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Break Up Email

Use this as your final email to a prospect before giving up all hope :)

Subject: my last email to you :(

To the elusive Mr/Ms {surname},

You might be happy to know this will be my final email to you. I won’t lie, this is the email where
I try to subtly guilt-trip you into replying by including a picture of me looking sad, like this one:

[Picture of you looking sad].

To recap, my name is {your name} and I run {your company}. I think I can help you {what you
can help with}.

If you’re even the least bit curious, please make me smile and hit ‘reply’ or forever hold your

If not of interest, I guess this is goodbye. *cue sad violin music*

Thank you so much for your time - and the space in your inbox.

Fingers crossed!

Have an absolutely wonderful day,

{your name}
{your email signature}

P.S. If you’re on the fence about having a chat with me, I’ll sweeten the deal. I offer to tell you
the lamest joke I know OR some random trivia you’ll find borderline fascinating. This is by no
means mandatory. Choose wisely! :-)

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