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Hello! My name is Tzu Chun Chen, and I hail from Taiwan.

Currently in the 11th grade, my

interests revolve around playing jazz drums and engaging in various ball sports. I've had the
privilege of participating in numerous jazz drum competitions, securing several awards along
the way.

Beyond my musical pursuits, I am an active member of both the school's volleyball club and
basketball team. On Saturdays, I devote my time to teaching Chinese to children at my aunt's
Chinese academy. Below, you'll find a detailed overview of my experiences in drum
competitions and various clubs, accompanied by some photos from my Chinese teaching


I've been honing my skills on the drums since the tender age of six, and it's a passion I
wholeheartedly cherish. Playing the drums isn't just a hobby for me; it serves as a powerful
outlet for my emotions, especially during challenging moments. Whether I'm in a bad mood
or simply have some free time, the drums provide me with a therapeutic escape.

Moreover, drumming has proven to be a valuable tool in enhancing my hand-eye

coordination and sense of rhythm. It's not merely an art form but a discipline that has
brought multifaceted benefits to my life.

The accompanying photo captures a milestone in my drumming journey — winning first place
in the group category in 2020. For a more immersive experience, you can watch the
competition video through the following link.

I also performed jazz drums at the graduation ceremonies of junior high school and
elementary school.

This link is another drum competition.

If you are interested in my jazz drumming, you can go to the link below to watch more of my
videos on YouTube.

Within the volleyball club, we take on the responsibility of instructing younger children in the
art of playing volleyball. It's a rewarding yet challenging task as our students typically range
from 10 to 12 years old. Patience becomes a crucial virtue in our teaching approach,
understanding that their age calls for a gentle and encouraging guidance. We strive to create
an environment where they can learn and grow without feeling rushed, fostering not just their
volleyball skills but also a love for the sport.


Our school's basketball team officially came together in mid-November, and since then, we've
dedicated ourselves to daily after-school training sessions. The culmination of our efforts was
showcased in our inaugural basketball team game against the American Nicaragua School on
December 5th, resulting in a triumphant victory.
I'm excited to share a highlight from the game; you can watch it through the link below.

The delightful students I teach fall within the age range of five to eight years old. At this
stage, their curiosity is piqued by activities and peculiar sounds, necessitating some
theatrics on my part. During the teaching process, I find myself making exaggerated body
movements and occasionally amplifying my voice to captivate their attention.
Patience becomes a cornerstone of the teaching experience, especially considering the
intricacies of Chinese pronunciation. The challenge lies in guiding them through numerous
repetitions until they master the correct pronunciation. Despite occasional classroom
antics that can be hard to control, witnessing the joy on their faces as they grasp new
words makes every moment of patience worthwhile.

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