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1. Define Air traffic.

2. Define Air traffic advisory service.
3. Define Air traffic control clearance.
4. Define Air traffic control service:
5. Define Air traffic control unit.
6. Define Air traffic flow management (ATFM):
7. Define Air traffic service.
8. Define Air traffic services airspaces.
9. Define Air traffic services reporting office.
10. Define Air traffic services unit.
11. Define Airway.
12. Define ALERFA.
13. Define Alerting service.
14. Define Alert phase.
15. Define Alternate aerodrome.
16. Define Approach control service.
17. Define Approach control unit.
18. Define Area control centre.


1. Define Area control service.

2. Define Area navigation (RNAV)..
3. Define Area navigation route.
4. Define Control area.
5. Define Controlled aerodrome.
6. Define Distress phase.
7. Define Downstream clearance.
8. Define Emergency phase.
9. Define Flight information region.
10. Define Flight information service.
11. Define Flight level.
12. Define Obstacle.
13. Define Performance-based navigation (PBN).
14. Define Radio navigation service.
15. Define Special VFR flight.
16. Define Taxiing
17. Define Terminal control area.


1. Define VFR.
2. Define VFR flight.
3. Define Visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
4. Define Visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
5. Define Waypoint.
6. Define Aerodrome..
7. Define Aerodrome beacon.
8. Define Aerodrome elevation.
9. Define Aerodrome identification sign.
10. Define Aerodrome reference point.
11. Define Aerodrome traffic density.
12. Define Aeronautical beacon.
13. Define Aeronautical ground light.
14. Define Aeroplane reference field length.
15. Define Aircraft classification number (ACN).
16. Define Clearway.


1. Define Declared distances.

2. what is meant by Dependent parallel approaches?
3. Define Displaced threshold.
4. Define Effective intensity.
5. Define Ellipsoid height (Geodetic height).
6. Define Fixed light.
7. Define Frangible object.
8. Define Geodetic datum.
9. Define Geoid.
10. Define Geoid undulation.
11. Define Identification beacon.
12. Define Independent parallel approaches.
13. Define Independent parallel departures.
14. Explain types of Instrument runway.
15. Define Define Maneuvering area.
16. Define Marker.


1. Define Marking.
2. Define Movement area.
3. Define Near-parallel runways.
4. Define Non-instrument runway.
5. Define Obstacle.
6. Define Obstacle free zone (OFZ).
7. Define Orthometric height.
8. Define Pavement classification number (PCN).
9. Landing direction indicator.
10. Define Primary runway(s).
11. Define Road-holding position.
12. Define Runway.
13. Define Runway end safety area (RESA).
14. Define Runway guard lights.
15. Define Runway-holding position.
16. Define Runway strip.
17. Define Safety Management System.
18. Define segregated parallel operations.
19. Define Signal area.
20. Define Station declination.
21. Define Switch-over time (light).
22. Define Take-off runway.
23. Define Taxiway.
24. Define Taxiway strip.
25. Define Threshold.
26. Define Touchdown zone.
27. Define Usability factor.



1. Explain objectives, parts and scope and provision of ATS service.

2. Explain,
(i) VFR operations.
(ii) IFR operations.
3. Explain the classification of ATS airspaces with neat diagrams.
4. Explain,
(i) Altimeter setting procedures.
(ii) Division of responsibility of control.
5. Explain Establishment, designation and identification of units providing ATS.


1. Explain various kinds of separation followed by ATS services.


1. Explain Area control services assigned from Air Traffic Services.

2. Explain the concepts of,
(i) RNAV
(ii) RNP
3. Explain the procedures of lateral and longitudinal separations based on time.
4. Explain the procedures of lateral and longitudinal separations based on distance.
5. Explain neatly the procedures of ATC clearance.
6. Explain neatly the procedures of Flight plans.
7. Explain neatly the procedures of Position report.


8. Explain assignment of cruising levels minimum flight altitude ATS routes and significant


1. Explain the primary and secondary RADAR identification procedures.

(i) Performance checks.
(ii) Use of RADAR in area and approach control services.
2. Explain,
(i) Assurance control.
(ii) Co-ordination between RADAR and non radar controls.
3. Explain the procedures of Flight Information Service.
4. Explain the procedures and functions of Advisory Service.
5. Explain the procedures and functions of Alerting service.


6. What is mean by RADAR? Explain the basic RADAR terminologies and RADAR services used
for flight information services.


1. Explain.
(i) Aerodrome Data.
(ii) Aerodrome reference code.
(iii) Aerodrome reference point.
2. Explain,
(i) Aerodrome elevation.
(ii) Aerodrome reference temperature.
3. Explain,
(i) Aerodrome reference temperature.
(ii) Instrument runway.
4. Explain the width calculations and basic needs of primary and secondary runway.
5. Explain the concepts and procedures of minimum distance between parallel runways.
6. Explain the concepts of Obstacle restriction.

7. Explain the length calculations and basic needs of primary and secondary runway.


1. Explain,
(i) Visual aids for navigation wind director indicator.
(ii) Landing direction indicator.
2. Explain,
(i) Location of characteristics of signal area.
(ii) Markings and general requirements of navigation system.
3. Explain neatly the various markings, lights and general requirements of visual systems.
4. Explain,
(i) Aerodrome beacon.
(ii) Identification beacon.
5. Explain,
(i) Simple approach lighting system.
(ii) Various lighting systems used in aerodromes.
6. Explain,
(i) VASI
(ii) PAPI
7. Explain,
(i) Visual aids for denoting obstacles.
(ii) Objects to be marked and lighter.


1. Explain the Emergency and other services are carried out in Air Traffic Services.

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