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Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655

DOI 10.1007/s00436-007-0806-2


The life cycle of Stephanoprora aylacostoma n.sp.

(Digenea: Echinostomatidae), parasite of the threatened snail
Aylacostoma chloroticum (Prosobranchia, Thiaridae),
in Argentina
M. Ostrowski de Núñez & M. G. Quintana

Received: 31 October 2007 / Accepted: 9 November 2007 / Published online: 12 December 2007
# Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract A new species, Stephanoprora aylacostoma is Introduction

described and its life cycle was resolved experimentally.
The prosobranch snail Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton The occurrence of molluscs of the genus Aylacostoma Spix,
Scott, collected in the Yacyretá dam, Province of Misiones, 1827 (Prosobranchia, Thiaridae) in Argentina and Paraguay
Argentina, was found naturally infected with large-tailed was first reported by Hylton Scott (1951, 1954). In
cercariae possessing a prepharyngeal body and corpuscles Argentina, she described species living in freshwater
in the excretory system but lacking collar spines. Meta- habitats near the rapids of Apipé, on the Paraná River,
cercariae, which encysted on the gills of experimentally between the cities of Ituzaingó (27°37′ S, 56°40′ W) and
infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns) and Posadas (27°20′ S, 55°55′ W; Fig. 1). Half a century later,
Poecilia reticulata (Peters) (Poecilidae), developed collar these endemic species are threatened of extinction due to
spines after 10 days. Tetragonopterid fishes Moenckhausia the construction of the Yacyretá Hydroelectric power plant
dichroura (Kner), Astyanax erythropterus (Holmberg) and (2,700,000 KW; flooded area, 1,720 km2). Of the five
Hyphesobrycon serpae (Durbin in Eigenmann) were found species identified until 1993 (before impoundment), only
infected naturally. Sexually mature adults were recovered Aylacostoma chloroticum (Fig. 1) persists in two relictual
from domestic chicks at day 7 post-exposure. Eggs shed in populations at the upstream section of the reservoir
chick faeces developed to miracidia within 13–15 days; (Quintana and Mercado-Laczkó 1997). A raise in the water
sporocysts were found on the gills of snails. The new level of the dam that will be undertaken in the near future
species differs from other species of the genus in its larger may increase the extinction risk of the local snail
eggs, in the smaller, slender body and smaller collar spines population. This fact led to the development of a
of the adult and in the morphological and biological conservation program to propagate A. chloroticum snails
features of the larval stages. in captivity and reintroduce them into presumed adequate
locations downstream Yacyretá dam.
The examination of some A. chloroticum specimens
from the relictual populations revealed that they were
infected with an unknown fauna of larval trematodes. The
M. Ostrowski de Núñez (*) aim of this paper was to describe the life cycle of a new
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias species of the genus Stephanoprora Odhner, 1902, the most
Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, frequent larval trematode in the snail population.
Ciudad Universitaria,
Pabellón II. 1428,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail: ostrowski@bg.fcen.uba.ar Materials and methods
M. G. Quintana
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”,
Specimens of A. chloroticum of up to 37 mm in length were
Av. Angel Gallardo 470, (C1405DJR), collected from the Paraná River at Heller Peninsula, (27°20′
Buenos Aires, Argentina S, 55°55′ W) near Posadas City, Province of Misiones,
648 Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655

Fig. 1 Map of South America showing the sampling area: the Paraná River and the lake created by the dam at the hydroelectric power station of
Yacyretá, including Aylacostoma chloroticum, scale 10 mm

Argentina. The snails were kept individually in vials with emerged miracidia were exposed to each of eight laborato-
20 ml of tap water and observed for the emergence of ry-reared A. chloroticum of around 10 mm in length, which
cercariae. Immediately after shedding, some snails were were placed in 10 ml of tap water. These snails were
dissected to check for intramolluscan stages, whereas maintained separately in small vials for 48 h and then held
emerging cercariae were exposed to laboratory-reared together in an aerated aquarium, fed with commercial fish
Poecilia reticulata (Peters) and Cnesterodon decemmacu- food at room temperature (ranging between 13 and 25°C
latus (Jenyns) and specimens of C. decemmaculatus during the study period) and dissected at 28, 43, 71, 136
collected in the field. Some individuals of the latter were and 240 days pe. Three snails were fixed for histological
used as control to rule out previous infections; their sections, embedded in paraffine wax, cut at 7 μm, stained
dissection indicated that although they showed metacercar- with hematoxiline and eosine and mounted in Canada
iae of Diplostomidae, the gills were free of parasites. balsam. Heleobia parchappei (d’Orbigny) collected at
Experimentally infected fishes from natural and experimen- Lujan River (Buenos Aires Province) and measuring up to
tal sources were placed separately in small aquaria and fed 3 mm in size were exposed individually to two miracidia in
with commercial fish food. 5 ml of tap water.
Eight newly hatched unfed chicks (Gallus gallus The life spans of miracidia and cercariae were deter-
domesticus L) were force-fed mature metacercariae (n= mined by observing specimens placed in vials with 2 and
11–50) from experimentally infected fishes. The chicks 5 ml of tap water, respectively, three to five times per day.
were housed in cages at room temperature and fed with oats Larval stages and adults were studied alive and as
and water ad libitum. They were necropsied from 3 to permanent or temporary whole mounts. Adults were fixed
7 days post-exposure (pe) to recover the adults. in nearly boiling 4% formalin; stained with alcoholic
To determine the natural second intermediate host, fishes hydrochloric carmine, dehydrated in an ethanol series,
belonging to the Tetragonopteridae, Moenckhausia cleared in creosote and mounted in Canada balsam. Some
dichroura (Kner), Astyanax erythropterus (Holmberg) and adults were fixed in 96% ethanol for further molecular
Hyphesobrycon serpae (Durbin in Eigenmann) were sam- analysis. All larval stages were fixed in nearly boiling
pled at different sites along the dam. 4% formalin; miracidia were mounted in Fauré liquid
Eggs laid spontaneously by experimentally obtained (Langeron 1942); rediae and cercariae were stained as
adults and collected from chick faeces were put on described for adults or cleared in lactophenol and mounted
depression slides and covered with coverslips to follow in glycerine jelly or mounted in formol without applying
daily development. At the same time, larger groups of eggs pressure for measurements. All measurements (length ×
were maintained in Petri dishes. Three to seven newly width) are given in micrometres, with the range followed
Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655 649

Fig. 2 Stephanoprora aylacostoma n.sp. a adult scale 200 μm; b collar, scale 50 μm; c mother redia at 42 days pe, scale 200 μm; d natural
daughter redia, scale 200 μm; e mother redia (in vivo) at 130 days pe, scale 100 μm; f body of cercaria, scale 100 μm; g cercaria, scale 500 μm

by the mean in parentheses; in the case of spines, the range Ciencias Naturales, La Plata, Argentina (CHMLP), and
is followed by the mean, standard deviation and number of specimens from personal collection of F. Cremonte; (3) S.
spines measured in parentheses. argentinensis (Sutton et al. 1982): paratypes No. 656 C and
Figures were made with the aid of a camera lucida, and 644 C deposited in the CHMLP; (4) S. paradenticulata
details were added free-hand. Specimens were deposited in (Nasir and Rodríguez 1969) from Himantopus himantopus
the Parasitological Collection of the Museo Argentino de (Linnaeus, 1758), microslide No. 71152, and S. dentic-
Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Buenos Aires, ulata from G. domesticus of Nasir and Scorza (1968)
Argentina (MACN-Pa). microslide No.63112, both deposited in the USA National
In addition, the following material was studied for Parasite Collection, Beltsville, Maryland, USA (USNPC);
comparison: (1) S. uruguayense vouchers No. 58/1-15, (5) S. denticulata from G. domesticus (n=1) and Larus
175/1-12, 177/1-15, 181/1-16 from G. domesticus and 34/1- ridibundus L. (n=3) from personal collection of M. Køie
7 from Larus dominicanus (Lichtenstein, 1823) deposited (Denmark).
in the Universidad Nacional del Comahue Bariloche,
Argentina, and additional specimens from personal collec-
tion (MON); (2) S. podicipei Etchegoin et Martorelli, 1997: Results
paratype No 3903 from Podiceps major (Boddaert, 1783)
and No. 4584 from Sterna hirundinacea Lesson, 1831 Stephanoprora aylacostoma n.sp. (Figs. 2a–g; Figs. 3a–k)
deposited in the Colección Helmintológica del Museo de Adult (Figs. 2a–b; 3i–k)
650 Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655

Fig. 3 a Freshly laid egg; b egg at 13 days pe; c miracidium, a–c, encysted on gill of Moenckhausia dichroura, scale 100 μm; forebody
same scale 50 μm; d sporocyst, scale 200 μm; e gill of snail showing of adult: i dorsal side; j ventral side, scale 100 μm; k adult, anterior
two sporocysts, scale 200 μm; f mother redia at 71 days pe, scale level of vitelline follicles (arrows), scale 200 μm
500 μm; g cercaria in resting position, scale 250 μm; h metacercaria

Description larger than the corner spines, 26.9–33.2 (30.4; 1.9; n=19)
long, but smaller than the subsequent four spines, 28.4–
Measurements: based on 15 permanent mounted, egg-bearing 34.8 (31.8; 1.4; n=36) long; last four dorsal spines 28.4–
specimens recovered at day 7 pe from chicks exposed to cysts 37.9 (33.8; 3.1; n=11) long.
from experimentally reared C. decemmaculatus. The terminal oral sucker, 60–88 (76)×63–82 (73), is
The elongate body measures 1,728–2,256 (2,026)×208– armed with ten small spines on the anterior border
256 (239) at the acetabular level. The tegument is spinous, (Fig. 2b); the prepharynx is short, 0–47 (22); the pharynx
with scale-like spines 10–13 long arranged in dense rows in is muscular, 69–95 (80)×63–85 (67); the long oesophagus
the forebody and extended up to the ventral sucker dorsally 161–221 (189) bifurcates a short distance anterior to the
and in lateral bands ventrally (Fig. 3i–j); in the hindbody, ventral sucker into two caeca, which end in the distal
the spines cover the ventral surface, decrease in size and chamber of the excretory vesicle forming the uroproct. The
density and reach a short distance behind the testes. The pharynx to oral sucker width ratio is 1:1.0–12 (1.1). The
dorsal surface is free from spines, except for the narrow ventral sucker, 142–173 (154)×158–180 (171), is placed in
lateral bands. the anterior third of the body and bears about 30 small
The small head collar, 158–189 (172) wide, is armed spines or scales around the opening. The oral sucker to
with 22 straight spines (Fig. 2b) arranged in a single, ventral sucker width ratio is 1:2.1–2.7 (2.3).
dorsally interrupted row and distributed as follows: two The genital organs are found in the middle third of the
small corner spines, the first one measuring 23.7–31.6 body. The oval testes are generally in contact and arranged
(26.0; 2.1 n=20) long and the second one 26.9–33.2 (29.3; in tandem; the anterior testis, 117–189 (158)×139–189
1.6 n=19) long, the next spine on each side is slightly (160), is slightly shorter and wider than the posterior
Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655 651

testis, 123–261 (222)×139–176 (145), and both testes Sporocysts

show regular borders. The cirrus sac, 120–176 (142)×95–
113 (103), is dorsal to and partly covered by the ventral The sporocysts are found on the gill of the snail; live
sucker. The seminal vesicle is bipartite, the prostatic sporocysts measure 230–340×220–340 (n=3; 28 days pe)
glands are visible, and the inconspicuous cirrus is short. and 527×232 (n=1; 43 days pe). The body is brown
The genital pore is situated anterior to the ventral sucker. pigmented and remnants of miracidial eyespot pigment are
The round ovary, 54–95 (72)×79–117 (97), is located in still visible; one to two mother rediae 148–251×60–102,
front of the anterior testis; the Mehlis’ gland and the with a pharynx 34–55×29–49 can be seen inside the
uterine seminal receptacle are present. The short uterus, sporocyst. No sporocysts were detected in the snails
which contains up to 15 eggs 88–104 (94)×35–60 (49), dissected at 71 and 136 days pe (Fig. 3d–e).
occupies the space between the anterior testis, and the
ventral sucker and ends in a delicate duct at the genital Rediae
pore. The distance between the posterior border of the
ventral sucker and the anterior border of the ovary Measurements were made on permanent mounted speci-
represents 6.7–9.4% (8.0%) of the total body length mens (Figs. 2c–e and 3f).
(TBL). The vitelline glands, which are transversally The first two free mother rediae 553–565×188, with a
elongate and relatively large, 19–38 (28)×25–101 (53), pharynx 72–79×79 were found on the gill 43 days pe
are generally extended in two lateral bands from various (Fig. 2c). They show a feeble tegumental collar behind the
points of the anterior testis to the body end, sometimes pharynx, a pair of short appendages near the posterior end
reaching even up to the level of the anterior border of of the body; the caecum reaches to the level of the
ovary (Fig. 3k); they become more or less confluent appendages. The body cavity contains about seven large
behind the testes. The excretory vesicle possesses five and some smaller germ balls.
chambers: a shorter distal chamber receiving the intestinal At day 72 pe, there were about 50 rediae invading the
caeca and four larger anterior chambers, with collecting gill, hepatopancreas and gonad. The smallest rediae
ducts arising from the proximal chamber at each body measured 142–283×25–50 with a pharynx 16–38×19–35
side. The post-testicular space represents 31.8–43.1% (n=23), whereas the largest ones were 314–710×44–157
(38.1%) of the TBL. with a pharynx 25–126×38–126 (n=16); 12 of the latter
Five of eight chicks previously force-fed with cysts contained small daughter rediae (Fig. 3f).
became positive. Three of them, infected each with 20, 40 At day 136 pe, the number of rediae increased up to 250;
and 50 cysts from experimentally reared C. decemmacula- rediae were variable in size, measuring 226–735×50–144,
tus, yielded 1, 22 and 39 parasites at 3, 5 and 7 days pe, with a pharynx 19–95×19–100 (n=27); 12 of the measured
respectively. Two chicks, each of which was force-fed with rediae contained small daughter rediae (Fig. 2e).
30 cysts from exposed C. decemmaculatus of natural All rediae containing daughter rediae are larger than 330;
source, resulted infected with five and six parasites at the small daughter rediae are 100–190×28–47, with a small
day 7 pe. The remaining three chicks infected (1) with eight pharynx 16–28×19–32, similar in size to the smallest free
cysts from P. reticulata and (2) with 11 and 36 cysts from rediae. No developing cercariae can be distinguished at this
exposed C. decemmaculatus of natural source were time. At least three pairs of protonephridia are present in
negative. living mother rediae.
At day 240 pe, an uncounted number of daughter rediae
Eggs and miracidia with developing cercariae had invaded the entire snail.
Daughter rediae are morphologically similar to mother
Eggs in freshly passed faeces of chicks are 91–104 (95)× redia, but larger, 389–810 (612)×82–220 (136), show a
54–60 (57; n=30). Each egg is surrounded by an oval smaller pharynx 44–66 (50) x 47–57 (52; n=12), a less
capsule, yellow to light brown, operculate and contains a conspicuous annular collar in fixed specimens, two poste-
zygote and several vitelline cells. At 26–28°C, the eyespots rior appendages, and the caecum reaches to the level of
of miracidia appeared on day 10; miracidia became fully posterior appendages. They differ from mother rediae in
developed between 13 and 15 days and emerged 3 days that they contain immature cercariae, which are clearly
later (Fig. 3a–c). Live miracidia are up to 125 long, but distinguished by the presence of oral and ventral suckers, a
fixed specimens measure 60–74 (68)×35–46 (39; n=16). short tail and undeveloped germ balls. Immature cercariae
Miracidia swam actively during 24 h, and swimming leave the rediae and complete their development in the
slowed down for the next 48 h. The maximal life span tissues of the snail.
was about 4 days, but infection probably took place within The pharynx size (69–126×82–126) in 7 of the 24 rediae
the first 24 h at room temperature (13–25°C). containing small daughter rediae was comparable to that of
652 Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655

two rediae found free at day 43 pe; the pharynx size of the ventral sucker, as indicated by ciliary patches distributed
remaining rediae (35–66×44–69) was similar to that of along the interior margins. The flame cells are arranged in
daughter rediae (44–66×47–57) with developing cercariae 16 pairs (Fig. 2f). In emerged cercariae, the caudal duct of
at day 240 pe. This fact suggests the occurrence of more the excretory system enters the anterior portion of the tail
than two generations of rediae or that daughter rediae are where it ends blindly after a short distance. In immature
capable to produce rediae before they switch to cercarial cercariae within snails, the caudal duct of the excretory
production. system runs along the tail, bifurcates into two short
The three snails fixed on 29, 58, and 111 days pe for branches near the posterior end and opens at a pore. As
histological sections show the sporocyst or the rediae the cercaria matures, the short branches become blinded,
invading the snails in a similar manner as the snails and the whole duct shortened.
dissected 42, 72 and 136 days pe, respectively. The tail is 1,792–2,224 (1,919)×138–192 (161) and not
Rediae from natural infections (based on 15 formalin- pigmented. Longitudinal muscle fibres run along the central
fixed unstained specimens mounted under coverslip without axis of the tail; circular muscles, arranged in packets, give a
pressing on it) varied considerably in body size, 560–1136 characteristic feature (Fig. 2f–g)
(838)×160–240 (201) and showed a muscular pharynx 38– At room temperature (13–25°C), cercariae survived up
94 (71)×38–88 (66; Fig. 2d). to 4 days. They swam actively while describing an S-like
All the eight exposed A. chloroticum specimens became figure for approximately 24 h and then floated for a short
infected, whereas none of the H. parchappei snails was time in stretched position as they fell to the bottom where
positive after dissection between weeks 4 and 7 pe. the tail coiled over the body (Fig. 3g). The cercariae lost
vitality during the following 2 days keeping the tail in this
Cercariae position. In the last period of life until death, they were
unable to coil the tail. At 26–28°C cercarial longevity was
Measurements were based on 20 fixed cercariae from shorter, with 50% of them active during 24 h and a
naturally infected snails (Figs. 2f–g and 3g). The body maximum survival of 48 h.
239–264 (250)×82–94 (88) has a tegument without spines. No penetration of fish by cercariae was observed, but
The head collar is feebly developed and lacks spines. The they may have been swallowed or may have reached the
oral sucker is subterminal, 35–47 (39)×38–44 (40), and has gill filaments passively with the respiratory current.
ten flattened spines on its anterior border. The prepharynx Experimentally obtained cercariae were about 10%
is 25–32 (28); there is a small prepharyngeal body, 9–16 smaller in body and tail size than naturally obtained
(14)×9–13 (12), with two globular inclusions. The pharynx cercariae. The last surviving snail emitted the first cercariae
is muscular, 16–25 (20)×13–16 (14), the oesophagus is at 6 months pe and continued emitting for about more than
long, and the distance between the oral and ventral suckers 2 months. The snail was dissected after cercarial shedding
is 126–145 (135); the intestine bifurcates shortly anterior to ceased.
the ventral sucker, and the caeca reach to the level of the
excretory vesicle. The ventral sucker 41–47 (46)×38–44 Encysted metacercaria
(42), which is slightly larger than the oral one, is situated
posterior to the midbody and shows flattened spines Measurements were based on ten live metacercariae (obtained
surrounding the opening. Cystogenous cells with bar- between 10 and 15 d pe) encysted on the gill filaments of
shaped contents lie between the pharynx and the end of experimentally infected C. decemmaculatus; the measure-
the body. Penetration glands, gland ducts openings anterior ments of ten specimens from M. dichroura are in brackets
to oral sucker and paraoesophageal gland cells are not (Fig. 3h). The oval cysts, 120–136 (127)×95–113 (102)
observed. The genital rudiments consist of two masses of [117–126 (120) x 95–104 (99)], have a thin wall. The
cells, one at the anterior and the other at the posterior corpuscles in the excretory system are conspicuous, 3–6 (5)
margin of the ventral sucker; the cell masses are connected in diameter [5–11 (7)×3–8 (6)]. The head collar bears a
by a string of cells passing dorsal to the acetabulum. dorsally interrupted crown of 22 oral spines, with corner
The excretory system is stenostomate, with the main spines 9.5–11.7 (11); the first spine of the row is 9.5–10.6
tubes extending from the anterior wall of the small (10) and the next spines are 10.6–13.8 (12) long. The head
excretory vesicle to the level of the prepharynx; the main collar spines became visible from day 10 pe onward. There
collecting tubes are narrow, with 23–51 refractile granules are six to eight pores at the front of the oral sucker, which
measuring 5–6 in diameter. The excretory ducts run presumably are penetration gland outlets. The oral sucker is
posteriad after forming a loop at the prepharyngeal level; 30–36 (34)×36–44 (42) [25–35 (30)×40–47 (42)] and the
the bifurcation into the anterior and posterior canals is not ventral sucker 32–41 (35)×47–52 (51) [28–43 (35)×47–63
clearly seen, but would occur at the posterior level of the (54)]. The prepharynx is short, the pharynx is oval, 19–27
Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655 653

(23)×13–16 (14) [17–25 (22)×13–24 (18)], and the intesti- the morphological and biological features of the larval
nal caeca are not visible due to the small size of the cysts. stages.
Although P. reticulata was easily infected with cercariae, The life cycle of the new species is similar to that of S.
only a few cysts of metacercariae were present between 2 denticulata from Europe in that prosobranch snails and
and 3 weeks pe. The cysts survived for at least 2 months in fishes act as intermediate hosts and in having large-tailed
C. decemmaculatus. cercariae and metacercariae which encyst on fish gills (Køie
The fishes caught at the same site in Yacyretá dam where 1986). The cercaria of S. aylacostoma differs from that of S.
the infected snails were collected showed a high prevalence denticulata in possessing a prepharyngeal body and
but low intensity (2–24) of infection with cysts of S. corpuscles in the excretory duct, in lacking a long excretory
aylacostoma in the gills: M. dichroura 88.9% (n=9), A. duct in the tail and in the behaviour during the active
erythropterus 100% (n=8), H. serpae 100% (n=6) and swimming and resting phases. Although Køie (1986) did
undetermined juveniles 85.7% (n=7). A group of 14 fishes not describe the mature adults obtained experimentally
belonging to the same species caught from a site without between 7 and 10 days pe, she kindly sent us a specimen
Aylacostoma snails were free of cysts. for comparison. This adult differs from S. aylacostoma in
its larger body size (3,568×320), smaller eggs (90×42) and
Taxonomic summary the extension of the tegument spines.
S. aylacostoma is morphologically similar to S. dentic-
Natural definitive unknown ulata (Rud.) described by Nasir and Scorza (1968) and to S.
host paradenticulata described by Nasir et Rodriguez (1969),
Experimental Gallus gallus f. domestica (L.) both from Venezuela, and differs from them in its smaller
definitive host body and collar spines and in possessing larger eggs. The
Site of infection posterior half of intestine life cycle of S. denticulata includes a pulmonate snail and a
Etymology the species is named after the genus of cercaria with collar spines and 18 pairs of flame cells,
its first intermediate host. which encysts on the inner surface of the oesophagus of the
Specimens MACN-Pa 441/1-6 experimental fishes (Nasir and Scorza 1968). The cercaria
deposited of S. paradenticulata possesses 18 flame cells and a tail as
First intermediate Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton Scott, long as the body (Nasir et Rodriguez 1969). However, the
host 1954 (Thiaridae) life cycle and taxonomic status of S. denticulata as reported
Second intermediate Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns by Nasir and Scorza (1968) may be subject to revision
host 1842), Poecilia reticulata (Peters because differences with the European S. denticulata
1859) (Poeciliidae; experimental); suggest that it has been misclassified (Køie 1986) or that
Moenckhausia dichroura (Kner 1858), experimental results were misinterpreted (Ostrowski de
Astyanax erythropterus (Holmberg Núñez 2007).
1899), Hyphesobrycon serpae (Durbin S. aylacostoma is distinguished from the experimentally
in Eigenmann 1908) obtained adults of S. uruguayense of the same age
(Tetragonopteridae; natural). (Ostrowski de Núñez 2007) only by its smaller body, tail
Metacercariae encysted on gill and collar spines and larger eggs. The main differences
filaments and gill chamber. between these species lay in the morphological and
Locality Paraná River in Heller Peninsula, near biological features of life cycle stages and in the interme-
Posadas City, Province of Misiones, diate hosts. S. aylacostoma exhibits the following distinc-
Argentina. tive features in comparison with S. uruguayense: adult body
size is smaller (2,026 vs 2,770), live eggs are larger (95×57
vs 83×51), miracidia are larger (68 vs 52) and have a
considerably longer life span (4 days vs 20 h); daughter
rediae from natural infections are shorter and wider (836×
Discussion 201 vs 976×150), and the pharynx is larger (71×66 vs 44×
50); the cercariae are larger (250 vs 183) and possess
This is the first report of a species of Aylacostoma infected calcareous corpuscles in the excretory system, which are
with larval stages belonging to a new trematode species absent in the cercariae of S. uruguayense; the metacercaria
whose life cycle was experimentally established. cysts are larger (127×120 vs 108×69), the calcareous
Stephanoprora aylacostoma n.sp. differs from other corpuscles are smaller (7×6 vs 17×9), and the head collar
species of the genus in its larger eggs, in the smaller, spines appear later (10 days vs 7 days) (Ostrowski de
slender body and smaller collar spines of the adult and in Núñez 2007). The first intermediate host of S. aylacostoma
654 Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655

seems to be specific, as its miracidia are unable to infect H. but classification may change with further knowledge of the
parchappei, the host of S. uruguayense. The morphological life cycle of S. conciliata and with an adequate redescrip-
features of S. aylacostoma fit well with that stated as typical tion based upon fresh material from the type host.
for species of Stephanoprora by Ostrowski de Núñez Stephanoprora argentinensis (Sutton et al. 1982) inhab-
(2007) except for the presence of corpuscles in the iting Patagonian lakes, differs clearly from the new species
excretory system of the large-tailed cercaria. in constantly having 20 collar spines, larger body (up to
The other macrocercous cercariae from prosobranch snails 3,318) and smaller eggs (64–76×36–56).
of unknown life cycle, which are comparable to the present S. aylacostoma is considered a new species based on the
form are Cercaria illecebrosa Lee and Seo 1959 from distinct morphology of the adult and on the morphological
Amnicola limosa (Say) in Michigan (USA) and Cercaria and biological characteristics of the life cycle stages
heleobicola IV Martorelli, 1990 from Heleobia conexa mentioned above. In the near future, the filling up of the
(Gaillard 1974) in Argentina. Both cercariae differ from that Yacyretá reservoir will modify dramatically the ecology of
of S. aylacostoma mainly in lacking corpuscles in the the river, threatening the existence of A. chloroticum in the
excretory system and in the absence of a prepharyngeal body. subtropical region of Argentina and probably preventing
One should be cautious when comparing S. aylacostoma this trematode from completing the life cycle.
with other described species from birds in South America,
taking into account that data were only obtained from Acknowledgements We are indebted to the late Dr. C. Sutton
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata) for the loan of paratypes; to Dr. P.
adults recovered at day 7 pe. Furthermore, Stephanoprora Pillit (United States Department of Agriculture) for the loan of
species are distinguished by just a few characters and may vouchers and type material; to Dr. F.Cremonte (Centro Nacional
survive in the host for at least 30 days while the body, Patagónico, Pto. Madryn, Argentina) and Dr.M.Køie (Marine Biolog-
organs and collar spines increase in size (Ostrowski de ical Laboratory, Helsingør, Denmark) for the loan of specimens from
their personal collections; to Mr. P.E. Topa (CEPAVE, La Plata,
Núñez et al. 2004). Although Stephanoprora species may Argentina) for his valuable assistance in the preparation and
be difficult to distinguish from each other at the adult stage, processing of histological slides of the molluscs and to Lic. D.C.
they differ in the morphological features of the larval stages Pérez (Entidad Binacional Yacyretá) and Lic. J.G. Peso (Universidad
and biological characteristics of the life cycle. Nacional de Misiones) for their help in the collection of snails.
Funds were provided by CONICET Grant (BID 1201/OC-AR-PICT
Stephanoprora aylacostoma is similar in size to S. no.1-6604) and by EBY (Yacyretá Binational Entity) to the Aylacos-
podicipei Etchegoin et Martorelli, 1997, which parasitised toma Program in Yacyretá.
Podiceps major and Sterna hirudinacea from a marine
habitat located near the Atlantic Ocean, in the south of
Buenos Aires Province (Etchegoin and Martorelli 1997; References
Cremonte et al. 1999).
Stephanoprora podicipei was ascribed to S. uruguayense Cremonte F, Etchegoin JA, Martorelli SR (1999) Nuevos hospeda-
by Ostrowski de Núñez et al. (2004) based on the dores de los digeneos Maritrema bonaerensis (Microphallidae) y
similarities in morphology and measurements. The further Stephanoprora podicipei (Echinostomatidae) en Argentina. Ste-
pahnoprora manei Holcman-Spector- y Olagüe, 1986 como un
knowledge of the life cycle of S. podicipei—with a
nomen nudum. Neotropica 45:105–107
probable marine first intermediate host—will allow to Dietz E (1910) Die Echinostomiden der Vögel. Zoologische Jahr-
determine whether it is a separate species to S. uru- bücher Supplement XII:265–511
guayense; the difference to S. aylacostoma is given by the Etchegoin JA, Martorelli SR (1997) A new species of the genus
Stephanoprora Odhner, 1902 (Digenea, Echinostomatidae) from
specific freshwater intermediate host with its restricted
Argentina. Acta Parasitologica 42:74–76
distribution in the Paraná River. Køie M (1986) The life-history of Mesorchis denticulatus (Rudolphi
On the other hand, snails of the genus Aylacostoma are 1802) Dietz 1909 (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae). Zeitschrift für
distributed over a wide region of tropical South America Parasitenkunde 72:335–343
Langeron M (1942) Precis de microscopie. Masson et Cie, Paris
(Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil) and may be involved
Lee H, Seo BS (1959) A new large-tailed echinostome cercaria from
in the life cycle of S. conciliata Dietz 1910. This species Amnicola limosa (Say) in the Douglas Lake region of Michigan.
was described based upon specimens collected by J. Trans Am Microsc Soc 78:215–219
Natterer near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1817–1835) and later Lutz A (1928) Estudios de Zoología y Parasitología Venezolanos. Río
de Janeiro p 133
mentioned by Lutz (1928) who provided vague and
Nasir P, Scorza L (1968) Studies on freshwater larval Trematodes
inaccurate information on the life cycle. S. conciliata is XVIII. The life cycle of Stephanoprora denticulata (Rudolphi,
similar to S. aylacostoma in the size of the body (1.4– 1802) Odhner, 1910. (Trematoda: Digenea: Echinostomatidae).
2.1 mm) and collar spines (corner spines 21 long, Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde 30:134–148
Nasir P, Rodriguez L (1969) Studies on freshwater larval trematodes.
subsequent spines 29–38), but possesses smaller eggs
XX. The life cycle of Stephanoprora paradenticulata n. sp.
(65–67 × 43–45) and generally smaller organs (Dietz (Trematoda, Echinostomatidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger
1910). At present, the two species are considered different, 182:230–244
Parasitol Res (2008) 102:647–655 655

Ostrowski de Núñez M (2007) Life cycle of Stephanoprora uru- Quintana MG, Mercado-Laczkó AC (1997) Caracoles de los rápidos
guayense (Digenea, Echinostomatidae) in Argentina. J Parasitol en Yacyretá. Ciencia Hoy Buenos Aires 7(41):22–31
93:1090–1096 Sutton CA, Lunaschi LA, Topa PE (1982) Fauna helmintológica de las
Ostrowski de Núñez M, Flores V, Viozzi G, Kreiter A aves del lago Pellegrini. I (Trematoda - Echinostomatidae) en
(2004) Stephanoprora uruguayense Holcman-Spector et Podiceps major (Boddaert) Rollandia rolland (Quoy & Gaymard)
Olagüe, 1989 (Digenea, Echinostomatidae) from Patagonia, y Bubulcus ibis (Linne). Limnobios 2:336–341
Argentina, and comments on species of Stephanoprora from Stunkard HW, Uzman JR (1960) The life-cycle of the digenetic
birds of the Neotropical Region. Acta Parasitologica trematode, Stephanoprora denticulata (Rudolphi, 1802) Odhner,
49:292–299 1910. J Parasitol 2(Supplement):23

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