7 Crim Research 1&2

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Criminological Research & Statistics 392

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Review Notes on Purposes of Research:

& STATISTICS 1. Exploratory Research: As the name suggests, exploratory
-oOo- research is conducted to explore the research questions
and may or may not offer a conclusion to the research
Research is defined as a careful consideration of study conducted. It is conducted to handle new problem areas
regarding a particular concern or a problem using scientific which haven’t been explored before.
methods. It is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict
and control the observed phenomenon. It is called 2. Descriptive Research: It focuses on throwing more light on
Criminological research if it pertains to criminology or that it current issues through a process of data collection.
involves crimes, criminals, victims, public safety, security and Descriptive studies are used to describe the behavior of a
peace and order. sample population. In descriptive research, only one
variable (anything that has quantity or quality that varies) is
required to conduct a study. The three main purposes of
Characteristics of Research:
descriptive research are describing, explaining and
validating the findings.
1. A systematic approach is followed in research. Rules and
procedures are an integral part of research that set the 3. Explanatory Research: It is conducted to understand the
objective of a research process. Researchers need to impact of certain changes in existing standard
practice ethics and code of conduct while making procedures. Conducting experiments is the most popular
observations or drawing conclusions. form of casual research.
2. Research is based on logical reasoning and involves both
inductive and deductive methods.
3. The data or knowledge that is derived is in real time, actual Types of Research Methods and Research Example
observations in the natural settings.
4. There is an in-depth analysis of all the data collected from Qualitative research.– It is a research method that collects data
research so that there are no anomalies associated with it. using conversational methods, where participants involved in
5. Research creates a path for generating new questions. the research are asked open-ended questions. The responses
More research opportunity can be generated from existing collected are essentially non-numerical. This method not only
research. helps a researcher understand “what” participant thinks but
6. Research is analytical in nature. It makes use of all the also, “why” they think in a particular way.
available data so that there is no ambiguity in inference.
7. Accuracy is one of the important characters of research, 1. Qualitative research methods:
the information that is obtained while conducting the
research should be accurate and true to its nature. a. One-to-one Interview: This interview technique is
systematically planned and as the name suggests is
Types of Research: conducted with one participant at a given point in
time. One-to-one interviews need a researcher to
1. Basic Research: It is mostly conducted to enhance prepare questions in advance and to make sure the
knowledge. It covers fundamental aspects of research. The researcher asks only the most important questions to
main motivation of this research is knowledge expansion. It the participant. This type of interview lasts anywhere
is non-commercial research and doesn’t facilitate in between 20 minutes to half an hour. During this time
creating or inventing anything. For example, an experiment the researcher collects as many meaningful data as
is a good example of basic research. possible from the participants to draw inferences.

2. Applied Research: Applied research focuses on analyzing b. Focus Groups: Small groups comprising of around 6-10
and solving real-life problems. This type of research refers participants who are usually experts in the subject
to the study that helps solve practical problems using matter. A moderator is assigned to a focus group who
scientific methods. This research plays an important role in facilitates the discussion amongst the group members.
solving issues that impact the overall well-being of humans. A moderator’s experience in conducting focus group
For example, finding a specific cure for a disease. plays an important role. An experienced moderator
can probe the participants by asking the correct
3. Problem Oriented Research: As the name suggests, research questions that will help him/her collect a
problem-oriented research is conducted to understand the sizable amount of information related to the research.
exact nature of the problem to find out relevant solutions.
The term “problem” refers to having issues or two thoughts c. Ethnographic Research: Ethnographic research is an
while making any decisions. in-depth form of research where people are observed
in their natural environment with any alterations. This
4. Problem Solving Research: This type of research is method can prove to be a bit demanding in terms of a
conducted by companies to understand and resolve their researcher getting adapted to the natural environment
own problems. The problem-solving research uses applied of the target audience which could even be the
research to find solutions to the existing problems. Amazon rainforest! Geographic locations can be a
constraint in this type of research method. Instead of
5. Qualitative Research: It is a process that is about inquiry conducting interviews a researcher needs to
that helps in-depth understanding of the problems or issues experience the settings in person to collect
in their natural settings. This is a non- statistical research information.
d. Text Analysis: It is a little different from other
qualitative research methods as it used to analyze the
social life by decoding words, texts etc. through any
available form of documentation. In modern times,

Criminological Research & Statistics 393
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researchers follow activities on a social media platform 4. ABSTRACT – It is used by readers to quickly review the
and try and understand the pattern of thoughts. overall content of the paper. It contains a summary of what
is included in the thesis. It must be concise yet accurate as
e. Case Study Research: Case study research, as the only the pertinent points in the manuscript are included.
name suggests is used to study an organization or an For a simple guide, ensure that the following are present: 1)
entity. This research method has evolved over the a brief introduction of the study, 2) the purpose of the
years and is one of the most valuable qualitative study, 3) how the researcher studied the phenomenon, and
research methods known to researchers. This type of 4) the salient findings and conclusions of study. It requires a
research is used in fields like education sector, maximum of two pages; thus, is typically restricted to 200 –
philosophical and psychological studies. This method 250 words.
involves a deep diving into the ongoing research and
collects data. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT – Acknowledge those whom you think
have contributed to your work. Always use the third person
2. Quantitative research.– It deals with numbers and point of view when referring to the writer. Mention the
anything that can be dealt with a measurable form, in a name, and how this person has helped you; followed by the
systematic way of investigating the phenomenon. It is used next person, and so on.
to answer questions in terms of justifying relationships with
measurable variables to explain, predict or control a CHAPTER 1
Quantitative research methods:
1. Background of the study – This is an overview of the
1. Survey Research- The goal of survey research is to research which presents a situational problem analysis
learn about a large population by deploying globally, national, regional, and local context. This may also
the survey. Survey may be carried out using a pen and include a) the justification of what generated interest and
a paper or the now innovative online surveys. In this motivation for the problem: b) the logical continuity
method, a researcher designs a survey with most between relevant previous work with the present work; c)
relevant survey questions and deploys the survey. the theoretical or practical importance of the study: and d)
Once the researcher receives the responses, he/she in general, provides the reader a firm sense of what was
summarizes them to tabulate meaningful findings and done and why.
2. Theoretical / Conceptual Framework – This includes: a|)
2. Descriptive Research- Descriptive research is a the different theories and models that provide the
quantitative research method, which corresponds to conceptual underpinnings of the study or the legitimate
identifying the characteristics of an observed bases for defining its parameters; b) general reviews or
phenomenon and collecting more information. This surveys about the topics that can be referred to that are
research method is designed to depict the participants available; and c) an emphasis of permanent findings,
in a very systematic and accurate manner. In simple relevant methodological issues, and major conclusions.
words, descriptive research is all about describing the
phenomenon, observing, and drawing conclusions This part of a research is very important because the
from it. theories shall help in the interpretation of the research
findings which leads to very good research. It is advisable to
3. Correlational Research- It examines the relationship use free standing headings and paragraph headings
between two or more variables. For example: Married whenever necessary to assist organizing the concepts being
women have a negative correlation with cancer. There presented.
are two variables: cancer, and married women. When
we say negative correlation, it means women who are 3. Research Paradigm – This is a diagrammatic representation
married are less likely to develop cancer. However, it of a conceptual framework. It represents the conceptual
doesn’t mean that marriage directly avoids cancer. framework very clear and detailed discussion of the
variables and their relationship. The researcher should
know the value of controlling a particular (independent)
BASIC PARTS OF RESEARCH PAPER: variable in order that interference of other variables in the
prediction will be avoided or minimize.
1. TITLE PAGE – consists of the research title, names of the
researchers and name of the English teacher. • 4. Statement of the problem and Hypotheses – The research
Acknowledgement – a personal page where the researchers problems are usually answered empirically. The main
are given the privilege to extend gratitude to all people who problem is usually stated in a declarative form and covers
helped in accomplishing the research. the broad area. In this part the intent of the investigation
must in a clear grammatical sequence, shows congruence
2. TABLE OF CONTENTS – contains the accurate paging of with the title and the theoretical framework, and provides
each part of the research paper. • List of Tables/Figures – linkage with the methodology to be employed.
contains the accurate paging of the tables/figures used in
the study. 5. The hypotheses should provide the researcher's expected
answer to the sub-problems. They should be stated clearly
3. ACKNOWLEDGMENT - Acknowledge those whom you think and unambiguously in a declarative form. Use the null
have contributed to your work. Always use the third person hypothesis except for literary or qualitative researches.
point of view when referring to the writer. Mention the
name, and how this person has helped you; followed by the
next person, and so on.

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DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY • Ibid (Ibidem) – Latin word that means “in the same place”
that is used to cite the same book, publication, chapter, or
1. Research Design – Spell out and indicate the research page previously cited.
method used and reason for the choice of it. • Op. cit. (Latin word which means opere citato or opus
citatum) - in the text or texts quoted (used in footnotes to
2. Population and Locale of the Study – Present a narrative refer to a source just mentioned).
description of the population. Start with the universe • Infra – (Latin term that means “below”) used in an
(entire population) then to the sample. Explain the explanatory note to refer a reader to a point later in a text.
sampling technique used, if any. When needed, a tabular • Supra - used in formal writing to refer the reader back to
presentation of the respondents' characteristics may be something at an earlier point in the same text.
done after its textual explanation.

3. Data Gathering Tool/s – Briefly describe the instrument or DEFINITION OF TERMS:

materials used and their function in the study. I f the data
gathering is through a structured paper -and-pencil tool, 1. Applied Research – Research which studies the relationship
discussion of the (psychometric) characteristics, if any , and/ or applicability of theories or principles to the solution
should be presented. of a problem.
2. Basic Research – Research which adds something new to
4. Data Gathering Procedures – It should discuss what the the body of the knowledge in a particular field.
researcher did and now the research was done. Summarize 3. Bibliography – Any list of references at the end of a
each step in the execution of the research, including the research report or manuscript, whether cited or not within
instructions given to the participants. Describe the the write up; includes not only texts referred to in the
randomization, counterbalancing, and other control paper, but as well as any other articles the researcher /
features in the design. write made use of and readers might need as background
5. Treatment of the Data – This is the basis for the evaluation 4. Case Study – Extensive study of an individual unit, group,
of the appropriateness of the procedure for the analysis of institution, organization, or program which provides a
the data. For quantitative research, all statistical tools have thorough analysis of the object being investigated.
to be presented inclusive of how these were used and their 5. Citation – A short, formal indication of the source of
formulae. Alongside the statistical tools will be a information or quoted material.
presentation of their corresponding null hypothesis, if these 6. Conceptual Framework – A set of interrelated ideas or
were the basis in the analysis of the findings. notions that provide the legitimate bases of the study.
7. Descriptive study – A study that is not truly experimental
(e.g. Case history, record view, correlation, observation)
CHAPTER 3 8. Empirical research – Research conducted for the purpose
of collecting measurable data in terms of attitudes,
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA behavior, or performance; designed to generate
projectable, numerical data on a topic.
The presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data 9. Experimental group – Subjects in an experimental design
per problem includes organizing, classifying, and examining the that receives the treatment or program under study.
data for their meaning, while the synthesis of data embraces the 10. Independent variable – An entity that is manipulated,
formulation of general principles. measured, or selected by the researcher as an antecedent
condition to an observed behavior.
11. Mean – Referred to as “the average”; computed merely by
CHAPTER 4 adding the numbers in a series and dividing the total by the
number of items in the series.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12. Moderator variable – An entity that influences the nature
of the relationship between an independent variable and a
1. CONCLUSIONS – are brief generalizations which are derived dependent variable.
from the findings. Accordingly, the conclusions are not 13. Null hypothesis – The proposition, to be tested statistically,
mere reiteration of the findings; on the contrary, these are that the experimental intervention has no effect, meaning
inferences which can be discerned from the results of the that the treatment and control groups will not differ as the
study. result of the intervention.
14. Paradigm – A model or pattern which presents root
2. RECOMMENDATIONS – are counsels or advice which are assumption parameters with in which research is
feasible and specific. Recommendations which are conducted.
intended to motivate the management of the researcher's 15. Population – A complete set of individuals, objects or
subject/institution to improve their present system and measurements having some common observable
condition are called policy recommendations; whereas, the characteristics.
so-called research recommendations are those aimed at 16. Qualitative research – Collection of non- numerical data
replicating the thesis for the use and benefit of others in using interviews, observations, and open-ended questions
the future. to gather meaning from non-quantified narrative
3. BIBLIOGRAPHY – The word “bibliography” came from the 17. Quantitative – Research-collection of numerical data in
Greek term “bibliographia” – the writing and copying of order to describe, explain, predict and/or control
books. It consists of list of references used by the phenomena of interest.
researcher. It is presented as follows: 18. Reference – Usually come at the end of research report or
manuscript and should contain only those works cited
within the write-up.

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19. Reliability – Degree to which an instrument consistently

measures in the way on repeated trials.
20. Sample – a subset or part of a population
21. Standard deviation – A measure of the range of variation
from an average of a group of measurement; a statistical
measure of the dispersion of the frequency distribution
22. Survey – Observational or descriptive, or non-experimental
study in which persons are systematically examined for the
presence or absence of characteristic of interest.
23. Theory – Comprehensive explanation of a given set of data
that has been repeatedly confirmed by observation and
experimentation, and has gained general acceptance within
the scientific community, but has not yet been decisively
24. Validity (of an instrument) – Degree to which a measure
accurately assesses the specific concept is designed to


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