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Republic of the Philippines

AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:

Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.




“Description as a
Structure of Paragraph

Prepared by:

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.




A. Content Standard
The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and
organized to achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standard
The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on
information selection, organization, and development
C. Learning Competencies
Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across
disciplines a.) narration b.) description c.) definition d.) exemplification/
classification e.) comparison and contrast f.) cause and effect g.) problem-solution
h.) persuasion (EN11RWS-IIIbf-3.1-3.8)
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a) Identify what is descriptive paragraph.
b) Distinguish subjective description from objective description.
c) Appreciate description as a structure of paragraph through
creating a descriptive paragraph.


A. Topic: Description as a Structure of Paragraph Development

B. Reference: Reading and Writing Skills Pivot Module 1 Learners’ Material
C. Materials: Instructional Materials, PowerPoint Presentation Laptop
D. Skills: Speaking, Listening, Writing, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking and
Collaboration, Reading


CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re good ma’am.

That’s nice. Are you all ready for another Yes, ma’am!
challenging yet fulfilling class discussion?

Very good, that’s the spirit.

Prayer Before we start, it is important to seek the Let’s bow our heads and feel the
guidance of our Almighty, who wants to lead the presence of the Lord.
(Let a student lead the prayer) Almighty God, we offer our
artless thank you for giving
another day dedicated to learning
and improving. We ask for Your
guidance and grace. May you give
us understanding and enthusiasm
as we delve again in another
All these we ask, in the name of
Jesus. AMEN
Checking of May I know from our class secretary if there is None, Ma’am.
Attendance anyone that is absent today?

Awesome. For that give yourself a round of (Students all clap)

Thank you, ________. Please take your seats,

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Mood Setting Now, let us have our 30 seconds of clean and

arrange time.

See to it that your chair is in proper arrangement

and your surrounding is clean.

Everything is in order so this day before we start

our class can you all stand again. Give me 3 claps
and 3 jumps guys. Very good face your seatmate
and give them a smile to motivate them. Good job,

Classroom May I remind you again to mind our classroom

Rules rules they are made to guide you so please follow

a. Be respectful and listen when someone is


b. Excuse yourself politely if needed.

c. Be participative.

Review of the Now, let’s have a quick recap of our past lesson. “It is all about the parts and
past lesson What was it again? characteristics of a paragraph

So, who can tell me the parts of a paragraph? “The parts of a paragraph are
introduction, body, and conclusion
Yes, _______?

Very good how about the characteristics of a

paragraph what are those?

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Presentation Now, here are our learning objectives for today. a) Identify what is
of the Mr./Ms. ________, may you please read? descriptive paragraph.
Learning b) Distinguish subjective
Objectives description from objective
c) Appreciate description as a
Awesome. Thank you, ________. structure of paragraph
through creating a
These concepts and topics are what we will learn descriptive paragraph.
and do for today’s class.

Activity Describe Me Subjects;

Directions: The class will be divided in 5 1. Adobo

groups. Each group will be given a task about 2. Concert
describing a certain picture using the five 3. Cats
senses. Once finished the group should paste 4. Cakes
their answer on the board and recite a simple 5. Beach
yell. The first group to finish will be the winner.
See example below. After which there will be
processing questions to answer all together.

Subject Sigh Hear Smell Taste Touch

Beauty Tall Soft Heave Silky
Queen Slen Ton nly Skin
der e Scent

Processing Questions

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


1. What do you call the words that are used to

provide a striking effect on the senses of
the reader?
2. How do these words help create a vivid
description of the given words?
3. What kind of paragraph can you develop
using the given details?

Did you enjoy the activity class?

Yes, ma’am.

Analysis Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Presenting a crossword puzzle with 1. SENSORY

terms relating to descriptive paragraph. Try to 2. SUBJECTIVE
solve it and you will earn points. 3. OBSERVATION




CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.



1. Kind of words or languages used to

describe how a subject look, sounds, feels,
smells or even tastes.
2. A type of description where the writer
gives personal impression of what is
observed. This is often used in making
fiction stories. For instance, when you are
asked to write about a place you visit
during summer vacation, you tend to give
your personal judgment of how you
experience the place.
3. A series of detailed ______________
about the subject can help you create a
good descriptive paragraph. This involves
the use of adjectives and adverbs in the


4. A type of description where the writer

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


presents impartial and actual picture of the

subject without biases and excluding
personal impression of the subject just like
when you give your description of an
experiment in class.
Yes, Ma’am.

Did you have fun class? Now that you understand

the different terms regarding description as a
structure for paragraph development let us have
another activity.

Subjective or Objective

Directions: The class will read two paragraphs

and will determine whether it is subjective or
objective. Including what sense did the writer use
to describe the subject in the paragraph.

1. Sampaloc Lake is an inactive volcanic

maar on the island of Luzon, the
Philippines. It is the largest of the Seven
Lakes of San Pablo, Laguna. Nearly half of
the lake's depth has a shallow depression at
the bottom, indicating its volcanic origin.
It is approximately 104 hectares and 3.5-
kilometer boardwalk. The lake is behind
San Pablo City Capitol and at the foot of
the Doña Leonila Park.

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


2. Sampaloc Lake is one of the best tourist

spots in San Pablo. It is where you can
bring your friends and loved ones for
picnic and bonding. Most of San Pableños
jog around the lake and do ride bicycles
not only to have morning good exercise
but also have fresh air. You can witness the
beauty of nature for it is surrounded with

Abstraction What have you learned? 1. Description

Directions: Choose the best word or group of 2. Sensory languages

words that will complete the statements. Write
3. Modifiers
your answer in a separate sheet.
4. Objective
Objective Subjective Description Sensory languages
5. Subjective

1. ____________ is a writing pattern of

developing paragraph using detailed observation
about the subject.

2. ____________ are used in writing descriptive


3. ____________ can be in a form of word, phrase

or clause.

4. ____________description presents impartial

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


and actual picture of the subjects without biases.

5. ____________ description gives the personal

impression of the writer.

Application Describe your school ASATIANS

Directions: The class will be divided in 8 groups

each group will develop a composition using
description as pattern of paragraph development.
Make a vivid picture of your beloved school,
ASAT. Use at least ten descriptive words. Each
member should write a copy of their output. Be
guided by the rubrics below.

Content 10 points

Organization 10 points

Collaboration 5 points

Total 20 points

Evaluation Group Exchange

Directions: Exchange your descriptive paragraphs

with other groups and underline each sensory
languages, indicate also what senses is used and
encircle and label if it is an objective or subjective

Assignment Follow-up

 Make a descriptive paragraph about your

dream house in a one whole sheet of paper.

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.



 Read about formal definition, Informal

definition, and extended or expanded

Prepared by: Approved by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h

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