances from spiritual jazz of the early 1970s. Soon, recording already approaching journeyman status? Such single performance, here9s something Glasper de-
Oneness of Juju co-founder James <Plunky= studio doors were swinging wide open for Carne, are the uncertainties of today9s scrambled rap- clared in an interview more than a decade ago with
Branch and the flexible Baltimore trumpeter leading to collaborations with Earth, Wind & scape, where an artist roughly a half-decade into a a cool shrug: <Hip-hop is the new jazz. & It9s a
Brandon Woody. The future? You9ll have to listen Fire, and Gamble and Huff, all the way to the recording career can play the rookie and the music that reflects a society. It9s a music that speaks
veteran at once. In BabyTron9s case, it9s a happy to things going on in the era you9re in.= March 30 at
paradox. He still sounds fresh, spontaneous and the Kennedy Center,
funny, but more and more, his rhymes feel an-
chored by experience. Cue up <A2Z= from last
year9s <Out on Bond= EP, and check out the Michi-
Bad Bunny
DON9T MISS THIS SEASON OF gan trash-talker as he organizes his rhymes paral-
lel to the sequence of the Latin alphabet with a
stylishness that feels anything but predictable.
It9s hard to say if we9ve reached peak Bad
Bunny 4 or we ever will. The 29-year-old9s re-
nown only seems to grow bigger and brighter as
<BOLD NEW VOYAGES!= Feb. 28 at the Fillmore, his albums continue to expand into new zones of
rhythm and rhyme. Onstage, he makes that ex-
4THE WASHINGTON POST Mary Timony pansiveness feel not only coherent, but riveting.
In other words, checking out one of the planet9s
For years, Mary Timony9s exquisite rock most electrifying pop performers while he9s still
songs have followed intertwining paths be- on top of the world sounds like a good idea. April 9
tween neo-medieval balladeering and glammy at Capital One,
BY RHIANA YAZZIE guitar heroics. She combined both modes to
DIRECTED BY KEN-MATT MARTIN great acclaim in the 990s indie rock band Heli- Mariah the Scientist
um. Then she skewed toward more delicate,
MAR. 28-APR. 21 ancient melodies on a pair of solo albums from Let9s take her stage name literally. There9s
An epic new play set in the wonder the early aughties that still sound ahead of their something almost clinical about the singing of
of the 880s! The worlds of Nancy time. After that, Timony turned her amp up to this Atlanta-raised R&B star as she continues to
11 in the bands Wild Flag, Ex Hex and Ham- steer the sang-froid she shares with SZA, Frank
Reagan and Esmeralda, a Navajo mered Hulls. And now this great Washingto- Ocean and Jhene Aiko toward the absolute zero
mother, collide in this very DC nian is making music on her own again 4 her of American soul music. She can reach for a high
new solo album, <Untame the Tiger,= is due out note when she needs to, but how low can she go?
play about motherhood, ancestry this month. What will it sound like? When will it April 9 at Echostage,
and ambition.

Engagements | Weddings
DIRECTED BY DAVID MENDIZÁBAL To place an announcement:
MAY 16-JUNE 9 phone: 202-334-5736
History meets hip-hop in this world fax: 202-334 - 7188
premiere musical! Tour de force
performances tell the little-known Declare Your Love!
story of the Underground Railroad Retropolis
Announce your Engagement, Wedding or Anniversary in The Washington Post9s
that led to freedom in Mexico. Sunday Arts & Style Section. (Birthdays, Graduations & other Special Events |e past, rediscovered
have moved to Thursdays.) You may provide text and photos. Color is available.
Many packages include keepsake plaques of your announcement.

SAVE 10% WITH CODE WP10 To place an order and for more information, including rates:

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S0364 1x3.5
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E21


Spring Arts Preview

10 promising movies
soon popping UP on screens
illusTraTioN By shira iNBar for The WashiNgToN PosT

The season9s highlights include a Shirley

8Dune9 follow-up, another Mad Max Regina King stars in this dramatization of
the life and career of trailblazing congress-
saga, a 8Fall Guy9 and a 8Hit Man9 woman and presidential candidate Shirley
Chisholm, written and directed by John Rid-
ley. Ridley9s <Jimi: All Is by My Side= (2013) was
an exceptionally intriguing interpretive his-
et9s face it: 2023 is going to be a hard year to

tory of Jimi Hendrix; it will be fascinating to
follow, movie-wise. After <Barbenheimer,= Taylor find out how he reimagines Chisholm, whose
contributions to American political life have
Swift, Beyoncé and sundry Super Marios and gone unheralded for too long. Terrence How-
Spider-Men, can Hollywood keep the sugar high ard, Lance Reddick and Brian Stokes Mitchell
co-star. Opens March 22.
aloft? ¶ Sure! At least if the next few months are
any indication, and if your sweet tooth involves sci-fi and an Challengers
irrational craving for Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya and Zendaya again! This time in a Luca Guadag-
Austin Butler 4 all of whom happen to co-star in the season9s nino confection set in the professional tennis
world, with Josh O9Connor and Mike Faist
biggest movie, as well as a few others. Filmgoers who aren9t completing a tantalizing romantic triangle. I
fans of those actors (who are you?) will have plenty to keep stipulate that the best tennis movie in recent
memory is 20179s <Borg vs. McEnroe= (watch it,
them occupied, with Big Events like <Rebel Moon: Part 1,= Niko TaverNise
you9re welcome), but this looks like a thorough-
<Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire,= <Kingdom of the Planet of ly gorgeous diversion that9s a lot less taxing than
actually taking to the court. Opens April 26.
the Apes= and the <Road House= reboot on the horizon. Then
there9s a smattering of Sundance talkers and potential indie The Fall Guy
sleepers to round out the offerings. Not bad for a movie Ryan Gosling is sure to be Kenough as Colt
schedule that might look a little less pink this year, but no Seavers, a stunt man who9s enlisted to help
save a multimillion blockbuster that happens
less promising. ¶ Opening dates are subject to change. to be directed by his ex. This looks silly and
maybe even dumb 4 but also smart, in that
way Gosling has perfected in <The Nice Guys=
Dune: Part Two and last year9s <Barbie.= And with Hannah
Because of the writers and actors strikes Waddingham and Emily Blunt along for the
last year, this hotly anticipated sequel to Denis ride? What9s not to like? Opens May 3.
Villeneuve9s 2021 space-desert epic was punt-
ed to 2024 4 giving us that much more time to
re-watch the first installment so we know
what the heck is going on! Chalamet returns This fantasy-comedy, written and directed
as Paul Atreides, who9s on a revenge tour to by John Krasinski, revolves around a charm-
search for the villains who destroyed his ing (and maybe alarming) premise, whereby a
family. With luck, we9ll finally get to see the girl copes with the difficulties in her life with
chemistry Chalamet and Zendaya developed the help of other people9s imaginary friends,
in Part 1 pay off, and the addition of Butler and who9ve been discarded or outgrown. Ryan
Florence Pugh promises oodles of intrigue. Reynolds stars, along with Krasinski, Matt
Opens March 1. Damon and Blunt 4 and the voices of Phoebe
Waller-Bridge, Steve Carell, Maya Rudolph
Problemista and Sam Rockwell. Opens May 17.

Like <Dune: Part Two,= this comedy from

<Los Espookys= creator Julio Torres was re- JasiN BolaNd/WarNer Bros. PicTures
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
scheduled last year, to the disappointment of Anya Taylor-Joy stars in George Miller9s
Torres9s many fans. Finally, we all get to see follow-up to the gangbusters Charlize Theron
Torres9s highly anticipated feature debut as a vehicle <Mad Max: Fury Road,= an origin story
writer-director. Here, he plays a toy designer and a bodybuilder who fall in love and embark TOP: Timothée Chalamet and of Theron9s character, who epitomized steely-
from El Salvador who has come to New York to on a journey through the underbelly of the Zendaya in <Dune: Part Two,= eyed badassery and super-fancy driving. Chris
make his creative dreams come true; when his American West. Ed Harris, Jena Malone and which opens March 1. ABOVE: Hemsworth co-stars. Opens May 24.
visa runs out, his only hope lies in an appren- Dave Franco co-star in the film, which re- Chris Hemsworth in <Furiosa: A
ticeship with a once-hip, now washed-up artist.
The fact that said has-been is played by Tilda
ceived strong reviews out of Sundance last
month. Opens March 8.
Mad Max Saga,= which opens May
Hit Man
Swinton only heightens the intrigue of a film If you thought Glen Powell had sparkle and
that co-stars Isabella Rossellini, Greta Lee and
RZA. The combination of that creative team,
The American Society of swagger in <Top Gun: Maverick,= and if you
thought he was downright adorable opposite
plus some potentially punchy satire involving Magical Negroes Sydney Sweeney in <Anyone but You,= just wait
immigration reform, boho pretentiousness Like <Love Lies Bleeding,= Kobi Libii9s satire until you see him in the movie that, more than
and New York striving at its most Darwinian, 4 starring Justice Smith as a young man who anything in his career, showcases his versatili-
feels like it can9t miss. Opens March 1. is recruited into a secret society whose mem- ty and innate charm. Richard Linklater writes
bers dedicate their lives to making White and directs this adaptation of a true story,
Love Lies Bleeding people9s lives easier 4 comes by way of the
Sundance pipeline. Reviews out of Park City,
about a mild-mannered professor who winds
up moonlighting as a hired assassin; Linklater
Rose Glass9s eagerly awaited follow-up to Utah, name-dropped <American Fiction= and adds a steamy love interest played by newcom-
her horror movie <Saint Maud= stars Kristen <Sorry to Bother You= 4 big shoes, for sure. er Adria Arjona. Smart, sexy and fun, this one9s
Stewart and Katy O9Brian as a gym manager We9ll see if they fit. Opens March 15. the whole package. Opens June 7.

Answers to last week’s puzzle. CR O S S W O R D

$ 5 0 6 / < * ( ( 6 $
& ' $ 5 ( 6
5 2 $ 0 6 + 2 ( 5 8 5 $ / & $
5 % ( / , 7 (
ACROSS 65 Buddy in Britain                 
& 2 1 ( $ , 1 7 6 $ 8 6 $ * ( 6 $ ,
5 ( ' / $ 1 & (
) , / 0 , 1 * $ / , / ( , 5 '
( ( ( 0 , 1 *
1 “Crimson Tide” vessel, 67 With 118 Across,
$ / 2 1 ( 3 $ 1 7 + ( 5 6 ( /
, 6 $ * 7 , ( briefly “Boo’d Up” singer
& 2 / 7 6 6 ( ( 0 6 1 ( , * + % 2 5 6 4 Sound heard by a vet 69 Former capital of Brazil     
: ( 6 ' $ 0 % ( $ 5 6 7 8 1 ( 6 7 Involuntary muscle 70 Talked nonstop      
8 1 / , 7 * ( 1 ( contraction 72 Like sacred ground
$ & 7 6 $ 7 / $ 6 ' 2 6 ( 6 6 ( ; 12 Effects in “RRR,” e.g. 73 “There’s still plenty of    
6 3 ( $ . 3 5 $ 1 . 6
7 + ( 2 5 < 3 , & 1 , & 6 5 2 : , & ( 3 / < 15 Still of interest to meat on that bone.       
$ 5 ( 6 3 < 5 , 2 $ + $ 0 2 5 ( * 5 $ % 5 2 ( animation fans? Now, you take this
6 ( / ( & 7 6 3 8 ) ) 3 , 1 * 3 2 1 * 3 $ 7 5 , 2 7 6 18 Org. whose members’ home, throw it in a          
6 ( / / 2 8 7 $ / % $ 1 , $ 6 2 ' $ 3 , * 6 3 2 2 1 6 pot, add some broth, a
work might be par for     
( 0 0 < / 2 5 ' 7 + ( ( , 1 1 6 the course potato ... baby, you got
5 $ 0 6 ( * 2 ) / 8 ) ( $ 5 ' ( & ( , 9 (
a ___ going!”: Carl    
1 $ 1 $ & 2 : % 2 < 6 19 Comprehend
/ , 6 7 ' 2 & 7 2 5
6 ( & 2 1 ' 6 6 1 $ 5 / 6 $ , / & / $ 3 6 7 2 : 6 20 Lofty, as ideals Weathers      
2 9 ( 5 ' 8 ( 6 7 ( ( 5 ' 2 / 3 + , 1 6 21 “Right on the money!” 74 Flowerless greenery
/ $ : ( 1 '       
6 1 8 * 6 2 6 22 Iron Mountain finding 77 Co. designation
, ' $ 5 1 $ 6 3 $ $ 1 7 23 Senator who received 78 Exclusively      
' $ < 6 2 1
Meta Answer 1: Each grid contains a pair of
lots of votes (from 80 Language of the 1960
& $ 7 6 3 /$ crossing NFL teams. The letters in their hockey fans), e.g. film “Mughal-e-Azam”
' (
$ 5 , ( $ (& intersections spell TEAMWORK. 25 Blazers’ offense? 82 Rival web portal of    
$ /
/ ) 2 5 & 1$ Meta Answer 2: Each grid represents an 26 NHL commissioner Gary MSN
1 )
/ 9 , . ,
1 * 6   
NFL game. The teams’ clue numbers are the 28 Actress Aisha or Liv 83 Sensual, as a scene
$ 6 + 2 5 ( , 5 $ score. For instance, in Grid 1, COLTS is at 29 “You ___ that back!” 85 Third-party holdings          
5 ( ' 6 ( $ $ 57 ( 5 < 15 Across and SAINTS is at 9 Down, so the
, 5 ( ( 9 ( 1 62 score is 15-9. Convert the higher number to
31 ___ Mann (Springfield 89 Provoke
' 5 ( , ' ( / 7 : 2 the letter in its position in the alphabet (so bus driver) 91 Traps, so to speak
0 2 % 9 , & 7 2 5 in Grid 1, 15 converts to O, the 15th letter). 33 Lift using a crane 93 ___ Isles, medical       
( : ( , 1 + ( 5 ( The converted letters spell “OK, YOU WIN,” 34 “I Really Like You” examiner of “Rizzoli &
' $ ' 6 & 2 5 ( which the losing Down teams might say to singer Carly ___ Isles”
the winning Across teams. Jepsen 94 Exercised one’s rights?   

35 Frosts, in a bakery 95 It’s just a thought   

36 Couple of things 96 Go onstage
37 Columnist Landers 97 Tøyen Park city
38 In unison 98 Rescue ___ (team DOWN 15 Emerging out of the 61 Sound reproduction? 94 “What a shame”
Answers to last week’s L.A. Times Sunday puzzle.
40 “Resurrection” author providing first aid) 1 Lovers’ dispute water to breathe, as 63 Cut, as wood 98 Rock layers
Tolstoy 101 Short show segments 2 Like some sweaters this puzzle’s aquatic 66 Improve, as skills 99 Shared a passage, say
41 Kicking limb 104 Stone with the R&B donned at Christmas mammals are preparing 68 Necklaces that may 100 Twin city of
42 “Everything Is album “The Art of parties to do feature Ni‘ihau shells Champaign in Illinois
Awesome” singers Love & War” 3 Performances involving 16 Distinctive periods 70 Put on the line 102 More murky
___ and Sara 108 Powered up partners 17 Supplied temporarily 71 ___-allergy drugs 103 Works adapted for the
45 Soup eaten in Da Nang 110 Pigpen place 4 1948 Pulitzer Prize for 24 Robin’s character in 75 A in music class, e.g. screen?
46 Short-sleeved shirt 112 Plunder Drama winner “Good Will Hunting” 76 Red vehicle seen in a 105 “The Queen’s ___”
48 Running back Pacheco 113 Drenched 5 Field Day Theatre 27 Apt anagram of 75 Down memory in “The Giver” (2020 Netflix chess
52 “___ It Ain’t So” 116 “Humble” places Company co-founder 30 Top part of a suit, often 79 Instrument classified drama)
(Weezer song) 118 See 67 Across Stephen 32 Draw as a yoke lute 106 “Let’s make this
54 It’s between cero y dos 119 Consoles for 6 Productive, as soil 38 Recess by a chancel 81 Accompaniments for hand a little more
55 Shrubs that can cause participants in a short- 7 Deceptive pitchers? 39 Give the cold shoulder to finger foods interesting”
skin rashes lived “Swordquest” 8 Holes unclogged by 43 Pre-deal contribution 84 AFC Women’s ___ Cup 107 Modified, as a
57 “All hell broke ___” competition in the exfoliating products 44 Fragrance detector (soccer tournament magazine
58 Appropriates 1980s 9 “V-cut” muscles, for 47 Feb. hrs. in Va. that China once won 109 Vaccine amounts
60 Finish after things are 121 “Same for me” some 49 Like a bubble bath’s seven times in a row) 111 Like arcade games
expected to finish 123 Lousy 10 Single-masted boat water 86 “Please?” 114 Cutting-___
62 Winterfell character 125 Right to remain at Rice 11 Hospital unit dedicated 50 Monatomic or 87 Mind-numbing routines (state-of-the-art)
on “Game of Thrones” or Rutgers, say to psychiatric care polyatomic atom 88 Space Dunk ___ 115 Creates tunnels, say
... or, if you change 126 Custard ingredient 12 Ones getting tech 51 Male parents of mules (limited-edition cookie 116 Lots
the fourth letter to T, a 127 Modify, as a magazine support? 53 Parliamentary statute released in 2024) 117 Sprinter Usain
wintertime character 128 Proverbs 13 “Well, whaddaya know!” 56 Brand for bulldogs 90 Chum 120 Product from a loom
63 Breeding farm charge 129 Harbors ill will toward 14 Question to a potential 59 “Garfield and Friends” 92 Manono is one of its 122 Hair salon substance
2/11/24 64 4 on a date: Abbr. 130 Spoke before a crowd millionaire friend islands 124 Some lab donations

RELEASE DATE4Sunday, February 18, 2024

Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle

Edited by Patti Varol
<POSITION 84 Shel Silverstein9s 121 Sigma follower Oscar winner 58 Peepers 92 Pre-flood Biblical
PAPERS= BY JOHN <A Light in the 122 Show with an 17 Stockpiles 59 Vexed patriarch
Happy Birthday | Feb. 18: You’re a courageous risk-taker who is youthful and will never
LIEB __= early a.m. after- 18 Yahoo! rival 60 <Groundhog 93 Custardy dessert grow old. You have an infectious enthusiasm, and you love to try new things. This year is
88 ... for potato chip party 20 Smooth-talking Day= town 94 Like a negative the beginning of a new nine-year cycle for you. Get ready for new beginnings, adventures
ACROSS aficionados? 24 Post-injury 62 <Raiders of the number squared:
1 <Doctor Who= 91 ... for scuba DOWN regimen Lost __= Abbr. and major changes!
airer divers? 1 Fave pal 28 <Grey9s 63 Actor Assante 101 Battery terminal
4 Comedian Wong 95 Granola bar bits 2 Offside boundary Anatomy= 64 Wearable wreath 102 Hands over
7 North African 96 Sag in hockey production 66 Met, as a 103 Flamingo hue Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or important
expanse 97 Private aid gps. 3 Picked in class company challenge 105 Wyatt of the Old
13 Flying disc game 98 <Insecure= star 4 Gremlins, or 29 Bygone 68 Set of principles West decisions from 10 to 11 p.m. After that, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
19 Traffic regulator Issa where some saw 30 The Orioles, in 69 Enticing sales 106 Together, in the Moon moves from Gemini into Cancer. Don’t get caught up in the rhetoric of
in a construction 99 Sample on a <Gremlins= box scores acronym music
zone swab 5 Southeast Asian 32 Broccoli __ 70 Showy carp 107 Souvenirs others about politics, philosophy, religion
21 Chemical cousin 100 Soul singer language 33 Cost-of-living fig. 77 With sharp from an island ARIES (March 21-April 19) or whatever idealistic issues they
22 First-string units Baker 6 Yet to be 35 Purr-former resolution vacation? Take it easy, because this is a laid-back embrace. It’s not to say that these issues
23 Periodical for 102 Gear parts delivered 37 Baseball VIPs 78 Having doubts 109 Bit of pique
prosecutors, 103 Cross products 7 Instrument that 39 In stitches 80 Cleveland 110 California sch. of day. You might spend a lot of time aren’t worthwhile. But an element of
defense 104 Like hot yoga dates to the 40 Mimic NBAers, for Padres legend daydreaming or being lost in a fantasy idealism might confuse issues.
attorneys, and 108 Venus flytrap Mughal Empire 42 Hurts short Tony Gwynn
judges? snack 8 Nile vipers 43 Increase in 82 Nav. rank 111 Prefix with world. Be aware that communications
25 Xterra maker 110 Sandy sediment 9 Biblical peak complexity, 83 Mine, in gender with others are subject to confusion SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
26 Yalies 111 Margaret 10 Alaskans, perhaps Marseille 112 __ Lanka today, which means if you’re talking about Postpone discussions about shared
27 Promo Atwood9s Hawaiians, etc. 44 Passionate 85 Indefatigable 113 Geological
28 Altercations homeland 11 Hi or low activists 86 <Things never go stretch anything important, make an extra effort property, how to deal with finances or
29 Commoner 112 ... for follower 45 Moral principle my way!= 114 <Candyman= to clarify things. raising kids. Likewise, discussions about
30 Paint brand sold clockmakers? 12 <__ longa, vita 48 Fencing sword 87 Copyright director DaCosta how to share social occasions, vacations
at Home Depot 116 Spring river brevis= 51 Yelps of pain symbols 115 Gateway Arch
31 Canoe material phenomenon 13 <Citizen __= 52 Charcuterie 88 Cape __, city, for short TAURUS (April 20-May 20) or even a dinner out might end up with
34 Foreign policy 117 Amp toter 14 Bickering board Massachusetts You love beautiful things, especially someone feeling unhappy.
gp. 118 Takes the plunge 15 Jay9s home accompanier 89 Rifle
36 Support 119 Talks to online 16 <All the 56 Tuckered out 90 Cyclotron quality antiques. It’s possible that you will
37 Rooney of 120 Bays, e.g. President9s Men= 57 Ice cream brand particle be tempted to spend money on SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
<Women Talking= something elegant and beautiful, perhaps This is a poor day for important
38 Guitar
accessories a bit pricey. Think twice before you give in discussions, because there’s a strong
40 880 square feet, to this urge to have something. After all, element of confusion in the air. People will
for a pickleball you don’t want regrets later. go with their feelings instead of their
41 ... for con artists? intellect. Arguments are fuzzy.
44 ... for kitchen GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
46 Drift The Moon is in your sign at odds with CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
47 Captain Nemo fuzzy Neptune, which can create If you’re contemplating an important
creator confused thinking on your part. Or you decision about your health or your job,
49 Geek
50 Org. created two might attract someone to you who is postpone this for another day, because
years before the confused or full of pie-in-the-sky ideas. wishful thinking might cloud your
1896 Athens judgment. Plus, your information could be
(See the Moon Alert.)
53 Major work incorrect.
54 Cape __, CANCER (June 21-July 22)
55 Actor Vigoda Cut yourself some slack. Give yourself AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
58 <Monday permission to veg out and daydream or This is a lovely, creative day because your
Night Football= spend time with a guilty pleasure like imagination is in overdrive. However, this
61 Pod members daytime TV, video games, puzzles, same fanciful influence can create
63 Everyone crosswords or reading a favorite book. confusion in relationships, especially
65 Missed the mark
67 ... for aspiring
romantic ones. Postpone important
entertainers? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) decisions about romance or kids. Wait
71 Physicist Mach This is a relaxing day. Nevertheless, your until you have more clarity.
72 Squeeze (out)
73 Gaming tile involvement with friends, groups or
74 Retired jets partners might create a confusing PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
75 Kama Sutra situation for you. If so, find somewhere to Someone in the family might be crying
76 Informal hide. crocodile tears today. So think twice
greetings before you make a commitment to help
78 Sonic the
Hedgehog VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) them. Make sure you have the facts.
platform People notice you. Be aware of this, Meanwhile, this is a lovely, lazy day to
79 Gaming cubes because there is an element of confusion relax at home. Enjoy.
81 Paris river
83 Ohio home of that is present. People might see you
Minor League differently from the way you think you are
RubberDucks projecting your image.
2/18/24 ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE E23

Grammy-nominated Younger infuses 5445 Landover Rd
Brandee Younger Sat., Mar 2 at 8 pm Cheverly, MD 20784 $25-$30 Publick-
Harpist Playhouse@
to the harp tradition.
LAS HERMANAS Family bonds are tested as Cuban GALA Theatre
Thru February 25 siblings navigate a landscape of crime
In Spanish
Thurs - Sat at 8 pm 3333 14th Street NW $25 - $48 with English
PALACIOS Sun at 2 pm
and violence in Miami. Will pressures of 202-234-7174 surtitles
by Cristina Garcia survival pull them together or apart.
This Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-win-
ning <feel-everything= (New York Times)
Next to Normal 4545 East-West Highway Tickets
Music by Tom Kitt <An emotional
Now playing through mothers mental illness on the rest of her Bethesda, MD from $39
powerhouse= -
Book & Lyrics by Brian March 3 family4is a cathartic and empathetic (240) 644.1100 (free for
Yorkey Rolling Stone
masterpiece of modern musical theatre students)
Directed by Alan Paul with soaring rock music and unforgettable
The Kennedy Center
Take a stab at catching the killer at this Theater Lab
Regular Schedule: wildly popular comedy whodunit that Student Rush Tickets Tickets
Shear Madness Tuesday3Friday at 8 keeps audiences laughing all over the Available Available Great Group
The Kennedy Center Rates for
Saturday at 6 & 9 world. <Shrieks of laughter night after Tickets: 202-467-4600 at the Box
15 or More
Theater Lab Sunday at 3 & 7 night at the Kennedy Center.= Groups: 202-416-8400
(Washington Post)
5445 Landover Rd 301-277-1710
A ground-breaking all-female tap pro-
Syncopated Sat., Mar 23 at 8pm
duction with intricate footwork, feminine Cheverly, MD $40-$45
Ladies Sun., Mar 24 at 4pm prowess, and high energy!
Special Event
The Victorian WashPost
NOW EXTENDED The Undercroft Theatre with 2:30p show
Ladies9 Detective TO MARCH 3 <DELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINING. 900 Mass Ave, NW student, PLUS recep-
Collective Thu 7:30, Fri 8p, Sat STANDOUT PERFORMANCES= - 202-900-8788 senior tion at Henley
By Patricia Milton 2:30 & 8p, Sun 2:30p & group Pk with artists
Dir Morgan Duncan discounts to support
Helen Hayes Award Recommended Stage Guild
The <deeply moving & thought-provoking=
(Chicago Tribune) solo show comes to DC
following its national tour. In 2015, Mohe- Folger Theatre Tickets <Rich with
Now On Stage Through gan theater-maker Madeline Sayet travels 201 E Capitol St., SE eye-opening
Where We Belong March 10! to England to pursue a PhD in Shake- 202-544-7077
start at
details= 3 New
speare, echoing a journey braved by her York Times
Native ancestors. Produced in association
with Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company.
Great classical
Dénes Várjon, Acclaimed Hungarian pianist Dénes Waterford Old School Adult $40,
music in the
Várjon presents a mesmerizing program 40222 Fairfax St, Student
historic village
piano Sunday, April 28th, 4 pm that promises to enchant audiences with Waterford VA $20,
Waterford Concert of Waterford,
works from Beethoven, Brahms, Liszt, www.waterfordconcert- Under 12s one hour from
Series and Chopin. Free

Haydn9s Die National Presbyterian $253$79

Schöpfung Church
The Creation Sunday, April 21, 2024, 4101 Nebraska Ave, NW 18 & lecture,
4 PM Washington, DC 20016 under: $10
Consort Michele Kenne-, 18338 pay
dy, soprano; Thomas Cooley, tenor;
Edmund Milly 202.429.2121 Artists
Artistic Director
Join the Airmen of Note for a Jazz
Heritage Series concert featuring Jane Find The U.S.
Rachel M. Schlesinger Air Force Band
Jazz Heritage Monheit! Ms. Monheit is a jazz and adult Concert Hall and Arts
Thursday, February 29 contemporary vocalist with a deep pas- on FB/IG @
Series with Jane at 7:30 P.M. sion for the Great American Songbook Alexandria, VA
and YouTube
Monheit and boasts many highly acclaimed solo Register at USAIRFORCE @ TheUSAF-
albums, countless awards, and decades BAND.COM
of international touring experience. Band

Adult $40, Great classical

Luca Pisaroni, Internationally acclaimed bass-baritone, Waterford Old School music in the
40222 Fairfax St, Student
bass-baritone Sunday, March 17th, Luca Pisaroni performs in Waterford, $20, historic village
4 pm VA, with a diverse program featuring the Waterford VA of Waterford,
Waterford Concert www.waterfordconcert- Under 12s
Series works of Mozart, Bellini, Tosti, and more. Free one hour from DC

Directed by Dana Marsh, this concert

Te Deum! will highlight composers of the French National Presbyterian $253$79 Free
Sacred Grand Mo- Church pre-concert
Baroque, featuring sacred grand motets 4101 Nebraska Ave, NW 18 & lecture,
tets of Lully and Sunday, March 10, of Jean-Baptiste Lully and Marc-Antoine
2024, 4 PM Washington, DC 20016 under: $10 Free parking,
Charpentier Deum will head a list of exquisite works
Washington Bach 18338 pay to meet the
Consort 202.429.2121 your age Artists
courtly and ecclesiastical grandeur.
Music not only uplifts listeners, but
elevates the people, instruments & ideas Rachel M. Schlesinger
that comprise it. This energetic concert Concert Hall & Arts Center
United States Sunday, Feb. 25 highlights the music of Wynton Marsa- 4195 E Campus Dr. FREE, Free garage
Marine Band Alexandria, VA 22311 No Tickets
at 2 p.m. lis; the deep power of the contrabass; a Required
<Elevate= fusion of hip-hop, R&B, jazz & gospel; &
the premiere of the band9s 2023 Call for www.marineband.marines.
Scores winner. Full program online. mil

The Virtuoso Re- Friday: Live! At 10th & G
945 G St, NW, DC
corder Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 Vincent Lauzer Saturday: St. Paul9s Episco-
Vincent Lauzer 7 PM, DC $40
pal Church
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024 228 S. Pitt St, Alexandria, VA
Risa Browder
7 PM, VA Patrick Merrill $10
Wade Davis 202.429.2121
explores the musi- Friday: Live! At 10th & G
Women of the cal world of 17th-century women through 945 G St, NW, DC General
Baroque Friday, Mar. 22, 2024 Fri: $10 Ga-
7 PM, DC songs for solo voice. In a program Saturday: St. Paul9s Episco- Admission
rage Parking
Canoro pianto et devised & curated by soprano Paulina pal Church $40
Saturday, Mar. 23, 2024 Francisco, this promises to be an eve- 228 S. Pitt St, Alexandria, VA Sat: Garage/
ning of delightful discovery! Paula Maust, 18 & under
Washington Bach 7 PM, VA $10
Street Parking
harpsichord; Joanna Blendulf, viola da,
Consort gamba; Deborah Fox, lute & theorbo 202.429.2121
Two Steinways grace the stage to National Presbyterian
celebrate this beloved operatic style. Church
Featuring Rossini9s Petite messe solen- 4101 Nebraska Ave, NW?
Sunday, March 3, 2024 Virtual Tickets
A Bel Canto Salon 5:00pm
nelle, excerpts from Brahms9 Liebeslieder
Waltzer, Op. 52, and Lori Laitman9s Are
Women People? with Soprano Danielle
Talamantes & more! www.washingtonmaster-
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: " Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon " Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon " Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon " Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon " Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call Jason Samuel at 202-334-4776.
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 22-0776
E24 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Delight in Duke9s extraordinary yet
little-known orchestral masterwork Black, Terrace Theater
Beyond Category: Tuesday, April 16, Brown, & Beige The John F. Kennedy Center John Edward
The Concert Music of 202-467-4600 $45-$65 Hasse guest
7:30pm curates!
Ellington Carthan and conguero Felix

The dynamic duo of conductor Jack For just $120,

Everly and Troupe Vertigo return to the The Music Center at get access to
stage for a magical set of performances. Strathmore Tickets 30+ concerts
5301 Tuckerman Lane
Cirque Magic Thu, Feb 22 at 8 PM Don9t miss the spellbinding physical feats
North Bethesda, MD 20852
start at all year long!
choreographed to symphonic music. $21! Find out how
This will be a poetic and visually enticing 877.276.1444 at BSOmusic.
journey you don9t want to miss. org/passport.

Hailed as <one of the most creatively Featuring: Jonathan Woody,
May 3 & 4, 7:30pm game and artistically-sound operations Angel Azzarra, Pascale
Mouret9s Les Terrace Theater in the business= (The Washington Post), Also showing
Beaudin, Jean Bernard in NYC. Check
Fêtes de Thalie The Kennedy Center Opera Lafayette presents this fully-staged Cerin, Ariana Wehr, Patrick $30-$135
(202) 546-9332 modern premiere of an opéra-ballet that website for
A MODERN PREMIERE Kilbride, Scott Brunscheen, details. broke the mold of its time. Christophe Margot Rood and John
Rousset conducts. Taylor Ward and more!

BNB is a hilarious, high-energy and The Alden
Buckets 8N interactive percussion show that has McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Avenue $15/$12
Boards Friday, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. captivated audiences worldwide! They seniors &
Free, onsite
have something for everyone in the fami- McLean, Virginia 22101 parking
Family Comedy and students
Percussion Show ly4amazing tap dancing, clean comedy,
body percussion, beatboxing and more!

The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: " Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon " Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon " Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
" Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon " Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon " Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call Jason Samuel at 202-334-4776.
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 22-0776

shine a spotlight on your next performance.

Advertise in The Guide to the Lively Arts!
202-334-7006 |


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Leslie Odom, Jr.
rooted in jazz and folk
SONA JOBARTEH Genre-bending viola duo SUSAN WERNER
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DAKHABRAKHA Trailblazing female kora maestro LESLIE ODOM, JR. LUCA MUNDACA Contemporary folk
Fri, March 1 Fri, May 3 MINHAS CORDAS singer-songwriter
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Grammy-nominated multilingual
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jazz singer
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Fri, Apr 12 CHRIS BOTTI Sun, May 5
ARTURO SANDOVAL Celebrating the best songwriters Fri, May 31 Grammy-winning Latin pop artist
PEDRITO MARTINEZ in the region
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Thu, April 11 Kyshona
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Black composers
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Fri, March 15
Laura Schneider

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Francesco Turrisi / EbruYildiz

Giddens A tribute to Joni Mitchell and

Featuring Justin Austin and Carole King
April 203May 2, 2024
Adrienne Danrich
Concert version of the <opera in jazz= Drawing takes place Thu, May 2

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE E25

Sunday, February 18, 2024

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

DISTRICT Anyone But You: The Valentine Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30-Wonka (PG) 10:10-10:35-1:10- Madame Web: The IMAX Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Out of Darkness (R) CC: Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Siren 7:30 Ooru Peru Bhairavakona
Encore (R) 7:20-10:10 4:00-6:30 1:30-4:25-7:25-10:20 Experience (PG-13) 12:40-3:40- 12:00-1:20-3:30-4:20-5:10-6:30- 4:25-9:30 Special Theatrical Engagement Wonka (PG) 3:35 11:30-2:50-6:10-9:30
AMC Georgetown 14 Madame Web (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Migration (PG) 11:40-4:50- 7:00-10:00 7:20-7:50-8:30-9:20-10:20-11:00 The Taste of Things (La (PG) CC: 2:05 Migration (PG) 4:55-6:40 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
3111 K Street N.W. 12:00-1:50-2:50-4:40-6:00-8:00- 11:45-6:00-9:00 7:20-9:50 Out of Darkness (R) 1:10-6:50 Argylle (PG-13) 12:05-3:20- passion de Dodin Bouffant) Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) 1:00 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 9:10-9:30 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Madame Web (PG-13) 11:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7:10-10:40 (PG-13) 2:45-6:00 4:00-7:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 1:15 Eagle (Telugu) 11:50-3:20-
1:20-4:15-7:15-10:00 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 11:15-1:50-4:30-7:10-9:45 2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 12:50-2:20-4:00-5:10-6:10-7:05- The Beekeeper (R) 5:40-10:10 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Anyone But You: The Valentine Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 6:50-10:20; 8:50
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: 12:20-7:10 Land of Bad (R) CC: 10:45- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 8:10-9:20-10:00 American Fiction (R) 4:50- CC: 2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 Encore (R) CC: 1:05-10:30 9:30-10:50-11:25-12:15-2:10- Argylle (PG-13) 11:05AM
12:40-4:50-7:20-10:00 Argylle (PG-13) 11:50-3:00- 11:30-1:30-2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30
10:00-1:50-7:25-10:05 The Beekeeper (R) 1:35-4:20- 7:40-10:50 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:00- Pegasus 2 12:50-9:50 3:00-4:30-5:45-7:20-8:30 Turning Red (2022) - Pixar
Land of Bad (R) CC: 1:30-4:10- 6:20-9:40 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 9:00 Land of Bad (R) 11:05-1:55- 7:05-10:00 Origin (PG-13) 6:40-10:25 7:15-10:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) 10:35-12:20- Special Theatrical Engage-
7:00-9:40 Poor Things (R) CC: 9:00 4:45-7:35-10:25 Origin (PG-13) 11:50AM The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:15- CC: 11:30-5:20-8:10-10:55 6:30 ment (PG) 11:45AM
Poor Things (R) CC: 6:30-9:45 MARYLAND Madame Web: The IMAX Night Swim (PG-13) 11:55- The Monk and the Gun (PG-13) sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:00-6:00 2:45-5:15-7:45-10:15 AMC Worldgate 9 The Beekeeper (R) 1:55 Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha
Out of Darkness (R) CC: Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:30- 2:30-7:40-10:15 10:00 Peppa's Cinema Party 11:50AM American Fiction (R) CC: 1:30- 13025 Worldgate Drive The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Jiya 12:00-3:20-6:40-9:55
AFI Silver Theatre
4:30-10:10 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 Out of Darkness (R) 1:30-6:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:20-3:20- 4:15-7:45-10:30 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-
Cultural Center
Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13)
Origin (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:30- Migration (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00- sodes 4-6 (PG) 10:05-2:00-6:50 13) 4:00-7:30
The Taste of Things (La 8633 Colesville Road Out of Darkness (R) CC: Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 12:40- 4:00-7:30 6:45-9:45 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:05-
passion de Dodin Bouffant) 1:30-4:00 7:25-10:30 God & Country (PG-13) 12:10- Anyone But You: The Valentine 6:45-10:00 2:30-4:45-5:25-8:20 Ambajipeta Marriage Band
Lost Horizon (1937) (NR) 2:35-5:00-7:50-10:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 5:45
(PG-13) 1:10-6:45 11:00AM
The Taste of Things (La Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Encore (R) 2:10 12:30-1:45-3:15-4:15-6:00-7:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Perfect Days (PG) CC: 1:40- passion de Dodin Bouffant) 10:50-11:00-11:15-11:35-1:40- The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 2:45-4:30-7:15-10:00
8:45-9:30 1:40 Jee Ve Sohneya Jee 12:45-
I Heard It Through the Grape- (PG-13) 11:30-5:45 2:25-4:30-4:55-5:15-7:20-7:45- sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:00-6:00 Regal Westview & IMAX
The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 10:30
vine (NR) 1:45 5243 Buckeystown Pike
sodes 4-6 (PG) OC: 7:30 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Argylle (PG-13) 3:50
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 2023 Oscar Nominated Short Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 8:05-10:20-10:35-10:55 Peppa's Cinema Party 11:30AM 1:45-4:30-7:00-9:45 Anyone But You: The Valen-
Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:30-6:30 Cinemark
CC: 12:30-3:10-5:50-8:30 11:30-6:00 Argylle (PG-13) 10:10-1:25- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Fairfax Corner and XD tine Encore (R) 9:35
Films - Animation 11:05-9:20 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 6:45-10:00 Special Theatrical Engagement Migration (PG) 12:00-3:25-5:50 Special Theatrical Engagement Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 4:00-6:45
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 4:00- 2023 Oscar Nominated Short CC: 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 11900 Palace Way
7:10-9:20 CC: 12:00-2:45-5:45-8:45 The Beekeeper (R) 10:50-1:35- (PG) 12:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:50- (PG) CC: 1:00 Migration (PG) 3:20
Films - Live-Action 12:50-6:30 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45-
7:05-7:45-9:50-10:30 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 3:50-6:50-9:45 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:45-3:30- Wonka (PG) 10:00-12:55-3:55-
American Fiction (R) CC: 4:00- 2023 Oscar Nominated Short 6:30-9:15 6:50-9:50 Argylle (PG-13) 3:00-6:15-9:30
6:40-9:30 7:00-10:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) 10:35-1:25- 4:00-7:30 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
Films - Documentary 3:40 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 11:10- 7:10-10:10 Amélie (2024 re-issue) (R) 2:30-5:10-7:50 Amélie (2024 re-issue) (R) American Fiction (R) CC: 1:15- Migration (PG) 10:25-12:55-
Origin (PG-13) CC: 2:00 4:00-6:45-9:30 3:25-5:55 sodes 4-6 (PG) 11:40AM
The Taste of Things (La 1:45-4:20-7:00-9:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 3:50-9:15 Land of Bad (R) 12:10-3:10- CC: 12:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:20-
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 5:20- passion de Dodin Bouffant) Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 9:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 1:05-
8:15-9:50 Origin (PG-13) CC: 4:20 sodes 4-6 (PG) 10:35-2:55-7:15 Altered Reality 2:00-4:50-7:30- 6:00-8:50 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 12:40-3:30-6:40-9:40
(PG-13) 10:45-1:25-4:05-6:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:30- Peppa's Cinema Party 10:25- 10:20 Madame Web: The IMAX Films - Live-Action 1:15-6:30 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 4:05-7:05-10:05
Anyone But You: The Valentine Scott Pilgrim vs. the World sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:45-5:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Regal Kingstowne & RPX
Encore (R) CC: 1:10-4:20-7:10- (PG-13) OC: 9:30 1:20-4:10-7:00-10:00 12:35-4:50 Anyone But You: The Valentine Experience (PG-13) 11:50-3:00- Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha
6:10-9:10 1:15-4:15-7:00-9:55 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
10:20 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Encore (R) 12:00-2:45-5:45 Jiya 9:00 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema -
A Place in the Sun (NR) 3:45 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 Special Theatrical Engagement Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Altered Reality 6:45 One Loudoun The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) 11:40-
Poor Things (R) OC: 3:20 The Deûant Ones (1958) (NR) Regal Germantown 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:20 1:40-2:40-4:40-5:40-7:40-8:40
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Turning Red (2022) - Pixar (PG) 10:55-1:40-4:25 12:20-1:00-3:20-6:20-6:40-8:30- Anyone But You: The Valentine 20575 East Hampton Plaza
8:15 20000 Century Boulevard 9:20-9:25 Ooru Peru Bhairavakona Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
1:15-4:00-6:45 Special Theatrical Engagement Premalu 3:20-10:15 Migration (PG) 12:15-2:50- Encore (R) CC: 10:15 Titanic (1997) (PG-13) 12:00
The Night of the Hunter (NR) (PG) CC: 10:45AM Argylle (PG-13) 12:30-3:45-7:10 eXistenZ (R) 4:30 12:10-8:30 12:20-1:20-3:20-4:20-6:20-
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 6:15 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 5:20-8:00 Pegasus 2 1:30-4:30-7:15-10:00 7:20-9:20
Amélie (2024 re-issue) (R) 4:00 American Fiction (R) 12:25 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Ghost Dog: The Way of the Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
CC: 5:10-7:45-10:25 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:45- 10:40-11:10-1:25-2:00-4:10- The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
Argylle (PG-13) OC: 12:45 AMC Academy 8 CC: 2:45 Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 12:15 Samurai (R) 6:00
12:40-2:40-3:50-5:40-7:00-8:35 sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:10-6:40 4:50-6:55-7:40-10:30 sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:00
American Fiction (R) OC: 12:50 6198 Greenbelt Road Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya 7:05-10:25 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Virgin Suicides (R) 3:00
Jiya 2:50-9:15 Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Eagle (Telugu) 8:25 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-
Mean Girls (PG-13) OC: 1:50 Migration (PG) CC: 1:50-4:10 Siren 7:10-10:40 11:50-2:30-5:10-7:50 CC: 12:15-3:00-3:35-5:30-6:30- Madame Web (PG-13) 4:45- 13) 4:00-7:30
Altered Reality 12:15 Anyone But You: The Valentine Special Theatrical Engagement 8:00-9:15-10:30 8:00 Argylle (PG-13) 1:30-4:45-8:00
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Night Swim (PG-13) 8:40 The Beekeeper (R) 11:00-1:45- Madame Web (PG-13) 12:40-
OC: 2:30 1:10-4:00-7:00-9:50 Anyone But You: The Valentine Encore (R) 10:40-3:55-9:10 (PG) 11:40AM Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13)
Lal Salaam (Tamil) 3:10 AMC Potomac Mills 18 4:30-7:30-10:15 3:40-6:40-9:40
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Encore (R) CC: 10:30-1:15- Aquaman and The Lost King- Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 12:15-3:30-6:30-9:30
Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 1:40- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema -
2:00-4:40-7:10-10:20 4:00-6:40 dom (PG-13) 4:35 4:00-7:30 Out of Darkness (R) 7:45-10:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:35-7:15
DC Bryant Street
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 4:50
5:00-8:15 Anyone But You: The Valentine Aquaman and The Lost King- The Taste of Things (La The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 11:20-2:20-5:20-8:20
630 Rhode Island Ave NE Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Encore (R) 9:30 dom (PG-13) CC: 11:50-9:40 sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:00-4:50-9:40 Regal Manassas & IMAX
CC: 1:20-4:20-6:45-9:40 CC: 11:00-1:45-3:15-4:45-7:45-Migration (PG) 2:10 12:30-1:20-4:20-6:20-7:20 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: passion de Dodin Bouffant)
Titanic (1997) (PG-13) 12:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 10:30 Madame Web (PG-13) XD: Madame Web (PG-13) 1:30- (PG-13) 12:00-3:45-6:45-10:00 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 11380 Bulloch Drive
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Eagle (Telugu) 1:10-8:20 5:20-8:20 2:45-6:15 4:00
CC: 2:15-4:50-6:30-7:30-9:10- AMC Magic Johnson 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Argylle (PG-13) 11:15-3:15- Aquaman and The Lost King-
Samurai (R) 6:00 10:10 Capital Center 12 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 4:35
Argylle (PG-13) 1:30-4:50-8:10 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Wonka (PG) CC: 1:15-4:10- 7:30-9:15 Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha dom (PG-13) 5:50
The Virgin Suicides (R) 3:00 The Chosen: Season 4 3:50 7:15-10:00 Jiya 9:45
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00- 800 Shoppers Way Night Swim (PG-13) 5:05 American Fiction (R) 1:15-4:15 Wonka (PG) 1:00-3:55-6:50
Madame Web (PG-13) 11:30- 7:10-9:40 Episodes 4-6 (PG) 12:00-2:10- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 6:50 Anyone But You: The Valentine Madame Web (PG-13) 11:40-
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:20-6:30 Xscape Theatres Migration (PG) CC: 11:10- Madame Web (PG-13) 11:30-
Encore (R) 10:45-4:25-10:10
7:15-9:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:30- 2:05 Brandywine 14 6:15-9:30 12:40-2:40-3:40-5:40-6:40-8:40
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 4:15-7:30 Turning Red (2022) - Pixar 1:30-3:50 Madame Web (PG-13) XD:
4:10-7:40-10:20 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Argylle (PG-13) 3:30 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13)
1:30-4:30-7:45-11:00 Special Theatrical Engagement Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 11:15-2:15-5:15-8:15 1:20
Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:30- 1:15-3:00-6:00-9:00 The Beekeeper (R) 4:20 (PG) 12:10-3:00 Harry Potter and the Chamber 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 11:45-12:45-1:00-7:00-7:30-
The Taste of Things (La Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Madame Web: The IMAX
passion de Dodin Bouffant)
4:50-7:20-10:10 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:15 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) of Secrets (PG) 1:00-7:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: 10:30 XD: 10:10-1:00-3:50-6:40-9:30 Experience (PG-13) 12:10-
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 1:10-3:40-6:15-8:45 Madame Web (PG-13) 10:30- 4:00-7:30 Migration (PG) 12:20-2:40-5:10- 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:20-10:10 Madame Web (PG-13) 2:45
(PG-13) 11:15-2:45-6:30-10:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Medal of Honor Theater - 3:10-6:10-9:10
Perfect Days (PG) 11:45-3:15- 1020 Annapolis Mall Road Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 1:10- 12:00-1:30-4:30-6:00-7:30- Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha 7:20-9:30 Land of Bad (R) CC: 12:45-
3:40-6:10-8:40 9:00-10:25 Night Swim (PG-13) 2:35-4:50- 3:30-6:15-9:00 4:00 NMMC Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
6:45-10:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 11:05-1:50 Jiya 12:40-4:50 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway 11:50-12:20-2:50-3:20-5:50-
How to Have Sex 10:45AM Migration (PG) CC: 10:45-1:45 Madame Web: The IMAX Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Anyone But You: The Valentine 7:15-9:35 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:30 Angelika Film Center Mosaic
Experience (PG-13) CC: 2:05- XD: 10:30-1:20-4:10-7:00-10:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 1:00- Flags of Our Fathers (R) 6:20-8:50-9:20
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Encore (R) 6:00 Madame Web: The IMAX 2911 District Ave Argylle (PG-13) 12:15-3:30-
4:45-8:00-11:00 11:00-1:00-3:50-4:40-6:40-7:30- 5:00-8:00 Cinépolis Gaithersburg Pegasus 2 12:05-6:40 1:40-4:05-4:40-7:00-9:40 Experience (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 2:15 10:30-2:00 6:45
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 629 Center Point Way Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 We, the Marines (NR) 9:45-1:00
Argylle (PG-13) 10:45-2:30- 9:30-10:30 2023 Oscar Nominated Short The Beekeeper (R) 11:55-
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: CC: 1:00-2:30-3:40-5:15-6:20- Madame Web (PG-13) 1:15- 3:20 1:15-3:35-6:35-9:05 Out of Darkness (R) CC: 11:00- Films - Animation 5:20-10:25 Regal Ballston Quarter
6:15-9:45 8:00-9:00 2:50-5:40
American Fiction (R) 1:00-4:15- 11:50-2:25-4:50-7:20 3:45-7:30 Regal Hyattsville Royale
Land of Bad (R) 1:10-3:40-4:30- 1:20-10:20 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 671 North Glebe Road
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 2:00- 7:10-9:50 The Iron Claw (R) 12:30-4:00-
7:30-10:45 Land of Bad (R) CC: 7:05-9:45 Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 12:30 6505 America Blvd. The Taste of Things (La 10:40AM Wonka (PG) 12:10-4:10 7:10
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:00 5:15-8:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 12:45-6:45 passion de Dodin Bouffant) The Taste of Things (La Migration (PG) 11:55-12:50-
Madame Web (PG-13) 3:30 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:00- The Color Purple (PG-13) The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Out of Darkness (R) CC: 12:30 12:15-12:45-1:15-3:15-4:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) (PG-13) 11:10-5:45 passion de Dodin Bouffant) 3:40 sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:00-4:30
3:35-6:10-8:45 12:15-3:30-6:45 12:00-12:40-2:30-3:20-5:00-
12:15-12:45-7:00-10:15; 4:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:30-6:30-7:00-7:45 Wonka (PG) 1:15-4:15-7:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) (PG-13) 1:25-4:25-7:30-10:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:00- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar
CC: 12:00-2:40-5:20-8:00-10:40 Origin (PG-13) CC: 4:10-7:25 The Beekeeper (R) 6:45 6:00-7:30-8:30-10:00 CC: 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Perfect Days (PG) 11:00-1:45- 12:40-3:40-6:00-7:10
Angelika Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:45- American Fiction (R) 12:00- Migration (PG) 12:45-3:15 Special Theatrical Engage-
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 11:20-1:40- The Beekeeper (R) 3:45-9:45 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:20-3:40- 4:30-7:20-10:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) ment (PG) 12:05-3:00
Pop-Up at Union Market 4:30-7:25 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:00- Origin (PG-13) 12:25-3:25- 7:10-10:30
4:05-7:10-10:20 3:00-6:00 12:40-3:00-3:40-6:00-7:00-9:00 Argylle (PG-13) 11:10-1:00- 5:20-8:10 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Turning Red (2022) - Pixar 6:25-9:25 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 11:30- 4:00-7:05-10:05
Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Land of Bad (R) 12:30-3:50-7:50
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) CC: 12:20- Special Theatrical Engagement Special Theatrical Engagement Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Turning Red (2022) - Pixar 2:15-5:10-7:45-10:20 American Fiction (R) 3:30-8:30 Poor Things (R) 1:05-4:20-7:40
13) 4:00-7:30
7:00 3:00-5:35-8:10-10:45 1:40-4:40-7:50 Anyone But You: The Valen-
(PG) CC: 1:15 (PG) 12:15-3:10 Special Theatrical Engagement American Fiction (R) CC: The Monk and the Gun (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Madame Web (PG-13) 1:30- Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:45- Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Wish (PG) 1:10-3:45-6:20 tine Encore (R) 1:40-4:40-7:40
1:10-4:00-6:50-9:40 (PG) 12:05 3:40-9:20 1:00-6:00 2:20-5:20-8:10
4:10-6:30 4:00-7:20 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) 12:15-3:15- Origin (PG-13) 2:20 Regal Springûeld Town Center
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
12:45-3:30-6:15 12:10-12:40-4:00-5:40-6:40- 2024 Oscar Nominated Short The Beekeeper (R) 6:20 6859 Springûeld Mall
Origin (PG-13) 1:00 Land of Bad (R) 1:00-4:15-7:15 6:15-9:15 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:10- Films - Live-Action 2:25-7:20 American Fiction (R) 7:30
2:00-4:30 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 7:20-8:40-9:30
Turning Red (2022) - Pixar AMC Montgomery 16 Argylle (PG-13) 4:00-7:15 The Chosen: Season 4 4:00-10:50 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:30- God & Country (PG-13) Aquaman and The Lost
Argylle (PG-13) 6:45 Argylle (PG-13) 12:30-4:10- Episodes 4-6 (PG) 12:10-4:10- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Kingdom (PG-13) 12:50-4:10-
Special Theatrical Engagement 7101 Democracy Boulevard 7:30-8:50 2:05-4:40-7:15-9:55 1:50-4:30
Landmark 7:40-8:20 Special Theatrical Engagement Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 7:20-10:25
Avalon Theatre (PG) CC: 2:30 Aquaman and The Lost King- Bethesda Row Cinema The Beekeeper (R) 1:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:20
5612 Connecticut Avenue dom (PG-13) CC: 12:30-9:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) (PG) CC: 11:40AM 10:45-4:40-7:10-9:30 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Wonka (PG) 11:50-3:25
Anyone But You: The Valentine 7235 Woodmont Avenue American Fiction (R) 12:20-
Hugo (2011) (PG) 10:30AM Encore (R) CC: 5:00-7:40-10:15 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: 1:50-4:20-6:50-9:20 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:40-
Madame Web (PG-13) 4:15- 3:25-6:25-9:15 3:45-7:00 12:10-12:40-3:10-3:40-6:00-
Poor Things (R) 1:15-4:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 3:45-7:05 7:00-9:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- iPic Pike & Rose 10:15-12:40-3:00-5:20-7:45- Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13)
Wonka (PG) CC: 10:15-1:15- Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha 4:00-7:00 6:40-7:10-9:40-10:10
American Fiction (R) 1:30-7:30 CC: 10:50-1:30-4:10-7:00-9:50 Poor Things (R) 12:15-3:15- sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:00-5:50 11830 Grand Park Avenue 10:15
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13)
Maestro (R) 10:45-7:15 AMC Center Park 8 4:15-7:15-10:15 6:30-9:00 Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Madame Web (PG-13) (!) 12:30- Jiya 1:40-4:40-7:40-10:45 CMX Village 14 Anyone But You: The Valentine
Nyad (PG-13) 4:30 Migration (PG) CC: 12:00-2:30- 3:45-7:00-9:30 Altered Reality 6:45-9:15 Encore (R) 7:20
4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Special Theatrical Engagement 1600 Village Market Boulevard Bob Marley: One Love
Landmark Aquaman and The Lost King-
5:00-7:30 1:45-4:45-7:45-9:55 (PG) 1:20 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) (!) Anyone But You: The Valentine Driving Miss Daisy (PG) 3:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
(PG-13) 12:30-1:00-3:00-
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:45 Encore (R) CC: 12:45-6:40 3:00
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema dom (PG-13) CC: 3:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Wonka (PG) 12:30-3:20-6:00- Argylle (PG-13) 1:20-4:40-8:00 3:30-4:00-6:30-7:00-9:00-
807 V Street Northwest 10:00-11:30-1:00-2:30-4:00- 4:00-7:15-9:15 4:00-7:00 Out of Darkness (R) (!) 12:00-
Wonka (PG) CC: 2:30-5:30-8:15 7:00-10:00 CC: 11:15-12:00-2:00-2:45-4:45- 9:15 9:30-10:00
Madame Web (PG-13) 1:40- Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Argylle (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- Anyone But You: The Valentine 10:00 Migration (PG) 11:15-4:00-6:20 Regal Dulles Town Center The Beekeeper (R) 12:20-
4:40-7:20-9:45 1:30-4:15-7:00-9:45
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: 6:00-10:00 Encore (R) 4:20-7:10 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 5:30-7:30-8:15-10:15-11:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:00- 21100 Dulles Town Circle 3:20-6:10-9:20
10:30-1:15-5:45-7:25-10:05 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) (!) 11:00-12:45-1:15-2:30-4:15- The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: American Fiction (R) 12:30- sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:30-6:15 2:50-5:40-8:30 Migration (PG) 12:00-2:30 American Fiction (R) 1:30-7:30
Land of Bad (R) CC: 4:30-7:15- 3:30-6:15-8:45 3:20 6:00-6:30-7:30-9:00-9:45-10:30
4:20-6:30-10:00 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 10:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 9:00 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Aquaman and The Lost King- Mean Girls (PG-13) 4:30-10:30
Poor Things (R) 1:10-4:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) 12:45-3:45- Regal Laurel Towne Centre Argylle (PG-13) 11:30-3:15- 6:40-9:00 dom (PG-13) 7:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:15 6:45-9:35 7:15-10:15 AMC Shirlington 7
7:00-9:50 CC: 1:30-3:15-6:00-7:15-8:30- 14716 Baltimore Avenue Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 1:00 sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:10-6:50
The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) 2024 Oscar Nominated Short Wonka (PG) 12:30 The Beekeeper (R) 11:45-4:00- 2772 South Randolph St.
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 9:45 CC: 11:45AM 11:50-2:40-5:25-8:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:40- Anyone But You: The Valen-
2:00-5:00-7:40-9:00 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:45- Films - Animation 1:30-7:30 Migration (PG) 12:20-3:35
7:30-11:00 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 3:40-7:00 tine Encore (R) 6:25-10:20
Poor Things (R) CC: 10:20 2024 Oscar Nominated Short Madame Web (PG-13) 12:40- American Fiction (R) 11:15- 10:50-1:40-4:40-7:30
Argylle (PG-13) 1:00-3:50- 7:45-9:30 11:20-12:20-1:00-2:00-3:10- Land of Bad (R) 2:00-4:45-7:30 Argylle (PG-13) 11:30-2:50-
6:40-9:25 Out of Darkness (R) CC: Films - Live-Action 4:30-9:30 3:10-3:50-6:20-6:50-9:20-9:50 2:45-6:15-10:45 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: 3:50-4:45-5:45-6:30-7:30-
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 6:15 10:05-9:55 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 6:20-9:50
American Fiction (R) 1:30-4:30- American Fiction (R) CC: 1:45- Madame Web (PG-13) 1:15 Goldûnger (PG) 3:00 12:45-5:50-8:20 8:20-9:10 12:20-1:20-3:20-4:20-7:20
Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 8:30 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Land of Bad (R) CC: 10:35- Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
7:10-9:35 4:00-6:45-8:45 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 1:30-4:30-7:20-10:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:10-4:20- The Beekeeper (R) 1:30-4:30 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 1:50 Turning Red (2022) - Pixar The Taste of Things (La
passion de Dodin Bouffant)
1:00 The Book of Clarence (PG-13) VIRGINIA 3:10-8:00 7:20
Poor Things (R) CC: 11:00-4:50 Argylle (PG-13) 11:45-3:00-
The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Migration (PG) 1:10-3:50-
Landmark E Street Cinema Special Theatrical Engagement (PG-13) 10:10-3:30 Landmark at 6:30-9:40 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:30-6:00 6:20-9:00
(PG) CC: 4:30 Annapolis Harbour Center Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 2150 Clarendon Blvd.
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 6:10-8:35 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13)
555 11th Street Northwest Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 2:10-7:10 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:50-
Poor Things (R) 6:30 AMC Columbia 14 CC: 10:15-11:30-1:00-2:15-3:45- 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 12:00-1:50-3:00-4:40-6:00-7:30- Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Popular Theory (PG) 1:35 4:00-7:30 4:00-7:10-10:00
Migration (PG) 10:40-1:20-4:10 8:45-10:15 The Taste of Things (La Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Anyone But You: The Valentine
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 5:00-6:30-7:45-10:30 11:20-2:10-5:00-7:50 passion de Dodin Bouffant) Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13)
12:45-3:10-7:25-10:10 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:15-3:05- Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:50- Madame Web (PG-13) 11:10- The Beekeeper (R) 12:10-2:50- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) 12:50-4:00 Special Theatrical Engagement Encore (R) 5:00-8:00 1:00
6:00-9:00 6:45-10:25 1:45-4:30-7:15 5:30-8:15 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 (PG) 11:25AM Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Land of Bad (R) 1:40-4:30-
The Taste of Things (La Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
passion de Dodin Bouffant) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: American Fiction (R) CC: Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 2:00- The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) CC: 11:00-1:30-4:20-7:00 6:20 7:20-10:10
(PG-13) 12:25-3:35-6:45-9:30 12:00-6:00-9:00 11:15-1:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 10:50-2:05-4:50-7:25 5:00-8:00 CC: 1:00-4:00-7:10 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:30-6:45 Argylle (PG-13) 12:10-4:00-7:10 Out of Darkness (R) 4:20-
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 1:15- 2024 Oscar Nominated Short
Perfect Days (PG) 1:15-4:00- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Origin (PG-13) 2:00 The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) 2:20-5:50 Out of Darkness (R) CC: 4:25-7:40 Regal Fairfax Towne Center 6:10-9:10
7:10-9:55 12:20-3:00-7:20-9:55 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 10:00- 10:35-1:25-7:20 Mean Girls (PG-13) 1:00 11:05-5:20 Films - Live-Action 3:25 4110 West Ox Road Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
American Fiction (R) CC: Anyone But You: The Valentine
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Land of Bad (R) CC: 4:10-9:55 12:45-3:30-6:15-9:00 Poor Things (R) 3:55-6:55 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 10:40-1:30-4:30-7:20 Migration (PG) 2:10 1:20-2:20-4:10-5:10-7:00-
1:00-3:45-7:45-10:25 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- The Zone of Interest (PG-13) sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:20-6:10 CC: 11:40-2:15-4:50-7:30 Encore (R) 11:35-6:05-8:45 8:00-9:50
Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 9:40 AMC Tysons Corner 16
Madame Web (PG-13) 12:30-
American Fiction (R) 3:00- sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 11:20-1:50-4:25-7:05 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) CC: 1:05- 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 3:40-6:50 Argylle (PG-13) 12:10-3:30-
Madame Web: The IMAX 7850e Tysons Corner Center Films - Documentary 12:15
5:30-10:15 Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:00-7:40 4:15-7:25 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 6:40
All Of Us Strangers (R) 1:30- 4:00-7:00-10:00 Special Theatrical Engagement 10:30-11:30-1:00-2:00-3:30- Anyone But You: The Valentine The Beekeeper (R) CC: Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) 11:30- 4:40-7:40 The Beekeeper (R) 11:50-
4:15-7:35-10:30 (PG) CC: 12:45 4:45-6:30-7:30 Encore (R) 9:30 2:40-7:40 OC: 2:15 12:00-1:20-2:15-2:50-4:10-5:00- 2:50-5:50-8:40
Out of Darkness (R) CC: 1:35 Land of Bad (R) 12:10-3:10-6:10
Origin (PG-13) 12:00 The Taste of Things (La Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) 11:00-1:10- Argylle (PG-13) 1:40-5:10-8:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 11:50- The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: 5:40-7:00-7:45-8:30 Poor Things (R) 1:00-4:30 Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:40-
2024 Oscar Nominated Short passion de Dodin Bouffant) 4:00-7:00 4:00-7:00 1:20-4:10-7:00 3:55-7:15 Cinema Arts Theatre 3:40-6:30-9:40
Regal Rockville Center Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Films - Animation 12:15-3:25- (PG-13) 12:20-6:20 Anyone But You: The Valentine American Fiction (R) 10:45- 199 East Montgomery Avenue Anyone But You: The Valentine Fighter (Hindi) 2:35-9:35 9650 Unit 14 Main St. 12:20-1:20-4:20-6:20-7:20 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi-
8:00-10:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Encore (R) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:45- 1:40-4:15-6:50 Encore (R) CC: 12:00-2:35- Wonka (PG) CC: 11:05-1:55- Driving Madeleine 12:15-5:05 God & Country (PG-13) 1:30 sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:00-6:50
Wonka (PG) 12:50-4:00 4:45-7:45-10:40
2024 Oscar Nominated Short CC: 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:00 7:45-10:30 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:30- 5:10-7:50 The Teachers' Lounge 9:50- The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar
Films - Live-Action 12:35- Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:05-3:20- Pegasus 2 10:30-1:30-4:30- 3899 Branch Avenue Oppenheimer (R) CC: 9:55 2:40-7:10-9:15 sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:40-6:00 Special Theatrical Engage-
2:00-4:50-6:20-7:40-10:40 AMC Hoffman Center 22
7:00-9:45 6:30-9:40 7:20-10:10 Aquaman and The Lost King- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Migration (PG) CC: 11:45-2:10- The Zone of Interest (PG-13) Al Harifa (El Hareefa) 5:00- ment (PG) 12:30-3:20
206 Swamp Fox Rd. 4:40-7:20
Poor Things (R) 3:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:05- AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 dom (PG-13) 11:15-2:00 1:10-3:50-6:40-9:30 9:45-7:40 7:50 Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 13) 4:00-7:10
Regal Gallery Place 3:50-6:30-9:15 11115 Mall Circle Madame Web (PG-13) 11:30- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) OC: 1:00 The Taste of Things (La Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13)
American Fiction (R) CC: 12:00-1:00-3:00-4:05-6:00-7:05- passion de Dodin Bouffant) 4:00-7:00 Anyone But You: The Valen-
701 Seventh Street Northwest Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 2:35-5:15-8:00 12:10-3:00-5:50-7:20-8:30-10:10 Origin (PG-13) 2:00 9:00-10:00
12:30-3:20-6:15-9:05 11:45-2:45-5:45-8:45 Night Swim (PG-13) 4:45-7:30 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) (PG-13) 9:55-1:00-4:15-7:15- Anyone But You: The Valentine tine Encore (R) 1:50-4:50-7:50
Wonka (PG) 6:40-9:30 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: 10:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Madame Web (PG-13) 12:40- Origin (PG-13) 1:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 12:30-3:30-10:50 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45 11:50-2:35-5:10-7:50-10:25
Encore (R) 1:50-8:00
3:40-7:00-10:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 12:40- 11:15-1:45-4:20-7:00 11:00-12:30-1:30-3:00-4:00- American Fiction (R) 6:50-9:50 The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Land of Bad (R) CC: 4:25-7:10 American Fiction (R) 12:05-
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Madame Web (PG-13) 3:10-
Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) 3:40-6:40-9:35 Out of Darkness (R) CC: 5:35-6:30-8:00 Mean Girls (PG-13) 3:20-9:40 3:15-6:30 3:20
The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Argylle (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-6:00 The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:20 Origin (PG-13) 1:10-7:00-9:35 Argylle (PG-13) 12:40-4:10- 8:50
1:20-7:25 11:15AM Wonka (PG) CC: 1:30-5:00- Madame Web: The IMAX
Land of Bad (R) 1:10-4:00- sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 1:00-3:45- sodes 4-6 (PG) 1:00-6:30 7:45-10:30 The Monk and the Gun (PG-13) 7:30 Smithsonian -
Turning Red (2022) - Pixar 6:15-8:45
Experience (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 9:55-12:10-2:35-4:55-9:50 Airbus IMAX Theater
6:50-9:50 CC: 11:30-12:30-2:15-3:15-5:00- Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:30 2:05-5:00-8:00-11:00 Regal Fox & IMAX
Out of Darkness (R) 2:10-4:50 Special Theatrical Engagement 6:00-7:45-8:45 Regal Cinemas Majestic Special Theatrical Engagement Migration (PG) CC: 12:00-2:15- Out of Darkness (R) CC: 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 22875 Brambleton Plaza 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
(PG) CC: 3:35 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 11:30-1:45- Stadium 20 & IMAX (PG) 12:15 Films - Animation 10:00-12:00- Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 5:30-7:45 11:20-1:45 4:20-6:10 SiREN (2016) (NR) 2:20-5:50-
Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 5:00-8:15 900 Ellsworth Drive Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) CC: the Seas 2:30
3:30-6:30-9:20 The Taste of Things (La 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 9:20
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 11:45- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 11:30-2:30-5:30-8:30 passion de Dodin Bouffant) Films - Live-Action 10:05-1:45- Fighter (Hindi) 2:10-6:00-9:35
To Fly! (1976) (NR) 1:50
12:10-1:00-3:10-4:00-6:10-6:50- Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha 2:30-5:15-8:00 3:10 Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) 11:25-6:25 4:00-8:00 Wonka (PG) 11:20AM University Mall Theatres
9:10-9:40 Jiya 6:50 American Fiction (R) 11:15- Argylle (PG-13) 1:30-5:10-8:40 Jiya 10:20 12:00-2:30-5:15-7:10-9:45 10659-A Braddock Road
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 4:45 Fighter (Hindi) 11:25AM
The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) OC: 3:00 2:00-4:45-7:30 SiREN (2016) (NR) 11:30-3:00- Pegasus 2 12:10-3:10-6:10-9:20 Land of Bad (R) CC: 4:15- CC: 12:40-3:40-6:30-9:25 Hanuman (Hanu Man) (Telugu) Turning Red (2022) - Pixar
3:20 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- 10:00 Argylle (PG-13) 1:30-4:40-7:50 7:00-9:45 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:35-4:10- Cinemark Centreville 12 2:40-6:20-9:50 Special Theatrical Engage-
The Beekeeper (R) 4:10-10:00 CC: 12:10-3:10-6:10-9:10 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 Wonka (PG) 3:05-6:30 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX Bobi Wine: The People's Presi- 7:25-10:45 6201 Multiplex Drive Migration (PG) 12:10-2:45-5:10 ment (PG) 12:25
American Fiction (R) 10:10 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 Aquaman and The Lost Migration (PG) 12:35-6:05-8:40 1419 South Main Chapel Way dent (PG-13) CC: 3:45-10:15 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 11:10- Wonka (PG) 9:50-12:50-7:10 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Madame Web (PG-13) 5:05
God & Country (PG-13) 1:30 9811 Washingtonian Center Kingdom (PG-13) 11:30-2:30- Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Migration (PG) 11:45-1:00-2:30 2023 Oscar Nominated Short 5:15-8:05-10:50 Migration (PG) 9:35-12:05-2:35 7:40-10:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: 5:30-8:30 11:55-2:30-5:25-8:20 Films - Animation 4:25-9:30 American Fiction (R) CC: Madame Web (PG-13) 10:00- Madame Web (PG-13) 12:00- 4:45
Madame Web (PG-13) 11:40-
sodes 4-6 (PG) 12:40-1:40-5:00 6:30-9:45 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Madame Web (PG-13) 11:40- 2:40-6:10-9:10 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 10:15 11:55AM 4:00-7:00 3:00-6:00-9:00 Argylle (PG-13) 4:00
Turning Red (2022) - Pixar Fighter (Hindi) 11:15-2:45- 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 1:40-2:40-4:40-6:00-8:00-9:10 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) 2:00 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) Madame Web: The IMAX Madame Web (PG-13) 12:15-
Special Theatrical Engagement 6:15-9:45 Madame Web (PG-13) 3:00 Night Swim (PG-13) 8:35 2:20-5:00-8:00-10:45 CC: 12:15-9:45 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 11:15- 9:40-3:55-7:40 Experience (PG-13) 1:20-4:20- 2:35-7:30-9:45
(PG) 12:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:45-3:45- Aquaman and The Lost Land of Bad (R) 12:45-3:40- Madame Web: The IMAX Madame Web: The IMAX 4:50-7:40-10:35 Ooru Peru Bhairavakona 8:00 7:20-10:20 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Dune 40th Anniversary (PG-13) 6:40-9:30 Kingdom (PG-13) 10:35-1:35- 6:35-9:30 Experience (PG-13) 12:40-3:50- Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00- The Chosen: Season 4 Epi- The Beekeeper (R) 11:10-5:00 Lal Salaam (Tamil) 1:10-4:40- 2:30-7:15-9:30
4:00-7:30 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 9:20 7:35-10:35 Poor Things (R) 11:35-3:00-6:25 7:00-10:10 4:00-7:00-9:45 sodes 4-6 (PG) 2:45-7:30 Premalu 1:50-7:50 8:10 Argylle (PG-13) 1:00-7:00-9:45

She had a loud, nonstop

crunching noise in her head&
Read <Medical Mysteries,= Tuesdays in Health & Science.
E26 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


Matthew Murphy

Todd Cooper
Washington Theater Hip Hop
National Opera COMPANY Robert Glasper4Black Radio:
Songbird MAR. 12331 | OPERA HOUSE A Duke x Dilla Celebration
MAR. 9323 | EISENHOWER THEATER Message In A Bottle
Turandot APR. 9321 | OPERA HOUSE The Rakim & DJ Jazzy Jeû &
MAY 11325 | OPERA HOUSE The Illusionists Ravi Coltrane Project

National Symphony Dixie9s Tupperware Party An R&B Mother9s Day

Orchestra MAY 73JUNE 2 | FAMILY THEATER Celebration with PJ Morton
and MAJOR.!
Classics in Concert: Shear Madness MAY 12 | CONCERT HALL
Timeless Favorites ONGOING | THEATER LAB
The Club at Studio K Jazz
Symphony Swing!
Jason Moran 3 Solo Ellington
An Evening of Duke Ellington BGR!FEST# After Dark: APR. 10 | EISENHOWER THEATER
MAR. 15 & 16 | CONCERT HALL Elle Varner and ZADA
MAR. 2 | STUDIO K AT THE REACH Cyrus Chestnut: Duke
Bernard Labadie conducts
Ellington Sacred Concert
Fauré9s Requiem & Mozart9s Lakecia Benjamin and APR. 29 | CONCERT HALL
<Paris= Symphony Phoenix
DvoYák9s <New World= Adam Blackstone
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Travel Sunday, February 18 , 2024 . Section F ez ee

Royal Caribbean9s Icon of the Seas dwarfs everything

in sight. We wanted to see whether bigger really is better. | f3
The ship9s best (and worst) activities f6

saul MarTinez for The WashingTon PosT

The Surfside <neighborhood= on Royal Caribbean9s Icon of the Seas. There are eight neighborhoods, or thematic zones, available on the cruise ship.

spring Break margaritaville at sea

as the time for fun approaches,
learn how to stay safe during a trip. f2 Does the biggest cruise ship We watched our budget waste away
on one of the cheapest cruises. f4
life at sea
Passengers of the canceled three-year
sailing say they9re owed millions. f2
in the world meet the hype? This booze cruise had plenty to drink.
here9s how the beverages stacked up. f5
F2 ez ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Stay safe during spring break with partment provided include hav-
ing a stray bullet in luggage and
traveling with products that con-
tain THC, the psychoactive com-
Spring breakers should also
pack as light as possible, so they
aren9t spending a lot of time drag-
ging heavy luggage between pick-

these tips from security professionals pound in marijuana.

According to the department,
travelers should compile contacts
for the nearest U.S. Embassy
up and drop-off areas. It9s also
wise to try to avoid arriving or
leaving after dark, he said.
During the trip
or Consulate, family members,
airlines and accommodations In any destination, Thorne said
and keep them handy during it9s most important for visitors to
a trip. keep a <heightened sense of situa-
And spring breakers should un- tional awareness.=
derstand what their health insur- <What this really is is not being
ance will cover in other countries fearful or skeptical but alert and
and get insured before traveling attentive to your surroundings,=
with coverage that includes medi- he said. That means not being
cal evacuation, the depart- buried in your phone or tuned out
ment said. listening to music or a podcast at
Komendat recommended that all times. <It will help you have a
spring breakers sign up for little more attention to changes in
the State Department9s Smart what9s around you.=
Traveler Enrollment Program He said criminals are looking
(, which delivers in- for people who are distracted,
formation about the destination obviously unfamiliar with the lo-
and helps the U.S. Embassy track cation or overwhelmed.
people down in an emergency. When drinking alcohol on va-
cation, Thorne said travelers
At the airport should always keep a close eye on
Experts stressed the impor- their beverage and never accept
tance of knowing what to expect free drinks from strangers. A good
when arriving somewhere approach is only drinking out of
new, especially in a foreign bottles or cans that are sealed 4
destination. and being the one to break the
Komendat said travelers seal. Earlier this month, two
should familiarize themselves women from Kentucky alleged
with the process of going through that they were drugged and raped
customs, picking up baggage and by staff members at a resort in
especially arranging transporta- Grand Bahama, where they
tion from the airport at their stopped during their cruise. They
destination. In his own travel to claimed their drinks were spiked,
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, he said, according to multiple outlets. The
he walks through a pavilion Royal Bahamas Police Force said
where tour operators and trans- in a news release that it made two
portation services make pitches arrests for sexual assault.
DanIel slIm/aFP/getty Images to new arrivals. When visiting another country,
Tulum, seen in 2022, is beefing up security for tourists in Mexico. Ben Thorne, senior intelligence manager at risk management firm <If you didn9t know better, you especially one where English isn9t
Crisis24, said that, in any destination, it9s most important for visitors to keep a <heightened sense of situational awareness.= would stop in that pavilion and the primary language, Komendat
someone would tell you they9re said people should make sure
BY H ANNAH S AMPSON Safety experts say travelers Dave Komendat, senior secu- forums to see what other guests here to get you to your hotel when they have a language translation
should do that kind of homework rity adviser for International SOS, have experienced from staff at a actually they9re not,= he said. app and know how to use it. They
As spring break approaches, when deciding where to vacation, a travel security firm, said poten- particular resort or the surround- <Most hotels will provide specific should also put an exchange rate
some fun-and-sun destinations and be on alert once on a trip. tial visitors should also pay atten- ings in general. pickup and drop-off info.= calculator on their phone, spend
are getting extra attention. tion to the overall stability and Visitors should also check He said getting into the wrong the money to be able to use a
Tulum is beefing up security for Choosing where to go security environment of a desti- on safety features at their accom- vehicle could result in a longer- cellphone in foreign destinations
tourists in Mexico. A travel advi- There9s a lot to consider when nation and whether it has a his- modations, whether they are stay- than-expected drive, one that is and learn the system to call for
sory warned Americans to use picking a destination: price, tory of unrest. The State Depart- ing at an Airbnb, a hotel or a more expensive than it should be, help in an emergency. The State
increased caution in the Bahamas transportation, activities, lodg- ment or the World Factbook from resort, Thorne said. Are there fire or worse. Department said a U.S. citi-
after a recent increase in murders. ing. But travel advisories like the CIA are good resources, alarms, carbon monoxide detec- <I9m always very Point A [to] zen who needs emergency help
And a reissued warning urged those issued by the U.S. State he said. tors and fire suppression sys- Point B,= he said. <I don9t stop in should also get in touch with
U.S. citizens to reconsider travel Department are important to The State Department offers tems? Is there security at the front between. That9s when you can run the nearest U.S. Embassy or
to Jamaica due in part to crime. bear in mind, too. a page for travelers ( desk or cameras? into problems.= Consulate.
Jamaica and the Bahamas have Ben Thorne, senior intelligence state-page) to search for informa- <The last thing you want to do Thorne said that, depending on To avoid extra scrutiny, medica-
sought to reassure visitors, and manager at risk management tion about the country they9re vis- is to go in completely blind to a where you are, sometimes taxis tion should be in original pre-
the head of a travel agency compa- firm Crisis24, said travelers iting and encourages check- location,= he said. can be better than a ride-hailing scription bottles with a copy of the
ny says he is not seeing cancella- should use those advisories as a ing the U.S. Embassy9s website service such as Uber or Lyft 4 or prescription, Komendat said.
tions as a result. jumping-off point to ask more for the destination as well. It Before you leave they might carry a higher risk. Thorne said visitors should be
<What we have heard is people questions: Are only pockets of a also compiles safety informa- The State Department said va- Ride hailing could be a good op- cautious when people are ex-
are calling resorts, working with country or city considered off- tion on an international travel cationers should make sure to tion in some places, or not-so- tremely friendly: <Usually when a
advisers to find out, 8Is there en- limits? What are the specific con- site ( read the information page for the good in others. Ask hotels for situation is too good to be true,
hanced security? Is there con- cerns? Guidance that other coun- Komendat and Thorne both country they9re visiting to be clear advice on what to take, he particularly in a tourist destina-
cern?9= said John Lovell, presi- tries provide for their citizens suggested checking review sites on local laws and what might get said; hotel-provided transporta- tion, someone is trying to lower
dent of Travel Leaders Group. could also be a good resource. such as Tripadvisor or other travel them arrested; examples the de- tion is ideal. your guard.=

Life at Sea canceled a 3-year cruise.

Passengers say it owes them millions.
BY C OLLEEN G RABLICK fallen through. Miray promised The Post that he takes responsi-
passengers a full repayment of bility for the money he lost on the
After a Turkish cruise compa- the trip and any additional funds cruise. He had always been skep-
ny reneged on the promise of a that would be paid out in three tical that it would happen 4 the
lifetime 4 a three-year trip installments, the first coming change of management and boat
around the world in more than Dec. 22, with payments following gave him pause, as did his bank9s
140 countries 4 customers who in January and February. refusal to wire Miray $30,000 for
spent millions in deposits are In a statement to passengers a deposit 4 but he says he doesn9t
asking a U.S. attorney for help on Jan. 14, Miray said disputes believe it was the result of inten-
getting their money back. over credit card chargebacks had tional fraud.
In a saga seemingly destined to delayed the refunds and prevent- <Everybody that signed up
join the canon of Netflix scandal ed the company from processing for this, they knew that it was a
documentaries, Miray Cruises9 any transfers. Even still, the pas- risk,= says Fox, who after grow-
failure to launch the Life at Sea sengers claim, the company has ing dubious of the launch,
sailing has left dozens of passen- engaged in <significant and re- changed his plans and decided
gers without homes, jobs, peated illegal activity,= for mar- he9d embark in Florida, once
cars, retirement funds and life keting a three-year cruise with- the ship had successfully set
savings. out having a ship first. sea. <It was just a lot of things
A letter sent to Markenzy Kara Youssef and her husband, that kind of came together
Lapointe, the U.S. attorney for Joe, are one of the few who have and didn9t come together. It9s just
the Southern District of Florida, seen a fraction of the money they one of those things. & I mean,
identifies 78 of the passengers for sunk into Life at Sea come back. what can you say? It9s a crazy
the Life at Sea sailing as <Victims The couple had been living in world.=
of Miray.= The letter, which was Turkey for two years at the time
reviewed by The Washington the cruise was announced. They colleen grablick is a writer based in
Post, says passengers lost an used up most of their retirement D.c. Follow her on X:
estimated $16 million from fund, dug out a significant chunk @colleengrablick.
Miray actions that amount to of their savings and sold both
KevIn Izorce/alamy
misrepresentation and fraud. properties they owned in Turkey.
The group includes citizens from A letter to Markenzy Lapointe, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, claims that Since Oct. 28, they9ve been living
the United States, Australia, Eng- 78 would-be Life of Sea passengers lost an estimated $16 million because of Miray Cruises. out of three suitcases in a hotel Tra v e l
land, Singapore and India, paid for by Miray.
among other countries. The ma- wasting our time,= passenger and said this was falling hind Life at Sea quit, apparently <Our biggest concern at this
jority of the customers were peo- Shirene Thomas, a 58-year-old through, but that was not what over disputes regarding the Gem- point is we9re not going to have ð get our newsletter every
ple over 65. retired social services worker, they did.= ini9s seaworthiness. During this anywhere to go very soon,= thursday:
<The failure of Miray to refund told The Post. She said she moved In March 2023, Miray, a com- time, most communication with Youssef told The Post. <It9s not newsletters/by-the-way
passenger money as promised out of the house she was renting, pany that typically runs cruises passengers happened via webi- that we9d be homeless, but we ý read us online:
has caused a significant number sold her car and condensed her around the Aegean Sea, an- nars with new Miray executives, may not be allowed to go back to
of residents to literally become life into five boxes for the trip. nounced the 1,095-day cruise for including former CEO Kendra our lives since we sold the prop- ð Follow us on Instagram:
homeless,= the letter says. <Many She9s now living with a friend in as low as $30,000 a year, includ- Holmes and COO Ethem Bayra- erty we did our [Turkish] resi- @bytheway
are living out of suitcases in North Carolina. ing lodging, food and other ac- moglu. In July, they announced dency under.= To respond to one of our
motels or in spare rooms because Between June and August of commodations. Although the they9d found a bigger boat to About a month after the first articles: email
of the generosity of friends.= 2023, Thomas said she made 27 concept wasn9t particularly new, embark on the journey. repayment was supposed to turn,
Miray said in a statement to individual transactions across what Miray was offering and the In October, passengers up in all passengers9 accounts, call 202-334-7750 or write:
passengers last month that re- eight credit cards to Miray, price it advertised were some- shipped off their belongings to Youssef was able to arrange an
Washington Post travel section,
funds are slow-rolling because of amounting to nearly $157,000 for what rare. (Thomas says the price Istanbul or Miami (where the in-person meeting with Bayra-
1301 K st. nW Washington, D.c.
banking and credit card prob- the three-year trip. (Miray was tag didn9t end up being entirely vessel was stopping after Tur- moglu, the COO, who paid her
lems, according to the letter. offering slight discounts to cus- accurate, as it reflected the price key). Miray9s owner, Vedat Ugur- $10,000 in cash 4 12 percent of 20071.
Spokespeople for the company tomers who paid upfront for the of only some double occupancy lu, then announced that the voy- what she and her husband had
did not respond to a request for three years.) <It took so much cabins.) Prospective passengers age would be delayed until Nov. paid for the cruise. editor: amanda Finnegan
comment Jan. 22. It9s unclear time and now, as you can imag- were informed that they would 11. Many passengers had already <I think that Miray has made Deputy editor: gabe Hiatt
whether Lapointe9s office will ine, it9s taking even more time to be sailing on the Gemini, a vessel bought plane tickets or were in some horrible management deci- art directors: Katty Huertas,
take up an investigation. The file disputes with 27 different owned by Miray. The boat temporary lodging in Istanbul sions and has been atrocious in elena lacey
passengers9 letter, which is in- transactions and provide them was scheduled to set sail in waiting for departure. According their communication, but if they Photo editor: lauren Bulbin
tended to serve as a formal crimi- all the documentation.= November. to the letter submitted to the U.S. make their payment, if they re- Staff writers: natalie B. compton,
nal complaint, says they suffered So far, only four passengers As the months elapsed, pas- attorney9s office, Ugurlu claimed fund their passengers, as far as Heidi Pérez-moreno, andrea sachs,
damages worse than victims of have seen any of their money sengers paid their deposits, ac- that funds were being finalized I9m concerned, I9m good,= Youssef Hannah sampson
the Fyre Festival in the Bahamas; returned to them, the letter says. quired new visas, packed up their for the purchase of the boat 4 but says. <I9m not trying to ruin them Copy editor: rachael Bolek
organizer Billy McFarland went <One of the harder parts of it lives and prepared for sea. Some that the trip was still a go. to make them pay or anything editorial aide: olivia mccormack
to federal prison for wire fraud. all was the lack of communica- re-homed pets. Some sold hous- On Nov. 19, the letter says, like that.= Travel advertising: ron Ulrich,
<They9ve not only dashed our tion and being gaslit,= Thomas es. Others dipped into their re- Ugurlu announced the complete Not all passengers signed onto 202-334-5289,
hopes and dreams and upset the says. <It would have been much tirement funds. Meanwhile, the cancellation of the voyage; plans the complaint. George Fox, a
course of our lives, but they keep easier if they had just come out original management team be- to secure a larger vessel had 67-year-old Maine resident, told
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post ez ee F3

Did Royal Caribbean go overboard

with the largest cruise ship, Icon of the Seas?

PhoToS by Saul MarTinez for The WaShingTon PoST

n the fifth hour of their I ordered the spring pea risot- It is sold out through April

O shore excursion, the

cruise ship passengers
were losing steam. Many
slumped in their seats as a
smaller boat shuttled them from
to, which came with a surprise
hair. The head waiter was apolo-
getic, and I received numerous
phone calls from him and guest
services about the incident.
2026. The windowless, 157-
square-foot Interior Plus starts
at $3,600 per week and also
books up.
For the maiden voyage, a
Nevis to St. Kitts. Others closed He even chased me down at member of a private Facebook
their eyes and mechanically sang Windjammer, asking me to give group for Icon cruisers orga-
along to such wedding recep- the Dining Room another nized a cabin crawl featuring 13
tion standards as <Y.M.C.A.= chance. Originally from India, he staterooms. The organizer9s fa-
and <Cha-Cha Slide.= As soon as offered to cook me any dish I ther, who was directing traffic to
the Icon of the Seas came desired. the panoramic suite, told me that
into view, however, everyone On the last night of the cruise, an astounding 80 people showed
perked up. he presented me with a bowl of up for the free tour.
The group had toured a sugar yellow dal that he said tasted like One the biggest debates
plantation, a rum distillery and his uncle9s back home. All was among cruisers pitted the tradi-
Alexander Hamilton9s birth- forgiven. tional balcony against the infi-
place. Yet the biggest attraction Icon tip: If a specialty restau- nite balcony, a floor-to-ceiling
of the day was the mother ship rant is booked for dinner, try window whose top portion opens
they had boarded three days lunch, which usually has more halfway. The pro-infinite side,
earlier in Miami. The hulking openings and costs less. which includes Genung, a fa-
vessel dwarfed the Caribbean ther of two, says the convertible
landscape and cast a long shad-
ow over the water. For several
Shows sell out window is safer for families
with young children, because
seconds, the sun disappeared. weeks in advance kids can9t fall out of the open
<It9s a monster, isn9t it?= a Royal Caribbean opens up its upper portion. Genung said the
passenger exclaimed as he reservations system months be- wall-length window also pro-
snapped photos of the world9s fore the sailing, so cruisers can vides guests with more cabin
largest cruise ship. TOP: Royal Caribbean9s Icon of the Seas, the world9s largest cruise ship. <This ship puts it all over the start filling up their social calen- space.
Royal Caribbean Internation- top,= said Danny Genung, a cruise travel planner. <I9ve never seen anything close to the excitement or dars with specialty restaurants, The anti-infinite camp points
al9s newest showpiece took its the buzz.= ABOVE: Passengers can take in sea views at the Overlook. shore excursions, onboard activi- out that when the window is
maiden voyage on Jan. 27, de- ties and entertainment. Icon pas- down, the air conditioning turns
throning the previous titleholder sengers pounced. off. In a balcony room, you can
for size, the cruise line9s Wonder At the Miami terminal, Royal Most of the adventurous activ- port day, when the price drops. A week before the ship set sail, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air
of the Seas. Its stature is fright- Caribbean9s app has helped re- ities are on Thrill Island, one of Check the Cruise Compass for I scrolled through scores of sold- outdoors while your travel buddy
ening or exciting, depending on move the pain points typically eight <neighborhoods,= or the- spa specials, such as $169 for a out events and activities on the cools off in the chilled cabin.
your position. The 1,198-foot- associated with the check-in matic zones. At Crown9s Edge, an 75-minute massage. app. I snagged a matinee ticket I was on Team Balcony. When I
long ship weighs 250,800 gross process. After showing my pass- attraction that loosely combines for <The Wizard of Oz= and an wanted an audience with the
tons. Jay Schneider, the compa-
ny9s chief product innovation
port and grinning for the cam-
era, I waltzed on board 4 12
high lining and zip lining, partic-
ipants in jumpsuits and harness-
Bars and restaurants evening reservation for the pre-
miere of <Starburst: Elemental
ocean, I simply stepped onto my
private balcony. The waves usu-
officer, said it can accommodate minutes flat. Before heading to es step gingerly along the side of There weren9t enough hours in Beauty,= an ice skating perform- ally drowned out my neighbors9
up to 7,508 guests, depending on my stateroom to pick up my the ship before the skyway drops, the seven-day cruise to eat and ance inspired by the periodic talking and coughing.
cabin occupancy. There is also SeaPass card, the room key with catapulting them over the water drink at all 40-plus restaurants, table. However, <Aqua Action!= 4 My midship cabin was bright,
room for more than 2,000 crew onboard purchasing power, I and back to the landing pad. The bars and lounges. I created a a splashy spectacle with divers, spacious and versatile, with a
members. swung by the karaoke bar. A crew highflying feat takes only a few meal plan to prevent myself from acrobats and aerialists 4 was couch, a desk-and-chair combo
<I was nervous about how member demonstrated how to minutes, or longer if you stop to getting overwhelmed or overfed. fully booked. So was the comedy and a smattering of art, decora-
many people were going to be use a life jacket, checked my pose for the staff photographer The dining options are split show at the Attic, one of the tive pillows and outlets. I never
stuck on this ship,= said Alecia name off on a clipboard, then shouting at you to smile. between complimentary venues smaller venues. stubbed my toe, a rarity for me
Bimonte, 45, a Tampa-based returned to singing softly to There9s a water park featuring and specialty restaurants that Schneider said passengers on cruise ships. I had ample
teacher sailing with her hus- herself. six rides of varying scream levels. charge a cover fee or a la carte without reservations should not storage, with wire baskets in the
band, Anthony. <But once we got The muster-at-your-leisure Two towers include three rides prices. For my one splurge, I lose hope. The cruise line often closet and abundant drawers
on and saw everything, it put me drill may have confused some each; Schneider said this will reserved a table at Izumi in the releases additional seats during and shelves. I actually unpacked
at ease.= passengers. Two and a half hours alleviate waits. Royal Caribbean Park, which serves Japanese cui- the sailing. You can pore over the 4 a first.
The Icon is all about the before departure, the cruise di- designed the attraction with sine including Benihana-style app or save time and go directly Icon tip: With the RoyalUp
superlatives. It boasts the larg- rector made an announcement: 2,000 kids in mind, so no one will teppanyaki and takeout sushi. to a box office, where the crew program, you can bid on an
est ice skating rink at sea, 700 people had not completed have to stand in line for more On a warm evening under an members have all the listings at upgrade, such as an interior
the tallest drop slide at sea and their safety briefing. <They can9t than 20 minutes. oval cutout framing a starry sky, I their fingertips. cabin to an ocean-view balcony.
the most expansive pool at sea. sail without checking in,= he At Storm Chaser, a mat race sat outside in the Central Park Outside the Attic, a cheerful The cruise line ranks your offer
Its long list of <firsts at sea= warned. down a twisty slide, my already neighborhood, slurping udon staff member booked me seats from weak to strong.
includes a suspended infinity Fortunately, they figured it short wait was cut in half when a noodles and sipping sake as for three headliners. (The acts
pool, a walk-up champagne bar
and a chief dog officer named
out. At around 5:30 p.m., the
captain blew the horn, and the
crew member pulled me to the
front of the line because I was
recorded birds chirped and
cruisers in tuxedos and ball
often change week by week.)
Though she could not find an
The takeaway
Rover. Icon shuddered to life. solo. I raced against an Irishman gowns strolled by. The dinner opening for <Aqua Action!= or the The Icon is massive and caters
<For me, as a cruise ship nerd, Icon tip: To expedite the arriv- who bested me by four seconds. probably wouldn9t pass muster stand-up comedy, she recom- to the masses. Even so, I could
this ship puts it all over the top,= al process, check in on Royal He told me to not feel bad; his in Tokyo, but I grade on a curve. mended arriving 30 to 45 min- carve out an experience that
said Danny Genung, a cruise Caribbean9s app, fill out your slide was faster. Not one for formality, I ate utes before show time and join- aligned with my preferences and
travel planner and the owner of health questionnaire within 24 To recover from the adrena- most of my meals at the Wind- ing the standby line. Ten minutes travel style. The public spaces are
Harr Travel in California, who hours of departure, and dump all line rush, I attended a hair demo jammer buffet, where singing before the performance, the large and airy, with views of the
was accompanying almost 70 of your liquids before security. at the spa9s beauty salon. Only crew members dressed in ham- staff will open up the venue to sea and sky, so I never felt
clients. <I9ve never seen anything three of us showed up, and even burger, taco and chicken leg everyone. (On the flip side, if you claustrophobic. The neighbor-
close to the excitement or the
What to do with those odds, I didn9t win the
free curl and comb. At the Ladies
costumes remind diners to wash
their hands before eating. For
have a reservation, don9t arrive
late, or a cruiser like me might
hoods flow together, so I rarely
got lost. I could always find a seat
To experience the enormous- The Icon offers several eastern Pamper Party, women with flaw- anytime snacks, I swung by Pearl take your seat.) This strategy around the pool, if not in the
ness of the Icon, we booked and western Caribbean itinerar- less skin walked around the Café, the only venue open 24/7, worked for both shows, and my pool. I never wanted for anything
passage on the inaugural cruise. ies. The seven-day cruises in- room squeezing lotions and se- and the new AquaMarket, a food seats were a safe distance from or waited too long.
As we explored its 20 decks from clude three ports and three at- rums onto our fingertips. The hall with crepes, Mediterranean, the splashing and heckling However, to squeeze the most
forward to stern, we would try to sea days, so cruisers have a lot of lone man onstage flashed an mac and cheese, and other casual zones. out of the ship, I needed to plan
answer the burning question: Is ship time. iridescent white smile and de- favorites. Icon tip: Cruisers often bail on better and pay more for extras. I
bigger better, or did Royal Carib- Royal Caribbean does its best scribed the virtues of teeth The Dining Room evoked old- late-night performances sched- spent a lot of time scanning the
bean go overboard? to prevent boredom. Passengers bleaching. After the event, which school cruising, with set dining uled on port days and on the last daily calendar on the app, plot-
can soak in nine whirlpools and felt like a QVC taping, I grabbed times (unless you choose My evening of the cruise, so your ting my day instead of enjoying
Boarding is a breeze lounge at seven pools, including
the Hideaway, an adults-only
my $50 spa coupon and fled.
From then on, I swore off all
Time Dining), white tablecloths,
assigned tables and a team of
standby chances improve for
these shows.
With a few exceptions 4 the
For Icon9s first revenue voyage, infinity pool with a glass wall <self-improvement= activities. I attentive servers who never let 10,000-balloon drop and the
Royal Caribbean capped the
number of passengers at just
that reminded me of an aquari-
um exhibit.
played pickleball, learned to
dance the bachata and attended
your water glass drop below the
halfway mark. The cavernous
Cabin options Ships Ahoy parade in the Royal
Promenade 4 I never felt
under 5,000 to smooth out any <It was a lot of people in a tiny a stretch class with an instructor space covers three floors and fits The Icon offers nearly 30 cab- squished. However, once the ship
kinks. The company will gradu- space, and you see their legs,= who called out positions like a more than 2,600 diners, who dig in types. The 1,772-square- reaches full capacity, I worry that
ally welcome more guests until it Bimonte said. <It was murky with drill sergeant. into such classics as escargot a la foot, three-story Ultimate Fam- Icon will become a literal sea of
reaches full capacity, just in time all the sunblock and everything Icon tip: To save money on the bourguignonne and chicken cor- ily Townhouse, which debuted humanity, and the sparkle of the
for spring break. else. I didn9t want to go in there.= Crown9s Edge, book a spot on a don bleu. on the Icon, starts at $100,000. early cruises could fade.
F4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

I took the Margaritaville cruise.

It9s like basic economy at sea.
in RiViERa BEaCH, Fla.

here was panic in the Port

T of Palm Beach. Cruise

ship passengers in flip-
flops and tank tops scat-
tered from the deck covered in
artificial turf to rendezvous at
Complimentary food 4
with a catch
We missed the complimentary
dinner at Fins Dining the first
night because we weren9t aware
their muster stations. it was only there were only two set seatings
a drill, but we did have an emer- per evening until we had missed
gency: We were out of margarita. both. (We never got our welcome
and this was a Margaritaville packet.) That left us with Frank &
cruise. lola9s Pizzeria, a specialty restau-
Yes, that Margaritaville. Be- rant with red-checkered table-
yond the restaurants, residential cloths where we got a three-
communities, hotels and resorts course meal for two for $20.
(RV, beach and ski), in the late The Caesar salads were ser-
Jimmy Buffett9s hospitality em- viceable, but the pepperoni pizza
pire, there are also two cruise was too fatty, like they added
ships, the Margaritaville at Sea extra oil to the cheese or sauce. it
Paradise and islander. i em- left us feeling queasy after, so we
barked on the former for a two- took our lovely tiramisu back to
night sailing from Florida to our room to eat later. Wine was
Grand Bahama. it9s one of the sold separately and couldn9t be
cheapest cruises on the market, ordered at the pizza place; Dan
constantly running sales such as had to walk over to the coffee
a $49 trip for teachers or buy one, shop to grab two glasses with our
bring three friends <free.= drinks package.
En route to our muster station, There was no messing around
an anxious bartender stopped me on night 2; We showed up to Fins
and my fiancé, Dan, asking at 5:45 p.m. for the 6 p.m. seating.
whether we would like a refill. The sprawling dining room was
This was the last opportunity to decorated with white tablecloths
get a drink for a while, he warned. and gleaming light fixtures. Din-
Dan and i exchanged worried ner came with a bread basket and
glances. Our novelty cup, shaped three courses. You could order
like a blender, rattled with ice. an extra entree for $7, which
How long? some people around us did be-
<about 30 minutes,= the bar- cause the appetizers 4 three
tender said. slices of tuna and a couple of
PhOTOs By naTalie B. COmPTOn/The WashingTOn POsT
it was a warning shot. The arugula leaves for Dan, a slight
website had promised a <floating bowl of gumbo for me 4 were
island vacation,= but we seemed comically petite.
to have boarded an extend- My gumbo and signature pasta
ed booze cruise run by Spirit with shrimp were all right. Dan9s
airlines. Tuscan mac and cheese with
grilled chicken, vegetables and a
Fees lurking behind <cacio e pepe sauce= was inedible.
<it9s like watered-down
every corner Stouffer9s,= Dan said. We saw two
i tried to book a solo reserva- tables send theirs back. i gave
tion during a <Season9s Greetings Dan my ice cream course to bulk
Sale,= but a pop-up said i couldn9t up his brownie sundae.
book a cabin for one on my For breakfast at the buffet, i
particular sailing. That meant got by with fresh fruit and Eng-
Dan got to come. lish muffins; Dan went for break-
For the price of $239.20, we got fast sausage and some French
the cheapest room with a window toast he liked. The drip coffee was
on the 658-cabin ship, plus five free, but nearly as thin as tea 4
free drinks. a few steps into the another reminder that Margari-
reservation process came the taville was cutting costs where it
add-ons: $57 for WiFi on two could.
devices and $188.80 for other i talked to people on the
taxes and fees, making it $485 for cruise who enjoyed the food,
the two nights. people who hated it and one
it would have been $50 cheap- group that had a great review of
er if i had forgone a window, and their meals at JWB Prime Steak
significantly more expensive if i & Seafood, a specialty dining
added a shore excursion or up- option.
grades, such as the $749 Ultimate <it9s been great,= said Mark
license to Chill package, which Seeley, 37, who came with his two
included express check-in, priori- friends from new York after see-
ty luggage delivery, 10 premium ing an ad for the cruise on
drinks and a $300 spa credit, instagram. <i thought it was real-
among other perks. ly high quality.=
My rate covered meals at cer-
tain restaurants on board, some
nonalcoholic drinks such as juice
Parrotheads have
and tap water (but not soda, one the best time
of the cheapest beverages on the Despite the booze cruise repu-
planet), and access to the ship9s tation, Paradise was pretty tame
live entertainment and super- after dark.
vised kids9 programs during cer- after catching a musical per-
tain hours. formance at the Stars on the
it did not include a <fuel sup- CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Natalie B. Compton and her fiancé, Dan, set sail on the 658-cabin Margaritaville at Sea Paradise, built in 1991. Water Theater one night and a
plement= of $15 per person, per Fins Dining, which had two set seatings per evening. Compton9s breakfast from the buffet. The pair9s room was bigger than expected. stand-up comic the other, the
night, or a gratuity fee of $18 per party died down fast. We could
person, per night. Both charges always find live music, and no, it
appeared on my credit card after tubs, a jogging track, some corn- Dan, who9s a science teacher, was not strictly Buffett songs.
we boarded. hole boards and a pickleball mentioned as we ate. We discov- if you went in with low expec-
By the end of our trip, adding
in specialty coffee, some food and
court with a scraggly net pushed
off to the side. Dan and i brought
<The price [of the cruise] is fantastic, ered someone else9s hair on his
tations, you could have a nice
time on this bop to the Bahamas.
more cocktails, we totaled
$780.36 for the room and other
paddles, but with the outdoor
court being vulnerable to wind
I9ll give them that. But they9ve When we flagged down a serv-
er to order margaritas, we found
i loved watching people have
fun 4 like the rousing party
charges. and rain, a game was out.
Our room was our silver lin-
approached us I think about out we couldn9t cash in our five
free drinks until we got a wrist-
game we saw one night in the
Euphoria lounge that got partic-
Big rooms, bare-bones ing: it was much bigger, brighter
and cleaner than we had expect-
25 times to buy drinks.= band on another floor. We asked
about the other drinks packages,
ipants to do wild challenges
(men wearing bras on their
amenities ed. The title of the Buffett classic Peter Austin, a passenger from the Orlando area
and the server described them at heads, people riding each other
Without buying express check- <nothin9 but a Breeze= was paint- a rapid-fire clip: like horses). i laughed so hard
in, it took us 30 minutes to board ed over the porthole, and in the For $99, we could get the Boat my face hurt.
the ship after our arrival to the closet we found robes and slip- Drinks package, a discount of 35 Most of the travelers i met felt
port. We went through a metal pers. The sheets were white and percent off 10 alcoholic drinks, the same way, particularly those
detector and couldn9t bring crisp with a subtle parrot motif but only on drinks that cost $12 traveling in big groups. <We hear
drinks or food in our luggage, etched into the bedspread. or less. The $119 no Doubts a lot of people have mixed Tik-
which was scanned by an X-ray The mattress and pillows were Premium Drinks package cov- Tok reviews, but for the price, it
(although i did get some plantain comfortable. The shower got ered 10 top-shelf drinks, and the was great,= said Khaila Dennis,
chips through). There were signs hot fast and had good water $119 Blender Cup Package got 23, a Miami resident traveling
everywhere warning against pressure. a corner table held you six 22-ounce drinks (more with her family.
bringing marijuana on the ship. $4.95 bottles of water and a than double the size of a typical We skipped the shore excur-
The final challenge was getting $29.95 bottle of Robert Mondavi cocktail) from a certain menu sions sold by the cruise in favor
through an obstacle course of red blend wine. selection, served in a little blend- of going our own way, saving
salespeople vying for our atten- er (sans blades) that looked like money in the process. The aus-
tion like auctioneers, pressing
us to buy drink packages,
A confounding process an adult sippy cup. Each includ-
ed an 18 percent gratuity charge.
tins did the same, as did a
handful of people we met. Dan
shore excursions and profession- for buying drinks it felt like a riddle. We went and i rented a scooter in Free-
al photos. at lunchtime, our options were with no package, but panic- port for $50, spent the day
On board, it was calm. The the Port of indecision Buffet or ordered the sippy-cup version of exploring the island, its white-
<casual-luxe= vessel, formerly the Cheeseburger in Paradise the Who9s to Blame margarita sand beaches and the incredible
known as Grand Classica, was Burger Bar 4 two of the three with Margaritaville Gold Tequila, local cuisine. We shared a fat
built in 1991. it9s considered old places on the ship that serve the triple sec and a <house margarita lobster tail, fried on the spot for
for the cruise world but had a food included in our rate. There blend.= it was $29 and just fine. $25, from a shack on the beach;
multimillion-dollar renovation are three other <specialty dining= We watched others struggle to ordered two rum cocktails for
to add Margaritaville touches. options where you have to pay order, such as the two ladies who $10; and tried a fresh conch
Buffett references and beachy extra, as well as in-room dining had to go back and forth with salad, straight out of the shell,
decorations abound, including a and a bunch of bars. their server for a few minutes to for $11. it was a ball, one we
gargantuan teal flip-flop statue, a The buffet had an off-putting figure out how to get a Grey wouldn9t have had if we didn9t
brand signature we also saw at aroma reminiscent of a budget Goose and soda. The complex take the cruise.
the Margaritaville resort in Hol- cruise i took years ago, or a system, combined with the con-
lywood, Fla. There9s a casino, an
arcade and a spa that charged
retirement home cafeteria. May-
be it was the cleaning supplies, or
stant pressure from staff to pur-
chase more drinks, became a
The takeaway
about $180 for massages. it maybe the food. We grabbed shared bond between guests. Unless you9re a die-hard Buf-
seemed well-worn, but more dat- burgers (nothing to write home <The price [of the cruise] is fett fan, i9m not convinced that
ed than run-down. about) that we dressed ourselves fantastic, i9ll give them that,= spending $780, plus the price of
Outside there were deck chairs at an unkempt salad bar sta- said Peter austin, from the Or- airfare and transportation to and
around two tiny swimming pools tion and sat on the open-air lando area. <But they9ve ap- from the ship, gets you the best
4 or if you9re a glass-half-full 5 o9Clock Somewhere Bar & Grill proached us i think about 25 vacation for the price.
kind of person, two huge plunge deck. <i can see how disease can times to buy drinks. it9s very, very it9s definitely not the best place
pools 4 a pair of four-person hot spread quickly on a cruise ship,= The drinks menu at Fins, a complimentary restaurant on the ship. aggressive.= to get a margarita, either.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee F5

The best (and worst) drinks on the Margaritaville cruise

WashINgToN posT IllusTraTIoN; NaTalIe b. CompToN/The WashINgToN posT


shops, we wanted a crisp white

Margarita: 6/10

athematicians say the most difficult equation known to man may be the Riemann hypothesis. Calculating the wine. Even though the restaurant
Unsurprisingly, the ship has a prices of the drink packages on the Margaritaville cruise could be a close second. ¶ In January, I boarded the had wine listed on its menu, we
ton of margaritas. We started couldn9t order it with our server, or
with the Who9s to Blame, served
Margaritaville at Sea Paradise for a two-night sailing from the Port of Palm Beach, Fla., to Grand Bahama. My even at the counter where we or-
on the rocks with Margaritaville assignment was to gauge the value of one of the cheapest cruises you can take. Over the course of my sailing, I dered our food. The server told Dan
Gold Tequila, triple sec and a that he had to walk over to the
<house margarita blend.= It was
inevitably sampled an ocean of beverages and decided to rate each one. ¶ The ship had a strong contingent of travelers who coffee shop and ask the barista. He
very heavy on the mix 4 where9s were there to let loose. Morning, noon and night, passengers hit the bar for shots, beers and blended tropical beverages rippled came back with two glasses of sau-
the tequila? 4 but was decent vignon blanc that had a weird,
with neon hues. Margaritaville at Sea does not sell a tidy unlimited drinks package, however, and the three options it did have sweet tinge to them.
We decided to upgrade our were rife with caveats and confusion. ¶ My booking included five free drinks, but that wouldn9t put a dent in the extensive
marg to a <Booze in the Blender=
22-ounce serving, which the bar-
menus. Trying to taste through the entire roster would have cost hundreds of dollars, which explains why we couldn9t judge Fresh coconut: 10/10
tender said was about three regu- every drink on the menu. Anyone alarmed about my alcohol intake should know I shared most of the drinks with a highly Okay, this was not technically on
lar drinks and came in a faux the Margaritaville at Sea, but next
blender jar with a lid and a straw,
vetted assistant (my fiancé, Dan). ¶ I scored my ranking on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being so unpalatable it9s not worth drinking, to it. At the port in Grand Bahama,
sort of like an adult sippy cup. and 10 being delicious enough to shake the hand of the bartender. there was a bar kiosk that had a guy
Carrying it around the ship all hacking open fresh coconuts.
night 4 full or empty 4 in case There was no way I was leaving the
we wanted another very big Caribbean without drinking one. It
drink made me feel like a toddler. was a dream.
Worse yet, the sippy-cup pre-
sentation meant no salted rim, a
must for my margarita enjoy-
Gully Wash: 9/10
ment. Same deal as the coconut, we got
this from the same little bar by the
Piña colada: 8/10 cruise terminal. It9s a Bahamian
drink, also known as Sky Juice,
Dan9s a piña colada obsessive; made with coconut water, sweet-
he9ll order one on just about any ened condensed milk and gin.
menu, which is not advisable Don9t let the concept of mixing
when you are far from a body of dairy and gin dissuade you; this
water. That does make him a good was delicious and well balanced.
judge of the coconut beverage.
At the first taste of our Margar-
itaville piña colada, our eyes lit
Blue margarita shot:
up. It was glorious! The frozen 2/10
drink had been blended to near During our dinner at Fins, serv-
perfection, featuring a luscious ers walked around the dining room
texture and a rich coconut flavor. with a tray of shots: lemon drops,
Not too sweet. Not too heavy. Just blue margarita and something
right. with Kahlua, maybe. We were a
The second one we shared little despondent over our Negroni,
wasn9t as top notch, which brings so maybe a shooter would be a silly
down the rating of this delight a consolation beverage to share with
smidgen. Dan. I waved over a server and
requested the electric turquoise
Negroni: 3/10 option.
Served chilled, this could have
I know, I know. Who orders a been a jazzy jolt to the system. But
Negroni on a Caribbean booze the blue margarita shooter ($7, ex-
cruise? (Maybe Stanley Tucci?) cluding taxes and fees) was tepid
There9s a limit to how many and tasted flatter than watered-
cheap-but-expensive tropical down Gatorade.
cocktails the human body can
muster in a day. So we went for
the classic, not once but on three
phoTos by NaTalIe b. CompToN/The WashINgToN posT Water: 9/10
different occasions. And they TOP: Clockwise from left, a 22-ounce margarita on the rocks, served in a fake blender; a blue margarita shooter; and a Negroni. With the exception of our dinner
were always bad. The quote about LEFT: Bottled water for sale in the reporter9s room. RIGHT: A fresh coconut from a bar kiosk at the port in Grand Bahama. at Fins, when servers automatical-
the definition of insanity comes ly gave you a glass, water felt like a
to mind. precious commodity on Paradise.
To our defense, the Negroni is with a handful of mint. We tried dispenser machine to their heart9s cortados, macchiatos and lattes, You could walk to the Port of Inde-
easy (on paper), made with equal
Mojito: 1/10 sucking down a few gulps hoping content. I didn9t try the juice, but I and once a delicious caramel frap- cision Buffet and get some from the
parts gin, Campari and sweet ver- In an effort to get back to the it9d get less offensive. It never did. I did go for the caffeine. What came pé. He wasn9t working with the juice dispenser, or ask the bar or
mouth. What could go wrong? A tropical beverage category 4 but carried it around the remainder of out of the tank was the kind of thin best beans or milk or equipment waitstaff for a glass. I asked a crew
lot, apparently. They were never too full to drink another piña cola- the night like a punishment, and coffee with no spine that you9d get on the planet, but it was clear he member whether the water in our
the right color, always off in pro- da and too underwhelmed by the eventually dumped it down our at a sad continental breakfast. was doing his best, and that made stateroom sink was potable, and he
portions and sometimes in ingre- last margarita 4 I used the last of cabin toilet. us even happier. said, <It is not recommended.=
dients. We had one at dinner that our five free drinks on a mojito. I Coffee (paid): 6/10 So when we did get our hands on
seemed to be made with dry ver-
mouth instead of sweet (which, it
also spent $8 to upgrade it to
sippy-cup size.
Coffee (free): 3/10 Thank goodness for the ship9s
White wine: 3/10 a cup of ice water from the bar at
the Euphoria lounge, it was indeed
turns out, is called a Cardinale). It was terrible, so off we At the complimentary Port of coffee shop. We developed a deep To pair with our dinner at Frank euphoric, even if it did taste a little
Also, a Negroni served with couldn9t drink it 4 like a pint of Indecision Buffet, passengers can appreciation for the barista, who & Lola9s Pizzeria, a specialty restau- strange, like it had passed through
chip ice should be illegal. soda water somehow gone bad guzzle drip coffee and juice from a we went to for espresso drinks like rant wedged by the coffee and gift a dusty filter.
F6 ez ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Rating the activities

on the Icon of the Seas

Before our group of four was

Marquee shows: 10/10

f you have the stamina, you can go from morning till after midnight on Royal Caribbean9s Icon of the Seas, the world9s allowed to step onto the Edge, we
The Icon has a packed roster largest cruise ship. Every day, the ship9s Cruise Compass guide releases its schedule of events. The activities cover two had to put on a jumpsuit, harness
of entertainers. On my voyage, and helmet. We also watched a
we had comedians, an a cappella
full pages 4 tiny print and single-spaced. ¶ I am active but not an ultramarathoner. For the inaugural cruise on Jan. short instructional video. At the
group and a joking juggler. The 27, I could not try everything. Instead, I focused on the ship9s signature activities and amenities while avoiding such start of the course, a crew mem-
headliners change, but the three ber explained the route and what
marquee productions 4 <The
cruising mainstays as trivia contests and climbing walls. I broke my no-cheesy pledge only once, to cheer on the to do. I only caught <look toward
Wizard of Oz,= <Aqua Action!= contestants in the <world9s sexiest man= competition. ¶ Here are my reviews of the good, the meh and the awful, based on the photographer.=
and <Starburst: Elemental Beau- The platform was made up of
ty= 4 are fixtures. They are also
a scale of 1 to 10. X9s and O9s with gaps in between.
phenomenal. I walked carefully to avoid slip-
8The Wizard of Oz9 ping and freaking out the people
This show sticks to the origi- below. I heard someone shouting
nal script, with the exception of a at me to swivel and smile. I never
few modern diversions. The saw my photo, but I imagine I
opening scene of Dorothy sitting looked more annoyed than
in her bedroom, bent over a frightened.
smartphone, confounded several I had only a few milliseconds
people near me. Some of us to gaze at the ocean and CocoCay,
wondered whether we had the the cruise line9s private Bahami-
wrong starting time. But once an island, when the floor
the familiar plot kicked in 4 A dropped. I hovered 154 feet over
tornado is coming! The witch is the water, then swung around
dead! 4 the audience stopped the corner like dry cleaning on
fidgeting and fell silent. an automated rack. A crew mem-
Every aspect was Broadway- ber reminded me to bend my
caliber: the creative costumes, knees for the landing. I arrived
the elaborate choreography, the with a thud.
fanciful set design, the 16-piece The guide asked our group
orchestra. The action didn9t stay whether we wanted to take an-
onstage, either. Dorothy flew other spin. Only one of us said
overhead in a bed that rivaled yes, and it wasn9t me.
<The Phantom of the Opera9s=
crashing chandelier. A puppet
played the role of Toto, but the
Music and parades on
puppeteer was a star on his own the Royal Promenade:
4 method acting at its finest.
8Aqua Action!9
Royal Caribbean introduced Depending on the hour and
this highflying AquaTheater occasion, the Royal Promenade
show in the Oasis class of ships. feels like Fifth Avenue (especially
The Icon takes the performance on Dress Your Best night), Dis-
to greater heights 4 and depths ney9s Main Street, U.S.A. or Nash-
4 in its new venue, starring ville9s Broadway. Most of the big
divers, dancers, slackliners, ar- public events take place here,
tistic swimmers and aerialists. such as the 10,000-balloon drop
The enclosed space (earlier itera- on the first night; the Ships Ahoy
tions were open-air) features parade, which features floats and
high-diving platforms, a 55-foot- an eclectic cast of pirates, snake
tall water curtain, and robotic charmers, Venetian gondoliers
arms that resemble Transform- and other characters; and the
ers9 limbs and are part of the sAul MArTinez for The WAshingTon PosT One Hit Wonders dance party,
ensemble. The show has the with a guest appearance by the
superhuman dexterity and Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
steampunk edginess of Cirque du The crew members go all out
Soleil. for these charmingly hokey
8Starburst: shows. However, I should have
Elemental Beauty9 arrived earlier to secure a better
This performance, which takes viewing spot. For the parade, I
place on the largest ice skating had to crouch down and watch
rink at sea, is a mad-scientist the action between people9s legs.
version of Ice Capades. The show For the One Hit Wonders party, I
is a whimsical, sometimes trippy wedged myself between two oth-
exploration of the periodic table er passengers along the railing,
and celestial sky. The costumes leaving little room to dance to
are clever (Day-Glo outfits for <C9mon N9 Ride It (the Train).=
neon, for instance), and the Several bars with live music
soundtrack (<Titanium,= <Dia- line the concourse, such as the
monds,= <Neutron Dance=) is Schooner Bar (piano), Boleros
spot-on. The athletes perform (Latin music) and Point & Feath-
with the grace of ice dancers and er (acoustic guitar). A rotating
the muscle of gymnasts. As if I cast of bands and soloists also
were watching the Winter Olym- performs on a balcony overlook-
pics, I held my breath until they ing the promenade.
nailed their landings. The musicians are equally tal-
ented but give off different vibes.
Category 6 Some command your rapt atten-
tion, while others encourage
water park: 9/10 boisterous participation. At the
Disclaimer: I tried only two of Dueling Pianos, for example, Sar-
the rides at the Category 6 water ah and Tim pounded out such
park, because I was solo 4 and singalong tunes as <Piano Man,=
chicken. So, my ranking is pri- <Toxic= and <Sweet Caroline.=
marily for Storm Chasers. The bar was always raucous.
Hurricane Hunter and Storm None of the spots have doors,
Surge require at least two people so the music spills out into the
per raft. Pressure Drop, the first central arcade. If you have sensi-
open free-fall slide at sea, scared tive ears, you might be better off
me after I met a Floridian who in the Central Park neighbor-
said she sprained her ankle on hood, where the soundtrack is a
the ride. However, I did watch a AndreA sAchs/The WAshingTon PosT mix of recorded birdsong and an
guy sail off the precipice and exit acoustic guitarist.
without hobbling. The key is to
keep your arms and legs crossed.
Frightening Bolt, the tallest
Swimming pools: 7/10
drop slide at sea, resembled a Each of the seven pools has its
pneumatic tube that transports own personality. The Royal Bay
humans instead of mail. The line pool on Deck 15 is the most
was shorter than the one for social. You can listen to live
Storm Chasers, but I saw several music or a DJ here, take a water
repeat riders. aerobics class, or watch the
For Storm Chasers, I rode coronation of the world9s sexiest
face-first on a purple mat that man (according to a panel of
careened down twisty tunnels opinionated female passengers).
with disco lights. A crew member During peak times, the best
had advised me to keep my head seating was often occupied, so I
low, so I never swallowed any had to sit in the outer ring.
water. I landed with a splash and The pools in the kid-friendly
blinked at the race clock to Surfside neighborhood cater to
discover that I had lost the race little tadpoles. Parents can grab
against a rival rider on my first a stool at the Lemon Post and
try, but I won on the second. My watch their children splash
only qualm is that I wish the ride around while they nurse a spe-
were longer, so I could spend cialty cocktail. Swim & Tonic has
more time barreling down and a swim-up bar, but sober swim-
not standing in line on the stairs. mers are welcome, too.
My least-favorite pool was the
Crown9s Edge adven- Hideaway. The adult-only infini-
ty pool was as crowded as a seal
ture course: 2/10 colony. Another guest sniffed at
Crown9s Edge, the cruise ship its murky water. I stood at a safe
equivalent of a ropes course, is distance, just as I would in an
sAul MArTinez for The WAshingTon PosT
one of the few onboard attrac- area teeming with wildlife.
tions with a price tag. I paid $39 TOP: The Pearl, a kinetic sculpture, onboard Royal Caribbean9s My No. 1 pick for pools was
on a port day; the price increases Icon of the Seas cruise ship. CLOCKWISE FROM MIDDLE: <Aqua Cloud 17, on the highest deck. I
when the ship is at sea. The Action!,= a highflying AquaTheater show, is one of the marquee could peer through the glass
per-minute expense of this short, performances. The Royal Bay pool on Deck 15, which the reporter wall and imagine I was swim-
anticlimactic ride didn9t seem says is the most social. The Crown9s Edge adventure course. ming in the ocean, far from the
worth it. AndreA sAchs/The WAshingTon PosT masses.
aX fn fs lf PW DC bD Pg aa fD ho Mn Ms sM


BusineSS Sunday, february 18 , 2024 . Section G

illusTraTion by Julia MaTa for The WashingTon PosT

Some ûnd it hard

to save, and science
can explain why
How a teen9s job violated
The question was a fair one.
<When do we hold people
personally responsible to save
for themselves? The math
laws on child labor
The query came from a
Michelle participant at a conference

Singletary this week at north Carolina ast food companies fueled a surge in child labor violations in 2023, with thousands of teenagers
The Color state University sponsored by illegally scheduled to work late and long hours. Among them was high school senior sebastian
of Money the Institute for emerging
Issues. experts were gathered
Marek, who got a job at a McDonald9s in Los Angeles to help his mom pay rent. Managers scheduled
to debate and discuss Marek to work too long on school nights even though he was only 17. He lost sleep, missed classes and
weathering financial storms and the
challenges to saving.
received warnings that he might not be able to graduate high school. see labor on G3

Many folks who are wired to save can9t

understand those who don9t prioritize
building an emergency fund or share their
awe at the power of compound interest.
Born savers don9t wait to take full advantage
of an employer9s 401(k) contribution
matching program 4 seriously, who leaves
money on the table?
It9s so simple.
But is it? To friend or not to friend clients and co-workers Do partisan gaps in gun ownership contribute to gaps
The reason it9s so hard to save is partly on social media can be a tricky question. G2 in hearing loss? a new mapping effort suggests so. G4
see sinGletary on G2
g2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

Fine to add clients, co-workers on social media? Spouses can agree to disagree.
reader 1: A few comfortable objecting.
of my business Should I mind my own house
clients and co- and let his employer take care of
workers with any issues in the office? or do I
whom I have a say something without
collegial understanding the entire
Work relationship have picture?
Advice friended me on
KarLa L. facebook. Anyone Karla: on the one hand, as I
MiLLer who scrolls said above, spouses of successful
through my feed professionals should generally
sees pictures of trust them to know how to
my dogs and other mundane handle their jobs. Just as your
details of my life. I9m not husband comes from a family of
posting about politics or other chaotic conversationalists, he
sensitive issues, and I tend not may have gravitated to a
to <friend= clients who do. I profession where filibustering is
would never post anything the accepted way to get things
about my boss, my work done. Not an environment I
situation or any personal stuff could tolerate, but good on him
that I wouldn9t want the world for making it to the top 4 and
to know. for making the effort to stifle
my husband, however, that behavior off the clock with
constantly points out that I you.
should not have any friends on on the other hand: Early in
social media who are my clients. my career, I received an out-of-
Here9s the kicker: He has the blue apology from an
facebook-friended some of my intimidating colleague who had
co-workers because he thinks snapped at me. He later said his
they9re cool and interesting. wife had been chiding him to be
When I object, he says he more patient with others. We
doesn9t have the same conflict had a much better work
with my co-workers that I do relationship from then on, for
with my clients. But honestly, I which his wife has my eternal,
think it9s a huge overstep. I turn anonymous gratitude.
down facebook requests from So this may be a case where
anyone associated with his work you9re in a position to point out
because I feel it9s too cringey. things in your successful
What are your thoughts? spouse9s blind spot: <may I
share an observation? Earlier, it
Karla: one thing I know about sounded as though you were
social media is that it9s great at talking over people in your
creating conflicts even where meeting the way you used to do
none should exist. with me. I know you9re excited
In some professions 4 think to concerns about favoritism wrong if he thinks there9s no have the right to consider his we were both working at home. and don9t want to lose your
financial services, the military, and unequal service. That9s why potential conflict in his concerns, determine for yourself Now that he9s mostly in the train of thought, but do you ever
health care 4 a stray comment many social media users find it connecting with your co- whether your client interactions office, we cross paths during the worry people might resent it or
or photo can reveal damaging safer to draw hard lines by workers. He may not have trade are appropriate and decline to workday only once or twice a not feel safe pushing back?=
details about deals, security or declining requests from current secrets to spill about your discuss the topic further. He week. But when I hear him This might land better if you
client confidentiality, exposing clients, setting up separate employer, but his postings and needs to respect your during work calls, I cringe. save it for a time when he9s
sensitive inside information to public and private accounts or comments can color your professional judgment on how His family is talkative, and complaining about a relevant
anyone who knows what to look keeping all their work reputation among your you manage your work their conversations often work matter, such as a
(or phish) for. Employers in connections corralled on colleagues, especially if they relationships 4 especially ones overlap, so he9s used to communication breakdown or
those professions usually have LinkedIn. don9t find him equally <cool and he insists on inviting himself interrupting and being lack of innovation. or you
social media policies to prevent But for some businesses, interesting.= I would treat his into. And maybe, instead of interrupted. I call it out when could just randomly mention
that from happening. personal online connections facebook schmoozing with the telling the goose what9s good for he interrupts me, since I don9t how much you appreciate his
Even if your employer has no with clients may bring more same degree of caution as her, the gander needs to find like it, and he has gotten better curbing his steamrolling
such restrictions, your husband benefit than risk. for example, bringing him to a work- cooler colleagues of his own to about it at home. habits with you, and how
has a point about the risks of my real estate agent and sponsored event with an open flock with. In fairness, I don9t know how valued and respected it makes
mixing personal and business hairstylist have friended me on bar. often he interrupts at the office, you feel. It could trigger a
contacts. If a client whose friend facebook; my therapist has not, Your husband has the right reader 2: my husband so I don9t know how he9s reward center in his brain that
request you declined sees you presumably for professional and obligation to speak up the interrupts his colleagues, and it perceived. Since he9s an he decides to replicate in the
have accepted an invitation ethics reasons. (Presumably.) first time he thinks you9re drives me crazy. I learned about executive, I imagine his workplace.
from another client, it can lead meanwhile, your husband is overlooking something. You this during the pandemic when employees don9t feel

Michelle Singletary

If you find it difficult to save money, your brain may be partly to blame
sinGletary from G1 neighbor wins the lottery, their
consumption goes up,= she
attributable to behavioral said. <You see that
science, according to mariel consumption and
Beasley, co-founder of the subconsciously your
Common Cents Lab and consumption goes up as well.=
principal at the Center for It helps to understand the
Advanced Hindsight at Duke science.
University. <Savings behavior is
To answer the man9s question, particularly difficult because
Beasley used an illustration of a it9s not easy, it9s not
small rider sitting on top of an immediately rewarding and is
elephant. It9s a metaphor based not visible,= Beasley said.
on the research of social okay, so once we understand
psychologist Jonathan Haidt. why saving is difficult, how do
The rider represents the we motivate ourselves and
rational part of the brain. The others to overcome the
elephant stands in for your emotional side of our brains
emotional side. that drives decisions not in our
In a perfect world, the rider best interest?
and elephant work together. How can we make savings
But, as you know, we aren9t more desirable and visible?
perfect, and often the rider can9t <When we talk about
control the much larger behavioral science, we9re not
elephant operating on instinct. talking about changing people,
<Now a rider can kick that we9re about changing the
elephant as hard as he wants, tools,= Beasley said.
but unless the elephant also for instance, saving rates
wants to go where the rider increased in one program
wants to go, it9s not going to go when people got cards that
there,= Beasley said. were punched every time they
We often think 4 as the made a deposit.
participant at the workshop did People can save for
4 that the logical part of our retirement on their own. But
brain is mostly in control. or we know that when employees
should be. That9s why there9s a have access to a workplace
propensity to blame an retirement plan, they are more
individual for not having the likely to save. Adding an
willpower to save. automatic escalation feature in
IllusTraTIOn By KaT BrOOKs/The WashIngTOn POsT; IsTOcK
<Unfortunately, a lot of the a plan also helps. for example,
times when we9re talking in a company could set it so an
hypotheticals and we say, 8But employee9s contribution rate
people can do this, or people people happily saving for a rainy easy recently, the interest paid on debt trying to keep up automatically increases by
can do that, or 8I do this, I do day? We are physically and deposit accounts was so tiny it appearances. 1 percent each year, up to a
that,9 we are thinking about the <Even facing a dip in savings, psychologically wired for ease. made you sad to save, like you We are bombarded with certain maximum such as
rider, not our elephant,= Beasley elevated inflation and higher Knowing this, financial were being a chump. images of consumption. 15 percent.
said. interest rates, consumer institutions have sped up the Saving is boring because the <We see all of the people <Lots of businesses are using
When we seek to shame spending fueled a surprisingly spending process. You no longer payoff is often in the future. You who are out eating,= Beasley our psychology to entice us to
people for their financial strong economy in 2023 that even have to punch in a code to have to fight the elephant in you said. <We don9t see the nights spend,= Beasley said. <What we
shortcomings, we neglect to expanded by 2.5% for the year,= pay with plastic. You can just that says, <Go ahead and spend people chose to stay home and need to do is use that same
recognize the barriers they face. according to a report by U.S. tap your card. that money, honey. Let9s have do something free or low cost.= understanding of the brain to
We also don9t acknowledge the Bank. <In 20239s fourth quarter, some fun now.= We see the vacations people get people to do things that are
path the rider and the elephant personal consumption attractive go on, not what they9re putting better for their long-term well-
are on, which includes lots of expenditures represented nearly We like immediate social away in a retirement account. being.=
roadblocks, such as the ease or 68% of the nation9s GDP. much gratification or rewards. Look <All of the behavioral science During her presentation,
credit. of that spending requires at credit cards. If you use your research shows that we Beasley pointed to a federal
<They are operating in a financing, some for bigger ticket card enough, you earn free underestimate the influence of reserve Bank of Philadelphia If you have a personal finance
culture that is there to extract, items like homes, automobiles airline tickets or cash back. our environment on our research paper that showed if question for Michelle, please call 1-
extract, extract,= she said. and higher education and some reward cardholders like to decisions,= Beasley said during a your neighbor wins the lottery, 855-asK-POsT (1-855-275-7678). her
We have an economy built in the form of credit card debt brag about all the swag they follow-up interview. you are more likely to file for award-winning column The color of
and dependent on consumer for day-to-day purchases.= get for charging their Social media makes it hard bankruptcy protection. Money is syndicated by The
spending. We are overwhelmed Now, back to the brain. purchases. not to resist emulating the That was a <Wait, what?= Washington Post news service and
with advertisements to spend; As Beasley put it, we tend to Who brags about saving? luxurious lifestyle of the rich moment in her talk. syndicate and carried in dozens of
how many commercials feature do things that are: Until interest rates rose and wannabe rich, who are in <What happens is, if your newspapers.

BuSine SS editor: lori Montgomery " Design: andrew Braford " Photo editor: haley hamblin " e-mail: " telephone: 202-334-9800 " Mail: The Washington Post, sunday Business, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
D.c. 20071 " advertising: noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610,
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE G3

labor from G1

Teenager9s job
often violated
child labor laws

This nonfiction comic is based on extensive interviews with Marek, now 18, his
mother, his co-workers, as well as data from the U.S. Labor Department,
photographs, and records from the California Labor Commissioner9s Office.
Scenes and dialogue reflect their memories and The Post9s extensive reporting
on child labor violations.
G4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

BY A NDREW V AN D AM department of data so pervasive and predictable

that it can be used as a reliable

e9re embarrassed to ad-
mit it, but at first we
saw nothing remarkable
about the most detailed map of
Republicans are more likely to suber measure of gun ownership in an
area. While the impulse to kill
yourself may be somewhat even-
ly distributed, guns are not. And
hearing loss we9ve ever seen.
The result of a broad effort
funded by the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, the
hearing loss. A big reason may be guns. firearms make suicide attempts
much deadlier.
Overall, fewer than 2 in 20
suicide attempts are fatal 4 un-
map revealed that about 38 mil- less they involve a gun, in which
lion Americans have at least case 17 in 20 end in death, ac-
some trouble hearing in both |e most detailed hearing-loss map you'll ever see shows rural and republican areas tend to struggle most cording to a recent analysis by
ears and that hearing loss is Catherine Barber of Harvard
greatest in areas with the oldest Share of the population with any hearing loss, ages 35-64, 2019 University, Philip J. Cook of
populations. Duke University and Susan T.
That didn9t shock us, since Parker, now at Northeastern
7.3% 9.8 12.2 14.7 18.1 23.7
older folks, particularly men, are University.
at greater risk of hearing loss. When we compare a state9s
But as it turned out, we were rate of firearm suicide and the
just getting started. rate at which its working-age
The hearing-loss model 4 led residents (ages 35 to 64) lose
by David Rein, a health-data vir- their hearing, we see the stron-
tuoso at NORC at the University gest relationship of any variable
of Chicago 4 teases out detailed we considered.
geographic estimates from hal- <The correlation between fire-
lowed, top-shelf data sets from arm suicide and hearing loss
across the government, includ- may be explained by the fact
ing professional measurements that firearm suicide is a proxy
of Americans9 hearing from the for rates of firearm ownership,
National Center for Health Sta- and using firearms exposes gun
tistics, demographics from the owners to very high noise lev-
Census Bureau9s American Com- els,= said Michael Siegel, a Tufts
munity Survey and Medicare University public health special-
claims. (NORC had help from ist who has unpacked the fac-
Johns Hopkins9s Cochlear Cen- tors driving gun deaths in scores
ter for Hearing and Public of published analyses.
Health, the National Center for In keeping with the partisan
Hearing Assessment and Man- divide in gun ownership, we
agement, the American Speech- found that firearm suicides are
Language-Hearing Association almost four times as common in
and Burness.) areas with the highest Republi-
About 12 percent of Ameri- can support as they are in Dem-
cans have at least some hearing ocratic strongholds.
loss in both ears, the model So do partisan gaps in gun
found. And many of those peo- ownership contribute to gaps in
ple have something in common: hearing loss? They must! It9s
age. Hearing trouble hounds hard to dispute the sonic effect
35 percent of folks in their late of exploding gunpowder, or the
60s and early 70s, and 73 per- common failure by kids who
cent of those 75 or older. grow up shooting deer and
If we set aside those groups whistle pigs (you may know
and look only at people between them as ground squirrels) to use
Source: David Rein, Carolina Franco, Nicholas. Reed, Evan Herring-Nathan, Phoebe Lamuda, Katelin Alfaro Hudak, Wen Hu, Alex Hartzman, Karl White and John Wittenborn
the ages of 35 and 64 4 people perfect hearing protection.
who have yet to experience most But Rein, the thoughtful data
age-related hearing loss but are |at9s partly because older and White people, and blue-collar workers, all face more hearing loss 4 and all lean right devotee behind the NORC proj-
old enough to have been ex- ect, had a reminder ready.
posed to a lifetime of aural as- Share with hearing loss in both ears, 2019 Trouble hearing speech, even in their best ear, 2011 to 2012, ages 20-69 <One thing I9ve learned look-
sault 4 we see some patterns. ing at problems in public health
SeX fIrearm roUndS fIred
For example, hearing loss shows over my career is it9s never one
up most frequently in communi- Women 6.8% 10.1% Moderate, severe or deaf None 5.4% thing,= he said, pointing out that
ties with more jobs in the natu- Men 4.6 8.5 13.1 Mild
gun suicides could relate to oth-
Fewer than 1,000 8.0
ral resources, construction and er factors that predict high hear-
maintenance industries, which raCe and etHnICItY 1,000+ 15.2 ing loss, such as small popula-
makes sense given the exposure tions and high disability rates
Black 4.4 6.2
to workplace noise. oCCUpatIon noISe among working-age adults.
It9s also more common in ar- Hispanic 4.8 7.0 <It9s usually some combina-
Loud only (<5 years) 5.4
eas with lower population densi- White 5.2 9.4 14.6 tion of factors,= Rein said.
ty and smaller minority popula- Very loud (<5 years) 8.9 <There9s a lot of information
tions, which again feels right aGe (In YearS) Loud only (5+ years) 10.0 that we have about rural health
given that White Americans are related to less access to care,
034 0.1 Very loud (5+ years) 17.8
more than twice as likely to lose higher rates of diabetes, hyper-
at least some hearing as their 5317 0.3 tension, and general weathering
Black and Hispanic friends. 18334 0.7
HeaLtH from economic and other stress-
Given those associations, we 35364 7.2 8.9 Hypertension 11.6 es across the life span. Probably,
weren9t surprised to see that ar- these things are interacting with
65374 10.0 24.6 34.6 Heavy smoker* 14.6
eas with higher hearing loss noise exposures, resulting in
tend to have higher rates of Re- 75+ 35.9 36.8 72.7 Diabetes 14.6 higher rates of hearing loss.=
publican support. Grace Sturdivant, who earned
After all, former president Source: David Rein, Carolina Franco, Nicholas. Reed, Evan Herring-Nathan, Phoebe Lamuda, Katelin *Deûned as 20-plus pack years, such as smoking a pack a day for 20 years, or two packs a day for 10 a doctorate in audiology and
Alfaro Hudak, Wen Hu, Alex Hartzman, Karl White and John Wittenborn Source: Analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey by Howard Hofman,
Donald Trump dominates the Robert Dobie and Katalin Losonczy
spent years helping folks regain
Republican Party, and his endur- lost hearing, told us much the
ing appeal among blue-collar, same: You can9t draw a direct
White and older Americans has But could it also be due to guns? republicans are about twice as likely to own ûrearms, especially in rural areas. line from firearm ownership to
defined American politics for al- hearing loss. But after her ump-
Percentage who keep a gun at home, by party identiûcation Firearm deaths, by Biden share of each county9s two-party vote, 2011 to 2020
most a decade now. (Really! He tillionth patient said they
came down the Trump Tower es- wished they9d worn earplugs
60% 12 deaths per 100,000 residents
calator in 2015, and it9s now when they were young, Sturdi-
2024.) Suicide vant did something the U.S.
So, okay, hearing loss appears republican health-care industry isn9t great
to be yet another manifestation 50 10 at: She pivoted to prevention.
of the urban-rural divide. At In 2018, Sturdivant founded
most, we figured these trends OtoPro, which specializes in
merited perhaps a brief mention 40 8 helping folks find fancy hearing
in one of the Department9s volu- protection. She grew up in a
minous reports on other fresher hunting family in Mississippi,
topics. 30 6 and hunters make up about
But then we read the paper 80 percent of her client base
again and noticed a line we (others include law enforcement
hadn9t clocked before: <Those 20 Independent 4 and musicians).
living in rural areas experience <Shooting is a massive risk to
higher rates of [hearing loss], Homicide
your hearing,= she said. <There9s
Note: For counties where death data wasn't available, we
perhaps due to potential noise 10 2 estimated it based on state-level data and population
no denying that.= Exposure to a
exposure from outdoor work distribution. For Alaska, we used statewide vote ûgures single gunshot, which at 140
and recreation such as forestry, because of how it reports votes. decibels or higher is one of the
all-terrain vehicles, and recre- loudest sounds we encounter,
0 0
ational firearms.= can cause damage equivalent to
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 71.4- 60.5- 54.2- 45.2- 33.9- 3.1-
Emphasis ours. 94.5% 71.3% 60.4% 54.2% 45.2% 33.9%
hours and hours of riding an all-
Could gun ownership help ex- terrain vehicle or pushing a
plain the partisan divide in MORE DEMOCRATIC MORE REPUBLICAN lawn mower.
Note: Republicans and Democrats include independents who lean toward either party.
hearing loss? Source: General Social Survey from NORC, methodology inspired by Randy Yeip Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Growing up in the 980s and
Americans who have fired 990s, Sturdivant saw a macho re-
1,000 rounds or more face three Sure enough, a map of hearing loss looks similar to a map of gun suicides (a proxy measure for gun ownership) sistance to using hearing protec-
times the rate of hearing loss as tion. You9d tease your buddy
those who have never fired a Share of the population with any hearing loss, ages 35-64, 2019 Firearm suicides per 100,000 residents, 2011-2020 that he couldn9t handle his gun-
weapon, according to an analy- shots. But that attitude has been
sis of 2011 and 2012 observa- consigned to the dustbin of his-
tions from the National Health tory, she said.
and Nutrition Examination Sur- 12.9% 11.24 <I see men who spent their
vey. It9s a bit lower once you ad- whole lives that way who now
just for age and other factors 4 11.5 10.2 are very aggressive about what
probably closer to 1.8 times the they9re outfitting their children
rate. 10.4 9.41 and their grandchildren with
<If ever there was an epidem- when they go into the same situ-
ic in the hunting community, 9.4 7.93 ation,= she said. Turning the cor-
it9d be hearing loss,= begins for- ner on hearing loss is <going to
mer editor Sam Lungren in 7.03
take time,= she added, <but I can
MeatEater, an outlet that em- see it happening.=
braces hunting but not the cul-
7.2 4.1
ture wars that often go with it. the department of data craves
<When target practice is a way queries. What are you curious
of life, it9s easy to become blasé about: Who9s most likely to have
about earmuffs. When that buck Source: David Rein, Carolina Franco, Nicholas. Reed, Evan Herring-Nathan, Phoebe Lamuda, Katelin Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tinnitus? Where you are most likely
is about to get over the ridge, Alfaro Hudak, Wen Hu, Alex Hartzman, Karl White and John Wittenborn DEPARTMENT OF DATA / THE WASHINGTON POST to experience an earthquake? Do
jamming in ear plugs is the last immigrants seek out familiar
of our worries.= climates in their new homes? Just
That kind of heavy gun use ask at
ranked up there with diabetes, meaning they9d fired more than Republicans, according to the Republicans had guns at home, might honestly be the most de-
heavy smoking and prolonged 1,000 rounds, and nearly half long-running General Social compared with just 28 percent pressing fact we9ve learned in a If your question inspires a column,
exposure to very loud noise at said they were exposed to gun Survey from NORC (an organi- of Democrats. lifetime of data journalism 4 we we9ll send you an official
work as one of the most signifi- noise because of their hobby or zation that began as the Nation- So, is it possible that the par- do have a very good proxy: fire- Department of Data button and ID
cant risk factors for hearing loss job. al Opinion Research Center just tisan gap in hearing loss is actu- arm suicides. card. This week9s button goes to
in the 2011-2012 data. And it9s And gun ownership tilts heav- in time to measure U.S. attitudes ally a gun-ownership gap? To Most gun deaths in America Bonnielin Swenor, the Johns Hopkins
not a niche hobby. In 2011 and ily rightward. As recently as the toward entering World War II). know for sure, we9d have to map are suicides, and most suicides University disability data advocate
2012, 13 percent of U.S. adults early 1990s, Democrats were al- But a partisan divide has gun ownership, and we don9t in America involve guns. Aca- who put us in touch with the team
were heavy firearms users, most as likely to own guns as emerged. In 2022, 52 percent of have that data. But 4 and this demics have found gun suicide working on hearing loss.
sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee g5

technology & innovation

drenching my phone or touching
my ear buds.
I also always forget about
clothes in the dryer. Now, when, I
Chris Velazco tests the Apple Vision Pro. do a load of laundry, I can hang a
virtual timer in my hallway as a
visual reminder.
And on short afternoon work-
outs, I kept slack and my email
floating off to my side while
(slowly) riding a stationary bike.
By spinning a small dial (the
<Digital Crown=), I could replace
my apartment with a craggy
Hawaiian landscape, complete
with the sound of a lonely wind. I
didn9t even need to reach for
another device when someone
needed me; I just pulled the app Monique Woo/the Washington Post

window over with a pinch and Chris Velazco9s FaceTime

went to work. <Persona,= a virtual stand-in.
silly? Maybe 4 but now that
I9ve tried these things, I really digital eyes on the headset9s out-
want to keep doing them. er screen. Those <eyes= are pow-
ered by the Vision Pro9s still-in-
Work and play beta <Personas,= your virtual
In theory, the Vision Pro can stand-for FaceTime video calls or
be a portable, private office 4 Zoom meetings.
just strap in, arrange your work My traveling fiancée was hap-
apps, and get to it. py to cut our nightly FaceTime
I tried this for a few hours each calls short after seeing it.
day, and it9s definitely doable. It I was nearly ready to write my
helps to pair a Bluetooth key- Persona off until a friend with a
board and one of Apple9s track- Vision Pro FaceTimed me to
pads to the headset, since using catch up. The first half-hour of
the built-in virtual keyboard is a looking at his faux-face was un-
chore. nerving. But as the conversation
But to get work done fast, I had stretched into an hour, and then
to lean on the headset9s Virtual another, the weirdness had evap-
Desktop mode, which connects orated 4 it just felt as though I
to a nearby Mac and turns its was looking at my friend, not
screen into a virtual window you some weird facsimile. And he felt
can resize and stick where you the same way.
like. When I9m editing my photos You can, and probably will, get
or tediously formatting all those used to these things. The real
wedding-invite addresses, a big- question is how fast, and who
screen version of my computer may avoid you until they get used
surrounded by vast, virtual envi- to it, too.
ronments is tough to beat. Unfortunately, the Vision Pro
But even this comes with also has a sharing problem.
quirks. If you have an Apple A Guest User mode lets your
laptop, you just have to look at it friends see what the fuss is about,
4 a <Connect= button will appear but two out of three people I9ve
over the computer. But if you use tried it with struggled to get
something like a Mac Mini, or a through the setup process. (One

I lived inside closed MacBook hooked up to a

monitor, the Vision Pro may
struggle to find it. (As I sat down
to write this article, it took three
person put the headset on four
times before it even recognized it
wasn9t looking at me.)
And no support for multiple

a Vision Pro tries to get the Virtual Desktop

The headset9s super-sharp
screens also mean it9s wonderful
users means communal use at
home isn9t possible the way it is
with a Mac or iPad.
Thankfully, there9s at least one

for two weeks. for just watching things. I missed

<Oppenheimer= in Imax, but cu-
ing it up on a virtual screen as big
as my living room wasn9t a bad
way the Vision Pro can make you
feel more connected to others:
You can use it to view immersive
videos captured with an iPhone

Here9s what alternative. And the sound com-

ing from a set of lumplike speak-
ers was so good that I mostly left
my ear buds behind.
15 Pro, 15 Pro Max or another
Vision Pro. (Don9t worry: You can
watch them as normal 2D videos
on an iPhone.) They don9t always

it was like. You9ll also want to keep the

Vision Pro9s battery pack plugged
in during longer movies; I gener-
ally got between two and three
feel lifelike, but when scenes
were captured just right, I felt
present 4 and a little less alone
4 in moments and with people
hours of use from a single charge. who weren9t really there.
These are, arguably, what the
Vision Pro is best at right now. So, why bother?
Carolyn fong for the Washington Post The Vision Pro9s App store could You probably know you don9t
change that in time; for now, it9s a need this right now. It9s bulky,
BY C HRIS V ELAZCO in my case was pretty often 4 you Navigation: When you open were too close together. I9ve even funky blend of the practical (like expensive and very much a first-
IN sAN FRANCIsCO may wonder why you didn9t just an app, it just floats wherever flicked app windows someplace Microsoft9s Office apps), the gim- generation product. But it9s also a
use the gadgets you already have. you stick it in the world around else completely, because I didn9t micky (like <Day,= which lets you glimpse at a new way of living
ve fallen asleep watching To see what <spatial comput- you, even if you walk away. Bring realize my fingers were touching spin VR turntables) and the odd- with technology, one I think a lot

I9 movies on a Vision Pro, the

$3,499 face computer Apple
released this month.
ing= could really do for me, I
wore the Vision Pro every day for
two weeks. Here9s what you
an app close to you, and you can
interact with it the way you
would on an iPad.
before I moved my hand.
<Spatial= computing: If the
Vision Pro has one purpose, it9s to
yet-earnest (like <Xaia,= an im-
mersive AI therapy tool.)
A social experiment
of people could find helpful if
they get past some inherent
I watched virtual planes land should know. But you9ll also have to get used let you put the content and apps You might want to try it by
in Atlanta while listening to air to navigating with your eyes. For you want to use where you need People treat you a little differ- scheduling a demo at an Apple
traffic control, then edited a What it9s like to wear the apps you9re not right next to, you them. You can have nine or 10 ently when you9re wearing a store. Better to lose 25 minutes
spreadsheet of addresses for headset for hours can look right at them and put apps running before the headset Vision Pro. than thousands of dollars.
wedding invites. I examined a Comfort: I could wear the your thumb and index finger starts to struggle, and I9ve spent sure, you can see them almost After these two weeks, I9m sold
roast through the headset9s cam- 1.3-pound Vision Pro for four or together to select something. I9ve days trying apps in different normally through the headset9s on what the Vision Pro can do. I
eras, and ate it without stabbing five hours before my neck needed watched total novices figure it places to see what feels useful. cameras. I say <almost= because want to keep app windows
myself. a break, but I had to adjust the fit out instantly 4 but there9s still a surprisingly, those floating apps you9ll see that video feed blur a around me in just the right
Take it from me: Life inside often. (And, yes, taking it off is learning curve. were most helpful when dealing little while moving your head. places, shut out the world some-
this headset is equal parts mes- always a relief.) I never felt Frequently, I9ve looked at with daily drudgery. (Be careful walking over to them, times when I need some alone
merizing and messy. nauseous, and a colleague prone something I wanted to select and I hand-wash dishes a lot, and too, since the headset blocks your time, and pop back in when I9m
When you get into the groove, to motion sickness found the pinched my fingers, only for it9s supremely tedious. But it9s peripheral vision.) ready. But I9m not ready to wear a
using the Vision Pro can feel experience surprisingly bearable nothing to happen. I9ve <clicked= less so when I have a YouTube But assuming you9re looking hefty headset long-term to be
thrilling. But when things don9t 4 but she still started feeling on the wrong thing because el- video floating above my sink, one right at someone, they may be able to do these things, or shell
work the way you expect 4 which uneasy after 45 minutes. ements of an app or webpage that I can interact with without peering back at a set of hazy out at least $3,499 for it.

The Technology 202

Laws to keep children ob social media won9t work, FTC member says
BY C RISTIANO L IMA- S TRONG unlikely to work and may run ficult because of the technical Bedoya echoed those concerns, ployed deceptive designs to trick the ways companies are trying to
afoul of the Constitution. challenges companies face in ver- saying he has <a hard time seeing consumers. In addition, the agen- keep children hooked on their
As government officials in- <Meet a teenager, they will find ifying users9 ages, both camps how= laws to block teens from cy has proposed a plan to bar tech offerings through their product
creasingly scrutinize how digital a way to get around that,= Alvaro have argued. accessing social media <would giant Meta from monetizing chil- designs, he said.
platforms may harm children, a Bedoya, a Democratic member of Efforts to keep children off survive First Amendment scruti- dren9s data. One way to stop children from
growing number of states are the Federal Trade Commission, social media through <age- ny.= Bedoya is also a part of the spending an unwanted or poten-
proposing sweeping restrictions said during an interview at the gating= laws have also faced Bedoya has called children9s Biden administration9s task force tially harmful amount of time
to limit their access to social state of the Net conference in mounting legal setbacks, with online safety a top priority since on children9s online safety, which online, he said, is to limit how
media. D.C. <I can say clearly I do not several state measures halted in joining the FTC in 2022 and has is working to develop federal much companies can target them
That includes laws in Arkansas support that.= federal court. played a key role in the federal guidance for best practices com- with ads.
and Utah requiring that parents Tech industry groups and digi- NetChoice, a tech trade group government9s response to the is- panies can follow to protect kids. Bedoya said he supports legis-
sign off on their children9s access tal rights advocates have ex- challenging many of the laws, has sue. Bedoya largely declined to dis- lation banning ads targeted to
and a Florida proposal to ban pressed concern that to vet users9 argued that they violate the Con- since he joined the agency, the cuss ongoing enforcement ac- children, something lawmakers
those 16 and under from going on ages and keep teens off, digital stitution by blocking users from FTC has struck landmark settle- tions, but he said one key issue for on Capitol Hill have proposed.
such sites altogether. platforms will have to collect vast engaging in protected speech. ments with video game developer the agency is ensuring <kids and <It is a very compelling propos-
But a top federal enforcer ac- reams of information, raising The group counts Amazon, Epic Games 4 maker of the teens have to make the deliberate al to reduce the desire to keep
tive on children9s safety issues thorny privacy concerns. Google and Meta as members. Fortnite series, which is wildly decision to connect with other children online in perpetuity, and
said Monday that he opposes Furthermore, enforcing the (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns popular with children 4 over people= so that <it isn9t imposed targeted advertising is a key part
such limits, arguing that they are laws could prove exceedingly dif- The Washington Post.) allegations that the company de- on them.= Another is scrutinizing of that,= he said.

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S U N DAY, F E B RUA RY 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 " WA S H I N G T O N P O S T.C O M / J O B S

Covering career advice, recruitment trends and delivering the area9s newest jobs. We are D.C.9s #1 source for employment news.

Remote and hybrid trends in today9s workplace

By Greg Barnett
Four years ago, the world of work changed forever. progress from Q1 of 2022 to Q4 of 2023, the gap
Many companies were thrust into an unknown world widens signiûcantly, with a 44-point gap emerging
of communicating, collaborating and executing in a between mostly or fully remote employees versus those
remote world. who are mostly or fully on-site.
As time has passed, companies have grappled with In addition, the number of employees in a hybrid work
ûnding the right work mix for their needs. With 2023 situation remains stable. This suggests that the fully
behind us, now is a good time to evaluate current on-site to fully remote gap has increased because more
models to understand what9s happening across the companies are switching from fully remote to fully
broader workplace landscape. Examining Energage on-site rather than a hybrid arrangement. We also are
Workplace Survey data from more than 2 million slowly seeing companies move their employees into
employees at over 6,000 organizations in the last two a hybrid arrangement that involves more days on-site
years, our team uncovered some clear and undeniable than remote.
facts and trends. Global trends paint an intriguing picture, suggesting
that remote work is gradually losing its popularity, which
Companies continue to move away from remote-
is a trend many expect. The industry data captured by
oriented work. Our data shows that at the beginning of
the survey question about work location provides a
2022, there was an 18 percentage point gap between
better understanding of where on-site, hybrid and
employees working mostly remote and employees
remote structures are most popular.
working mostly on-site. While the gap seems sizable,
it9s important to remember that several industries, The short answer? There are no industries where fully
such as hospitality and retail, can9t offer remote work remote work is the predominant work arrangement.
options outside corporate support roles. But as we Instead, we see almost an even split where nine
industries are predominantly fully on-site, whereas eight
are predominantly hybrid. The distribution isn9t even
PRINT: close in some industries, such as education. Yet in When looking at the core statements of the Energage fully on-site ratings. Even though the ratings are still
Advice, events, and Jobs every Sunday. Workplace Survey, we found no areas where fully
others, such as life science, there are nearly equal higher for fully remote and hybrid workers, these will
ONLINE: Visit employees in fully on-site and hybrid work situations. on-site work environments are rated more highly than tend to be areas where leaders will express concern., hybrid or fully remote. Namely, remote employees are less connected to the
a leader in local jobs. Looking at organizations that took the Energage
Workplace Survey in 2023, the results show that fully What we did ûnd, however, are certain areas where the broader company mission (e.g., the meaningfulness),
Twitter: @washpostjobs remote and hybrid employees are signiûcantly more experience gap is bigger. Fully remote employee ratings not learning and growing as they should be, and their
engaged than fully on-site employees. This data partially are 14 percentage points more positive for work-life physical distance from others hurts execution efûciency.
reûects the nature of industries that don9t permit hybrid ûexibility and 10 percentage points higher on meeting
LinkedIn: quality, perceived open-mindedness, and feeling clued-in
work, such as education, where historically, employee Dr. Greg Barnett is chief people scientist at Energage, an
Instagram: @WashPostJobs engagement tends to be lower. However, when people about the information needed to do the job. employee survey ûrm that is The Washington Post9s survey have the ûexibility to work remotely, their engagement In contrast, aspects of effective execution, feelings that partner for Top Workplaces. The production of this section did
tends to increase. work has meaning, and formal training are closer to not involve the news or editorial staff of The Washington Post.

Staff Accountant (Dulles, VA) Bookkeeper: Falls Church, VA: Cleaner, Carpet 3 Northern VA Director, Data Sciences, Nanny needed for Tanisha ENGINEERING Helper-HS Dipl/Frgn Equiv Marketing Specialist - Assist Night Cashier: Receive Infinity Spa, LLC is in need of
Assist accounting manager to To keep financial records. Area - F/T, No exp req9d. Must Rockville, MD. May require to Evans (Fort Washington, MD). Gilbane Building Company reqd. Surf Prep snding fling & Vice President, Customer Ser- cash/checks or complete a Receptionist. Job location:
prepare quarter-end and year- Reconcile and balances have or be able to obtain a travel/telecommute. Oversee Care for children in pvt. home. has opening for Preconstruc- rmving paint. pntg. surf w/tls. vice & Sales Department to credit card charge transac- Reston, VA. Send resume to
end financial statements. account. Compile reports Driver9s License. Call Cardinal and implement analytical HS diploma or equiv. req. 24 tion Engineer in Arlington, VA. SFX & wood wrk. incl scaff evaluate effectiveness of co. tions. Make change, cash Infinity Spa, LLC 12120 Sunset
Record adjusting entries, accounts payable and receiv- Cleaning Solutions @ 703- solutions across the company mths exp. as nanny or child- Project manage purchasing, lftg 50lbs. & stnd 7-8hrs/day. mktg efforts & dvlp recom- checks, and issue receipts. Hills Rd., Ste. 105, Reston, VA
accruals, and deferrals. Main- able, profit and loss. Prepare 368-5668 and its various projects. CON- care worker req. Email to: estimating, scheduling & Trvl reqd, Multi Pos avail- mendations for increased mkt Read and record totals shown 20190. Attn: Phuong Nguyen.
tain the chart of accounts payrolls and checks. 2 yrs TACT: Lillie V. Huff-Suite, TISTA quality aspects of construc- $29598.00/yr. Mail CV- Reyes share. Position req bach deg on cash register, verify
of all the companies within experience; 40 hrs/wk; Edu- Cleaner - Northern VA Area Science and Technology tion projects. May telecom- Pro Painting@220 East Colo- & 6 mos exp. Job w/ Clear against cash on hand and pre-
the group. Analyze financial cation: High School; mail your - F/T, No exp req9d. Call Mr. mute. Email resume to Connection, Inc in Beltsville, pare reports. Endorse checks Regenerative Agriculture
Corp., Nanny needed for Chelsea nial Hwy. Hamilton, VA 20158. Manager to ensure accurate
information detailing assets, resume to United Care LLC, Barahona @ RK Custom Paint- Must use Job Code T3962- Maryann Daly, MD. Send resume & cvr ltr to and list and total cash and
ing: 703-975-6886 Kadak (Aldie, VA). Care for representation of German
liabilities, revenue, and 6066 Leesburg Pike, Ste 220C, 00022. EOE. children in pvt. home. HS TalentAcquisition@ HVAC Lead Installer jzuckerman@ checks for bank deposit. Post
expenses. Ensure the timely Falls Church, VA 22041 Attn: Ref. #58. data and balance accounts. themed farm, including a
Chinese Specialty Cooks Director of Medical diploma or equiv. req. 24 mths F.H. Furr Plumbing, Heating command of the German lan-
recording of the income from Mr. Humza exp. as nanny or childcare & Air Conditioning, Inc. seeks Min. rqmts: Verifiable refer-
sales and file the sales and Prepare & cook Chinese style Laser Systems Environmental Systems ences. Able to work overtime, guage and culture. Addition-
worker req. Email to: Research Institute, Inc. seeks HVAC Lead Installer in ally, will oversee German beer
use tax within the deadline. Boom Driver (mult pos)3 cuisine including hor d9oeu- Lead establishment of med- Rockville, Maryland. Requires Marketing Specialist needed including late nights, week-
Kamco Building Supply, vres, seafood, meat and ical laser dept. for home a User Interface Designer in brewing techniques. and
Bachelor9s degree or foreign 6 months of HVAC experi- to develop & execute restau- ends, and holidays. Non-
equivalent in Accounting, Alexandria 3 CDL, wiling to vegetable dishes. Req: 2 years health company. Oversee Vienna, VA to help pioneer the smoker on worksite. maintain farm structures.
ence, daily travel to client rant9s marketing infrastruc- Requires a certificate for
Finance or related field. 1 year work at heights on tall of exp. 40 hrs/wk. Resume to tech staff & QA. Manage Nanny-Peter Hennessy seeks field of mapping and spatial ture. Identify new customers, Resumes to Job Loc: CONVE-
analysis through design. sites within the same MSA, Regenerative Agriculture/
of relevant work experience. bldgs. Res., cov. let. to House of Dynasty,7550 Tele- safety & risks. Work with CEO Nanny in Washington, DC to and a valid driver9s license. 2 expand & maximize sales, & NIENCE MARKETING & SOLU-
1 year of experience must graph Rd. Alexandria, VA on sales. Req: 10+ yrs leader provide childcare to young Reqs. BS+1 yrs. exp. To apply, TIONS, INC, DBA NATIONAL Farming, a command of both
positions available. Resumes partner w/ & support local the German and English lan-
include Microsoft Excel, and 22315.ll exp. BA in Biology or Chem- children including teaching submit resume to Vinesh community to grow revenue. HARBOR SUNOCO/SUBWAY,
Bridal Tailor 3 Washington, DC Patel, 380 New York Street, to: guages. Submit resume and
QuickBooks or similar istry, or MA in Laser Science and performing age-appropri- Develop & manage creation 111 NORTH COVE TERRACE,
- F/T, 1yr exp in job offered. COOK. Frederick, MD. Prep pref. Member of Laser Med Redlands, CA 92373. If you interest to: Proper Peasant
accounting software. Mail
resume to Bokhara Carpet Call Ms. Stanis @ Carine9s Bri- trad'l Neapolitan pizzas Society. Exp. in training, mar-
ate activities, assisting chil-
dren in the development of have questions, you may con-
Healthcare - General of content & schedules for all
social media platforms (Face-
20745. ATTN: J. Troy.
Farm, LLC 2360 Millwood Pike
Palace, 22923 Quicksilver dal Atelier: 202-965-4696 accrdg to recipes. Ensure piz- keting, knowledge of indus- health and personal habits, tact Vinesh Patel at: Winchester, VA 22602
Child Psychiatrist book, Instagram, Twitter,
Dr.#107, Dulles, VA, 20166. zas meet stndrds of taste, try & mgmt. Resp: Supplier preparing nutritionally bal-
(Frederick, MD): Provide psy- etc.); Ensure website(s) are O JOBS
Apply: Eastland Food Corp., texture, & presentation. Over- mgmt, market research, anced meals for the children, REQ#: 2024-426. kept up-to-date w/ current Repair Technician
8305 Stayton Dr., Jessup, see oprn of wood-fired pizza training center setup, sales & and performing light house- chiatry services for children Office Clerk: Fairfax, VA; to
Premion seeks Data Archi- information including menus (Tysons Corner, VA) 3 Diag-
tects in Tysons, VA. Respon- MD 20794 oven, maint'g perfect temp marketing support, business keeping duties related to the Education & adolescents in outpatient
setting. Medical degree or for- & special events. Identity tar- apply email resume to JL Tree
nose, troubleshoot & repair
sible for architecting, build- Business Development for pizzas. Supervise prep'n dev., product innovation, children9s care. Room and get customers to expand Service, Inc. c/o John Lewett
Montessori Elementary Class- eign equiv; possess or eligible to mobile phones & tablets. Pro-
ing, and maintaining data Specialist: Research SE Asia of all pizza ingredients, guar- team training. Resumes to board without charge offered. room Guide: Lee Montessori catering unit to drive growth. vide recommendations for
pipelines that facilitate analy- food vendor mrkt & distribu- anteeing freshness & quality. Elias Hoxha, ehoxha@va-hcs. Rqs 3 months9 exp in the role for MD medical license; com-
PCS in Washington, DC. Prep Create loyalty program & problem resolution. Will use
sis and reporting. Apply @ tion systms & consum mrkts Offer excellent customer svc, com No calls/faxes. Address: offered. Must be willing to classroom curriculum &
pletion of residency program
respond to customer P JOBS
micro-soldering of very small in US; eval comp prdks & answering questions about 7010 Little River Tpk, Ste 400, work on short notice. Mail in Psychiatry & Fellowship in
materials, present lessons, Child & Adolescent Psychia- inquiries. Bachelor9s degree Personal Care Aide: Assist electronic components typi-
REF# 79427 price; assess sales mthds & menu & providing Annandale, VA 22003 CV to Peter Hennessy, Attn: organize classroom meetings, in Marketing, Communica- the elderly, convalescents, or cally found on a circuit board
custmr satisfaction; watch recomm'ns. Comply w/ Nanny, 3519 Lowell St NW, try; possession of or eligible
train staff members on the for Board cert in Psychiatry. tions or related field plus 1 persons with disabilities with of the devices. Reqs 2 yrs
Assistant (Alexandria, VA). sales for promo needs; Asst health & safety regs, maint Director, Product Develop- Washington, DC 20016. Montessori method, commu- year of relevant experience. daily living activities in the exp in the job duties. Fans
mrkting & biz strategies; pro- clean & organized kitchen. Apply to emily.patrick@
Support staff members for ment & Performance Analyt- nicate w/ parents/guardians, Sheppard Send resume to Walid Bous- private home. 40hr/wk. Mail Wireless, Inc, 668 Main St, Ste
salon customers. Resp for all vide biz plans & devlpmnt Req. High School Diploma. ics (Arlington, VA 3 Tlcmmt9ng E JOBS conduct progress monitoring Pratt Physicians, P.A. tany, 6850 Piedmont Center resume to Blake Thomas at 10, Wilmington, MA 01887.
inventory mgmt of products, reprts. M-F; FT. MBA or MS Cert in Neapolitan pizza mak- Prmssbl)(Mult pos). Ld strtgy & benchmark assessments, & Plaza, Gainesville, Virginia 208 Ashcroft Ct. Ashton, MD
eqpmt, supplies, retail items, Mrkting. Sig knwldg in biz ana- ing. $30,000/yr. Send resume & intllgnc engns for prctce- Electrician: Install wiring, prep student reports. Req'd: 20155 or via email: 20861
employee scheduling, vaca- lytics req. to: Bottling Plant Pizza LLC, fc9ng IT pltfrm to drv physcn DENTAL-Elite Dental Group Reporter I for National Public
electrical fixtures, apparatus Bach deg in Education, 1 yr Radio, Inc. in Washington, DC
tion & other benefits tracking, Management Analysts: Col- 1705 N Market St Ste 100, ntwrk prfrmnc. Dsgn pltfrm9s & control equip. Plan new exp as an elementary school LLC seeks Dental Associate in No phone calls. EOE.
maintenance of applicable lect & rev biz data in Asian Frederick, MD 21701. undrly9ng lgc, strctr, & cnfgrtn. Rockville, MD to treat patients President & Chief Strategy to work with members of the
or modified installations to teacher/Montessori elemen- Officer, Brandywine, MD: disinformation team, other
licenses. Send application to food mrkt; Analyze mgmt Req. Mstr9s deg or frgn eqvlnt minimize waste of material, tary guide, AMI (American & provide dental services.
Salon Kate & Spa, Inc., 826 mthds & econ models; Solve Cook Helpers, Fore Specialty: Qnttatv Mngmnt, Bsnss Resume: 801 Pleasant Dr. Ste. Structure, establish and lead members of the NPR news-
provide access to future Montessori Institute) or AMS Mkt research analyst: cohesive high-performance room and public media jour-
N. Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA mgmt problms; Improve Assist in prep & cook9g of Anlytcs, or a rltd fld & 1 yr maintenance, & avoid (American Montessori Soci- 160, Rockville, MD 20850 research local, national area
22314. mgmt efficiency; Eval org South Asian style dishes for of exp in jb offrd or in a multi-ethnic C-suite/Execu- nalists at Member Stations to
unsightly, hazardous & unre- ety) Elementary (6-12) for sales of eservices, gather, tive team across multiple deepen our reporting on dis-
strcture, mgmt & superv a 24x7 restaurant. Mul pos pstn us9ng dta anlytcs to evlte liable wiring. Prepare sketch- teacher diploma. Resume to: MEDICAL ASSISTANT. Per- analyze info on food & similar
Assistant Manager (night mthds, cost analysis & inven- avail. No exp req. Req to work hlthcr-rltd prdcts. Must9ve time zones and cultures. Cre- information. Requires: Bach-
es showing location of wiring Lee Montessori PCS, Attn: form administrative & certain industries for e-products cre- ate distinct strategic direction elor9s (or higher) degree in
shift): Assist Manager and tory cntrl, transpo & delivery, on mult shifts incl wkds, hol, relvt work exp. Apply res/cvr & equip. Measure, cut, bend, #223102, 3025 4th St NE, clinical duties, under the ation & mkting. FT. Req:
coordinate employees, warehouse ops. Train staff in & ngts. FT. Kabob Palace Ltd let to Evolent Health, LLC., for each brand of a multi ban- Journalism or related field
thread, assemble, & install Washington, DC 20017 direction of a physician. Inter- MBA/MS/eqv in Busi. w/ 6m ner home furnishings retail (willing to accept foreign edu-
respond to inquiries and new ops methds. M-F; FT. BS 2315 S Eads St Arlington VA Ref#: WL2024, human electrical conduit. Splice views patients, measures exp. Job in Rockville MD. organization to drive signifi- cation equivalent) plus 4
ensure good customer ser- in Mgmt, Econ, or BA. Sig 22202. ATTN: M. Akbar. wires by stripping insulation F JOBS vital signs, such as pulse rate, Resume to Peblla HR, 11820 cant network expansion both years of experience in jour-
vice. Manage inventory, cash knwldg in mrktg mgmt & stats Must have unrestricted from terminal leads. Connect temperature, blood pressure, Parklawn Dr. Ste 330,
control and process transac- Cook 3 Prepare, season, and employment authorization Finance: MC Serviceco, LLC domestically and internation- nalism or, alternatively, a
wiring to lighting fixtures & DBA MidCap Financial, LLC weight, and height, & records Rockville MD 20852. ally. Frequent domestic and Master9s degree plus 2 years
tions. Must be available 11PM Business Analyst cook foods according to in the U.S. No calls. EOE power equip. Install control & information on patient9s
to 7AM shift, including week- (2 positions): financial data recipes; Associate9s Degree in seeks Loan Operations Man- international travel required. of experience. Position
distribution apparatus. Con- ager in Bethesda, MD to charts. Drapes patients with Requires a Master9s degree or requires to travel domestical-
ends. Apply by mail: Rosecroft research and analysis. Mas- Culinary Arts req.; 40hr/wk in Dir, Global Assurance:provide nect power cables to equip covering & positions instru-
advice on risk manag't,inter- ensure Commercial Loans are Molina Technologies, LLC. foreign equivalent degree in ly to 10% of time. Telecom-
Mobil, 6100 Oxon Hill Road, ter9s degree in Finance/Biz Annandale, VA. Mail resume & install grounding leads. Test ments & equipment. Inven- (Herndon, VA & var unantic-
Oxon Hill, MD 20746. Analytics/Econ/Applied to CMC Annandale, Inc. t/a 92 nal controls sys & impact ops; accurately & efficiently Business Administration plus mute Benefit: Telecommut-
continuity of circuit to ensure entered onto ACBS Servicing tories & orders medical sup- ipated locs throughout U.S.) 8 years of experience as a ing is permitted. Submit
Math/ quant rel. CV to Chicken, 7133 Columbia Pike, plan & conduct fin & compli- electrical compatibility & plies & material. Operates X-
ance audits to eval effective- platform and in compliance seeks multiple Software Business Executive (C- resume to National Public
Associate, U.S. Real Estate; Suite B, Annandale, VA 22003 safety of components. ray, electrocardiograph (EKG), Developers to anlyz user
NovaGigs, Inc. (McLean, VA) ness;perf annual risk assess; with legal contract govern by Suite/President). 5 years of Radio, Inc., Stuart Harding,
Transactions (The Carlyle Observe functioning of Credit Agreements. Req: & other equipment to admin- reqmts., design, develop, test experience in the furniture 1111 North Capitol Street,
Group Employee Co. LLC Cook9s helper: Chantilly, VA; dev audit strategies;comp installed equip. or system to ister routine diagnostic test or
Business Operations Special- O.T. Req9d; to apply email audits w/in audit plan & bud- Bachelors in Business, & deploy var client-servers, industry at the executive NE, Washington, District of
3Washington, DC); Mult. pos. detect hazards & need for Accounting, Finance, or rltd call medial facility or depart- web based s/ware applica- level. 5 years of experience Columbia 20002. Reference
avail. Analyze and execute ist at Nedia. Req. bachelor9s resume to Airline Plaza Pizza, get;dev & eval policies & proc adjustments, relocation or ment to schedule patients for
in project management, orga- LLC c/o John Qreitem to for global assurance ops. Min field & 3 yrs exp in job offered tions. Reqmts.: MS or For- with wholesale distribution at Position Number: 077692-
invstmt opps in acqstn of real replacement. $70,678.00 p/y, or rltd role in Commercial tests. Gives injections or eign equiv. in Comp. Sc./IT, the executive level. 5 years 000095.
estate. Perf extensive fin nizational leadership, or relat- reqts:Bachelor's Bus Admin, FT, 2yrs exp, Job in Silver treatment, & performs rou-
ed; & 6 months of exp. in Acctg, Finance or rel field or Loan Banking or financial rltd Engg./Math/Science/ MBA w/ of experience in Middle
modeling for single asset Spring, MD fax resume to services. Must have gained tine laboratory tests Keeps Comp. Sci. as major or East/North African market. 5 S JOBS
deals and portfolios, incl sce- job offered or in the role of Cooks, Thai Style: Cook & for equiv plus 5 yrs rel Amorim Construction Corp. X- ray and other medical
business operations special- prep var Thai style cuisine exp.Telecommuting Benefit: the following: analytical skills, minor/or rltd. + 1 yr. of rel- years of experience with new
nario and sensitivity analysis, c/o Mr.Amorim (301)598-6791 such as fundamental Com- records. H.S. Diploma, 2 yrs. evant IT exp. in job offered market expansion and devel-
dev of sources and uses, disc ist, or in mgt. or ops. relat- dishes, etc. Mult pos avail. Nat'l Telecommuting position Exp. 40 hrs./wk. 9:00 a.m. NATIONAL RESTAURANT
ed job. Work loc9n: Ashburn, 1yr exp as cook or rel jobs allows employee to reside mercial Loan Servicing & with or rltd. occup. using Java, opment, both domestically EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY locat-
cash flows, promoted and lending/payment systems to 5:00 p.m. Verifiable refer- Microsoft SQL Server, .Net, and internationally. Verbal flu-
carried interests, and debt VA 20147 & other unanticipat- req. FT. Mail resumes to: SP anywhere in US & perform Senior Consultant, Struc- ed in Laurel, MD, needs a
tural Engineer 3 (Herndon, such as ACBS, Loan IQ, or ences. Decena Home Health Salesforce (or BS or foreign ency in Turkish. Background
and/or pref equity fin struc- ed locations throughout US, Stonebridge Inc 15200 work exclusively from work- Care LLC. Job in Herndon, VA. Sales Manager. Duties are
travels required. Resume to Potomac Town Pl #110 Wood- VA) WSP USA: Plan, sched WSO; Commercial loans prac- equiv. in Comp. Sci/IT/Engg/ and Drug Test required. Send plan, direct, and coordinate
tures. F/T. Apply w/ resume to er's home. Send res & cvr: Send resume to: Math/Science/BBA w/ Comp.
HR, Nedia, 44675 Cape Court, bridge VA 22191. IJM,PO Box 2227, Arlington VA & perfrm bridge inspectns in tice & procedures along with res to: Regency Management products9 distribution; over- Ref. Job ID: accounting principles & legal Sci. as major or minor or rltd. Services LLC at: qhubbard@
7391164 Ste 120, Ashburn, VA 20147 22202.No calls or emails.EOE. accrdnc w/the reqs of specifc see sales and promotions;
or email Cost Estimator (King George, Bridge Owners. Reqs: Bach interpretation; (iii) data min- + 5 yrs of relevant IT exp. direct sales distribution; plan,
VA) Req. Bachelor9s Degree in deg (or frgn equiv) in Civil ing protocols & generating & I JOBS in job offered or rltd. occup.
Dry Cleaner Presser 3 Hay- direct and train new sales
Attorney, senior level, Weil, Bussers Architecture or foreign equiv. market, VA - F/T, No exp req9d. Engineering or relatd; 5 yrs of disseminating reports; & con- using same IT skills listed Project Assistant (Fairfax, VA) representatives; prepare bud-
Gotshal & Manges LLP, Wash- + 24 months of exp. in the job exp as a Structural Engineer ducting quality performance Instructional Assistant - sup- above. Positions involve trav-
Assist servers to facilitate Call Ms. Yang @ VIP Expert port faculty; high school or Assist projects mgmt. Build gets; approve expenses;
ington D.C. - Represent com- food service. Set tables, offered. Verifiable references. Cleaners: 703-753-6911 or a rel pos. 10% trvl to projct tracking, process auditing, & el to client locs all over USA. customer relations & review determine inventory require-
panies before the US antitrust Send resumes to CCE Spe- sites req'd. Email resumes to: reporting of processes. equiv req'd; 40 hrs/wk; Ivy Send resume to HR Manager
remove dirty dishes, & clean College Inc, Vienna, VA; for extras & change orders ments, and customer prefer-
agencies & advising clients in tables. Bring food to cus- cialties, LLC, 11130 Dennis W Domestic Attn: Julia Savaneli, julia. Telecommuting/working from
3 Molina Technologies, LLC,
13800 Coppermine Rd, 1st Fl,
needed. Determine neces- ences; solve complaints and
antitrust matters, incl merg- tomers9 tables. Serve water. Kerns Pkwy, King George, VA #2377 home is permissible. Salary: sary docs for billing & verify address concerns to meet
ers, cartel, monopolization & Childrcare Worker - Care for $150,134/yr. Herndon, VA 20171 or Email:
Replenish supply of silver- 22485. Attn: Vivan Christman. physical/emotional nds of 6 for accuracy. Perform admin- customer satisfaction; set
compliance before the FTC, ware, glasses & dishes. Req. Email resumes to careers@ Inventory istrative works incl corre- sales quotas and goals; over-
wks infants to 5 yrs old chil- Environmental Systems
DOJ, the European Commis- Able to work evenings & Customer Service Specialist:; Quality Control Warehouse spondence, arranging confer- sees and direct sales team.
sion, & other foreign antitrust wknds. To apply, email give info, interact w/custm.
dren. Observe/monitor activ- Research Institute, Inc. seeks
Job Ref 101. Managers in Hyattsville, MD
ence calls & sched'g meet- Candidate requires two years
ities at meals, play & nap a Product Engineer in Vienna,
authorities. Min Req: Juris process orders, keep records VA to write data science and to coordinate warehouse ops; ings. Reqd Assoc deg. 40 experience as manager or
Doctor or LL.M. or foreign for safety; entertain/engage Food Service Supervisor
Akeno Sushi Bar, LLC dba/ + rel. duties. HS/GED. Send children in special interaction, machine learning samples standardize ops/storage/prep Nanny (West Springfield, VA). hrs/wk. Forward resume tran- supervisor in any capacity.
equiv + 4 yrs exp in US Akeno Sushi Bar & Thai cl/resume Gulati Insurance Supervise food prep&service. procedures; work w/ sr. mgt FT. Care for at least 3 children scripts & diploma w/ cover Experience in customer rela-
teach self-conf., imagination, using ArcGIS and open source Ensure quality, safety,presen-
antitrust attorney/lawyer Restaurant 6550 Little River Agency, LLC, Attn: Mr. Gulati, ecosystem. Can work to create sys to opt efficiency (under 9). Prepare/plan letter to Solid Construction, tionship, managing and
positions. 4 yrs experience exploration & creatvity. tation. Manage staff, hir-
Tpk, Alexandria, VA at 7420 Alban Station Blvd., Arrange educ. setting, ensure remotely. Reqs. BS+1 yrs. exp. of warehouse & elim meals. Perform housekeeping Inc., 10803 Main St., Ste 600, directing a team is preferred.
negotiating US antitrust law Ste B-224, Springfield, VA ing&training, manage inven- lost/damaged goods. Req rltd to children's care. Provide Fairfax, VA 22030. Must have bachelor9s or as-
safety. Org/execute develop- To apply, submit resume to tory. Coordinate w/ mgmt for
issues in matters valued over C JOBS 22150 mentally appropriate actvs. & Vinesh Patel, 380 New York Exp. Salary: $80,163/yr. Send basic first aid. Provide instruc- sociate degree in Economics,
US$ 500 Million; understand- efficiency. Req: HS + 12mo resumés to Spike, Inc. d/b/a tion &amp; transport as need- Administration, Manage-
Carpentry-Field Worker (2 projects, based on curricu- Street, Redlands, CA 92373. Project Engr (mult openings/
ing the impact of US antitrust
openings) 3 Baltimore Co.,
lum/goals; meet w/parents/ If you have questions, you
1st-Line Supervisor exp. Mon- Olympia Moving & Storage, ed. Req: HS Dipl., GED or for- work in Washington, DC) per- ment, or Marketing. Knowl-
law on commercial interests Fri, 8-5, $47.5k p/y. Mail 2 17 Bridge St, Watertown, MA eign equiv w/ 1 yr exp. as edge and practice with Excel,
MD; Henrico, Chesterfield & ComScore, Inc. seeks DevOps staff to report children's may contact Vinesh Patel at: refs&cover to Ege Yildirim to form engineering duties in
(issues of cartelization, 02472 (Attn: A. Dorsey) Nanny, Au Pair, Childcare planning, designing and over- AutoQuotes, and POS pro-
monopolization, & compli- Hanover Cos. in VA - F/T, No Engineer II in Reston, VA to progress/behavior. 12 mos. worksite: GMB Food Services
exp req9d. Out of town travel work w/ dev teams to design, exp. as teacher of young chil- REQ#: 2024-423. Worker or any rtld position; seeing construction in the grams. Must be able to work
ance); dvlpg effective strate- LLC, 4483 Connecticut Ave. L JOBS 1 yr exp taking care of more weekends and holidays. Must
& OT req9d. Call Mr. Stevens @ implement, & deploy new dren/care provider. Verif. refs. NW, DC 20008. home building process. Reqs
gies enabling achievement of than 2 children; U.S. driver9s Master + 12 mos relev exp. provide own transportation to
commercial objectives while Heil Builders; 410-355-1014 subsystems. 100% telecom- Non-smkr on site. Avail for HARDWARE ENGINEER,
mute permitted w/in U.S. O.T. Send resume to: C. Meyer, Laborer 3 Carpentry 3 North- license w/ clean driving Reqd exp must include 12 place of business, this may
remaining in compliance w/ Paeonian Springs,VA. Design Foreman. Prepare plans, ern VA Area - F/T, No exp include traveling to cus-
Apply Exec. Dir., Rockspring Chil- schedule & ensure all gas sta- record; First Aid/CPR certified mos using AutoCAD. Will
US antitrust statutes as well Cashier, Night Shift - Greet new and improve existing req9d. Call Mr. Bonilla @ Air (any type of cert. OK). Must be accept foreign educ equiv of tomer9s locations. No smok-
as antitrust agency prece- customers, attend to pur- Ref #41917 dren's Ctr, 6555 Rockspring products; create prototypes; tion attendants & cashiers
Dr, Bethesda, MD 20817. Tech Solutions: 540-288-0950 available to work weekends reqd degree. Send resume to: ing on the job. Job sites in
dent; & drafting, negotiating, chase nds, concerns & prov. create drawings, technical adhere to store policies & Laurel, MD. Schedule M-F
procedures. Coord. activities and evenings. Send Resume Szan Construction, L.L.C.,
& reviewing the impact of US info on products loc. process Dieter Pluntke Decorating Inc. specifications, ICDs and tech- to: Christopher Scheider, 1300 I Street Northwest, Ste 8:00am/5:00pm. To apply
antitrust law on agreement cash, credit/debit card pymnt is hiring a Decorative Artist. Housekeeper - cooking, nical documentation, 3D of staff. control inventory & Landscape Designer: MS in contact Fariba Tavakoli send-
order as per req'd. Verif. refs. 400E, Washington, DC 20005
terms in transactions valued & issue receipt. Stock & fill Job duties include painting, hsekping, grocery shopping, models and visualizations; landscape arch/urban design ing resumé, cover letter, and
over US$ 500 Million. Must be shelves & cooler as needed. coating and decorating a vari- house organ., taking care of create programs for CNC Able to work OT incldn'g references, only by email at
wkends & holidays. Non-Smkr related. 1 yr expr. in land-
an attorney in good standing Operate cash register & mon- ety of articles, art restoration children & seniors. 24 mnths machines; optimize produc- scape designing. Expertise in Protiviti Inc. in McLean, VA:, stat-
before the District of Colum- itor clients' gas purchase. and decorative finishers, exp. in job offer or related. tion processes to reduce on job site. Submit resume
to: S. Ashraf "Faateh Inc" - landscape theory, topography Sr Manager, TC-Security & Pri- ing <Sales Manager= in the
bia Bar. Must be available to Reconcile sales report to cleaning and maintaining knowledge of or exper. in costs and distribute the load & structure, plant tech, pro- vacy to partner w/ clts to subject of the message.
work overtime & on week- ownr. H.S. req'd. Non-smkr tools and equipment, reading coooking Indian foods & in on production dept. Send CV Errols Gas. 1825 Univ. Blvd., E.
Hyattsville, md 20783. ficiency in software tools - Find solve complex biz problems.
ends as needed to meet the
demands of the complex
in premises, willing to work
wkends, holidays, & O.T.
job orders and inspecting
workpieces. The employee
Verif. refs, able to work OT
AutoCAD, InDesign, LandFX,
Illustrator & Hands Graphics.
the right job Partial telecommuting per-
mitted. Domestic travel to Senior Tax Specialists - Reqs
antitrust matters in which
Weil represents its clients in
Schedule: Fri. Sat, Sun. &
Mon. 11pm to 7 am. Submit
will work throughout the DMV
area and managing time
incl. wknds & holidays. Non-
smkr on jobsite. Submit
Foreman 3 Washington Metro
Area ( VA, MD & DC) - F/T,
Strong communication, tech-
nical & org. skills. Resume
for you. client sites may
required, as needed. To
be relevnt Bach deg, exper, CPA.
Benefits incld telecomutg.
several different time zones.
Send CV to O. Smith WEIL,
resume to: Z. Khan, Kings
Park Auto Care Inc., Kings
across multiple projects is a
requirement. To apply email
resume to: S.K. Saraff, 12963
Gold Meadow Ct., Fairfax, VA
Find a job. 1yr exp in job offered or 1yr
exp in a related position. Call
to: , LSG apply, send resume with ref- Resume to The Wolf Group,
Fairfax, VA, joinus@
Landscape Architecture Inc. erences specifying Req#JR-
2001 M Street NW, Ste. 600, Park EXXON, 5239 Rolling Rd., resume to Charles.scheider@ 22033 or email FHR Contractor LLC: 703-220- 8260 Greensboro Dr. Suite The local expert on local jobs 252384 to globalmobility@ Ref
Washington, DC 20036 Springfield, VA 22151. 9645 325 McLean, VA 22102 EOE. "STS2".
S JOBS Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Shift Supervisor: Chantilly, VA; Automation Engineer: Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Cybersecurity Engineer Director of Strategic Navy Federal Credit Union has Machine Learning /Soft- Senior Database Engineer @ Software Engineer: Design, TECHNOLOGY
O.T. Req9d; to apply email Design, dev, doc & debug auto gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Visa Technology & Operations Accounts 3 Reston, VA F/T permanent opening for ware Developer: BS in com- Mastercard International deploy, config, create & MicroStrategy Inc. seeks Prin-
resume to Airline Plaza Pizza, sys. Gather requirements, Software Developer in Fair- LLC, a Visa Inc. company, cur- Seeking BS in Business ISD Engineer IV pos. to design, puter related. 6 months train- Incorporated (Arlington, VA) implement cloud-based IaaS, cipal Cloud Product Specialist
LLC c/o John Qreitem to create mech models & test fax, VA (& various unanticipat- rently has an opening for Admin. or related and 5 yrs. develop IAM/RBAC solutions. ing/internship in software F/T. Prfrm systms maintnnc, PaaS & SaaS sols & hybrid- in Tysons Corner, VA: Take prototypes, fabricate, & ed locations throughout US) Cybersecurity Engineer account manager/IT technical Reqs: Bach/equiv in CS/Info dev. Expertise in software anlysis, prfrmnc tuning & cloud infrastructure; maintain ownership of cross-team
assemble sys. Ensure code to research, design, develop, (REF68797M) (multiple open- recruiter exp. req9d. Position Sys/IT/Comp Engg/rltd/+ 5 yrs engr, Data science & visu- systms admnstrtion. Prfrm & troubleshooting servers issues & Cloud service issues.
SHIPPING CLERK, LEVEL 1. reuse, deploy, config & doc &/or modify enterprise-wide ings) in Ashburn, VA. Job reports to headquarters in exp in Identity and Access alization, computational lin- daily systm health chcks & using: Weblogic, Web Focus, Telecommuting an option.
Assist customers with ship- full SDLC. Resp final dev & systems &/or apps software. duties include: Responsible Reston, VA; may telecom- Management domain or in guistics, computer vision, mnthly prfrmnc metrics to Golden Gate, AppDynamics Some travel to MicroStrategy,
ping parcels, boxes & mailing integration sys w/ 3D Job req Bach in Comp Sci, for the development and mute. Mail CV to Attn: HR/Job lieu Master9s/equiv + 3 yrs machine learning, data struc- publish rprts. Reqs a Bchlr's Requires Masters Info Sys Inc.9s Tysons Corner, VA office
items. Verify mailing address, CAD/SolidWorks & COMSOL. Eng9g, IT, or a rel field & 5 implementation of the Cyber #0209, eSolutionsFirst, LLC, exp. Job Loc9n: Vienna, VA. tures & algorithms. Tech. dgree, or frgn eqvlnt in Engn- Technologies + 6 months exp. required. Req9s: 5 yrs. exp.
weight items, provide cost, Requires:Master9s in Engi- yrs in any job title involving IT Security Engineering pro- 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. #100, Full time telecommuting per- skills in AngularJS, JAVA rng, Cmptr Scnc or rltd field & Prof: Weblogic, Web Focus, Submit resume w/ ref. to:
affix labels & collect payment. neering + 2 months exp. Prof: experience with SDLC. Must gram. Manage state of the art Reston, VA 20191. mitted. Mail Cvr Ltr & CV Spring, Python, PHP, MVC & 5 yrs of exp in the job offrd, Golden Gate, AppDynamics. Req.# 15-4922 at: ATTN: Jen-
Scan, bind, print, fax & 3D CAD/SolidWorks and be willing to relocate to vari- detection tools and ensure :Venkatesh Kawthale 820 SonarQube. Travel/Reloc. or as an Anlyst, Engnr, or rltd. Mail resumes to: Axle Infor- nifer Frias, MicroStrategy,
process passport renewal. COMSOL. Mail resumes to ous unanticipated work loca- integrity and completeness of Eng 3, SW Dev & Engin Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA Resumes to: Biswas Informa- Qlfyng exp must include at matics, 6116 Executive Blvd, Inc., 1850 Towers Crescent
Order materials, supplies & AXLE INFO 6116 Executive tions throughout US. All offers the data they analyze. The Comcast Cable Comm, LLC, 22180 or email openpositions tion Technology Solutions, least 1 yr with ech of the Suite 400, N. Bethesda, MD Plaza, Tysons Corner, VA
equipment. H.S. REQ'D. Verifi- Blvd, Suite 400, N.Bethesda, of emp are contingent upon estimated salary range for a Washington, DC. Dsgn & dev Must use 171 Elden Street, Suite 2CI, fllwng: Oracle RDMBS; Oracle 2062 22182 or at
able refes. able to work over- MD 20852 successful comp of a back- new hire into this position new sw & web apps use Ter- Ref# "ISD Engineer IV Ref # Herndon, VA 20170 email: Application Server; WebLogic; onlinejobpostings@
time including late nights, ground check, which may is $130,100.00 USD to raform, Grafana, Linux, & 240002" JVM Tuning; SQL; PL/SQL; Ora- Software Engineer: full life-
weekends & holidays. Non- also incl drug screen depend- $208,300.00 USD. Salary may GitHub; Reqs: Bach in CS, cle EBS; Linux; Developing cycle software development. MicroStrategy is an Equal
smoker on worksite. Mail or ing on work assignment. vary depending on job-related Engin or rltd; 2 yrs exp dev IT Professionals Network Security Engineer scripts. Rate of pay: Opportunity & Affirmative
for Ashburn Consulting, LLC Bachelor9s degree in CS/Data
email resume to: A. Elnaggar Email resume to recruiting@ factors which may include sw use Terraform, Grafana, (Tysons, VA): Business Ana- $134,875.00 - 181,000.00 / Sci/IT rel, 2 yrs. work exp. Action Employer. Education,
at Ing. & Elnaggar LLC-Parcel & ref job code knowledge, skills, experience, Linux, & GitHub; wrk w/ fol- lysts, Business Systems Ana- to report to our Leesburg, year. Emplyr will accpt any experience & criminal back-
Application Developer VA HQ loc. but working at CV to;
Plus-1390 Chain Bridge Rd., 1216. and location. In addition, this low AWS-based rsrcs: EC2, lysts, Software Engineers. suitbl combo of edu, training, NovaGigs, Inc. (McLean, VA) ground checks will be con-
McLean, VA 22101 Computer Packages, Inc. position may be eligible for an S3, Dynamo DB, Route 53, Mult positions. Various work- multiple unanticipated loca- or exp. Telecommuting and/or ducted. seeks Application Developers Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- annual bonus and equity. Visa & API Gateway; create CI/CD sites. May travel to unantici- tions in USA. Troubleshoot working from home may be
in Rockville, MD to develop network solutions to support permissible pursuant to com- Sr. Software Developer TECHNOLOGY
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks has a comprehensive benefits pipelines use Jenkins; prvisng pated client sites nationally.
and build proprietary digital Send resume to CloudWave client9s communications pany policies. Send resume to Degree in comp/engr. MS MicroStrategy Services Cor-
Software Quality Assurance package for which this posi- infrstrctr use Ansible; deploy (3YRS) or BS (5YRS) expr. in
Stockers (mult pos) 3 Kamco, solutions and applications for tion is eligible that includes Inc., Attn: HRGC, 1775 Tysons needs. Teamwork to support Kelsie Brough, poration seeks Cloud Sys-
Alexandria VA 3 Move bldg. Analyst in Fairfax, VA to per- Docker apps; run apps in software dev. Expr. in SDLC,
patent litigation and intellec- form installations & run qual- Medical, Dental, Vision, orchstrtd pltfrms incl Docker Blvd, Flr 5th, Tysons, VA ops & ensure no impact to Kelsie.Brough@ tems Manager in Tysons Cor-
materials from storage to tual property software. Code, 22102. services to enterprise net-, 2200 Mas- C#, .Net Framework, ASP.Net ner, VA: Manage team of engi-
ity assurance programs to 401(k), Employee Stock Pur- Swarm; create alert rules use MVC, SharePoint, SSIS/SSRS,
trucks, unload at const. test, debug, document, and chase Program, FSH/HSA, Life work. Work with all relevant tercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO neers & oversee activities
sites 3 Res., cov. Let. To test, identify, reproduce, & Prometheus; instll & maintn WEB API, WCF, Rest, Azure,
implements applications. Insurance, Paid Time off and ELK sw; & write ELK queries IT Professionals (Ashburn, VA) tools on implementation of 63368. Reference MC5-2024. associated w/ providing tech. report defects in s/w. Job Software Quality Assurance Agile/Scrum, Selenium/
Analyze technical require- req Bach deg in Comp Sci, Wellness Programs. Position to obtain stats from app logs. Firewalls, remote access VPN services to customers.
ments and implement Engineers, Software Develop- solutions, & cloud security Coded UI. Travel/Reloc. Send Telecommuting an option.
Engg, Veterinary Sci, Chem- reports to the employer9s Apply to: Job_Candidates@ Senior Engineer Consultant Resumes to H.R., NEEVSYS
Store Manager in Kensington, improvements for client appli- Ashburn, VA office and may Ref Job ID# ers, Software Engineers, (sec). Network switching/ Req9s: BS (or equiv.) +2 yrs.
istry, Biology, or a rel field & Application Developers, Busi- needed by Verizon in Ash- INC, 10005 Oakton Crossing
MD. Provide customer service cation systems. Convert 5 yrs in any job title involving allow for partial telecommut- 2049 routing & configure network burn, VA (hybrid role, may exp. Submit resume w/ ref.
by assisting customers of the application systems with dif- ness Systems Analysts, Sr. devices. Communicate & sup- Ct, Oakton, VA 22124. email: to: Req.# 22-106106 at: ATTN:
s/w test plans, test case ing. Contact: Qualified appli- work from home) to develop
Sri Lankan grocery store & ferent data sources while con- cants should apply online at Database Administrators, IT port sec policy, deployment, Jennifer Frias, MicroStrategy,
design, & test scripts. Full- SDM Engineer Project Managers, Database code and work as a full stack
responding to customer temporaneously performing time telework permitted. All (Multiple Openings) sought & support needs. Teamwork developer with technologies Inc., 1850 Towers Crescent
inquiries & complaints; direct data analysis, data mapping, careers.html by searching job Analysts, Software Applica- to manage sec of enterprise Statistical Data Analyst Plaza, Tysons Corner, VA
offers of emp are contingent by Global Technology Asso- tion Engineers. Multiple Posi- including micro services
& supervise employees; and conversion testing. #: REF68797M. ciates, LLC in Reston, VA. Freq network & enforce policies by, Inc. seeks a Sta- 22182 or at
upon successful comp of a tions. Various worksites. May frameworks, cloud technolo- tistical Data Analyst in
examine grocery merchan- Requirements: Bachelor's background check, which travel to unantic loc throu U.S. update & config. sec devices. gies including AWS RDS and onlinejobpostings@
dise; review inventory & sales degree in Computer Science, travel to unanticipated client Communicate complex sec Rockville, MD to combine a
may incl drug screen depend- Data Analysts-CoStar Realty BS in Eltrcl Engr or Electrnic sites nationally. Mail resume perform cloud native deploy-
records. 24 months of exp in Computer Engineering, or a Engr + 2 yrs exp + special concepts & mitigate sec variety of internal and exter- MicroStrategy is an Equal
ing on work assignment. Information, Inc. seeks Data to PVK Corporation, Attn: ments using DevSecOps nal data sources to form a
job offered or as Sales Assis- related technical field. Email resume to recruiting@ skills. To apply send resumes issues. Work with Info Sec, tools. To apply, email resume Opportunity & Affirmative
tant or Supervisor req9d. Mail Coursework must include Analysts to collaborate across HRGC, 44081 Pipeline Plaza Network & Server Infrastruc- complete patient profile for & ref job code the business to support mar- to Lorena Cerruto at 1890 to Ref. Action Employer. Education,
resume to Trade Asia LLC application development, Suite 105/5 Ashburn, VA ture teams on op task, & eval patient medication adher- experience & criminal back-
1290. keting programs and growth Preston White Dr., Suite 150, 20147. Job #SHKALT-N.
d/b/a Grocerylanka, Attn: HR, including back-end applica- Reston, VA 20191, or & test new solutions. Writing ence. Apply at ground checks will be con-
10518 Detrick Avenue, Kens- tion development techniques, goals. Report on perfor- & presentations. May under-
mance, determine measure- Lorena.Cerruto@ Senior Software Engineer ducted.
ington, MD 20895. multiple web technologies, COMPUTER/IT: American Col- IT Professionals: Ent. Lvl to go background checks incl. Ref #57062
lege of Radiology seeks ment approaches, create Sen. Lvl (multiple positions) GTT Americas, LLC has mul-
database conversions, web drug screen & ref check. tiple openings for a Senior TECHNOLOGY
security, and application con- Senior Application Developer insights, and set strategy to Sys. Engnrs. Sftwr Dvlprs. are Requires communication
Supply Chain Coordinator translate business questions Navy Federal Credit Union has Software Engineer in Arling- Systems Analyst 3 Herndon, Success Factors (Reston, VA)
version. Coursework involv- (Reston, VA 3 full-time needed for our Germantown, skills. Wage: $127,524 annu- VA. Seeking MS in Comp. Sci., seeks IT Tech Services Spe-
(Loc. Rockville, MD). Maint. telecommuting permitted) to into analytical projects to F/T permanent opening for MD Ofc. Must be willing to ton, VA. Job duties include:
Integrity of forecast. sys DB. ing intellectual property man- ISD Engineer IV-Data Engineer ally. Must have Bachelors in Code, test, debug, document IT, Project Mgmt., or closely cialist to design & develop
agement systems and the fol- dvlp & implmnt multpl layers devise strategic and tactical travel to set up systems to Comp Sci, IT, or rel field; 4
Req. BS or frgn equiv in Ops, business decisions. Build and pos. to dsgn & develop Master and maintain software appli- rel. Mail CV to Attn: HR/Job systems & apps to opti-
lowing:, C#, Visual of softwr app & coordinate various clients at unanticipat- yrs relevant exp in IT Security 0130, AttainX, Inc., 13873 mize/automate SAP9s bus
Logistics, Supply Chain w/ team on diff layers of app expand existing dashboards Data Mngmt (MDM) sol9ns. ed locs across the U.S. Pls cations using established
Mgmnt, or r9ltd.+6 mos of Basic, SQL Server, HTML, Reqs: Bach/equiv in CS/Info and Networking; and required coding standards and Park Center Rd, #212N, Hern- processes. Telecomm perm
CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and infrstrcture. Job reqs Bach in to surface insights and send resume, Cvr Ltr., & Sal. skills. Alternatively will accept
GDP exp. Apply to D. Droke, democratize data to shape Sys/Comp Engg/ or rltd + 5 yrs methodologies. Troubleshoot, don, VA 20171. from any US location. Base
API's. To apply, please send CS, or rel & 3 yrs of exp as Req. to Q9 Software LLC at 8 years rel exp in IT Security salary: $165,173. Apply to Req
HR, Charles River Laborato- Softwr Dvlpr, Full-Stack Dvlpr, business decisions. Act as a exp as Data Engineer/MDM 13230 Executive Park Ter, Ger- debug, and resolve product
ries, Inc.,: resume to cpijobs@ Developer or in lieu Mas- and Networking, and required issues as they arise. Telework ID 387248 at http:// App Dvlpr, or rel. Email cvr business partner to teams mantown, MD 20874 skills. Requires the following TECH-Enliven Technologies,
Rockville-HR@crl. com. within marketing to under- ter9s/equiv + 3 yrs exp. Job permitted from within the US Inc; mult openings; Ashburn,
ltr & CV to skills (4 yrs exp): data com-
Ref: <Senior Application stand, analyze, and provide Loc9n: Vienna, VA. Full time Lead AI Engineer: Des. & 100% of the time. Criminal VA: Systems Analyst
Business Consulting, telecommuting permitted. munications, Palo Alto, Cisco background check required. Technology Architecture
Developer= quantitative insight for deci- impl. data warehouse strats ASA, Juniper SRX, Cisco Net- (Wage- $ 121,763/yr.):Create,
Risk - Technology Risk sion-making. #LI-DNI Position Mail Cvr Ltr & CV :Venkatesh using data integration tools Apply online at work, dsgn & dvlp test Manager (Accenture LLP;
(FAIT) (Senior) Kawthale 820 Follin Lane SE, work Device Configuration, Please refer to job requisition Arlington, VA): Design, imple-
Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- requires a Bachelor9s degree for AI routing integration in and tech documentation/net- servers, databases.
(Multiple Positions) in Information Technology, Vienna, VA 22180 or email call center environments. number- #R0012356. Database Administrator ment, and/or support world-
Marketing Administrator (1485265), gies & Solutions Inc. seeks work diagram creation. class information technology
Software Developer in Fair- Computer Science, Data Sci- openpositions@navyfederal. (Wage- $ 132,309/yr.):Respon,
Computer Packages Inc., a Ernst & Young U.S. LLP, org. Must use Ref# "ISD Engi- Apply at https:// Senior Software Engineer architecture for Accenture or
fax, VA (& various unanticipat- ence, Mathematics, Statistics, To apply: Please send work, support, drive, dvlp,
world leader in intellectual Tysons (McLean), VA or a related analytical field, neer IV Ref # 240003= resumes to Afiniti, Inc., 1701 EAB Global, Inc. seeks Senior implement & catalog data- our clients, spanning simple IT
property software, is seeking Perform IT-related external ed locations throughout US) AshburnConsulting/ ref Job projects to large-scale, enter-
to research, design, devel, and 2 years of experience Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite Software Engineer in Wash- base w/Net backup.
a Marketing Administrator to and internal audit and attes- <Network Security Engineer= ington, DC (Full-time telework prise-level change programs.
&/or modify enterprise-wide with marketing analytics, Navy Federal Credit Union has 600, Washington, D.C. 20006; EOE Computer Programmer
work at our headquarters in tation procedures for private business analytics, and data F/T permanent opening for permitted) to work with (Wage- $ 101,358/yr.):Write, Must have willingness and
Rockville, MD. Will train a high- and public companies. systs &/or apps s/w. Job req ability to travel domestically
Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, science in an enterprise envi- ISD Engineer IV pos. to dsgn & Packaged Application development managers, collab, implement, correct,
ly motivated individual, how- Requires travel up to 50%, ronment. Experience must implement Privileged Access Lead Developer - Multiple product managers, and stake- debug, create & updt code approximately 80% of the
ever some marketing admin. of which 15% may be interna- IT or a rel field & 5 yrs in any openings available in Reston, Development Manager time to meet client needs.
job title involving exp with include a minimum of: 2 years Management (PAM) sol9ns. (Accenture LLP; Arlington, holders to obtain clarification libraries.
experience and strong com- tional, to serve client needs. of experience with SQL, Reqs: Bach/equiv in CS/Comp VA & unanticipated client on business requirements Sr. Software Developer Multiple Positions Available.
puter skills are preferred. Employer will accept any suit- IBM WebSphere Application locs throughout the US: VA): Develop or update For complete job description,
server, IBM WebSphere MQ Python, and BI reporting and or Management Info project plans for information and implement solutions (Wage- $ 165,173/yr.):Create,
Excellent salary and benefits able combination of educa- databases (dimensional and Sys/Comp Engg/ or rltd + 5 yrs Gather & review reqmts, pro- including code development test, use, review, participate list of requirements, and to
including fully paid health tion, training, or experience. Series, IBM WebSphere Mes- vide estimates, create tech- technology projects, includ- apply, go to:
sage broker, IBM Integration relational), including data exp as Information Security ing project objectives, tech- and database design. Salary meetings w/client & dvlp
insurance, tuition reimburse- $140,005.00 per year. For ingestion and transformation; Analyst or in lieu Mas- nical dsgns, testing strate- within the range of $102,500 teams to build apps.
ment, visa sponsorship and complete job description, list Bus, IBM Business Process gies & test plans w/ all nologies, systems, informa- careers (Job# R00189262)
Manager, IBM WebSphere 2 years of experience with ter9s/equiv + 3 yrs exp. Job tion specifications, sched- to $119,600 per year. To apply, Software Engineer
strong opportunity for growth. of requirements, and to apply developing analytical frame- Loc9n: Vienna, VA. Full time the stakeholders/Engineers/ send resume to recruiting@ (Wage- $ 139,589/yr.): Dsgn, Equal Opportunity Employer3
Resume only to cpijobs@ online, go to: Process Server, & WebSphere Architects/Business Analysts. ules, funding, and staffing. Minorities/Women/Vets/
Integration Developer. Up to works and metrics to mea- telecommuting permitted. Must have a willingness and and include refer- analyze, troubleshoot, dvlp careers and click on sure ongoing performance Mail Cvr Ltr & CV :Venkatesh Dvlp & maintain systems doc- ence #211. comp specs & layouts. All pos Disabled.
"Careers - Job Search=, then 40% Telework permitted. umentation such as dsgn ability to travel domestical-
Must be willing to relocate and understand performance Kawthale 820 Follin Lane SE, ly approximately 70% of the req trav/relo to var unantic- TECHNOLOGY
<Search Jobs" drivers; 2 years of experience Vienna, VA 22180 or email specs, user manuals, techni- CLOUDWARE LLC, a Gaithers- ipated client locs to U.S
Systems Developers / Net- (Job Number - 1485265). to various unanticipated work time to meet client needs. Wal-Mart is seeking a Senior
work Analysts: Perform IT transforming data into a openpositions@navyfederal. cal manuals, description of burg, MD based Software Ser- w/expenses paid by emplyr.
locations throughout US. All applic operations, & method- Multiple Positions Available. Manager I, Software Engi-
systems, databases, net- Computer/IT: ISD Engineer IV offers of emp are contingent digestible and presentable org. Must use Ref# "ISD For complete job description, vices Firm has multiple open- Mail res & position to Dir., neering in Reston, VA. Job
works, internet/intranet, and stories based on different Engineer IV Ref # 240004= ology documentations. Write ings for JOB ID 11127: Soft- Enliven Technologies Inc -
(Navy Federal Credit Union- upon successful comp of a well-dsgnd, efficient, & list of requirements, and to duties incl but not limited to
applications, technical and Vienna, VA (part-time background check, which audiences; and 1 year of apply, go to: ware Engineer. Education and 20755 Williamsport Pl., STE leading & participating in
user requirement gathering, experience with Google Data Navy Federal Credit Union has testable code to make archi- Experience requirements # 230 Ashburn, VA 20147 or
telecommuting permitted). may incl drug screen depend- tecture & microservices high- medium- to lrg-scale, com-
analysis and speciation, To design & build DevOps ing on work assignment. Studio or similar data visu- F/T permanent opening for careers (Job# R00193963) along with remuneration as email sudhakar@ plex, cross-functional proj's
develop, testing-QA, and alization tools. Job location: ISD Engineer III pos. to devel- ly scalable, resilient, main- provided on the website. Trav-
capabilities using Azure Email resume to recruiting@ tainable, & secure. Travel & Equal Opportunity Employer3 by reviewing proj req'mts.
implementation, deployment, DevOps focus on deployment & ref job code Washington, DC. To apply, op 3 tier architecture for web Minorities/Women/Vets/ el/relocation may be Bachelor's or equiv in CS, IT,
validation, customization, please visit https://www. applicat9n. Reqs: Bach/equiv relocation possible to unan- required. Details at TECHNICAL
automation, environmental 1247. ticipated client locs through- Disabled. or rel. fld + 6 yrs of exp in SW
and integration; assist with IT consistency, & security con- and in CS/Info Sys/Comp Engg/ or Send Cisco Systems, Inc. is accept- eng'g or rel. fld OR Master's
Projects planning, scheduling, enter Job Code R33189 Data rltd + 5 yrs exp as Application out the U.S. for all the posi- Programmer Analyst II resume to: sri@cloudwareit. ing resumes for multiple posi-
trols. Reqs BS in Comp Sci, Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- tions. To apply: Please mail or equiv in CS, IT, or rel. fld
coordination, monitoring and Info Sys or rel & 5 yrs of exp Analysts when prompted. programmer/developer or in Analyze business processes com, including the JOB ID. tions in Herndon, VA: + 3 yrs of exp in SW eng'g
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Alternatively, please send resume, & position applied for Equal Opportunity Employer. Software Engineer
management; prepare and in any ocup involving DevOps, Software Developer in Fair- lieu Master9s/equiv + 3 yrs and data processing systems or rel. fld. Skills req'd incl but
presentation of IT technical your resume, cover letter, and exp. Job Loc9n: Vienna, VA. to Snowrelic Inc., Attn: HR while mapping business (Ref#: HER103A): Responsible
Infrastructure & Cloud tech- fax, VA (& various unantic- Generalist, 1920 Association not limited to exp w/: Coding
proposals, solicitations and nologies. Email cvr ltr & CV to: a copy of the ad to I. Ander- Part time telecommuting per- processes to Oracle systems. Whereoware, Inc. in Mclean, for the definition, design, in an object-oriented prog'g
ipated locations throughout son, Team Lead, Technical Dr, Ste 505, Reston, VA 20191; development, test, debug-
other technical documenta- openpositions@ US) to research, design, mitted. Mail Cvr Ltr & CV BS in Computer Engineering, VA is seek9g Sr. Software language such as Java; Dsgn'g
tion to customers, tech. Recruiting, CoStar, 17600 :Venkatesh Kawthale 820 e-mail resume to: Electrical Engineering, Elec- Quality Assurance (SQA) ging, release, enhancement Ref <ISD devel, &/or modify enterprise- & Implementing REST Srvcs in
teams and end-users, Provide Engineer IV 3 4030245=. Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA tronics Engineering, or Com- Developers to manage SQA or maintenance of software. Java using Spring Boot; Dvlp'g
wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job CA 92618. CoStar Group is an Telecommuting permitted.
technical solutions to busi- req Bach deg in Comp Sci, 22180 or email openposi- munication Engineering plus testing. No trvl, No telecomm. Single Page Apps using Angu-
Equal Employment Opportu- Must Lead Software Engineer, Solu- Please email resumes includ-
ness/ end-users; liaison Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Engg, Info Systems, IT or a rel tion Street LLC, Herndon, VA 5 years of exp. developing Job duties are proj-based @ lar, React, NodeJs; Writing
between development team, gies & Solutions Inc. seeks nity Employer; we maintain a use Ref# "ISD Engineer III Ref Oracle HCM Cloud & Oracle unanticipated sites w/in U.S. ing position9s reference num- Junit tests for Java Apps &
field & 5 yrs in any job title drug-free workplace and per- (w/ projects in DC/VA Metro). ber in subject line to
business units and customers Software Architect in Fairfax, involving the design, develop- # 240005= ERP Cloud apps, including Relo may be req9d @ proj. Jest for UI apps. Employer will
form pre-employment sub- Design/modify enterprise S/W Cisco Systems, Inc. at
and end-users, etc. Herndon, VA to make high-level design ment, testing, & implementa- comprising complex business requirements gathering, fit end. Send resumes to: accept any amount of exp
VA with brief or occasional choices & dictate technical stance abuse testing. Unified Patents Inc. seeks Full gap analysis, design & deliv- No w/ req'd skills. Supervises 7.
tion of business apps. Must be rules, data models & Obj Ori- phone calls please. Must be
domestic travels to cus- standards, incl s/w coding willing to relocate to various Stack Software Engineer in ented design practices ery of Data Conversions, For detailed job req'mts & to
tomer's project site nation- standards, tools, & platforms. Data Engineering Manager, Chevy Chase, MD to prfrm Reports, Integrations, Securi- Software Developer legally authorized to work in apply, visit http://careers.
unanticipated work locations employing Java (Spring, the U.S. without sponsorship.
wide. Bachelor's degree or Job req Bach deg in Comp throughout US. All offers of Fannie Mae, Reston, VA. Lead archtctr & dsgn for sftwr offer- Hivbernate), SQL, Oracle. ty architecture & Configura- Develop, create, test, imple-, & apply to the
equivalent in Computer Sci- Sci, Engg, Info Systems, IT or team in develmnt of data ings. Telcmm avail. $115K- tion of Oracle HCM Cloud & ment, modify, & support com- EOE. following Job ID # R-1783918.
emp are contingent upon suc- Req9s Bach9s in Comp Sci,
ence, Engineering, MIS, IS/IT, a rel field & 5 yrs in any cessful comp of a background infrastructures/pipelines & to $130K per year Comp Eng or Info Tech & 5 yrs Oracle ERP Cloud required. puter applications software, EOE & AAE.
Physics, Math, Science or job title involving exp using check, which may incl drug organize/integrate data into exp. Mail resumes to: Solution Based in Sterling, VA. Up to using scientific analysis & TECH-Noesys Inc has multiple
related Technical fields and microservices for app devel- screen depending on work readily available formats. If interested send Cover Let- Street LLC, Attn: HR Lead S/W 25% travel. Send resume to: mathematical models to pre- openings in Dulles, VA, TECHNOLOGY
5 years progressive experi- opment. Full time telework is assignment. Email resume to Lead in analys. of new data ter and Resume to: Engineer Posting, 505 Hunt- kim.coughlin@drivestream. dict & measure outcome and Sr. Software Engineer Wal-Mart is seeking a Soft-
ences in software, database permitted. All offers of emp & sources/monitoring perf,, mar Park Dr, Ste 325, Hern- com with <Programmer Ana- consequences of design. Pro- ($139,589.00/yr.): Dsgn, ware Engineer III in Reston,
or network systems and are contingent upon success- ref job code 1251. scalability, security of data. Subject: Ref# FSSE don, VA 20170. lyst II (VA-4044)= Drivestream, duce scalable software solu- dvlp, lead, maint, wrk, VA. Job duties incl but not
applications / IT analysis, ful comp of a background Manage customer needs/ Inc tions, including making ongo- prticpte & rslve custmr systm. limited to assisting in provid-
design, architecture, develop- check, which may also incl uses for data in develmnt of Information Security Lead Software Engineer ing modifications & improve- Sr. Software Developer ing guidance to small groups
ment, administration, or relat- drug screen depending on Computer Systems database rqmnts & planning Engineer (LSE) Programmer Analyst: Work- ments to software. Describe, ($165,173.00/yr.): Anlyz, of 2 to 3 engrs, incl offshore
ed experiences/occupations work assignment. Analyst: systems application of enterprise databases. Monitr & dtct securty evnts Appian Corporation, McLean, ing closely with Business assess, prioritize, & evaluate rview, cnslt, crte, pln & mentr associates, for assigned Eng'g
using diversified technolo- Email resume to recruiting@ and analysis. Bachelor9s Determine tech reqmnts of & incidnts usng Mcrosft Sen- VA, seeks LSE, equipped with Users and providing the risk requirements for verifying jr. dvlprs. proj's by providing pertinent
gies, tools and languages. & ref job code degree (US or foreign equiv.) projects & assess how objec- tinel & other Mcrosft 365 Python, Java, Kubernetes and reports and helping to resolve software correctness, consis- Software Engineer docs, directions, examples, &
Employer will accept suitable 1294. in CS/IT/Math/Sys. Eng. rel, tives can best be met w/ Dfndr prtls. Act as SME in Docker proficiency, and AWS the critical issues by debug- tency, completeness, & testa- ($139,589.00/yr.): Dsgns, timeline. Master's or equiv in
alternative combination of 2 yrs. work exp. CV to staff resources. Hire, manage, Mcrosft Sentinel (SIEM) & use and/or GCP experience, to ging the SSIS Packages. Sup- bility. Must have BS in Com- anlys, troublshts, dvlp & CS, IT, Eng'g, or rel. fld. Posi-
education and experiences Computer/IT: CGI Technolo-; Aktra, mentor, devel, & evaluate to optmze anlytcl rules & leverage knowledge of data port front office applications puter Sci., Computer Engi- drct sftwre systm tsting. tion does not req. specific
that equips candidates with gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Inc. (Reston, VA) staff. Req: Master's in Comp notebks. Use Jupyter notebk structures, algorithms, and like BMS and CRD to help neering, or Electrical & Com- Programmer Analyst yrs of exp but req's listed
the requisite skills and abil- Software Developer in Fair- Sci + 5 yrs exp in large enter- for threat hntng & takng rmdi- design patterns to write soft- traders if any issue while per- puter Engineering & 3 months ($114,026.00/yr.): Create, skills. Skills req'd incl but not
ities. Send detailed resume fax, VA (& various unantic- Custom Software prise data warehouse app atn actions thru custom logic ware in full-stack web/mobile forming Trading. Must have experience as Software wrte, prfrm, assist & limited to exp w/: dsgn'g &
with references to: Attn: HR, ipated locations throughout Engineering Manager devel for fin'l svcs cos. Exp apps. Mnge securty anlysts in environments. Manage avail- one year experience in ETL Developer or Software Engi- prep rprts on analyses. implementing REST API Web
VASS Inc., 459 Herndon Park- US) to research, design, (Accenture LLP; Arlington, must incl leading devel of 24x7 SOC envrnmnt & act as ability, latency, scalability and Tools, SSIS, SQL Server, Qlik neer (may include internship), Business Analyst Srvcs using Java; dvlp'g &
way, Suite 18, Herndon, VA devel, &/or modify enterprise- VA): Design, develop and test large enterprise data infra- pnt of escltn for critcl incdnts. efficiency of the product by Sense, c#, Windows Server, to include using Python & per- ($100,069.00/yr.): Wrk, maintaining apps in Microsrvc
20170. wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job custom software solutions structure & pipelines using Req: Mstr of Sci degree in engineering reliability into sharepoint, PowerShell forming UI/UX development. review, prfrm, assist, prep arch. using IntelliJ w/ Spring
req Bach deg in Comp Sci, across multiple system com- AWS technologies & leading Elect Eng, Comp Eng, software/systems and con- Scripting. Must be willing to Location: Sterling, VA; 40 & prvide biz domain. Boot frameworks; using
Tech Jobs Engg, IT, or a rel field & 3 ponents or applications. Must teams on large complex Telecomms or clsly rltd fld + 1 tributing to software perfor- travel & reloc to unanticipat- hrs./wk.; Salary DOE. Must Sr. Business Analyst Apache Kafka & integrating
yrs in any job title involving have willingness and ability projects. Apply by searching yr exp in Security operatn cntr mance analysis and system ed client locations through- have proof of legal authoriza- ($115,066.00/yr.): Anlyz, w/ Microsrvcs to enhance
Adaequare, Inc. (Chantilly, VA) exp with Java, J2EE, HTML, to travel domestically approx- Data Engineering Manager at (SOC)/Infrmtn security eng or tuning. Identify opportunities out the US. Reqs MS in Comp tion to work in U.S. Send copy imprv, wrk, create, use & over- bus. logic. Employer will
has multiple openings for CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, imately 80% of the time to Bchlr of Sci degree in Elect for code refactoring and per- Sci, Sci, Engg or rel w/1yr of ad, resume & cover letter see implmntation prjcts. accept any amount of exp
Software Engineers and Net- JSP, SQL, & Log4j. Up to 60% meet client needs. Multiple Eng, Comp Eng, Telecomms formance optimizations on a exp. Mail resumes to Hitec to: Joseph Rinaldi 3 Director Computer Programmer w/ req'd skills. For detailed
work Security Engineers (incls Telework Permitted. Must be Positions Available. For com- or clsly rltd fld + 5 yrs exp regular basis and champion Information & Technologies, of Operations; Secunetics; ($101,358.00/yr.) Write, job req'mts & to apply, visit
Sr. positions). Must be profi- willing to relocate to various plete job description, list of Data Engineer needed in Inc, 13800 Coppermine Road, 23585 Overland Drive, Suite
Chantilly, VA. Reqs: MS in IT in Security operatn cntr these efforts within the clbrate, implmnt, dbug, cre-,
cient in one of these areas: unanticipated work locations requirements, and to apply, (SOC)/Infrmtn security eng. team, leading technological 1st Floor, Suite # 187, Hern- 108; Sterling, VA 20166 or by ate & updte cde libraries. & apply to the following Job
(1) Java, J2EE, and/or Mule- throughout the U.S. All offers go to: Mngmnt or IT or equiv + 2 yrs don, VA 20171 email to
exp as Comp Software Prof. Exp must also incld 1 yr of changes to keep platform All positions reqs trvl/reloc ID # R-1783923. EOE, AAE.
soft; (2) .NET; or (3) Palo Alto of emp are contingent upon exp in each of the foll: leadng modern. Mentor junior soft- to var unanticiptd client loc
Networks. Requires ability to successful comp of a back- us-en/career Must have exp in Informatica, Security Op Engr: Analyze Refer to Job #01292024 when
XML, Tableau, Snowflake, Ser- & mngng SOC team w/ 24/7 ware engineers by sharing throughout U.S w/expenses TECH-Seer Solutions Inc. has
travel/relocate to various ground check, which may (Job# R00193977) shfts in SOC envrnmnt; 24/7 cyber threats IT systems; dev, submitting application.
viceNow, Salesforce, AWS. best practices and provid- monitor, detect, report & paid by emplyr. Mail res & multiple openings in Sterling,
unanticipated U.S. locations also incl drug screen depend- Equal Opportunity Employer3 monitrng SOC emrgncy on- ing guidance on proficien- position to, President, Noesys VA, Business Analyst
for short-/long-term assign- ing on work assignment. Minorities/Women/Vets/ Travel within the USA may investigate security breaches;
be req. Mail resume to AJACE call rotatn; securty archtctrs cy. Share advanced/expert Software Engineer Inc, 22570 Markey Ct, Ste. ($100,069.00/yr):Determine,
ments. Email resume to Email resume to recruiting@ Disabled. & stndrd securty solutns & study Governance Risk &
INC, 14159A, Robert Paris Ct, knowledge with others in the Compliance; evaluate/recom- Monitor & analyze security #210, Dulles, VA 20166 & Anlyze, Mange, Dvlp, Wrk, & & ref job code srvcs (such as EDR, SIEM, vul- department, both on and off networks. Config/mon email ID:daljeet.singh@ Prepare, Prvide admin & coor-
reference job title & code 1252. Chantilly VA 20151 mend security products using
nrblty mngmnt, purple team team, maintaining a reputa- servers, apps and Dbases. dination supprt. Sr. Business
202402. actvty & awarenss training); the following tools: AWS,
tion as a key resource in those Splunk Agent, VirusScan Design, supp, implem, & Analyst ($117,749.00/yr):
Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Data Scientist securty evnt anlysis & triage, areas. Required: Master's maintain sec sys & controls Anlyz, Imprve, Create, Use &
Navy Federal Credit Union has gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Dev analytics & implement incdnt hndlng & root-cause COBIT-2019,FedRamp, GDPR TECHNOLOGY
degree in Comp. Sci. or relat- REQ: Masters in Electronics using: Splunk Platform. REQ: Oversee implmentation projs.
F/T permanent position for Agile Scrum Master in Fairfax, s/w solutions using Python, idntfctn & rvwng & creatng Wal-Mart is seeking a Risk
ISD Analyst III to conduct Bus. VA (& various unanticipated Find the most MATLAB, R, or Java. Build incdnt rspnse wrkflow;
ed + min. 2 year of exp. in
job offered or as Engineer
Engineering + 6 mos exp. Pro-
ficiency in: AWS, Splunk
Masters in Info Tech Mangmt
+ 6 months exp. Prof: Splunk Expert III in Reston, VA. Job
Computer Programmer
($101358.00/yr): Write, Col-
process analysis & design IT locations throughout US) to machine learning algorithms installng & mngng McAfee duties incl but not limited to
sol9ns. Reqs: Bach/equiv in work with Application Scrum Washington-area & cloud platform to supp SIEM, Bit9, Coalfireone &
in a high-volume or critical
production service environ-
Agent, VirusScan
2019,FedRamp, GDPR. Mail
COBIT- Platforms. Mail resumes 6116
Executive Blvd, Suite 400, Cyber risk mgmt incl cyber
lab, Implmnt, Crrect, Debug,
Create & updte code libraries.
CS/IT & Management/Comp team(s) to formulate solu- imaging data assay dev & McAFee Epo; triaging & rslvng risk assessment & mgmt
Engg/ or rltd/+ 5 yrs exp as ISD tions for complex problems jobs. drug discovery. Dev code for alrts from Carbon Black &
ment or in lieu of the employ-
er will accept a Bachelor's in
resumes to: Axle Informatics
6116 Executive Blvd, Suite
N.Bethesda, MD 20852.
techniques. Master's or equiv
Software Developer ($139,
589.00/yr): Dsgn, Anlyz &
Analyst/or App Dvlpmt Asso- related to systems design, analysis of datasets. REQ: Crowdstrike EDR; addng prvl- Comp. Sci. or related + min. 7 Software Engineer(s) in CS, IT, Eng'g, Info. Systs, Troubleshoot issues. Sr.
ciate or in lieu Master9s/equiv s/w development, or data Master9s in Engineering. Mail gd accnts in psswrd vault 400,N Bethesda, MD 20852 Cybersecurity, or rel. fld; OR
years of exp. in job offered or Nodal Exchange LLC seeks Software Developer ($139,
+ 1 yr exp. Job Loc9n: Vienna, center ops. Job req Bach resumes to: Axle Informatics, (CyberArk) to mnge psswrds, as Engineer in a high-volume Software Engineer(s) in Bachelor's or equiv in CS, IT, 589.00/yr): Dvlp, Condct,
VA. Full time telecommuting deg in Comp Sci, Engg, IT, 6116 Executive Blvd, Suite dtct threats & rprt on prvlgd or critical production service Tysons Corner, VA to develop, Eng'g, Info. Systs, Cybersecu- Rsearch, Prvide & Serve as
400, N. Bethesda, MD 20852.
permitted. Mail Cvr Ltr & CV:
Venkatesh Kawthale, 820
Business Admin, or a rel field
& 2 yrs in any job title involv-
accnt actvties & usng Jupyter
notebks for threat hntng.
environment. Reply to Box
Number M1000000773, The
Find design and modify software
solutions. May require travel/
rity, or rel. fld + 2 yrs of exp in
cybersecurity risk or rel. exp.
a task leader. Sr. Software
Engineer ($165,173.00/yr):
Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA
22180 or email openpositions
ing exp with client-facing IT
project planning or IT project
The local expert on local jobs
Devops Engineer
Travel w/i U.S. reqrd less than
10% of time. Quzara, LLC,
Washington Post, Washington
DC 20071
the right job telecommuting. Email
resume to blair@
Skills req'd incl but not limited
to exp w/: anlyz'g web traffic
Anlyz, Rview, Consult, Cre-
ate, Lead, Pln & Mentor junior Must use
Ref# "ISD Analyst III Ref #
management in the banking
& financial services domain.
Uniplus Consultants, Inc., a
Manassas, VA-based Soft-
Great Falls, VA. To apply, go
for you.; patterns on critical endpoints
(login & accnt creation); act-
developers. All positions reqs
reference job code trvl/reloc to var unanticiptd
240001 Must be a Certified Scrum
Master or SAFe Scrum Mas-
ware Consulting Services
Firm has multiple openings
engineer, click Apply Today.
Find more T3042-00150. E.O.E. ing as functional escalation
point for active attacks incl
client loc throughout U.S
w/expenses paid by emplyr.
Associate Analyst
ter. 60% telework permitted.
Must be willing to relocate
Search 20,000 for JOB ID 11118: Devops
Engineer. Education and
Complete & submit applica-
healthcare jobs. The local expert on local jobs
Software Engineer(s)
both lrg scale (DDoS) &
sophisticated attackers;
Mail resume & position to,
VP, Seer Solutions Inc, 22648
RiskSpan, Inc. seeks an As-
sociate Analyst in Arlington,
to various unanticipated work
locations throughout US. All
job listings Experience requirements
along with remunerations as
Nodal Exchange, LLC seeks
Software Engineer(s) in Vien-
Imperva Cloud App Security
platform; OWASP top 10,
Glenn Dr, STE. #306, Sterling,
VA, 20164 & email ID: Kalyan@
VA to identify, analyze, docu-
ment and interpret trends or
offers of emp are contingent
upon successful comp of a
by location. provided on the website. Trav-
el/relocation may be Find more
The local expert on local jobs na, VA to develop, design and
modify software solutions
SANS, CVE & CWE risks.
Employer will accept any
patterns in complex business
processes using data analysis
background check, which
may incl drug screen depend-
required. Details at healthcare jobs. Post your résumé. with senior team members.
May require travel/telecom-
amount of exp w/ req'd skills.
For detailed job req'mts & to
software and techniques. ing on work assignment. Send resume to: muting. Email resume to apply, visit http://careers.
Apply @ Email resume to recruiting@;, & apply to the & ref job code The local expert on local jobs including the JOB ID The local expert on local jobs reference job code T3042- following Job ID # R-1785145. The local expert on local jobs
Ref#50222 1298. Equal Opportunity Employer. The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs 00149. E.O.E. EOE, AAE.

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Adventist HealthCare Registered Nurse (RN), Eligibility & Finance Registered Nurse (RN), Patient Access Registrar, Registered Nurse (RN),
Special Education
Day Shift, Intermediate Clearance, Day Shift, Night Shift, Heart and Evening Shift, Patient Day Shift, Heart and
Long Term Substitute
Employer Industry: Healthcare/Location: Gaithersburg/Openings: 5714 Care Unit3Gaithersburg Patient Financial3 Vascular Unit3 Access3Fort Washington Vascular3 Teacher, Weekdays,
We are a faith-based healthcare organization, based in Montgomery County, As an RN, you will Develop Gaithersburg Develop a plan of care ac- Fort Washington Medical Develop a plan of care ac- The Lourie Center
Maryland. We are the largest employer in Montgomery County with over a plan of care according to Adventist HealthCare seeks cording to patient population. Center seeks to hire an ex- cording to patient population. School3Rockville
patient population. Identify to hire an experienced Pa- Identify impending changes perienced Patient Access Identify impending changes in The Lourie Center School, Ad-
6,000 employees! Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community includes three acute- impending changes in patient tient Financial Advisor who in patient condition accu- Registrar I who will embrace patient condition accurately ventist HealthCare is hiring a
care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- condition accurately and initi- will embrace our mission to rately and initiates corrective our mission to extend God's and initiates corrective action. Special Education Long Term
ates corrective action. Men- extend God's care through action. Mentor students, col- care through the ministry of Mentor students, colleagues Substitute Teacher who will
cal Center 3 as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, the ministry of physical, men-
tor students, colleagues and leagues and team members physical, mental and spiritual and team members in patient- embrace our mission to ex-
Urgent Cares, Home Care Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician Networks. We are team members in patient- tal and spiritual healing. As a in patient-centered care. healing. As a Patient Access centered care. Conduct pur- tend God's care through the
nationally recognized and honored especially for our Cardiac, OB, Cancer, Stroke, Orthopedic, Reha- centered care. Conduct pur- Patient Financial Advisor, you Conduct purposeful rounding Registrar I you will: Enters all poseful rounding from patient ministry of physical, mental,
poseful rounding from patient will: Conûrm coverage re- from patient and family per- demographic, insurance, and and family perspective. Report and spiritual healing. As The
bilitation and Mental Health services. Our mission is to extend God's care through the ministry of& and family perspective. quirements for scheduled& spective. patient notes& directly to the Clinical Nurse& Special Education Teacher&

George Mason University Immunization Assistant3 Tenure-Line Associate Pre-Award Research Assistant Director of International Assistant Director for
Fairfax Professor / Professor Administrator3Fairfax Athletics and Admissions Counselor3 Counseling and Special
Employer Industry: Education/Location: Fairfax/Openings: 1734George Department: University Life and Robert D. Johnston Department: College of Hu- Compliance3Fairfax Fairfax Programs3Fairfax
Mason University is a university with three campuses, each with a distinctive - Student Health Services. Professorship of manities and Social Sciences. Department: Division of En- Department: Division of En- Department: Division of En-
Classiûcation: Admin Ofûce Finance3Fairfax Classiûcation: Financial Svcs rollment Management. Job rollment Management. Clas- rollment Management. Job
academic focus that plays a critical role in the economy of its region. At each Specialist 3. Job Category: siûcation: Education Support
Department: Costello College Specialist 1. Job Category: Category: Administrative or Category: Administrative or
campus, students, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's resources, while duplica- Classiûed Staff. Job Type: of Business. Classiûcation: Classiûed Staff. Job Type: Professional Faculty. Job Type: Spec 2. Job Category: Classi- Professional Faculty. Job Type:
tion of programs and support services is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to Full-Time. Work Schedule: 9-month Instructional Facul- Full-Time. Work Schedule: Full-Time. Work Schedule: ûed Staff. Job Type: Full-Time. Full-Time. Work Schedule:
Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). ty. Job Category: Instructional Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Work Schedule: Full-time (1.0 Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk).
the main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arlington and Prince William Counties. Location: Fairfax, VA. Work- Location: Fairfax, VA. Work- FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Location:
Faculty. Job Type: Full-Time. Location: Fairfax, VA. Work- Location: Fairfax, VA. Work-
place Type: On Site Required. Work Schedule: Full-time (1.0 place Type: Hybrid Eligible. place Type: Hybrid Eligible. Fairfax, VA. Workplace Type: place Type: Hybrid Eligible.
Pay Band: 03. Salary: Salary FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Location: Pay Band: 04. Salary: Salary Salary: Salary commensurate Hybrid Eligible. Pay Band: 03. Salary: Salary commensurate
commensurate with educa- Fairfax, VA. Workplace Type: commensurate with educa- with education and experi- Salary: Starting low $40,000, with education and experi-
tion and& On Site Required& tion and& ence. Criminal& commensurate with& ence. Criminal&

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Metro College Internship SVP, Facilities Engineering, Manager, Digital Video Metro College General Superintendent, Apprenticeship /
Program- Procurement- Maintenance & Capital Evidence3Washington D.C. Internship Program- Car Maintenance3 Technical Skills
Employer Industry: Delivery and Transportation/Location: Washington D.C. Purchasing Agent3 Delivery3 At Metro, we are dramatically Department of This position is not a hybrid Program Coordinator3
/Openings: 114The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority oper- Washington D.C. The Ofûce of Infrastructure at expanding our video capabili- FInance3Washington D.C. opportunity. The incumbent Minimum Qualiûcations: Edu-
ates the second largest rail transit system and the ûfth largest bus network Minimum Qualiûcations and the Washington Metropolitan ties to better detect, respond Minimum Qualiûcations and will be required to be onsite. cation: Bachelor's degree in
Experience: Graduation from Area Transit Authority (Metro) to, and understand incidents Experience: Graduation from Do you enjoy serving at the Education, Vocational Educa-
in the United States. Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports more than a high school or the possession is seeking candidates for the that affect our public safety high school or the possession senior leadership capacity? tion, Management, or related
third of the federal government to work and millions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's of a high school equivalency role of Senior Vice President, and operations. If you have of a high school equivalency Are you a dynamic leader ûeld In lieu of a Bachelor's
certiûcate. Applicant must Facilities Engineering, Main- signiûcant experience man- certiûcate. Applicant must who has successfully led a degree, a High School diplo-
Capital. Metro has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architectural beauty. WMATA is be attending an accredited aging an enterprise video/ team of railcar maintenance/
tenance & Capital Delivery. be attending an accredited ma/GED, and four (4), years
clearly the employer of choice for over 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by college or university pursu- The Ofûce of Infrastructure CCTV system, we invite you college or university pursu- management professionals? of technical experience in the
an interstate compact to plan, develop, build, ûnance and operate a balanced regional transportation ing a degree in a discipline inspects, maintains, and re- to apply to become one of ing a degree in a discipline The Washington Metropolitan related ûeld(s), in addition the
deemed appropriate for the habilitates all ûxed assets our& deemed appropriate for the Area& experience stated below, will
system in the National Capital area. Construction of the Metrorail system began in 1969. Four area& position intern is seeking& throughout the& position intern is seeking& be considered&

Visit to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.

Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry Westat
Healthcare3We are a faith-based healthcare organization, Education3George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation3The Washington Metropolitan Engineering3Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional Research3Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near
based in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Area Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit services ûrm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profes- Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation
employer in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- system and the ûfth largest bus network in the United States. sionals nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov-
Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community dents, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports are our people. At Dewberry, we seek out exceptional talent ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys
includes three acute-care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- and strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our cli- and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer
Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro ents. Whether you9re an experienced professional or a new related services. Our multiproject environment provides career
cal Center 3 as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- graduate, you9ll have the chance to collaborate with the best opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the
Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over and brightest and work on innovative and complex projects at environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine
Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician& 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by& the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to excellence& the relevant research area expertise&

Patient Financial Advisor, Eligibility & Finance Immunization Assistant3 Tenure-Line Associate Metro College Internship SVP, Facilities Engineering, Senior Staff Accountant3 Accounting Manager3 Research Assistant3 Helpdesk Agent
Day Shift (Hybrid), Ancillary/ Clearance, Day Shift, Fairfax Professor / Professor and Program- Procurement- Maintenance & Capital Fairfax Fairfax Rockville (Weekends) - Hourly3
Diagnostic Scheduler3 Patient Financial3 Department: University Life Robert D. Johnston Purchasing Agent3 Delivery3 Dewberry, a growing A&E Dewberry has an immediately Westat is an employee- Rockville
Gaithersburg Gaithersburg - Student Health Services. Professorship of Finance3 Washington D.C. The Ofûce of Infrastructure at service company, is looking available opportunity for an owned corporation providing Westat is seeking a techni-
Adventist Healthcare seeks to Adventist HealthCare seeks Classiûcation: Admin Ofûce Fairfax Minimum Qualiûcations and the Washington Metropolitan for a Senior Staff Accountant Accounting Manager to join research services to agencies cal help desk agent, to work
hire an experienced Patient to hire an experienced Pa- Specialist 3. Job Category: Department: Costello College Experience: Graduation from Area Transit Authority (Metro) to join its Corporate Financial our Corporate Accounting & of the U.S. Government, as Saturday and Sunday, 2:00
Financial Advisor (Scheduler) tient Financial Advisor who Classiûed Staff. Job Type: Full- of Business. Classiûcation: high school or the possession is seeking candidates for the Services Group (FSG). The po- Finance Department at our well as businesses, founda- pm - 8:00 pm, with the ability
who will embrace our mis- will embrace our mission to Time. Work Schedule: Full- 9-month Instructional Faculty. of a high school equivalency role of Senior Vice President, sition will be based out of our headquarters in Fairfax, Vir- tions, and state and local gov- to support projects receiving
sion to extend God's care extend God's care through time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Lo- Job Category: Instructional certiûcate. Applicant must be Facilities Engineering, Main- Fairfax, Virginia ofûce. Dew- ginia. The Accounting Man- ernments. Westat's research, requests for assistance via
through the ministry of physi- the ministry of physical, men- cation: Fairfax, VA. Workplace Faculty. Job Type: Full-Time. attending an accredited col- tenance & Capital Delivery. berry is a leading, market- ager position will report to technical, and administrative phone, email, and voice mail.
cal, mental and spiritual heal- tal and spiritual healing. As a Type: On Site Required. Pay Work Schedule: Full-time (1.0 lege or university pursuing a The Ofûce of Infrastructure facing professional services the Director of Finance and is staff of more than 2,000 is This important ûeld help desk
ing. As a& Patient Financial& Band: 03& FTE, 40 hrs/wk)& degree in a discipline& inspects& ûrm with more& responsible for& located at& is critical to&

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fairfax County Government Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fairfax Water Alexandria City Public Schools
Associations3The American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- Government and Public Services3Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Airport Operations/Management3The Metropolitan Washington Science3Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir- Education3Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di-
ciation was founded in 1925. It is a not-for-proût scientiûc and verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- Airports Authority operates a two-airport system that provides ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every ûve Vir- verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di-
professional association for speech-language pathologists, au- tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the domestic and international air service for the mid-Atlantic re- ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5 versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun-
diologists, and speech and hearing scientists. ASHA is commit- County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median gion. The organization consists of approximately 1,700 employ- million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax, tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow
ted to the consumers of our services, the more than 42 million household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the ees in a structure that includes central administration, airports Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa- of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse,
Americans with communication disorders. ASHA's mission is nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- management, and police and ûre departments. In addition to ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh- but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated
to ensure that all people with speech-language, and hearing lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County operating Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success.
disorders receive quality services from well-educated profes- also is home to an extensive commercial ofûce market and is Dulles International Airports, the Airports Authority is respon- demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in The children of Alexandria have beneûted signiûcantly from the
sionals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing& a major employment center. Fairfax County Government is a& sible for capital improvements at both airports and& 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a& strong support of City Council and the Alexandria&

Accounts Receivable Specialist3Rockville Accountant III3Fairfax Administrative Assistant IV3 Airport Administration Owner Controlled Director, Engineering & Industrial Electrician I/II3 Social Worker - English Teacher (High
The purpose of this position is to provide courteous, knowl- Works as a high-energy ac- Lorton Services Agent3 Insurance Program (OCIP) Construction3Fairfax Lorton General Pool (2024-25 SY)3 School) - General Pool
edgeable service to ASHA9s customers (members, consum- countant preparing ûnancial This position will support Washington D.C. Safety Specialist Term Fairfax Water is seeking an Assists with the daily elec- Alexandria (2024-25 SY)3Alexandria
ers, and others) by serving as the primary contact for the reports in accordance with Trash and Recycling organiza- Compensation Grade: S16-H. (Not To Exceed 4 Years & experienced, collaborative, trical operations of Fairfax The Social Worker strengthens The Teacher facilitates stu-
Accounts Receivable Team. The incumbent will maintain ex- general accepted accounting tion at the Newington Facility Salary Range: $27.72-$38.81. 5 Months)3Washington D.C. and results-oriented leader Water treatment plants, dis- the home/ school/ community dent success in academic and
cellent customer relations through an effective system of& principles (GAAP) and govern- 6901 Allen Park Road, Lorton Opening Date: February 12, Compensation Grade: H20. to serve as its Director of En- tribution systems, and related partnership and addresses interpersonal skills through
mental accounting standards VA 22079. DPWES is a diverse, 2024. Closing Date: Febru- Salary Range: $87,915.00- gineering and Construction. pumping facilities to assure barriers to student learn- implementing district approved
board (GASB), review and nationally accredited and ary 27, 2024. Please Note: All $127,476.00. Opening Date: This key position is respon- its production and reliability ing. This position serves as a curriculum; documenting
monitor fund activity, and award-winning public works job announcements close at February 9, 2024. Closing Date: sible for ensuring the effec- of equipment. Assists with catalyst in promoting student teaching and student progress/
serve as the key point of con- agency with approximately 11:59 p.m. of the day before February 24, 2024. Please tive and efûcient delivery of the completion of new instal- wellbeing and successful activities/outcomes; address-
tact for the county9s General 1,000 employees providing the posted closing date. As an Note: All job announcements high-quality capital projects lations and preventive main- completion of school. The So- ing speciûc educational needs
Fund. The General& solid waste, capital facility& Airport Administration& close at 11:59& and reports directly to the& tenance of electrical& cial Worker facilitates& of students' providing&

The MIL Corporation (MIL) The Foundation Schools AARP City Of Alexandria Virginia ERP
Government Contractor3Established in 1980, MIL provides inno- Education3The Foundation Schools has provided psychoeduca- Associations3AARP is a nonproût, nonpartisan, social welfare Government and Public Services3The City of Alexandria is an Government Contractor3ERP International, LLC is a nationally
vative cyber, engineering, ûnancial, and information technology tional programs for students since 1975. A variety of talented organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim award-winning, innovative, and progressive local govern- respected and trusted health, science, and technology solu-
services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts staff members is needed to ensure the smooth and successful is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and ment that brings together elected leaders, residents, busi- tions provider. We offer management, analytic, and technical
help advance customer operations through proven tools and operation of the educational and clinical programs at our three dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and nesses, and staff to foster a thriving community. We are an services supporting clients in the government and commercial
methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, schools located in Largo, Landover Gaithersburg, Maryland. ûght for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and independent, full-service city, providing the services typically sectors. In addition, ERP provides medical and clinical stafûng
MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a Our Administrative Ofûce is located in Largo, Maryland. We of- their families; such as health care, employment security and operated by both counties and cities in areas such as public support to DoD and federal civilian agencies in 28+ states. We
critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our fer a supportive working environment, excellent resources and retirement planning. safety, transportation, human services, parks and recreation, are seeking energetic and passionate professionals who are
clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili- a competitive salary and beneût package. The mission of The planning, and administration. We offer a wide range of exciting interested in delighting their customers while making a posi-
gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber& Foundation Schools is to serve the special education needs& career opportunities in a variety of ûelds, with the resources& tive impact on our communities and our nation. We deliver&

Project Management, Budget Analysis, Associate3 Administrative Assistant - Board Certiûed Behavior Data Science Intern3 Marketing Analytics Fire and EMS Chief3 Registered Nurse - Registered Nurse Case Psychiatric / Mental
Analyst3Charleston Washington D.C. Special Education School3 Analyst (BCBA)3Gaithersburg Washington D.C. Intern3Washington D.C. Alexandria Assertive Community Manager3McClellan Health Technician3Eglin
Clearance Required: Ability Clearance Required: Secret. Gaithersburg The Foundation Schools is a AARP is the nation's largest AARP is the nation's largest On the Potomac River within Treatment (ACT)3Alexandria ERP International is seeking ERP International is seeking
to Obtain a Top Secret. Edu- Education Required: BA/BS. The Foundation Schools is a special education day school nonproût, nonpartisan or- nonproût, nonpartisan or- eyesight of Washington, D.C., The City of Alexandria is lo- a Registered Nurse (RN) Case a Psychiatric / Mental Health
cation Required: BA/BS. US US Citizenship: Required. The special education day school which delivers innovative ganization dedicated to em- ganization dedicated to em- Alexandria, Virginia, is nation- cated in Northern Virginia and Manager for a full-time posi- Technician for a full-time
Citizenship: Required. The MIL incumbent contributes sig- which delivers innovative school programs and sup- powering people 50 and older powering people 50 and older ally recognized for its rich his- is bordered by the District of tion supporting the McClellan positions in support of the
Corporation seeks a Project niûcantly to the accomplish- school programs and sup- port services for children and to choose how they live as to choose how they live as tory and beautifully preserved Columbia (Potomac River), VA Medical Center through Invisible Wounds Center, Eg-
Management Analyst to sup- ment of the formulation of port services for children and adolescents with emotional they age. With a nationwide they age. With a nationwide 18th- and 19th century archi- Arlington and Fairfax coun- David Grant Medical Center, lin Hospital at Eglin AFB, Fort
port a Federal Government the current and out-year bud- adolescents with emotional disabilities, autism spectrum presence, AARP strengthens presence, AARP strengthens tecture. Voted one of Travel ties. With a population of Travis AFB, CA. Apply online Walton Beach, FL.Be the Best!
client at our Charleston, SC gets for assigned substantive disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and other learning communities and advocates communities and advocates & Leisure9s Best Cities in the approximately 150,000 and today and discover more Join our team of exceptional
location. As a member of the program areas, and develop- disorders and other learning challenges. For over 40 years, for what matters most to the for what matters most to the U.S. in 2023 and a Conde a land area of 15.75 square about this outstanding em- health care professionals
Systems& ment of narrative& challenges& the combination of& more than 100 million& more than 100 million& Nast& miles, Alexandria is& ployment& across the&

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ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau

BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

SC2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024



FRAZZ By Jef Mallett

sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE SC3

NANCY By Olivia Jaimes NON SEQUITUR By Wiley



SC4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024

BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall WUMO By Mikael Wulff & Anders Morgenthaler

DUSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Jim Keefe

BIG NATE By Lincoln Peirce

REPLY ALL LITE By Donna A. Lewis LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE SC5


JUDGE PARKER By Francesco Marciuliano & Mike Manley

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sunday, february 18 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE SC7

RED AND ROVER By Brian Basset

POPEYE By Randy Milholland

SC8 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 18 , 2024


How to Play

The rules of Samurai Sudoku are the same as in the popular

Sudoku puzzles that appear in the daily comics section.
As with standard Sudoku, the Samurai version requires no math,
just logic, reasoning ... and an iron will. The goal is to fill in each
column, row and 3X3 box with the digits 1 through 9 without
repeating any. The twist in Samurai Sudoku is that the digits that
appear in the overlapping boxes must work for both puzzles.
A piece of advice to get you started: Don9t focus completely on
one grid at a time. Keep the whole puzzle in mind as you go, because
filling in a number in one grid could give you clues to another. What9s
important to understand is this: Each Samurai puzzle is ONE puzzle,
not five separate Sudoku puzzles that just overlap each other.
Occasionally people claim that, for example, the "bottom right" 9X9
puzzle had more than one solution. Well, yes it may, but the entire
puzzle can be solved in only one way. Never resort to guessing! For
more tips, go to

Last Sunday9s Solution


BALDO By Cantú & Castellanos

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis

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