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The Omphalos. The literal underground meeting point for most ‘legal’ registered
magicians practicing in the UK. Presiding over this huge ancient facility is its namesake; a
large white onyx stone, the Omphalos itself. Legend says that Zeus, wanting to determine
the center of the Earth, sent two eagles to fly at the same speed from each of the world's
ends. The eagles were found in Delphi. To indicate this ‘center’, a white marble stone was
placed in the temple of Apollo, in Delphi, the center of the Greek world. Unfortunately for
the Greeks, their knowledge of Astral geography wasn't very good, and it turns out the real
center of the Earth is below the surface of London, UK.
The Omphalos, as an organization supervising and more or less regulating the
activities of magicians in the UK, was established in the seventeenth century following the
Great Fire of London. Officially this disaster was the result of a simple accident caused by a
distracted baker, but in reality it was the culmination of the all-out war between the Sons
of Lugh and the Praetorian Guard. The two most prominent British magical groups at the
time, they had been fighting over control of the Omphalos for centuries due to the
convergence of ley lines that gives the place its power. Witnessing the horror their petty
dispute had caused, a cease-fire was declared between the two groups, followed by the
signing of the Omphalos Treaty of 1667. The sudden peace in the region attracted
magicians and adepts from all over the world, making London the first true hub of occult
sciences in the world since the days of Thebes. There are others, such as Prague (City of
Alchemists) or Jakarta (Home of Master Sorcerers), but the power and influence the
Omphalos holds over both the occult and mundane worlds is undeniable. Many attribute
the resurgence of natural philosophy (or science, as it is now known) to the existence of the
Omphalos, since distinguished philosophers and scientists such as Isaac Newton (one of its
founder fathers, as a matter of fact) and Charles Darwin were members. As for the
Omphalos stone, some say it acts as a plug, holding back the release of energies that would
otherwise wash over the planet, creating chaos and destruction. This sacred place is under
the protection of Omphale, goddess of the Omphalos. According to some researchers,
Omphale is a manifestation of that controlled energy, a kind of egregore created by the
world itself to guard over its power.
Nowadays the Omphalos works as a loose organization that simply tries to ensure no
sect or magic Order gathers too much power for its own good, and works to contain any
threats to the secrecy of the occult. Most are welcome there, as long as they register
themselves and pledge to not endanger the status quo. It is the de facto meeting point for
adepts to meet and join occult organizations, who are always sending recruiters to find the
most promising rising stars to join their organizations. Peace is strictly enforced but all are
free to come and trade information, rumors and goods.
You will soon discover that the Omphalos is the place to be for almost everything; here
is where you will come to buy and sell equipment, perform rituals and dabble in alchemy,
and gain the favor of magical Orders who can help you in your quest for knowledge and
When visiting, roll a Daily Event, a Random Encounter, and determine which Orders
are present by rolling a D10 for each Order. A result of 7-10 indicates that Order has
representatives present to interact with, who may assign missions for completion that day.
If they are not there, you may always come back another day! There are plenty of other
things to do at the Omphalos.

Each time you visit the Omphalos, things will be Nothing seems to be going on today at the Omphalos.
different. Prices will vary, new NPCs will appear, and This likely makes you weary and more restless than
new opportunities will arise. The first thing to do the alternative.
when visiting the Omphalos is to roll on the Daily
Events table below.
D20 Daily Events The Order emissaries must have been gossiping, and
you somehow pissed them off. Earn half Favor for
1 Anonymous Benefactor
any Mission you complete today.
2 Attack!
3 Bad Blood
4 Calm Day
Ezra is in town, and he's offering his services.
5 Disappointed Mentors
Through a combination of hypnosis, psychology and
6 Ezra the Mind Mender magic, he can heal your mind. For 100ø you may
7 Free Services regain 10 Sanity points. This only works once a
8 Hectic Day month, so if you've already been healed by Ezra,
ignore this event.
9 Help Needed
10 Higher Prices
11 Inside Information 7 – FREE SERVICES
12 Low Stock Any services that the Omphalos offers, such as Ritual
chambers or Alchemy Labs, are free to use today.
13 Lower Prices
14 Omphale Festival
15 Order Dispute 8 – HECTIC DAY
16 Representatives Meeting Today is one of those days when everything seems to
be happening at once. Roll twice on this table.
17 Store Closed
18 Tapping a Ley Line
19 The Omphalos at Work 9 – HELP NEEDED
20 Wounded A fellow adept needs help powering some Vas, and
they are willing to pay for it. Earn 10ø for each 10 VP
you are willing to spend helping them.
Someone is a fan of your work. Receive 50ø.
Supplies are running low, so prices are up. All prices
2 – ATTACK! today are +10ø.
You've been followed; somebody assaults you before
you can enter the safety of the Omphalos! Roll an
enemy from the table corresponding with your most 11 – INSIDE INFORMATION
recent Mission. A spy from a friendly Order informs you of the
opposition you'll be facing soon. On your next
Mission, increase all Defensive skills by +10.
An old enemy is looking for you, and you are not
ready for a confrontation. You must give up your day 12 – LOW STOCK
and come back tomorrow. Some items are hard to find, but the Omphalos
usually comes through. Not today though. Each time
you want to purchase an item, roll a D6: 1-3 the item
is available, 4-6 the item is completely out of stock.

Things have been calm around here lately, so there
are supplies available for everybody. All prices today ENCOUNTERS
are -10ø. The Omphalos welcomes all sorts of people, from all
walks of life. The large variety of people crammed
into a contained space never fails to result in
14 – OMPHALE FESTIVAL interesting situations. Roll on the Random
Today is the day to celebrate Omphale, the goddess Encounters table each time you visit the Omphalos.
of the Omphalos. Any mission you accept today
grants double Favor. D10 Random Encounters
1 Fight
15 – ORDER DISPUTE 2 Pickpocket
There's been some bad blood between the Orders, 3 A Man in Need
and none of their representatives are available today. 4 A Celebrity
Come back tomorrow! 5 Rumors
6 Problem-solving
Instead of rolling to determine which Order 8 Suspicious Figure
representatives are present today, choose any you want. 9 Chimera
10 Ceremony
Due to some devotional schedule that was poorly
explained to you at some point, no sales are allowed A fight erupts in front of you, and you quickly find
today. You may not purchase or sell any items. yourself between arguing antagonists. In the swirling
melee you get a swift kick somewhere soft and
a broken nose.
Thanks to the energy flowing through the Omphalos, If you go on a mission, start with D20 fewer HP.
gain 100 ‘free’ VP to use today.
19 – THE OMPHALOS AT WORK Someone bumps into you, quickly apologizes and
There is a reason why they call this place the Center leaves in a hurry. Minutes later you realize that they
of the World. Due to an astrological phenomenon, must have robbed you!
you are able to perform any summoning as if it were
the spirit's required day and moon phase. Lose D100ø.


Entering the Omphalos right after you is an old A man rushes to you as you tend to your business, and
acquaintance back from a mission. He stumbles onto tells you that he urgently needs an athame to perform
you, bleeding! You need to help quickly or he'll die. a ritual. He seems quite desperate!
Perform a First Aid check. If you succeed, you manage
to stabilize him and in thanks he gives you some loot He is willing to buy yours for 200ø, but if you sell it
from his mission. Roll on the Valuables table. you'll need to consecrate a new one for your own use.

Q Liber 6 Q 109 Q The Omphalos Q

Ahead of you in the middle of an excited crowd is a very Among the crowd inside the Omphalos' main hall, you
well known adept (one may say a celebrity) who is notice a suspicious figure trying to blend in with the
visiting the Omphalos, and they are currently mass of people. Your instincts tell you to follow, and
surrounded by fawning sycophants. minutes later you find yourself behind some
bookshelves, eavesdropping on a furtive conversation.
If you approach the celebrity to engage them in Apparently they are planning some sort of attack!
conversation, perform a CHA test. If you pass, the
celebrity is impressed with you, and so is the crowd. If you intervene and alert the guards, gain 50 Favor
Earn 50 Favor with an Order of your choice. among all Orders, but not before the person you
followed gets a good look at you. A random sect
becomes your Antagonist. If you don't alert the
5 – RUMORS guards, the Omphalos is attacked and goes into lock-
While sitting and sharing some drinks with an down mode for the whole next week.
acquaintance, she lets you know there are some
rumors about you flying around.
You should really get on top of those rumors. One of Causa Scientiae's experiments has broken loose!
Perform a CHA test to spread tales of your power and A part deer, part eagle, part worm creature stands in
mystical feats. If you fail, you are caught red-handed your way, and it doesn't look friendly.
trying to create your legend. Lose 50 Favor with all
Orders. Use the Failed Chimera enemy profile as the
monstrosity attacks!

An acquaintance arrives asking for magical help with 10 – CEREMONY
a personal and time-sensitive matter. A member of one of the Orders has requested you
personally attend a ceremony.
Perform an Occult Knowledge check. If you pass,
earn 50 favor with an Order of your choice as you The ritual goes on for several hours, but you feel like
help them solve this problem in a discreet way. If you you've learned a lot from it. Perform an INT test. If
fail, word of your ineptitude spreads and you lose 50 you succeed, increase Magical Liturgy by 1.
Favor with a random Order.

While you're gathered around a table sharing drinks
and gossip, a friend of a friend who is also sitting at the
table seems to have been offended by some of your
views, and they begin trying to outwit you.

Perform an INT test. If you pass, your opponent

admits defeat and is impressed enough to allow you
to use their private facilities for free the next time
you need to perform a ritual or use an Alchemy Lab.


A primary reason to visit the Omphalos is to buy new Coming here for the first time represents a clean
gear, ingredients and components, and to use the slate for almost all, as fortune and respect can be
facilities. For commercial interactions, the official earned by anyone who plays their cards correctly.
currency of the Omphalos is the Obol (ø). Mundane The following lists show what you can buy and
currency has no value here; no matter how rich or sell on a regular day. Remember, you may sell items
poor you are in the outside world things have a for half the listed price, but the item may be sold for
different value at the Omphalos, to the point that it its full price if you successfully pass an Appraisal
could be considered a different world altogether. check for each item or batch of ingredients.

Absorb 5 damage from
Light Kevlar Occupies 4 GS 1,000ø
each attack
Absorb 10 damage from
Military Gear Occupies 6 GS 2,000ø
each attack, -1 DEX
Reduce ranged damage by the listed amount, and reduce melee damage by half the listed amount.

Melee Weapons
One-Handed D10+15 damage Occupies 1 GS 200ø
D10+20 damage
Two-Handed Occupies 2 GS 500ø
at -20 to hit

Ranged Weapons
2D20+20 damage
Grenade (requires winning the Occupies 1 GS 500ø
Engagement Turn)
2D10+10 damage
Pistol Occupies 1 GS 800ø
at +10 to hit
3D10 damage
Carbine Burst Fire Mode 3D10+10 Occupies 2 GS
damage at -20 to hit
3D10+10 damage
at -20 to hit
Rifle Automatic Fire Mode Occupies 2 GS 2,000ø
4D10+15 damage
at -40 to hit

Q Liber 6 Q 111 Q The Omphalos Q

Q Gear & Services Q

Reagents & Ingredients (per dose) Incense (per dose)

Measure of Alchemical Supplies 50ø Frankincense Fire 100ø
Ritual Vetivert Earth 100ø
Umbra salts 1,000ø
Jasmine Water 100ø
Aloe 200ø
reagent Peppermint Air 100ø
Ambergris 200ø
Ritual Tools
Beetle husks 200ø Athame Fire 100ø
Spell Pentacle Earth 100ø
Belladonna 200ø
Spell Chalice Water 100ø
Black salt 200ø
reagent Wand Air 100ø
Corpse dust 200ø Ritual Robes 200ø
Dry moss 200ø
reagent Other Gear & Equipment
Spell See clearly in the
Firefly wings 200ø Night-Vision
reagent dark and ignore 1,000ø
Spell darkness penalties
Komodo dragon scale 200ø
reagent Imbibe to step into
Spell the Astral without
Monarch powder 200ø passing a
reagent Potion of
Spell Meditation check, 500ø
Myrtle 200ø Astral Travel
reagent but reduce VP by
50% for that Astral
Spell Session
Owl feather 200ø
Basic tools required
Spell Lockpicks to use the Lock 500ø
Pearl 200ø
reagent Picking skill
Pyrite dust 200ø
Red coral dust 200ø
reagent Private Alchemy Lab per day 100ø
Spell Private Ritual Chamber per day 100ø
Spider silk 200ø
Tattoo of a spirit's name or sigil
Spell 1,000ø
Wormwood 200ø for the Ritual of Meldin
Identify Relic 200ø
for use


As long as humanity has existed, groups have ranks. This is highly desirable because each rank grants
organized to work towards common goals, access to exclusive abilities and powers called Talents.
sometimes in competition with, or opposed by other You will sometimes also be granted access to unique
groups. The occult world is no different; there are equipment, rituals, recipes and other occult knowledge.
more Orders, sects and organizations active than Progressing to the next rank in an Order requires the
anyone could possibly imagine. All magic orders following amount of Favor:
pursue their own agendas and compete for power
and influence. The few who know the power of Order Favor
cooperation are official supporters of the Omphalos,
actively working with them to, in a way, police and Rank I Apprentice 600 Favor
control magic activity in the region. In addition,
when an Order affiliates itself with the Omphalos Rank II Scion 1,800 Favor
they gain access to a wide array of potential
candidates to join their organization. Rank III Evocatus 3,200 Favor

Rank IV Elect 4,800 Favor

JOINING A MAGICAL Rank V Master 6,400 Favor
Gaining membership with an Order doesn't require Note that Favor is cumulative; you do not lose Favor
much; all Orders are in need of foot soldiers to do when reaching a new rank. Achieving Rank V
their dirty work and unfortunately the number of requires 80 in Occult Knowledge, in addition to
members that advance through the ranks is low. pledging exclusivity to that Order while you work
Consequently, almost no magic Order demands your way from Rank IV to Rank V.
exclusivity at lower ranks. Only when you prepare to Each Rank grants a choice between two different
begin progressing to the highest rank will you need Talents; you must choose one, and ignore the
to pledge yourself to them, which means you will not other one.
be able to accept any missions from other
organizations until you have reached Rank V with
that specific Order. You are free to move on
afterwards and continue working with other groups, Instead of having good standing with an Order, you
though. As a high ranking member, your decisions may find yourself in very bad standing with them by
will be respected and you will not lose membership failing or rejecting too many Missions. If for any
due to that. You have proven your worth and fidelity! reason you reach -500 Favor with an Order, any
Favor earned with that Order is reduced by half until
reaching 0 Favor. For example, earning 100 Favor
GOING UP THE RANKS with that Order only increases Favor by 50.
Joining an Order allows you to accept missions from If you ever reach -1,000 Favor with an Order,
them. Each time you complete a Mission, you earn Favor you become persona non grata, and will not be able
with the Order who assigned it, advancing through their to complete missions for them any longer.

There are several Orders working with the Omphalos. Listed here are the most prominent and influential
ones, as well as the benefits they offer as you progress through their Ranks. More orders will be described in
future releases.

skills. May be toggled on or off before

entering combat, but not during.
Causa Scientiae (Latin for ‘for the sake of
knowledge’) is a unique kind of organization. They g Rank III:
care not for politics or inter-order struggles; their ◦ Aim: Relinquish your turn to aim
goal is to understand the nature of reality. More with a ranged weapon, and double
specifically, the nature of supernatural reality. Each the damage of your next attack.
member is a weird fusion of tough monster hunter
bad-ass, and geeky, lab-oriented arcanoscientist.
They appreciate how the Omphalos provides ◦ Rapid Fire: Fire a ranged weapon
structure and new recruits, since their expeditions twice on the same turn, with a
often result in lots of dead adepts. Their role in penalty of -40 to the second shot.
culling supernatural threats makes them very g Rank IV:
respected and valued among the community, and
any adept joining them will surely learn a few tricks ◦ Mental Discipline: Each Sanity loss
to help with their survival. is reduced by 5 points.
Alignment: Order
◦ Dexterity Mastery: For all DEX tests,
Talents: roll 2 dice and use the higher result.
g Rank I: g Rank V:
◦ Increase DEX by 1. ◦ Point-Blank Shot: Gain a new
Combat Skill (starting value: DEX +
or 10) called Point-Blank Shot that
◦ Salamander's Gift: Learn the allows you to shoot a ranged weapon
Salamander's Gift formula (page 45). in melee range. Requires 50 with the
current weapon (e.g. using Point
g Rank II:
Blank Shot with a Glock requires 50+
◦ Beastslayer: Gain +5 damage against in Pistols).
non-human combatants by drawing or
upon your knowledge of monstrous
anatomy to strike with precision. ◦ Sample Collector: Use your speculum
to extract a sample from each non-
human enemy you kill. These samples
◦ Aggressive Stance: Gain +20 to are highly valued by the Order and
Offensive skills, but -20 to Defensive can be sold for 50ø each.

Q Liber 6 Q 115 Q The Omphalos Q

Q Orders Q


The Kadmonites are an ancient organization founded ◦ Re-roll:Once per mission, repeat a
on Kabbalistic principles and ideas. They seek to roll and keep the second result.
return the world to the state of Primordial Man,
before the Original Sin. As an old group, they are or
fairly conservative and skeptical of the new ways but ◦ Embrace Kinship: Earn 10% more
are happy to support the kind of structure the Favor from each Kadmonite mission.
Omphalos provides since their ultimate goal is
g Rank III:
harmony and order, at any cost. According to their
leaders, modern changes to the occult community ◦ Brace For It: Use your turn to reduce
have only brought chaos and dissent, making the the next incoming attack to its
Kadmonites’ job of bringing the world closer to God minimum possible damage.
more difficult. They are happy to work with anyone
willing to do some dirty work for them. They are
seeking one who can prove themselves worthy of ◦ Willpower of Gevurah: For the
becoming an avatar of Adam Kadmon, to bring order duration of a mission, temporarily
back to creation. increase Attributes or Skills by
allocating 5 Attribute points or 20
Alignment: Order Skill points however you choose.
g Rank IV:
◦ Intelligence Mastery: For all INT
g Rank I: tests, roll 2 dice and use the higher
◦ Increase INT by 1. result.
or or
◦ Defensive Stance: Gain +20 to ◦ Create Golem Ritual: Learn the
Defensive skills, but -20 to Offensive Create Golem ritual (page 41).
skills. May be toggled on or off before g Rank V:
entering combat, but not during.
◦ Free access to a private Sanctum.
◦ Order Resources: Get one advanced
alchemical ingredient for free, every day.

MESU-BETESH ◦ Charge: Immediately force a ranged
The Mesu-Betesh are the Children of Rebellion of opponent into melee at the beginning
ancient Egyptian themes. They oppose creation, of a fight, causing them to lose their
often putting them in conflict with Kadmonites, free shot during the engagement turn.
whom they view as pawns of the demiurgic will. The g Rank III:
Mesu Betesh claim to fight for ultimate spiritual
freedom and liberation from the circle of Samsara by ◦ Anticosmic Essence: Gain an
joining Seth's Seven Stars. Many have questioned alternating +2/-2 to all Attribute
why an organization as anarchic as the Mesu-Betesh tests. This means the first Attribute
would want to work with the Omphalos, but the test of a mission is performed with +2
elders of this group haven’t been forthcoming with to the attribute, the second with a -2,
explanations. For now, they are happy to send new and so on.
members into the fray, spreading chaos and or
unraveling creation one spell at a time.
◦ Retreat: Roll above the enemy’s DEX
to retreat from combat, but suffer an
Alignment: Chaos
automatic hit.
Talents: g Rank IV:
g Rank I: ◦ Willpower Mastery: For all WIL
tests, roll 2 dice and use the higher
◦ Increase WIL by 1.
◦ Dual Wielding (Melee): You may
◦ Devouring Plague: Learn the Devouring
perform a bonus off-hand attack
Plague Astral Spell (page 47).
every turn, with a -40 applied to the
second attack. g Rank V:
g Rank II: ◦ Qliphotic Soul: All Sanity loss is
reduced by half.
◦ Flame of Isfet: A ruby which, while
being held, reduces the cost of spells or
by 10 VP. Requires a free hand.
◦ Controlled Fall: Each time you “die”
or in the Astral, choose which Attribute
is reduced.

Q Liber 6 Q 117 Q The Omphalos Q

Q Orders Q

THE SIDDHA operations, allowing you to repeat a

The Siddha is a rather isolationist Order from the Far failed Alchemy roll. This stacks with
East which has only recently sent emissaries to the other similar effects.
Omphalos to establish a link and cement relations or
between the two groups. Siddha are masters of their
◦ Prapti Siddhi: Once a week, manifest
own destiny, controlling their Vril in ways only
a desired object in your hand. Choose
dreamed of by others, achieving a high degree of
any item from the Reagents or
physical and spiritual perfection or enlightenment.
Ingredients table.
This mastery manifests through Siddhi powers:
techniques and accumulated that allow an adept to g Rank III (Requires Meditation 50):
execute feats which typically require the assistance
◦ Dhanvantari's Gift: Once per Site,
of a spirit. Things like remote knowledge, battle
heal HP equal to ½ CON.
powers and even cheating death are all within the
reach of those who join this ancient Order. Despite or
what some say, these are not supernatural abilities, ◦ Rabhasa: Concentrate your Vril on
not ‘spells’ or miracles any more than the discovery your palm chakra, then project it
of and amazing uses for technology are miraculous. forwards to blast anyone in front of
The Siddha claim to have realized the potential of you, dealing D20 damage that ignores
consciousness far beyond the material, and it is thus armor. This effect doesn't benefit
that they bend Vril to their will. from Omphale's Embrace.
Although some sectors of the Omphalos resisted
their entry, arguing this Order grants power to those g Rank IV (Requires Meditation 60):
who are not ready for it, their effectiveness in dealing ◦ Remote Sight: See what or who is
with threats and their appeal to younger magicians inside a nearby room. Three times
rapidly earned them a place in the Omphalos’s per Site, roll for any Location’s
charter of Orders. Enemy, Event and Discovery before
entering the chosen Location.
Alignment: Neutrality
Attaining the Siddhis: Each new ability learned ◦ Centered Mind: Shield your mind
under the tutelage of the Siddha requires the student from the horrors of the world. Reduce
to progress in their own spiritual development like each Sanity Loss by 2.
no other Order does. In addition to the standard
Favor requirements, access to talents also requires g Rank V (Requires Meditation 80):
the adept improve their mastery of Meditation. ◦ Death Meditation: If you are
physically killed in any circumstance,
Talents: seek refuge in the Astral while your
g Rank I (Requires Meditation 30): body recovers. If this happens during
a mission, the mission is failed. Death
◦ Increase WIL by 1. Meditation incapacitates the character
or for one week and reduces CON by 1,
due to the enormous amount of
◦ Kanakdhara Siddhi: Double all energy it requires to maintain the link
Obols found, as your inner balance is between body and soul.
manifested through wealth in the
material world. or

g Rank II (Requires Meditation 40): ◦ Mind Over Body: Ignore the effects
of all Conditions.
◦ Surya Vigyan: Use this sacred Solar
Science to excel at alchemical

Q Orders Q

D20 Order Missions

As mentioned before, each time you arrive at the 2 Collect a Debt
Omphalos you will roll a D10 for each Order, and on 3 Dangerous Ruins
a 7-10 their representatives are there, ready to
assign you a new Mission. After deciding which 4 Defend the Sanctum
Order you are going to work with that day, roll on the 5 Dirty Fighting
Order Missions table to determine which task they 6 Elimination
require you to perform. Successfully completing a
7 Get the Thief
Mission for an Order grants 150 Favor and 500ø, and
the mission must be completed that day. If the player 8 Go Ratting
cannot complete a Mission (e.g. they cannot bypass a 9 Haunted House
locked door) the Mission is failed. Failed Missions
10 Kidnap
may not be replayed; return to the Omphalos later
for a new Mission and lose 50 Favor. You may refuse 11 Occult Terrorists
Missions, but refusing 3 in a row from the same 12 Recover
Order lowers your Favor with them by 200. 13 Rescue
Remember that once you complete a Mission,
you still need to find your way back to the Site's 14 Revenge
entrance. For each cleared Location you pass 15 Sabotage
through, roll a D10: 1-2 indicates an enemy. Roll on 16 Search
the Physical Encounters Table (page 126) with
17 Set it Ablaze
normal Site restrictions.
18 Spirit Pact
SEARCH MISSIONS 19 Teach Them a Lesson
Some Missions are completed by searching a Site for 20 Wounded Pride
a randomly placed goal. Each Location, roll D10+X
where X is the number of locations searched and 1 – CLEAN UP
check the result against the Mission’s target number.
The Order has discovered an old abandoned sanctum,
Matching or exceeding that number, or exploring the
full of things nobody should find. Go clean it up.
final Location will result in finding the goal.
This takes place at a Sect's Sanctum. Each time you
encounter an enemy, roll a D4: 1 – Failed Chimera, 2
– Vodou Zombie, 3 – Golem, 4 – Hunter (looting, or
doing the same thing you're doing. Oh well). Your
goal is to eliminate all enemies. After you clear all
Locations, perform a cleansing ritual by passing a
Meditation and Magical Liturgy check. This grants 10
Order points as you have cleared the area of spiritual
energy, and results in a safe trip to the entrance.

This is less official Order business and more a personal
favor for the representative, but either way you'll get
on their good side if you do what they ask. Search
Mission: Goal 16.

This takes place at a randomly determined Site (page

58), and your goal is to find the debtor. Once you find
them, generate a random NPC (page 140) and either
persuade the NPC to give you the money, or simply

kill them and earn 10 Chaos points. If you try talking, close for comfort. Infiltrate the Site and eliminate the
roll on the NPC Reaction Table (page 140) to see if magician in charge of the place.
they're willing to cooperate. If you succeed
peacefully, earn 10 Order points. This takes place at a Sect's Sanctum. Roll on the Sect
Variants table (page 132) to determine which sect
you'll be facing. All enemies will be members of that
3 – DANGEROUS RUINS sect, including The Magister who is found in the
The rumors of well preserved Roman ruins discovered Inner Sanctum, placed furthest from the entrance.
by an Order archaeologist were true. The problem is, Ignore any enemies, events or discoveries in the
the place is very well protected and so far nobody has Inner Sanctum, you will only face the Magister, who
come back alive. Go there and report back. will always be a Veteran.

This takes place in Ancient Ruins. Your job is to

explore the dig-site and come back alive. The 7 – GET THE THIEF
problem is, almost every Location is protected by a An ex-member of this Order managed to use some old
trap! Roll a D10 each time you enter a new Location; access codes to steal something valuable from the
on 7+, you've triggered a trap! Pass a DEX test or lose Order's HQ. Your mission is first and foremost to
D10 HP. All enemies here are Cursed Corpses; they retrieve the item, and to bring the thief back for justice
are like Vodou Zombies, but every time they hit you, if possible. Search Mission: 16.
your max HP is reduced by 1. This can only be cured
by leaving the ruins. If you clear the Site, earn 10 This takes place at a randomly determined Site (page
Order points. 58). Your goal is to find the thief, who has the stolen
item. Once you find them, generate a random NPC
(page 140). You may kill them, or attempt to
4 – DEFEND THE SANCTUM persuade them to return to the Omphalos for trial by
One of the Order's sanctums is being attacked! If you performing a CHA test. If you're successful, roll on
go there as fast as you can and defend the place, they’ll the NPC Reaction Table (page 140) to see if they're
throw in an extra 50 Favor. willing to cooperate. If you manage to persuade the
NPC to return with you, earn 15 Order points. If you
This takes place at a special Site; there are no decide to kill them, earn 10 Chaos points.
Locations to explore, you must simply stand your
ground and hold against the D4 waves of enemies,
followed by 1 Veteran, followed by 3 waves, 8 – GO RATTING
followed by another Veteran. All enemies are Agents Those pesky underground mages are causing trouble
of the Pact. again, and the Omphalos is tired of having to cover up
for them. It's time to remind them who is in charge.

5 – DIRTY FIGHTING This Mission takes place in the Sewers & City
This Order has received intel on a promising new Tunnels. Your goal is to eliminate D4+5 enemies.
adept rising through the ranks of another Earn 1 Order per enemy killed.
organization who needs some roughing up. The details
they give you are sparse, and this sounds more like
inter-order politics than anything else. Search Mission: 9 – HAUNTED HOUSE
Goal 14. A local house is making the papers too often with
stories about ghosts and violent psychic activity. Go
This takes place at a House. Generate a random there and put an end to it.
Veteran NPC to locate and defeat, thereby giving
them something to think about. Earn 10 Chaos points This takes place at a House with 5 locations, and all
for completing this Mission. enemies are Street Toughs. Your goal is to go there,
clear the Site and enter the Astral. This section of the
Astral has D6+5 Stages, and in the last one you will
6 – ELIMINATION face an Ancient Fae. Earn 10 Order for completing
One of the most dangerous cults opposing the this mission.
Omphalos has set up a new sanctum in an area too

Q Liber 6 Q 121 Q The Omphalos Q

10 – KIDNAP This takes place at an Abandoned Complex. Your goal
Q Orders Q

This Order has received information about a key is to find the prisoner, escape alive with her and then
researcher working for an enemy organization. You persuade her to join the Order. Once you find her,
must find them and bring them back no matter the generate a random NPC (page 140) and escape
cost. Search Mission: 16. together toward the entrance. If you manage to
escape with her, earn 10 Order points and roll a
This takes place at a randomly determined Site (page Persuasion check. If you pass, she is interested in
58). Once you’ve found the researcher, generate a joining the Order. If you escape with her but do not to
random NPC (page 140) and roll on the NPC Reaction convince her to join, earn half the Favor for this
Table (page 140) to see if they are willing to mission.
cooperate. If you persuade them, they willingly go
with you; otherwise you'll need to take them out of
action by reducing their health to 10 HP or less, by 14 – REVENGE
Stunning them, or by using a spell that will An important member of the Order was assassinated.
immobilize or knock them out. Earn 10 Chaos points This cannot go unpunished, so you must find the killer
for completing this mission. and deal with them.

This takes place at a randomly determined Site (page

11 – OCCULT TERRORISTS 58). Your goal is to find an NPC and kill them; for this
There are many occult groups that are not happy with you will need to clear the whole place. Generate a
the status quo, and are willing to violently shake Veteran NPC (page 140) who wil be in the last
things up. This Order has found a cell of one such Location. Earn 5 Order points for completing this
group, and it's your job to go and get rid of them. mission.

This takes place at an Abandoned Complex, and all

enemies will be Rogue Mages. Your goal is to clear 15 – SABOTAGE
every location and eliminate all opposition. Whether it looks like it or not, conflict between the
different groups is a war and sometimes in war sabotaging
enemy supplies is as important as killing them.
Somehow, an ancient relic belonging to this Order This takes place at an Abandoned Complex. Your goal
ended up in the hands of a museum's curator. You need is to find and destroy D4 stashes of Alchemical and
to go and, as stealthily as possible, recover the item Ritual supplies. Each time you clear a Location, roll a
without causing a scene. Search Mission: 16. D10: 8+ indicates you’ve found supplies to destroy. If
you finished clearing the Site and you haven't found
This takes place at a Museum, and all enemies will be all the supplies yet, you fail the Mission as they caught
Guards. Orderly players will want to avoid combat on and moved the supplies before you got to them.
because for each guard killed, you earn 5 Chaos
points and 5 fewer Favor. Earn 20 Order points if you
manage to complete the mission without a single 16 – SEARCH
death. You are tasked with finding a suitcase, the contents of
which have not been specified. This suitcase has been
hidden by enemies of the Order, so it will not be easy to
13 – RESCUE retrieve.
This Order has received information concerning a
valuable prisoner being held at a nearby facility. She This takes place at a randomly determined Site, with
has remained neutral so far but if you manage to the exception of a Museum or Ancient Ruins (page
extract her from the building, the Order leadership 58). Re-roll if necessary. The suitcase will be found in
believes you may convince her to join their ranks. the Location furthest from the entrance.
Search Mission: 16. Unfortunately for you, the suitcase is locked behind
an electronic lock, requiring a Technology check to

access. Once retrieved, you may either turn it in to
succeed the mission, or choose to declare it lost and
keep the contents, failing the mission but earning
100ø and a roll on the Valuables table.

The Order wants to send a strong message. They have
asked you to go to an enemy's warehouse and burn
it down.

This takes place at an Abandoned Complex. You must

go room by room through every Location to pour gas
all over the place. Each time you clear a Location, roll
a D10 while you're emptying another canister. On a
result of 1-2 you have attracted extra attention and
must face another enemy. This mission grants 15
Chaos points.

The Order tasks you with making a pact with a specific
spirit in their name. Time for some Astral travelling.

This Mission takes place in the Astral, and the Order

provides a Potion of Astral Travel if needed. As usual,
the entity is found in the last Stage; roll on the Astral
Encounters table to determine which spirit you must
find. Once you find it, perform a Persuasion check. If
you pass, you’ve made a pact with it. If you fail, you
will need to force it by facing the spirit in combat.
Earn 10 Order if you complete this mission.


A group of juvenile street mages has stolen some
valuable property from this Order. Inaction would be a
sign of weakness. You know what to do.

This takes place at a House, and all enemies will be

Rogue Mages. You must go there and eliminate all
opposition. Earn 1 Order per enemy killed.

It appears one of the Order leaders has had their
reputation tarnished, and they will not have it. You
must teach their enemies a lesson they'll never forget.

This takes place in the Sewers & City Tunnels. Your

goal is to eliminate anyone hiding here. Earn 1 Chaos
point per enemy killed, and an extra 50 Favor for
completing it.

Q Liber 6 Q 123

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