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The Online Physiology Library

Physiology Blog for Simplifying Topics in Human Physiology

Male reproductive organs and functions

Lesson objectives:

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Highlight what the male reproductive organs are.

2. Describe the functions of the male reproductive organs.

The male reproductive system is a complex network of both external and internal organs, working
together to produce, support, transport, and deliver viable sperm for the purpose of reproduction.
During prenatal development, the male sex organs form with the in uence of testosterone secreted
by the fetal testes. As a male reaches puberty, the secondary sex organs continue to develop and
become fully functional.

Sperm production takes place in the testes and then moves through a series of ducts, including the
epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra, eventually exiting the body through the
penis during ejaculation. Alongside this process, the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and
bulbourethral gland contribute to the production of seminal uid. This uid accompanies and
nourishes the sperm as it is released during ejaculation and plays a crucial role throughout the
fertilization process.

The primary male reproductive organs include:

1. Testes (Testicles): The testes are the main male reproductive organs. They are two small oval-
shaped glands located within the scrotum, which is a sac of skin outside the body. They are
responsible for producing sperm cells (spermatogenesis) and secreting testosterone, the
primary male sex hormone.

2. Epididymis: The epididymis is a coiled tube located on the back of each testicle. It serves as a
storage and maturation site for sperm. Sperm produced in the testes are usually immature and
immotile. As they travel through the epididymis, they undergo a maturation process by
developing the ability to swim (sperm motility) and fertilize an egg. The epididymis provides an
optimal environment for sperm maturation, as it exposes them to speci c uids and secretions
that aid in their development. Additionally, the epididymis serves as a storage site for mature
sperm until they are eventually ejaculated during sexual activity. When a male ejaculates, the
sperm travel from the epididymis through the vas deferens and mix with other seminal uids to
form semen, which is then expelled from the penis.

3. Vas Deferens: The vas deferens is a muscular tube that connects the epididymis to the
ejaculatory duct. During ejaculation, sperm travel through the vas deferens and mix with
seminal uid from the seminal vesicles.

4. Seminal Vesicles: The seminal vesicles are two small glands located near the base of the bladder.
They secrete a signi cant portion of the uid that makes up semen, providing nutrients and
energy for sperm.

5. Prostate Gland: The prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder and
surrounds the urethra. It produces a milky, alkaline uid that helps protect sperm from the
acidic environment of the vagina and contributes to semen volume during ejaculation.

6. Bulbourethral Glands (Cowper’s Glands): These are two small glands located below the prostate
gland. They secrete a clear, lubricating uid that helps neutralize any remaining acidic urine in
the urethra and provide additional lubrication during sexual activity.

7. Urethra: Tube passing through the penis, serving as a conduit for both urine and semen.

8. Penis: External male genital organ, involved in copulation and the expulsion of semen during

The functions of these male reproductive organs are as follows:

1. Sperm Production: The testes are responsible for producing sperm cells through a process
called spermatogenesis. Sperm are crucial for fertilizing a female egg during sexual

2. Semen Production: The seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands secrete
uids that, along with sperm, make up semen. Semen provides nourishment and protection for
sperm during their journey through the female reproductive tract.

3. Hormone Secretion: The testes secrete testosterone, which plays a key role in the development
of male sexual characteristics, sperm production, and the maintenance of reproductive health.

4. Ejaculation: During sexual arousal, the male reproductive organs work together to facilitate
ejaculation. Sperm and seminal uid mix in the urethra, and rhythmic contractions of muscles
propel semen out of the penis during orgasm.

5. Copulation: During sexual intercourse, the highly sensitive penis (due to numerous nerve
endings) becomes erect due to increased blood ow, allowing it to enter the female’s vagina for
copulation. This facilitates the delivery of sperm into the female reproductive tract.

Overall, the male reproductive system’s functions are essential for male fertility, sexual
reproduction, and the continuation of the human species.

Author: physiologysimpli ed
Grace Bassey, the author of this one-stop Physiology blog, became the FIRST person to graduate with a FIRST
CLASS HONOURS both in the Department of Physiology and the College of Health Sciences of the University of
Uyo, Nigeria in 2015. She won 2 NATIONAL AWARDS in a two-stage Physiology Quiz and Debate and was
recognized for her exceptional academic brilliance within and outside the school by the Department, the Vice
Chancellor and the Centre for Gender Studies, University of Uyo. She is currently an Assistant Lecturer of
Physiology in the same institution. This blog is created to help students, academics and laymen have the
simplest understanding of Human Physiology. Grace is also an Amazon Author, Editor, Publisher, Freelance
writer on Fiverr and top health, nutrition and tness blogs like
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physiologysimpli ed / August 14, 2023 / Reproductive Physiology, male reproductive organs / male reproductive
organs, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, penis, male accessory sex organs

The Online Physiology Library / Website Built with

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