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Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944


The life cycle of Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. (Trematoda:

Philophthalmidae), a new eye fluke species transmitted
by Aylacostoma spp. (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) in Brazil
Eduardo A. Pulido‑Murillo1 · Vasyl V. Tkach2 · Hudson A. Pinto1

Received: 9 November 2021 / Accepted: 24 January 2022 / Published online: 2 February 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Philophthalmus is a cosmopolitan genus of digeneans that includes ocular parasites of birds and mammals. Despite broad
distribution and veterinary importance of these digeneans, there are still gaps in knowledge about their diversity and biol-
ogy, especially in South America. Herein, we conducted morphological, life cycle, and molecular studies of megalurous
cercariae found in aquatic gastropod molluscs Aylacostoma chloroticum and A. tuberculatum collected in the São Francisco
River, Brazil. Adult parasites reared experimentally in the eyes of chicks are described here as Philophthalmus aylacostoma
n. sp. The new species differs from its congeners known in the Americas by a combination of traits, including the sucker
width ratio, the oral sucker to pharynx width ratio, egg size, and the type of vitellarium in adult forms. The new species is
morphologically closest to Philophthalmus megalurus, from which it differs by the smaller body and larger eggs, as well as
by the measurements of cercariae and the family of snails that act as the intermediate host. Molecular phylogenetic analysis
based on 28S rDNA and comparison of cox1 sequences confirm that P. aylacostoma n. sp. is distinct from four previously
sequenced named species of the genus. Moreover, cox1 sequences revealed conspecificity of our specimens with an isolate
of Philophthalmus sp. previously reported, also in thiarid snails, in Paraná River, Brazil. The interspecific divergence in cox1
between the new species and other species with sequences available for comparison varied between 12 and 15%.

Keywords Philophthalmidae · Thiaridae · Life cycle · São Francisco River · Molecular phylogenetic analysis

Introduction Philophthalmus were described worldwide, however, after

several subsequent revisions, it was presumed that the num-
Members of the cosmopolitan genus Philophthalmus Looss, ber of valid species should be reduced to less than 10 (Kanev
1899, are ocular parasites of birds and mammals, includ- et al. 1993; Nollen and Kanev 1995). The differentiation
ing humans (Kanev et al. 2005; Chalkowski et al. 2021). between these species is based on morphometric charac-
The taxonomy of the genus has always been problematic, teristics, although it is known that they can be affected by
especially because the morphological variability may have several factors, such as the parasite age (Dronen and Fried
resulted in an inflated number of formally described spe- 2008), worm burden (Nollen 1983) and host-induced varia-
cies of these parasites. More than 50 nominal species of tion (Ching 1961). In this sense, integrative approaches com-
bining adult morphology, information on larval stages, and
molecular data can contribute to a more robust taxonomic
Section Editor: Konstans Wells
identification of Philophthalmus spp.
* Hudson A. Pinto The life cycle pattern typical of species of Philophthalmus was elucidated through experimental infection studies, which
resulted in obtaining adult stages in birds exposed to cercar-
Laboratório de Biologia de Trematoda, Department iae and metacercariae by oral or ocular routes (Alicata 1962;
of Parasitology, Institute of Biological Sciences,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Pres. Antônio Nollen and Kanev 1995). This approach allowed not only to
Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte 31270‑901, Brazil reveal the role of freshwater and marine caenogastropods as
Department of Biology, University of North Dakota, intermediate hosts of these eye flukes, but also to describe
Grand Forks, ND 58202, USA new species, e.g., Philophthalmus distomatosa (Looss,

934 Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

1896), Philophthalmus hegeneri Penner and Fried, 1963, and northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil (15°29′43.53′′S;
Philophthalmus megalurus (Cort, 1914) (Penner and Fried 44°21′45.41′′W), from July 2017 to August 2019 aiming
1963; McMillan 1971; McMillan and Macy 1972; Radev et al. to study the diversity of larval trematodes transmitted by
2000). The natural infections of birds with the latter two spe- molluscs in this lotic environment. The snails were col-
cies were reported (West 1961; Penner and Fried 1963), while lected using a D-shaped nylon hand net and transported
the definitive host for P. distomatosa remains unknown. to the laboratory. Two species of thiarids were identified
In the last few years, molecular markers have been used in morphologically as Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton Scott,
the studies of Philopthalmus spp., contributing to taxonomic 1954, and Aylacostoma tuberculatum Spix, 1827 (Fig. S1).
identification, life cycle elucidation, and a preliminary phylog- Voucher specimens of each morphotype were deposited
eny (Church et al. 2013; Literák et al. 2013; Heneberg et al. in the Malacological Collection of the Instituto Oswaldo
2018; Bennett and Presswell 2019). A study of a zoo infec- Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CMIOC).
tion of captive rheas with Philophthalmus gralli Mathis and To detect the infection by larval trematodes, the thi-
Leger, 1910 (Church et al. 2013) and the recent description arids were placed in 6-well polystyrene plates containing
of Philophthalmus attenuatus Bennett and Preswell, 2019 dechlorinated water and exposed to a period in darkness
are examples of studies where larval and adult stages were and under light to stimulate emergence of cercariae with
matched using DNA sequences. Nevertheless, the molecular both positive and negative phototaxis. After that, the wells
data on philophthalmids remain scarce, with sequences avail- in the plates were examined under a stereomicroscope for
able only for some isolates of P. attenuatus, P. gralli, Philoph- the presence of cercariae. A repeated examination was car-
thalmus lachrymosus Braun, 1902, and Philophthalmus luc- ried out on the following day. Live philophthalmid cer-
ipetus (Rudolphi, 1819). The lack of sequence data for the cariae (megalurous type) were studied under a light micro-
majority of species hampers the identification of larval stages, scope with vital stains (0.05% neutral red and 0.05% Nile
which nowadays is usually done using the molecular approach. blue). Metacercariae found on plate walls and snail shells
As a result, multiple publications only provide the identifica- were excysted in warm water (42°C) according to Cheng
tion to the genus level (Keeney et al. 2009; Leung et al. 2009; and Thakur (1967). Samples of cercariae were killed in
Born-Torrijos et al. 2014; Onaca et al. 2020; Preston et al. hot water (70°C) and fixed in 10% formalin. Additionally,
2021). In some cases, the specific identification of cercariae cercariae or thermally excysted metacercariae were fixed
occurs retrospectively years later, when a corresponding adult in 95% ethanol and kept at −20°C for molecular analysis.
form is being sequenced (Bennett and Presswell 2019). Intramolluscan stages (rediae) were obtained from infected
Thus far, 8 species of Philophthalmus spp. have been gastropods crushed between glass plates and examined
reported from the Americas, namely Philophthalmus ander- under a stereomicroscope; rediae were also fixed in 10%
soni Dronen and Penner, 1975, Philophthalmus larsoni Pen- formalin.
ner and Trimble, 1970, Philophthalmus hegeneri Penner and Permission to collect molluscs was obtained from the
Fried, 1963, and Philophthalmus zalophi Dailey, Ellin, and Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural
Parás, 2005, found in the marine environment; P. gralli, Resources (IBAMA/SISBIO) under registration SISBIO
and Philophthalmus megalurus (Cort, 1914) transmitted by 52870-1.
freshwater snails; and P. lachrymosus, and Philophthalmus
semipalmatus Nasir and Díaz, 1972, with no knowledge on
the type of life cycle and intermediate hosts (Chalkowski Experimental infection
et al. 2021). In this study, we describe different stages of
the experimentally completed life cycle of a new species of Forty-five excysted metacercariae suspended in water were
the genus Philophthalmus transmitted by aquatic gastropods deposited on the outer surface of each eye of two young
Aylacostoma spp. in the São Francisco River, Brazil. We chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus (L.) with the aid of a 50-μL
also use partial sequences of the mitochondrial cox1 gene micropipette. Each chicken was necropsied at 36 and 45 days
and nuclear ribosomal 28S gene for comparison of the new post-infection (dpi). Worms were removed from the nicti-
species with its congeners and phylogenetic inference. tating membrane and conjunctival sacs, lightly compressed
between glass slides, relaxed with hot water, and fixed in
10% formalin. Eggs freshly laid by adults and miracidia
Material and methods were also detected during the necropsy and collected for
live observation and fixation, as previously described for
Malacological study and trematode infection cercariae.
The use of vertebrate animals in experiment followed the
Malacological surveys were conducted along the banks protocol approved by the Local Ethics Committee in Animal
of the São Francisco River, municipality of Januária, Experimentation (CEUA-UFMG, protocol 68/2017).

Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944 935

Morphological data Consensus sequences were assembled using ChromasPro

version 2.0.1 (Technelysium Pty Ltd, Tewantin, Australia)
Adult parasites were stained with alum acetocarmine, dehy- and submitted to Basic Alignment Tool (BLAST) for homol-
drated in an ethanol series, cleared in beechwood creosote, ogy search. Newly generated sequences and those retrieved
and mounted in Canada balsam. Morphological and mor- from GenBank (Supplementary Table 1) were aligned using
phometric studies were based on permanent (adults) and Clustal W implemented in MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016).
temporary wet mounts (formalin-fixed cercariae, eggs, mira- Two members of the family Cyclocoelidae, Morishitium
cidia, and rediae) analyzed under an Olympus BH2 optical polonicum malayense Urabe, Nor Hashim & Uni, 2020, and
microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Measurements were Typhlocoelum cucumerinum (Rudolphi, 1809), were chosen
obtained using a calibrated ocular micrometer. Photographs as outgroups according to previously published broader phy-
were taken using Leica DM500 and DM750 microscopes logeny (Tkach et al. 2016). The alignments were trimmed
(Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) equipped with a to the length of the shortest sequence, which resulted in
Leica ICC50 HD digital camera, using Leica Application alignments 903-bp long for 28S and 774-bp long for cox1.
Suite version 2.0 software. All measurements are in microm- Phylogenetic analyses were run using Bayesian inference
eters. For larval stages, mean values are followed by the (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms. The best
range in parentheses. In the description of adults, measure- nucleotide substitution models were estimated based on
ments of the holotype are followed by ranges for the type the Bayesian information criterion in MEGA7. The general
series in parentheses. time-reversible model with gamma distribution (GTR +
Drawing of an adult specimen was made with the aid G) was selected for 28S and the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano
of a drawing tube and digitally inked using a Wacom tab- incorporating gamma-distributed among-site variation
let (Wacom Co., Vancouver, USA) in Adobe Photoshop (HKY + G) for cox1. The BI analysis was conducted using
v.22.4.3 (Adobe Inc., California, USA). Type and voucher Mr. Bayes v.3.2.6 (Ronquist et al. 2012), running two inde-
material were deposited in the Helminthological Collection pendent Markov Chain Monte Carlo runs of four chains
of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC) and the Collection settings for 1,000,000 generations with every 100th tree
of Trematodes of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais saved. The first 25% of the trees sampled were discarded
(UFMG-TRE). as “burn-in,” and consensus topology and posterior prob-
ability values were calculated from the remaining trees and
Molecular data and analysis visualized in FigTree v.1.4.3 (http://​tree.​bio.​ed.​ac.​uk/​softw​
​ gtre​ e/). ML analysis was performed using MEGA7 and
DNA extraction from larval stages (cercariae from A. tuber- nodal supports were inferred based on 1000 bootstrap repli-
culatum and excysted metacercariae from A. chloroticum) cates. Genetic distances (uncorrected p-distance) were esti-
was performed using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen, mated with MEGA7 from the alignment. Newly generated
Stanford, California, USA) according to the manufacturer’s sequences were deposited in GenBank (28S: OM273471;
instructions. The concentration of the extracted DNA was cox1: OM273172,- OM273173).
estimated using a microvolume spectrophotometer Nan-
oDrop® ND-1000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington,
DE). Molecular characterization was based on partial frag- Results
ments of 28S rDNA and cox1 mtDNA genes. PCR reactions
were performed using Platinum Hot Start PCR Master Mix From 3879 specimens of Aylacostoma spp. collected, 1/1157
(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Massachusetts, São Paulo, (0.09%) of Aylacostoma chloroticum and 1/2722 (0.04%) of
Brazil). For 28S, primers dig12 and 1500R (Tkach et al. A. tuberculatum were infected with megalurous cercariae,
2003) were used with annealing temperature of 56°C; for characteristic of the family Philophthalmidae Looss, 1899.
cox1, primers JB3 and CO1 R-trema (Bowles et al. 1993; In the experimental study, 20 (left eye = 14; right eye = 6)
Miura et al. 2005) were used with annealing temperature and 5 (left eye = 2; right eye =3) adult parasites were recov-
of 45°C. All products were visualized on a 1% agarose gel, ered from each chick at 36 and 45 days post-infection (dpi),
stained with UniSafe Dye 20,000 × (Uniscience, São Paulo, respectively. Measurements and morphological description
Brazil). Amplicons were purified using 20% polyethylene of the adult stage were based on fully mature (ovigerous)
glycol (PEG 8000, Promega, Wisconsin, USA), resuspended worms.
in 20 μL of ultrapure water and dosed as described for Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. (Figs. 1, 2, 3)
extracted DNA. PCR products were sequenced in both direc- Description of developmental stages
tions utilizing the PCR primers in an ABI 3730 sequencer Rediae (Fig. 1a)
using the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit 3.1 Based on fixed specimens from A. chloroticum (n=20):
(Applied Biosystems, California, USA). body elongated, 1385 (1220–1602) × 302 (255–355);

936 Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

pharynx small, 59 (54–71) × 59 (52–71). Caecum long, sucker 64 (54–69) × 56 (52–67). Pharynx 34 (29–40) × 23
47–57% of body length. Lateral pair of locomotory append- (19–28). Ventral sucker 70 (52–78) × 74 (69–81).
ages present in posterior region. Adult (Figs. 2, 3)
Cercariae from A. tuberculatum (Fig. 1b, c) Based on mature ovigerous worms obtained at 45 dpi
Based on fixed larvae (n=8): body elongated, 374 (n=5) (Fig. 2): body elongated, 4405 (3823–4405) ×
(317–415) × 118 (107–125), with slight constriction at level 1453 (1312–1453) with a constriction at level of ventral
of ventral sucker; tegument armed with minute spines. Tail sucker, attenuated anteriorly, with rounded anterior and
simple, 376 (353–406) × 39 (36–43), with adhesive glands at posterior ends. Maximum width always posterior to ven-
terminal portion. Oral sucker subterminal, 61 (53–67) × 59 tral sucker. Tegument smooth. Oral sucker subterminal,
(56–63), followed by short prepharynx. Pharynx muscular, 298 (284–312) ×312 (312–390), followed by short pre-
32 (28–34) × 20 (17–23). Esophagus long with bifurcation pharynx 17 (12–22). Pharynx muscular, 262 (248–262) ×
anterior to ventral sucker. Intestinal caeca long, terminating 277 (262–291). Oral sucker to pharynx width ratio 1:0.9
near excretory vesicle. Ventral sucker slightly post-equato- (1:0.7 –0.9). Esophagus very short, 36 (29–100), bifurcat-
rial, 70 (66–73) × 75 (67–80). ing just posteriorly to pharynx. Caeca extending to near
Cercariae from A. chloroticum posterior margin of posterior testis. Ventral sucker larger
Based on fixed larvae (n=4): larvae with the same char- than oral sucker, pre-equatorial, 610 (567–610) × 581
acteristics as mentioned above but with slightly more elon- (560–588). Sucker width ratio 1:1.9 (1:1.4–1.9). Testes
gated body, 459 (440–475) × 96 (88–100). Oral sucker 69 in tandem, oval, entire or slightly lobate. Anterior tes-
(66–71) × 54 (52–55). Pharynx 36 (32–38) × 20 (32–38 tis 496 (425–553) × 553 (532–695); posterior testis 553
× 18–21).; Vventral sucker 71 (68–75) × 75. Tail, 372 (489–610) × 531 (532–638). Cirrus sac elongated, 879
(340–404) × 37 (34–41). (759–1064) × 150 (118–164) (Fig. 3c), corresponding to
Metacercariae (Fig. 1c) 20% (18–26%) of body length, in most cases not surpass-
Based on live encysted (n=4) and formalin-fixed excysted ing posterior margin of ventral sucker (exception for one
(n=20) metacercariae, obtained from cercariae emerged specimen). Cirrus with minute spines. Seminal vesicle
from A. chloroticum: cyst pyriform, with thin wall, 336 internal to cirrus sac, elongated, sausage-shaped. Genital
(310–366) × 196 (188–205). Morphology of metacercar- pore median, at level of caecal bifurcation. Ovary oval,
iae is identical to that of cercarial body without tail. Body 213 (191–255) × 284 (255–291), pre-testicular. Uterus
covered with spines, 462 (408–528) × 133 (113–148). Oral long, coiled, occupying the space between ventral sucker

Fig. 1  Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. found in Aylacostoma spp. from Brazil: a redia; b whole cercaria; c detail of the cercarial body; d
encysted metacercaria

Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944 937

Excretory vesicle Y-shaped. The main excretory ducts

extend to level of pharynx.
Based on mature ovigerous worms obtained at 36 dpi
(n=10) (Fig. 3a, b): morphologically similar to the described
above, except for the smaller size of the body and most
organs (Table 1). Likewise, the sucker ratio and the size of
mature eggs among these samples overlap.
Eggs (Fig. 3e)
Based on eggs fixed after being shed by live worms
(n=10): oval-shaped, thin-walled, 108 (93–125) × 47
(43–55), embryonated, non-operculated.
Miracidia (Fig. 3f)
Based on formalin-fixed specimens (n=23): body oval,
158 (148–168) × 64 (57–75), ciliated, with a pigmented
eyespot, 20 (16–23) × 15 (11–21) and a developed mother
redia inside.
Taxonomic summary
Experimental definitive host: Gallus gallus domesticus
Site of infection: nictitating membrane and conjunctival
Etymology: the species is named after the genus of its
first intermediate hosts.
First intermediate host: Aylacostoma chloroticum
(CHIOC 11749) and Aylacostoma tuberculatum (CHIOC
11750) (Thiaridae)
Type locality: São Francisco River, Januária City, Minas
Gerais, Brazil.
Other locality: Garças lagoon, upper Paraná River, Batay-
porã City, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (Onaca et al.
Z o o B a n k r e g i s t r a t i o n : u r n : l s i d : z o o b a ​ n k .​
Deposited specimens: Holotype: CHIOC 39720; Para-
types: CHIOC 39721-39722, UFMG-TRE 122-123.

Remarks The morphological characteristics and site of

infection of P. aylacostoma n. sp. conform with the diag-
nosis of genus Philophthalmus Looss, 1899 (Kanev et al.
2005; Dronen and Fried 2008). Morphometric comparison
of the species reported herein with other freshwater species
(P. gralli, P. megalurus) or species with yet unknown life
cycle (P. lachrymosus, P. semipalmatus) reported from the
Americas is provided in Table 1. The new species described
herein shares the type of vitellarium (tubular) with P. gralli
Fig. 2  Line drawing of Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp., obtained but differs from the latter species by a slightly higher aver-
experimentally at day 45 pi. (holotype), ventral view age sucker ratio and larger eggs (Muniz-Pereira and Amato
1993; Pinto and Melo 2010). Philophthalmus lachrymosus
further differs from the new species in having follicular
and level of anterior margin of posterior testis. Metraterm more compact vitellarium, and the pharynx width equal or
developed, alongside the cirrus sac. Seminal receptacle slightly larger than that of the oral sucker (Freitas 1955;
oval to elongated. Vitellarium tubular (Fig. 3d), bilaterally Nasir and Díaz 1972). Philophtalmus aylacostoma n. sp. can
extracecal, occupying 73% (72 to 89%) of length between be differentiated from another species described from South
ventral sucker and anterior testis. Excretory pore terminal. America, P. semipalmatus (Nasir and Díaz 1972), by having

938 Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

Fig. 3  Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp.: living worms recov- seminal vesicle (arrow); d detail of the tubular vitellaria (arrow); e
ered from experimentally infected chicken 36 days post-infection, a freshly laid egg; f hatched miracidium containing a developed redia
in vivo, b stained; c detail of the posterior part of the cirrus sac and inside.

a smaller ventral sucker and larger eggs. Finally, the spe- Molecular study
cies described here can be distinguished from P. megalurus
by the smaller body and larger eggs (West 1961; McMillan Partial sequences of 28S (1143 bp) were successfully gen-
1971). erated for cercariae of P. aylacostoma n. sp. emerged from
Morphometric data of the cercarial stage of the new spe- A. tuberculatum. For this molecular marker, phylogenetic
cies along with other Philophthalmus spp. reported from analyses inferred by BI and ML yielded trees with iden-
the Americas are provided in Table 2. The larvae of P. ayla- tical topologies, showing P. aylacostoma n. sp. nested
costoma n. sp. differ from Philophthalmus sp. reported in in a strongly supported clade with other members of the
the Paraná River (Onaca et al. 2020), by having a narrower genus Philophthalmus with available sequences (Fig. 4a).
body and longer tail. The cercariae of the invasive species, Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. appears as a sister taxon
P. gralli, in turn, differ from the larvae described herein in to a clade P. lucipetus + (Philophthalmus sp. + P. lach-
having a larger body and longer tail (Díaz et al. 2002; Pinto rymosus). The interspecific divergence in 28S gene among
and Melo 2010). The cercariae of P. megalurus can be read- species of Philophthalmus was 0.7−1.7%, while the inter-
ily distinguished from the cercariae of the new species by the generic distances between Philophthalmus and species of
larger body and tail (West 1961; McMillan 1971). Admit- other philophthalmid genera, Parorchis Nicoll, 1907, and
tedly, the comparison of cercarial measurements is usually Cloacitrema Yamaguti, 1935, range from 5.9 to 6.9% and
greatly affected by the mode of fixation and/or use of fixed 3.9 to 5%, respectively.
vs live cercariae for measurements. Moreover, P. megalurus Sequences of cox1 obtained for cercariae isolated from A.
is transmitted by snails of the families Pleuroceridae Fischer, chloroticum (784 bp) and A. tuberculatum (793 bp) showed
1885 (Goniobasis virginica (Gmelin, 1791) and Pleurocera a divergence of 2.1%, thus supporting the conspecificity
acuta Rafinesque, 1831) and Semisulcospiridae (Juga plic- between cercariae found in the two species of thiarid mol-
ifera (Lea, 1838)) (West 1961; McMillan 1971; McMillan luscs. Compared with data available for Philophthalmus
and Macy 1972; Huffman and Fried 1983). spp. in the GenBank, our sample turned out to be very close

Table 1  Morphometric comparison of Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. with other species of the genus reported in the Americas. The means obtained for the type series, in the respective time
of infection (36 and 45 days post-infection), are followed by the standard deviation and range in parenthesis. d, diameter
Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. P. gralli P. lachrymosus P. megalurus P. semipalmatus

Reference Present study Muniz-Pereira Pinto and Melo Freitas 1955 Nasir and Díaz West 1961 McMillan 1971 Nasir and Díaz
and Amato 2010 1972 1972
Locality Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Venezuela USA USA Venezuela
Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

Specimens n 5 (45 dpi) 10 (36 dpi) 9 13 4 1 − 4 −

Body L 4114 (3823– 2860 2710 3610 4190−4620 4000 3420−8360 4800−6000 2624−4475
4405) (2257−3404) (2120−3710) (3100−4070)
W 1392 759 (631−950) 834 (604−1280) 1020 (860−1210) 1380−1640 1500 670−2070 1530−2000 960−1794
Oral sucker (OS) L 301 (284−312) 244 (206−277) 260 (204−329) 330 (316−339) 300−310 416d 200−370 280−370 216−363
W 366 (312−390) 277 (234−319) 332 (277−421) 401 (374−421) 360−430 − 210−470 300−470 253−485
Pharynx (PHX) L 255 (248−262) 170 (142−191) 226 (183−293) 299 (279−316) 310−350 543d 190−350 290−330 225−333d
W 274 (262−291) 194 (163−213) 277 (183−403) 339 (326−358) 380−460 − 170−310 270−370 −
Ventral sucker L 598 (567−610) 486 (425−546) 418 (343−549) 514 (479−542) 610−690d 782d 430−700d 480−670d 889
(VS) W 576 (560−588) 448 (404−496) 391 (343−494) 514 (479−542) − − − − 944
Ovary L 217 (191−255) 130 (99−156) 153 (88−219) 237 (211−258) 200−210 400d 120−370d 220−320 188−394d
W 274 (255−291) 167 (121−213) 181 (88−256) 266 (245−300) 180−220 − − 280−300 −
Anterior testis L 492 (425−553) 291 (184−347) 258 (161−416) 222 (179−263) 360−480 347d 270−1100 370−600 188−297
W 594 (532−695) 387 (305−432) 329 (241−504) 403 (279−453) 460−550 − 250−870 630-740 206−563
Posterior testis L 545 (489−610) 320 (262−440) 248 (161−438) 216 (174−247) 380−480 347d 250−1010 380−590 188−454
W 580 (532−638) 372 (305−468) 319 (241−504) 351 (268−421) 450−530 − 210−890 480−830 216−669
Eggs L 108 (104−114) 106 (100−114) 70 (64−90) 73 (60−87) 94−97 − 80 − 60−69
W 37 (36−38) 38 (36−40) Collapsed 32 (27−36) 38−42 − 40 − 18−30
OS/VS 1:1.6 (1.4−1.9) 1:1.6 (1.5−1.8) 1:1.1−1.3 1:1.2 (1−1.5) 1:1.5−1.7* 1:1.9 1:1.4* 1:1.6−1.8 1:2.2*
OS/PHX 1:0.8 (0.7−0.9) 1:0.7 1:0.6−1 1:0.9 (0.5−1.1) 1:1−1.1* 1:1.3* 1:0.7* 1:1.1* 1:0.7*
Vitellaria % 82 (72−89) 74 (61−84) 79−89 87 (73−87) 45 (37−54)* 41 & 54* 92 & 84* 85%* 63 and 74*
Type of vitellaria Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular Follicular Follicular Tubular to fol- Tubular to fol- −
licular licular

*Values calculated from illustrations of the respective studies

940 Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

Table 2  Measurements of cercariae of Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. and other species reported in freshwater snails in the Americas
Philophthalmus aylacostoma Philophthalmus P. gralli P. megalurus
n. sp. sp.

Study Present study Onaca et al. Díaz et al. Pinto and Melo West (1961) McMillan (1971)
(2020) (2002) (2010)
Locality Brazil Brazil Venezuela Brazil USA USA
Intermediate hosts Aylacostoma A. tubercula- A. chloroticum Melanoides M. tuberculata Goniobasis sp., Juga plicifera
chloroticum tum tuberculata Pleurocera
Specimens n 4 8 7 − − − −
Body L 459 (440−475) 374 (317−415) 487 (420−553) 456−598 535 (420−580) 540−670 550 (470−790)
W 96 (88−100) 118 (107−125) 157 (145−171) 101−162 128 (110−140) 120−130 120 (110−120)
Oral sucker L 69 (66−71) 61 (53−67) − 55−64 58 (50-69) 60 50 (50−60)
W 54 (52−55) 59 (56−63) − 51−61 55 (49-65) 40−50 40 (30−60)
Pharynx L 36 (32−38) 32 (28−34) − 26−40 − 30−40 30
W 20 (18−21) 20 (17−23) − 18−28 − 10−20 20
Ventral sucker L 71 (68−75) 70 (66−73) − − 68 (65−78) 60−70d 60 (50−70)d
W 75 75 (67−80) − − 75 (60−80) − −
Tail L 372 (340−404) 376 (353−406) 259 (206−318) 294−446 434 (302−485) 930−1140 630 (470−890)
W 37 (34−41) 39 (36−43) 46 (43−53) 30−50 54 (36−62) 40−50 20 (10−20)

genetically to the larvae of Philophthalmus sp. found in A. characteristic to differentiate older specimens of P. ander-
chloroticum from Paraná River (Onaca et al. 2020), with the soni and P. larsoni. Our findings reveal that the eggs shed
divergence of 0.16−2.27%. Moreover, those isolates formed by adult worms (fixed in formalin) and those from mounted
a highly supported clade with P. aylacostoma n. sp. in the specimens had, on average, the same length but with slight
phylogenetic trees generated by both BI and ML (Fig. 4b). variation in width (43–55 vs. 36–38). This may have been
Thus, we consider the form found in the upper Paraná River, due to eggs from mounted parasites being shrunk as the
Mato Grosso do Sul, to be conspecific with P. aylacostoma result of the dehydration inherent to the staining process.
n. sp. The new species from Brazil appeared on the tree as Despite the difference in size between specimens of the new
a sister taxon to P. gralli; the genetic divergence in cox1 species collected at 36 dpi (smaller) vs. 45 dpi (larger), the
between sequences of these two species was 11.97−12.29%. eggs did not show significant difference in size, or level of
The interspecific divergence in sequences of the same mito- development, between the two samples. Our observations
chondrial gene among all Philophthalmus spp. varied from concur with the results of Nollen (1983), who showed that
11.97 to 14.72%. The genetic divergence in cox1 between the crowding did not affect the larval development in intrauter-
new species and Parorchis spp. was 16.50–16.99%. ine eggs of P. gralli. In the new species described herein, the
sucker ratio and the oral sucker width to pharynx width ratio
were consistent in specimens of different sizes collected at
Discussion two different times post-infection, which suggests that these
characteristics can be used for species differentiation despite
Philophthalmus aylacostoma n. sp. is described here based the existing age variability. Interestingly, the width of the
on morphological characteristics of larval stages found in pharynx of the new species never exceeded the width of oral
two species of Aylacostoma Spix, 1827, from Brazil and sucker, while in P. lachrymosus, the pharynx width is equal
adult parasites obtained experimentally. The adult stage was or slightly greater than that of oral sucker (Freitas 1955;
distinguished from closely related species described in the Lamothe-Argumedo et al. 2003).
Americas by a few morphometric characters (sucker ratio, The description of a new species of Philophthalmus
width ratio of oral sucker to pharynx, and size of eggs). based on experimentally obtained specimens, as in the pre-
The new species is morphologically closest to P. megalurus; sent study, is not uncommon and previously occurred with
however, the cercarial stages of these eye flukes are clearly other species of Philophthalmus, e.g., North American P.
different, especially by the larger tail of the North Ameri- andersoni, P. hegeneri., P. larsoni, and P. megalurus. Natu-
can species (West 1961; McMillan 1971). Regarding the ral avian definitive hosts were also reported for all these spe-
size of the egg, Dronen and Fried (2008) concluded through cies, either at the time of the original descriptions or later, as
an experimental study that the length of eggs is a helpful in the case of P. megalurus (Penner and Fried 1963; Krygier

Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944 941

Fig. 4  Consensus trees from

phylogenetic analyses for
members of the family Philoph-
thalmidae based on 28S (a) and
cox1 (b). Numbers in the nodes
represent posterior probabilities
and bootstrap values; values
lower than 0.90 (Bayesian infer-
ence) and 70 (maximum likeli-
hood) are not shown. Differ-
ences of the topology obtained
by ML analysis are indicated
with an asterisk instead of a
bootstrap value. The scale bar
indicates the expected number
of substitutions per site. Taxa in
bold were newly sequenced in
this study

and Macy 1969; Dronen and Fried 2008). There is always Based on cox1 DNA, two genotypes of P. aylacostoma n.
a question whether the possible host-induced morphologi- sp. were detected infecting A. chloroticum and A. tubercu-
cal variation may potentially result in differences between latum. By comparison with data available in GenBank, the
naturally and experimentally obtained parasites. Although isolate from A. tuberculatum almost exactly matched the
this possibility cannot be completely ruled out for P. ayla- sequences obtained by Onaca et al. (2020) from cercariae
costoma n. sp., a host-induced variation, resulting in signifi- collected from A. chloroticum in Paraná River, located about
cant changes in organ size and ratios, or the type of vitel- 1500 km from the type locality of P. aylacostoma n. sp. The
larium, was not previously reported for Philophthalmus spp. 28S rDNA was also sequenced in that study, but the frag-
In fact, consistency in morphology of specimens obtained ments were smaller (524 bp), which prevented their inclu-
from natural and experimental infections has been reported sion in our phylogenetic analyses. Nevertheless, the 28S
for some species of Philophthalmus (Penner and Fried 1963; sequences published by Onaca et al. (2020) were identical
Radev et al. 1999; Dronen and Fried 2008; Pinto and Melo to the one obtained in the present study. Morphologically,
2010). Therefore, we are confident that the differentiating the cercariae of that isolate had a slightly larger body and a
characters observed in the type series of our new species are shorter tail when compared with those of the new species.
valid and will be confirmed once a natural definitive host of This could be attributed to the fact that Onaca et al. (2020)
this species is found. measured larvae collected from the digestive gland of the

942 Parasitology Research (2022) 121:933–944

snail, where they are found at different stages of develop- Acknowledgements We thank the members of the Center of Advanced
ment, while in the present study, measures were taken from Treatment and Research on Tegumentary Leishmaniasis, Januária City,
especially Jailton Xavier and Prof. Stefan Geiger, for the laboratory
fully developed, heat-killed, formalin-fixed specimens. infrastructure facilities used during the malacological surveys. We are
Additionally, the molecular data were useful to distin- indebted to Dr. Monica Fernandez and Dr. Silvana Thiengo (Instituto
guish the new species from P. gralli and P. lachrymosus, Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro), and Dr Luiz Simone (Universidade de
the only species previously reported in Brazil (Freitas 1955; São Paulo) for their help in the taxonomic identification of molluscs.
This work was also supported by National Council for Scientific and
Muniz-Pereira and Amato 1993; Pinto and Melo 2010). The Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil (research scholarship to
first species also has a freshwater life cycle and is broadly HAP and doctoral scholarship to EAPM), and U. S. National Science
distributed in the Americas, being transmitted by the inva- Foundation grants DEB-1120734 to VVT.
sive thiarid M. tuberculata (Chalkowski et al. 2021). This
snail is widely distributed in Brazil, including the type local- Declarations
ity of P. aylacostoma n. sp. (Coelho et al. 2018), and the
possibility of occurrence of these eye flukes in sympatry Ethics approval Applicable national and/or institutional guidelines for
the care and use of animals were followed in all procedures performed.
cannot be ruled out. In relation to P. lachrymosus, currently
available molecular data were generated from specimens
Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
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