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Group Members:
1. Sara Amelia D. Abay
2. Angel V. Amparo
3. Clint Aries T. Camigla
4. Ace M. Ecalner
5. Princess V. Merciales
6. Margaux V. Ochong
7. John Eric A. Sandagon

Types of Front Page Makeup

1. Quadrant Makeup. Divides the page into four parts. Each quarter has its own
eye-spotting story.
2. Horizontal Makeup. The appearance of the page is horizontal rectangles.
The effect on the eyes is made by using multi-column heads; the eyesight
travels horizontally.
3. Circus Makeup. Is really like a circus. All harmony is thrown to the winds. No
symmetry, and there are sensational pictures or boxed human interest stories.
4. Brace Makeup. The brace is characterized by angular shelf-like arrangement
of content. The deskman usually projects the effect by making a four-column
head that is what you call a red-out or a drop-head of, two columns or three-
By Way of Headline and Text Arrangement

1. Perfect Balance Makeup (Balance or Symmetrical Makeup)

 A large headline placed, for example in the right-hand column front page,
is balanced with a corresponding large one in the first and second column.
 Other headlines are similarly arranged. A one-column cut at the top of the
column foot.
 This kind of makeup gives a static, monotonous appearance to the paper.

2. Brace or Focus Makeup

 Headlines are diagonally arranged from the upper left to the lower right
hand corner or vice-versa just like a brace supporting a house.
 Balance is obtained by various devices such as two- column heads, boxes,
and cuts which are used to offset the weight concentrated in the upper
right or upper left hand corner.
 This kind of makeup is desirable to use when one story is more important
than any other because the reader's attention is directed to the upper right-
hand corner or occasionally to the upper left.
3. Broken Column Makeup

 The page is broken into several units to give space to many stories.
 Symmetry is obtained be carefully arranging the contents so as not to
cancel each other by their nearness. Large heads and cuts are placed
where they give the page a pleasing pattern.
 This kind of makeup is developed primarily to be able to print as many
short news stories on Page I as possible.

4. Occult Makeup

 Type groups are arranged at varying distances from the center like two
boys on a see-saw,
 It is sometimes called occult or hidden balance because the type group
with its headline may be balanced with a picture, an illustration or a bow,
instead of another type group.
 No attempt is made to achieve perfect balance. This is one of the most
popular kinds of front page makeup since it permits great variety fro, issue
to issue.

5. Streamline Makeup

 The format is similar to that of the contrast and balance makeup. However
the nameplate is usually floated, headlines are flushed up in cap and
lower-case (clc) type, and large body types are often used.
 Instead of boxing stories in full, three quarter boxes are restored to.
 Often, bullets, asterisks, or jim dashes are employed to introduce lead
stories. This kind of makeup is more commonly used by high school
papers than by the national dailies.

6. Circus Makeup

 It is broken-column carried to the extreme. The page is broken up with no

attempt at regularity, symmetry, or order:
 Many headlines of all size; boxes and cuts are scattered all over the page,
each clamoring for attention, and screaming as barkers carnival circus do.
There is no focus of interest.
 This kind of makeup is not desirable for high school papers.

Makeup by Way of Text and Photo Combination

1. The X Format. This format is designed to create a cross-like shape with the
text and images. The text is placed in the center of the page, while the images
are placed on either side of the text.
2. The Curve Format. This format is designed to create a curved shape with the
text and images.

3. The L Format. This format is designed to create an L shape with the text and
images. The text is placed in one corner of the page, while the images are
placed in the other corner of the page.

4. The J Format. This format is designed to create a J shape with the text and
images. The text is placed in one corner of the page, while the images are
placed in a diagonal line across the page.

5. The Umbrella Format. This format is designed to create an umbrella-like

shape with the text and images. The image is placed at the top of the page,
while the texts are placed underneath the images.

Makeup of Insider Pages

1. For news pages. They should be laid at facing page units.

2. For editorial pages. Should be distinctive, dignified, and formal appearance.
3. For feature and literary pages. Must have a literary and feminine
appearance the columns are often wider.
4. For sports page. These pages have a folder but more lively appearance than
other pages large bold heads.

Principles to Follow to Achieve Effective Makeup

1. Unity. The content of every page and of every double page spread should blend
into a harmonious unit. No part of page should overshadow another. The headlines
should complement each other and the pictures shouldn’t be too distracting.

2. Balance. Should be perfect of occult.

3. Emphasis. News should be displayed according to importance. The news value

of every story must be determined as to page it should find print.

4. Movement. There is no movement in perfect balance

5. Proportion. Picture must be sized properly to keep up with other shapes on the
page. Square cuts are undesirable. A long story may ruin the proportion of the page.

6. Contrast. Each story and cut should have an individuality of its own. Every head
and cut on a page should contrast with adjoining materials. Contrasting adjacent
headlines will help emphasize between heads are sometimes good makeup devices.

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